The Life of Imam Muhammad ibn 'Ali al-Baqir (A.S)

Author: Baqir Sharif al-Qarashi
Translator: Jasim al-Rasheed
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Imam al-Baqir
ISBN: 964-438-044-4

Author: Baqir Sharif al-Qarashi
Translator: Jasim al-Rasheed
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
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The Life of Imam Muhammad ibn 'Ali al-Baqir (A.S)
- Dedication
- Introduction
- Notes
- His Mother
- His Father
- The Great Baby
- His Name
- His Kunya
- His Nick-Names
- The Greetings of the Prophet to al-Baqir
- His Features
- His Early Cleverness
- His Solemnity and His Prestige
- The Inscription of his Ring
- His Residence
- Notes
- Under the Care of his Grandfather
- Under the Auspices of his Father
- Admiration and Glorification
- 1. Sa‘ïd b. al-Musayyab
- 2. Al-Zuhri
- 3. Zayd b. Aslam
- 4. ‘Umar b. ‘Abd al-‘Azïz
- 5. Abu Hazim
- 6. Malik
- 7. Jabir b. ‘Abd Allah
- 8. Al-Waqidi
- His high Morals
- His Proclaiming Knowledge
- His Urging (the Moslems) to seek Knowledge
- His Honoring the Seekers of Knowledge
- The Readers of the Koran cleaved to him
- His Freeing of Slaves
- His Worship and his Piety
- His Alms and his Kindness
- The Wonderful Poem of al-Farazdaq
- Deep Sadness
- His Commandments to his Son al-Baqir
- His Supplications for his Children
- In Protection from Immortality
- Al-Walïd poisoned the Imam
- His Designation for the Imamate of al-Baqir
- His Bequests to his Son al-Baqir
- To the High Comrade
- His Preparation for Burial
- His Funeral
- To his final Resting Place
- Fabrication
- Notes
- His Brothers
- Zayd the Martyr
- His Birth
- His Early Life
- His Worship and his Piety
- His Knowledge and his Literature
- Imam al-Baqir admired Zayd
- With Hisham b. ‘Abd al-Malik
- The Legal Uprising
- The Great Uprising
- Treason and Perfidy
- Under the Protection of Immortality
- Torturing Zayd's Supporters
- The Moslems' Discontent
- Burning the Great Body
- With al-Mas‘udi
- Al-Husayn al-Asghar (the younger)
- His Religious Knowledge
- His Clemency and his Solemnity
- His Devotion and his Piety
- His Death
- His Nickname
- His Religious Knowledge
- His Authority over the Heirlooms of the Prophet
- His Death
- ‘Umar al-Ashraf
- His Kunya
- His Nickname
- His Religious Knowledge
- His Authority over the Heirlooms of the Prophet
- His Death
- ‘Ali
- Imam al-Baqir's Children
- 1. Ibrahïm
- 2. Imam Ja‘far
- 3.‘Abd Allah
- 4.‘Ali
- 5.‘Abd Allah
- Notes
- 1. Imam al-Sadiq
- 2. Mohammed
- 3. Sudayf al-Makki
- 4. Hisham b. ‘Abd al-Malik
- 5. Al-Mansur al-Dawanïqi
- 6. Abd Allah b.‘Ata'
- 7. Jabir b.Yazïd
- 8. Jabir b. ‘Abd Allah
- 9. Ibn Hajar al-Haythami
- 10. Ibn Kuthayr
- 11. ‘Abd al-Hamïd al-Hanbali
- 12. Al-Nabahani
- 13. Al-Qirmani
- 14. Al-Dhahabi
- 15. Mohammed b. Abï Bakr
- 16. Mohammed al-Jazri
- 17. Kamal al-Dïn al-Shafi‘i
- 18. Idrïs al-Qarashi
- 19. Jamal al-Dïn
- 20. Mohammed al-Sabban
- 21. Ibn Abï al-Haddïd
- 22. Shaykh al-Mufïd
- 23. Abu al-Hasan al-Tubrisi
- 24. Tajj al-Dïn
- 25. Mahmud b. Whayb
- 26. ‘Abbas al-Makki
- 27. Sayyid Kazim al-Yamani
- 28. Ibn Taymiya
- 29. Al-Shaykhani
- 30. Al-Majlisi
- 31. Al-Nawawi
- 32. Abu Zar‘a
- 33. Ibn ‘Anba
- 34. ‘Ali b.‘Isa al-Arbali
- 35. Ahmed Fahmi
- 36. Farïd Wajdi
- 37. Abu Zahrah
- 38. Al-Talmasani
- Notes
- His Imamate
- Infallibility
- The Definition of Infallibility
- The Evidence for Infallibility
- Doubts and Imaginations
- His Clemency
- His Patience
- His Honoring the Poor
- His Releasing the Slaves
- His Spending on his Companions
- His Alms to the Poor of Medina
- His Generosity and his Liberality
- His Worship
- A. His Reverence in his Prayers
- B. His many Prayers
- C. His Supplications during his Prostration
- D. His Supplication during his Personal Prayers
- His Pilgrimage
- His Whispered Prayer with Allah
- His Praising Allah
- His Renouncing Worldly Pleasures
- Notes
- The Scientific Life at his Time
- The Bright Role of the Imam
- The Sciences the Imam Discussed
- The Tradition
- The Reports of the Imams
- The Traditions of Imam al-Baqir
- His Traditions from the Prophet
- His Traditions on the Authority of the Imam, the Commander of the Faithful
- His Narration from his Grandfather al-Husayn
- His Narration from his Father
- His Narration from Jabir al-Ansari
- His Narration from ‘Umar
- His Narration from b. ‘Abbas
- His Narration from Zayd b. Arqam
- His Narration From Abï Dharr
- The Exegesis of the Holy Koran
- The Virtue of Reciting the Koran
- Repetition of Reciting the Koran
- The Koran far above Falsehood
- The Imam dispraised those who distort the Koran
- Figurative Usage in the Koran
- The Basmalah is Part of the Suras of the Koran
- The Koran was revealed in Seven Letters
- The Seven Letters
- The Imam denied the Seven Letters
- The Method of Exegesis
- The Exegesis through the transmitted Sayings
- The Exegesis through the Opinion
- Imam al-Baqir's Exegesis
- Examples of al-Baqir's Exegesis
- Theology
- Monotheism
- Notes
- The Imamate
- The Critical Need for the Imam
- To know the Imam is obligatory
- To obey the Imam is obligatory
- The Right of the Imam against People
- The Dignity of the Imam
- Accepting the Leadership of the Imams of ahl al-Bayt
- Al-Baqir praised the Imams
- The Number of the Imams
- The Sufferings of the Imams
- Al-Baqir urged Reporters and Traditionalists to proclaim the Glorious Deeds of the Imams
- The Knowledge of the Imams
- Al-Baqir predicted Events
- Jurisprudence
- 1. Its Characteristics
- 2. Its Flexibility
- 3. It has opened a Door to Ijtihad
- 4. It resorts to the Judgment of Reason
- Jurisprudential Problems
- The Rules of Fighting in Islam
- Wiping the two Light Leather Boots (khuffayn) with Water
- Touching the Vestibule of the Vulva does not invalidate Wudu’
- Raising the Voice during the quiet Prayer
- Asking Allah to bless Mohammed and his Family in Tashahhud
- Science of Fundamentals
- Presumption of Continuity (Istishab)
- The Rule of Passing (Qa‘idat al-Tajawiz)
- The Rule of Finishing (Qa‘idat al-Faragh)
- The Rule of Removing Harm
- The Remedy of Contradiction
- 1. Publicity (al-Shuhra)
- 2. The Tradition should be harmonious with the Book and the Sunna
- 3. Preferring the Tradition through the Qualities of Narrators
- Economic Researches
- 1. The Necessity of Improving Livelihood
- 2. Warning from Laziness
- 3.Al-Baqir detested those who left Work
- 4. Work is Obedience to Allah
- Knowledge and Scholars
- 1. The Virtue of Knowledge
- 2. The Virtue of the Scholar
- 3.Associating with Scholars and the Pious
- 4. Discussing Knowledge
- 5.Rules for the Student
- 6.Proclaiming Knowledge
- 7. The Imam urged Moslems to learn
- 8. Understanding the Religion
- 9. Putting Knowledge into effect
- 10. Action coupled with knowing Allah is accepted
- 11. The Imam dispraised Boasting of Seeking Knowledge
- 12. Giving Religious Opinions without Knowledge
- 13. The Qualities of the Scholar
- Traditions on Faith
- 1. The Essence of Faith
- 2. The Ranks of Faith
- 3. The Qualities of the Pious
- With the Shi‘ites
- 1. His Commandments to his Shi‘ites
- 2.The Early Shi‘ites
- 3.The Attributes of the Shi‘ites
- 4. Al-Baqir's Commandments to Shi‘ites
- 5. Love for Ahl al-Bayt
- 6. Why have Shi‘ites been called rafida?
- 7. Al-Baqir's Supplication for his Shi‘ites
- The Lives and Maxims of the Prophets
- 1. Part of Allah's Revelation to Adam
- 2. Solomon's Maxim
- 3. A Maxim in the Torah
- 4. Why was Noah called the Grateful Servant?
- 5.Noah's Prayer against his People
- 6. Ismael was the first to speak Arabic
- 7. Allah whispered (words) to Moses
- 8. Al-Baqir denied that the Prophet was Illiterate
- 9.Noah and Iblis
- 10. The Death of Solomon
- 11. Jacob's meeting with Joseph
- 12. The Period of Jacob's Life in Egypt
- Notes
- On the Prophet's Life
- 1. The Prophet borrowed Weapons from Safwan
- 2. Khalid marched to Bani Judhayma
- The Life of Imam ‘Ali
- The Commander of the Faithful predicted the Murder of al-Husayn
- The Characteristics of the Commander of the Faithful
- The Events of Siffïn
- Raising the Siege from the Water
- Mu‘awiya and ‘Amru b. al-‘As
- Imam ‘Ali delivered a Sermon at Siffïn
- The Day of al-Harrïr
- The Document of the Arbitration
- The Tragedy of Imam Husayn
- The Narration of ‘Ammar al-Dihni
- Criticisms
- Imam al-Baqir's Valuable Commandments
- His Commandments to his Son al-Sadiq
- His Commandments to one of his Children
- His Commandments to ‘Umar b. ‘Abd al-‘Azïz
- His Commandments to Jabir al-Ju‘fi
- His Commandments to a Moslem
- His Commandments to one of his Companions
- His Preaching
- The Virtue of Reason
- Cleverness
- Contemplation
- Noble Manners
- 1. Kindness
- 2. Fairness
- 3. Kindness should be Equivalent to Fairness
- Rules of Conduct
- 1. Cheerfulness
- 2. Treating people kindly
- Moslem’s Rights
- Fulfilling the Moslem’s Need
- Relations with Womb Relatives
- Alms
- Pity for the Orphan
- Good Qualities
- Silence
- Bad Qualities and Deeds
- Backbiting and Slander
- Anger and its Remedy
- Vanity
- Al-Baqir’s Supplications
- Imam al-Baqir urged Moslems to Supplication
- Wonderful Maxims
- Notes
- Kuthayr ‘Azzah
- His Obedience to the Members of the House (ahl al-Bayt), peace be on them
- His Obedience to al-Baqir
- Kuthayr praised the Sons of Marwan
- His Death
- Fabricated Narration
- Criticisms
- Al-Kumayt Al-Asadi
- His Birth and his Early Life
- His Talents
- His Poetry
- Al- Kumayt and al-Farazdaq
- The Characteristics of his Poetry
- His firm Doctrine
- Al-Kumayt and Imam al-Baqir
- His longing for seeing the Imam
- Al-Kumayt elegized al-Husayn
- A Poem of his Poems called al-Hashimiyat
- His Poem called al-Lamiya
- His Poem called al-‘Ayniya
- His firm Struggle
- 1. His praising ahl al-Bayt
- 2. His dispraising the Umayyds
- 3. His moving Tribalism between the Yemenis and the Nazaris
- His Arrest
- His Escape from Prison
- Al-Kumayt received Forgiveness
- Admonition and Apology
- To Paradise
- Notes
- Marwan bin al-Hakam
- 1. The Prophet cursed him
- 2. His father was banished from Medina
- 3. During the Days of ‘Uthman
- His Inclinations and his Qualities
- Marwan was fond of cursing the Commander of the faithful
- His Caliphate
- His Death
- ‘Abd al-Malik bin Marwan
- His Qualities
- 1. Tyranny
- 2. Perfidy
- 3. Cruelty and Uselessness
- 4. Miserliness
- ‘Abd al-Malik transferred the Hajj to Jerusalem
- ‘Abd al-Malik disparaged his Predecessors
- ‘Abd al-Malik appointed al-Hajjaj as Governor
- The Prophet's prophecy
- The Prophecy of the Commander of the Faithful
- The Indignant with al-Hajjaj
- 1. ‘Umar b. ‘Abd al-‘Azïz
- 2. ‘Aism
- 3. Al-Qasim
- 4. Zadhan
- 5. Tawus
- Some of al-Hajjaj's Characteristics
- His Unbelief
- Disdaining the Prophet
- Some of al-Hajjaj's Crimes
- He punished the Shï‘a severely
- The critical Conditions of Kufa
- He attacked the Kaba with Catapults
- His Prisons
- His Death
- ‘Abd al-Malik and al-Akhtal
- Imam al-Baqir and ‘Abd al-Malik
- ‘Abd al-Malik ordered Imam al-Baqir to be arrested
- Imam al-Baqir freed Islamic money
- The Death of ‘Abd al-Malik
- Al-Walïd bin ‘Abd al-Malik
- Sulayman bin ‘Abd al-Malik
- His Death
- ‘Umar bin ‘Abd al-‘Azïz
- He prevented the People from Cursing Imam ‘Ali
- He gave the Alïds their Rights
- He returned Fadak
- ‘Umar bin ‘Abd al-‘Azïz and Imam al-Baqir
- 1. Imam al-Baqir predicted of ‘Umar's Caliphate
- 2. ‘Umar honored Imam al-Baqir
- 3. ‘Umar exchanged letters with Imam al-Baqir
- Baseless Accusation
- Criticisms
- His Death
- Yazïd bin ‘Abd al-Malik
- Hisham bin ‘Abd al-Malik
- Imam al-Baqir in Damascus
- Imam al-Baqir made a Speech in Damascus
- Imam al-Baqir was arrested
- Imam al-Baqir and a Priest
- Hisham ordered the Shops to be closed
- Notes
- The Islamic Sects
- The Mu‘tazilites
- The History of the Mu‘tazilites
- The Mu‘tazilites and Policy
- The Mu‘tazilites and the Christians
- The Fundamental Doctrines
- 1. Oneness of Allah
- 2. Divine Justice
- 3. Promise and Threat
- 4. Rank between two Ranks
- 5. Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil
- The Shï‘a and the Mu‘tazilites
- Generally accepted Matters
- Generally unaccepted Matters
- 1. The Imamate of the Mafdul
- 2. Intercession
- Imam al-Baqir and the Leaders of the Mu‘tazilites
- 1. Al-Hasan al-Basri
- 2. Imam al-Baqir refuted al-Hasan
- 3. Imam al-Baqir and ‘Amru bin ‘Ubayd
- The Murji'a
- 1. The Meaning of the Murji'a
- The Growth of the Murji'a
- The Shï‘a and the Murji'a
- Grimar's Claims
- The Definition of Faith
- Imam al-Baqir and ‘Amru al-Masir
- Abu Hanïfa and the Irja'
- The Kharijites
- Their Religious Views
- Imam al-Baqir and Nafi‘
- The Shï‘a
- The Meaning of the Shï‘a
- The Beginning of Shi‘ism
- The Fable of ‘Abd Allah b. Saba’
- 1. Al-Malti
- 2. Al-Nashshar
- 3. Shaykh Abu Zahra
- The Shï‘a and Excessiveness
- The Meaning of Excessiveness
- The Shï‘a have renounced the Excessive
- The Shï‘ite View concerning the Imams
- The Love of the Shï‘a for the Imams
- The Aspects of Love for the Imams
- The Definition of the Companions
- The Position of the Companions
- 1. Sayyid ‘Ali Khan
- Imam Sharf al-Dïn
- The Attitude of Imam al-Baqir towards the Companions
- Notes
- The Shï‘ite Political Thoughts
- Economic Welfare
- Abolishing Racial Discrimination
- Spreading Justice
- Revolt against Oppression
- Boldness and Intrepidity
- The Shï‘a faced Troubles
- Precautionary Dissimulation
- The Unity of the Shï‘a
- Scientific Life
- The School of the Next Generation
- 1. Sa‘ïd b. al-Musayyab
- His Scientific Position
- His Reliability
- His Death
- 2. ‘Urwa bin al-Zubayr
- His Death
- 4. ‘Abd al-Rahman
- 5. Sulayman bin Yasar al-Hilali
- 6. Kharija bin Zayd b. Thabit
- 7. Al-Qasim bin Mohammed bin Abu Bakr
- The School of the Ahl al-Bayt
- Public Cultural Life
- Political Life
- Political Parties
- 1. The Umayyad Party
- 2. The Zubayri Party
- 3. The Kharijites
- 4. The Shi‘a
- Discords and Disorders
- Play and Luxury
- Excessive Dowries
- Luxurious Women
- Singing
- Fabricated Traditions
- Exploiting al-Zahri
- Fabricated Narration against Imam Abu Ja‘far
- Fabricators against Abu Ja‘far
- 1. Bayan bin Sam‘an al-Hindi
- 2. Hamza al-Barbari
- 3. Al-Mughïra bin Sa‘ïd
- His Heresies
- Imam al-Baqir renounced him
- The Revolt of al-Mughïra b. Sa‘ïd
- Unbelief and Polytheism
- Imam al-Baqir and a Syrian Scholar
- Violent Revolts
- The Revolt of the Repentant
- The Revolt of al-Mukhtar
- Al-Mukhtar scared the Murderers
- Al-Mukhtar killed the Murderers
- The Revolt of Ibn al-Zubayr
- His Miserliness
- His Enmity towards the ‘Alïds
- The Failure of his Revolt
- Economic Life
- Notes
- 1. Aban bin Taghlub
- His Birth and his early Life
- His Scientific Position
- His Obedience to the ahl al-Bayt
- His Reliability
- His Books
- His Death
- 2. Aban bin Abï ‘Ayyash Fayruz
- His Death
- 3. Ibrahim bin al-Azraq
- 4. Ibrahim bin Abï al-Bilad
- 5. Ibrahim bin Jamïl
- 6. Ibrahim bin Hanan
- 7. Ibrahim bin Salih al-Anmati
- 8. Ibrahim bin ‘Abd Allah
- 9. Ibrahim bin ‘Ubayd
- 10. Ibrahim bin ‘Umar
- 11. Ibrahim bin Mohammed
- 12. Ibrahim bin Marthed
- 13. Ibrahim bin Ma’adh
- 14. Ibrahim b. Ma‘rad
- 15. Ibrahim b. Na‘ïm
- 16. Abyad bin Aban
- 17. Ahmed bin ‘A’idh bin Habïb
- 18. Ahmed bin ‘Umran
- 19. Ishaq bin ‘Abd Allah
- 20. Ishaq bin Bashïr
- 21. Ishaq bin Ja‘far b. ‘Ali
- 22. Ishaq bin Nuh
- 23. Ishaq bin al-Fadl
- 24. Ishaq bin Yasar
- 25. Ishaq bin Yazïd
- 26. Ishaq bin Wasil al-Dabbi
- 27. Ishaq al-Qummi
- 28. Isra‘ïl bin Ghayyath al-Makki
- 29. Isma‘ïl bin Zyyad al-Bazzaz al-Kufi al-Asadi
- 30. Isma‘ïl bin Jabir al-Ju‘fi
- 31. Isma‘ïl bin ‘Abd Allah
- 32. Isma‘ïl bin ‘Abd al-Rahman
- 33. Isma‘ïl bin Sulayman
- 34. Isma‘ïl al-Katib
- 35. Aslam bin Ayman
- 36. Aslam al-Qauwas
- 37. Usayd bin al-Qasim
- 38. Isma‘ïl bin ‘Abd al-Khaliq
- 39. Isma‘ïl bin ‘Abd al-‘Azïz
- 40. Isma‘ïl bin ‘Abd al-Rahman
- 41. Isma‘ïl bin al-Fadl
- 42. A‘yun al-Razi
- 43. Anas bin Taghlub
- 44. Anas bin ‘Amru
- 45. Ayyub bin Bakr
- 46. Ayyub bin Abu Tamima
- 47. Ayyub bin Shahab
- 48. Ayyub Washika
- 49. Badr bin al-Khalïl
- 50. Burd al-Iskafi
- 51. Burd al-Khayyat
- 52. Barïd al-Khayyat
- 53. Barïd al-Kanasi
- 54. Barïd bin Mu‘awiya
- 55. Bassam bin ‘Abd Allah
- 56. Bashshar al-Aslami
- 57. Bishro bin Ja‘far
- 58. Bishr bin Khath‘am
- 59. Bishr bin Abï ‘Aqaba
- 60. Bishr bin ‘Abd Allah
- 61. Bishr bin Maymun
- 62. Bishr bin Yasar
- 63. Bishr Bayya al-Zatti
- 64. Bishr al-Rahhal
- 65. Bashïr al-Ju‘fi
- 66. Bashïr Abu ‘Abd al-Samed
- 67. Bashïr bin Sulayman
- 68. Bakr bin Habïb
- 69. Bakr bin Khalid
- 70. Bakr bin Salih
- 71. Bakr bin Karb
- 72. Bakkrawayh al-Kindi
- 73. Bukayr bin A‘yun
- 74. Bukayr bin Jundub
- 75. Bukayr bin Habïb
- 76. Tamïm bin Zyyad
- 77. Thabit bin Abï Thabit
- 78. Thabit bin Dïnar
- 79. Thabit b. Za’ida
- 80. Thabit bin Hurmuz
- 81. Thuwayr bin Abï Fakhta
- 82. Jabir bin ‘Abd Allah
- 83. Jabir bin Yazïd
- His Reliability
- His Books
- His Narration on the Authority of Abu Ja‘far
- His Mental Disorder
- His Death
- Notes
- 84. Al-Jarud bin al-Sari
- 85. Al-Jarud bin al-Mundhir
- 86. Al-Jarrah al-Mada’ini
- 87. Ja‘far al-Ahmasi
- 88. Ja‘far b. Ibrahim
- 89. Ja‘far b. Ibrahim
- 90. Ja‘far bin al-Hakïm
- 91. Ja‘far bin ‘Amru
- 92. Ju‘da
- 93. Al-Hasan bin Abï Sarra
- 94. Al-Hasan bin Hubaysh
- 95. Al-Hasan bin al-Hasan
- 96. Al-Hasan bin Zyyad
- 97. Al-Hasan bin al-Sari
- 98. Al-Hasan bin Shahab
- 99. Al-Hasan bin Salih
- 100. Al-Hasan bin ‘Ali
- 101. Al-Hasan bin ‘Ammar
- 102. Al-Hasan bin ‘Ammarah
- 103. Al-Hasan b. Kuthayr
- 104. Al-Hasan bin al-Mundhir
- 105. Al-Hasan bin Yousif
- 106. Al-Hasan al-Ju‘fi
- 107. Al-Hasan al-Zayyat
- 108. Al-Husayn bin al-Abtar
- 109. Al-Husayn bin Abu al-Ala’
- 110. Al-Husayn bin Thuwayr
- 111. Al-Husayn bin Hammad
- 112. Al-Husayn bin ‘Abd Allah
- 113. Al-Husayn bin ‘Ubayd Allah
- 114. Al-Husayn bin Mus‘ab
- 115. Al-Husayn bin al-Mundhir
- 116. Safi al-A‘war
- 117. Hafs bin Ghayyath
- 118. Al-Hakam bin al-Salt
- 119. Al-Hakam bin Abï Na‘ïm
- 120. Al-Hakam bin ‘Abd al-Rahman
- 121. Al-Hakam bin ‘Utayba
- His Death
- 122. Al-Hakam bin ‘Alya’
- 123. Al-Hakam bin al-Qattat
- 124. Al-Hakam bin al-Mukhtar
- 125. Hakïm bin Hakam
- 126. Hakïm bin Suhayb
- 127. Hakïm bin Mu‘awiya
- 128. Hammad bin Abï Sulayman
- 129. Hammad bin Abï al-‘Atarid
- 130. Hammad bin Bashïr
- 131. Hammad bin Rashïd
- 132. Hammad bin al-Mughïra
- 133. Hamran bin A‘yun
- His Scientific Rank
- His Rank with the Imams
- His intense Obedience to the Imams
- 134. Hamza bin Hamran
- 135. Hamza bin ‘Ata’
- 136. Hamza bin ‘Ammara
- 137. Hamza al-Tayyar
- 138. Khazim al-Ashal
- 139. Khalid bin Abï Karïma
- 140. Khalid bin Awfa
- 141. Khalid bin Bakkar
- 142. Khalid bin Tuhman
- 143. Khuthayma bin ‘Abd al-Rahman
- 144. Khuthayma bin Abï Khuthayma
- 145. Dawud al-Abzari
- 146. Dawud bin Abï Hind
- 147. Dawud bin Habïb
- 148. Dawud bin Hurra
- 149. Dawud bin Zayd
- 150. Dawud bin al-Dajjaji
- 151. Dalham bin Salih
- 152. Rai‘ bin Muslima
- 153. Al-Rabï‘ al-‘Absi
- 154. Rabï‘ bin Sa‘d
- 155. Rabï‘a bin Abï ‘Abd al-Rahman
- 156. Rabï‘a bin Najidh
- 157. Razi al-Abzari
- 158. Razïn al-Anmati
- 159. Rushd bin Sa‘d
- 160. Rafïd, the Retainer of the Banu Hubayra
- 161. Raqaba bin Masqala
- 162. Za’ida bin Qaddama
- 163. Zahr bin ‘Abd Allah
- 164. Zarara bin A‘yun
- His Lineage
- His Scientific Rank
- His Narration from Imam al-Baqir
- Who narrated from Zarara?
- His Talents were praised
- A. Jamïl Darrajj
- B. Al-Najashi
- C. Al-Kashi
- D. Ibn al-Nadïm
- Imam al-Sadiq and Zarara
- Slanderous Traditions
- Zarara is Immortal
- Notes
- 165. Zakariya bin ‘Abd Allah
- 166. Zuhayr al-Mada’ini
- 167. Zyyad al-Ahlam
- 168. Zyyad al-Aswad
- 169. Zyyad bin Abï al-Hallal
- 170. Zyyad bin Abï Raja’
- 171. Zyyad bin Abï Zyyad
- 172. Zyyad bin al-Aswad
- 173. Zyyad bin Sawqa
- 174. Zyyad bin Salih
- 175. Zyyad bin ‘Isa
- 176. Zyyad bin ‘Isa
- 177. Zyyad bin al-Mundhir
- 178. Zyyad, the Retainer of Abu Ja‘far
- 179. Zyyad al-Hashimi
- 180. Zayyd al-Ajjra
- 181. Zayyd bin Sulayt
- 182. Zayyd al-Shahham
- 183. Zayyd bin Qaddama
- 184. Salim bin Abï Hafsa
- 185. Salim al-Ashal
- 186. Salim al-Ja‘far
- 187. Sudayr bin Hakïm
- 188. Sudayf al-Makki
- 189. Sa‘d bin Abï ‘Amru
- 190. Sa‘d al-Haddad
- 191. Sa‘d bin al-Hasan
- 192. Sa‘d bin Turayf
- 193. Sa‘d bin ‘Abd al-Malik
- 194. Sukayn al-Ju‘di
- 195. Sukayn al-Madani
- 196. Salam bin Abï ‘Umayra
- 197. Salam bin Sa‘d
- 198. Salam bin al-Mustanïr
- 199. Salam al-Ju‘fi
- 200. Salam al-Makki
- 201. Salam bin Bishr
- 202. Salman bin Khalid
- 203. Salman al-Kinani
- 204. Salama bin al-Ahtam
- 205. Sulayman bin Khalid
- 206. Salama bin Mihriz
- 207. Sulayman, Retainer of Turbal
- 208. Sulayman bin Harun
- 210. Sawra bin Kulayb
- 211. Sharjara bin Maymun
- 212. Shurays al-Rabishi
- 213. Shu‘ayb bin Bakr
- 214. Shu‘ayb al-Haddad
- 215. Shahab bin ‘Abd Rabba
- 216. Shimr bin Hawshab
- 217. Salih bin Sahl
- 218. Salih bin ‘Aqaba
- 219. Salih bin Maythem
- 220. Samit Bayya‘ al-Harawi
- 221. Sabah bin Yahya
- 222. Al-Salt bin al-Hajjaj
- 223. Durays bin ‘Abd al-Malik
- 224. Durays Bayya‘ al-Ghazl
- 225. Durays al-Kinani
- 226. Tahir, the Retainer of Abu Ja‘far
- 227. Tarbal bin Raja’
- 228. Zarïf bin Nasih
- 229. ‘Asim bin ‘Umar
- Notes
- 230. ‘Amir bin Abï al-Ahwas
- 231. ‘Abbad al-Basri
- 232. ‘Abbad bin Jurayh
- 233. ‘Abbad b. Suhayb
- 234. ‘Abd al-Jabbar bin A‘yun
- 235. ‘Abd al-Hamïd bin Abï Ja‘far
- 236. ‘Abd al-Hamïd bin Abï al-Daylam
- 237. ‘Abd al-Hamïd bin ‘Awad
- 238. ‘Abd al-Hamïd al-Wasiti
- 239. ‘Abd al-Khaliq bin ‘Abd Rabba
- 240. ‘Abd al-Khaliq bin ‘Arrad
- 241. ‘Abd al-Rahman
- 242. ‘Abd al-Rahman bin A‘yun
- 243. ‘Abd al-Rahman bin Zar‘a
- 244. ‘Abd al-Rahman bin Salim
- 245. ‘Abd al-Rahman bin Sulayman
- 246. ‘Abd al-Rahman bin ‘Ajlan
- 247. ‘Abd al-Rahïm
- 248. ‘Abd al-Rahïm bin Ruh
- 249. ‘Abd al-Rahïm bin Salïm
- 250. ‘Abd al-Salam bin Kuthayr
- 251. ‘Abd al-‘Azïz
- 252. ‘Abd al-Ghaffar bin Qasim
- 253. ‘Abd al-Karïm bin Abï Ya‘fur
- 254. ‘Abd al-Karïm bin Mahran
- 255. ‘Abd Allah bin Bukayr
- 256. ‘Abd Allah bin al-Jarud
- 257. ‘Abd Allah bin Jurayh
- 258. ‘Abd Allah bin al-Hasan
- 259. ‘Abd Allah bin Dhubyan
- 260. ‘Abd Allah bin Zar‘a
- 261. ‘Abd Allah bin Sulayman
- 262. ‘Abd Allah bin Sulayman
- 263. ‘Abd Allah bin Shurayk
- 264. ‘Abd bin Salih
- 265. ‘Abd Allah bin ‘Abd al-Rahman
- 266. ‘Abd Allah bin ‘Ajjlan
- 267. ‘Abd Allah bin ‘Ata’
- 268. ‘Abd Allah bin ‘Ata’
- 269. ‘Abd Allah bin ‘Ata’
- 270. ‘Abd Allah bin ‘Amru
- 271. ‘Abd Allah bin Ghalib
- 272. ‘Abd Allah bin Kaysan
- 273. ‘Abd Allah bin Muhriz
- 274. ‘Abd Allah b. Mohammed
- 275. ‘Abd Allah b. Mohammed
- 276. ‘Abd Allah b. Mohammed
- 277. ‘Abd Allah b. Mohammed
- 278. ‘Abd Allah bin al-Mukhtar
- 279. ‘Abd Allah bin al-Walïd
- 280. ‘Abd Allah al-Hashmi
- 281. ‘Abd al-Mu’min al-Ansari
- 282. ‘Abd al-Mu’min bin al-Qasim
- 283. ‘Abd al-Mu’min bin al-Haythem
- 284. ‘Abd al-Malik bin A‘yun
- 285. ‘Abd al-Malik b. ‘Utba
- 286. ‘Abd al-Malik bin ‘Ata’
- 287. ‘Abd al-Malik bin ‘Amru
- 288. ‘Abd al-Wahid bin al-Mukhtar
- 289. ‘Ubayd bin Kuthayr
- 290. ‘Ubayd Allah bin Mohammed
- 291. ‘Ubayd Allah bin al-Walïd
- 292. ‘Ubayd Allah al-Wassafi
- 293. ‘Ubayda
- 294. ‘Ubayda al-Khath‘ami
- 295. ‘Ubayda al-Saksaki
- 296. ‘Uthman bin Jubla
- 297. ‘Uthman bin Zyyad
- 298. ‘Uthman bin Zyyad
- 299. ‘Adhafar
- 300. ‘Adhafar bin ‘Abd Allah
- 301. ‘Urwa bin ‘Abd Allah
- 302. Al-‘Atta’
- 303. ‘Atta’ bin Yasar
- 304. ‘Atiya
- 305. ‘Atiya
- 306. ‘Atiya bin Dhakran
- 307. ‘Atiya bin Mazar
- 308. ‘Atiya al-‘Awfi
- 309. ‘Aqaba
- Notes
- 310. ‘Aqaba bin Shayba
- 311. ‘Aqaba bin Qays
- 312. ‘Ukrima
- 313. Al-‘Ala’ bin al-Hasan
- 314. Al-‘Ala’ bin al-Husayn
- 315. Al-‘Ala’ bin ‘Abd al-Karïm
- 316. ‘Ala’ bin Darra’
- 317. ‘Alqama bin Mohammed
- 318. ‘Ali bin al-Ahmasi
- 319. ‘Ali bin Abï Hamza
- 320. ‘Ali bin Abï al-Mughïra
- 321. ‘Ali bin Hanzala
- 322. ‘Ali bin Sa‘ïd
- 323. ‘Ali bin ‘Abd al-‘Azïz
- 324. ‘Ali bin ‘Abd Allah
- 325. ‘Ali bin ‘Atiya
- 326. ‘Ali bin ‘Aqaba
- 327. ‘Ali bin Maymun
- 328. ‘Ammar bin al-Ahwas
- 329. ‘Ammar bin Marwan
- 330. ‘Umar bin Aban
- 331. ‘Umar bin Aban
- 332. ‘Umar bin Abï Shayba
- 333. ‘Umar bin Thabit
- 334. ‘Umar bin Hanzala
- 335. ‘Umar bin Qays
- 336. ‘Umar bin Qays
- 337. ‘Umar bin Mu‘ammar
- 338. ‘Umar bin Hilal
- 339. ‘Umar bin Yahya
- 340. ‘Amru bin Ubay
- 341. ‘Amru bin Abï al-Muqdam
- 342. ‘Amru bin Jamï‘
- 343. ‘Amru bin Khalid
- 344. ‘Amru bin Khalid
- 345. ‘Amru bin Dïnar
- 346. ‘Amru bin Rashïd
- 347. ‘Amru bin Sa‘ïd
- 348. ‘Amru bin Shimr
- 349. ‘Amru bin ‘Abd ‘Abd Allah
- 350. ‘Amru bin ‘Uthman
- 351. ‘Amru bin Mu‘ammar
- 352. ‘Umran
- 353. ‘Umran bin Abï Khalid
- 354. ‘Umran bin A‘yun
- 355. ‘Unba bin Mas‘ab
- 356. ‘Unba al-‘Abid
- 357. ‘Isa bin Abï Mansur
- 358. ‘Isa bin A‘yun
- 359. ‘Isa bin Bakr
- 360. ‘Isa bin al-Dahhak
- 361. ‘Isa bin al-Tahhan
- 362. Ghalib Abu al-Hadhïl
- 363. Fa’id al-Jammal
- 364. Furat bin al-Ahnaf
- 365. Farwa
- 366. Al-Fadl bin al-Zubayr
- 367. Al-Fadl bin ‘Uthman
- 368. Al-Fadl al-Nawfali
- 369. Al-Fudal
- 370. Al-Fudal bin Khuthaym
- 371. Al-Fudayl bin al-Zubayr
- 372. Al-Fudal bin Sa‘dan
- 373. Al-Fudal bin Shurayh
- 374. Al-Fudal bin ‘Uthman
- 375. Al-Fudayl bin Ghayyath
- 376. Al-Fudayl bin Yasar
- 377. Fitr bin Khalifa
- 378. Fulayh bin Abï Bakr
- 379. Al-Fayd bin al-Mukhtar
- 380. Al-Qasim bin ‘Abd al-Rahman
- 381. Qasim bin ‘Abd al-Malik
- 382. Qaddama bin Za’ida
- 383. Qays bin Abï Moslem
- 384. Qays bin al-Rabï‘
- 385. Kamil bin al-‘Ala’
- 386. Kamil al-Rasafi
- 387. Kamil Sahib al-Sabiri
- 388. Kamil al-Najjar
- 389. Kuthayr bin Kalthem
- 390. Kathïr al-Nawa
- 391. Kulayb b. Mu‘awiya
- 392. Al-Kumayt bin Zayd
- 393. Kankar
- 394. Layth bin Abï Salïm
- 395. Layth bin al-Bakhtari
- 396. Malik bin A‘yun
- 397. Malik bin ‘Atiya
- 398. Mohammed bin Ibrahim
- 399. Mohammed bin Abï Sarrah
- 400. Mohammed bin Abï Mansur
- 401. Mohammed bin Ishaq
- 402. Mohammed bin Isma‘il
- 403. Mohammed bin al-Hasan
- 404. Mohammed bin Hamïd
- 405. Mohammed bin Rustam
- 406. Mohammed bin Zayd
- 407. Mohammed bin Salim
- 408. Mohammed bin Sulayman
- 409. Mohammed bin Sawqa
- 410. Mohammed bin Sahib
- 411. Mohammed bin ‘Abd Allah
- 412. Mohammed bin ‘Ajlan
- 413. Mohammed bin ‘Ajlan
- 414. Mohammed bin ‘Attiya
- 415. Mohammed bin ‘Ali
- 416. Mohammed bin ‘On
- 417. Mohammed bin al-Furat
- 418. Mohammed bin al-Fadl
- 419. Mohammed bin al-Fadl
- 421. Mohammed bin Qays
- 422. Mohammed bin Marwan
- 423. Mohammed bin Marwan
- 424. Mohammed bin Marwan
- Notes
- 425.Mohammed bin Moslem
- Honoring and Glorification
- His Scientific Rank
- Mohammed before Shurayk, the Judge
- Mohammed bin Moslem sold dates
- His Death
- 426. Mohammed bin Moslem
- 427. Mohammed bin al-Munkadir
- 428. Al-Mustahal bin ‘Ata`’
- 429. Mas‘ada bin Zyya`d
- 430. Mas‘ada bin Sadaqa
- 431. Maskïn
- 432. Maskïn bin ‘Abd
- 433. Masma‘ bin ‘Abd al-Malik
- 434.Ma‘ru`f bin Khrbu`dh
- 435. Mu‘ammar bin Rashïd
- 436. Mu‘ammar bin ‘Ata`’
- 437. Mu‘ammar bin Yahya``
- 438. Mu‘ammar bin Yahya``
- 439. Mu‘ammar bin Yahya`` al-‘Ajali
- 440. Al-Mughïra bin Sa‘ïd
- 441. Al-Mufaddal bin Zayd
- 442. Al-Mufaddal bin Qays
- 443. Muqa`til bin Sulayma`n
- 444. Muqrin al-Sarra`jj
- 445. Mundhir bin Abï Turayfa
- 446. Mansu`r bin al-Mu‘tamir
- 447. Mansu`r bin al-Walïd
- 448. Mu`sa` al-Ash‘ari
- 449. Mu`sa` bin Ashyam
- 450. Mu`sa` al-Khayya`t
- 451. Mu`sa` bin Zyya`d
- 452. Mu`sa` bin ‘Abd Allah
- 453. Muhzim bin Abï Burda
- 454. Maysar bin ‘Abd al-‘Azïz
- 455. Maymu`n al-Ba`n
- 456. Maymu`n al-Qadda`h
- 457. Najm bin al-Hutaym
- 458. Najm al-Ta`’i
- 459. Nujayh bin Moslem
- 460. Al-Nadar bin Qarwa`sh
- 461. Nu‘ma`n al-Ahmasi
- 462. Al-Ward bin Zayd al-Asadi
- 463. Al-Walïd bin Bashïr
- 464. Al-Walïd bin ‘Urwa al-Hajri
- 465. Al-Walïd bin al-Qa`sim
- 466. Ha`ru`n al-Jabali
- 467. Ha`ru`n bin Hamza
- 468. Ha`shim bin Abï Ha`shim
- 469. Ha`shim al-Raha`’i
- 470. Yahya`` bin Abï al-‘Ala`’ al-Razza`i
- 471. Yahya`` bin Abï Qa`sim al-Hadhdha`’
- 472. Yhaya` bin al-Sa`biq
- 473. Yazïd Abu` Kha`lid al-Kana`si
- 474. Yazïd bin ‘Abd al-Malik al-Ju‘fi
- 475. Yazïd bin ‘Abd al-Malik al-Nawfali
- 476. Yazïd bin Mohammed al-Nïsha`bu`ri
- 477. Yazïd
- 478. Ya‘qu`b al-Azdi
- 479. Ya‘qu`b bin Shu‘ayb
- 480. Younis bin Abï Ya‘fu`r
- 481. Younis bin Khabba`b
- 482. Younis bin al-Mughïra
- Notes
- The Ima`m announced his own Death
- The Murder of the Ima`m
- Reasons for the Murder of the Ima`m
- 1. The Ima`m’s high Character
- 2. The Events of Damascus
- Al-Ba`qir designated al-Sa`diq
- His Testamentary Enjoinments
- To the Highest Paradise
- His Preparation(for Burial)
- His Burial
- His Holy Age
- The Year of his Death
- The Moslems condoled Ima`m al-Sa`diq
- Notes
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