THE LIFE OF MUHAMMAD, The Greatest Liberator, The Holiest Prophet

THE LIFE OF MUHAMMAD, The Greatest Liberator, The Holiest Prophet0%

THE LIFE OF MUHAMMAD, The Greatest Liberator, The Holiest Prophet Author:
Translator: Abdullah al-Shahin
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Holy Prophet
ISBN: 978-964-438-867-5

THE LIFE OF MUHAMMAD, The Greatest Liberator, The Holiest Prophet

Author: Baqir Sharif al-Qarashi
Translator: Abdullah al-Shahin
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

ISBN: 978-964-438-867-5
visits: 33023
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THE LIFE OF MUHAMMAD, The Greatest Liberator, The Holiest Prophet
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THE LIFE OF MUHAMMAD, The Greatest Liberator, The Holiest Prophet

THE LIFE OF MUHAMMAD, The Greatest Liberator, The Holiest Prophet

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
ISBN: 978-964-438-867-5

Table of Contents

Dedication 19

The Publisher’s preface 20

Introduction 21

(1) 21

(2) 21

(3) 21

(4) 22

(5) 22

(6) 22

(7) 23

(8) 23

(9) 23

(10) 24

(11) 24

(12) 24

(13) 25

(14) 25

(15) 26

(16) 26

(17) 26

(18) 27

(19) 27

Mecca the honored town 28

Other names of Mecca 28

1. Ummol Qura (mother of villages) 28

2. Al-Balad al-Ameen (the safe country) 28

3. Becca 28

4. The Inviolable House 28

Its locality 29

Mecca is the most beloved place to the Prophet 29

The Prophet glorifies the Kaaba 29

The Prophet puts the Rock in its place 30

The first who lived in Mecca 30

The cultural life 31

Dar an-Nadwa 31

Hilf al-Fudhool (alliance of virtues) 31

The religious life 31

Who denied the idols 32

1. Umru’ ul-Qayss 32

2. Ghawi bin Abdul Uzza 32

3. Zayd bin Umar 32

4. A nomad man 32

5. Khuza’a bin Abd 32

6. Abdurrahman 32

The belief of the Hashemites 33

The Prophet destroys the idols 33

The economic life 33

The social life 34

The Hashemites 34

The Umayyads 34

Great personalities and glories 36

Hashim 36

Abdul Muttalib 37

Abdul Muttalib’s faith 37

Entrusting the hospitality of the pilgrims to him 37

Restoring the well of Zamzam 38

Abdul Muttalib’s vision 38

Abdul Muttalib’s vow 39

His care for the Prophet 39

Towards the High Companion 40

Fatherhood, motherhood, and a shine 41

The father: Abdullah 41

To the heavens 41

The mother: Aaminah 41

Aaminah’s vision 42

The shining of light 42

His name 43

Signs and miracles 43

The Jews’ fear 43

His wet-nurses 43

With his foster-sisters 44

A rejected narration 44

His nursemaid 45

The death of Aaminah 45

A rejected narration 45

Abdul Muttalib’s death 46

Under Abu Talib’s care 46

The care of Abu Talib’s wife to Muhammad 46

With his uncle to Sham 47

With a priest 47

The battle of al-Fijar 48

Grazing of sheep 48

Disdaining from playing 49

Placing the Black Rock in its place 49

Trading with the capitals of Khadijah 49

His marriage to Khadijah 50

The Prophet adopts Ali 51

His characteristics 52

Willpower 52

High morality 52

A word by Imam Ali 53

Forbearance 54

Generosity 56

Modesty 57

Asceticism 58

Turning to Allah 59

His prayer 59

a. assigning the time of prayer 59

b. the caller (mu’azzin) 59

c. His care for congregational prayer 59

d. Regulating the rows of Muslims 60

e. His much praying 60

f. His weeping in his prayers 60

Coyness 60

Remembrance of Allah 61

His weeps when certain verses are recited before him 61

Compassion and mercifulness 61

Loyalty 62

Courage 63

The love to the poor 63

Disdaining of haughtiness 64

Patience 64

Justice 64

Cleanness 65

His fondness of perfumes 65

Sense of humor 65

Eloquence and rhetoric 66

Gravity 66

Prudent policy 66

In the cave of Hara’ 68

The revelation 68

With Khadijah 69

Khadijah and Ali’s faith 69

The Prophet’s prayer in the Kaaba 70

Circumambulating the Kaaba 70

Secret invitation 71

Publicity of the mission 72

Worry of Quraysh 72

Severe procedures 73

Mocking 73

Inciting the children to harm the Prophet 73

Accusing the Prophet of madness 73

1. Al-Waleed bin al-Mughirah 73

2. Al-Aas bin Wa’il 74

3. Al-Aswad bin Abd Yaghuth 74

4. Al-Harith 74

5. Al-Aswad bin al-Harith 74

1. Abu Jahl 74

2. Abu Lahab (the Prophet’s uncle) 75

3. Uqbah bin Abi Ma’eet 75

4. Al-Hakam bin Abil-Aas 75

5. Umayyah bin Khalaf 76

Accusing the Prophet of magic 76

Preventing praisers from coming to him 76

Preventing people from embracing Islam 76

Persecuting the believers 77

The Prophet asks Muslims to be steadfast 78

Abu Talib protects the Prophet 78

Quraysh ask Abu Talib to deliver them the Prophet 79

Abu Talib orders Ja’far to follow the Prophet 79

By Allah I won’t fail the Prophet 80

Abu Talib invites an-Najashi to Islam 80

Hamza becomes a Muslim 80

The first emigration to Abyssinia 81

The second emigration of Muslims 83

Umar turns a Muslim 83

Quraysh negotiates with the Prophet 84

As-Sahifah (document) 85

In the Shi’b (defile) of Abu Talib 86

The Prophet and the tribes 87

The Prophet’s supplication 88

The Night Journey and the Ascension 88

The Ascension 89

With the Exalted Creator 89

The goals of the Ascension 90

The influence of the Ascension in Mecca 90

The Ascension: spiritual or bodily? 91

Arguments 91

Farid Wajdi’s opinion 92

The year of sorrow: Abu Talib’s death 93

Abu Talib’s will 93

To immortality 94

Khadijah’s death 95

The gifts of Allah on her 96

To the Paradise 96

The first homage of al-Aqabah 97

Sending Mus’ab a deputy to Medina 97

The second homage of al-Aqabah 98

The Prophet meets with the Ansar 98

Fear of Quraysh 100

Muslims’ emigration to Medina 100

The Muhajireen in the hospitality of the Ansar 101

The method of the mission in Mecca 101

1. wisdom and good preaching 101

2. good saying 101

3. leniency and mercy 101

4. repelling evil with what is best 101

5. patience 102

6. warning the unbelievers against Allah’s punishment 102

7. giving good tidings to the believers to be in the Paradise 102

The invitation to Allah 102

The existence of Allah 103

The oneness of Allah 104

The power of Allah 104

The knowledge of Allah 104

The legislation of wudu’ and prayer 105

The kiblah 105

The Prophet’s miracles in Mecca 105

1. The Holy Qur'an 105

2. The miracle of the Tree 106

3. The split of the moon 107

The Meccan Suras 107

The Prophet’s emigration to Yathrib 108

Worry of Quraysh 108

The Prophet leaves Mecca 109

Imam Ali sleeps in the Prophet’s bed 109

The Prophet with Suraqah 110

Yathrib receives the Prophet 111

“The dawn has come to us 111

The population of Yathrib 112

Friday Prayer 112

The building of the mosque 113

The Prophet’s achievements in Medina 114

Brotherhood among Muslims 114

Building the Islamic civilization 114

Liberation of woman 114

Equality 115

1. Social equality 115

2. Equality before the law 116

3. equality in taxes 117

4. equality in employment 118

Individual responsibility 118

Annulling the racial segregation 118

The Islamic brotherhood 118

1. Mercifulness and sympathy 119

2. The spread of greeting 119

3. Mutual visiting 119

4. Satisfying the needs of people 119

5. Helping a Muslim 120

Factors of separation 120

1. Mocking and insulting each other 120

2. Backbiting 120

3. Talebearing 121

4. Irrelation 121

5. Non-cooperation 121

6. Harming and insulting 122

7. Frightening and terrorizing 122

8. Revilement 122

9. Watching of others’ slips and defects 122

10. Degrading a Muslim 123

11. Priding on lineages 123

Lights from the Islamic civilization 123

Freedom 123

1. The freedom of religion 123

2. The freedom of thought 124

3. Civil freedom 125

Governors and officials 125

The task of governors 125

The Prophet’s covenant to governors 126

The Prophet’s covenant to Mu’ath 126

Deposing of governors 127

The salaries of officials 128

The Prophet’s deputies 128

1. To Khosrau 129

2. To Caesar 129

3. To al-Muqawqas 131

Al-Muqawqas with a delegation from Thaqif 132

4. To Negus 133

5. To the King of Ghassan 134

6. To the king of Yamama 134

7. To the kings of Oman 135

8. To the people of Hajar 135

9. To al-Munthir bin al-Harith 135

His letters to the notables 136

Aktham bin Sayfi 136

Ziyad bin Jumhoor 136

The delegations to the Prophet 137

Education 138

Education of women 139

The house of hospitality 139

The Islamic economy 140

1. The encouraging of agriculture 140

2. The encouraging of labor 140

3. The forbidding of usury 140

4. The prohibition of cheating 141

5. The prohibition of monopoly 141

6. The watch of the market 141

7. Taxes 141

8. The zakat of monies 141

9. The Khums 141

10. The government’s responsibility 142

The change of the qibla to the Kaaba 142

The Prophet consults with his companions 142

The Prophet’s scribes 142

The Prophet’s seal 143

The political document 143

Examples from the Prophet’s supplications 147

The importance of Du’a (supplication) 147

The benefits of Du’a 147

Those whose du’a is responded to 147

1. The wronged 147

2. The father’s supplication for his children 148

3. One’s prayer for his brother 148

4. The prayer of one who is far away for another who is far away 148

5. The prayer of an afflicted believer 148

6. The supplication at affection 148

7. The supplication of one who is done good to 148

8. The Muslim’s prayer for his Muslim brother 148

9. Answered supplications 148

10. Supplications that are not rejected 149

Supplications that are not responded to 149

The best of du’as 149

1. Abundance of livelihood at old-age 149

2. The fear of Allah 149

3. Gratefulness and patience 149

4. Doing good 149

5. Bliss in this life 149

6. Good end 149

7. Protection 149

8. Resurrection with the poor 150

9. Reconciliation 150

10. Sound faith and life 150

11. Help at dying 150

12. Forgiveness 150

13. Best qualities 150

14. Fear of Allah 150

15. Seeking soundness 150

16. More knowledge 151

17. Good qualities 151

18. Faith 151

19. Blessing of morning 151

20. The fear of Allah 151

21. Good deeds 151

22. The increase in good 151

23. Self-control 151

24. Guardians of Muslims 151

25. Seeking goodness 151

26. Soundness against diseases 151

27. Safety from bad qualities 152

29. A cunning friend 152

30. Knowledge and labor 152

31. Debt 152

32. Enticement 152

33. Abomination 152

34. Bad day 152

35. At travel 152

Supplications the Prophet taught to Ali 152

Fourth supplication 155

Supplications the Prophet taught to Fatima 157

First supplication 157

Educational recommendations 160

The Prophet’s recommendations to Imam Ali 160

The Prophet’s recommendation to Fatima 162

The Prophet’s recommendation to Qays 163

The Prophet’s recommendation to Ibn Mas’ud 163

The Prophet’s recommendation to Abu Tharr 173

Another recommendation to Abu Tharr 183

The Prophet’s recommendation to Mu’ath bin Jabal 183

His recommendation to Salman al-Farisi 184

His recommendation to al-Fadhl bin al-Abbas 184

A recommendation to Khalid bin Zayd 184

His recommendation to Harmalah 184

His recommendation to Abu Umayyah 185

His recommendation to some man 185

His recommendation to another man 185

His recommendations to some other men 186

Preachments and advices 188

1. Warning against the love of this life 188

2. Good deed 188

3. Noble attributes 188

4. Fancy and wishes 189

5. The most afflicted people 189

6. The deeds that take to the Paradise and to the Fire 189

7. After this life is either the Paradise or the Fire 189

8. Devotedness to Allah 189

9. Remembering death 190

10. With death 190

11. Hastening to goodness 190

12. This life is of crookedness 190

13. The love of this life 191

14. Consolement and preachment 191

15. Desertion of the life 191

16. With the angel of death 192

From the Prophet’s sermons 193

1. His speech in Mecca 193

2. His speech in Medina 193

3. The Friday Sermon in Medina 193

4. His speech in al-Khayf 194

5. His speech on warning against this life 195

6. His speech in the Farwell Hajj 195

7. His speech in the Ghadeer of Khum 196

8. His speech on receiving the month of Ramadan 197

9. His speech in his last illness 199

Wonderful maxims and teachings 200

Good morals 200

Gaiety 200

Reason 200

Foolishness 201

Knowledge 201

The reward of scholars 202

The punishment of scholars who quit their knowledge 202

The nation’s rightness is by its scholars and leaders 202

Jurisprudents are trustees of the messengers 202

Learning knowledge 202

The death of a scholar 203

Knowledge is a treasure 203

The fatwa with no knowledge 203

Knowledge for pride 203

Teaching kindly 203

Dispraising of ignorance 203

Thinking deeply on affairs 204

Kinship and pardon 204

Praising of benevolence 204

Virtues 204

Generosity 205

Doing good 205

Charity 205

Bad and prohibited features 205

Hypocrisy 205

Treason 205

Betrayal of trust 205

False testimony 206

Oppression 206

Rejoicing at others’ distress 206

Haughtiness 206

Talebearing 206

Envy 206

Evil plotting 207

Lying 207

Stinginess 207

Pride 207

Injustice 207

Impudence 207

Double-faced 208

Uncertainty 208

Supporting of falsehood 208

Praising the disobedient 208

Terrifying a Muslim 208

Praiseworthy attributes 208

Five qualities 208

Four qualities 208

Satisfaction 208

Economics 209

Obedience of Allah 209

Seeking forgiveness 209

The inviolability of a believer 209

Pardoning 209

Hating the sinners 209

The most beloved people to the Prophet 209

Wisdom 210

Reciting the Qur'an 210

Leniency 210

The advantage of fasting 210

Prayer 210

Comfort in food 210

Economic in food 210

Honoring old people 210

Trust of meetings 211

Consultation 211

Unity 211

The jihad for the sake of Allah 211

Short maxims 212

The battle of Badr 233

The trade of Abu Sufyan 233

The march of Muslims 233

The battle 236

The results of battle 237

1. The prevalence of Islam 237

2. The fear of Quraysh 237

3. The sorrow of Quraysh 237

4. The delight of Muslims 238

The battle of Uhud 239

The leadership of Abu Sufyan 239

The Prophet consults with his companions 239

The war 240

The Prophet and his companions 241

The murder of Hamza 241

The Prophet’s sorrow 241

The martyrdom of Mus’ab 242

The rout of the polytheists 242

The defeat of Muslims 242

The struggle of Umm Imarah 243

Villains try to kill the Prophet 244

Danger surrounds the Prophet 244

1. Anas bin an-Nadhr 245

2. Thabit bin ad-Dahdaha 245

3. Abu Dujanah 245

4. Ziyad bin Imarah 246

5. Abu Talha 246

6. Amr bin al-Jamuh 246

8. Aasim bin Umar bin Qatadah 246

9. Al-Usayrim 247

10. Mukhayreeq 247

The end of the war 247

The Prophet marches with his army to fight Abu Sufyan 248

The results of the battle of Uhud 248

1. The joy of Quraysh 248

2. The delight of the polytheists and the Jews 249

3. Deeming Muslims weak 249

The event of al-Khandaq (trench) 250

The role of the Jews 250

Digging the trench 250

The Prophet with Nu’aym 251

The crossing of the trench 252

Bani Quraydhah and the conquest of Khaybar 254

The march of the Muslim army 254

The delegation of Abu Lubabah 255

The arbitration of Sa’d 255

The conquest of Khaybar 255

A poisoned ewe 257

The faith of al-Hajjaj bin Ilat 257

Expeditions 259

The expeditions 259

1. The expedition against the Banu Sulaym 259

2. The expedition of as-Suwayq 259

4. The expedition of Buwat 259

5. The expedition of al-Asheera (the tribe) 260

6. The expedition of the Bani Qaynuqa’ 260

7. The expedition of Qarqarat al-Kudr 261

8. The expedition of Thee Amarr 261

10. The expedition of Dawmat al-Jandal 262

11. The expedition of the Bani al-Mustaliq 262

12. The expedition of Mu’tah 263

13. The expedition of Wadi al-Qura (the valley of villages) 264

14. The conquest of Mecca 264

The truce of al-Hudaybiyyah 264

The Prophet determines to conquer Mecca 265

The Prophet’s favor to Abu Sufyan 267

The Prophet enters Mecca 268

The Prophet’s sermon 269

Men and women’s homage to the Prophet 270

15. The expedition of Hunayn 271

The defeat of the polytheists 271

16. The expedition of at-Ta’if 273

17. The expedition of Tabuk 273

Imam Ali and the Sura of Bara’ah 275

Imam Ali and the conquest of Yemen 276

The battles and the expeditions of the Prophet 276

The battalions 277

1. The battalion of Zayd bin Haritha 277

2. The battalion of Khalid 277

3. The battalion of Abdullah bin Rawaha 278

4. The battalion of Basheer bin Sa’d 278

5. The battalion of Abu Hadrad 278

6. The battalion of Amr bin al-Aas 278

7. The battalion of Zayd bin Harithah 279

The signs of the departure 280

The farewell Hajj 281

The conference of Ghadeer Khum 282

The homage to Imam Ali 283

The Prophet and the caliphate 284

The Prophet chooses Ali for the caliphate 284

The immortal disaster 288

The army of Usamah 288

The calamity of Thursday 289

Fatima’s distress 291

The Prophet recommends of his family 292

The Prophet’s recommendation about his two grandsons 292

To the High Paradise 292

Preparing the holy corpse for burial 293

The prayer over the holy corpse 294

The burial 294

Endnotes 296

Introduction 296

Mecca the honored town 296

Great personalities and glories 296

Fatherhood, motherhood, and a shine 297

His characteristics 298

In the cave of Hara’ 300

Publicity of the mission 300

The Prophet’s emigration to Yathrib 303

Examples from the Prophet’s supplications 306

Educational recommendations 308

Preachments and advices 310

From the Prophet’s sermons 310

Wonderful maxims and teachings 311

Short maxims 313

The battle of Badr 313

The battle of Uhud 313

The event of al-Khandaq (trench) 314

Bani Quraydhah and the conquest of Khaybar 314

Expeditions 315

The battalions 316

The signs of the departure 316

The immortal disaster 316