

Woman Author:
Translator: Hasan M. Najafi
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Woman


This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Mahdi Mahrizi
Translator: Hasan M. Najafi
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
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Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought


Social independence of women, modern life and Islam, women in Qur’an, family rights, differences between men and women, inheritance, divorce, mut’a, and polygamy.

Author(s): Mahdi Mahrizi

Translator(s): Hasan M. Najafi

Publisher(s): Ansariyan Publications - Qum

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Character of Woman. 5

The Holy Qur’an. 5

Creation of Man & Woman. 5

Creation of Woman out of Man. 7

Philosophy of Creation of Woman. 8

How Qur’an Introduces Talents of Men & Women. 9

Divine Spirit 9

Fashioning and Modification in Creation. 9

Tools of Administration. 9

The Divine Creation. 9

Moral Conscience 10

Bearing the Trust 10

What is the Aim of Creation of Woman & Man? 10

How Do Woman & Man Enjoy the Values? 10

Faith and Good Deed. 11

Knowledge 11

Piety “taqwa” 11

Competing in Faith. 11

Jihad “struggle” 11

Migration. 11

How can Felicity be Obtained by Man & Woman? 12

Enemy of Woman & Man on Course to Perfection. 12

The Prophetic Sunnah. 13

Mates of Men “shaqaayiq” 13

Paradise is under the Feet of Women. 13

Honouring Women. 13

The Concealed Belief 14

Field of Difference between Woman & Man. 15

Essence Deficiency of Women. 16

Notes 19

Chapter 2: The Human Perfections 20

Moral Behaviour 20

Seeking Knowledge 24

The Women Questioning the Prophet 25

The Women Questioning the Companions 25

The Companions Questioning the Women. 26

Women Questioning the Women. 26

Notes 28

Chapter 3: Woman and Family. 29

How Islam Views Marriage 29

Permanence of Human Offspring. 31

Repose and Tranquillity. 31

Satisfying the Sexual Instinct 32

Status of Woman Inside Family. 33

Partnership in Moral Life 33

Partnership in Material life 33

Upbringing of Offspring. 33

In interpretation of the verse 34

Status of Woman inside Family. 34

Notes 38

Chapter 4: Women’s Co­operation in Social Life 39

Permission for Social Co­operation. 40

Allegiance to Government 40

Participation in Immigration. 40

Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil 42

Ownership. 42

Performing Economic­-Social Activities 42

Sovereignty. 43

Religious and ­Social Conduct 43

Sister for Deliverance 44

Participation in Jihad. 44

Employment 45

Motives of Co­operation. 45

Development of Woman’s Character 45

Easy living. 46

Manners of Social Co­operation. 47

Common Manners 47

Lowering the Gaze 47

Abstention from Shaking Hands with Women. 48

Prohibiting Crowding of Women with Men. 48

Abstention from Privacy with women. 48

Abstention from Conversation with women. 48

Women’s Special Etiquette 49

Proper covering. 49

Abstention from perfuming. 49

Abstention from Speech­-Softening. 49

Sobriety of Demeanour 49

Notes 51

Chapter 5: Veil and Chastity. 52

Chastity & Philosophy of Covering. 53

General Conditions of Covering. 63

Limits of Clothing. 64

Abstention from Fame Clothes 64

Adversion to Males’ Clothes 65

Abstention from Transparent Clothes 65

Adornment 65

Khizab “Dyeing” 65

Letting Long the Nails 66

Face Beautification. 66

Intermixing. 66

Notes 68

Chapter 6: Descriptive Books on Collections 69

History of Writing on Women. 69

First Period: From 3rd till 13th Century. 69

Second Period: From 13th up to 19th Century. 70

Third Period: From 19th Century & Upwards 70

A) Books 70

B) Magazines and Journals 71

C) Publications on Publications 71

Five Outstanding Works 73

Al-Mufassal Fi Ahkaam Al­-Mar’ah Wal’Bayt Al-Muslim Fi Ash­-Shari’ah Al-Islamiyyah, Compiled by Dr. Abd Al-Kareem Zaydaan. 73

Tahreer Al­-Mar’ah Fi ‘Asr Ar-­Risaalah. 79

Woman’s Character 80

Woman’s Participation in Social Life 80

Clothes and Adornment of Muslim Woman. 81

Woman in the Family. 82

Critical Issues in Woman’s Fiqh, Masa’il Harijah Fi Fiqh AI-Mar’ah. 88

Common Law Authority. 93

Examples & Stories from the Qur’an. 93

Authority of Signs 94

Precaution in Fatwa & Behaviour 94

Method of Legislation. 94

Jurisdiction of Practical Principles 94

AI-Mar’ ah Fil-Fikr AI-Islami 95

Jami’ Masaanid An-Nisa Wa Dhikrihinnah Wa Ahwalihinna 98

Notes 103

Bibliography. 104

Books 104

Journals & Newspapers 108

Appendix: Hijaab. 109