Your Questions Answered Volume 2

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Your Questions Answered

Author: Allamah Sayyid Sa'eed Akhtar Rizvi
Publisher: Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania

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Your Questions Answered

Your Questions Answered Volume 2

Publisher: Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania

Question: We Muslims are much blamed by non-Muslims for using Holy Book for witch-craft. What really astonishes the non-Muslims is that those sheikhs and sharifus are the leaders of such activities - especially in the Coast area. My question is: How can Islam teach both religious tenets and witch-craft?


There are two aspects of this question which must be explained separately:

First: Is there any harm or evil in healing the people or benefiting them with the help of the name of God? Certainly not. Hadhrat Isa (a s ) used to do so; and the fact is admitted by the Christians and Muslims both. Also, it is written about his 12 disciples that “he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of diseases” (Mathew, 10:1), and he ordered them that: “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils”. (Mathew, 10:8).

When he removed some evil spirit from some people afflicted by those spirits, his enemies accused him of being in league with demon, saying that “he hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils. And he called them unto him, and said unto them in parables, How can Satan cast out Satan?” (Mark, 3:22-23).

So you will see that healing with the name of Allah is not evil; and it is not ‘witch-craft’. If the Christians have lost that power, it is because they are not the followers of Jesus Christ. Otherwise, they would have been able to “say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and thou cast into the sea” and it would have been done (Mathew, 21:2).

Second: What is the difference between healing with the help of God and the witch-craft? It is the same difference which exists between a medicine and a poison. The poison brings harm to body, while the medicine removes the harmful effects. Therefore, if any Sheikh tries to benefit someone with the name of God, or the ayat of the Qur’an, it is like curing someone of his sickness by the medicine, and therefore, should not be ridiculed. On the other hand, if he tries to bring harm to someone, or uses methods other than the name of Allah or ayat of Qur’an, it is witch-craft, and it may be likened to poisoning someone. But this does not mean that Allah has taught the witch-craft as you have asked in your question.

But, remember that, according to true Islamic belief (i.e., of Shia faith) a man is obliged to strive to the utmost limit of his capacity to improve his condition and then he should pray to Allah to bless his efforts with success. It is no use to sit idle and pray to Allah to send him his food. He must try hard to earn his living, and side by side should pray to Allah to give ‘baraka’ in his earnings. Likewise, if a man is sick, he should go to the doctor and use the medicine prescribed by him faithfully following all his instructions, and side by side should pray to Allah to give him back his health. This praying is more important than hanging some ‘hirizi’ in the neck or binding it on the arm.

Unfortunately many Sunni Sheikhs have made this ‘hirizi’ writing a source of their income, bullying people to procure goats, or cock of such a colour, or so many yards of a cloth of such a colour, or so many shillings; certainly they have crossed the limit of religion, and deserve condemnation as exploiters and ‘mirija’. They have disgraced the name of Islam.


“And We did not send thee (Muhammad) but for the whole mankind”. (Quran, 34:28). Look at the major religions of the world minutely and you will find that it is only Islam which claimed from the beginning to be the religion for the whole mankind.

God sent, before Muhammad, thousands of prophets and apostles to different places and nations to guide their people to the right path. It should be mentioned here that the word ‘prophet’, when used by Muslims, does not mean ‘one who foretells the events’. Foretelling the events is not a very important function of a ‘prophet’. A prophet, according to Islam, is sent by God to call people to His path. He is the link between Allah and His creatures; and by following his foot-prints the followers can be sure of receiving the glory of God. Anyhow, when as a result of the efforts of these prophets, mankind reached the stage of maturity, the Holy Prophet of Islam was sent by God for the whole mankind. He reaffirmed, revived, consolidated and perfected the teachings of the earlier prophets (which by passage of time had become distorted and disfigured).

Muhammad came in the world, announcing that, “I have been sent to all people - red and black and yellow.” Among his early followers were people from Ethiopia, Iran, Rome and India.

According to the Qur’an, Allah is not a tribal god but the ‘Lord of Universe’; Qur’an is the ‘Declaration for the universe’; and the Holy Prophet is ‘The Mercy for the universe’ By sending his messengers to Asia Minor, Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Umman and many other places, calling those people to come within the fold of Islam, Muhammad left an undeniable proof that his was the universal religion, unfettered with shackles of tribe, region, colour or race.

23rd January, 1970

Dear Maulana S. S. Akhtar Rizvi,

Mr. Mwangamilo has written me in December, 1969 concerning the “Answers to my Questions” which have been sent to my home address (Kwemkole, Kizara-Korogwe).

I wrote to my brother, there, about the matter so that he may send the answers here. Up to this time I have neither received any reply from my brother concerning this, nor did I receive the answers as I hoped, because the postman at Kizara was directing all letters of mine to this centre. Have they returned the letter there? If so, please send the letter here. If not help me in getting the answers.

May Allah help you all in all matters. Yours in Islam, Dhikiri O. Muhammad Kiondo. 7th February, 1970 Dear Sir,

I enclose the passage you have asked for in your letter of 30/1/70. Concerning the letter No. BMM/40/201/69, the reply of which you are waiting for, I think is the letter signed by Mr. Mwangamilo which does not bear any date, This letter tells me that, the answers to my questions of early March, 1969 have been sent to me on my home address - Kwemkole Village, Kizara Upper Primary School, P.O. Korogwe. If at all you mean such a letter, up to this time, I have not received the answers although I have written to my brother at Kwemkole concerning this. Please help me in this matter. May Allah be with you all.

Your brother in Islam, Dhikiri O. Muhammad Kiondo. 9th February, 1970 Dear Maulana S. S. Akhtar Rizvi,

This is to inform you that I have received the answers to my questions yesterday 8/2/70. Thanks for troubling yourself in trying to show me where the truth is. Now it is clear to me that I am lost and I should find the right path.

It has taken me a long time to realize that I am in a wrong way. I thank Allah for showing me the right way by means of your services. May He save others also. I kindly ask your service to give me more guidance so as to get more knowledge about my new and true faith.

Question: (a) Should I have a particular “Baptism” and who shall baptize me while all here are Sunnis? (b) Islam encourages much congregational prayers. Will I be allowed to pray with Sunnis and in Sunni style? (c) Much of my religious knowledge is Sunnic. How can I get much Shia knowledge. - Please give me a list of Religious books used by Shias, from the simplest to the hardest so that I can buy them, and study them if I get a teacher to teach me. (d) How can I help in the spread of Shiaism in Tanzania, East Africa, Africa or in the whole world?

May Allah bless your holy works, and reward you with heavenly rewards.

Your brother in Islam, Dhikiri O. Mohamed Kiondo. 21st February, 1970. Dear Dhikiri Omari Moh’d Kiondo,

I was very glad to receive your letter dated 7th instant. I got your previous letter after I sent my letter on 30/1/70. I sent the copy of the replies to you per Registered Post, and from your latest letter dated 9th February, I gather that you have got that letter. I welcome you most gladly to the Shia Ithna-asheri faith of Islam. As regards your questions, please see the following:-

(1) There is no baptism in Islam. You are already a Muslim and if you believe in the tenets of Shia’ism, you are a Shia without any need of any rite. But for the purpose of our own record, I would request you to fill up the enclosed declaration form and send it to us.

(2) For the time being you may pray with the Sunnis. We will discuss it in detail when we meet, fnsha-Allah.

(3) So far as the knowledge of Shia faith is concerned, I would be glad to receive you in Dar es Salaam. Please let me know whether you can get transfer to Dares Salaam. If it is possible, then you can easily get necessary religious training in our Night Class here. But if it is not possible, then we will have to make some other plan for you. Meanwhile, I am collecting some good books for you and will send them within a week by surface mail.

(4) You have asked: “How can I help? ‘n the spread of Shia’ism in Tanzania, East Africa, Africa, or in the whole world?”

Well, people like you can do a lot because you have access to the young minds and you can influence their way of thinking even indirectly. First of all, you should yourself acquire the necessary knowledge. Secondly, you should make yourself a good model of Ithna- asheri faith, so that people are attracted first to you and then, through you, to your faith. That was the way of Tabligh of Holy Prophet and our Imams. Thirdly, you should have friendly discussions and discourses with your friends and thus help in removing the prejudice and ignorance which is prevalent in this part of the world regarding our faith. Yours in Iman,

S. S. Akhtar Rizvi. 3rd March, 1970 Dear Maulana S. S. Akhtar Rizvi,

Thank you for accepting me in the Shia Ithna-asheri faith of Islam. Concerning the transfer to Dar es Salaam as you have asked me, is very difficult as my employer is Lushoto District Council which has no connection with Dar es Salaam. Let me buy some books of Shia faith at present. After having completed my National Service duty, I will arrange with you to send me a young teacher to teach me religion. I will be able to pay that teacher a little sum of money monthly.

My home address may change later to the one in the form, because I am building a house there, and planning to have a permanent station there.

May Allah allow us to meet and may He spread Islam all over the globe as well. Yours in Islam (Shiaism),

Dhikiri O. Mohamed Kiondo. 9th April, 1970. Dear Dhikiri, I was in Congo for some time and came back on 28th March, 1970. The books (which I promised you) could not be sent because of my absence. Today I have despatched the following books for your perusal:-

Book of Salaat (Illustrated). Mubahela. Islam the Religion with God. Co-existence of Shia and Hanafi Muslims. Muhammad the Man. Saheefa-e-Kamelah. Discourses on Tauheed. Muhammad the Legislator.

Teachings of Islam (Unity of God). God of Muhammad (S). Bhooli Huwi Baten. Book of Islamic Part 1-11.

Husain (a.s.) The Prince of Martrys and the Saviour of Humanity. The Boundry Line between the Shias and the Sunnis. Tragedy of Hussain. The Sacrifice at Karbala, its Causes and results Also, I Would like you to wite a short article on “Why I became a Shia?” in English or Kiswahili; and if possible send us your passport size photograph. Please treat it as urgent. Thanking you Your sincerely S.S. Akhtar Rizvi 16th April 1970 Maulana S. S. Akhtar Rizvi, Assalamo Alaikum, Maulana,

Thank you very much for the books you have sent me. I have received all 27 books. I also thank the Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania for taking so much trouble for my Islamic studies.

In order to take benefit from the books, I have concluded as follows:

(a) Because Shiaism is new to me, I must spend much time in studying it so that I may have as much knowledge as possible about it - therefore, I kindly ask you to make a syllabus equivalent to Std. XII level, covering Qur’an and Sheriat.

(b) Because I have a little knowledge in Arabic handwriting, I kindly ask you, to send lesson of “Arabic language” equivalent to English for Std. I, if possible. (c) I kindly ask you to help me in getting the best Quranic commentary ever translated into English. Let me know its price.

I am sending you the article, my picture and my questions to be answered by you, so that I may have good knowledge of Islam. (See Appendix ‘D’). I am very well here by mercy of Allah. Much greetings to you and your family from my wife. May Allah let us meet one day.

Your Brother in Islam, Dhikiri O. Mohamed Kiondo 20th June, 1970 Dear Maulana S. S. Akhtar Rizvi, How are you Maulana, The only purpose of this letter is to inform you that I will be out for five months. I am going for National Service at Oljoro, Arusha. I will be back in November, 1970 if Allah wills. But before I am back - I will kindly ask you to find for me a suitable teacher willing to teach me both Arabic language and Nahow at this place. I am ready to pay him a little sum of about 100/- a month according to what I can afford.

I prefer a single person; feeding and clothing will be provided by me. Please help me in this matter. Insha-allah Allah will let us meet one day and bless our good aims. Yours in Islamic faith Dhikiri O. Mohamed Kiondo. 26th July, 1970. Dear Dhikiri,

Thank you for your letter, dated 20th June, informing me that you are going to Oljoro, Arusha, for National Service. I do not know how far this place is from Arusha; but if it is near Arusha, I may be able to see you sometime in August.

You asked about best Tafseer of the Qur’an in English. There is a very detailed Tafseer in English. In fact, its only defect is that it is too detailed. But I think you will get benefit from it. Its price is Shs. 100/-. If you want it, I may send it to you on the address you propose. About Arabic Language: I am looking out for such a Muallim as you want. I will send to you some books when you are free from National Service.

Question: How far is a Muslim allowed to entertain himself? Is he allowed to entertain himself with music?


A Muslim is not allowed to entertain himself or herself with dance, music, gambling or drinking.

Question: What is your opinion about the Christian theory of salvation through the crucifixion (death) of Jesus? Is it justice to kill someone for another’s salvation?


It is absolute non-sense. You have answered this question when you said: “Is it justice to kill someone for another’s salvation?’.’

Question: Is the Christian thought about the cause of the death correct? That man dies because of the disobedience of our father ‘Adam’ and ‘Eve’?


This also is a myth. Nobody in his right sense would think like it seriously. It is a supposition to support the above mentioned theory of salvation.

Question: Did our Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) deliver his message to the Jinnis? If the answer is yes, how did he do this, while the Jinnis are not usually seen by man? And how is Islam maintained among the Jinnis now?


Yes, our Holy Prophet preached among the Jinns, and this fact is clearly described in the Sura ‘Al-Jinn’ in the 29th Juzw. The Jinns are not seen by men, as you have said, usually. But they may make themselves visible if they want. And the power of the eyes of the Holy Prophet was such that he could, and did, see the angels (who also are not seen usually by men); therefore, it is not a serious problem.

As about the maintenance of Islam among them now, it is described in our books, that they have their own scholars and preachers, as the human beings do. And it has been hinted in many traditions of our Imams that the Jinni Muslims were not misled by those who contrived to mislead the mankind; they are on right path.

Question: May I know the Dua and manner of slaughtering the following animals: Chicken; goat; cow; camel; wild animals; an animal for Aquiqua; an animal for slaying Festival, i.e. Idd-ul-Hajj.


Chicken, cow, goat and animals like these are slaughtered by knife. Camel is first pierced in the neck by spear, and then slaughtered by knife.

In all slaughterings, except Aquiqua and Sacrifice of Idd-ul-Hajj the only dua which is wajib is ‘Bismillah’.

In Aquiqua and sacrifice, as mentioned above, it is necessary to have the ‘niyyet’ (intention) that you are slaughtering the animal for that particular purpose Qurbatan llallah (i.e., in obedience to the command of Allah).

Other necessary conditions for the slaughter of any animal are as follows:-

1. The person who slaughters must be a Muslim.

2. The knife must be of iron or steel.

3. At the time of slaughtering, the face, hands, feet and stomach of the animal must be towards Quibla. Also, the person slaughtering that animal must be facing towards Quibla.

4. Before begining the slaughter, when the knife is put on the animal’s throat, the person must say ‘Bismillah’ with intention of slaughtering it.

5. The animal should move its body or limbs after slaughter before dying. Also it is necessary that as much blood should come out of its body as normally comes out from such animals.

Aquiqua: Before slaying the animal for Aquiqua, this Dua is Sunnat:

Bismillahi wa billahi Allahumma hadhihi Aqiqatun an (name of the child and his father) Lahmuha bi lahmihi wa damuha bi damihi wa adhmuha bi adhmihi wa sh’aruha bi sh’arihi wa jilduha bi jildihi Alla-hummaj’alha waqa-an li (name of child and his father). If the child is a daughter, then after taking her name first time, the remaining Du’a will be recited as follows:-

Lahmuha bi lahmiha wa damuha bi damiha wa adhmuha bi adhmiha wa sh’aruha bish’ariha wa jilduha bi jildiha Allahummaj-alha waqa-an li (name of child and her father). Another Du’a:

Ya qaume’ Inni bari-un mimma tushrikuun Inni wajjahtu wajhiya lilladhi fataras-samaawaati wal ardha hanifam muslimanw wa ma ana minal mushrikiin Inna Swlaati wa nusuki wa mahyaya wa mamaati lillahi Rabbil-Aalamiina La sharika lahu wa bi dhaalika umirtu wa ana minal muslimiin Allahumma minka wa laka Bismillahi wallahu Akbar. After slaughtering, say:

Allahumma Swalli ala Muhammadinw wa Aali Muhammad wa Taqabbal min (name of child and his/her father).

Sacrifice at Eid-ul-Hajj time: Before killing the animal, this Dua is Sunnat: Wajjahtu wajhiya lilladhi fatarassamaawaati wal ardha hanifam muslimanw wa ma ana minal mushrikiin Inna swalaati wa nusuki wa mahyaya wa mamaati lillahi Rabbil-Aalamiina La sharika lahu wa bi dhaalika umirtu wa ana minal muslimiin Allahumma minka wa laka Bismillahi wallahu Akbar.

After slaughtering, say:

Allahumma Taqabbal minni. Hunting wild animals: If a wild animal whose meat is Halal, is killed by hunting, it will be Halal on the following conditions:-

1. The weapon must be sharp (like spear or arrow) which pierces the body by its sharp edge. Also, the bullets of a gun are allowed. But small gun like air-gun is not allowed.

2. The Person who uses that weapon must use it with intention of killing that animal. If, for example, an animal is killed by his bullet accidentally, its meat will not be Halal.

3. The said person must be a Muslim.

4. At the time of using that weapon, he/she must say ‘Bismillah’

5. The animal, at the arrival of the hunter, must be dead by that weapon (or so near to death that slaying it in normal way is not possible). If at the arrival of the hunter it is alive, and there is enough time to slay it in normal way, it must be slaughtered accordingly; otherwise, its meat will be Haram.

Yours sincerely, S. S. Akhtar Rizvi. 4th November, 1970. Maulana S. S. Akhtar Rizvi, How are you Maulana ! ! ! How is your family and the Mission staff there?

I promised to write to you on the day we met in Arusha, but the situation did not allow me. We were not allowed to go out of the camp, nor were there stamps in our shop for some reasons. The first reason also has hindered me from the prayer practice you arranged for me in Arusha.

I hope to leave this wonderful place on or before 24th November. Therefore, I think it would be better if you do not send me anything by this address. I will send you my address after my arrival at home. It may be that I am transferred from Sunga. Much greetings to your family and to the Bilal Muslim Mission staff. May Allah accept our Taubas in this Holy Month of Ramadhan - Amin.

Your son in Islam, Dhikiri O. Mohamed Kiondo. 3rd December, 1970. Dear Maulana S. S. Akhtar Rizvi, How are you Maulana? How has it been, the Idd-el-Fitr?

I am very well, by the blessings of Allah; and my family at Kwe-mkole in Korogwe District is all well.

I am glad to inform you that I will still be in this place using the same address. I hope, after few days, I will send you Shs. 15/- for the registration and first payment of the fees for the Correspondence Course. May Allah help us.

Your son

Dhikiri O. Mohamed Kiondo. 11th December, 1970. My Dear Dhikiri, Thank you for your letter of 3rd December, 1970. You will charge. be enrolled as a student of Islamic Correspondence Course, free of The application form is enclosed, which please return duly filled. With best wishes. Yours sincerely, S. S. Akhtar Rizvi. My Dear Dhikiri, Here are the answers to your questions

Question: Have the Scientists recognised the need of a Planner and a Designer?


You should find its answer in Unit 2 (God of Islam). Apart from other chapters, the 13 th and 14th chapters specially deal with this question.

Question: How Pascal used Hazrat Ali bin Abi Talib’s (A.S.) idea?


I am publishing an article on it in June issue of “Light”. (Now see ‘Need of Religion’, published by this Mission). Question: How have the other sects of Islam failed to fulfil the necessary qualities of a Religion?Answer:

All right. Look into chapter 5 of ‘Need of Religion’ and start comparing:-

A) Ashaira (i.e., Sunnis) do not accept that reason or intellect has any place in religion. In fact, they do not accept any relation between a cause and its effect. And unless the relationship of cause and effect is accepted, nothing can be proved by any argument.

B) By the same reasoning, the teaching of Sunni’ism neglects ‘mind’ and thus prevents the development of a human being as a “whole”.

C) The belief in Pre-destination is enough to show how Sunni’ism fails this test.

Question: How do the Qadariyyas share with God in Legislating the Shariat?


Qadariyyas believe that human beings are 100% independent of Allah in their actions, and Allah has no control over their deeds. They are counted as ‘Mushrik’ because, according to that belief, they treated themselves as equal to and independent of Allah in their actions. I am afraid that the sentence in ‘God of Islam’ concerning this topic is not very clear. I will make it more clear in the next edition.

Question: What were the ten intellects that the ancient Greek philosophers believed to have created the Universe?


This thing has no existence; it was a creation of the mental luxury of Greek philosophers. They said that the Creator created the first intellect; this first intellect created the second intellect and first sky; the second intellect, in its turn, created the third intellect and the second sky; and likewise, the ninth intellect created the tenth intellect and ninth sky. The tenth intellect created this Earth. According to them, the Creator, after creating the first intellect, is powerless to do any other work.

Question: How can the name Rahim be used for others besides Allah


The word ‘Rahim’ literally means ‘Merciful’. In Arabic language it was being used for merciful persons. And it continued to be used in that way. In the Qur’an this adjective has been used for our beloved Prophet also. But ‘Rahman’ was not used before Islam and in the Islamic terminology the difference in the meaning and usage of the two names was prescribed, as I have mentioned in the book, ‘God of Islam’.

Question: How can the belief in one God create brotherhood?


As children of one father have a feeling of brotherhood because all are the off-springs of one father, likewise, the creatures of One God are bound to have brotherly feelings towards each other because they are the creation of One Creator.

Question: Suppose a Muslim eats something forbidden in his religion - will he need a special purification? What is it?


There are no special purification rites. The method of cleansing by water, as described in ‘Elements of Islamic Studies’ applies here also. But one must ask forgiveness of Allah for disobeying His Sheriat. With best wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, S. S. Akhtar Rizvi.

Question: Satan was one of the Angels. Angels were not given the power of doing things according to their free will, power and intention. How did Satan come to disobey Allah while he was bound to Allah’s commandments and guidance?


Satan was not from the angels. Qur’an repeatedly says that he is from Jinns. Jinns, like human beings, have been given free will and they are expected, like human beings, to obey, the commands of Allah by their free will and power.

Question: According to our belief (Shia), a prophet is sinless. Why should we pray for our Holy Prophet of Islam during prayers and other times, when we believe that he was Masum?


We pray for our Holy Prophet in obedience to the command of Allah: - The benefit of ‘Salawat’ returns to us as the Holy Prophet has said: ‘Whoever among you sends one Salawat to me, I pray for him 10 times.” The Mercy and Grace of Allah is limitless. Our Holy Prophet was already bestowed with Grace of Allah more than any one else. But it does not mean that the Grace has reached its limit: it has no limit. Therefore, we pray for him so that Allah may bestow him with His ever-new Graces and Mercies.

Moreover, we praise and thank Allah and pray before him, though He has no need of our prayers, thanks and praises. But by doing so, we express and show our relation and gratitude to Him. Likewise, the Holy Prophet has no need of our ‘Salawat’; but by ordering us to recite ‘Salawat’ Allah wants us to express our relation with, and gratitude to, the Holy Prophet.

Question: How is it that there are differences in praying while the prayer was taught by our Holy Prophet himself?


I am sending you “Light” Vol. I No.1. You read it and will find out how the system of prayer was changed.

Question: What support do the Sunnis have, that Music is allowed provided that it is not “Kufur”?


I do not know but it seems that this rule was established to justify the music parties of the kings of Bani Ummaya and Bani Abbas Sincerely yours

S.S Akhtar Rizvi 6th September 1971 Dear Maulana S.S Akhtar Rizvi Assalam Alaykum Thank you for your letter of 19th August, 1971. I am happy that I am warmly welcomed there. My visit to Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania will be postponed because there will be no holiday this year for most of the schools in Tanzania. With best wishes. Yours faithfully, Dhikiri O. Mohamed Kiondo. 30th September, 1971. My Dear Dhikiri, Alaikumussalaam ! I got your letter dated 6th September; but could not reply it soon because of some other engagements. I am sorry that you will not be able to come to Dares Salaam. But I would be glad if you come here any time you are free - even for two or three days. Wish best wishes.

Question: Did the Holy Prophet pay Mahr for his first wife, Hadhrat Khadija? How much?


There are various traditions about the ‘Mahr’ of Hadhrat Khadija: 500 Dirhams or 400 Mithqual gold or 20 camels.

Question: How was the “Black Stone” brought to Hazrat Ismail? How does it look like? What is inside it? What is the significance of the stone?


The Black Stone was brought to earth by Hadhrat Adam. It is a stone and nothing is inside it. I am attaching its photo, and you will see that now it is covered on the rims by silver. According to Islamic traditions, in the beginning of the creation, Allah asked all the souls “Am I not your Lord?” And all the souls replied “Yes, surely”. Then Allah kept these confessions of beliefs in that stone. Now, the pilgrims recite a Dua in which they affirm that they have kept their promise and have maintained the belief that Allah is their Lord.

According to Hadith, this stone will be a witness for those who go to the pilgrimage with true faith.

Question: The ancestors of the Holy Prophet were the worshippers of one God (Allah), according to our faith. How is it that they did not discourage the idol worshipping?


See Unit 4 page 3, where you will find that some of the prophets were sent to one man only. Also, in page 9 of that Unit you will find that the ancestors of the Holy Prophet were successors of the prophets, but not prophets themselves This much about their spiritual position. Coming to the worldly side, we know that they were not strong enough to successfully oppose idol-worship. The tribe of Quraish during the period of their disintegration and weakness had acquired all the bad habits and customs of other Arabian tribes. When they were gathered by Qusaiy, they had been idol-worshippers for many hundred years. It needed a man of the spiritual status of our Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) to succeed against them and eradicate idol-worship; no other man could accomplish this task. As they realized that their voices against idols would not be heard, they remained silent, forbidding only those of whom they were sure that they would listen to them.

Question: The uncle of the Holy Prophet, Abu Talib, seemed to accept Islam, but not really a Muslim, why?


Who said that Abu Talib was not really a Muslim? I have described at length that he kept the tribe of Quraish in suspense and doubt about his faith. But it does not mean that he was not Mumin. To keep one’s faith secret where the interest of religion depends upon that secrecy is very much appreciated in the Qur’an. Allah praises a family member of Firaun who believed in Hadhrat Musa - secretly, and thus used his influence and position to benefit Hadhrat Musa. Commending it, Allah says:

“And said a man who was a believer, from among the people of Pharaoh, who used to conceal his faith .” (Qur’an, 40:28).

The same was the position of Hadhrat Abu Talib.

Question: Some Sunni sheikhs say that when Abu Talib died, the Holy Prophet spread his saliva all over his body so that he may not be put into hell. Is this story correct?


It is all a pack of lies; there is no trace of such thing even in Sunnis’ books.

Question: What was the reason behind Usama’s expedition? Because it is as if the Holy Prophet would encourage Muslims to take a vengeance.


Well, when enemy is bent upon destroying you, you have to fight him. As the Ghassanide Chief with the encouragement of the Roman emperor, wanted to crush Islam, it was necessary to weaken him to protect the Muslims and Islam. So much about your question of vengeance.

Now, I better mention one thing which can easily be inferred from this event. The Holy Prophet was aware that his death was very near; also he understood very well that certain people were not happy with the announcement of Ghadeer Khum. It seems that he wanted to send all those people away from Madina, so that when his death came, these people would not be in Madina to make trouble. We find that all immigrants, including Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, etc. etc. were strictly ordered to join the army under Usama. Ali was told to remain in Madina, while others were cursed if they delayed in joining Usama and all of them delayed.

This seems to be the real “reason” behind Usama’s expedition.

Question: The Holy Prophet is recorded to have said: Treat yourself because there is no sickness without treatment. What sort of treatments should a Muslim use?


Any medicine which does not contain any Haram thing.

Question: Are African medicines not allowed in Islam?


I do not understand what you mean by “African medicines”. If you mean leaves and roots of trees etc., then it is all right if it cures the sickness.

Question: Suppose the disease is new and the physician uses “bao” or “Ramli” so that he may know the kind of disease, will it be Haram?


These things are not allowed.

Question: Is it true that in Shia Ithna-asheria, only Seyids are allowed to lead in congregational prayer?


No. - Any Shia !thna-asheri who fulfils the conditions may lead in the prayers. Question: Can an ordinary person become Seyid? How?


The word “Seyyid” when used in Persia, India, Pakistan and Africa, means the descendent of the Holy Prophet. Now, you will realize that your question has no meaning. If a person is not from a family he cannot become a member of that family. But it does not mean that a person who is not Seyyid, is prohibited from any work or office of religion. He can rise to the highest possible status; for example he may become a Mujtahid. In fact, hundreds of our great living Mujtahids are non-Seyyids.

Question: The Jinns and men have the same obligation towards Allah. Why is that Jinns are kept in Ghaib?


Jinns are invisible to us only. They are not invisible among themselves. They have their life and death; their family and society; their religion and belief. For example if a blind animal does not see human beings, it does not mean that human beings feel any trouble or discomfort. Likewise, if our eyes are not seeing the Jinns, it does not disturb the Jinns at all.

Question: Can Ghaib be explored?


Only when you attain spiritual perfection.

Question: Most Arabic names start with either “Al” or “El” (a) what is the difference of the two words (b) How are they used in the Arabic language?


“Al” or “El” is the Arabic ‘Alif and ‘Lam’. There is no difference in Arabic. Some Europeans write is as “Al” which is the correct pronunciation; others write it as “El”. ‘Al’ conveys in Arabic the following shades of meaning: (1) Each and every individual of the thing mentioned, taken separately; (2) all the individuals of the thing mentioned, taken jointly; (3) the species of the thing mentioned taken as an abstract idea. Thus it may be translated by “Each and every”, “all” and “the”

Question: Do all things have souls?


Not all things. Question: If not, why is it said that when you steal, all things around there, will provide evidence against you before God?Answer: Well, why are you astonished? Even today soulless things give evidence for or against a man in the courts. Finger-prints, tapes, clothes, shoes, things belonging to a thief which are found near the place of theft, these and scores of such things give evidence in courts. So what is strange if the surrounding things were to provide evidence against a sinner on the Day of Judgment? 31st August 1972 My Dear Dhikiri, Here are the answers to your questions:-

Question: Suppose I have something to give for Zakat-Fitr, but I know if I do that I will have nothing to support myself with - what should I do?


Read p. 13 of “The Fasting In Islam” to find out the conditions when Zakat-ul-Fitra is Wajib. If you fulfill those conditions, you will have to pay that Zakat, even if it means taking loan for the time being; but if it is not Wajib upon you, then you are free.

Question: What does it mean by “a poor of his faith” does it mean a Muslim of any Madhheb or he must be a Shia ithna-asheri?


It means “poor Shia Ithna-asheri”. Question: Why does the time-table you sent me does not show time for ‘Asr and Isha prayers?Answer: In Shia Sheriat, the time of Asr starts just after finishing the prayer of Dhohr; and that of Isha just after finishing the Maghrib. (See Lesson 26 of Elements of Islamic Studies for details). Therefore, it was not necessary to mention the times of those two prayers.

Question: By cleansing with leaves - I mean, why are we Muslims not allowed to clean ourselves with leaves - let us say when we have attended the call of nature instead of using stones, clothes and such others?


You may use clean leaves.

Question: Are ladies in Haidh and Nifas allowed to fast?


No. See page 5 of Fasting in Islam.

Question: Please Maulana, may I know the number of days each month of Islamic Calendar is supposed to have?


It is either 29 or 30, depending upon the visibility of the moon. With best wishes, Yours sincerely, S. S. Akhtar Rizvi. 15th February, 1974 My Dear Dhikiri, Here are the answers to your questions:-

Question: Why does not the Holy Qur’an give strong emphasis to support father-in-law and mother- in-law? Because a married woman will never be able to support her father and mother if her husband does not like it.


Woman, married or unmarried, is never expected to support any body. She is to be supported by her father or her husband.

Question: I have seen in Unit 21 that female children are better than male ones, because they even enter the Paradise easily. Why do people, even the Muslims, want and long for male children?


The responsibilities of women are not as easy as you think. So far as longing for male children is concerned, it must be remembered that giving a son or a daughter is entirely in the hands of Allah, and a Muslim must be happy with whatever Allah has given him.

Question: Getting education compels young men to remain unmarried for a long time, even when their sexual urge does not allow them to remain so. What advice can you give our Muslim young men concerning this problem?


There is no other way. If a man controls himself, and is in danger of falling in Haram, then it is Wajib upon him to get married at once. If he neglects this Wajib, for whatever reason, then he should not blame the Sheriat.

Question: My mother died an hour after my birth; my aunt took care of me. This woman has no son. What are my duties towards her?


Did she give you her milk from her breast? At least for one day and night? If so, then she is your foster-mother. You cannot marry her daughters, nor the daughters of those foster- sisters. In short, think of her as mother, and all the rules regarding mother and children of mother will apply in her case also.

Question: Why doesn’t Islam allow people to use their mothers’ surnames, like Juma bin Zainab, instead of Juma bin Hamisi? I think using mother’s name gives more honour to mother; also it is clear that mother is surely the parent of the child, while it is not so sure in case of father.


There is no such thing as ‘surname’ in Islam. And the Islamic society is the Paternal society, not the maternal one. Moreover ,in a Islamic society there can never be so many bastards as to necessitate the use of mothers’ names instead of fathers. Also, in a Islamic society, using the name of mother, instead of father, indicates that the child is not a legitimate one (and the reason is somewhat similar to that which you have mentioned). So, the use of mother’s name is not an honour, but a disgrace for the mother.

Question: Do we Muslims believe that Allah had sent ladies as prophets, as the Christians believe in Deborah as a prophetess (Judges, 4:4) and Ruth (Ruth)?


No. And the Christians do not believe as you think. According to Christianity, Judaism (and Sunni’ism), the woman is the root-cause of all the troubles and sufferings of mankind, and is debarred from becoming even a priest, let alone Prophethood. You think that anyone who foretells an event, is a prophet. In Islam it is not so. Read carefully Unit 4 of ICC. With best wishes,

Yours Lovingly,

S. S. Akhtar Rizvi.