Your Personal Guide to Hajj Umrah Ziyarat

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Your Personal Guide to Hajj Umrah Ziyarat

Author: Mahmud & Zehra Habib

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Your Personal Guide to Hajj Umrah Ziyarat
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Your Personal Guide to Hajj Umrah Ziyarat

Your Personal Guide to Hajj Umrah Ziyarat


This booklet is for 1998 and aftherwards a lot of things specially the rates and addresses and so on changed. So, don’t concentrate only on its contents, but rather refer to other guide books, websites, ects and update your information before your spiritual journeys.

Umra al-Mufradah

1. To wear Ihram and Talbiya at Masjid al-Shajarah.

2. To do Tawaaf of Khane al-Ka’aba at Makkah.

3. To recite 2 Rakaat Salaat of Tawaaf at Makkah.

4. To perform Saee’ at Makkah.

5. To do Taqseer at Makkah.

6. To perform Tawaaf-un-Nissa at Makkah.

7. To recite 2 Rakaat Salaat of Tawaaf at Makkah.

This Umrah is Mustahab (Sunnat). Therefore, your Niyyat while wearing the Ihram will be Mustahab, but all other A’amaals which you have to perform for completing the Umra must be done with a Wajib Niyyat.

1) Ihram And Talbiya

Ihram for men - consists of two pieces of white cloth and for ladies their usual daily wear is their Ihram, but it is highly recommended that it be white as it is the sign of purity.

a. For men the loins clothe covering oneself from the navel (around waist) to the knees. The second piece covers one self from the shoulders to the elbows. It is not necessary to have the clothes of Ihram on you all the time when you are in the state of Ihram. For example, one may remove the upper piece provided it is not done in front of the ladies. The Recommended size of cloth of Ihram is two and half yards in length and about 42/44 inches in breadth.

b. The cloth used for Ihram must be Tahira. If it becomes Najis at any time during Ihram, it must be replaced or made Tahira.

c. It must not be made of silk or golden threads.

d. It must not be Ghasbi. This means it must not be the one usurped from its rightful owner or belonging

For men the Ihram must not be sewn.

e. It must not be made of animal hide or skin.

f. Ihram can be purchased in Medina for about Saudi Riyals 30/45 per set, which is much cheaper than buying one from North America.

g. Men are allowed to wear a money belt around their waist, to secure their money, traveler’s cheques and other documents. These are made of plastic and are available for about 15/30 Saudi Riyals. Ladies should either sew or buy a white pouch to wear round their neck in order to keep their money and other valuables. These are available in North America for about $8/12, depending on the quality.

h. One should try to wear your Ihram at the prescribed Meeqat after Dhohar prayers, or when that is not possible, after any Wajib prayers. But if none of the Wajib prayers precede your Niyyat for Ihram, then a minimum of two Rakaats and a maximum of 6 Rakaats (by way of 2 Rakaats in each set, like the morning Salaat) is Mustahab.

• Niyyat: “I am wearing Ihram for Umra al-Mufradah Qurbatan Illallah”.

After wearing the Ihram immediately proclaim Talbiyya. Men must recite loudly but women should not recite loudly. Talbiyya must be recited in Arabic as under

“Labbaik, Allahumma Labbaik, Labbaik La

Sharika Laka Labbaik, Innal Hamda Wan

Ne’amata Laka Walmuka La Sharika Laka Labbaik”

“Here I am, O Lord, here I am, You indeed have no partner, here I am. No Doubt, all praise and bounties are Yours, and so is the absolute Domain. You indeed have no partners, here I am”.

With Talbiyya recited, the process of wearing Ihram is now completed. Twenty-five things become Haraam and forbidden for you as long as you are in Ihram. They are applicable to both, men and women.

These are:

The Following 25 Things Become Haraam

1. Hunting: Remember that hunting within the sacred area around and in Makkah, known as the Haram, is always forbidden. It is not confined to Ihram. When in Ihram, hunting anywhere also is forbidden. You are allowed to kill scorpions, pythons, poisonous snakes and rats. You are allowed also to slaughter domestic fowls such as goats, sheep, camels, etc.

2. Sexual intercourse: Sexual intercourse, or any acts of courtship which would arouse sexual desire are forbidden. Even lustful glance at ones own wife or husband or any other lady or man who is Na-Mahram is forbidden. The expiation is one camel or a cow or a sheep in that order of affordability.

3. Masturbating: This includes all methods of self-abuse. It has the same precept as sexual intercourse.

4. Marriage contract: To read Nikah for oneself or for others regardless of whether the other person is in Ihram or not. This applies to Muta’a as well. The expiation is ihtiyatan (precautionary) one sheep.

5. Perfumes: To use perfume or apply it on ones clothes. Perfumes like Saffron, Camphor, Cloves, Cardamom, Amber and all their uses are forbidden. Sweet smelling fruits like apples etc., may be eaten, but it is forbidden to smell them.

6. Smell or odor: To close ones nose or nostrils from bad smell or odor is not allowed. The expiation of doing so is one sheep. However, there is no objection if one hastily passes away from the unpleasant odour.

7. Sewn clothes: It is Haram for men to wear sewn or stitched clothes in Ihram. Their clothes must not have sleeves or seams. However, belts with sewn pockets for keeping money, traveler’s cheques, passports and other valuables, slung around the shoulders or worn around the waist are allowed. Similarly, Hernia belts can be worn. One is not allowed to fasten the Ihram with pins or a needle or anything of that sort. You can not even tie a knot. Ladies are allowed to wear all types of sewn clothes during Ihram, except for the hand gloves and wear a veil. The expiation for violation of this rule is one sheep.

8. Surma: To apply black surma (eyeliner) in the eyes for cosmetic purposes are strictly forbidden for men and women. If it is neither black nor for any cosmetic or beautifying purposes, then it is allowed. The expiation of violation is one sheep.

9 Mirror: To look into a mirror for cosmetic reason, which means to appreciate ones looks and features, including combing hair etc., is forbidden. The expiation of this violation is one sheep. If a driver wearing Ihram has to refer to the mirrors of his car or bus as he drives, there is no objection. Spectacle glasses are allowed provided they are not worn for fashion or beautification, though this should be avoided if possible.

10. Lying and abusing: To tell lies or abuse and scorn is always forbidden but when in Ihram it becomes all the more undesirable and Haraam. Similarly, it is Haraam to boast or brag about ones own superiority or excellence, with an intention to belittle or under estimate the others.

Note: This means one has to be very careful not to use abusive, foul or obscene language in ordinary conversation. If this is done the expiation is one cow for violation of this rule.

11. Shoes and socks: It is forbidden for men to cover the upper part of the feet from the toes to the ankle. So, men must not wear socks or full shoes. Women can wear them, (although), it is better for women to avoid wearing socks. The expiation for men violating of this rule is one sheep.

12. Swearing: To take an oath or to swear in any form, particularly saying LaWallah, Balaa Wallah (no, by God or yes, by God) is Haraam. The expiation is Istegfaar, (repentance) for the first and second time, and a sheep for the third time.

The following cases are exceptional.

a) That it is intended to prove thereby some right or to make the wrong public to others.

b) That is not meant to swear thereby, but is merely expressing respect and love.

There is no expiation (kafara) for a right swearing, provided, it is not more than twice, otherwise, the expiation is one sheep. If it is a wrong swearing, the expiation is one sheep for the first time, for the second time two sheep and a cow for the third time.

13. Killing insects: It is forbidden to kill insects or brush-off an insect originating from one’s own body e.g. lice. There is no harm to transfer them from one place to another and the expiation for this rule being violated is to give a handful of food to the poor.

14. Make up: All methods of self-beautification, either by use of cosmetics or by ornaments are forbidden. A ring worn for the Niyyat of thawab, like a Firoza or Aqeeq or Dhoor al-Najaf is permissible. Ladies must also refrain from wearing ornaments, except those they usually wear. But even these must not be displayed to men, even to the husband.

15. Henna: To apply henna is Haraam during Ihram. The expiation for the violation is ihtiyatan (precautionary) one sheep.

16. Pulling out of a tooth: To have your tooth extracted even if there is no bleeding due to it. (Marhum Ayatullah Abul Qassim El Khui did not lay emphasis on this. He said this is permitted).

17. Blood: To take out blood from ones own body, or to cause any bleeding by scratching or brushing the teeth etc., is Haraam. However, if this becomes in evitable for relief from any distress, it is allowed. The expiation for ignoring this rule is one sheep.

Note: One should use salt to brush teeth rather than scented toothpaste.

18. Covering of the face: In the state of Ihram, women are not allowed to cover their faces with a mask or veil, not even partly. While saying her Salaat, they may cover part of their forehead etc., in an effort to cover her head and hair fully, but after Salaat, she has to see that her face is not covered even partially. She can cover her face while sleeping. She must also refrain from immersing her head in water. Men are not allowed to cover their face at all, their ears must also be visible.

Men must not carry any baggage on their heads, nor dip themselves in water. However, a handkerchief or strip of cloth tied on the forehead for relief from a headache is allowed. The expiation for this violation is one sheep.

19. Ointment: It is forbidden to apply any kind of ointment to the body, whether it has a sweet smell or not. If however, it becomes necessary for medical reasons it is allowed.

20. To remove or pluck hair from ones own body, or from another's body, regardless of whether the other fellow is in Ihram or not. The expiation for this is a handful of grain. There are four exceptions to this.

i) If hair falls itself, while doing Wudhu or Ghusl, there is no objection.

ii) If one’s hair has grown to his/her eyelid and is causing distress and agony, one may remove it.

iii) If the removal of hair becomes inevitable for any good reason and valid reason. But if due to the hair, there are too many lice on the body, and it becomes necessary to remove the hair so as to be relieved of the parasite.

iv) You are allowed to stroke your hair or beard or slowly scratch your body, if you know that by so doing no hair would fall, and no bleeding would be caused.

20. Travel: Men are not permitted to travel under any kind of shade or shadow, be it the hood of a car, an umbrella or walking in the shadow of a car, bus, caravan or aircraft. All travelling must be under the open sky. Shades are permitted at the time of resting or taking a respite on the way. You can ward off sunrays by cupping one hand. The meaning of refraining from shade or shadow is that men must not protect themselves from sunrays, cold, heat or rain. So it is not only the head, which must not go into shade, it is the whole body. Once you are in Makkah, you are allowed to go under shade or shadow, even before you have found your accommodation or place of abode. Women, children and such men who fear that exposure would disable them or render them very sick, are exempted. But for such men, the expiation (Kafara) will have to be given inspite of the valid excuse they may have. The expiation for this violation is one sheep.

According to Ayatullah Sayyid Seestani, he allows men to travel in closed bus during the night. Men may follow his rulings if they are doing his Taqleed.

21. Cutting of nails: Cutting of nails either whole or partly is not allowed unless the nail is causing pain. The expiation (Kafara) for each fingernail being cut is a handful of food. If all nails of the hands are cut in the same place, the expiation (Kafara) will be one sheep. The same is true of feet. If the nails of both the hands and feet are cut in the same place, the expiation will be one sheep. If one cuts the nails of his hand in one place and the feet in another place the expiation will be two sheep.

23. Carrying of weapons: One is not allowed to carry any weapons, unless it is absolutely necessary. There is no harm in carrying a knife, etc., for cutting fruits, etc.

24. Uprooting trees: To uproot, pluck or cut the grass, leaves of the trees and all that grows from the earth in Makkah and around it; is not allowed. This is forbidden during Ihram and also without Ihram.

25. Nikah: To be witness to somebody's Nikah.

Note: All the expiation can be paid in Makkah or after returning home or even by sending money to a third world country for the same purpose with the exception of hunting which must be paid in Makkah.

The above rules are according to Marhum Ayoutallah Abul Qassim Al Khoei. If you are a Muqaleed of another Ayatullah please make sure you check his rulings with an A’alem.


Upon arrival in Makkah you will check into your hotel where you are booked to stay (and after refreshing yourself and having your dinner) you will then Inshallah proceed to the Holy Haram to perform all the A’amaal of Umrah al-Mufradah.

Conditions Before Tawaaf

Wudhu is Wajib for Tawaaf, as is Ghusl, if necessary due to its known causes, (Janabat, Haiz or Nifas). One must be free of all these states before Tawaaf.

If for any justifiable excuse, Ghusl or Wudhu cannot be performed, then you have to do Tayammum instead before performing Tawaaf. Women in Istehaddha would follow the rules, as in Salaat, that is, they would do Tawaaf after performing Ghusl and Wudhu. When Wudhu becomes Batil during Tawaaf, (or when a woman finds that her menses etc., have commenced, there are rules to follow.

a. If Wudhu is Batil before or just at half of the total Tawaaf, that is three and half rounds, Tawaaf is Batil. Do your Wudhu again and repeat the Tawaaf.

b. If Wudhu is Batil unintentionally at the completion of the fourth round, you have to do Wudhu and continue further. There is no need to repeat the whole Tawaaf.

c. If one makes his/her Wudhu Batil intentionally at any state, he/she will do Wudhu and repeat the Tawaaf, making Niyyat that he/she is completing the circuits, which are due.

For ladies only: When a lady experiences menses while performing Tawaaf, she must come out of Masjid-ul-Haraam immediately. If she has then completed half of the Tawaaf, which is three and half rounds, those are valid. When she becomes Tahira, after her Ghusl, she will complete the balance. Agha Khui had said that it is Ahwat (recommended) that she make a new Tawaaf of seven rounds with a Niyyat to relieve her of whatever is incumbent upon her.

If a woman completes Tawaaf and she sees blood before she can say her Salaat al-Tawaaf, she will come out of the Masjid-ul-Haraam immediately. Her Tawaaf will remain valid, and she will wait until she is Tahira, and after Ghusl, she will say her Salaat al-Tawaaf. In case there is no time and she must go to Arafah, Muzdhalifah etc., then will do Saee' and Taqseer, complete her Hajj A'amaal upto Munna, and before the Tawaaf of Hajj al-Tamattu', she must first pray the Salaat of Tawaaf which she had left.

If a woman is not sure whether her menses began after the Tawaaf and its' Salaat or during or before, her Tawaaf and Salaat, will be deemed correct.

A woman who is not able to perform Tawaaf and its' Salaat because of Haiz or Nifas, and is also unable to do Ghusl, will do Tayammum instead of Ghusl and perform the Tawaaf and its' Salaat.

It is Ahwat (recommended) that she appoint a Naib who would do these A'amaal on her behalf.

The body and clothes must be Tahira. Even small stains or dots of blood that are permissible in daily prayers are not allowed in Tawaaf.

However, if you have a boil or a wound, which persistently bleeds, and it cannot be removed from the body or the dress, then it is permissible.

Private parts must be adequately covered during Tawaaf, the same as is done in Salaat. The clothes of Ihram must not be Ghasbi (as already explained under Ihram).

For men only: Men must have been circumcised before Tawaaf can be valid. This includes sensible boys as well. It is Ahwat (recommended) that younger boys, who are not even able to wear Ihram by themselves be also circumcised.

Mustahab (Sunnat) Acts of Tawaaf

1. To recite Dhikar Quran, Salawaat or Dua during Tawaaf.

2. To be barefoot.

3. To take short steps, walking with total calm and composure, portraying full reverence.

4. To avoid useless talks and movements.

5. To close your eyes during Tawaaf (if possible).

6. To do Tawaaf at dhohar time (mid-day hours if possible).

7. To remain nearer to Ka'aba.

8. To salute Hajarul Aswad in every round, by raising your palms towards it and reciting "Bismillahi, Allahu Akbar" and after your Tawaaf is complete to try and kiss Hajarul Aswad without causing inconvenience to other people by way of pushing etc.

9. At the Mustajar, the back wall of Ka'aba near Rukne Yamani, it is Mustahab to stand there on the seventh round and raise your hands in dua and supplication, to touch the wall with your cheek and body, in all humility and with confessions of sins, seeking forgiveness. It is also a place to pray Haajat.

There will be thousands of people doing Tawaaf and the best place to enter into the crowd is from somewhere near Hajre Ismail and slowly working your way into the crowd.

The first cycle will commence from Hajarul Aswad. Try to be as close as possible near the walls of the Ka'aba. When you reach Rukne Yamani, you should start making your Niyyat.

2) Tawaaf of Khana al-Ka’aba

Niyyat: “I am going round this Ka’aba seven times for Umra al-Mufradah Qurbatan Ilallah.”

How to do Tawaaf

1. The starting and ending point of each circuit during Tawaaf is Hajarul-Aswad.

After making your Niyyat, stand just parallel to Hajarul Aswad and start the Tawaaf. Each round is completed when you return to the starting point.

2. At all the time during Tawaaf, the Ka'aba must remain to your left. Your left shoulder should not turn away from the Ka'aba, otherwise that particular sector of movement will not be included in Tawaaf. You will have to return to the place where you were distracted and continue from there. The Ka'aba is in a cubical shape, it has four corners. As you come to a corner of the Ka’aba, you will make a gradual turn exercising care, as much as possible, that your shoulder remains parallel to Ka'aba.

3. There is a small arc shaped wall shape adjoining Ka'aba on one side. This is Hijre Ismail. (The graves of Hazrat Ismail, his mother Hajira and other Prophets). While making Tawaaf, this Arc must be included in the round. If you pass between the Ka'aba and Hijre Ismail during Tawaaf, that particular circuit will be void. So, you will have to repeat the circuit. It is Ahwat, (recommended) to not touch Hijre Ismail. It is Ahwat (recommended) not placing your hands on Hijre Ismail during Tawaaf.

4. The area of Tawaaf is defined as one between Ka'aba and Maqam al-Ibrahim. This is about 40 feet or 26 and half arm lengths. Tawaaf must be carried out within this area, and not beyond. As mentioned earlier, Hijre Ismail is adjoining Ka'aba. It covers nearly 31 feet of space left. So, when you reach here, you find only 9 feet of open space on the left. You will keep yourself within this area during Tawaaf. Agha Khui had said that Tawaaf beyond its area would not be correct. But if it becomes extremely difficult to do so due to the great number of people, or other disabilities, then Tawaaf beyond the described area would be deemed sufficient.

5. Around the Ka’aba near its foundation, there are small supporting walls. During Tawaaf, one must not pass over them. If one passes over them, or touches them during Tawaaf, it will be necessary to repeat the part of the circuit which was done on the said walls, and then, it would be Ahwat to repeat the whole Tawaaf all over.

6. The number of circuits in each Tawaaf is Seven. Each round begins from Hajarul Aswad and ends there. A Tawaaf of less or more then seven rounds is Batil.

Simple rule to remember when you are in doubt about the number of circuits or rounds:

The following doubts should be ignored:

• All doubts after the completion of Tawaaf or after having moved from the place of Tawaaf, should be ignored.

• When you are certain of having completed the seven rounds, but are doubtful whether you went round more than seven times, such doubts should also be ignored.

• If you were doing Tawaaf that is Wajib, all doubts during Tawaaf would render Batil. When in doubt whether the round is third or fourth, for example you will decide that it is third, complete the Tawaaf, and do it all over again. So the rule is that, determine the lesser number, complete the doubtful Tawaaf, and then repeat the whole set again.

• If your Tawaaf is Mustahab, determine the lesser number and complete your Tawaaf. It would be correct.

• You can rely on your friend or companion who is doing Tawaaf with you. For example, if he/she tells you that the particular round is fifth, and if he/she says so with certitude, you can accept it.

• Muwalaat is necessary in Tawaaf. This means that all seven rounds must follow each other in sequence. However, if one wishes to take a brief respite or rest during Tawaaf, one may do so provided that it is not too long to disrupt Muwalaat.

3)Salaat of Tawaaf

Niyyat: “I am offering two Rakaat Salaat for Tawaaf of Umra al-Mufradah Qurbatan Ilallah”.

Salaat of Tawaaf: Two rakaats of Salaat of Tawaaf becomes Wajib immediately after completion of Tawaaf.

This Salaat must be said behind Maqame-Ibrahim, or at a place nearest to it. The method of this Salaat is exactly like the morning Salaat. But in this, you may recite the suras loudly or silently, as you prefer.

4) Saee’

The Niyyat should be made at the hill of Safaa. Your walk will start from Safaa and end at Marwa.

Niyyat: “I walk between Safaa and Marwah, seven times for Umra al-Mufradah Qurbatan Ilallah”.

Saee” means to walk between the two mountains Safaa and Marwaa. It begins from Safaa and ends at Marwaa.

Each Saee' consists of seven trips. As you walk from Safaa ending at Marwaa, this is counted as first, your return from Marwaa to Safaa will be second and so on and you will end your seventh round at Marwaa.

Mustahab acts of Saee'

a. Although Wudhu or even Ghusl is not a pre-requisite for Saee' it is Mustahab to be in a purified state.

b. To do Saee' with a minimum of delay after Salaat al-Tawaaf.

c. To Kiss or Salute Hajarul Aswad before when you are proceeding for Saee', (of course if this is possible).

d. To drink from Zam Zam before going for Saee'. It is also Mustahab to pour the water upon ones head and body

e. To go to Safaa through Babus Safaa, the door facing Hajarul Aswad.

f. To proceed with humility, reverence and composed frame of mind.

g. To climb the steps of Safaa.

h. To kiss the corner of the Stone in Safaa.

i. To utter words of praise and gratitude for Allah, remembering His bounties, blessings, signs and kindness.

j. To stand longer at Safaa.

k. To conduct the Saee' calmly and with reverence.

l. It is Mustahab for men to do Harwala (jogging or trotting) between the two green lights. For ladies, it is Mustahab to quicken the pace.

Points to remember:

a. Saee' is Wajib, and must be performed immediately after Salaat of Tawaaf.

b. Wudhu or Ghusl is not necessary for Saee’ though it is better to be with.

c. While walking from Safaa to Marwaa, and similarly from Marwaa to Safaa, you must walk forward facing the rocks. If you walk in reverse, then the distance covered this way will have to be retraced. There is no harm if you look sideways or behind during the walk.

d. To rest at Safaa or Marwaa is allowed during Saee', it is Ahwat not to rest between the rocks.

e. Saee' can be performed walking or on the back of an animal, or on somebody's shoulders, or on a wheelchair or cart etc. When all these alternatives are not possible you have to appoint someone as Naib, who will do the Saee' on your behalf.

f. The distance between Safaa and Marwaa must be crossed on the route that is fixed. Your walking may not strictly be in a straight line but you cannot deviate from the given route.

g. In between Safaa and Marwaa, there are two pillars, which are meant for Harwala. In these days, they are built of green stones, distinguishing them from the others. When one reaches these, one has to trot or jog. This is Mustahab for men only.

h. When one is in doubt the number of trips one has made, Saee' would be Batil. The rule to be followed is exactly like that of doubts during Tawaaf.

5) Taqseer

Niyyat: “I am performing Taqseer so as to be relieved of Ihram for Umra al-Mufradah Qurbatan Ilallah”.

Taqseer means cutting off some hair or nails. Taqseer had to be done after completion of your Saee’ at Marwa (it can be done at your hotel).

PS In Ihram one cannot cut his or another person’s hair until and unless one has got his/her Taqseer done first by a person who is already out of the Ihram.

6) Tawaaf-un-Nissa

Niyyat: “I am doing Tawaaf-un-Nissa by going round this Ka’aba seven times for Umra al-Mufradah Qurbatan Ilallah”.

7) Salaat of Tawaaf-un-Nisa

Niyyat: “I am offering two Rakaat Salaat for Tawaaf-un-Nissa for Umra al-Mufradah Qurbatan Ilallah”.

Points to Remember Regarding Tawaaf-un-Nissa

This Tawaaf is Wajib for each and every person, whether you are a man, a woman, or a child. If it were omitted, sexual relations between married partners would be Haraam. Those who are doing Niyyabat must remember that while doing this Tawaaf, their Niyyat, would not be for themselves, but for the person, whom they are representing as a Naib.

If somebody avoids Tawaaf-un-Nissa purposely, or because of not knowing the law, he/she has too later perform it himself/herself, and as long as he/she has not done it, his wife/husband would remain Haraam to him/her. Naib for this Tawaaf is only allowed if it was omitted forgetfully, or for ladies who due to their menses etc., are unable to do it. This Tawaaf is Wajib for children as well, if they have worn Ihram.

During your entire stay in Makkah you should try and visit the Holy Haram as much as possible to Sunnat Tawaaf as many as you can for your deceased parents, relatives and friends. You do not need to be in Ihram. But if you wish to do Umra for your passed away parents, relatives or friends then you must to go to Masjid al-Umra just outside of Makkah, do your Niyyat, go to Masjid-ul-Haraam and do the Umrah, (exactly the same A’amals that you did when you arrived from Medina).

Ziyarats in & Around Makkah


Which stands majestically in the center of Masjid-ul-Haraam. The Ka’aba was first built by Prophet Adam exactly under Baitul Mamoor which is in Jannat.

It is said that after the strong waves and currents of Prophet Nuh's A.S. ship, the Ka’aba was destroyed except for the foundation. Prophet Ibrahim later built the walls of the Ka’aba again. During the time of the Prophet of Allah, the people were still idol worshippers.

Our fist Imam, Hazrat Ali A.S. was born in the Ka’aba and one can still notice the crack in the wall which opened up to allow Bibi Fatima Binte Asad A.S. to enter few days before the birth or our Imam.

Hajr al-Ismail

In this arc Hazrat Ismail, Bibi Hajra and many prophets are buried. It is great thawab to recite two rakaat Salaat. If you are standing in the arc and if you raise your head to see the top of the Ka’aba you will see a golden pipe was draining out rain water on the Ka’aba. This is the place where you should ask for your Haajat. Here are the graves of Bibi Hajra and his son Hazrat Ismail. It is also believed that other Prophets are also buried here.


This is the black stone from Heaven. It is narrated that Prophet Adam A.S. (when he was in Heaven), he used to sit on this stone and pray.

When Prophet Adam A.S. was sent down to the earth as a calipha, the stone started crying because it was missing the company of Hazrat Adam, so Allah (SWT) sent this stone to the earth and the angels put it in the Ka’aba. On the day of judgement it is a witness for those who have gone for Hajj and Umrah.

Makaam al-Ibrahim

There is a footprint of Prophet Ibrahim (which can be seen through the glass) when he used to put his foot on it when building the walls of the Ka’aba.

Zam Zam

By the order of Allah (SWT), Prophet Ibrahim left is wife Hajra and his son Ismail on the plains close to where the Ka’aba is situated to spread the word of God. Hazrat Ismail became thirsty so Bibi Hajra went to look for water. She went running seven times between the Hills of Safa and Marwa but could not find water.

While Bibi Hajra desperately searching for water, Hazrat Ismail rubbed his feet on the ground as he was very thirsty and through the miracle of Allah (SWT) water sprang furiously near the feet of Hazrat Ismail, so much water sprang forth that Bibi Hajra shouted ‘Zam Zam’ which means ‘stop’. The well of Zam Zam is still there but now instead a well you see some pipes which brings the water supply to the Masjid and to the whole of Makkah. It is said that the water level is the same, and it is pure and free from any kind of dirt or germs.

Hills of Safa and Marwa

These are the same two hills between which Bibi Hajra ran between them seven times to look for water for Hazrat Ismail. Allah (SWT) loved this act of hers so much that He made it obligatory on Hajjis who are performing Hajj and Umra.


This is a general cemetery in existence since the time of the Prophet and many Ulemas, relatives of the Prophet (SAW) and many well known personalities are buried here including:

Janab al-Khadijatul Kubra

She was very rich prosperous and successful businesswoman who entrusted the Prophet of Allah with her caravan going to Syria, Egypt and other places; she later married the Prophet (SAW) at the age of 40.

Janab al-Abu Talib

He was the father of our first Imam. He died when the Prophet of Allah was 50 years old.

Janab al-Abdul Mutalib

He was the Prophet of Islam (SAW) paternal grandfather.

Hazrat Abdullah

He was the father of our Prophet (SAW) and it is narrated that when Masjid al-Nabawee in Medina was being extended, his grave was dug and his body which was intact was transferred to Jannat-ul-Maulla.

Hazrat Amina Bint al-Wahab

She was the mother of our Prophet (SAW) who died when he was only 5 years old. Some historians say that she is buried at Jannatul-Mualla and some say she is buried at a place called Abawa.

Masjid al-Jinn

A group of Jinn were passing by, when they heard the Prophet of Allah (SAW) reciting the Holy Quran. They were so moved and came to the Prophet, repented and accepted Islam. A Masjid was later built here called Masjid al-Jinn.

Cave of Thawr

During the Hijrah the Holy Prophet (SAW) (with Abu Bakr) stayed here for three days. The Miraculous incident of a spider’s web and a pigeon laying eggs occurred at the mouth of this cave. This misled the trackers and the Prophet of Allah (SAW) was safe.

Cave of Hira

The first ‘revelation’ of “Iqra Bismi Rabbek” was revealed here.


It is also known as the ‘tent’ city that comes into existence only one day in a year and this on the 9th of Dhulhijja when all Hajjis are required to stay here from Dhohar until Maghrib.

It is said that this is the first place where Prophet Adam A.S. and Bibi Havva met for the first time after they were asked to leave Jannat.

Jabal al-Rahmah

This mountain is in Arafah. During Umra season one can climb it by steps and it is highly recommended to pray two rakaat Salaat of Haajat and then ask for your Hakata.

Muzdhalifa or Ma’shar

The Hajjis are required to spend the night here and also collect 70 pebbles for hitting the Shaitaan in Munna.


This is a city that comes to existence for three days in a whole year. All the Hajjis are required to spend the night in Munna, to hit the three Shaitaans and sacrifice of an animal. Men must also to do Taqseer or Halaq. Women are required to do Taqseer and not Halaq.

Masjid al-Kheef - In Munna

It is highly recommended to pray 6 rakaat Salaat in this Masjid that has great thawab as it is said that many Prophets of Allah prayed here.

Hajj al-Tul Islam

Hajj al-tul Islam or Wajib Hajj is obligatory once in a lifetime upon all Muslims and the following conditions must be obtained before Hajj becomes Wajib.

1. Baligh, means age of puberty, girls 9 years of age and boys 15 years of age.

2. A'Aaqil, means being sane and of sound mind.

3. Istita'ah. Means capability. This means one must be able to defray all the necessary expenses during Hajj, including the return passage.

• If he has dependents, he must be able to maintain himself and his family.

• Upon his return, he must have enough means to maintain himself and his family.

• The journey to Hajj and returning from it must not involve any danger to the security of his life, wealth and family.

• One intending to go to Hajj must be healthy. If he is infirm or old or has any other justifiable excuse Hajj would not be Wajib, though if other conditions were fulfilled, however, he must send someone as his Naib (agent representative).

• Ample time must be there for one to prepare to go to Hajj, and to perform all the obligatory acts. If other conditions of Hajj are met, while time is limited or extraordinary effort is involved, one has to keep the money unused until the following year for the purpose.

When above conditions are fulfilled, Hajj, becomes Wajib immediately. To postpone it without any reasonable excuse is among the major sins. Hajj, must be performed in the same year of Istita'ah, and it continues to remain obligatory in the ensuing years as long as it has not been performed.


Before leaving for Hajj, make sure that:

a) You fully understand the rules of Taqleed.

b) Your money is clean, and you have paid your obligatory debts like Khums and Zakat. These essential, long term debts like house mortgages, business loans, car loans, furniture loans, etc., are not considered as debts for Hajj purposes, provided the installments are met by you without any hardship.

c) Your intention is purely for Hajj. The Niyyat must be to perform Hajj for the sake of seeking nearness to Allah, Qurbatan Illallahi.

d) You have prepared your Will, and given some "sadaqa" for your safe journey.

Requirement When Applying For Hajj Visa

When applying for the Umra Visa you will be required to send the Saudi Embassy the following documents:

• Passport valid for a minimum six months

• A duly completed Visa application

• A vaccination certificate against Meningitis

• A vaccination certificate against Cholera

• A copy of your marriage certificate if husband and wife are travelling to-gether

• Each woman travelling must have a Mahrum certificate completed and signed by an Islamic Centre

• A confirmed round trip air ticket

• Two drafts one for SR444 payable to the UNIFIED AGENTS OFFICE IN JEDDAH and the second for SR435 payable to AUTOMOBILES UNION OF SAUDI ARABIA drawn on a bank in Saudi Arabia.

• Non American Citizens should submit to the Consular Section (their American Green Card) and must travel to Jeddah without making a stop to their respective countries.

• Ladies over the age of 45 going to HAJJ should submit the necessary notarized legal documents to prove the relationship of the Mahram, otherwise they can travel with an organized group and submit a no-objection letter from their husband or son. A legal notary should notarize such a letter. Moreover, the accompanying Mahram will be forbidden to leave the Kingdom on his own.

Please refer to the instructions sent by the Saudi Embassy when they send the application form to you.

Items to Take for Hajje-Tul Islam

For a couple (husband and wife)

• One bath towel each.

• One small plastic bottle of unscented shampoo each.

• One small cake of unscented bath soap (Dove) each.

• One small can of unscented dusting powder each.

• One travelling toothbrush and tooth paste each.

• One hair brush and comb each.

• One pair of rubber beach slippers (not stitched) each.

• One money belt for man (not stitched) available at Medina-tul-Hujjaj (Jeddah airport) or in Medina for approximately SR 15 to 20.

• One pouch for woman to be worn around the neck for securing money and other valuables (can be purchased from any camping or travelling store in North America) at approximately $10.

• One set of Ihram for man available at Medina-tul-Hujjaj

(Jeddah Airport) approximately SR 35 to 45.Two shirts, two pants or white cotton pajamas and some undergarments for men (preferably cotton and hand washable).

• Four sets of shalwaar kurta or long dress for women and some undergarments (preferably cotton and hand washable). Chadhar is necessary.

One small folding umbrella (preferably white) and a hand fan for women.

One mussalaa (janamaaz) made of straw, each available at Medina-tul-Hujjaj.

One small plastic tube of unscented Vaseline to be shared between the couple.

• One small water sprayer to spray cold water on oneself whilst travelling especially to Arafah, Muzdhalifah and Munna. It is necessary for each Hujjaj to carry this and must be taken from North America.

• One sleeping bag preferably made of cotton and weighing between 2 to 2 and half pounds.

• One bed sheet each.

• If you are wearing prescribed glasses then it is advisable to take a back up pair.

• One pair of sun glasses each (option).

• One cloth bag with shoulder strap to carry your shoes when going to the Holy Haram.

• One pair of rubber slippers and one pair of very comfortable shoes for daily wear.

• You should take enough prescription medicine to last you during the entire trip and you should carry with them in your hand luggage. It is also advisable to carry a prescription of all your medication in case you have to by them. Also make sure to take some Tylenol and cough drops like ‘Bradasol’ for sore throat.

• If you wear prescription eyeglasses then it is highly recommended you carry an extra pair.


Wajib Hajj is known as Hajj-tul-Islam that has two parts. The first part is called Umra al-Tamauttu’ and the second part is called Hajj al-Tamattu’.

1) Umra al-Tamattu’ 2) Hajj al-Tamattu’

It is recommended to take Sunnat Ghusl before you put on your Ihram.

Niyyat: “I am doing Ghusl for the following, Qurbatan Ilallah”.

1) For wearing Ihram for Umra al-Tamattu’

2) for entering into the Haram (Sanctified boundaries around Makkah)

3) for entering into the city of Makkah

4) for entering into the Masjid-ul-Haram

5) for doing Tawaaf of Khan al-Ka’aba

Caution: You are not allowed to use scented soap or scented shampoo when doing this Ghusl.

Umrah al-Tamattu’

1) To wear Ihram at Masjid al-Shajarah/Masjid al-Johfa

2) To proclaim Talbiya after wearing the Ihram

3) To do Tawaaf of Khane al-Ka’aba at Makkah

4) To recite 2 Rakaat Salaat of Tawaaf at Makkah

behind Makam al-Ebrahim

5) To perform Saee’ at Makkah

6) To do Taqseer at Makkah

PS There is no Tawaaf-un-Nissa at this point. You will perform it with the A’amaal of Hajj al-Tamattu.’

1) Ihram and Talbiya

To wear Ihram at Masjid al-Shajarah if you are going to Makkah from Medina or Masjid al-Johfa if you are going to Makkah from Jeddah.

Niyyat: “I am wearing Ihram for Umra al-Tamattu’ for Hajje-tul-Islam, Qurbatan Ilallah”

As soon as you have done your Niyyat of Ihram and proclaimed Talbiya, 25 things become Haram as shown on

page 33.

2) Tawaaf of Khan al-Ka’aba

Niyyat: “I go round this Ka’aba seven times for Umra al-Tamattu’ for Hajje-tul-Islam, Qurbatan Ilallah”

3) Salaat of Tawaaf

This Salaat is to be performed as near as possible behind Makam al-Ibrahim but facing the Ka’aba.

Niyyat: “I am offering two Rakaat Salaat for Tawaaf of Umra al-Tamattu’ for Hajje-tul-Islam Qurbatan Ilallah”.

4) Saee’

Niyyat: “I walk between Safaa and Marwah, seven times for Umra al-Tamattu’, for Hajje-tul-Islam, Qurbatan Ilallah”.

The Niyyat should be made on the hill of Safaa.

5) Taqseer

Niyyat: “I am performing Taqseer so as to be relieved of Ihram for Umra al-Tamattu’, for Hajje-tul-Islam, Qurbatan Ilallah”.

Taqseer means cutting off some hair or nails and has to be done after completion of your Saee’ at Marwa or can be done at your place of residence.

PS: In Ihram one cannot cut his or another person’s hair unless and until one has got his/her Taqseer done first by a person who is already out of Ihram.

You must have noticed that there is no Tawaaf-un-Nisa at this point, you will perform it after you complete all A’amaal of Hajj al-Tamattu’ and before departing Makkah to return home.

You have now completed your UMRA al-TAMATTU’ and you now remove your Ihram. You will stay in Makkah until the 8th of Dhulhijja when you will go to Arafah.

During your waiting period in Makkah you should spend more time in duas. You can perform as many Tawaaf as you may wish in your ordinary clothes (not in Ihram) for your deceased parents, relatives and friends at the Holy Haram.

Checklist for Items to be Taken to Arafah/Muzdhalifah/Mina by each Hujjaj

• One mussallah (janamaaz) made of straw.

• One bottle of drinking water.

• One (water) spray bottle.

• Cash Saudi Riyals 200 if you have already paid to your group leader for purchasing a Qurbani coupon otherwise, you will require SR500 (children need not carry more than 50 Riyals).

• Sleeping bag or Hajj mat.

• One small powerful torch.

• One folding fan and umbrella for ladies.

• An extra pair of rubber slippers.

• One small pouch to collect pebbles for Shaitaan

• One pair of clothes to be worn after removing the

Ihram on the 10th of Dhulhijja at Munna which is Idd

• One pair of sunglasses, option.

• Snacks like Ghatia, chevda, Khari Puri, cookies, cheese and buns.