Narratives Of The Veracious Volume 2

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Narratives Of The Veracious Author:
Translator: Al-Ridha’ Hamidi
Publisher: Islamic Propagation Organization
Category: Various Books

Narratives Of The Veracious

Author: Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari
Translator: Al-Ridha’ Hamidi
Publisher: Islamic Propagation Organization

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Narratives Of The Veracious

Narratives Of The Veracious Volume 2

Publisher: Islamic Propagation Organization

Story 95: “Tawhid” Monotheism Of Mufadhdhal

After having performed his“Asr” afternoon prayer in the Prophet's Mosque, Mufadhdhal Ibn 'Umar Ja'fi went and sat in between the Holy Prophet's (S)“Minbar” pulpit and his holiness' shrine; a series of thoughts submerged him gradually; his thoughts revolved round the greatness and the magnificent, celestial personality of the Messenger of Allah.

His admiration increased more and more when he meditated about his holiness. He said to himself:“Despite the homage and glorification shown towards the high position of this unexampled personality, yet his esteem status is further lofty; what the people perceived of his dignity, greatness, and virtues is very little when compared to what they failed to perceive.”

Mufadhdhal was lost in these thoughts when Ibn Abi al-Awja, the famous materialistic, arrived and sat in a corner. It did not last long that one of Ibn Abi al-'Awja's friends, a co-thinker, arrived, sat beside him, and began to discuss with him.

It was the beginning of the Abbasside dynasty, in those days, which corresponded to a period of Islamic cultural transformations. The Muslims had founded certain General Knowledge Centers and had translated or were translating books in philosophical and scientific fields from Greek, Persian and Indian language. The schools of thought, philosophy and theologian branches had come into existence; the era was of confrontation with opinions and convictions.

The Abbassides respected the freedom of thoughts to such an extent that it did not run into collusion with politics. The non-Muslim scholars and even the atheists and materialists known as“zandiqah” dualism, freely expressed their opinions, used to get together at times near the Ka'bah,“Al-Masjidul-Haram” , in Makkah or in the Holy Prophet's Mosque beside the Prophet's Shrine,“Masjidun-Nabi” , in Madinah and kept on exchanging their views. Ibn Abi al-'Awja was in one of this group.

That day, Ibn Abi al-'Awja and his comrade entered the Holy Prophet's Mosque at an interval of a short period and began to converse with each other, but they were not so far from Mufadhdhal that he could not hear them. The first words, incidentally, reached Mufadhdhal's ears concerned the question upon which he meditated was regarding the Holy Prophet (S).

He said to his comrade:“It is to the surprise that this man's (the Holy Prophet's [s]) success reached its zenith. He (S) reached such a high rank that nobody could attain higher than this!”

His comrade replied:“A genius, he (S) pretended to be in touch with the source of universal cause, manifesting the strange and extraordinary things which confounded the spirits. Sages, men of letters, orators, and eloquents, found themselves incompetent before him (S) and embraced his call. Later on, the strata of society, group by group, came to him and believed in him (S). His (S) position reached such an extent that his name associated with the name of Moses ('a) who was said to be missioned by Him.

Henceforth, his name is mentioned in the daily five times prayer call “Adhan” in all cities and villages even beyond the seas, deserts and mountains. One can hear everywhere the call of“Ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasulullah,” i.e.“I testify that Muhammad is the apostle of Allah.” The name of this man is mentioned both in the“Adhan” and“Iqamah” “before commencing of the prayers” . Thus he (S) will never be forgotten.”

Ibn Abi al-'Awja said:“Let us not discuss about Muhammad, I have not yet succeeded in resolving the enigma of this man's personality. However, it is better to follow the discussion around the first cause and the origin of existence of being, on which Muhammad had founded the basis of his religion.”

Then Ibn Abi al-'Awja began to discuss around his materialistic conviction based upon the non-existence of any Divine measure and decree, the self-subsistence of nature and its pre-eternity and post-eternity which existed and will come to exist.

When his speech reached this point. Mufadhdhal could not stop bursting out of anger and shouted with great indignation:“O enemy of Allah! Do you deny your Creator and Guardian, Who has created you in the best figure!? It is useless to go far! Meditate on yourself, life, existence, intellectual faculties, and on your aspect so that you can perceive the signs and the manifestations of the state of creatures...”

Ibn Abi al-'Awja who was not acquainted with Mufadhdhal asked:“Who are you? And to which school of thought do you belong? If you are of those “Mutakallimun” dialecticians, let's discuss about the theological principles; if you have really the reasonable arguments to present, we will follow you, and if you are not of the people of scholastic theology, I have nothing to tell you. But if you are of Ja'far Ibn Muhammad's ('a) Companions, he ('a) never speaks to us in such a manner. Although he ('a) hears us saying things deeper than the one you have heard; he ('a) was never seen to lose his temper or ill-treat us. He ('a) never becomes angry nor abuses us. He ('a) listens to us most patiently and with utmost dignity, waiting till we express whatever we have in our heart until our last word. While we are stating our problems and arguments, he ('a) is so quiet and calm, listening to us with utmost attention, that we imagine he ('a) has submitted to our thought. When he ('a) begins to answer us, he ('a) does it kindly and puts us in such a difficult dilemma, with his short and full-reasoning words, that we cannot find any way of escape. If you are one of his Companions, speak as he ('a) does!”

Hot-headed and very annoyed, Mufadhdhal left the Mosque. He thought:“What an affliction the world of Islam is involved in! The situation has reached such an extent that materialistic and atheists sit in the Prophet's Mosque and deny heedlessly everything! He went directly to Imam al-Sadiq's ('a) house.

The Imam ('a) asked: “Mufadhdhal! “Why are you so angry? What has happened?”

Mufadhdhal said:“O descendant of the Messenger of Allah! At the moment I was in the Prophet's Mosque when two atheists came and sat near me; I overheard their discussion regarding the denial of Allah and the Holy Prophet (S) which made me inflamed. They said such and such words, to which I answered them in this manner.”

The Imam ('a) said:“Don't worry. From tomorrow come and see me. I will give you a series of course on 'Tawhid' monotheism. I will converse with you so much about the Divine Wisdom relative to creation and existence in different domains, regarding the living creatures and inert beings, the birds and herbivores, edibles and non-edibles, vegetables and so on that it suffices you and all the students who are after the realities and make the materialists and atheists immersed in amazement. So I will be waiting for you tomorrow.”

Mufadhdhal became very happy and joyful and took leave from Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq ('a).

He said to himself:“That is strange! My annoyance of today led to a blessful consequence.”

That night, he could not sleep. He was expecting every moment to see the sun rise so that he can rush up to Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq ('a). It seemed that, that night was longer than any of the other nights.

Early morning, he went to Imam's ('a) house. After taking the permission, he entered the house. He sat down by the Imam's ('a) permission. Then the Imam ('a) moved towards a room where he ('a) received the private persons.

Being familiar with the character of Mufadhdhal, the Imam ('a) said:“I suppose you did not sleep last night, and you were impatient to see the dawn and to come here!”“Yes! It is so as you say.”

The Imam ('a) said:“O Mufadhdhal! Allah has priority over all the beings. He is the First and the Last of the creatures...”

Mufadhdhal said:“O descendant of the Messenger of Allah! Do you allow me to write down whatever you say, pen and paper is ready.”

The Imam ('a) said:“There is no objection, do write!”

For four days in succession and in four long sessions, which lasted at least from early morning to noon, the Imam ('a) inculcated the Monotheism lessons, while Mufadhdhal was writing down all of them.

These hand writings became a complete and extensive treatise. The book is given the title of“Tawhid of Mufadhdhal” , which we have at our disposal and is counted among the most complete text relative to the Wisdom of the Creation, which is the product of this incident and these four long sessions.1


1. Bihar ul-Anwar, v. 3, p. 57-151.

Story 96: The Camel Abatement

The Muslims had an interest in horse-race, camel-race, shooting and the like. Because in Islam it is a tradition for all soldiers to learn the necessary actions benefiting their skill.

In addition to that, the Holy Prophet (S), who was the leader of the Islamic society took part practically in such races, and this measurement of his, constituted the best encouragement for the Muslims, particularly the youth, to become familiar with the military techniques.

As long as this Islamic tradition was customary, and the leaders of Islam encouraged practically the Muslims in this domain, the spirit of bravery and moral heroism would be preserved in the Islamic society. The Holy Prophet (S) used to ride the horse and sometimes the camel, participating personally in the race. He (S) had a camel famed for its aptitude, outdistancing all the camels in the race.

Gradually, this thought came to the mind of some simple-minded that since the camel belongs to the Holy Prophet (S), that is why it overtakes all the others, and consequently, it is impossible to find a camel in the whole world to be equal to it. Till a day a nomadic bedouin arrived in Madinah with his camel, pretending that he was ready to compete with the Holy Prophet’s (S) camel in the race.

The Holy Prophet’s (S) companions with peace of mind rushed out of the city for watching this interesting race, especially as the Holy Prophet (S) had personally undertaken to ride his camel. The Holy Prophet (S) and the Bedouin set in motion their camels towards the spectators from a place determined earlier.

A strange excitement seized on the spectator, contrary to the general expectation, the bedouin's camel overtopped the Prophet's camel. The Muslims who held the especial conviction about the Holy Prophet's camel became very annoyed. This incident was contrary to their expectations, they knitted their brows.

The Holy Prophet (S) said to them:“There is nothing to worry about; my camel outpaced all other camels, it boasted and became haughty, saying to itself that there was no camel better then it. But the Divine way of treatment commands that there will always be one stronger than another, and after every ascent there will succeed a descent, pride will go to a fall and all kinds of haughtiness will be broken off.”

In this manner, the Holy Prophet (S) expressing a wise saying informed them of their errors.1


1. Al-Wasa'il, v. 2, p. 472.

Story 97: A Thirsty Christian

Travelling through the distance between Makkah and Madinah, Imam al-Sadiq ('a) accompanied with his well-known servant, Musadif, saw a man who had thrown himself on a trunk of tree, his situation was not extraordinary.

The Imam ('a) said to Musadif:“Let's go towards this man. He may be feeble of thirst.”

Musadif said:“Yes” .

By the order of Imam ('a), Musadif dismounted his horse and offered him water. It was obvious of the stranger’s appearance, aspect, and dress that he was not a Muslim but a Christian.

When they both went out of there, Musadif asked the Imam ('a) a question that is:“Is it permissible to give alms to the Christian?”

The Imam ('a) replied:“In case of need, such as the present situation, yes.” 1


1. Wasa'il, v. 2, p. 50.

Story 98: 'Ali’s ('A) Guests

A man with his son entered Imam 'Ali's ('a) house as his guests. The Imam ('a) made them sit respectfully in the place of honour, and he ('a) took his seat opposite them. It was time for meals, and the food was served.

After they finished eating, Qanbar, the well-known Imam 'Ali's ('a) servant, brought a towel, basin and a ewer for washing the guests' hands. The Imam ('a) took the ewer from Qanbar and went near to wash the guests' hands. The guest drew back his hands and said:“It is not possible that I stretch my hands so that you wash them.”

'Ali ('a) said:“Here is your brother in faith and your resemblance in creation, without any distinction he is eager to serve you and in turn Allah will recompensate. Why do you want to prevent a good action?”

Once again, the man refused it, but 'Ali ('a) put him under an oath to accept and said:“'I would like to attain the honour of serving my faithful brother in Islam; do not oppose me!”

The guest complied with it shamefully.

“Ali (‘a) said: “'I request you to let me wash your hands thoroughly as Qanbar wanted to wash your hands. So, do not feel ashamed, and put all formalities aside.”

When 'Ali ('a) finished washing his guest's hands, he ('a) said to his own honourable son, Muhammad Ibn Hanafia:“Wash his son's hands. As I am your father, I washed the father's hands, and you wash the son's hands. If his father had not been here, and only his son was our guest, I would have washed his hands myself. But Allah loves to see that when a father and a son are present in one place, father enjoys a privilege and a priority.”

Muhammad, by the order of his father, stood up and washed the hands of the guest's son.

While narrating this event, Imam 'Askari ('a) said:“A real and faithful Shi'i must behave so.” 1


1. Bihar ul-Anwar, v. 9, p. 598.

Story 99: The Lepers

In Madinah a few persons were affected by leprosy. The inhabitants of Madinah kept aloof from those afflicted who were not only suffering physically from their own disease but also from the aversion of the others spiritually.

Since they came to understand that the others feel repugnant to them, they were sitting together and discussing the matter.

One day, while they were eating the food together, 'Ali Ibn al-Husayn Zain ul-’Abidin ('a) was passing nearby them; they invited the Imam ('a) to have the meal with them at their dining-table.

Apologizing to them, the Imam ('a) said:“I am fasting today, otherwise I would have alighted my mount and shared the food with you. But I request you to be my guests on so and so date.” Saying these words, he ('a) took his way.

The Imam ('a) went home and issued an order to cook an excellent and delicious food. As he ('a) was expecting, the guests arrived on the time fixed. A respectable dining-table was stretched for them, and the Imam ('a) had his own food with them around the same dining-table.1


1. Wasa'il, v. 2, p. 457.

Story 100: Ibn Siyabah

Abdul Rahman Ibn Siyabah Kufi (originally from Kufah) was still a youngster when his father passed away. He was under pressure. On one side he had lost his father and on the other side unemployment and indigence had made his sensible spirit suffer.

One day while he was sitting at home, somebody knocked at the door. He was one of his father's friends, coming to offer his sympathy and condolence to him.

He asked:“Did your father leave any capital for you?”


“Take these one thousand dirhams, but endeavour to make use of it as a capital, and spend the profits of it.” Saying these words, he left him from the entrance door.

Abdul Rahman, content and happy, went to his mother, showed her the pouch of money and related the incident.

According to the recommendation of his father's friend, he thought of starting trade, and without postponement to the next day, he exchanged the money with goods. He found a shop for himself to start his trade. It did not take long that his trade and business flourished.

Checking his accounts, he found that he had managed his daily affairs and a large amount of money had been added to his capital money. He thought of performing the ritual Hajj, he consulted with his mother.

The mother said:“First of all, go to your father's friend, thank him for his help, return back his one thousand dirhams which were a blessing in our life, and then go to Makkah.”

Abdul Rahman went to that man, putting a pouch containing one thousand dirhams before him and said:“Here is your money.”

The man thought that Abdul Rahman considered the amount of money to be a little and that is why he was returning it to him, thus he said:“If this amount of money is not sufficient, may I add something more for you?”

Abdul Rahman said:“No. It is not little, but it was an extremely blessed money. Since I have made a capital of my own by this money, I am no more in need of this amount. I came to return this money back and also express my gratitude and thanks to you, particularly, at present as I am about to make the Pilgrimage to Makkah that is the reason, I would like to return back your money.”

Abdul Rahman said these words to his father's friend, left the house and set out for Hajj.

After performing the rites of Hajj, he came back to Madinah and went to the presence of Imam al-Sadiq ('a). A multitude of people had gathered together at the Imam's ('a) house. A youngster, Abdul Rahman, sat behind all the people, watching going back and forth of people as well as their questions and the Imam's ('a) answers.

When a number of people went away, and a few of them were left in the Imam's ('a) presence, Imam al-Sadiq ('a) made a sign to him to come nearer and asked him:“Do you have any request?”

He said:“I am Abdul Rahman, son of Siyabah Kufi Bijli.”

“How is your father?”

“My father passed away.”

“Oh! Oh! May Allah bless his soul”

“Did you inherit something from your father?”

“No. Nothing has been left from him.”

“Then, how did you manage to make a pilgrimage to Makkah?”

“The incident is as follows: After the demise of my father, we were in distress. On one side, his sudden death, and on the other side, we were weighed down with indigence and disturbance till the day when one of my father's friends brought me one thousand dirhams. While offering his condolence, he told me to invest that money; I did what he said, and owing to the profit gained, I made the pilgrimage to Makkah ....”

When Abdul Rahman reached this point, Imam al-Sadiq ('a) interrupted him and said:“Tell me what did, you do with the one thousand dirhams of your father's friend?”

“According to my mother's advice, before departure, I paid his money back.”

“Well-done! For the time being, would you like me to give an advice to you?”

“May I be ransomed for you, of course!”

“Be always honest and loyal, because the honest and loyal person is the partner of the property of the others.” 1


1. Safinat ul-Bihar, v. 2, Chapter, Abd.

Story 101: Judge’s Guest

A man, as an ordinary guest, came to Imam 'Ali's ('a) house. He was his holiness' guest for several days, but not ordinary invited, having something in his heart that he had not divulged it at first.

As a matter of fact, this man had a dispute with someone else, waiting for the person to come in the presence of Imam 'Ali ('a) so that he can take an action against him. One day he unveiled the case and raised the petition.

'Ali ('a) asked:“Then, for the time being, you are a petitioner. Aren't you?”

The man said in reply:“Yes, O leader of the believers.”

The Imam ('a) said:“I beg your pardon! From today onwards, I cannot welcome you at my home as a guest. Because the Holy Prophet (S) says: “When a complaint is lodged before a judge, the judge has no right to invite one of the two belligerents, unless both adversaries were present at invitation.” 1


1. Wasa'il. v. 3. p. 395.

Story 102: Grocer’s Words

When 'Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza ('a) was summoned to Khorassan by Ma'mun, and was made to accept by force and pressure, the position of the Crown Prince under constraint and with particular condition, Imam Reza's ('a) brother, Zaid ul-Nar, was also in Khorassan.

Zaid had the desire to be a Caliph and provoked a revolt in Madinah, which made Ma'mun angry and furious against him. But Ma'mun's political policy in those days required to preserve the dignity and honour of Imam Reza ('a), so he renounced to imprison or kill his brother.

Once while Imam Reza ('a) was delivering a lecture in a public assembly where a great deal of people were attending, Zaid had drawn the attention of certain number of people of the assembly towards himself by expressing beautifully and eloquently about the virtues of the descendants of the Holy Prophet (S) regarding their exceptional conditions and repeated continually:“We are from such a family..., we belong to so and so family....”

The Imam ('a) heard what Zaid had said. Suddenly, he made an acute look and angrily shouted“O Zaid!” which held the attention of his brother and the members of the assembly;“O Zaid! The grocer's sayings of Kufah deluded you into believing that you do not stop talking about them to the people. How can you utter such words? What you heard about the progeny of Fatimah ('a), that Allah has preserved them from the Fire of Hell, concerns the direct children of Fatimah ('a), that is, Hasan ('a), Husayn ('a) and their two sisters. If such is the case what you say that the descendants of Fatimah ('a) have an exceptional situation and are prosperous and will be saved, so then you are more respectful and dearer than your father, Musa Ibn Ja'far ('a) near Allah; because he ('a) obeyed Allah's commandments in this world, used to fast in the days and pray in the nights, while you are disobeying His Commands. Therefore, according to your sayings, you and your father ('a) are both alike and both of you are prosperous and will be saved. Then you have taken more advantage than him ('a) that is because Musa Ibn Ja'far (‘a) became fortunate by his action and you also treasure without toil and any action. 'Ali Ibn al-Husayn Zain ul-'Abidin ('a) said: “The benefactor among us, the Prophet's household, will be rewarded twice, and the male factor among us will be recompensed double chastisement just as the Holy Qur'an has stipulated about the Holy Prophet’s (S) wives. Because the one among our family who engages in good action in fact is engaged in two actions: He does one good action like the others on one hand and preserves the prestige and honour of the Holy Prophet (S) on the other hand. With regard to the one who commits a sin, he also commits two sins: on one side he commits a bad action like the others, and on the other side he disgraces the honour and prestige of the Holy Prophet (S).''

Immediately he (‘a) turned towards Hasan Ibn Musa Washa al-Baghdadi originated from Iraq, who was present in the assembly, and said: “How do the Iraqi people read this Qur'anic verse? Innahu Laysa min ahlik innahu 'amalun ghayr us-salihin”

إِنَّهُ ۥ لَيْسَ مِنْ أَهْلِكَ إِنَّهُ ۥ عَمَلٌ غَيْرُ صَـٰلِحٍ

Surely he is not of your family; surely he is (the doer of) other than good deeds (Surah Hud, 11:46).

He replied:“O descendant of the Holy Prophet! As usual some people recite it: “Innahu 'amalun ghayr us-salihin” 1 Some others, not believing that Allah may subject the Holy Prophet's (S) son to His wrath and rage, recite the verse:“Innahu 'amalu ghayri as-salihin” 2 They pretend that he, the son of Nuh, was not the real descendant of Nuh, and that Allah said to Nuh:“Nuh! He is not of your descendance; if he were, I would save him for your sake.”“

The Imam ('a) said: “It is not so at all; he was the real son of Nuh and of Nuh's descendance. But, since he disobeyed Allah's Commands, his spiritual tie was broken off. Nuh was said: “This child of yours is not virtuous; therefore, he cannot be situated in the rank of the pious men.” Now, it concerns to our family. The essence of affairs is the spiritual tie, excellence of action and the obedience of Allah's commandments. Whoever obeys Allah is ours, from the Holy Prophet's (S) family, even if he has no blood or physical tie with us, and whoever is a sinner is not of ours, even if he is the real offspring of Fatimah Zahra ('a). You who have no blood relationship with us, are of ours if you are benefactor and submitted to Allah's commands.”3


1. Means: “This son of yours, is an unbeliever.”

2. Means: “He is a son of a bad man, but not your son.”

3. Bihar ul-Anwar, vol 10, p. 65.

Story 103: Old Man And Children

An old man was busy doing his Wudu’ statutory ablution, but he was not performing it in a correct manner. The children, Imam al-Hasan ('a) and Imam al-Husayn ('a) were watching the old man doing his Wudu’ statutory ablution. There was no reason to hesitate, for it is incumbent to teach the religious questions and guide the ignorant.

It was necessary to make the old man familiar with the correct Wudu' statutory ablution. Nevertheless, if he was directly said to correct his Wudu', perhaps it would make him annoyed and he might have a bitter memory of Wudu' forever. In addition to that, who knows, perhaps he feels humiliated by this notification, becomes obstinate and never yields to the act of worship.

The two children, having meditated upon the way to call indirectly the old man's attention to correct his mistake, began to debate in such a manner that the old man could hear them.

One said:“My Wudu' is more perfect than yours.”

The other one replied:“My Wudu' is better than yours.”

The boys came to an agreement to perform their 'Wudu' in the presence of the old man so that he would arbitrate between them.

As agreed, they performed their Wudu' perfectly and correctly under his supervision. The old man realized how the correct Wudu' must be performed. He came to know intuitively the intention of the two boys and was firmly affected by their genuine kindness, intelligence and sagacity.

He said: The Wudu' statutory ablution done by you both is correct and complete. I am the ignorant old, who do not know to perform correct Wudu'. I am grateful that you made me admonished for the solicitude that you show to the community of your grandfather.”1


1. Bihar ul-Anwar, v. 10. p. 89.

Story 104: S’ad’s Message

The tumultuous and painful experience of Uhud came to an end. Although the Muslims, by a heavy attack and generous combat, had made the group of pagan braves of Quraysh crumble and be compelled to take flight, it did not take a long time that the negligence and desistance of a certain number of Muslim soldiers caused the situation to be overturned, the Muslims were subjected to a sudden attack, and a great number of Muslims got killed.

If it had not been the Holy Prophet’s (S) personal resistance as well as a few others, the Muslims would have entirely been defeated. But in the end, they managed to assemble their forces and check the final defeat.

The cause which made the Muslims lose their morals was the false rumour spread about the Holy Prophet's (S) martyrdom. This rumour weakened the moral of Muslim soldiers and encouraged the Qurayshite pagans in return. But as soon as the Qurayshites came to understand that the rumour was false and the Holy Prophet (S) was still alive, they were satisfied with the acquired victory and set out for Makkah.

Among the Muslims, a certain number were killed; a certain injured, strewed the ground, and a large number of them terrified, scattered here and there. A small group were left around the Holy Prophet (S). The injured fallen on the ground as well as those who were dispersed, or taken flight, knew nothing of the result of the event, nor did they know whether the Holy Prophet (S) was alive or not?

In the meantime, one of the Muslims in flight passed by one of the injured named S'ad Ibn Rabia' who had received twelve wounds. He told him:“As I have heard, the Holy Prophet (S) has been killed!”

S'ad said in reply:“But God of Muhammad (S) is alive and never dies. Why are you waiting and not defending your religion? Our duty was not only to defend the personality of Muhammad, if he was killed, the case would come to an end, but it was also the question of defending our religion, Islam, which will subsist forever.”

From the other side, the Holy Prophet (S) mentioned the names of his Companions one by one so as to know who was alive and who was dead, who was injured and curable and who was not. He (S) asked:“who is voluntary to bring me an exact news from S'ad Ibn Rabi'a?”

One of Ansar (Helpers) said:“I am ready to do so.”

The man (Ansar) went and found S’ad among the corpse of the martyred ones, but he had the last breath of life. He told him:“The Holy Prophet (S) sent me to enquire about you and to see whether you are alive or not?”

S'ad said:“Give my “Salam” regards to the Holy Prophet (S) and inform him that S'ad counts among the dead, for he has only a few moments of his life left and he is breathing his last. Tell him (S) from my side: May Allah bestow upon you the best rewards deserving of a Prophet.”

Then he added:“Convey the following message to Ansar (Helpers) and also to the Holy Prophet's (S) Companions. Inform them that S'ad said: You do not have any pretext near Allah if your Prophet (S) meets with misfortunes, while you are still alive.”

No sooner had the man of Ansar taken a few steps far from S'ad Ibn Rabi'a, then S'ad took his last breath and passed away.1


1. The commentary of Ibn Abi al-Hadid. v. 3. p. 574 Sirah Ibn Hisham. v. 2. p. 94.

Story 105: The Granted Prayer

“O my Allah! Do not make me return among my family.” Hind, wife of 'Amr Ibn al-Jamuh, heard this sentence from her husband when he equipped himself with armour and was about to set out for participating in the battle of Uhud.

This was the first time that 'Amr Ibn al-Jamuh took part in the Holy War“jihad” with the other Muslims. Since he was lame - limping very badly - he had not participated in the Holy War before.

According to the explicit text of the Holy Qur'an, jihad is not incumbent upon the blind, lame and the sick persons. Although he did not take part personally in the Holy War, his four lion-hearted sons were always present in attendance of the Holy Prophet (S). Therefore, no one had the opinion and expectance that 'Amr, religiously exempted from war, particularly sending his four brave sons to war, would take the arms and join the soldiers.

As 'Amr's relatives became aware of his decision, they came to hold him back, saying:“Firstly, you are exempted according to the religious law; secondly you have four sons, brave soldiers who always move along with the Holy Prophet (S). Therefore, it is not essential that you also attend the combat!”

He said in reply:“Since my sons aspire to the eternal prosperity and perpetual paradise, I do desire the same. It is strange that they go and access to the honour of being martyred whereas I am sitting home beside you. It is absolutely impossible!”

But his relatives did not leave him alone and came one after another, now and then, to visit him so as to dissuade him from his decision.

'Amr, to get rid of them, called in the Holy Prophet (S) himself:“O Messenger of Allah! My family members like to imprison me at home and prevent me from participating in the Holy War in the way of Allah. I swear by Allah, I am desirous of entering paradise with this lame foot.”

“O 'Amr! You have a legal excuse. Allah exempted you. Jihad is not incumbent on you.”

“O Messenger of Allah! I know it very well; however, it is not incumbent on me, still....”

The Holy Prophet (S) said:“Do not oppose him. Let him go, he aspires to the martyrdom. May Allah grant it to him.”

Among the most touching scenes of Uhud was the spectacle of 'Amr's fighting. He, with his lame foot, made an attack in the midst of the enemy and shouted: I am desirous of paradise.” One of his sons was backing him and both of them fought so eagerly that they were martyred.

After the war ended, many women of Madinah went out of the city to be informed closely of the events, particularly because of the startling news reached Madinah. 'A'ishah, the Holy Prophet's wife was among them. When she went a little bit away from the city, she saw Hind, 'Amr Ibn Jamuh's wife who had loaded a camel with three dead bodies drawing the bridle of the camel towards Madinah.

A’ishah asked her:“What is the news?”

“All praise belongs to Allah! The Holy Prophet (S) is alive. Since he (S) is safe and sound, there is no pain for us. The other news, Allah threw back the infidels with their rage....”

“Whose dead bodies are these?”

“These are of my brother, my son and my husband.”

“Where are you carrying them to?”

“I am carrying them to Madinah to bury them.”

Saying these words. Hind drew the bridle of the camel towards Madinah but the camel followed her quite painfully and finally lay down.

A’ishah said:“The load of camel is heavy. It cannot pull it.”

Hind replied:“It is not so, this camel is extremely strong. Usually it is transporting the burden of two camels easily. There must be another reason.”

Once again she made the camel move, but as she wanted to ride the camel towards Madinah, it knelt down again. However, when she turned the camel towards Uhud, it started to speed up. It was a strange situation in Hind's eyes. The animal is not ready to go towards Madinah, but ready to return towards Uhud. She thought there might be a secret behind that.

Drawing the camel's bridle and the bodies carried on the camel, Hind came back to Uhud, went in the presence of the Holy Prophet (S) and said:“O Messenger of Allah. It is a strange event which I saw. I had loaded the camel with these dead bodies in order to carry them to Madinah and bury them, but when I wanted to ride it towards Madinah, the camel did not obey me, while I turned its way towards Uhud, it followed me tractably. Why?”

The Holy Prophet (S) said:“Did your husband say anything while leaving for Uhud?”

“O Messenger of Allah! After he had made his own way towards Uhud, I heard these words from him: “O my Allah! Do not make me return among my family.”

“This is the reason and nothing else. The sincere prayer of this martyr has been accepted. Allah does not want this dead body to be returned. Among you, Ansar, there are some individuals whose prayer will be granted if they ask Allah something. Your husband, 'Amr Ibn al-Jamuh, is one of them.”

All the three dead bodies were buried in Uhud in presence of the Holy Prophet (S) who turned the face towards Hind and said:“These three persons will be together in the hereafter.”

Hind asked:“O Messenger of Allah! Pray to the Almighty Allah that I do join them.” 1


1. The commentary of Ibn Abi al-Hadid, v. 3, p. 566.