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Fazail ul-Mahdi (A.S) [The Virtues of Imam Mahdi]

Fazail ul-Mahdi (A.S) [The Virtues of Imam Mahdi]

Publisher: www.alhassanain.org/english

Alhassanain (p) Network for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Fazail ul-Mahdi

[Virtues of ImamMahdi ]

Short biography of Imam, his reappearance, necessity of recognizing him, lineage, similarity with prophets, reason of arrival, longing for imam and the final proof of Allah with his universal governmentinshaAllah !

Author(s): Ali AkbarTalaafi

Translator(s):Sayyid Athar Husayn S.H.Rizvi


Table of Contents

From the Author 3

A Short Biography of Imam Mahdi (aj) 4

Notes 7

The Earth Will Never Be Devoid of The Divine Proof 8

Notes 8

Necessity Of Recognising the Imam Of The Time 9

Notes 9

Censure of Disbelief in Imam Mahdi (aj) 10

Notes 10

Lineage Of Imam Mahdi (aj) 11

Notes 11

Similarity Of Imam Mahdi To The Prophets 12

Notes 12

Reasons For The Occultation Of Imam Mahdi (aj) 13

1. Free From Allegience Of Every Tyrant 13

2. Test Of The People 13

3. Fear Of The Enemy 13

4. Weakness And Lack Of Co-operation Of The People 13

Notes 13

Benefits Of Imam Mahdi (aj) During His Ghaibat 15

Favours Of Imam Mahdi (aj) Upon His Shias 15

Awaiting For The Reappearance Of Imam Mahdi (aj) 15

Be Prepared For Being Among The Helpers Of Imam Mahdi 15

In Service Of Imam Mahdi (aj) 15

Notes 15

Religiousness During The Occultation Of Imam Mahdi 17

Longing For Imam Mahdi (aj) 17

Sorrow And Grief Of Imam Mahdi (aj) 17

Weeping For Imam Mahdi (aj) 17

Praying For The Early Reappearance Of Imam Mahdi (aj) 18

Notes 18

Advent Of Imam Mahdi (aj) 19

Universal Government Of Imam Mahdi (aj) 19

Notes 20

Bibliography 21

From the Author

In the Name of Allah,The Beneficient , The Merciful

"Allah only desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, O people of the House!and to purify you a through purifying." (Sura Ahzab 33:33)

The Lord of the worldshonoured the Holy Prophet (S) and hisAhlul Bayt (as) with the robe of infallibility and purity; and thus never did they waver from the right path. We could only achieve salvation and perfection if we follow the example set by them. They are such exemplary personalities that they have no peer on the road of guidance.

However in order to achieve this aim we must refer to the authoritative books of the scholars of Islam. So that we can easily understand the lofty position of this exalted Family, and their incomparable knowledge and deeds.

The aim of this booklet is to educate the Muslim masses aboutAhlul Bayt (as) and especially for the youth who can profit greatly by thisendeavour . Each chapter of this booklet begins with a brief historical introduction followed by the virtues and excellences of the exalted 'family'.

It must be mentioned that the virtues ofAhlul Bayt (a.s .) are such that no amount of words could suffice.

However If you cannot draw all the water of the sea.

At least obtain enough of it to quench your thirst.(Persian Couplet).

A cue is sufficient for those who understand. We have attempted to glean from the corpus ofahadith only those traditions which are considered authentic and reliable, so as to enable the reader to derive maximum benefits.

It is hoped that the radiance of these divine personalities will light up our life, and that we may be included among their helpers.

May Allah hasten the reappearance of the last of them,Hazrat Mahdi (aj )

AliAkber Talafi

A Short Biography of ImamMahdi (aj )

Hazrat ImamMahdi (aj ) is the twelfth and last of the chain of the Purified Imams (as) and the divine successors. He was born at the time of dawn, on Friday the 15th ofShaban 255 A.H. in the city of Samarrah1 .

His respected father is ImamHasan al-Askari (as). His beloved mother isJanab al-Nargis Khatoon (ra ). She was the descendant of the Caesar of Rome from her father's side and from her mother's side she had descended fromshamoon thevicegerant ofHazrat Isa (as).2

This exalted personality has the same name andkunniyat (agnomen) as the Holy Prophet (S). His titles areMahdi ,Hujjat ,Qaem ,Montazer ,Sahibuzzaman andKhalaf al-saleh . His most famoushonourific however is Al-Mahdi (aj ).3

Ibn Khallikaan writes; "His well-known title isHujjat . Theshias know him by the titles,Montazar ,Qaem and Mahdi"4

The great scholarMohaddith al-Noori has collected 182 titles of ImamMahdi (aj ) from the Islamic texts. Each of these titles signify each of his virtuous qualities.5

The tyrant Abbasid rulers were aware of the prophecies of the Holy Prophet (S). That the son of ImamHasan al-Askari (as) by the name ofMahdi will appear to remove all kinds of corruption and tyranny; hence they planned to eliminate the child when he isbom . Due to this the birth of ImamMahdi (aj ) was kept a secret like that ofHazrat Ibrahim (as). So much so that except for the most trusted of theshias and his own family, no one knew of the existence ofHazrat (as). In spite of this whenever there was an opportunity, ImamHasan al-Askari (as) showed his son to his trustworthy followers; that in future they may follow him. This was in order that theshias may remain firm upon the right path, and not be led astray. A servant AbuGhanim says:

"Abu Muhammad (as) has a son whose name is Muhammad." On the third day of his birth he brought him before his companions and said:

"After me he is your Master of the affair, he is my successor, he is the same 'Qaem ', who is awaited by altWhen the earth will be fraught with injustice and oppression then he will reappear and fill the earth with justice and righteousness."6

The early years of his life were spent in the usual way. When he was in his fifth year, he lost his respected father.7

After this tragic event the responsibility of guiding theshias was transferred upon him. At this time,Hazrat (as) possessed all the qualities and the divine knowledge that was bestowed upon the previous Imams (as), by the Almighty. In the same way asHazrat Yahya (as) in his childhood andHazrat Isa (as) in his infancy wasfavoured with the divine office ofProphethood by Allah.8

Although all the Imams (as) were holding the divine office ofwilayat , the efforts of the enemies to eliminate the twelfth Imam (as) were maximum. Hence Imamaz-Zaman (as) was entrusted toghaibat and being away from the sight of people, he had to fulfill all the duties of an Imam.

It is said that the concealed life ofHazrat Mahdi (aj ) is not something extraordinary. Rather, in the life of so many Prophets (as) and even Imams (as) it is seen, that they were at some time, in concealment from the people. The Holy Quran records the concealment of various prophets (as) likeHazrat Ibrahim (as)9 ,Hazrat Musa (as)10 andHazrat Isa (as)11 .

The Holy Prophet (S) and the Imams (as) had pointed out to the people the imminent occultation of their last proof (ImamMahdi-aj ), so that no doubt or misunderstanding should remain, regarding this problem.

The occultation (Ghaibat ) of the twelfth Imam consists of two phases: one isGhaibat al-Sughra (The lesser occultation) and the second isGhaibat al-Kubra (The greater occultation). ImamJa’far asSadiq (as) said:

'There are twooccultations forQaem . One is short and the other prolonged. In the short occultation only the specialshias will know of his whereabouts. And in the longer occultation only his trustworthy servants will know where he is"12

According to the well-known reports, the lesser occultation (ghaibat al-sugra ) commenced from the year of hisImamat in 260 A.H and continued for 69 years. Some of the scholars likeShaykh Mufeed andSyed Mohsin Amin Amili maintain thatghaibat al-sugra began right from the time of his birth.13

Because, even in those early years,Hazrat (aj ) was concealed from the common people. According to this method, the period ofghaibat al-sugra comes to seventy four years.

During the period ofghaibat al-sugra . ImamMahdi (aj ) himself appointed his deputies from among the righteousshias . Four of them succeeded each other and continued to fulfill the duty of intermediaries. These four personalities conveyed the questions and problems to Imam (aj ) and brought back the Imam's (aj ) answers for the people. The first of these deputies wasJanab AbuAmroo Usman BinSaeed Amri . Before this he was a representative of ImamHasan alAskari (as)14

Shaykh Tusi writes: “On the fortieth day theshias were sitting in the company of ImamHasan al-Askari (as), when ImamAskari (as) wished that theyrecognise hisHujyat after him..... Suddenly a handsome child was brought before them. He resembled Abu Muhammad (as).

Then Imam al-Askari (as) said: "He is your Imam after me.And my successor upon you. Obey him, and do not go astray after me (after my death), otherwise your religion shall be destroyed and you will be annihilated. Know that, after today you shall not see him, even if you spend your whole life for it. Hence, accept whatUsman tells you, obey his commands and listen to what he says. Because he is the representative of your Imam and holds the responsibility.15

After the death ofUsman binSaeed , his pious son, Muhammad binUsman succeeded his father upon the post of the deputyship of Imamaz-Zaman (aj ).16

Shaikh Tusi has recorded the letters sent by ImamHasan alAskari (as) and ImamMahdi (aj ) toUsman binSaeed and his son AbuJafar Muhammadibne Usman for theshias . These letters consists of commands, prohibitions and replies to the questions of the shias.17

Muhammadibne Usman passed away from this world at the end ofJamadi-ul-Awwal in the year 304 or 305 A.H.18

During the time of his illness, as he laid on the sick-bed, theshias and their children came and surrounded him. They asked: "If something happens, whom should we consult instead of you?" He answered, "ThisAbul Qasim Husayn ibn Ruh ibne BahrNawbakhti is successor. And he is the intermediary between you and the Master affair (ImamMahdi -aj ), and his agent. He is trustworthy and reliable. Consult him, and in case of important matters, rely upon him. I have been ordered to announce this, and I have announced it"19

HusainIbn Ruh Nawbakhti was.one of the agents of Muhammadibn Usman in Baghdad. He had been working closely with him for a long time. These agents used to be in contact with the people and when ordered they handed over the goods to them20 .Husayn ibn Ruh died inShaban 326 A.H21

The lastsafir wasAbul Hasan AliIbn MuhammadSeymoori . He became the deputy of ImamMahdi (aj ) according to the will of Husainibn Ruh . He died after three years on the 15th ofShaban 329 A.H.22

The graves (tombs) of these four respected deputies (Nawwab al -Arba , as they are commonly known) are situated in Baghdad.23

The most sensitive and crucial period ofghaibat al-sugra was when AliIbn Mohammad died. Because till his death the people were is contact with Imamaz-Zaman (aj ) through him. After his death, it was the commencement ofGhaibat al-Kubra.

Six days before his death, Aliibn MuhammadSeymoori received a communication from Imamaz-Zaman (aj ):

"...so be prepared, but appoint no one in your place, because from the day of your death, the period of my major occupation (Gaibatui Kubra) will begin. Henceforth, no one will see me, unless and until Allah makes me appear. My reappearance will take place after a very long time, when the world will be full of injustice and violence".24

Ultimately, the shining sun of the divine proof went behind the curtain ofGhaibat , completely. And the period of communication withHazrat (throughNawab al-Arba ) came to an end. In spite of this (hisGhaibat )Hazrat Mahdi (aj ) is the Imam of the time and Imam of the world. He is the Divine Proof. Even though his person may be hidden from our eyes but his commands are clear.

Amirul Momineen Ali (as) announced from his pulpit atKufa : "Even if the person of the Divine Proof is hidden while he guides the people, his knowledge and manners will be clear for them to follow"25

It is clear that the knowledge and practice of ImamAsr (as) is impeccable like the Quran.As was thesunnat of the Holy Prophet (S). It is obligatory for the people of faith (muslims ) to act upon the Quran andsunnat , and to refrain from what they prohibit. The Holy Prophet (S) said:

"I leave behind two weighty things among you: The Book of Allah and my Progeny, myAhlul Bayt If you adhere to those two you shall not go astray. And know that these two shall not separate till they meet me atHauz (Kauthar )"26

During the period ofGhaibat al-Kubra, when it is not possible to establish communication with Imamaz-Zaman (as) at will, the people have been ordered to follow the true teachings of the Quran andAhlul Bayt (as) through the pious and religious scholars and the just jurists. The people must follow them to know what obligations they are supposed to fulfill.

Imam as-Sadiq (as):

"And among jurists (Fuqaha ) are those who protect their selves (from sins) guard their religion, defy their carnal desires and are obedient to their master. It is incumbent upon the people to follow them. Such characteristics are found only in a few of them (Shias ) and not all"27 .

The jurists issue decrees for the people and explain to them truth about faith. Theyendeavour to fulfill the exalted duty of preparing the grounds for the reappearance of their master,Hazrat Mahdi (aj ). So that by the coming ofHazrat (as) the Islamic faith may strengthen and that he may fill the earth with justice and equity.


1.Kamaaluddin vol. 2, Pg. 428, 433 424,430.

2.Kamaaluddin vol.2 Pg. 420,424.

3. AlFusoolul Muhimma Pg.292,Nurul Absaar Pg. 168.

4.Wafayatui Ayaan vol.4 Pg 176.

5.Najm -us-saaqib Pg. 41-98.

6.Kamaaluddin Vol. 2 Pg. 431.

7. AlKaft Vol. 1 pg. 503.

8. Quran:Sura Maryam ,Ayat 12 and 30.

9.Sura Maryam : 48-49.

10.Sura Qasas : 21-22.

11.Sura Nisa : 157.

12. AlKafi Vol. 1 Pg.340;Ghaibat Nomani Pg. 180.

13. AlKafi Vol. 1 Pg. 340. Ayan ush shia Vol. 2 Pg. 46.

14.Ghaibat al-Tusi Pg. 353

15.Ghaibat al-Tusi Pg. 357.

16.Ghaibat al-Tusi Pg. 362.

17.Ghaibat al-Tusi Pg. 356.

18.Ghaibat al-Tusi Pg.366.

19.Ghaibat al-Tusi Pg. 371-372.

20.Gaibat al-Tusi Pg. 369/372.

21.Ghaibat al-Tusi Pg. 387.

22.Ghaibat al-Tusi Pg. 394.

23.Ghaibat al-Tusi Pgs. 358, 366.376, 396.

24.Kamaaluddin Vol.2 Pg.516;Ghaibat al-Tusi Pg.395.

25.Kamaaluddin vol.I Pg.302.

26.Yanabiul Mawaddah Pg. 35.

27.Tafsir Al Imam Pg. 300.

The Earth Will Never Be Devoid ofThe Divine Proof

Amirul Momineen Ali (as) said,

"The earth shall never be devoid of the Divine Proof, He may be apparent and prominent or he may be concealed and hidden. And it is because of him that the proofs and signs of Allah are not wasted."1

ImamJafar asSadiq (as) said:

"The (Divine) Proof was existing before creation (of other things), during creation and after creation".2

ImamJafar asSadiq (as) said:

"Because Allah is great and mighty, He has never made the earth devoid of a just Imam".3

ImamJafar asSadiq (as) said,

"Even if two people remain on the earth. One of them shall be aHujjat upon the other. And if one of them dies, it will be theHujjat that remains".4

ImamRidha ’ (as) said,

"Certainly, the earth shall never be devoid of one of us. Imams".5


1.Kamaaluddm Vol.1 Pg. 291.

2.Kamaaluddm Vol. I, Pg.231-232

3.Kamaaluddin Vol. 1 Pg.229 and 234

4.Kamaaluddin Vol.1 Pg.233

5.Kamaaluddin Vol. II Pg.229.

NecessityOf Recognising the Imam Of The Time

Usman AlAmri says:

"I asked Abu Muhammad AlHasan bin Ali (as) when I was in his presence, regarding thesaying of his forefathers (as) that,

'The earth shall never be devoid of Allah's proof upon His creatures till the day ofquiyamat . And certainlyone who dies withoutrecognising the Imam of his time, dies the death of Ignorance".

He (as) said, "This is as true as the bright morning".

It was asked to him (as),

"O son of the Prophet (S), then who is theHujjat and the Imam after you?".

He (as) said,

"My son, Muhammad. He is the Imam and theHujjat after me.One who dies withoutrecognising him, dies the death of Ignorance".1

According to ImamJafar asSadiq (as) the death of ignorance is the death in a deviated andastrayed condition.2

The importance ofrecognising the Imam of the time is also clear from the following tradition. WhenZurarah asked ImamJafar asSadiq (as), "What should I do if I reach the time of hisghaibat ? ".

Imam (as) replied, "Recite thisDua ;

O Allah, make merecognise Your Self.

Certainly ifYou do not make merecognise Your Self, I will notrecognise Your Messenger.

O Allahmake merecognise Your Prophet.

Certainly if you do not make merecognise Your Prophet, I will notrecognise YourHujjat .

OAllah ! make merecognise YourHujjat .

Certainly ifYou do not make merecognise YourHujjat I will go astray in my religion."3


1.Kamaaluddin Vol.2 Pg.409,Kifayatul Asar Pg.292.

2. AlKafi Vol.1 Pg.376.

3.Kamaaluddin Vol.2 Pg.342.343;Ghaibate Nomani Pg.166:Al -Kafi Vol. 1Pg 137.

Censure of Disbelief in ImamMahdi (aj )

The Holy Prophet (S) said,

"One who disbelieves in theQaem from my sons, disbelieves in me."1

The Holy Prophet (S) said,

"TheQaem is from my Progeny (sons). His name is my name. And hiskunniyat (agnomen) is mykunniyat . And his appearance is (like) my appearance. And hisbehaviour is (like) mybehaviour . He will establish among the people my practice and myshariat . And he will call them towards the book of his Lord, the High and the Mighty. One who obeys him has obeyed me. And one who denies his 'ghaibat ' has denied me."2

ImamJafar asSadiq (as) said:

"One who believes in all Imams (as) from my forefathers and my sons, but denies AlMahdi from my sons. He is like the one who believes in all the Prophets and denies Muhammad,sallallaho Alaihe wa Aalehi."3


1.Kamaaluddin Vol.2 Pg.412.

2.Kamaaluddin Vol.2.Pg.411.

3.Kamaaluddin Vol.2.Pg. 338 and 411.

LineageOf ImamMahdi (aj )

The Holy Prophet (S) said,

"AlMahdi is from us,Ahlul Bayt."1

The Holy Prophet (S) said,

"Certainly, AliIbne Abi Talib Alaihis salaam is the Imam of myummat and myvicegerant upon them after me. And of his sons is AlQaem , AlMontazar . One, through whom Allah will fill the earth will justice and equity like it would have been filled with injustice and tyranny."2

"AlMahdi is from the sons of Fatima."3

Huzaifa says The Holy Prophet (S) has said,

"Even if one day remains for this world (to come to an end) Allah will prolong that day until he sends a man from my progeny (sons). His name shall be (like) my name."Salman asked, "From which of your sons, O Prophet of Allah?"He (S) replied, "From this son of mine", and thumped his hands upon Husain (as)"4

A Jew, namedNathal asked the Holy Prophet (S), "Inform me as to who is your successor?Because every Prophet had a successor and our Prophet MusaIbne Imran (as) had designatedYusha Bin Nun as his successor."

The Holy Prophet (S) replied, "Yes myVasi and the caliph after me is Ali binAbi Talib and after him my grandsonsHasan and Husain, followed by nine of theoffsprings of Husain. They are the holy Imams."

The Jew said, "O Muhammad, tell me their names."

'Yes,' said the Prophet (S), "When Husain will pass away, then his son Ali, and after Ali his son Muhammad and after Muhammad his sonJafar and afterJafar his son Musa and after Musa his son Ali and after Ali, his son Muhammad and after Muhammad his son Ali after Ali his sonHasan and afterHasan his sonHujjat Ibnul Hasan . These are the twelve Imams. Their number is equal to the chiefs ofBani Israel"5


1.Sunan Ibne Majah .VoL2 Pg.23, AlMustadrak Vol. 4 Pg. 557.

2.Kamaaluddin Vol.1 Pg.288;Faraidus simtain Vol.2 Pg. 335-336.

3.Sunan Ibne Majah Vol.2 Pg.24.

4.Zakhaerul Uqba Pg.136 & 137:Faraidus Simtain Vol.2 Pg. 326.

5.Faraidus Simtain Vol.2 Pg.133,Kifayatul Asar Pg.13 & 14. Yanabiul Mawaddah Pg. 441.

SimilarityOf ImamMahdi To The Prophets

The Holy Prophet (S) said,

"AlMahdi is from my progeny. His name is the same as my name. And hiskunniyat is the same as mykunniyat . In his physique and character he looks exactly like me. He will be in a state of occultation and there will be confusion (Hayra ) in which people will wander about (deviate). Then he will come forth like asharpy shooting star to fill the earth will justice and equity as it was filled before with injustice and inequity."1

Imam Muhammad AlBaqir (as) said,

"Certainly in theQaem of the Progeny of Muhammad (S.A. W.S.) is the similarity to five prophets,Yunus binMutah , and Yusuf binYaqoob , and Musa, and Isa and Muhammad,salawatullahe Alaihim "

Thus, his similarity toYunus binMutha is his reappearance afterGhaibat . He looked like a young maninspite of his advanced age. And, his similarity with Yusuf binYaqoob (as) is hisghaibat when he was away from the sight of the general, as well as the special people; due to the fear of his brothers.

His affair was hidden from his father.And in such a condition when there was no distance between his father and family and his friends. And his similarity with Musa (as) is persistent fear, and his prolongedghaibat and a secret birth, and thefeverent pleas of hisshias after him, and his return by the permission of Allah, and his assistance by the people in subduing of the enemy.

And his similarity to Isa (as) is the controversy among the people with regard to him. A group of them says; 'He is not yetbom .' Another group says, "He is dead” and some say: "He was killed and crucified,"

And his similarity with his own grandfather, Mustafa (S), is his advent with the sword. He shall slay the enemies of Allah and the Holy Prophet (S), and the unjust, and the tyrants."2

Imam as-Sajyad (as) said,

"In theQaem is a similarity toNuh (as) and that is his long life."3


1.Kamaaluddin Vol.1 Pg.286.Faraidus Simtain Vol.2 Pg.335

2.Kamaaluddin Vol.1 Pg.327.

3.Kamaaluddin Vol.1, Pg.322. & Vol.2. Pg.524.

ReasonsFor The Occultation Of ImamMahdi (aj )

1. Free FromAllegience Of Every Tyrant

Amirul Momineen Ali (as) said,

"Certainly', when theQaem from among us shall arise, he will not have the allegiance of any one upon his neck. It is for this reason that his birth is secret and his person is in Ghaibat."1

It must be mentioned that all of our Imams had to pledgeallegience to every tyrant ruler except for a short period during the rule ofUmar ibne Abdul Aziz. This was because, on the face of it, it would seem that they are not against the ruler,In this way they could protect Islam. In the absence of popular support, the Imams were left alone and thus they entered into an understanding with the rulers. Thus even Imam Husain (as) for a particular period did not find it necessary to revolt against the regime ofMuawiya .

In this regardHazrat Mahdi (aj ) says:

"Verily each of my ancestors had the oath ofallegience , upon their necks, of their contemporary tyrant rulers. But I will reappear at such a time that I will not have any tyrant'sallegience upon my neck."2

2. TestOf The People

Imam alKazim (as) said,

"My son! When the fifth descendant of the seventh of the Imams is not visible toyou ! It is when Allah will test your belief.Ghaibat is inevitable for the Master of this affair.

Till the time when the religion is completely transformed, and only a few people will have belief in him. My son! ThatGhaibat , It is a trial through which Allah, the Almighty tests His servants."3

3. FearOf The Enemy

Imam Musa al-Kazim (as) said,

"TheQaem is the one who will purify the earth from the enemies of Allah, the High and the Mighty. And he will fill the earth will justice and equity just as it is filled with injustice and tyranny. He is the fifth of my descendants. He will go into occultation due to the fear of his own (life)."4

According to common sense it is necessary for man not to throw away his precious life without a legitimate aim. Thus, the prophets (as) and the Imams (as) have taught the people that it is their duty to protect their life under every circumstance and should never put their life in danger. Therefore it is the duty of the last of these exalted personalities to protect himself till the time of his reappearance when he will establish the new world order.

4. WeaknessAnd Lack Of Co-operation Of The People

ImamMahdi (aj ) said.

"If ourshias ;may Allah help them in His obedience; would have fulfilled their covenant with united hearts then there would have.been no delay in our meeting, and they would have been blessed with our visitation at the earliest, along with the recognition of truth and confirmation of our rights."5


1.Kamaaluddin Vol.1. Pg.303

2.Ghaibat Tusi Pg.292,Kamaaluddin VoL2. Pg.485.

3.Ghaibat al-Toosi Pg.166 & 337.AlKafi vol.1 Pg.336.Kamaaluddin vol.2 Pg.359 and 360. Kifayatul Asar Pg.264-265.

4.Kamaaluddin vol.2 Pg.361.Kifayatul Asar Pg.265-266.

5. AlIhtejaj vol.2 Pg.602.