The Life of Imam Muhammad ibn 'Ali al-Baqir (A.S)

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The Life of Imam Muhammad ibn 'Ali al-Baqir (A.S) Author:
Translator: Jasim al-Rasheed
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Imam al-Baqir
ISBN: 964-438-044-4

The Life of Imam Muhammad ibn 'Ali al-Baqir (A.S)

Author: Baqir Sharif al-Qarashi
Translator: Jasim al-Rasheed
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

ISBN: 964-438-044-4
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The Life of Imam Muhammad ibn 'Ali al-Baqir (A.S)
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The Life of Imam Muhammad ibn 'Ali al-Baqir (A.S)

The Life of Imam Muhammad ibn 'Ali al-Baqir (A.S)

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
ISBN: 964-438-044-4


84. Al-Jarud bin al-Sari

He was called al-Timimi al-Sadi al-Hammani al-Kufi.[1] Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him, and of Imam al-Sadiq, peace be on him.[2]

85. Al-Jarud bin al-Mundhir

He was called al-Kindi al-Nakhkhas. He was from Kufa. Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him, and of Imam al-Sadiq, peace be on him. Al-Najashi said: “Al-Jarud bin al-Mundhir, Abu al-Mundhir al-Kindi al-Nakhkhas, reported on the authority of Abu ‘Abd Allah (al-Sadiq). He was very reliable.” Abu al-’Abbas has mentioned him with his narrators. He has a book.[3]

86. Al-Jarrah al-Mada’ini

Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him, and of Imam al-Sadiq, peace be on him.[4] Al-Najashi said: “Al-Jarrah al-Mada’ini reported on the authority of Abu ‘Abd Allah (al-Sadiq). He has a book.[5]

87. Ja‘far al-Ahmasi

He was among the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him.[6]

88. Ja‘far b. Ibrahim

He was called al-Ju‘fi al-Jafari. He was among the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him.[7] He was an unknown Imam Shi‘ite.[8]

89. Ja‘far b. Ibrahim

He was called al-Hadrami. Al-Barqi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam Abu Ja‘far (al-Baqir), peace be on him.[9]

90. Ja‘far bin al-Hakïm

He was b. (son of) Abbad al-Kufi. He was among the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him.[10]

91. Ja‘far bin ‘Amru

He was b. (son of) Thabit, Abu al-Muqdam, b. Hurmuz. He was called al-Haddad al-‘Ajali al-Kufi. He was their retainer. He was among the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him.[11] He was an unknown Imam Shi‘ite.

92. Ju‘da

He was b. Abï ‘Abd Allah. Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him.[12]

93. Al-Hasan bin Abï Sarra

He was called al-Nili al-Ansari al-Qarzi.[13] He was the retainer of Mohammed b. Ka‘b. He was the cousin of Ma’adh al-Harra’. He had a son called Abu Ja‘far al-Raddasi al-Nahwi. Al-Barqi numbered him as one of

the companions of Imam al-Baqir and of al-Sadiq, peace be on them.[14] Al-Najashi regarded him as reliable in the biography of his son.

94. Al-Hasan bin Hubaysh

He was among the companions of Imam Abu Ja‘far (al-Baqir), peace be on him.[15] Abu Zayd al-Sahham reported. He said: “I was with Abu ‘Abd Allah (al-Sadiq), peace be on him. Al-Hasan bin Hubaysh passed (by us). So, Abu ‘Abd Allah said to me: ‘Do you love that (person)? He is one of my father companions.’”[16]

95. Al-Hasan bin al-Hasan

He was the son of al-Hasan b. ‘Ali b. Abï Talib, peace be on him. He was called al-Madani al-Tabi‘i. He was the full brother of ‘Abd Allah and Ibrahim, sons of al-Hasan. Their mother was Fatima, daughter of al-Husayn. He died before his brother ‘Abd Allah. He was among the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him.[17]

96. Al-Hasan bin Zyyad

He was called al-Saqïl. He was among the companions of Imam Abu Ja‘far (al-Baqir), peace be on him. Al-Saduq said: “He was from Kufa. He was a retainer. He was given the kunya of Abu al-Walid. Younis b. ‘Abd al-Rahman reported on his authority.[18]

97. Al-Hasan bin al-Sari

He was called al-Katib al-Karkhi. He and his brother reported on the authority of Abu ‘Abd Allah (al-Sadiq), peace be on him. He has a book. Al-Hasan b. Mahbub reported the book on his authority. Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him.[19]

98. Al-Hasan bin Shahab

He was the son of Yazïd al-Bariqi al-Azdi al-Kufi. He reported on the authority of al-Sadiq, peace be on him, and of Abu ‘Abd Allah (al-Sadiq), peace be on him.[20]

99. Al-Hasan bin Salih.

He was the son of Hay al-Hamadani al-Thawri al-Kufi. He is the owner of the essay. He was Zaydi. The Salihiya is ascribed to him. Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him. Al-Kashi mentioned him when he mentioned the Bashiri sect, namely after the biography of Abu al-Dabbar. It was reported on the authority of Imam al-Sadiq, peace be on him, who said: “If the Bashiriya were a row between the east and west, Allah would not strengthen His religion with them.” Al-Kashi said: “The Bashiriya were the companions of Kathïr al-Nawa, al-Hasan b. Salih b. Hay, Salim b. Abï Hafsa, al-Hakam b. ‘Ayniya, Salama b. Kuhayl, and Abu al-Muqdam Thabit al-Haddad. It was they who summoned the people to support the succession of ‘Ali, peace be on him. Then they mixed ‘Ali’s succession with the succession of Abu Bakr and of ‘Umar. They supplied proof of their succession. They detested ‘Uthman, Talha, al-Zubayr, and ‘A’isha. They believed in supporting the sons of ‘Ali, peace be on him. They regarded that as enjoining good and forbidding evil. They

supplied proof of the Imamate of the sons of ‘Ali, peace be on him, when they revolted against the rulers.”[21]

100. Al-Hasan bin ‘Ali

He was called al-Ahmedi al-Kufi. He reported on the authority of Imam al-Baqir and of al-Sadiq, peace be on them. Unbusa b. ‘Amru reported on the authority of al-Hasan b. ‘Ali.[22]

101. Al-Hasan bin ‘Ammar

He was called al-Dahhan. He was among the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him, and among Imam al-Sadiq, peace be on him. He reported on the authority of Imam Abu ‘Abd Allah (al-Sadiq). Mohammed b. ‘Abd al-Rahman b. Hammad reported on the authority of Al-Hasan bin ‘Ammar.[23]

102. Al-Hasan bin ‘Ammarah

He was from Kufa. He was among the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him.[24] Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al- Sajjad, peace be on him.

103. Al-Hasan b. Kuthayr

He was called al-Bajali al-Kufi. Shaykh al-Mufïd reported on the authority of al-Hasan b. Kuthayr, who said: “I complained to Abu Ja‘far, peace be on him, of (my) need and the uselessness of brothers.” “Shame on the brother who looks after you when you are rich and separates from you when you are poor.” Then he ordered his servant-boy to take out a porch in which were seven hundred dirhams. “Spend this,” he told me, “and when you have used it, tell me.”[25]

104. Al-Hasan bin al-Mundhir.

Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him and his brother al-Hasan as two of the companions of Imam al- Baqir, peace be on him.[26] Apparently, he was an unknown Imami Shi‘ite.

105. Al-Hasan bin Yousif

Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al- Baqir, peace be on him.[27] Apparently, he was an unknown Imami Shi‘ite.

106. Al-Hasan al-Ju‘fi

He was from Kufa. He was among the companions of Imam Abu Ja‘far al-Baqir, peace be on him.[28]

107. Al-Hasan al-Zayyat

He was called al-Basri. He reported on the authority of Imam Abu Ja‘far al-Baqir, peace be on him. ‘Abd Allah b. Miskan reported on his authority. Our master, professor al-Khu’i mentioned the narrations al-Hasan reported on the authority of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him.[29]

108. Al-Husayn bin al-Abtar

He was from Kufa. He was among the companions of Imam Abu Ja‘far al-Baqir, peace be on him.[30] He was an unknown Imami Shi‘ite.

109. Al-Husayn bin Abu al-Ala’

He was called al-Khaffaf al-Zinji. He was given the kunya of Abu ‘Ali al-A‘war. He was among the companions of Imam Abu Ja‘far al-Baqir, peace be on him, and was among the companions of Imam al-Sadiq, peace be on him. He has books. One of them is numbered among the books of the fundamentals (usul). He reported on the authority of Abu ‘Abd Allah al-Sadiq. Safwan b. Yahya reported on his authority.[31]

110. Al-Husayn bin Thuwayr

Al-Najashi said: “Al-Husayn bin Thuwayr b. Abu Fakhta, Sa‘ïd b. Hamran, was the retainer of Umm Hani, daughter of Abu Talib. He reported on the authority of Abu Ja‘far and of Abu ‘Abd Allah, peace be on them. He was reliable. Abu al-‘Abbas and others mentioned him. He has a book on rare things.[32]

111. Al-Husayn bin Hammad

Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him.[33] Al-Najashi said: “Al-Husayn b. Hammad b. Maymun al-‘Abdi was their retainer. He was from Kufa. He has a book. Dawud b. al-Husayn and Ibrahim b. Muhzim reported the book.”[34]

112. Al-Husayn bin ‘Abd Allah

He was called al-Rajani.[35] He was among the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him. He reported on the authority of Imam Abu ‘Abd Allah, peace be on him. Al-Haythem b. Raqid reported on his authority.[36]

113. Al-Husayn bin ‘Ubayd Allah

He was the son of ‘Ubayd Allah b. al-‘Abbas b. ‘Abd al-Mutalib. Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him. He was from Medina. He belonged to the next generation. Qays b. al-Rabï’ reported on his authority.[37]

114. Al-Husayn bin Mus‘ab

He was called al-Hamadani al-Kufi. Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him. He has a book.[38] He was an Imami Shi‘ite.

115. Al-Husayn bin al-Mundhir

He was the son of Abu Tarïfa. He was the cousin of Mohammed b. ‘Ali b. al-Nu‘man (M’min al-Taq). In the biography of Mohammed b. ‘Ali b. al-Nu‘man, al-Najashi said: “Al-Husayn bin al-Mundhir reported on the authority of ‘Ali b. al-Husayn, Abu Ja‘far (al-Baqir), and Abu ‘Abd Allah (al-Sadiq), peace be on them.[39] Al-Husayn bin al-Mundhir reported. He said: “I was with Abu ‘Abd Allah (al-Sadiq), peace be on him. Mu‘tib said to me: ‘Relieve Abu ‘Abd Allah.’ So, he (Abu ‘Abd Allah) said : ‘Leave him. He is among the children of the Shi‘ites.’”[40]

116. Safi al-A‘war

He was from Kufa. He reported on the authority of al-Baqir and Imam Abu ‘Abd Allah (al-Sadiq), peace be on them. He was among the companions Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him.[41]

117. Hafs bin Ghayyath

He was called al-Nakha’i al-Kufi. Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him.[42] Al-Najashi said: “Hafs bin Ghayyath b. Talaq al-Kufi reported on the authority of Abu ‘Abd Allah, Ja‘far b. Mohammed (al-Sadiq), peace be on him. Harun appointed him judge over the eastern part of Baghdad. Then he appointed him judge over Kut. He (Hafs bin Ghayyath) died in Kut, in the year 164 A. H. He has a book. A group of our companions told us on the authority of Ahmed b. Mohammed b. Sa‘ïd, who said: ‘I heard ‘Abd Allah b. Usama al-Kalbi say: ‘I heard ‘Umar b. Hafs b. Ghayyath say: ‘My father has a book.’ Then he mentioned the book of his father on the authority of Ja‘far b. Mohammed (al-Sadiq), peace be on him. The book has about one hundred and seventy traditions.”[43]

118. Al-Hakam bin al-Salt

He was called al-Thaqafi. Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him. Al-Barqi called him al-Madani. He also numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him.[44]

119. Al-Hakam bin Abï Na‘ïm.

Al-Barqi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him. He (al-Hakam) reported on the authority of al-Baqir.[45]

120. Al-Hakam bin ‘Abd al-Rahman

He was the son of Abu Na‘ïm al-Bajali. He was among the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him, and of Imam al-Sadiq, peace be on him.[46]

121. Al-Hakam bin ‘Utayba

He was called Abu Mohammed al-Kindi al-Kufi. Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him, and of Imam al-Sadiq, peace be on him. The Shaykh added that he (al-Hakam) belonged to the Batariya. Abu Maryam al-Ansari reported on the authority of Imam Abu Ja‘far (al-Baqir), peace be on him, who said: “Say to Salama b. Kuhayl and al-Hakam ‘Utayba that they will find no authentic knowledge in the East or in the West except the knowledge of the members of the House (ahl al-Bayt), peace be on them.”

Abu Basïr reported. He said: “I asked Abu Ja‘far (al-Baqir), peace be on him: Is the witness of an illegitimate child permitted?” “No,” he, peace be on, replied. I (Abu Basïr) said: “Al-Hakam bin ‘Utayba says that it is permitted.” “O Allah, do not forgive him his sins,” al-Baqir prayed. Allah said: “It is remembrance for you and your people,” al-Baqir added. Let al-Hakam go to the right and to the left. By Allah, such knowledge is not found except with the members of the House (ahl al-Bayt), peace be on them. Gabriel came down to them.

Abu Basïr reported. He said: “I heard Abu Ja‘far (al-Baqir) say: ‘Al-Hakam bin ‘Utayba, Salama, Kathïr al-Nawa, Abu al-Muqdam, and al-Tammar (Salim) have gone a stray. They are among those about whom

Allah, the Great and Almighty, said: ‘And some of the people say: We have believed in Allah and the hereafter. And they are not believers.’”[47]

Zarara reported. He said: “When I was a young man, I went to Medina. I entered the large tent of Abu Ja‘far (al-Baqir), peace be on him. I saw some people sitting in the tent. There was no one in front of the assembly. I saw a man sitting on the side. The man was treating himself by cupping. I was sure that the man was Abu Ja‘far. So, I walked towards him. I greeted him. He returned the greetings. I sat in front of him. The cupper was behind him. Then he asked me: “Are you from the sons of A‘yun?” “Yes, I am Zarara b. A‘yun,” I replied. “I have recognized you with resemblance,” he said. “Has Hamran performed the pilgrimage (to Mecca)?” he asked. “No, he sends you his greetings,” I replied. “He is among the true believers. He will never retreat (from the Imamte). When you see him, send him my greetings. Say to him: Why have you related to al-Hakam bin ‘Utayba.? The trustees (of the Apostle) are traditionists. Do not tell him and those the same as him about such a tradition.” he said.[48]

This account shows that there was no relationship between al-Hakam bin ‘Utayba and the members of the House (ahl al-Bayt), peace be on them. Rather, it shows that he deviated from them. Ibn Hajar regarded him as reliable. He lauded him, and mentioned many words in praise of him.[49]

His Death

Al-Hakam bin ‘Utayba died in the year 113 A. H.[50] It was said that he died in the year 115 A. H.[51]

122. Al-Hakam bin ‘Alya’

He was called al-Asadi. He was the Governor over Bahrain. He earned a lot of money. He sent its one-fifth to Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him. The Imam accepted that.[52]

123. Al-Hakam bin al-Qattat

He was from Kufa. Ibn Dauwd numbered him among the companions of Imam al-Baqir and al-Sadiq. Al-Najashi said: “He was reliable. His traditions were few. He has a book.”[53]

124. Al-Hakam bin al-Mukhtar

He was the son of Abu ‘Ubayd al-Thaqafi. He was given the kunya of Abu Mohammed. He was reliable. He reported on the authority of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him, and of Imam al-Sadiq, peace be on him.[54]

125. Hakïm bin Hakam

He was the son of ‘Abbad b. Hunayf al-Ansari. He reported on the authority of the pure Imams: ‘Ali b. al-Husayn, al-Baqir, and al-Sadiq, peace be on them.[55]

126. Hakïm bin Suhayb

He was called al-Kufi al-Sayrafi. He was the master of the Banu (sons of) Dabba. Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam ‘Ali b. al-Husayn, peace be on him, and of al-Baqir, peace be on him.[56]

127. Hakïm bin Mu‘awiya

He was called al-Numayri. Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him.[57] He was an unknown Imam Shi‘ite.

128. Hammad bin Abï Sulayman

He was called al-Ash‘ari al-Kufi. He was among the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him, and of al-Sadiq, peace be on him.[58] He was an unknown Imam Shi‘ite.

129. Hammad bin Abï al-‘Atarid

He was from Tay. He was called al-Kufi. He was among the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him, and of al-Sadiq, peace be on him.[59]

130. Hammad bin Bashïr

He was called al-Tanafisi al-Kufi. He reported on the authority of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him, and of al-Sadiq, peace be on him. He was among the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him.[60]

131. Hammad bin Rashïd

He was called al-Azdi al-Bazzaz. He was given the kunya of Abu al-‘Ala’ al-Kufi. He was among the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him, and of al-Sadiq, peace be on him. He died in the year 159 A. H.[61]

132. Hammad bin al-Mughïra

He was among the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him. He was an unknown Imami Shi‘ite.[62]

133. Hamran bin A‘yun

He was called al-Shaybani. He was given the kunya of Abu al-Hasan. It was said that he was given the kunya of Abu Hamza. He belonged to the next generation. He was among the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him. He was among the main religious scholars, and among the outstanding narrators. He was among those who knew the truth, and among those who declared the religion of Allah. We will mention some of his affairs:

His Scientific Rank.

Hamran was among the main religious scholars, who conveyed the message of Islam, and knew it in detail. He learned his sciences from the Imams of the members of the House (ahl al-Bayt), peace be on them. He studied under Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him. Then he studied under Imam al-Sadiq, peace be on him. He learned many of his sciences. Imam al-Sadiq, peace be on him, supplied proof of his wide knowledge and outstanding merits. The narrators said that a Syrian came to Imam al-Sadiq, peace be on him, to test him. The Imam, peace be on him, asked the Syrian:

“What is your need?”

“I have heard that you have knowledge of all questions,” replied the Syrian.

The Imam smiled at him, and then he said to him:

“In what?” asked the Imam.

“In the Koran,” replied the Syrian.

The Imam turned to Hamran and said to him:

“Take the man.”

The Syrian became angry and said: “I want to (question) you, not Hamran.”

The Imam smiled at him and said:

“If you overcame Hamran, then you would overcome me.”

The Syrian began questioning Hamran, who answered all his questions. Then the Imam asked the Syrian: “What is your opinion of Hamran?”

“He is skillful. He has answered all my questions.”[63]

This initiative of Hamran shows his wide knowledge and sciences. Abu Ghalib al-Razi said: “Hamran was among the greatest Shi‘ite scholars. He was among those who memorized the Koran by heart. Moreover, he was an excellent grammarian and linguist.”[64]

His Rank with the Imams

Hamran had an honorable rank with the Imams of guidance, peace be on them. Many traditions were reported on their authority. In the traditions they praised and lauded him. The following are some of these traditions:

1. Bukayr b. A‘yun reported he said: “I went to make the pilgrimage (to Mecca) for the first time I arrived at Mina. There I asked (the people) about the tent of Abu ‘Abd Allah (al-Sadiq). I entered the tent. I found some people in it. I looked at their faces, but did not find him among them. He was on the side in the tent. He was treating himself by cupping. He said: ‘Come to me.’ Then he said: ‘O Young man, are you from the children of A‘yun?’ I said: ‘Yes, may Allah make me ransom for you.’ He said: ‘Who are you?’ I said: ‘I am Bukayr b. A‘yun.’ He said to me: ‘What Hamran has done?’ I said: ‘He will not perform the hajj this year. He is longing for you. He sends you his greetings.’ He returned the greetings, and then he said: ‘Hamran is a believer. He is among the people of the garden. By Allah, he has no doubt about (the Imamate).

2. Zayd al-Shahham reported. He said: [Abu ‘Abd Allah (al-Sadiq), peace be on him, said to me:] “No one has put my words into effect, obeyed my orders, and followed my example except two men, may Allah have mercy on them. They are ‘Abd Allah b. Abï Yafoor, and Hamran b. A‘yun. They are two sincere believers from our Shi‘ites. Their names are with us in the book of the people of the right hand (ashab al-yemeen), which Allah gave to Mohammed, may Allah bless him and his family.

3. Abu Khalid al-Akhras reported on the authority of Hamran, who said: [I said to Abu Ja‘far (al-Baqir), peace be on him:] “May I be your ransom, I have sworn that I will not leave Medina till I know what I am.” He, peace be on him, said: “O Hamran, what do you want?” I (Hamran) said: “I want you to tell me what I am.” He, peace be on him, said: “You are our follower (shi‘ite) in here and hereafter.”[65]

Al-Kashi reported another group of traditions that show the high rank of Hamran with the Imams of the members of the House (ahl al-Bayt), peace be on them.

His intense Obedience to the Imams.

Hamran was very obedient to the Imams. He loved them from the bottom of his heart. The narrators said: “When Hamran sat with his companions, he mentioned the outstanding merits of the members of the House (ahl al-Bayt), peace be on them. When his companions wanted to mix the outstanding merits of the members of the House (ahl al-Bayt), peace be on them, with other than them, he left them and went away.”[66] Indeed, this is the maximum degree of obedience and love for the Imam.

134. Hamza bin Hamran

He was the son of Hamza b. Hamran b. A‘yun al-Shaybani al-Kufi. Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him. Al-Barqi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Sadiq, peace be on him. Al-Kashi said: “Hamran has a book.”[67]

135. Hamza bin ‘Ata’

He was from Kufa. He was among the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him, and of the companions of Imam al-Sadiq, peace be on him. He was an unknown Imam Shi‘ite.[68]

136. Hamza bin ‘Ammara

He was called al-Barbari al-Yazïdi. Al-Kashi reported on the authority of Barïd b. Mu‘awiya al-‘Ajali, who said: [Hamza b. Amara al-Yazïdi, may Allah curse him, said to his companions:] “Abu Ja‘far comes to me every night” One day, I (Barïd) met Abu Ja‘far, peace be on him, and told him about what Hamza had said. Abu Ja‘far said: “Hamza tells lies. May Allah curse him. The Satan is unable to appear in the shape of a prophet or the trustee of a prophet.”[69] Traditions similar to this were mentioned. The traditions dispraise Hamza and summon Moslems to renounce him.

137. Hamza al-Tayyar

Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him. Al-Barqi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Sadiq, peace be on him. Al-Kashi reported on the authority of Hamza al-Tayyar, who said: “Abu ‘Abd Allah (al-Sadiq), peace be on him, asked me about the recitation of the Koran. I (Hamza) said: ‘I am inappropriate for that.’ He (Abu ‘Abd Allah) said: ‘However, your father was appropriate for that.’ Then he asked me about the religious duties. I said (I am inappropriate for that.)’ He said: ‘However, your father was appropriate for that.’ Then he (Abu ‘Abd Allah) said: ‘ I had a friend from Qurash. The friend was a scholar. He recited the Koran. He and your father met in the house of Abu Ja‘far, peace be on him. Abu Ja‘far said to them: ‘Question each other.’ They did that. The Qurayshi man said to Abu Ja‘far: ‘I have understood what you wanted. You wanted to tell me that there were persons the same as this one among your companions’ Abu Ja‘far replied: ‘Yes, you are right. What is your opinion of him.’”[70] This account shows that Hamza had outstanding merits and wide knowledge. The Narrators said: “Imam al-Sadiq, peace be on him, prevented some of his Shi‘ites from debating with others on theological problems. For they were not specialist in such problems. Hamza heard of that. So, he hurried to Imam al-Sadiq, peace be on him. He said to him: ‘I have heard that you debating with the people

on theological matters.’ The Imam said: ‘We do not hate your debating with them.’”[71] This narration shows that Ja‘far had excellent abilities in theological debates. Rather, he was specialist in them. The biographers said: “Hamza made many theological debates about the members of the House (ahl al-Bayt), peace be on them.

Hamza was very obedient to the members of House (ahl al-Bayt), peace be on them. He came to Imam Abu ‘Abd Allah al-Sadiq, peace be on him. The Imam took him by the hand. Then he numbered for him the Imams whose obedience Allah made obligatory. When he, peace be on him, came to his father, Mohammed al-Baqir, he stopped. So, Hamza said to him: “May Allah make me ransom for you, if you split open a pomegranate and made some of it lawful and some of it unlawful, I would testify that what you prohibited was unlawful, and what you made lawful was lawful.” The Imam was pleased with Hamza’s words. He made him know that he (Abu ‘Abd Allah al-Sadiq) would be the Imam after his father, al-Baqir. Then he said to Hamza: “It is sufficient for to believe in his (al-Sadiq’s) words. I am like them (the Imams). I have the same rights as they have. Allah, the Exalted, said: ‘(Remember) the day when We will call every people with their Imam.’ If you want to be among them on the Day of Judgment, then follow his (Abu ‘Abd Allah’s) words.’”[72]

Hamza, may Allah have mercy on him, had firm faith. He faithfully defended the members of House (ahl al-Bayt), peace be on them. When Imam al-Sadiq, peace be on him, heard of his death, he said: “May Allah have mercy on Hamza. He may be pleased with him. Hamza faithfully defended the members of House (ahl al-Bayt).”[73]

138. Khazim al-Ashal

He was from Kufa. He was among the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him. He reported on his authority. He also reported on the authority of ‘Abd Allah (al-Sadiq), peace be on him.[74] He was an unknown Imami Shi‘ite.

139. Khalid bin Abï Karïma

Al-Najashi reported: “Khalid bin Abï Karïma reported on the authority of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him. Ibn Nuh mentioned him. He reported a copy of traditions on his authority. It was the copy of the traditions Khalid reported on the authority of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him.[75]

140. Khalid bin Awfa

He was called Abu al-Rabï‘ al-‘Anzi al-Shami. Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him.[76]

141. Khalid bin Bakkar

He was called Abu al-‘Ala’ al-Khaffaf al-Kufi. He was among the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him. He was an unknown Imami Shi‘ite.[77]

142. Khalid bin Tuhman

He was called Abu al-‘Ala’ al-Khaffaf al-Silui. He was among the non-Shi‘a. He has a copy of traditions. He reported the copy on the authority of

Imam Abu Ja‘far (al-Baqir), peace be on him. Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him.[78]

143. Khuthayma bin ‘Abd al-Rahman

He was called al-Ju‘fi. He reported on the authority of Imam Abu Ja‘far (al-Baqir), peace be on him. ‘Ali b. ‘Atyya reported on his authority. He (Khuthayma) reported on the authority of Imam Abu ‘Abd Allah (al-Sadiq), peace be on him. Al-Khashshab reported on the authority of some of our companions, on the authority of Khuthayma.[79]

144. Khuthayma bin Abï Khuthayma

Mohammed bin Ya‘qub al-Kulayni reported on the authority of Abu Basïr, who said: “I was with Abu Ja‘far (al-Baqir), peace be on him. Salam said to him: ‘Khuthayma bin Abï Khuthayma, the one who relates to us on your authority, questioned you about the Moslem and you said to him: ‘The Moslem is the one who follows our qibla (the direction to the Kaaba), testifies our tashahhud, befriends whoever befriends us, and is hostile to whoever opposes us.’ Abu Ja‘far said: ‘Yes, Khuthayma is truthful.’ Then I (Abu Basïr) said: ‘You said: ‘Faith is in Allah. Certitude is in the Book of Allah. Allah should be obeyed.’ He (Abu Ja‘far) said: ‘Kuthayma is truthful.’”[80]

145. Dawud al-Abzari

Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him. He was an unknown Imami Shi‘ite.[81]

146. Dawud bin Abï Hind

He was called al-Qushayri al-Sarkhasi. He was given the kunya of Abu Bakr. The real name of Abï Hind is Dïnar. He was from Sarkhas. He died on the road to Mecca, in the year 139 A. H. He was among the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him.[82]

147. Dawud bin Habïb

He was given the kunya of Abu Ghaylan. He was from Kufa. He reported on the authority of Imam Abu Ja‘far (al-Baqir), peace be on him, and of Abu ‘Abd Allah (al-Sadiq), peace be on him.[83]

148. Dawud bin Hurra

He was the brother of Ishaq b. Hurra. He reported on the authority of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him, and of Imam al-Sadiq, peace be on him.[84]

149. Dawud bin Zayd

He was called al-Hamadani al-Kufi. Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him.[85]

150. Dawud bin al-Dajjaji

He was called al-Kufi. Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him.[86]

151. Dalham bin Salih

He was called al-Kindi al-Kufi. He was among the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him.[87]

152. Rai‘ bin Muslima

He was the son of Zyyad b. Abï al-Ju‘d al-Ashja‘i. He was their retainer. He was from Kufa. He reported on the authority of Imam Abu Ja‘far (al-Baqir), peace be on him, and of Imam Abu ‘Abd Allah (al-Sadiq), peace be on him. He was reliable. He has a book.[88]

153. Al-Rabï‘ al-‘Absi

He was from Kufa. He was among the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him.[89]

154. Rabï‘ bin Sa‘d

He was called al-Ju‘fi. He was from Kufa. He reported on the authority of Imam Abu Ja‘far (al-Baqir), peace be on him. His grandson, Ahmed b. al-Nadar al-Khazaz, reported on his authority.[90]

155. Rabï‘a bin Abï ‘Abd al-Rahman.

He was known as Rabï‘at al-Ra’i. He was from Medina. He was a jurist. He was a non-Shi‘ite. He was among the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him.[91] Al-Kashi reported on the authority of Zarara, who said: “I came to a seminar in Medina. At the Seminar were ‘Abd Allah b. Mohammed and Rabï‘at al-Ra’i. ‘Abd Allah said: ‘O Zarara ask Rabï‘a about what you have differed over.’ So, I (Zarara) said:’ Speech causes hatred.’ Thus, Rabï‘at al-Ra’i said to: ‘O Zarara, question me.’ So, I (Zarara) questioned him: ‘With what did Allah’s Apostle hit those who drank wine?’ ‘He hit them with palm-leaf stalk,’ he replied. Then I (Zarara) asked: ‘Nowadays, with what does the judge hit those who drink wine?’ ‘He hits them with the whip,’ he answered. So, ‘Abd Allah b. Mohammed said: ‘Glory belongs to Allah! Allah’s Apostle, may Allah bless him and his family hit (those who drank wine) with palm- leaf stalk. However, ‘Umar hit (them) with the whip. Therefore, we must leave what Allah’s Apostle, may Allah bless him and his family had done, and put into effect what ‘Umar had done.’”

156. Rabï‘a bin Najidh

He was the son of Kuthayr. He was given the kunya of Abu Sadiq. He reported on the authority of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him, and of Imam Abu ‘Abd Allah (al-Sadiq), peace be on him. He was among the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him.[92]

157. Razi al-Abzari

He was among the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him. He was an unknown Imam Shi‘ite.[93]

158. Razïn al-Anmati

He was among the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him. He was an unknown Imam Shi‘ite.[94]

159. Rushd bin Sa‘d

He was called al-Masri. He was among the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him. Al-Barqi numbered him as on of the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him. He said: “Rushd was an Arab.”[95]

160. Rafïd, the Retainer of the Banu Hubayra

He was among the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him. He reported on his authority, and on the authority of Imam al-Sadiq, peace be on him. He escaped from his master. For his master wanted to kill him. Then he sought refuge with Imam al-Sadiq, peace be on him.[96] The Imam, peace be on him, wrote a letter to Rafïd’s master to forgive Rafeed. So, he responded to the Imam and forgave Rafeed.

161. Raqaba bin Masqala

He was a mufti in Iraq. It was reported that he came to Abu Ja‘far (al-Baqir), peace be on him, and questioned him about a number of matters. The Imam said to him: “I think you are a mufti in the mosque of Iraq.” “Yes,” replied Raqaba. “Who are you?” asked the Imam. “I am the cousin of Sa‘sa‘a,” answered Raqaba. “You are welcome, cousin of Sa‘sa‘a,” said the Imam.[97]

162. Za’ida bin Qaddama

He was among the companions of Imam al-Baqir, peace be on him. He reported on the authority of Imam ‘Ali b. al-Husayn, peace be on him. His son Qaddama reported on his authority.[98]

163. Zahr bin ‘Abd Allah

He was called al-Asadi. He was reliable. He reported on the authority of Imam Abu Ja‘far (al-Baqir), peace be on him, and of Imam Abu ‘Abd Allah (al-Sadiq), peace be on him. He has a book.[99]

164. Zarara bin A‘yun

He was an outstanding Moslem. He was a signpost of the religion. He was among the greatest jurists and scholars. We will take about some aspects of his excellent character:

His Lineage

Zarara was a Roman. His father, A‘yun b. Sansan, was the Roman slave of a person from the Banu (sons of) Shayban. He learned the Koran. So, his master released him. He asked him to join his (master’s) lineage. However, A‘yun refused that. He said to his master: “Let me follow my lineage.” Sansan was a monk in the country of the Romans.

As for Zarara, his real name is ‘Abd Rabah. Zarara was his nick-name. He was given the kunya was Abu al-Hasan.[100]

His Scientific Rank

Zarara was the most famous of all the Moslem scholars in outstanding qualities, piety, and cleaving to the religion. The historians said that he had excellent abilities in jurisprudence. No one of the scholars of his time had such abilities. He was among the founders of the jurisprudence of the members of House (ahl al-Bayt), peace be on them. The jurists rely on his narrations. They prefer them to other narrations. They resort to them when they want to conclude religious precepts. Zarara’s narrations are not confined to a certain jurisprudential chapter. Rather, they include all the jurisprudential chapters such as worship and dealings.

His Narration from Imam al-Baqir

Zarara was the most prominent student of Imam Abu Ja‘far. He reported 1236 traditions on his authority. He also narrated 449 traditions on the authority of Imam al-Sadiq, peace be on him.[101]

Who narrated from Zarara?

A large group of scholars and jurists narrated on his authority. Among them was Abu Ayyub, Abu Basïr, Abu Jumayla, Abu Zyyad al-Hindi, Abu al-Safa’ij, Abu ‘Ayniya, and the like.[102]

His Talents were praised.

Zarara’s talents are outstanding. A large group of thinkers and scholars lauded them. The following are some of them.

A. Jamïl Darrajj

Jamïl b. Darrajj praised Zarara’s talents and abilities. It was said to him: “Who is the best one in your presence? Who is the adornment of you assembly?” We were about Zarara as the young boys were around the teacher,” he replied.[103]

Jamïl Darrajj was among the prominent scholars. He was among the numbered jurists. He admitted that he was nothing before Zarara. Rather, he was the same as the young boy before his teacher.

B. Al-Najashi

Al-Najashi said: “Zarara bin A‘yun b. Sansan was the retainer of the Banu (sons of) ‘Abd Allah. He was the shaykh of our companions at his time. He was the foremost of them. He was a reciter of the Koran. He was a jurist, a theologian, and a poet. The excellent religious qualities gathered in him. He was truthful in what he said.”[104]

C. Al-Kashi

Al-Kashi said: “The Shi‘ites agreed on the truthfulness of the early companions of Abu Ja‘far and of Abu ‘Abd Allah, peace be on them. They relied on them in jurisprudence. They (the Shi‘ites) said: ‘The most knowledgeable of the early people in jurisprudence are six persons. They are Zarara, Ma’ruf b. Kharbudh, Barïd, Abu Basïr al-Asadi, al-Fudayl b. Yasar, and Mohammed b. Moslem al-Taaifi.’ They (the Shi‘ites) said: ‘The most knowledgeable of the six persons in jurisprudence is Zarara.’”[105]

D. Ibn al-Nadïm

Ibn al-Nadïm said: “Zarara is the greatest Shi‘ite in jurisprudence, traditions, theology, and Shiism.”[106]

These words show that Zarara had outstanding scientific abilities. These abilities made him occupy the first position in knowledge.

Imam al-Sadiq and Zarara

Imam al-Sadiq, peace be on him, respected and admired Zarara. For Zarara was among the main scholars and jurists who studied under his (al-Sadiq’s) father and preserved his cultural scientific wealth. Many traditions reported on the authority of Imam al-Sadiq, peace be on him. In the traditions, the Imam praised and lauded Zarara. The following is some of the traditions:

A. Al-Fadl b. ‘Abd al-Malik reported. He said: [I heard Abu ‘Abd Allah (al-Sadiq), peace be on him, say:] “The most lovable people, dead or living, with me are four (persons). They are Barïd b. Mu‘awiya al-‘Ajali, Zarara, Mohammed b. Moslem, and al-Ahwal.”[107]

This narration shows the sincere love of the Imam, peace be on them, for these four persons. For they raised the banner of Islam and enlightened the life of Moslems through their sciences and morals.

B. Jamïl b. Darrajj reported. He said: [I heard Abu ‘Abd Allah (al-Sadiq), peace be on him, say:] “Give good news to the humble about the garden. They are Barïd b. Mu‘awiya al-’Ajali, Abu Basïr (layth b. al-Bakhtari al-Muradi), Mohammed b. Moslem, and Zarara. They are highborn persons. They are the trustees of Allah over His lawful and unlawful. Were it not for them, the traditions of the Prophet would be obliterated.”[108]

These Mujahideen rendered excellent services to Islam and Moslems. For they preserved the traditions of the Imams of the members of the House (ahl al-Bayt), peace be on them. Such traditions represent the guidance and essence of Islam.

C. Dawud b. Sarhan reported on the authority of Imam Abu ‘Abd Allah (al-Sadiq), peace be on him, who said: “My father’s companions were ornaments before and after their death. I mean Zarara, Mohammed b. Moslem, Layth al-Muradi, and Barïd al-‘Ajali. It is they who are just and truthful.”[109]

These chosen persons were ornaments for the members of the House (ahl al-Bayt), peace be on them. For they had good behavior and high moral standards. They were a good example for those who wanted to follow them. After their death, they are also ornaments for the members of the House (ahl al-Bayt), peace be on him. For they have left behind them scientific knowledge.

D. Sulayman b. Khalid al-Aqta‘ reported: [I heard Abu ‘Abd Allah (al-Sadiq), peace be on him, say:] “No one has enlivened our fame and our traditions except Barïd b. Mu‘awiya al-‘Ajali, Abu Basïr (layth b. al-Bakhtari al-Muradi), Mohammed b. Moslem, and Zarara. Were it not for them, no one would conclude (religious precepts). They are the preservers of the religion. They are the trustees of my father over the lawful and unlawful of Allah. They are close to us in the world. They will be close to us in the next world.”[110]

These jurists were the preservers of the religion. They were sincere custodians over the lawful and the unlawful of Allah. Had it not been for them the traditions of the Prophet and of the Imam would have been extinguished. It was they who maintained the traditions of the Imams when they recorded them. So, their services to Islam are wonderful.

E. Jamïl b. Darrajj reported. He said: [I entered the house of Abu ‘Abd Aallah (al-Sadiq), peace be on him. He asked me:] “Have you seen the person who has just left the house?” “Yes,” I replied,” He is among our Kufan companions.” He, peace be on him, said: “May Allah not hallow his soul nor may He hallow those who are like him. He mentioned persons whom my father appointed as trustees over the lawful and the unlawful of Allah. He said that they were the container of my father’s knowledge, and

that they were the store of my secret. As for the real companions of my father, Allah removes evil from the people of the earth through them. They are the stars of my followers (Shi‘ites), whether they are dead or living. They enliven my father’s reputation. Through them, Allah discloses all heresies. They purify this religion from the claims of the liars and the interpretation of the extremists.”

Then Imam Abu ‘Abd Allah (al-Sadiq), peace be on him, wept. Jamïl b. Darrajj was astonished. So, he asked the Imam: “Who are they?”

The Imam, peace be on him, answered: “The blessing and mercy of Allah be on them, whether they are dead or living. They are Barïd al-‘Ajali, Zarara, Abu Basïr, and Mohammed b. Moslem. Jamïl, you will know the affair of this man, who disparaged Zarara. He belongs to the companions of Abu al-Khattab.”[111]

This tradition show that Zarara and his learned companions were of great importance. For they were the store of the secret of the Imamate. They were the trustees of Imam Abu Ja‘far (al-Baqir), peace be on him, over the lawful and the lawful of Allah. They did their best to bring the community to Allah.

F. Imam Abu ‘Abd Allah (al-Sadiq), peace be on him, said: “May Allah have mercy on Zarara b. A‘yun. Were it not for Zarara and his companions, my father’s traditions would be extinguished.”[112]

Traditions similar to these praised Zarara’s outstanding qualities. The showed his rank and position with the Imams of the members of the House (ahl al-Bayt), peace be on them. They denoted that he was in their hearts and feelings of the Imams of the members of the House (ahl al-Bayt), peace be on them, for they loved him very much.

Slanderous Traditions

Some traditions have been mentioned. The traditions damage Zarara’s reputation. Surely, some of the traditions are fabricated, and some of them were said by Imam Abu ‘Abd Allah (al-Sadiq), peace be on him. The Imam said such traditions not to show malice towards him nor to damage his reputation. Rather, he said them to save Zarara from the Umayyad government. The following are some of these traditions:

A. Al-Dhahabi reported on the authority of b. al-Sammak, who said: “I made a pilgrimage (to Mecca). Then Zarara b. A‘yun met me in Qadisiya (a city in Iraq). He said to me : ‘I have a great need with you.’ ‘What is your need?’ I asked. ‘When you meet Ja‘far b. Mohammed (al-Sadiq), send him my greetings. Ask him to tell me whether I am from the people of the fire or from the people of the garden,’ Zarara replied. However, I blamed him for that. Then Zarara said to me: ‘The Imam knows that.’ Zarara insisted on that till I responded to him. When I met Ja‘far b. Mohammed (al-Sadiq), I told him about what Zarara had said. So, he said to me: ‘Zarara is among the people of the fire.’ Ja‘far (al-Sadiq’s) words moved me. So, I asked him: ‘From where have you known that?’ He replied: ‘Whoever says that I have such knowledge is among the people of the fire.’ When I returned, I met Zarara. Then I told him that the Imam said to me: ‘You (Zarara) are from the people of the fire.’ Thus, Zarara said: ‘He (al-Sadiq) weighed to you from the bag of the lime.[113] ‘What is the bag of the lime?’ I (b. al-Sammak)

asked. ‘Al-Sadiq put precautionary dissimulation into effect,’ Zarara explained.[114] This narration is unacceptable. For Zarara opposed b. al-Sammak in beliefs. Besides Zarara was among the Moslem thinkers and scholars. So, was it important for him to ask such insignificant questions? Noteworthy, man knows his final result according to his deeds in this world.

B. Al-Kashi reported on the authority of Masma‘ Kardïn b. Sayyar, who said: [I heard Abu ‘Abd Allah (al-Sadiq), peace be on him, say: “May Allah curse Barïd! May Allah curse Zarara!”[115]

C. Al-Kashi reported on the authority of Layth al-Muradi, who said: [[I heard Abu ‘Abd Allah (al-Sadiq), peace be on him, say: “Zarara will not die but astray.”[116] This narration is similar to the previous narrations. It is either fabricated or the Imam said it to save Zarara’s life from the Umayyad government that illegally shed the blood of the Shi‘ites of the members of the House (ahl al-Bayt), peace be on them. ‘Abd Allah b. Zarara confirmed this idea when he said: [Abu ‘Abd Allah (al-Sadiq), peace be on him, said to me:] “Send my greetings to you father. Tell him: I (al-Sadiq) slander you to defend you. The people and the enemy try to persecute and kill the persons we love and praise. They praise the persons we dispraise. I find fault with you, for you are famous for your love for us and your inclination to us. The people dispraise you, for you love us and incline to us. I want to find fault with you to make them praise your position in the religion. With that we are able to drive their evil away from you. Allah, the Great and Almighty, said: ‘As for the boat, it belonged to (some) poor men who worked on the river and I wished that I would damage it, and there was behind them a king who seized every boat by force.’ So, understand this example, may Allah have mercy on you. By Allah, you are the most lovable person with me.”[117]

Zarara is Immortal

Zarara faced many difficulties and misfortunes for his faith and doctrine. Yet he was loyal to the Imams of guidance. He recorded their sciences and jurisprudence. He related that to the scholars and jurists. He strengthened the members of the House (ahl al-Bayt), peace be on them. For he had outstanding merits and high moral standrads.

The historians said: “Zarara became ill. He suffered from great pains for several days. Then he passed away delighted. For rendered matchless services to Islam. He died in the year 150 A. H. That was a month before the death of Imam al-Sadiq, peace be on him. So, the Moselms lost a signpost of knowledge and culture.” May Allah be please with him. Peace be on him on the day when he was born, on the day when he died, and on the day when he will be raised from the dead.