A History of Muslim Philosophy Volume 1

Author: M.M. Sharif
Publisher: www.muslimphilosophy.com
Category: Islamic Philosophy

Author: M.M. Sharif
Publisher: www.muslimphilosophy.com
Category: visits: 70534
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- A History of Muslim Philosophy Volume 1, Book 1: Pre-Islamic Philosophical Thought
- Preface
- Introduction
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- Note
- Chapter 1:Pre-Islamic Indian Thought
- The Vedas
- Vedic Conception of God
- 1. Celestial Gods
- 2. Atmospheric Gods
- 3. Terrestrial Gods
- Vedic Eschatology
- Brahmanas
- Upanisads
- The Heterodox Systems
- 1. The Carvaka
- 2. Jainism
- 3. Buddhism
- The Philosophical Schools of Buddhism
- Systems of Indian Philosophy
- The Influence of Islam on Hinduism
- Bibliography
- Notes
- Chapter 2: Pre-Islamic Chinese Thought
- General Works
- Primary Sources
- Confucianism
- Taoism
- Mohism
- Chinese Epicureanism
- Legalism
- Notes
- Chapter 3: Pre-Islamic Iranian Thought
- 1. The Concept of Myth
- 2. Angelism
- 3. The Double Dualism
- 4. Time and Cycle
- 5. Conclusion
- Bibliography
- Notes
- Chapter 4: Greek Thought
- The Early Beginnings
- Greek Philosophy in the Mainland and the Islands of Asia Minor
- Ionic Philosophy
- Thales
- Anaximander
- Anaximenes
- Heraclitus
- Greek Philosophy in South Italy and Sicily
- 1. Pythagoras
- 2. The Eleatic School
- 3. Empedocles
- Greek Philosophy back to Asia Minor
- 1. Anaxagoras and Diogenes of Apollonia
- 2. The Atomists
- Lucippus
- Democritus
- Philosophy at Athens
- 1. Early Record
- 2. The Sophists
- The Problem of Knowledge and the Study of Man
- 3. Socrates
- 4. Plato
- 5. Aristotle
- 6. The Decline
- Bibliography
- Notes
- Chapter 5: Alexandrio Syriac Thought
- The Neo ‑Pythagoreans
- The Jewish‑Alexandrian Philosophy
- Neo‑Platonism
- Plotinus
- Porphyry
- Iamblichus
- Early Christianity
- References
- Notes
- Chapter 6: Pre Islamic Arabian Thought
- References
- Notes
- A History of Muslim Philosophy Volume 1, Book 2: Advent Of Islam, Fundamental Teachings Of The Qur'an
- Chapter 7: Philosophical Teachings of the Qur’an
- The Qur'an
- Ultimate Beauty: God and His Attributes
- He is the One and not one in a trinity
- God and the World ‑ God is omnipotent
- God's Relation to Man
- Soul
- Theory of Knowledge
- Man's Power
- Free Will
- Death
- Life after Death
- Notes
- Chapter 8: Ethical Teachings of the Qur’an
- Values
- Life
- Eternity
- Unity
- Power
- Truth or Wisdom
- Justice
- Love
- Goodness
- Beauty
- Disvalues
- Destruction of Life
- Scandal‑mongering and backbiting
- Things Momentary
- Lack of Unity
- Inertia
- Error
- Hypocrisy
- Injustice
- Hatred and Unkindness
- Moral Discipline
- Repentance
- Taqwa
- Notes
- Chapter 9: Economic and Political Teachings of the Qur’an
- Economic Teachings
- Political Teachings
- Notes
- Bibliography
- A History of Muslim Philosophy Volume 1, Book 3: Early Centuries (From The First/Seventh Century To The Fall Of Baghdad)
- Part 1: Theologico-Philosophical Movements
- Chapter 10: Mu’tazalism
- The General Mu’tazilite Position
- Some leading Mu’tazilites
- 1. Wasil ibn ` Ata
- 2. Abu al‑Hudhail `Allaf
- 3. Al‑Nazzam
- 4. Bishr ibn al‑Mu'tamir
- 5. Mu'ammar
- Hafiz has expressed the same idea in his own words thus
- 6. Thamamah
- 7. Al‑Jahiz
- 8. Al‑Jubba'i
- 9. Abu Hashim
- The End
- Bibliography
- Notes
- Chapter 11: Ash’arism
- Al-Ashari’s Life and Work
- Ash’arite Theology
- Fundamental Principles Of The Ash'arite Theology
- 1. Conception of God and the Nature of His Attributes
- 2. Free will
- 3. The Problem of Reason and Revelation and the Criterion of Good and Evil
- 4. The Problem of the Eternity of the Qur'an
- 5. The Problem of the Beatific Vision
- Ash’arite Metaphysics
- Ash'arite Atomism
- Bibliography
- Notes
- Chapter 12: Tahawism
- Tahawi’s Life and Works
- Nature of Faith
- God’s Essence and Attributes
- Throne of Allah
- Beatific Vision
- Speech of God and the Qur'an
- Divine Will and Human Freedom
- Conclusion
- Bibliography
- Notes
- Chapter 13: Maturidism
- Life and Works of Maturidi
- Method
- Criticism of the Mu’taziltes
- Maturidi’s System
- Relation between God and Man
- Divine Attributes
- Beatific Vision
- Conclusion
- Bibliography
- Notes
- Chapter 14: Zahirism
- Background
- Dawid ibn ‘Ali, His Doctrine and His School
- The Zahirite School in Muslim Spain
- 1. Al-Balluti
- 2. Ibn Hazm
- Life and Works
- Ibn Hazm's Rationalism
- Philosophy and Science
- Zahirism after Ibn Hazm
- Bibliography
- Notes
- Chapter 15: Ikhwan al-Safa
- Introduction
- System and Theories
- 1. Classification of the Sciences
- 2. Theory of Knowledge
- 3. Metaphysics
- Form and Matter
- Space and Time
- Motion
- Causality
- Number
- Being and Emanation
- Macrocosm and Microcosm
- The Individual Soul (al‑Nafs al‑Juz'iyyah) and Its Fall
- Lesser and Greater Resurrections, Paradise and Hell
- 4. Nature and the Sciences
- 5. Psychology
- 6. Politics
- 7. Ethics
- 8. Education
- 9. Religion
- Final Note
- Bibliography
- Notes
- Part 2: The Sufis
- Chapter 16: Early Sufis Doctrine
- A
- B
- C
- Notes
- Chapter 17: Early Sufis (Continued)
- Sufis Before Al Hallaj
- By B.A. Dar
- Al-Hallaj
- By Louis Massignon
- Bibliography
- Early Sufis
- Al-Hallaj
- Notes
- Chapter 18: ’Abd Al-Qadir Jilani and Shihab Al-Din Suhrawardi
- Abd Al-Qadir Jilani
- Shihab Al-Din Suhrawardi
- Origin of Sufism
- What is Sufism?
- Psychology: Soul, Appetitive Self, Heart
- Mystery (Sirr)
- Reason ('Aql)
- State and Station (Hal wa Maqam)
- Love
- Nearness (Qurb)
- Bashfulness (Haya')
- Union (Ittisal)
- Contraction and Expansion (Qabd wa Bast)
- Annihilation and Abiding (Fana' wa Baqa')
- Union and Separation (Jam' wa Tafriqah)
- Process of Self-Purification
- Bibliography
- Notes
- Chapter 19: Shihab al-Din Suhrawardi Maqtul
- Life, Works and Sources of Doctrines
- The Meaning of Ishraq
- The Orient and Occident in Sacred Geography
- Hikmat al-Ishraq
- Vegetative soul (al-nafs al-nabatiyyah)
- Animal soul (al-nafs al-hayawaniyyah)
- The Initiatory Narratives
- The Ishraqi Tradition
- Bibliography
- Notes
- Chapter 20: Ibn `Arabi
- Life And Works
- Pattern Of Thought And Style
- Controversy About His Orthodoxy
- Influence On Future Sufism
- From Throne to Carpet, all that is doth seem
- Doctrines
- Unity of All Being
- Notion of Deity
- God and Man
- Ethical and Religious Implications
- Conclusion
- Bibliography
- Notes
- Part 3: The Philosophers
- Chapter 21: Al-Kindi
- Life
- Works
- Philosophy
- Harmony Between Philosophy And Religion
- God
- Infinity
- Soul And Intellect
- Bibliography
- Notes
- Chapter 22 : Muhammad Ibn Zakariya Al-Razi
- Life
- Al-Razi's Masters and Opponents
- Works
- Philosophy
- 1. Method
- 2. Metaphysics
- (i) God
- (ii) Soul
- (iii) Matter
- (iv) Space
- (v) Time
- Theology
- Moral Philosophy
- Conclusion
- Bibliography
- A. Ancient Sources
- B. Modern Studies
- C. Editions of Philosophical Works
- Notes
- Chapter 23: Al-Farabi
- Life
- Works
- Philosophy
- 1. Logic
- 2. The Unity of Philosophy
- 3. Theory of the Ten Intelligences
- 4. Theory of the Intellect
- 5. Theory of Prophecy
- 6. Interpretation of the Qur'an
- Conclusion
- Bibliography
- A. Life
- B. Works
- C. Philosophy
- Notes
- Chapter 24: Miskawaih
- Life
- Works
- Miskawaih's Personality
- Philosophy
- First Philosophy
- Psychology
- Moral Philosophy
- Spiritual Medicine
- Philosophy of History
- Bibliography
- A. Works
- B. Studies
- Notes
- Chapter 25: Ibn Sina
- The Doctrine Of Being
- The Body-Mind Relationship
- Theory Of Knowledge
- God And The World
- Influence On The East And The West
- Bibliography
- Notes
- Chapter 26: Ibn Bajjah
- His Predecessors
- His Contemporaries
- Works
- Philosophy
- Matter And Form
- Psychology
- Intellect And Knowledge
- God, The Fountain-Head Of Knowledge
- Political Philosophy
- Ethics
- Mysticism
- Bibliography
- Notes
- Chapter 27: Ibn Tufail
- Life And Works
- Creed Of The Muwahhids
- Hayy Bin Yaqzan
- Summary
- Sources
- Object of the Treatise
- Doctrines
- World
- God
- Light Cosmology
- Epistemology
- Ethics
- Philosophy and Religion
- Influence
- Bibliography
- Notes
- Chapter 28: Ibn Rushd
- Introduction
- Philosophy And Religion
- The Way To God
- The Way To Knowledge
- The Way To Science
- The Way To Being
- Notes
- Chapter 29: Nasir Al-Din Tusi
- Life
- The Maraghah Observatory
- Works
- Akhlaq-I Nasiri
- Ethics
- Domestic Science
- Politics
- Source Of Practical Philosophy
- Psychology
- Nature of the Soul
- Faeulties of the Soul
- Metaphysics
- God
- Creatio ex nihilo
- Prophethood
- Good And Evil
- Logic
- Review
- Bibliography
- Notes
- Part 4: The Middle-Roaders
- Chapter 30: Al-Ghazali Part 1 - Metaphysics
- A. Introduction
- B. Life
- C. Method
- D. Attack On The Philosophers
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Method and Problems of Tahafut
- 2) denial of God’s knowledge of the particulars, and
- 3. Eternity of the World
- 4. Theory of Emanation
- 5. God’s Knowledge of the Particulars
- 6. Causality
- Notes
- Chapter 31: Al-Ghazali Part 2
- A. Mysticism
- 1. Introduction
- 2. God
- 3. Soul
- 4. Religious Experience and Moral and Intellectual Values
- 5. Pantheism
- B. Ethics
- C. Influence
- Bibliography
- Notes
- Chapter 32: Fakhr Al-Razi
- A. Life, Signficance Of Thought And Works
- C. Philosophy
- D. The Sciences
- E. Commentaries Upon The Qur’an
- G. Dialectic, Rhetoric, And Poetry
- H. Sufism
- I. The Significance And Influence Of Imam Razi
- Bibliography
- Notes
- Part 5: Political Thinkers
- Chapter 33: Political Thought In Early Islam
- A. Principles of Islamic Polity
- B. Early Caliphate and its Characteristic Features
- Elective Caliphate
- Government by Consultation
- The Exchequer, a Trust
- Ideal Government
- Rule of Law
- Absence of Bias
- C. Theological Differences and Schisms
- The Shi‘ah
- The Khawarij
- The Murji’ah
- The Mu‘tazilah
- The Major Section
- Bibliography
- Notes
- Chapter 34: Abu Hanifah and Abu Yusuf
- Life
- Abu Hanifah’s Pronouncements and Opinions
- Al-Fiqh al-Akbar
- Abu Hanifah on State and Caliphate
- The Problem of Sovereignty and Legislation
- Establishment of the Caliphate
- A Caliph’s Qualifications
- The Exchequer and the Public’s Right of Ownership
- Separation of the Judiciary from the Executive
- Freedom of Expression: A Right and a Duty
- The Question of Rebellion against Tyrannical Rule
- Private Council and Codification of Islamic Law
- B. Abu Yusuf
- Brief Life Sketch
- Kitab al-Kharaj
- Reversion to the “Right-guided” Caliphate
- Spirit of Democracy
- Duties of the Caliph
- Duties of Muslim Citizens
- The Exchequer
- Principles of Taxation
- Rights of non-Muslim Subjects
- Land Settlement
- Redress of Wrong
- The Judiciary
- Personal Liberty
- Jail Reforms
- Bibliography
- Notes
- Chapter 35: Al-Farabi
- A. Society And Its Goal
- The City State
- Necessity of Society
- How to Achieve Happiness
- B. Human Nature
- C. Education
- The Imaginative Virtue
- D. The Chief
- E. Characteristics Of The Chief Of The Ideal State
- F. The Ideal State
- G. Arts And Blessings
- H. Inhabitants Of The Ideal State
- I. Imperfect States
- J. Conclusion
- Bibliography
- Notes
- Chapter 36: Al-Mawardi
- A. Life And Works
- B. Political Theory
- C. Succession
- D. Designation And Privileges
- E. Duties And Functions Of The Imam
- F. Deposition Of The Imam
- G. Conclusion
- Bibliography
- Notes
- Chapter 37: Political Theory Of The Shiites
- Political Theory Of The Ismailites
- Bibliography
- Note
- Chapter 38: Nizam Al-Mulk Tusi
- Bibliogrraphy
- Notes
- Chapter 39: Al-Ghazali
- Bibliography
- Notes