Your Personal Guide to Hajj Umrah Ziyarat

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Your Personal Guide to Hajj Umrah Ziyarat

Author: Mahmud & Zehra Habib

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Your Personal Guide to Hajj Umrah Ziyarat
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Your Personal Guide to Hajj Umrah Ziyarat

Your Personal Guide to Hajj Umrah Ziyarat


This booklet is for 1998 and aftherwards a lot of things specially the rates and addresses and so on changed. So, don’t concentrate only on its contents, but rather refer to other guide books, websites, ects and update your information before your spiritual journeys.

Du’a for Entering Masjid-ul-Haraam

It is better to enter from Bab-ul-Salaam and recite the du’a while near the pillar.

May Peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you O Prophet. In the name of Allah and by Allah, and by what Allah wishes, peace be on the Prophets and Messengers of Allah. Peace be upon the Prophet of Allah (SAW) peace be upon Ibrahim the friend of Allah. Praise be to Allah the Lord of the Universe, In the name of Allah and by Allah and from Allah and to Allah, by whatever Allah wishes and in accordance to the religion of the Prophet of Allah, peace be upon him and his family all the best names belong to Allah, praise be to Allah.

Peace be to the Prophet of Allah, peace be upon Muhammad the son of ‘Abd Allah. Peace, mercy and blessings be upon you, O Prophet of Allah. Peace be upon the Prophets and Messengers of Allah. Peace be upon Ibrahim the friend of the Merciful One. Peace be upon the Prophets, praise be to Allah the Lord of the Universe.

Peace be upon us and on the upright slaves of Allah. O Allah send peace on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad and bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad and have mercy on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad just as You sent peace and blessings and had mercy on Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim, You are the most Praiseworthy, most Glorious.

O Allah send peace on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad Your slave and Messenger. O Allah send Your blessings on Ibrahim, Your friend and on Your Prophets and Messengers and grant them peace, and peace be upon the Messengers. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Universe. O Allah open for me the doors of Your mercy, and make me perform, deeds of Your obedience and pleasure.

Protect me through the protection of faith as long as You make me live, all Praise be to You. Praise be to Allah who has made me amongst His guests and His visitors and amongst those who enlivens His mosques and made me amongst those who converses with Him. O Allah, I am Your slave, visiting Your house; whoever comes and visits there has rights (to ask) and You are the best of hosts, and most noble to visit.

I ask You O Allah, O Merciful One, You are Allah there is no Lord but You; You have no partners You are One, Unique, Independent. You did not beget nor were You begotten nor is there anyone like You; and I bear witness that Muhammad is Your slave and Messenger, peace be upon him and family, O Generous One, O Noble One, O Glorious One, O All-Conquering, O Noble One. I ask You that Your first gift to me of my visiting You be that You grant me freedom from the fire.

Then say this three times:

O Allah, free me from the fire.

And then recite this:

O Allah, increase my sustenance from You, granting me halaal and pure sustenance, remove the evils of Satan amongst the men and jinn, and the evils of the Arabs and the non-Arabs.

Enter the mosque and say as follows:

In the name of Allah and by Allah, on the religion of the Prophet of Allah peace be upon him and his family.

Then face the Khana al-Ka’aba and raise both hands and recite the following:

O Allah, I ask You in my present position and in my first (stages of) of rituals to accept my repentance and overlook my faults and remove my burden. Praise be to Allah who made me reach His sacred sanctuary.

O Allah, I bear witness by You that this is Your sacred sanctuary which You have made a place of return, place of safety and blessing for the people, and a source of guidance for the universe.

O Allah, the slave is Yours, the land is yours, the sanctuary is Yours, I have come seeking Your mercy and I agree to obey You, obeying Your commands, pleased with Your decree. I ask You like a poor person coming to You, scared of Your punishment. O Allah, open the doors of Your mercy for me and me perform deeds of Your obedience and pleasure.

Then invoke the Ka’aba and say this:

Praise be to Allah who has made you great and honoured you and made you noble and a gathering place for the people and a place of safety and blessings, and a source of guidance for the universe.

When you see the Hajr-al-Aswad, say the following:

Praise be to Allah who has guided us to this, had it not been for Allah’s guidance, we would not have been guided. Glory be to Allah, praise be to Allah, there is no god but Allah; Allah is the greatest, Allah is greater than His creatures, Allah is greater than what I can be scared and be cautious of. There is no god but Allah, He is unique, there is no partner to Him, to Him belongs the kingdom and praise, He gives life and death, He gives death and life, He is for ever living, He does not die, all goo originates from Him, He is powerful over everything.

O Allah, send peace on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad and bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad just as you sent peace and blessings and mercy on Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahiim. You are the most praiseworthy and most glorious. And peace be upon all Prophets and Messengers, praise be to Allah, the Lord of the universe. O Allah, I believe in Your promise and attest to Your Prophets and I follow Your book.

After this, keeping the thought of Allah’s wrath in mind, slowly proceed forward and on reaching Hajr-al-Aswad raise both hands and praise Allah and send salawat on Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and his Progeny and then recite the following:

O Allah , accept this from me.

If possible, kiss Hajr-al-Aswad; if not, point at it and recite the following:

O Allah, I have fulfilled my trust, and have accomplished my covenant so that You may witness that I have fulfilled my promise; O Allah, in accordance with Your book and the practice of Your Prophet, may Your blessings be sent upon him and his family.

I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, He is unique, there is no partner to Him, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger, I believe in Allah and disbelieve in Jibt (an idol) and the rebels and al-Lat, al-’Uzza (names of idols) and the worship of Satan and the worship of any rival who is believed in except for Allah.

O Allah, to You I have extended my hands and my need for what You have is great, so accept my glorification (of You) and forgive me and have mercy on me. O Allah, I seek Your protection from disbelief and poverty and (any) situation of disgrace in this world and the hereafter.

Recite the following du’a whilst doing the Tawaaf:

O Allah, I ask You by Your name through which one can walk on the waves of the water just as one can walk on the streets of the earth; and I ask You by Your name through which the feet of Your angels tremble; and I ask you by your name through which Musa supplicated on the mountain of Tur, and You answered him and You showered him with love; and I ask you by Your name through which You have cleansed Muhammad peace be upon him and his family from his past and future accusations; and through which You have completed Your favours on him, I ask You to .....ask for your needs (Haajat) from Allah and read the following supplication during the Tawaaf:

O Allah, I am a poor person in front of You, I am scared, asking for protection, do not alter my body (by being disabled) nor change my name (poor reputation).

During the Tawaaf, on reaching the door of the Ka’aba in each round recite this du’a commencing with Salawat:

Your needy person is asking from You, Your poor person and beggar is at Your door, so grant him heaven. O Allah, this is Your house, Your sacred sanctuary, I am Your slave; in this is a position of one who seeks Your protection and refuge from the hell-fire, so free me and my parents and my family and my children and my believing brothers and sisters from the fire, O most Generous and Noble one.

On reaching Hijre Ismail, look up at the (Ka’aba) golden water spout which is at the roof and recite the following du’a:

O Allah, grant me heaven and through Your mercy protect me from the fire and keep me away from sickness, expand (the scope of) my halaal sustenance and remove the evil corruption of the Jinn and men and the evil corruption of the Arabs and the non-Arabs from me.

Recite this du’a when reaching the back of the Ka’aba:

O possessor of favors and power, O most Generous and Noble one, indeed my (good) acts are a few so increase them and accept them from me, for You are the most Hearing, most Knowing.

At Rukn al-Yamani, raising both hands, recite this:

O Allah, O master of health and giver of health and bestower of blessings through health, grant benefits with health to me and to all Your creatures; O Most Merciful and Most kind One of this world and the hereafter; send Your blessings on Muhammad and his family, grant us complete health in its perfect form and the ability to thank You for the health in this world and in the hereafter, O Most Merciful and the Merciful ones.

Then facing the front of the Ka’aba raising both hands say this:

Praise be to Allah who has honoured You and deemed you great, praise be to Allah who sent Muhammad as Prophet and made Ali the Imam. O Allah, guide through him the best of Your creatures and remove from him the evil of Your creatures.

Read the following between Rukn al-Yamani and Hajr-al-Aswad:

O my Lord, grant us virtue in this world and in the hereafter and save us from the punishment of the fire.

In the 7th round at Mustajar (behind the Ka’aba and a little before Rukn al-Yamani), it is recommended to stop a little and spread both hands on the walls of the Ka’aba and, with the face and body touching the wall, recite the following du’a: O Allah, this is Your house, Your slave; in this position I am seeking Your protection from the fire. O Allah, from You is the comfort, relief from suffering and health (comes from You). O Allah, indeed my (good) actions are few so increase them for me and forgive what You know about me which You have hidden from Your creatures, I seek protection by Allah from the fire. O Allah, I have (committed) multitudes of sins and multitudes of slips; You have multitudes of mercy and multitudes forgiveness. O One who answered His most detestablecreatures (Satan) when he said: “Give me respite until the day they are raised”, (O Allah), answer me (ask for your Haajat, confess your sins etc).

On reaching Hajr al-Aswad, recite the following:

O Allah, make me contented with what You grant me and bless what You grant me.

After completion of Namaaz al-Tawaaf, say the following:

O Allah, accept this from me, do not make it my last visit from me. All praise and all adoration be to Allah for all His blessings until the praises reach the (level) He loves and is pleased with. O Allah, send Your blessings on Muhammad and his family; accept my (supplications), and purify my heart and make my actions righteous. O Allah, through my obedience to You and Your Messenger, peace be upon him and his family, have mercy on me. O Allah, prevent me from transgressing Your boundaries and make me amongst those who love You and Your Prophet, peace be upon him and his family and on Your angels and the upright slaves.

Then prostrate (do sajda) and recite:

My face has prostrated to You in obedience and submission. There is no god but You, truly, truly, You are the foremost before everything, the last one after everything and I am here in front of You, my forehead is in front of You; so forgive me for no one but You forgives the immense sins; forgive me for I confess my sins against myself, no one can overlook the great sins apart from You.

At the well of Zam Zam, after pouring water on the face and back and drinking it, recite:

O Allah, make it (the water a source) of beneficial knowledge and vast sustenance and cure from every illness and sickness.

After this, perform the Saee' and at Safa facing the Khana al-Ka’aba say 7 times:

Allahu Akbar - (There is no god but Allah)

and say three times:

There is no god but Allah He is Unique, there is no partner unto Him; to Him belongs the sovereignty and praise, He gives life and death, He gives death and life and He is Ever-living, He does not die, and He is powerful over everything.

Then read Salawat three times and read the following du’a also three times:

Allah is the greatest due to His guidance to us, Praise be to Allah for what He has bestowed upon us, Praise be to Allah, the One who is the Ever-existent, the Ever-lasting; Praise be to Allah the Ever-existent, the Eternal-One.

And then say this three times:

I bear witness that there is no god except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. We do not worship anyone but Him, sincerely in religion even though the polytheists may hate that. O Allah, I ask you for forgiveness, health and certitude in this world and the hereafter. O Allah, give us virtue in this world and in the hereafter and save us from the hell fire.

Then say 100 times - Allahu Akbar La Ilah Illa Allah

(Allah is Great, there is no god but Allah).

Then say 100 times: Alhamdu Lillah (Praise be to Allah)

Then say 100 times: Subhana’allah (Glory be to Allah)

Then recite this:

There is no god but Allah, the Unique One, He has fulfilled His promise and helped His slave, He has overcome the parties, the Unique one, to Him belongs the kingdom and the praise, the Unique one. O Allah, bless me in death and after death. O Allah, I seek Your protection from the darkness and loneliness of the grave. O Allah, shelter me with the protection of Your throne on the day when there will be shelter except Yours.

Then recite this:

I entrust my religion and myself and family and property and my children to Allah, the most Merciful and Kind. He does not abandon what is entrusted to him. O Allah, make me act according to Your book and practice of Your Prophet and make me die on his religion and protect me from strife.

Then say Allahu Akbar 3 times and recite this du’a:

O Allah, forgive all my sins I have ever committed, if I repeat them then please turn to me in forgiveness again for You are most Forgiving, most Merciful. O Allah, deal with me according to ho You are, for if You deal with me according to how You are You will have mercy on me and if You punish me then You are free from my punishment whereas I am in need of Your mercy.

O One whose mercy I am in need of, have mercy on me and not deal with me according to how I am, for if You deal with me according to how I am You will punish me without being unfair to me. I have become fearful of Your justice, I do not fear Your oppression, O One who is just but does not oppress, have mercy on me. O One who does not disappoint the one who asks Him and does not exhaust His gifts send Your blessings on Muhammad and his family, through Your mercy, save me from the fire.

On the fourth step at Safa facing the Ka’aba recite the following duas:

O Allah, I seek our protection from the punishment of the grave and it’s trials and it’s strangeness and loneliness and it’s darkness and it’s narrowness and it’s straits. O Allah, shelter me with the shelter of Your throne on the day when there will be no shelter except Yours.

On the bottom step recite:

O Lord of forgiveness, O One who commanded through forgiveness O One who is foremost in forgiveness, O One who rewards through forgiveness, I seek forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness, O Most Generous and Noble, O blessings on me again and make me do deeds of obedience and pleasure to You.

When reaching the green pillars of Harwala, recite the following:

In the name of Allah and by Allah and Allah is the greatest, send Your blessings on Muhammad and his family. O Allah, forgive me, have mercy and overlook what You know, for You are most Mighty and Noble and guide me to that which is most firm. O Allah, indeed my (good) acts are few, so increase them for me, and accept them from me. O Allah, for you I strive, my power and strength is due to You, so accept my deeds O You who accept the actions of the pious ones.

When going beyond the second green pillar say the following:

O You who bestow favours and grace, has power, nobility, blessings and generosity; forgive my sins, for no one forgives sins except You.

On reaching the hill of Marwa, recite all the duas which have been mentioned for Safa and recite this du’a too:

O Allah, O one who has commanded through forgiveness, O one who loves forgiveness, O one who gives through forgiveness, O one who forgives through forgiveness, O Lord of forgiveness, I ask for forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness.

Whilst crying, recite this throughout the Saee':

O Allah, I ask You to grant me good thoughts of You at all times and pure intention in my depending on You.

For Hajj al-tul Islam On the eve of 8th of Dhulhijja when one leaves for Arafah and when nearing Munna recite the following:

O Allah, I have placed my hopes in You only, I ask from You only, so make me attain my hopes and put my affairs in order.

During the journey, make yourself busy with tasbih and the remembrance of Allah (SWT) and when nearing Arafah recite the following.

O Allah, I have turned to You and I have depended on You and I desire You; I ask You to bless me in my journey and to fulfill my needs and make me amongst those whom You can boast of today in front of those who are better than me.

On the day of Arafah after saying your Dhoharan Salaat on time say whilst facing the Qibla:

Recite Ayatal-Qursi, Salawat, Sura Inna Anzalna, La hawla wala quwwata illa bi’llah and also sura Tawhid. It is recommended to recite each of these 100 times, and together with the duas recommended for the day, recite the following:

Allah is greatest, Praise and Glory be to Allah, and there is no god but Allah. O Allah, I am Your slave so do not make me amongst the disappointed guests. Have mercy on my travelling to You from distant areas. O Allah, the Lord of all holy places, free me from the fire and grant me halaal sustenance and remove the evil corruption of Jinn and human beings from me. O Allah, do not plot against me and do not deceive me and do not test me. O Allah, I ask You by Your power, generosity, nobility and bounties and grace, O best of those who hear, O best of those who see, O quickest in reckoning, O most Merciful of the merciful ones, send Your blessings on Muhammad and his family and do for me [Raise your both hands and ask for needs].

A’amal al-Arafah - By Imam Husayn A.S.

Praise belongs to Allah, whose decree none may avert, and whose gift none may prevent. No fashioner’s fashioning is like His fashioning, and He is the Generous, the All-embracing. He brought forth the varieties of unprecedented creatures and perfected through His wisdom all He had fashioned. Hidden not from Him are harbingers, nor lost with Him are deposits. He repays every fashioner, feathers the nest of all who are content and has mercy upon all who humble themselves.

He sends down benefits and the all-encompassing Book in radiant light. He hears supplications, averts afflictions, raises up in degrees, and knocks down tyrants. For there is no god other than He, nothing is equal to Him. “Like Him there is naught, and He is the Hearing, the seeing, the subtle, the Aware and He is powerful over all things”.

O Allah, I make Thee my quest and bear witness to Thy Lordship and acknowledging that Thou art my Lord and to Thee is my return. Thou created me from dust, then gave me a place in the loins (of my fathers), secure from the uncertainty of Fate and the vagaries of the ages and the years.

I remained a traveler from loin to womb in a time immemorial of past days and bygone centuries. In Thy tenderness, bounty and goodness toward me Thou did not send me out into the empire of the leaders of disbelief, those who broke Thy covenant and cried lies to Thy messengers. Rather Thou sent me out to that guidance which had been foreordained for me, the way, which Thou made easy for me and in which Thou nurtured me. And before that Thou were kind to me through Thy gracious fashioning and abundant blessings.

Thou originated my creation from a sperm-drop spilled and made me to dwell in a threefold gloom among flesh, blood and skin. Thou gave me not to witness my creation, nor did Thou entrust me with anything of my own affair. Then thou sent me out into the world for the guidance that had been foreordained for me, complete and unimpaired. Thou watched over me in the cradle as an infant boy, provided me with food, wholesome milk, and turned the hearts of the nursemaids towards me. Thou entrusted my upbringing to compassionate mothers, guarded me from the calamities brought by the jinn and kept me secure from excess and lack.

High art Thou, O Merciful! O Compassionate! Then when I began to utter speech Thou completed for me Thy abundant blessings. Thou nurtured me more and more each year until, when my nature was perfected and my strength balanced, Thou made Thy argument incumbent upon me by inspiring me with knowledge of Thee, awing me with the marvels of Thy wisdom, awakening me to the wonders of Thy creation which Thou had had multiplied in Thy Heaven and Thy earth, and instructing me in Thy thanks and remembrance. Thou made incumbent upon me Thy obedience and worship, made me to understand what Thy messengers had brought and made easy for me the acceptance of Thy good pleasure. Thou were gracious to me in all of this, through Thy succour and kindness. Then, since Thou created me from the best soil, Thou were not satisfied, my God, that I should have one blessing without another. Thou provided me with varieties of sustenance and kinds of garments and Thy tremendous - most tremendous - graciousness to me and Thy eternal goodness toward me.

And finally, when Thou had completed for me every blessings and turned away from me all misfortunes, Thou were not prevented by my ignorance and audacity from guiding me toward that which would bring me nigh to Thee or from giving me success in that which would bring me close to Thee.

For if I prayed to Thee Thou answered, if I asked of Thee Thou gave, if I obeyed Thee Thou showed Thy gratitude, all of that was to perfect Thy blessings upon me and Thy goodness toward me. So glory be to Thee, Glory be to Thee, who are Producer and Reproducer, Laudable, Glorious Holy are Thy Names and tremendous Thy bounties. So which of Thy blessings, my God, can I enumerate by counting and mentioning? For which of Thy gifts am I able to give thanks? Since they, O lord, are more than reckoners can count or those who entrust to memory can count or those who entrust to memory can attain by knowledge. But the affliction and hardship, O God that Thou turned and averted from me is more than the health and happiness that came to me.

And I witness, my God, by the truth of my faith, the knotted resolutions of my certainty, my pure and unadulterated profession of Unity, the hidden inwardness of my consciousness, the places to which the streams of light of my eyes are attached, the lines on my forehead’s surface, the openings for my breath’s channels, the parts of my nose’s soft point, the paths of my ears’ canals.

What my lips close upon and compress, the movements of my tongue in speaking, the joining at the back of my mouth and jaw, the sockets of my molar teeth, the place where I swallow my food and drink, that which bears my brain, the hollow passages of my neck’s fibers, that which is contained in my breasts’ cavity, the carriers of my aorta, the places where my heart’s curtain is attached, the small pieces of flesh around my liver, that which the ribs of my sides encompass, the sockets of my joints, the contraction of my members, the tips of my fingers, my flesh, my blood, my hair, my skin, my nerves, my windpipe, my bones, my brain, my veins, and all of my members, what was knitted upon them in the days when I was a suckling baby, what the earth has taken away from me, my sleep, my waking, my being still, and the movements of my bowing and prostrating, that had I taken pains and had I striven for the duration of the epochs and ages - were my life to be extended through them - to deliver thanks for one of Thy blessings, I would not have been able to do so, except by Thy grace, which alone makes incumbent upon me never-ending and ever-renewed gratitude to Thee, and fresh and ever present praise.

Indeed, and were I and the reckoners among Thy creatures ever so eager to calculate the extent of Thy bestowal of blessings, whether past or approaching, we would fail to encompass it through numbers or to calculate it’s boundaries. Never! How could it ever be done! For Thou announce in Thy eloquent Book and truthful Tiding, Thy Book, O God, Thy Message, has spoken the truth! And Thy prophets and messengers delivered Thy revelation that Thou had sent down upon them and the religion that Thou had promulgated for them and through them.

And I witness, my God, my effort, my diligence, and the extent of my obedience and my capacity, and I say as a believer possessing certainty, “Praise belongs to God, who has not taken to Him a son” that He might have an heir, “and who has not any associate in His dominion” who might oppose Him in what He creates, “nor any protector out of humbleness” who would aid Him in what He fashions. So glory be to Him, glory be to Him!

“Why, were there gods in earth and heaven other than God, they would surely go to ruin” and be rent. Glory be to God, the Unique, the One, “the Everlasting Refuge” who “ has not begotten, nor has He been begotten, and equal to Him there is none” Praise belongs to God, praise equal to the praise of the angels stationed near to Him and the prophets sent by Him. And God bless His elect, Muhammad, the Seal of the Prophets, and his virtuous, pure and sincere household, and give them peace.

Namaz al-Shab

It can be prayed anytime after midnight (Midnight is the exact half between sunset and sunrise). It is better and more preferable to pray during the last hours of the night and just before dawn so that one can stay awake and pray morning prayers before retiring.

Short Way of Praying Namaz al-Shab

There are a total of 11 rakaats in Namaz al-Shab.

Start with praying 8 rakaats i.e. 4 prayers of 2 rakaats each like the subh prayer to be prayed with the Niyat of

Salaat al-Shab. In both the rakaats recite Sura al-Hamd followed by any other Sura. Then recite 2 rakaats with the Niyyat of Salaat al-Shafa, which is to be prayed like the morning prayer. After that pray 1 rakaat Salaat with the Niyyat of Salaat al-Witr. It is prayed like the second rakaat of Salaat al-Subh. This one rakaat is the most important of the whole Salaat al-shab. Details of how to pray are described.

How To Pray Salaat al-Witr:

Take Tasbeeh in your hand and stand up. Make Niyyat of salaat al-witr, say Takbeer and recite Sura al-Hamd followed by Sura al-Qul-Huwallahu-Ahad three times then

Sura al-Qul-Audhu Bi-Rabbil Falaq and Sura al-Qul-Audhubi-Rabbin-Naas each once.


Then say Takbeer and raise your hands for Qunuut in which any Dua may be recited. It is preferable to recite the following Dua.

“Lailaha Illalahul Haleemul Kareem; Lailaha Illalaahul Aliyyul Adheem; Subhanallahi Rabbi-s-Samawaati-s-Sab’e, Wa Rabbil Aradheena-s-Sab’-e; Wamaa Feehinna Wamaa Baina-Hunna; Wa Rabbil Arshil Adheem; Wal Hamdulillahi Rabbil Aala Meen; Waswallalahu Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aalheit Twaahereen.”

Then hold the Tasbee in your right hand for counting and raise your left hand pray for 40 Momineen and Mominaat whether dead or alive in the following manner:

“Allahum-Maghfirli and the name of the Momineen or Mominaat”.

Then recite 100 times “Astagh-Firul-Laha Rabbi Wa Atuubu Ilayh”

Then recite 7 times: “Hadha Maqaamul Aaedheebeka Minan-Naar”.

After that recite 300 times. “Alafv”.

Finish the prayer in the usual way by going into Rukuu and Sajdah followed by Tashahud and Salaam. After finishing recite Tasbee al-Fatima Zehra A.S. Then make Sajda al-Shukr.

Ziyarat of Shaam

Please refer to page numbers 5 to 14, which are very important except for a few changes for Ziyarat in Syria, which are mentioned below.

Information For Syrian Visa

They are very strict especially Zuwars holding Tanzanian, Kenyan, Ugandan, Indian, Pakistani and Shri Lankan passports.

You must obtain your Visa from the country of your residence before you proceed to Syria. If you are going to go to Iran then please make sure that you have a multiple visa for Syria otherwise you will have a problem on your return from Iran.

If you have joined a group then your group organizer will be responsible for obtain your visa.

Hotels & Restaurants

In addition to five-star hotels mentioned in this booklet, there are also many 2 and 3 star hotels at the city centre, known as the MERGE which are less expensive and affordable.

There are also many restaurants at the MERGE but we will recommend two, ALI BABA and ABU KAMAL the food is also very reasonable.


Taxis are very cheap in Damascus. From the city centre to Raudhah of Bibi Zainab may cost you about Fifty Syrian Pounds.

Traveller’s Cheques

It is very difficult to cash your traveler’s cheques and we advise you to carry US Dollars bills in large denomination.


There is an exchange control in Syria and Zuwars are advised not to cash their currency in stores but to go to the banks. It is difficult to cash Traveler’s cheques and we recommend you carry US Dollars bills with you in large denomination for better rate. If you have joined a group then the group leader can assist you in exchanging your currency. Exchange only what you think you will need. You will not be able to reconvert the Syrian Pounds into US Dollars.

The rate of exchange fluctuates against the American Dollar and the rate in December 1997 was about 35/40 Syrian Pounds to one US Dollar.


During the months of December, January and February are very cold and you will require thermal undergarments, winter coat and winter gloves.

March, April, August, September and October and are pleasant months.

June and July are very hot.

Damascus - Raudhah of Bibi Zainab A.S.

You will visit the Raudhah of Bibi Zainab A.S. in the town of As-Sayyida Zainab. Bibi Zainab A.S. was the daughter of our first Imam Hazrat Ali A.S. and Bibi Fatima Zehra A.S.

She was born in Medina on 1st Shabaan in the year 6 A.H. and she died in the year 62 A.H. When she was born, the Holy Prophet (Saw) gave her the name of ‘Zainab’ by the order of the Almighty Allah (SWT). Bibi Zainab A.S. was a very clever, intelligent and pious lady. She devoted her whole life in spreading and saving Islam. She used to teach Quraan with the meanings to the ladies of Kufa. Imam Zainul Abedeen A.S.’s mother died when he was very young and Bibi Zainab A.S. used to take care of him. In the year 60 A.H. she went with Imam Husayn .A.S. to Karbala’. On every occasion in Karbala’, Imam Husayn A.S. used to take the advice of Bibi Zainab A.S. On the day of Ashura, her two sons, Ibrahim and Aun Muhammad sacrificed their lives for the sake of Islam. On the 11th Muharram, 60 A.H. they were taken captives and marched through the towns of Kufa and Shaam.

For one year they stayed captives in Damascus. Bibi Zainab A.S. faced Yazid after the Tragedy of Karbala’ and told him of the wrongs he had done. She also gave very good lectures whenever she got a chance, she therefore enabled the people to know the principles and practices of Islam and the wrong and merciless killings of the followers of Imam Husayn A.S. in Karbala’ by Yazid and his army. Due to her honesty, bravery and truthfulness, Islam spread through Shaam.

When they were released from prison, she, along with the rest of the members of Ahlul Bayt went to Medina. Even in Medina, she continued preaching. Islam spread rapidly. The governor of Medina became very frightened and wrote to Yazid that Bibi Zainab A.S. was in Medina and was spreading Islam quickly and that she would break his empire. Yazid gave orders that Bibi Zainab A.S. should leave Medina and settle in a village outside Medina. Later on from there she was sent to a town called Misar which is in Egypt.

She continued spreading Islam there as well. Yazid became very scared so he once again ordered that she be taken prisoner and brought to Shaam. When she arrived at a small village on the boundary of Shaam, she remembered where Imam Husayn A.S. head had been kept on a farm under a tree. When she found the tree, she started crying.

A man of Shaam, who was a follower and friend of Yazid, saw her and hit her with a spade on her head. She collapsed and died. Imam Zainul Abedeen A.S. buried her there. That is how this small town came to be known as As-Sayyid Zainab. According to historians, Bibi Zainab’s A.S. husband - Abdullah Ibnne Ja’far at-Tayyar was a very rich man. He bought the surrounding land and made the Raudhah especially in the name of Bib Zainab A.S.

In the town of Misar in Egypt, there is another Ziyarat of Bibi Zainab and the place is known as Masjid al-Zainabia. This Bibi Zainab is the daughter of Yahya, Yahya binte Zayed, Zayed Binte Zainul Abedeen. She is the great granddaughter of our 4th Imam Zainul Abedeen A.S. The Bohoras go to Cairo to the Ziyarat of this Bibi Zainab.

Hajar Bin Udai And His Sons

He was the companion of our Prophet of Islam (SAW) and Hazrat Imam Ali A.S. He was the Commander-in-Chief of Imam Ali’s army in the battle of Siffeen. He, together with his sons and other people, was sent by Imam Ali A.S. to see Moaviya on a special project. At the border he was recognized and was arrested along with his people including his two sons. Moaviya asked them to renounce their allegiance to Imam Ali A.S., but they refused and stood steadfast in their faith for Imam Ali A.S., They were killed. He witnessed his two sons being killed. They are buried here. This place is known as MAKAME ADRA, which is about 40 km from the city.

It is narrated that Bibi Zainab A.S. has said that ‘anybody who comes for my Ziyarat and does not perform the Ziyarat of Hajar Bin Udai then his/her Ziyarat is incomplete.

Raudhah of Hazrat Janab al-Ruqayya A.S.

She was the young daughter of Imam Husayn A.S. She was also present in Karbala’. (From Karbala’ along with the rest of the family of Imam Husayn A.S.) she was taken prisoner and taken to Shaam. It is here that she passed away.

Raudhah of Bibi Kulthum A.S.

She was the sister of Imam Husayn A.S. She was born in 7 A.H. and died in 62 A.H. She was the youngest daughter of Bibi Fatima A.S. She was also taken prisoner and brought to Shaam along with the others. When Bibi Zainab A.S. was martyred, Bibi Kulthum A.S. was with her in Shaam. She used to live in Shaam and it is here that she passed away and is buried. Her husband’s name was Mohamed Ibne Ja’far at-Tayyar who was the brother of the husband of Bibi Zainab A.S., but he passed away before the incident of Karbala’.

Raudhah of Bibi Umm al-Salma Wife of Our Prophet of Islam (Saw)

She was the wife of the Holy Prophet (SAW). She used to love the children of Bibi Fatima A.S. The Holy Prophet (SAW) had already told her about the death of Imam Husayn .A.S and the incident of Karbala’. When Imam Husayn A.S. was killed in Karbala’, Umm al-Salma saw the Holy Prophet in her dream and she told him that his grandson, Imam Husayn A.S. had been martyred. The first majlis of Imam Husayn A.S. (and his sacrifice) was conducted by Umm al-Salma in Medina. She used to cry a lot when recalling the incident of Karbala’ and one year later she passed away. In Makkah, when Bibi Khadija A.S. passed away, the Holy Prophet (SAW) kept her with Bibi Fatima A.S. Umm al- Salma used to say that Bibi Fatima A.S. had a lot of knowledge and did not need to learn anything but instead Umm al-Salma learned a lot from her.

Raudhah of Bibi Fizza A.S.

She was the daughter of a king in Ethiopia. She left her father and went to work as a maid of Janab al-Fatima Zehra A.S. She was only 11 years of age when she came to serve Bibi Fatima A.S. It is believed that she knew how to make gold and she also knew the Holy Quran by heart. Once she invited the Ahlul Bayt for dinner and with her dua, the food was sent to her from Heaven by the order of Allah (SWT).

After the death of Bibi Fatima A.S. she continued to stay with the Ahlul Bayt, even though she had sons who were very rich. Imam Husayn A.S. even took her to Karbala’. On every occasion in Karbala’, she was with Bibi Zainab A.S. Imam Husayn A.S. respected her very much. She died in Shaam and is buried there.

It is said that when Yazid was misbehaving in the Darbar of Shaam against the Ahlul Bayt A.S. When she stood in front of Bibi Zainab A.S. Yazid gave ordered that Bibi Fizza should whipped. Bibi Fizza came forward and gave a daring speech addressing the African slaves who were the bodyguards. She told them it was a shame on them that in their presence Yazid was ordering her to be whipped. The slaves were very much affected by her speech and they immediately turned towards Yazid and told him that if Bibi Fizza was whipped they would attack with their swords already drawn. Yazid ordered the slaves to stop.

Raudhah of Janab al-Abdullah Ibne Ja’far at-Tayyar A.R.

He was the son of Janabe Ja’far at-Tayyar and the grandson of Janabe Abu Talib and Bibi Fatima Binte Asad. He was the husband of Bibi Zainab A.S. he was a very rich and a successful businessman. He used to help the poor and needy from far and wide. Everyday, he used to have guests at his place. After the death of Bibi Zainab A.S. he continued living in Shaam and it is here that he passed away.

Raudhah of Obais Ibne Kaab A.R.

He was the husband of Bibi Halima and was a resident of Makkah. When the Holy Prophet (SAW) was five years old, he stayed in Makkah with Obais. Later he came with the Holy Prophet (SAW) to Medina and embraced Islam. At that time, He used to live in Shaam and passed away here. This Raudhah has since been closed.

Raudhah of Hazrat Bilal A.R. - Moazzin

He was a resident of Ethiopia. He was a slave when he first came to Makkah. The Holy Prophet (SAW) bought him and then freed him from slavery. The Prophet of Islam used to love him very much and used to treat him like a brother.

In Medina in the year 1 A.H., they built the Masjid and called it Masjid al-Nabawee and Hazrat Bilal used to give Adhaan there. In the year 8 A.H. he was ordered by the Prophet of Islam to climb on the top of Khan al-Ka’aba and give Adhaan. Hazrat Bilal used to love the Prophet (SAW) very much so after the death of the Prophet of Islam he migrated to Shaam. One night Hazrat Bilal saw the Prophet of Allah (SAW) in his dream. The Prophet asked Bilal “why did you leave our home”? So Hazrat Bilal returned to Medina.

He went to pay his respect to Bibi Fatima A.S. who asked him to please recite Adhaan. Bilal agreed at once and as soon as he started the Adhaan, Bibi Fatima A.S. fainted. She remembered her father, the Prophet of Islam. Bibi Fizza went immediately to Hazrat Bilal and asked him to stop the Adhaan because Bibi Fatima A.S. had fainted.

He returned to Shaam because the people of Medina used to bother Hazrat Ali A.S. and Bibi Fatima A.S. and Hazrat Bilal felt very badly. Bilal passed away in Shaam.

Raudhah of Hazrat Abdulla Ibne Imam Zainul Abedeen A.S.

He was the son of our 4th Imam. He migrated from Medina and came to live in Shaam. He was the grandson of Imam Hassan A.S., his mother was the daughter of Imam Hassan A.S. He was a very brave, clever and religious man and used to a lot of ‘ibadat’. He was the younger brother of our 5th Imam - Imam Mohamed Baqir A.S. He passed away in Shaam and is buried there.

Raudhah of Bibi Fatima Sughra Binte Imam Husayn A.S.

She was the daughter of Imam Husayn A.S. Due to the fact that she was very ill, she was unable to go to Karbala’ with her father. It was when Bibi Zainab A.S. was taken prisoner the second time and taken to Shaam that Bibi Fatima Sughra went with her, it was here in Shaam that she passed away. This Raudhah has since been closed.

Ganje Sar al-Shohada al-Karbala’

This is situated in the compound of the Ummayad mosque. This is the place where the heads of the Martyrs of Karbala’ were kept. In the year 60 A.H. Yazid released the members of the Ahlul Bait from the prison, according to one historian, Imam Zainul Abedeen A.S. buried all the head of the martyrs of Karbala’ Here. According to another historian it is said that he went to Karbala’ and buried them there. Altogether there are 16 heads here including Hazrat Hur’s.

Musalla of Imam Zainul Abedeen A.S.

This is situated just outside Sar al-Shohada and it is narrated that the Imam prayed here before he took the heads to Karbala’.

This place is locked but if you are lucky the guard may open it for you and you can say your two rakaats Salaat.

Place where they imprisoned the 4th imam

According to one historian, Imam Zainul Abedeen A.S. was imprisoned separately by Yazid.

Raudhah of Bibi Sakina Binte Imam Husayn A.S.

She was the daughter of Imam Husayn A.S. and the sister of Ali Asghar A.S. Her mother’s name was Umme Rubab. Bibi Sakina had gone to Karbala’ with Imam Husayn A.S. She faced severe hardship after the tragedy of Karbala’. She was also taken prisoner with the rest of Imam Husayn’s family and taken to Kufa and then to Shaam. Yazid Maloon tied her neck and she was also slapped.

She died when she was sill in prison and was first buried in the prison near Bani Ummayad but after many years, one A’alem, saw Bibi Sakina A.S. in his dream. She asked him to remove her body from the grave and bury her elsewhere because water was seeping in her grave. So, with the advise of other A’alems, the man had the grave opened. They saw that indeed the water was filling the grave. When they brought the body out the grave they found it to be intact. The A’alem held the body in his hands till another grave was dug at another location and buried her there and the Raudhah is now known as Bibi Ruqaya A.S.

Place Where Bibi Zainab A.S. Gave Khutba

This is in the courtyard of the Ummayyad mosque or Jami Amawi where Yazid used to hold his court and give his orders.

Well of Prophet Hood A.S.

Prophet Hood A.S. was the next Prophet after Hazrat Nuh A.S. He was a very handsome man. He was 6 feet tall. He preached for many years but the people of that time were very wild. They refused to listen to him and to believe in Allah. At last Allah (SWT) punished them.

All the mountains turned in sand. The people turned into stones and were buried beneath the sand. After thousands of years by the order of Mansur Dawaniki, during the time of our 7th Imam, a well was dug in this place. But instead of water, they found stones in the shape of human beings. Mansur Dawaniki and the other people were very surprised. They went to our 7th Imam, Imam Musa al-Kadhim A.S. and asked him about this Our Imam revealed that these are the people of Hood and because they disobeyed Allah (SWT), He punished them by turning them into stones.

Mimber of Imam Zainul Abedeen A.S.

This mimber is in the Masjid al-Bani Ummaya where Yazid used to hold his orders. This is what we call DARBAR al-SHAAM. It was here that the members of Ahlul Bayt were held captive and Yazid used to mistreat them and ask them all types of questions.

One day, Imam Zainul Abedeen A.S. got a chance to give a sermon. He climbed on the Mimber and narrated the true story of how Imam Husayn A.S. and his followers were martyred and how Yazid used to mistreat them. Our 4th Imam preached the sermon in such a way that all the people present in Yazid’s court started to cry. When Yazid saw that it was getting out of hand, he gave an order for Adhaan and stopped the Imam from preaching. This is why this Mimber is known as Mimber al-Imam Zainul Abdedeen A.S.

Musalla of Prophet Khizer A.S.

Allah (SWT) has given him a stick with a lot of Barkat (blessings). If he puts the stick in the water, it will become a ship and if he puts it in the earth, it will turn into a fruit-bearing tree. Prophet Khizer A.S. came into the world 300 years before Prophet Issa A.S. and he is still alive today. He has visited al the Imams and greeted them with salaams. He also goes and greets our 12th Imam, Hazrat Mahdi Sahebuz Dhaman A.S. now and then. It is narrated the he will re-appear with our 12th Imam A.S.

Allah (SWT) has given Prophet Khizer a gift he touches a dry stick or plant with his hands, it at once turns green.

Raas ul-Husayn A.S.

This is the place where the head of Imam Husayn A.S. was kept.

Raudhah of Prophet Yahya Bin Zakaria A.S.

Prophet Yahya A.S. was martyred due to the lies of one sinful woman and his head was kept in the same place where the head of Imam Husayn A.S. was kept.

A Fourteen Hundred Year Old Door in Bazar Of Shaam Knonw A. S. “Bab al-Faraj”

It is from this door that the members of Ahlul Bayt entered when they were taken to Shaam. They had to wait for 36 hours so that the court could be decorated before they entered.