Your Personal Guide to Hajj Umrah Ziyarat

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Your Personal Guide to Hajj Umrah Ziyarat

Author: Mahmud & Zehra Habib

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Your Personal Guide to Hajj Umrah Ziyarat
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Your Personal Guide to Hajj Umrah Ziyarat

Your Personal Guide to Hajj Umrah Ziyarat


This booklet is for 1998 and aftherwards a lot of things specially the rates and addresses and so on changed. So, don’t concentrate only on its contents, but rather refer to other guide books, websites, ects and update your information before your spiritual journeys.

Your Personal Guide to Hajj Umrah Ziyarat

Author(s): Mahmud & Zehra Habib

Useful guide for those making pilgrimage. Includes suggestions for books, hotels, flights, transportation, visa, as well as a health guide, maps, laws and practices, supplications and salutations, information about cities, and even a shopping guide.


This booklet is for 1998 and aftherwards a lot of things specially the rates and addresses and so on changes. So, don’t concentrate only its contents, but rather refer to other guide books, websites, ects and update your information before these spiritual journeys.

This version is published on behalf of

The composing errors are not corrected.

Table of Contents

Introduction 14

Recommended Books 15

Hotels 16

In Saudi Arabia, Jordon, Syria, Iran & Iraq 16

Saudi Arabia - Jeddah 16

Medina Munawara 16

Makkah 16

Syria 16

Damascus 16

Other Five Stars Hotels 16

Jordan 16

Amman 16

Al-Quds 17

Jerusalem - West Bank 17

Islamic Republic of Iran 17

Tehran 17

Mashad 17

Republic of Iraq 17

Bagdaad 17

Karbala’ 17

Najaf 17

Embassies for Visas 18

Saudi Arabia 18

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for Hajj & Umra Visa 18

In Canada 18

In the United States 18

Jordan 18

In Canada 18

Syria 18

In Canada 18

In the United States 18

Iran 18

In Canada 18

Iraq 18

In Canada 18

Flights for Umra & Hajj 20

Jeddah 20

Transportation during Umra 20

Preparation for Umra 20

Information for Umra Visa 20

Health Guide 22

Vaccination 22

For Ladies Only 22

Other Useful Information 23

Insurance 23

Travelers Cheques 23

Currencies 23

Credit Cards 23

Video Filming 23

Weather 23

Electric Current 23

Baggage 23

Laundry Facility 24

ID Card 24

Respect of Holy Places 24

Religious Books 24

Hijab 24

A’adab 24

Meeqat 25

Items to take with on Your Umra Trip 26

List of Items 26

New York/Jeddah 26

Medina 26

Salaat 27

Masjid al-Nabawee 28

Bab al-Jibra’el 28

Maqam al-Jibra’el 28

Stage of Suffa 28

Riyadhul Jannah 28

Mimber al-Rasul 28

Mehrab al-Nabawee 28

Pillars in Masjid al-Nabawee 29

Pillar of Hannaana 29

Pillar of Aisha 29

Pillar of Tawba 29

Pillar of Mahras 29

Pillar of Wufood 29

House of Imam Hassan A.S 29

House of Abu Ayyub Ansari 29

Jannatul Baquee 30

Janabe Fatima Zehra A.S 30

Imam Hasan A.S 30

Imam Zainul Abideen A.S 30

Imam Muhammad Baqar A.S 30

Imam Jafar Sadiq A.S 30

Janabe Fatima Binte Asad 30

Ummul Baneen 30

Janab al-Halimah 30

Janab al-Safiya and Janab al-Atika 30

Janab al-Ruqayya, Umm al-Kulthum and Zaynab 30

Juwara, Saudah, Aisha, Hafsa, Umme Habibah, Umme Salma, Safiyyah & Zainab 30

Hazrat Abbas 30

Janab al-Ibrahim 30

Hazrat Ismail A.S 30

Outside Ziyarat 31

Masjid al-Shams 31

Masjid al-Zul Qibltayn 31

Masjid al-Quba 31

The Saba Saba Masjids 31

Masjid al-Fatah 31

Masjid Salman al-Farsi 31

Masjid al-Ali A.S 31

Masjid al-Bidi Fatimah Zehra A.S 32

Ohud - Hazrat Hamza A.S 32

Medina/Makkah 33

Umra al-Mufradah 35

1) Ihram And Talbiya 35

The Following 25 Things Become Haraam 36

Makkah 40

Conditions Before Tawaaf 40

Mustahab (Sunnat) Acts of Tawaaf 41

2) Tawaaf of Khana al-Ka’aba 41

How to do Tawaaf 42

Simple rule to remember when you are in doubt about the number of circuits or rounds: 43

4) Saee’ 44

Mustahab acts of Saee' 44

Points to remember: 44

5) Taqseer 45

6) Tawaaf-un-Nissa 45

7) Salaat of Tawaaf-un-Nisa 45

Ziyarats in & Around Makkah 47

Ka’aba 47

Hajr al-Ismail 47

Hajr-ul-Aswad 47

Makaam al-Ibrahim 47

Zam Zam 47

Hills of Safa and Marwa 48

Janatul-Mualla 48

Janab al-Khadijatul Kubra 48

Janab al-Abu Talib 48

Janab al-Abdul Mutalib 48

Hazrat Abdullah 48

Hazrat Amina Bint al-Wahab 48

Masjid al-Jinn 48

Cave of Thawr 48

Cave of Hira 48

Arafah 48

Jabal al-Rahmah 49

Muzdhalifa or Ma’shar 49

Munna 49

Masjid al-Kheef - In Munna 49

Hajj al-Tul Islam 50

Important 50

Requirement When Applying For Hajj Visa 51

Items to Take for Hajje-Tul Islam 52

For a couple (husband and wife) 52

Hajje-tul-Islam 53

Umrah al-Tamattu’ 54

1) Ihram and Talbiya 54

2) Tawaaf of Khan al-Ka’aba 54

3) Salaat of Tawaaf 54

4) Saee’ 54

5) Taqseer 54

Checklist for Items to be Taken to Arafah/Muzdhalifah/Mina by each Hujjaj 55

Hajj al-Tamattu’ 57

Optional but Highly Recommended 57

Makkah/Arafah - 8th Dhulhijja 57

Hajj al-Tamattu’- 8th Dhulhijja At Makkah 57

1) 8th Dhulhijja Ihram and Talbiya 57

2) 9th Dhulhijja - Arafah 58

3) 9th Dhulhijja - Arafah/Muzdhalifah 58

10th Dhulhijja - Muzdhalifa/Mina 58

4) 10th Zilhajj - Munna 58

Hitting Of The Big Shaitaan 58

5) 10th Dhulhijja - Qurbani At Munna 58

6) 10th Dhulhijja - Taqseer/Halaq At Munna 58

7) 10th And 11th Dhulhijja - Mabeet At Munna 58

A’amaal to be performed in Makkah as under 59

8) Makkah - Tawaaf-ul Hajj 59

9) Makkah - Salaat of Tawaaf 59

10) Makkah - Saee’ 59

11) 11TH & 12TH Dhulhijja At Munna - Hitting All Three Shaitans on Each Day 59

12) Makkah - Tawawaaf-un-Nissa 59

13) Makkah - Salaat of Tawaaf 59

14) Tawaaf-ul-Wida (optional but recommended) 60

15) Salat of Tawaaf 60

Mustahab Acts at Arafah 60

Mustahab Acts at Muzdhalifah 60

Conditions of Qurbani at Munna 60

Conditions of Hitting the Shaitaan 61

The Ziyarat of Medina 62

Idhn al-Dukhul means permission to enter the Prophet’s mosque for the Ziyarat of the Prophet 62

Whilst putting your right foot in the Haram read this 62

Recited the Ziyarat of the Prophet of Allah as follows: 62

Facing the Ka’aba towards the Mimbar Read: 62

At Maqame Jibra’il, recite the following: 63

The Ziyarat of Bibi Fatima Zehra (peace be upon her) 63

Recite Salawat followed by two Rakaat Namaaz of Ziyarat and supplicate to Allah: 64

The Ziyarat of the Imams buried in Janat-ul-Baquee: 64

Ziyarat of Janab al-Fatima Binte Asad, mother of Imam Ali A.S 65

The Ziyarat of Hazrat Hamza, the uncle of the Prophet (SA.W) at Ohud: 65

Ziyarat of Martyrs (Shuhada) of Uhud: 66

When leaving Medina, recite the following Ziyarat Al-Wida’a (farewell Ziyarat) of the Prophet 67

When leaving Jannat-ul-Baquee for the last time, recite this farewell Ziyarat (Ziyarat Al-Wida’a) 67

Du’a for Entering Masjid-ul-Haraam 69

A’amal al-Arafah - By Imam Husayn A.S 76

Namaz al-Shab 79

Short Way of Praying Namaz al-Shab 79

How To Pray Salaat al-Witr: 79

Qunuut 79

Ziyarat of Shaam 80

Information For Syrian Visa 80

Hotels & Restaurants 80

Transportation 80

Traveller’s Cheques 80

Currencies 80

Weather 80

Damascus - Raudhah of Bibi Zainab A.S 80

Hajar Bin Udai And His Sons 81

Raudhah of Hazrat Janab al-Ruqayya A.S 82

Raudhah of Bibi Kulthum A.S 82

Raudhah of Bibi Umm al-Salma Wife of Our Prophet of Islam (Saw) 82

Raudhah of Bibi Fizza A.S 82

Raudhah of Janab al-Abdullah Ibne Ja’far at-Tayyar A.R 83

Raudhah of Obais Ibne Kaab A.R 83

Raudhah of Hazrat Bilal A.R. - Moazzin 83

Raudhah of Hazrat Abdulla Ibne Imam Zainul Abedeen A.S 84

Raudhah of Bibi Fatima Sughra Binte Imam Husayn A.S 84

Ganje Sar al-Shohada al-Karbala’ 84

Musalla of Imam Zainul Abedeen A.S 84

Place where they imprisoned the 4th imam 84

Raudhah of Bibi Sakina Binte Imam Husayn A.S 84

Place Where Bibi Zainab A.S. Gave Khutba 85

Well of Prophet Hood A.S 85

Mimber of Imam Zainul Abedeen A.S 85

Musalla of Prophet Khizer A.S 85

Raas ul-Husayn A.S 85

Raudhah of Prophet Yahya Bin Zakaria A.S 85

A Fourteen Hundred Year Old Door in Bazar Of Shaam Knonw A. S. “Bab al-Faraj” 86

Ziyarat of Iran 87

Information for Iran Visa 87

Hotels & Restaurants 87

Transportation 87

Traveller’s Cheques 87

Currencies 87

Weather 87

You are required to declare the following, and if you do not then at the time of your arrival (you may get into trouble when leaving Iran) 88

Import Into Iran 88

Export Allowances 88

Teheran/Qum 88

Qum - Raudhah Of Janab al-Masuma Fatima Binte Imam Musa al-Kadhim A.S 88

Masjid al-Jumkaran 89

Teheran - Ziyaraats 90

Raudhah of Shah Abdul Azim 90

Raudhah of Imamzada Saleh Bin Imam Moosa al-Kadhim A.S 90

Raudhah of Janabe Hamza Bin Abul Qasim Ibne Imam Moosa al-Kadhim A.S 90

Raudhah of Sayyed Tahir 90

Raudhah of Sheikh Sudduque 90

Koahe Bibi Shahrbanoo A.S 90

Museum of Teheran 90

Teheran/Mashad 90

Mashad 91

Raudhah of Imam Ali Ridha’ A.S 91

Goharshad Masjid 91

Museum of Quraan in The Haram of The Raudhah of Imam Ridha’ A.S 92

Lunch as a Guest of Imam Ridha’ A.S 92

Tomb of Imamzada Sultan Ahmed R.A 92

Tomb of Khwaja Abu Salt Harvi R.A 92

Tomb of Khwaja Rabi R.A 92

Tomb of Khwaja Murad R.A 92

Museum of Ferdowsi 92

Qadamghah 92

Tomb of Attr 92

Tomb of Kamal-Al-Mulk 93

Tomb of Omar Khayyam 93

Raudhah of Sayyed Ibrahim A.S 93

Tour of Neishapur City 93

Shiraz - Shah Shiragh A.S 93

Teheran/Damascus/Amman 93

Amman - Jordan 94

Information for Jordanian Visa 94

Hotels & Restaurants 94

Traveller’s Cheques 94

Credit Cards 94

Currencies 94

Weather 94

Amman/Baitul-Muqaddas 95

Information for Jordanian Visa 95

Hotels & Restaurants 95

Traveller’s Cheques 95

Credit Cards 95

Weather 95

Bait-ul-Muqaddas 96

Masjid al-Aqsa 96

Tomb of Nabi Musa A.S 96

Bethlehm City Where Nabi Isa A.S. Was Born 96

Al-Quds/Amman 96

Ziyarat of Iraq 97

Information for Iraq Visa 97

Items to Take With on Your Iraq Trip 97

List of items 97

Hotels 98

Currencies 98

Weather 98

Amman/Najaf 98

Hazrat Imam Ali A.S 98

Prophet Adam A.S 99

Prophet Nooh A.S 99

Allama Hilli A.R 99

Muqaddas Ardebilli A.R 99

Makam al-Imam Zainul Abedeein A.S 100

Prophet Hood A.S 100

Prophet Saleh A.S 100

Makam al-Saheb-Ul Asr A.S 100

Makam al-Imam Ja’far Sadiq A.S 100

Tomb Hazrat Kumail A.R 100

Tomb of Hazrat Rashid Hijri A.R 100

Masjid al-Hannaana 100

Ziyarats in Hilla 101

Hazrat Hamza A.S 101

Raudhah Of Muhammad Bine Imam Ali A.S 101

Raudhah Of Prophet Hazrat Ayub A.S 101

Masjid Marad-Us-Shams 101

Raudhah Of Janab al-Qasim Bin Imam Moosa al-Kadhim A.S 101

Karbala’ - There Are Many Ziyarats 101

Hazrat Ali Akbar A.S 102

Ali Asghar A.S 102

Ganj al-Shohada 102

Qatlagha 102

Hazrat Habib Ibne Mazahir A.S 102

Hazrat Ibraheem Bin Musa Kadhim A.S 103

Till al-Zainabia 103

Khaimagah 103

Raudhah Of Hazrat Abbas A.S 103

Kafl Abbas 103

Hazrat Hurr 103

Raudhah of Janab al-Aun A.S 104

Raudhah of Mohamed & Ibrahim 104

Ziyarat in Madayan 104

Mazaar of Salman al-Farsi A.R 104

Mazaar Huzaifa al-Yemani A.R 104

Mazaar of Jabir Bin Abdallah Ansari A.R 104

Tak al-Kisra 105

Masjid al-Kufa 105

Raudhah Of Khadijatul Kubra Binte Imam Ali A.S 106

House of Imam Ali A.S 106

Matham Bin Tammar A.R 106

Raudhah of Zaid Bin Ali Bin Alhussain Bin Imam Ali A.S 107

Sketch of Masjid al-Kufa 107

Sketch of Masjid al-Sahla 109

Masjid al-Sa’asa Ibne Sanhan A.R 110

Masjid al-Sahla 110

Samarrah 111

Raudhah of Imam Ali Naqi A.S 111

Raudhah of Imam Hassan Askari A.S 111

Bibi Hakima Khatun A.S 111

Bibi Nargis Khatun A.S 111

Imam Mahdi A.S. - Our 12th Imam 111

Makam al-Ghaibat of our 12th Imam A.S 111

Sayyid Muhammad Ibne Imam Ali Naqi A.S 112

Kadhmain 112

Raudhah of Imam Musa Kadhim A.S 112

Raudhah of Imam Muhammad Taqi A.S 112

Tomb of Sheikh Mufeed A.R 112

Tomb of Khwaja Nasiruddin Toosi A.R 112

Tomb of Sayyid Murtadha A.R 112

Tomb of Sayyid Radhi A.R 113

Tomb of Sayyid Ismail Safrudin A.R 113

Baghdad 113

Masjid al-Buratha 113

Mazaar of Hazrat Uthman Bin Saeed A.R 113

Mazaar of Hazrat Muhammad Bin Uthman A.R 113

Mazaar of Husayn Bin Rooh A.R 113

Mazaar of Ali Bin Muhammad A.R 113

Mazaar Of Hazrat Qambar A.R 113

Mazaar Of Hazrat Haafiz Muhammad Bin Yakub Al- Kulyani A.R 114

Marja at- Taqleed 114

Shopping Guide in the Middle East 115

Saudi Arabia 115

Damascus - Syria 115

Iran 115

Iraq 115


In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

By the grace of the Almighty Allah (SWT), we indeed have been blessed with the honour of compiling this booklet for the benefit of those going to Umrah, Hajj and/or Ziyarat of the Fourteen Masoomeen A.S.

Our first calling for Hajj was in 1983 and since then, we have been invited back for Hajj and Hajj Umrah over 17 times over the past sixteen (16) years. We have also had the pleasure of serving thousands of Momineen and Mominaat, including residents of Canada, United States, Jamaica, Britain, Australia, Sweden and Germany.

This booklet was designed to provide you with some insight and clarification as you embark on your spiritual journey.

We sincerely hope this booklet proves to be useful and we ask that you pass it on to others who, Inshallah, will be fortunate enough to go also.

We are planning, Inshallah, to reproduce the booklet periodically so you are requested to advise us of any errors and omissions.

All rights reserved. This book is free for distribution subject to the condition that no part thereof shall by way of trade or otherwise be reproduced, resold or otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than what is published in, without the prior written permission of the Hajj Assistance Committee North America.

Please remember us in your prayers.


Mahmud & Zehra Habib


Toronto, Canada - March, 1998/Dhul-qa’dah 1418