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Muhammad is The Last Prophet

Muhammad is The Last Prophet

Publisher: www.alhassanain.org/english

Alhassanain (p) Network for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Muhammad is The Last Prophet

Author: Sayed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi


Table of Contents

Introduction 3

Chapter One: Finality of Prophethood 4

(A) Continuity of Religious Leadership 4

(B) Evolution of Religious Guidance 4

(C) Why `Shari'ahs' were Changed? 4

Chapter Two: Challenge of Ahmadism 6

Chapter Three: Historic Back-ground of Ahmadism 8

Chapter Four: Tafseer of `Khatamun-Nabiyyin' 13

How? 14

And what would have been the effect of such declaration? 15

Chapter Five: 'Khatamun-Nabiyyin' in Tradition 17

Chapter Six: Other Traditions 20

Chapter Seven: `Nubuwwah' without new Shari'ah? 23




Chapter Eight: 'Khatam' in Dictionaries and Usage 28

Chapter Nine: Who is Ahmad? 32

Chapter Ten: History of Religions 36

Chapter Eleven: Some Misinterpreted Verses 40



IMAM MAHDI (p.u.h.) A `RASUL'? 41

Chapter Twelve: Imam Mahdi (P.U.H.) 44


Chapter Thirteen: Other Signs 48




Chapter Fourteen: Jesus, Son Of Mary (P.U.H.) 51

Chapter Fifteen: Conclusion from these Tradition 55

A Comparison Again 57


"Sauti Ya Bilal", a Swahili periodical of Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania, has been generally acknowledged as one of the most informative and comprehensive religious periodicals in East Africa.

In 1968, the Mission gave a detailed treatment to the subject of `Khatme-Nubuwwah' (Finality of Prophethood), in the form of three articles which appeared in three consecutive issues. No wonder the series was well-received by the readers - lear- ned and laymen alike.

That Muhammad (p.u.h.a.h.f.), the Holy Pro- phet of Islam, was the last Prophet, and that no- body was to get Prophethood after him, is a simple yet cardinal belief of every Muslim. The Mission had explained that Islamic belief in those Swahili articles, quoting verses from Qur'an, and traditions from various traditionalists in corroboration. A Qadiani missionary wrote a long letter in Swahili, making a frustrated attempt to object to the contents of those articles. This letter was ans wered by Sayed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi, Chief Missio- nary.

As there was no reply forthcoming from the said missionary, silence prevailed. However, a Shia African student later on wrote to Mr. Rizvi seeking clarifications over the belief of Khatme-Nubuw- wah; and in that letter certain passages were found to bear great similarity to the previous letter from the Qadiani missionary. Obviously, the Qadianis were circulating their letter, or perhaps propaga- ting its contents, despite the refutation by Mr. Ri- zvi. Thus, the Mission was left with no alternative but to circulate Mr. Rizvi's reply, which assumed form of 24 foolscap cyclostyled pages. A copy was sent to the said Shia student, who later on expressed his complete satisfaction.

These events were reported in the Bilal News as usual, and Haji Hasanally P. Ebrahim (Karachi) requested for a few copies. As the articles were in Swahili, Mr. Rizvi very kindly agreed and promised to translate them into English for the benefit of a wider public. In the meantime, I requested Mr. Rizvi to add and argument certain relevant topics so as to make the endeavour complete. I am grate- ful to Mr. Rizvi for having conceded to my request.

This booklet is the result of Mr. Rizvi's lat:d- able endeavour, and various topics relevant to the subject of Khatme-Nubuwwah are amply dealt with. It also gives us an insight into the thinking (ii)

ways of the distracted, among them the Qadianis.

May Allah Accept this, and shower His Blessings upon

Mr. Rizvi. Asgherali M. M. Jaffer

June, 1971

Chapter One: Finality of Prophethood

(A) Continuity of Religious Leadership

God, in His grace, never left mankind without a religious guide. That guide may be a prophet, a 'Rasul' or an `Imam'. The first man, Prophet Adam (p.u.h.), was made a vicegerent of Allah on this earth,.. so that he might lead his children on the right path.

hence then, prophets and messengers were sent to all the regions and all the peoples. Allah says in the Qur'an: "And there never was a people without a War- ner having lived among them". (Qur'an, 35:24) In all, there came 124,000 propliets from God. Many of the prophets were sent to one or two villages, some even to one family or one man. Others were sent to a bigger area; still others to a whole tribe. But none of them, before our Holy Prophet, was sent to the whole mankind. Our Holy Prophet was sent to the whole man- kind for upto the end of the world. No other pro phet is to come after him. He was, and is, the Last Prophet.

(B) Evolution of Religious Guidance

It appears from the history of divine religions that God sent from time to time many `Shari`ahs' (Divine Laws) which were suitable to that particu lar era. Prophet Noah (p.u.h.) brought a Shari'ah which was simple to a great extent. And that Shari'ah was followed by other prophets upto the advent of Prophet Abraham (p.u.h.). Prophet Abraham (p.u.h.) was given a Shari'ah which was more elaborate and more comprehensive than the previous one.

The Shari`ah of Prophet Abraham remained it force for the children of Israel upto the time of Prophet Moses (p.u.h.). When Prophet Moses (p.v h.) was given Torah (Law), it was a really com- prehensive and fully detailed Shari`ah, which was followed by all the prophets of Bani Israel till Prophet Jesus (p.u.h.) came. Prophet Jesus (p.u.h.) perfected the Shari`ah of Prophet Moses (p.u.h. ) and made adjustments according to the time. The Shari'ah of Prophet Jesus (p.u.h.) remained valid till the arrival of the Holy Prophet of Islam. Coming to the other branch of the family of Prophet Abraham (p.u.h.) we find that the child- ren of Ismael were expected to follow the Shari`ah of Prophet Abraham (p.u.h.) upto the time of the Holy Prophet of Islam, Prophet Muhammad Mus- tafa (p.u.h.a.h.f.). When he came, he abrogated and cancelled all the previous Shari`ahs, and brought the final, most comprehensive and most suitable and moderate Shari`ah of all, which can meet the challenge of the changing times without any diffi- culty upto the day of ` Qiyamah' ( Resurrection day).

(C) Why `Shari'ahs' were Changed?

It may be asked: Why the changes in Shari`- ahs? Why the gradual revelation? And why the separate `Ulul-Azm' (Prominent) prophets coming one after another? Well, when a child is born, the parents make some garments for him. And as the child continues to grow, the old clothes are disca- rded, and new ones made according to the growth of the body of the child. This continues during his childhood, during his adolescence, during his tee- nage, till a time comes after 25 or 30 years, when the body reaches its maximum height and attains its full growth. After that, the size which fits him at that time, continues to fit him upto the end of his life. Nobody will suggest that as the child at the age of 25 years is expected to be 5 fit.

6 in. tall, he should be given the clothes of that size on the day of his birth. Nor will any body think that a young man of 30 years should wear the same clo- thes which he used to wear when he was 10 years old. Likewise, we may suppose that the humanity was a child in the days of Prophet Adara and Noah (p.u.t.), which reached its adolescence in Uie days of Prophet Abraham (p.u.h.) and continued to grow (mentally, socially and spiritually). Accor- dingly, Allah continued discarding and abrogating old Shari`ahs and sending new ones according to the social, intellectual and spiritual needs of the times.

This continued upto the time of Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (p.u.h.a.h.f.). His time may be comparea asthe age of 25 or 30 years of a man when he reaches the full height and the highest peak of his strength. Now there is no chance that he will outgrow his clothes, and the size of that age remains in force till his last day. When huma- nity reached that stage, Allah sent the final Shar- i'ah which was to serve the mankind to the last day of the world. After Muhammad Mustafa (p.u.h.a.- h.f.) there was no need for any Shari`ah; there was no need for any new prophet or messenger from God. And it was for this reason that he was dec- lared by Allah to bethe Last of the prophets.

Question: Admitted that the body does not grow in height after about 25 years; but still there appear- changes in the body. A person may gain or lose considerable weight, necessitating some chan- ges in the measurement of his clothes. Therefore, how can you say that there will never be any need for a new Shari`ah after Islam?

Answer: Clothes usually do not adjust them- selves according to the build of a body. But Islam has a built-in capacity to cover all the possible situations which a man faces during his life-time. In this respect, we may compare it with those sophisticated electronic devices which automati- cally adjust to the temperature, light, humidity and other relevant factors of the operating time. If you take a good camera, you will find that its lense makes all the necessary adjustments accor- ding to the distance and light without any need for you to make those adjustments manually.

Likewise, Islam has all the rules for all the possible situations, and as soon as a given situation changes, the Shari`ah automatically recognises the change and another set of rules applicable to the new situation comes into force immediately and automatically. This flexibility is the unique feature of Islam which is not found in any other religion. And this feature eliminates the need of a new Shari`ah. Of course, the need for an interpreter of the Qur'an and protector of the Shari`ah will remain for ever. But Allah appointed Imams for this pur- pose, after theThe Last Prophet. The chain of the Prophethood came to an end and a new system of religious leadership, known as `Imamat' was introduced. The Holy Prophet said: "Banu Israel, prophets were leading them; when a prophet died another prophet succeeded him. But after me there is no prophet, and surely there will be Caliphs".

Chapter Two: Challenge of Ahmadism

The universally accepted Muslim belief that Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (px.h.a.h.f.) was the Last Prophet of God, was unfortunately challen ged some 70 years ago by one Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian (Punjab, India) who claimed to be a prophet.

As this booklet is being written to throw light upon the Muslim belief of the "Finality of the Prophethood", it is "essential to give a historical background to the birth of Ahmadism. The famous Muslim thinker, Dr. Iqbal, wrote a booklet "Islam and Ahmadism" and I propose to quote in this chapter some of the paragraphs from his learned discourse.

He writes:-

"The simple faith (of Islam) is based on two propositions that God is One, and that Muhammad is the last in the line of those holy men who have appeared from time to time in all ages to guide mankind to the right way of living". "The question of heresy, which needs the ver- dict whether the author of it is within or without the fold, can arise, in the case of a religious society founded on such simple propositions, only when the heretic rejects both or either of these propo- sitions. Such heresy must be and has been rare in the history of Islam which, while jealous of its fro- ntiers, permits freedom of interpretation within these frontiers. And since the phenomenon of the kind of heresy which affects the boundaries of Islam has been rare in the history of Islam, the feeling of the average Muslim is naturally intense when a revolt of this kind arises. That is why the feeling of Muslim Persia was so intense against the Bahais. That is why the feeling of the Indian Mus lims is so intense against the Qadianis. "The question of what may be called major heresy arises only when the teaching of a thinker or a reformer affects the frontiers of the faith of Islam. Unfortunately this question does arise in connection with the teachings of Qadianism".

"Theologically the doctrine is that: The organization called "Islam" is perfect and eternal. No revelation the denial of which entails heresy is possible after Muhammad. He who claims such a revelation, is a traitor to Islam. Since the Qadianis believe the founder of the Ahmadiyya movement to be the bearer of such a revelation they declare that the entire world of Islam is infidel. The foun- der's own argument is that the spirituality of the Holy Prophet of Islam must be regarded as imperfect if it is not creative of another Prophet. He claims his own Prophethood to be an evidence of the Prophet-rearing power of the Holy Prophet of Islam. But if you further ask him whether the spirituality of Muhammad is capable of rearing more Prophets, than one, his answer is "No". This virtually amounts to saying "Muhammad is not the last Prophet: I am the last".

This is, in fact, the accepted belief of the Qadianis. Really it is astounding that while the dis- tinction of being the last of the Prophets is denied to the Prophet of Islam, it is claimed for the pro- phet of Qadian. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad himself says: "I am the last path of all the divine paths, and the last light of all the divine lights". Elabora- ting on this theme,the "Tash-hizul-azhan" (Vol. 9, No. 3, March, 1914) writes: "In this ` Ummah' there can be only one prophet, that is, the promi- sed Messiah; and certainly nobody else can come." The same magazine (Vol. 12, No. 8, August, 1917) says: "After the Holy Prophet of Islam only one prophet can come. It will disturb many poli-, cies and kingdom of God if many prophets came". The same paper (Vol. 9, No. 3, March, 1914) declared: "Thus it is proved that there cannot be more than one prophet. (The Holy Prophet of Is- lam) has said "La Nabiyya Ba`di" There is no pro- phet after me; and thus has clearly declared that in this Ummah no prophet or messenger of God can come after him, except the promised Messiah".

This distorted logic is beyond human comp- rehension. The Qadiani writer accepts the Holy Prophet's declaration that there would be no pro phet after him; and then (instead of refuting the claim of any pretender of prophethood after Mu- hammad) adds a tail to the interpretation: "except Mirza Ghulam Ahmad."

"Tash-hizul Azhan" was a magazine for Ah- madi children and that is the belief which is taught to their children from childhood. Thus, the Qadianis have transferred the fina- lity of prophethood from the Prophet of Islam to Prophets; for the Qadiams, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is the last of the prophets. But there is one "Khata- mun-Nabiyyin" (the Last of the Prophets) in both religions, in the sense of the finality of the pro- phethood. I think this point of agreement should be enough to end the controversy about the mea- ning of the phrase "Khatamun-Nabiyyin ".

Now to revert to Dr. Iqbal's writing - "Far from understanding the cultural value of the Islamic idea of finality in the history of man- kind generally and of Asia especially, he (i.e.,_Mir za Ghulam Ahmad) thinks that the finality in the sense that no follower of Muhammad can ever reach the status of prophethood is a mark of impe- rfection in Muhammad's Prophethood. As I read the psychology of his mind he in the interest of his own claim to prophethood, avails himself of what he describes as the creative spirituality of the Holy Prophet of Islam and at the same time deprives the Holy Prophet of his "finality" by limiting the cre- atingcapacity of his spirituality to the rearing of only one prophet, i.e., the founder of the Ahma- diyya movement. In this way does the new pro- phet quietly steal away the "finality" of one who "He claims to be `buruz' 1 of the Holy Prophet of Islam instituating thereby that, being a buruz of him, his finality is virtually the "finality" of Muha mmad, and that this view of the matter, therefore, does not violate the finality of the Holy Prophet. In identifying the two finalities, his own and that of the Holy Prophet, he conveniently loses sight of the temporal meaning of the idea of Finality.

It is, however obvious that the word `buruz' in the sense even of completed likeness, cannot help him at all, for the buruz must always remain the other of its original. Only in the sense of reincarnation a buruz becomes identical with the original. Thus if we take the word `buruz' to mean `like in spiritual qualities' the argument remains ineffective. If, on the other hand, we take it to mean reincarnation of the original, in the Aryan sense of the word, the argument becomes; plausible but its author turns out to be only a Magian in disguise."

Chapter Three: Historic Back-ground of Ahmadism

"I dare say the founder of the Ahmadiyya movement did hear a voice; but whether this voice came from the God of Life and Power or arose out of the spiritual impoverishment of the people must depend upon the nature of movement which it has created and the kind of thought and emotion which it has given to those who have listened to it."

This quotation comes from Dr. Iqbal who has clearly unmasked "the real content of Ahmadism in the light of the history of Muslim theological thought in India at least from the year 1799". He says: "The year 1799 is extremely impor- tant in the history of the world of Islam. In this year fell Tippu; and his fall meant the extinguish ment of Muslim hopes for political prestige in In- dia. In the same year was fought the battle of Na- varneo which saw the destruction of the Turkish fleet".

"Thus in the 1799 the political decay of Islam in Asia reached its climax. But just as out of the humiliation of Germany on the day of Jena arose the Modern German Nation, it may be said with equal truth that out of the political humilia- tion of Islam in the year 1799 arose modern Islam and her problems. I want to draw the reader's atte- ntion to some of the questions which have arisen in Muslim India since the fall of Tippu and the de- velopment of European Imperialism in Asia.

"Does the idea of Caliphate in Islam embody a religious institution? How are the Indian Muslims and for the matter of that all Muslims outside the Turkish Empire related to the Turkish Caliphate? "2Is India "Dar-ul-Harb" 1 or "Dar-ul-Islam ? What is the real meaning of the doctrine of `Jihad' in Islam? What is the meaning of the expression "From amongst you" in the Qur'anic verse "Obey God, obey the Prophet and the masters of the affair, i.e., rulers, from amongst you?" What is the

1. Dar-ul-Harb - Alien country.

2. Dar-ul-Islam - Muslim country.

character of the traditions of the Prophet foretel- ling the advent of Imam Mehdi? These questions and some other which arose subsequently were for Muslims only. European Imperialism, however, which was then rapidly penetrating the world of Islam was also intimately interested in them." Mr. M. O. Abbasi of Dar-es-Salaam (Tanzania) writes in "The Mirror" (published by Makki publi- cations):-

"In order to reach the bottom of this reality, it is necessary as a preliminary, to understand the background in which it became possible for Mirza Ghulam Ahmad to advance his claims and to achi- eve success in his mission." "The Muslims of India, after leading a life of governance, glory and honour for an approximate period of 700 years, were beset with a variety of calamities and catastrophes owing to their indif- ference, inaction and ignorance:

(1) Internal dissensions and disunion led to inter- necine quarrels and they became extremely debilitated.

(2) Due to the aggression of their age-old ene- mies, the infidels, Muslim blood flowed in profusion at the hands of the Marahtas and the Sikhs.

(3) European Imperialists took undue advantage of this and extended their Imperialist tentac- les. They knew that the Muslims were endo wed with a spirit of revenge, sacrifice and martyrdom and possessed of a passion for de- fence of their religion in the fullest degree. "It was necessary therefore, to:-

(1) Break their collective strength and disorga- nise them.

(2) Crush their sense of self-respect and their spirit of sacrifice and martyrdom.

(3) Cultivate a spirit of devotion to and expec- tations from the Imperialist Powers.

(4) Entirely expunge the spirit of `Jihad', that is, readiness to sacrifice and gamble away their lives in defence of religion and community. "In view of the above, the chess players of Western Imperialism prepared a few peculiar pawns for the political board, the choicest of which were those that entered the field under the cloak of reli- gion and exponents of its technicalities."

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani was such a pawn who served the interests of the British Impe- rialism using the religion as his tool. As will be seen afterwards, his tenets were "Obey Allah and Obey the British Imperialism." Those who want a fuller account, should read the quotations given by Professor Ilyas Berni in "Qad- iani Mazhab Ka Ilmi Muhasiba" (part 2, Chapters 11 to 14). Here a few quotations are given just as a sample.

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani writes:-

"In short my father was always hopeful of mercies of the British Government and continued to render services as the need arose, so much so, that the English Government honoured him with notes of appreciation and remembered him speci- ally with their gifts and bounties and sympathised with him and favoured him and considered him among their well-wishers and sincere supporters. "When my father expired, my brother succe- eded him in these qualities, and his name was Mir- za Ghulam Qadir, and the favours of the English Government were likewise showered on him just as on my father. "A few years after the death of my father, my brother also expired and after the decease of these both, I stepped into their shoes and follo- wed them in their characteristics. "But I was not possessed of wealth or pro- perty Therefore, I rose to serve the Gover- nment with my hand and my pen, and God was assisting me, and I made a compact with God from that time that I would never write a single volume which does not contain a description of the obliga- tions of the Queen Empress of India. Nay, the vo- lume must contain a narration of all the obliga- tions done to the Muslims of India for which the Muslims of India have to be grateful to her." ("Nurul Haq ", Part I, Page 28, written by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian).

"For the achievement of this object of mine I made it a practice to repeat in every writing of mine (Vide, for example, Baraheene Ahmadiyya, Shahadatul Qur'an, Surmae Chashme Arya, Ainae Kamalate Islam, Hamamatul Bushra, Nurul Haq, etc.) that `Jihad' against this Government is not at all permissible to the Muslims."

Statement Worthy of the attention of the Government, which was published for the perusal of the Empress of India (i.e., Queen Victoria), His Excellency the Governor-General of India and His Excellency Lieutenant Governor of Punjab and other High Officials from the humble Ghulam Ah- mad of Qadian; dated 10th December, 1894; reco- rded in `Tabligh-e-Risalat' (Vol. 3, p. 193, edited by Mir Qasim Ali Qadiani).

"The second matter to be submitted is this, that from the earliest age till now - and I am sixty years old now - I have been engaged with my ton gue and pen in this important task that I should turn the hearts of the Muslims of India towards true love, well-wishes and sympathy towards the English Government and remove from the minds of some senseless ones all ideas of `Jihad', etc., which stop them from sincerity of heart and hone- sty of relations and I notice that a tremen- dous impression has been made on the minds of the Muslims owing to my writings and hundreds of thousands of persons have been converted to a changed attitude."

(Petition to Nawwab Lieutenant Governor - May his fortune be eternal - from the humble Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian; dated 24th Feb ruary, 1898; recorded in `Tabligh-e-Risalat' Vol. 7, p. 10, edited by Mir Qasim Ali Qadiani). "The major portion of my life has passed in support of this English Government and I have wri- tten so many books on the `Prohibition of `Jihad' and `Obedience to the English' and have issued pamphlets that, if they were gathered together, no less than fifty cupboards could be filled with them. I have sent such books to all the countries like Ara- bia, Egypt, Syria, Kabul and Turkey. "I have always endeavoured that Muslims should become true well-wishers of this Govern- ment and the baseless traditions about Bloody Mehdi and Bloody Messiah which animate and inf- lame the hearts of fools may be obliterated from their minds."

(Tiryaqul-Qulub, p. 15, by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani). The British Government reciprocated this ser- vice as Mirza Mahmud Ahmad, the son and second Caliph of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, writes:- "The obligations of the British Government on us are great and we are passing our lives in great comfort and tranquility and accomplishing our ob ject and if we are to go to other countries for ` Tabligh' (propaganda), there, too, the British Go- vernment renders us assistance." (Barakat-e-Khi- lafat, p. 65).

How much Mirza Qadiani served the British Imperialism, is clear from the following declara- tion:-

"Thus, my religion which I do repeatedly dec- lare is only this, that Islam has two parts: One, to obey God, secondly, to obey this Government Thus, if we raise our head against the British 21 Government, we are raising our head against Islam, against God and against the Holy Prophet." (Government Ki Tawajjuh Ke Laik; by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani). It would be of interest to see what was their attitude towards the freedom movements of India. There were two organisations endeavouring to get independence: All India National Congress and All India Muslim League. Qadianis' attitude towards the Congress can be seen from the lecture of Mirza Mahmud Ahmad (the son and second caliph of the founder of Ahmadism), which was published in their newspaper `Al-Fazl' (Vol. 22, No. 91) dated 29th January, 1935. He said:-

"After that whenever the Congress launched any disturbance, we helped the (British) Govern- ment. At the time of the last movement of Gandhi, we spent Fifty Thousand Rupees on tracts and advertisement and we can prove it by records. Our men gave hundreds of lectures against that move- ment. We gave best advices which were appreciated by the High Officials." About Muslim League: The said `AI-Fazl' (Vol. 3, No. 78, dated 8th January, 1916) wrote:- "We remember that the real Reformer of the Muslims and the True Guide of the world, Prophet Masih-e-Maw'ud and Mehdi Akheruzzaman (i.e., Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani) when Muslim Lea- gue was mentioned before him, he expressed his displeasure at it. Can such a thing, which the Cho- sen of God and Ordained dislikes, be beneficial and blissful for the Muslims? No, Never."

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani went so far as to turn himself into a spy of the British Govern- ment against nationalists. He wrote in 'Govern- ment Ki Tawajjuh Ke Laiq' (recorded in Tabligh-e- Risalat) :-

"Whereas it is expedient that for the well- wishers of the English Government, the names of such Muslims also should be recorded in charts who look upon the British India as Dar-ul-Harb Therefore, this chart has been drawn up with the single object of preserving therein the names of those ungrateful people who are endowed with such rebellious nature. "Therefore, for the political sympathy of our benevolent Government, we have thought it proper on this blessed occasion that we should record as far as possible the names of such wicked people whose seditious intentions can be proved by their beliefs But we respectfully request the Government that such Charts will remain with us as a State secret in any of the Government offices until such time."

We should thank Allah that East Africa was not populated with persons of such servile menta- lity. Otherwise, these countries would have rema ined under British yoke forever, and the Union Jack would have been flying over the State Houses of Dar-es-Salaam, Nairobi and Entebbe even now. Dr. Iqbal says:- "To the intensely religious masses of Islam only one thing can make a conclusive appeal, and that is Divine Authority. For an effective eradica tion of orthodox beliefs it was found necessary to find a revelational basis for a politically suitable orientation of theological doctrines involved in the questions mentioned above. This revelational basis is provided by Ahmadism. And the Ahmadis them- selves claim this to be the greatest service rendered by them to British imperialism. The prophetic claim to revelational basis for theological view of a political significance amounts to declaring that those who do not accept the claimant's views are infidels of the first water and destined for the fla- mes of Hell.

"In primitive countries it is not logic but authority that appeals. Given a sufficient amount of ignorance and credulity which strangely enough sometimes co-exists with good intelligence and a person sufficiently audacious to declare himself recipient of Divine revelation whose denial would entail eternal damnation, it is easy in a subject Muslim country, to invent a political theology and to build a community whose creed is political ser- vility. And in the Punjab even an ill-woven net of vague theological expressions can easily capture the innocent peasant who has been for centuries exposed to all kinds of exploitation.

"As I have explained above the function of Ahmadism in the history of Muslim religious thought is to furnish a revelational basis for India's present political subjugation". (i.e., under British imperialism). To show how the Qadiani missionaries try to twist the subject, I quote here from `A Lively Dis- cussion' published by the `Ahmadiyya Muslim Mis sion Of Tanganyika' in 1967. Their Chief Missio- nary, Sheikh Muhammad Munawwar H.A., trying to refute this blame has written:-

"Muslim scholars over the ages have been pra- ising their governments for one reason or the other without being criticised by their fellow-Muslims. Here in Tanzania the Shia Alim, Sayed Saeed Akh- tar Rizvi, wrote an article in The Standard dated August 25, 1967 to show that the Arusha Declara- tion contained certain aspects that went parallel with the Islamic teaching. No finger was pointed at the writer of the article to condemn his "collu- sion" with the un-Islamic government. Nor was he given the title of a "toady" or a "Quisling". He is so naive that he does not see the diffe- rence between showing that an ideology of a free national government "contained certain aspects that went parallel with the Islamic Teachings" and supporting the tyrannical rule of an imperial power and forbidding the wretched `subjects' to rise aga- inst it and making that support an integral part of the religion, next in importance to the belief in the unity of God! If he wants to keep his eyes shut to such clear differences, nobody on earth has any power to make him see.

Dr. Iqbal further writes:- "A similar drama had already been acted in Persia; but it did not lead, and could not have led, to the religious and political issues which Ahma dism has created for Islam in India. Russia offered tolerance to Babism and allowed the Babis to open their first missionary center in Is'hagabad. England showed Ahmadis the same tolerance in allowing them to open their First missionary center in Wok- ing. Whether Russia and England showed this tole- rance on the ground of imperial expediency or pure broadmindedness is difficult for us to decide. This much is absolutely clear that this tolerance has created difficult problems for Islam in Asia."

Then Dr. Iqbal winds up his discourse with declaring the Ahmadi movement as being a "stra- nge mixture of Semitic and Aryan mysticism with whom spiritual revival consists not in the purifica- tion of the individual's inner life according to the principles of the old Islamic Sufi'ism, but in satis- fying the expectant attitude of the masses by pro- viding a `promised' Messiah. The function of this promised Messiah is not to extricate the individual from an enervating present but to make him slavi- shly surrender his ego to its dictates. This reaction carries within itself a very subtle contradiction. It retains the discipline of Islam, but destroys the will which that discipline was intended to fortify."

Chapter Four: Tafseer of `Khatamun-Nabiyyin'

"Behold! thou didst say to one who had rece- ived the grace of God and thy favour: "Retain thou (in wedlock) thy wife and fear God". But thou didst hide in thy heart that which God was about to make manifest: thou didst fear the peo- ple, but it is more fitting that thou shouldst fear God. "Then when Zaid had dissolved (his marriage) with her with the necessary (formality), We joined her in marriage to thee: in order that (in future) there may be no difficulty to the believers in (the matter of) marriage with the wives of their adop- ted sons, when the latter had dissolved with the necessary (formality-their marriage) with them. And God's command must be fulfilled.

"There can be no difficulty to the Prophet in what God had indicated to him as a duty. It was the way of God amongst those of old that have passed away. And the command of God is a decree determined. "(It is the practice of) those who preach the message of God and wear Him, and fear none but God. And enough is God to call (men) to account. Mohammed is not the father of any of your men, but (he) is The Apostle of God and the last of the Prophets. And God has full knowledge of all things". (Qur'an, 33:37-40) This (verse) is revealed in the fifth Ruku of Chapter Al-Ahzab. In this `Ruku' Allah has replied to the objections of the unbelievers and the hypoc rites, who were ridiculing and slandering the Holy Prophet because of his marriage with Ummul- Mumeneen Zainab bint Jahash.

They said that Zainab was previously married to Zaid bin Haritha, who prior to Islam, was adop- ted by the Holy Prophet as his son. The detractors said, as such Zainab was the daughter-in-law of the Holy Prophet; and when the Holy Prophet married her, after her divorce from Zaid, he married his daughter-in-law which is haraam even in the Sha- ri'ah brought by Muhammad (p.u.h.a.h.f.) Replying to that, Allah said in verse No. 37 that that marriage was entered into by the order of Allah, and performed by Allah, so that the Mus lims should be made free to marry the wives of their adopted sons if the said so-called sons were to divorce them.

Verses Nos. 38 and 39 declare that no power can detract a prophet from doing what he was told by Allah to do. And it is not the job of the pro phet to be afraid of the masses in performing the commands of Allah. They fear only Allah, and no one else. And it is the way of Allah from ever that makes the prophets to convey the message of Allah without any hesitation, without taking any thing else into their consideration. After that comes this verse; and it cuts at the roots of all such objections of the enemies of the Holy Prophet.

Their first objection was that the Holy Pro- phet had married his daughter-in-law, which is for- bidden in Islam. Replying to that, Allah said: "Muhammad was not father of anyone from among your men-folk". It reminds the unbelievers that Zaid bin Hari- tha (whose divorcee Zainab was), was not the son of the Holy Prophet, and as such Zainab was not the daughter-in-law of the Holy Prophet. Marrying the divorcee of Zaid therefore cannot be said to be forbidden by any logic. Even his enemies knew that Muhammad was not the father of Zaid.

Second objection: Agreed that Zaid was not the son of the Holy Prophet by birth; but was he not his son by adoption? Agreed that it was not illegal for Muhammad to marry the divorced wife of Zaid. But was that marriage necessary? Agreed that that marriage was legal and lawful. But what was the need of entering into such a marriage which could make Muhammad Mustafa (p.u.h.a.- h.f.) the target of ridicule?

Replying to that, Allah said:

"But Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah". The significance of this answer is that, being a Messenger of Allah, ii was essential for him to re- move all superstitions end prejudices and all base- less taboos which were choking the life out from the society. It was essential for him to act in such a way that nobody could remain in any doubt about the legality of such marriages and about the fact that an adopted son was not a son at all. Then comes the phrase:"The Last of The Prophets". The significance of this phrase is that, after the Holy Prophet of Islam not even a prophet is to come (let alone a Rasul whose job is to bring a new Shari`ah ). No prophet was to come after him, so that if any deficiency were left unreformed in the legal or social system of the so- ciety or religion, the later prophet would remove that defect. Muhammad Mustafa (p.u.h.a.h.f.) was the last Messenger; he was the Last Prophet. And therefore it was essential for him to effect reforms to all the bad practices of the society, to refute all superstitions during his life-time, because there was no Nabi to come after him, let alone a Rasul.

Then comes the sentence:

"And Allah has the full knowledge of every- thing". Why this assertion? Allah wants to convey the idea that Allah knows that if Muhammad Mustafa (p.u.h.a.h.f.) left this world without reforming the bad elements of the society, no prophet was to come after him to fill that gap; and if Muhammad Mustafa (p.u.h.a.h.f.) left without giving effect to all the reforms of the society, no such person was ever to appear who would have such respect, pres- tige and reverence among the masses that his every word and his every action would have the force of Law. It was the prerogative of the Holy Prophet of Islam; and nobody had, or was to have, such res- pect that if he did one thing it became lawful for upto Qiyamah ( Resurrection day), and if he for- bade one thing, that became unlawful for upto Qiyamah This prestige was bestowed by Allah upon the Last Prophet and Allah knew that if he did not reform such bad customs no other person would ever be able to give effect to such reforms after the Holy Prophet.

Looking at this verse in this context, it is cry- stal clear that we cannot accept a new meaning to this verse invented by a home-made claimant of prophethood from Qadian, that ` Khatamun-Nabi- yyin' means `Seal of the prophets', which in its turn means that the prophets coming after the Holy Prophet of Islam would become prophet by the seal of the Holy Prophet, and by his confir- mation. If we were to entertain such idea, all the force and logic will be wiped out. Not only that it will lose its logic - it will be tantamount to refu- ting whatever was put forward in the preceding phrases and sentences. This verse will become a self-contradictory statement.


We have seen that Allah wanted to reply to the objections of the enemies of the Holy Prophet, by saying that:

1. The Holy Prophet married Ummul-Mumeneen Zainab bint Jahash by order of Allah.

2. The aim of that marriage was to remove the prejudice and superstition and traditional taboo of the pagan Arabs and many other nations who treated the adopted sons as the real sons.

3. It was necessary, nay essential, for Muham- mad Mustafa (p.u.h.a.h.f.) to marry the divo- rced wife of his adopted son, so that Muslims should not feel shy of such marriages; they should be persuaded by the practical example of the Holy Prophet that such marriages are perfectly lawful, because an adopted son is no son at all.

4. To show the urgency of that marriages, Allah says that Muhammad Mustafa (p.u.h.a.h.f.) is the Messenger of Allah and it was impera- tive for him to give effect to that marriage to provide a practical example.

And then the Qadianis say that, Allah says: "Many Prophets will come after Muhammad Mus- tafa (p.u.h.a.h.f.) who will be made prophets by the confirmation from him, and who will be in a position to give effect to whatever reforms were needed in their times!

And what would have been the effect of such declaration?

As soon as the enemies of the Holy Prophet were to learn this they would easily have said: "Then what was the urgency that Muhammad him self should perform this marriage to show the Mus- lims legality of such marriages? As other prophets were to come after him, any other prophet could have legalised such marriages by showing his own example! There was no need on the part of Muha- mmad Mustafa (p.u.h.a.h.f.) to perform that ma- rriage".

Thus, the whole force of the arguments show- ing the urgent need of that marriage is negated, wiped out and cancelled. Not only this: a weapon is given in the hands of the enemies of the Holy Prophet to attack him and ridicule him, saying that "he married the divorced wife of his adopted son while there was no urgency for him to do so. After all, other prophets coming after him could have shown to the world that there was nothing wrong in such marriages."

It is clear from this explanation, that if the interpretation of the Qadianis is accepted then not only the logic of the replies will be lost, but the verse will become a mass of contradictory state- ments. Allah says:

"If this Qur'an would have been from other than Allah, then they would have found in it much contradiction." (Qur'an, 4:82) If an interpretation creates contradictions in a verse, it means that that interpretation is not from Allah; it is from other than Allah - it is from Satan. Another interpretation of the Qadianis is that `Khatamun-Nabiyyin' means `Afzalun-Nabiy- yin' i.e., Muhammad is the superior to all prophets. [n other words, other prophets would come after him, but he is the greatest, most respected and most honoured of all prophets.

Apart from the fact, that this interpretation shows that Qadianis themselves are not sure what new meaning they should give to the phrase `Kha tamun-Nabiyyin', the same defect of contradiction is inherent in that interpretation also. How? The unbelievers and the hypocrites could have retorted that when other prophets were to come after Mu- hammad Mustafa (p.u.h.a.h.f.), though inferior to Muhammad, but prophet of Allah all the same, they could have carried out such reform and that there was no need or urgency for Muhammad Mus- tafa.(p.u.h.a.h.f.) to perform that marriage and put himself in ridicule unnecessarily.