Principles Of Marriage and Family Ethics

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Principles Of Marriage and Family Ethics

Author: Ayatullah Ibrahim Amini

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Principles Of Marriage and Family Ethics

Principles Of Marriage and Family Ethics


Principles Of Marriage & Family Ethics

Author(s):Ayatullah IbrahimAmini

Publisher(s): Islamic Propagation Organization


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Table of Contents

Foreword 5

Preface 6

Notes 8

Part 1: The Duties of Women 9

The Purpose of Marriage 9

Living with Husband 11

Kindness 12

The Husband's Respect 13

Complaints and Grievances 14

Pleasant Dispositions 15

Wrong Expectations 17

Be a Comfort for Your Husband 18

Be Appreciative 19

Do not Look for Shortcomings 20

Don't Look at Anyone Other Than Your Husband 21

Islamic Hijab 22

Forgive Your Husband's Mistakes 25

Coping with Your Husband's Relatives 25

Coping With Your Husband's Job 26

If You Have to Live Away From Your Hometown 28

If Your Husband Works at Home 29

Help Your Husband to Make Progress 30

Be Careful That He is Not Misled 31

Suspicious Women 33

Do Not Pay Attention to Slanderous Talks 39

The Satisfaction of Your Husband and Not Your Mother 41

Be Clean and Beautiful at Home Also 43

Be a Mother to Him 44

Keep the Secrets 45

Accept His Management 45

Be Resourceful when Times are Hard 47

Do not Refuse to Talk and do not Sulk 48

Remain Silent when he is Angry 49

Men's Hobbies 50

Housekeeping 50

Cleanliness 52

A Tidy House 53

Preparing Food 55

Receiving Guests 57

The Trustee of the House 60

Careers of women 61

Do not Waste your Spare Time 63

Motherhood (Caring for Children) 65

(1) Fruit of Marriage 65

(2) Educating a Child 65

Nutrition and Hygiene 66

Notes 68

Part 2: The Duties of Men 72

The Guardian of the Family 72

Taking Care of your Wife 72

Be Loving towards Her 72

Respect Your Wife 74

Be Well-mannered 75

Complaining Unnecessarily 78

Picking up Quarrels 79

Appease Her and Sympathize with Her 80

Do not pick up Faults 81

Do not Pay Attention to Slanderous Talk of the Critics 82

Overlook Her Mistakes 85

Be Attentive 89

The Disciplinary Rights of the Husband 92

Suspicious Men 94

The Unfaithful Woman 98

Do not Go After Other Women 99

Be Grateful 101

Be Clean at Home Also 102

Nurse Your Wife 103

Family Economy 104

Extend Your Help in the Household Works 105

Return Home Soon 106

Be Faithful 107

Education and Training 108

Having A Child 109

Pregnancy and Childbirth 113

Assistance in Bringing up Children 115

The Major Obstacle in Settling down Disagreements 116

Divorce 117

Notes 120


The human society is comprised of families. Islam attaches great importance to real pleasure and prosperity of human beings throughIslamically balanced, highly ethical, well-educated and well-behaved families and happy homes. Like in all the fields of human activity, Islam has laid down clearly and in detail the rights and duties of men and women, husbands and wives and also parents and children. The happy homes having pleasant environment, in which husband, wife, children and other relatives live together merrily with good mutual understanding, tolerance and respect as well as fulfilling their respective duties towards each other, is indeed an index of the highest status the Almighty Allah has blessed, among the creatures, to all human beings.

Unfortunately, the lack of appreciation about these aspects, particularly by husbands and wives, leads to many problems for themselves as well as for the children-the future generations. In advanced and western countries, with more and more progress, greater technological and scientific achievements and very fast and ultramodern way of life, the rate of divorces and separations is alarming.

Considering the importance of the subject, the I.P.O. is taking the privilege of publishing this book (originally in Persian language) written by an eminent Islamic scholar, a noted author and a senior professor of Islamic Jurisprudence at,Hawzah Ilmiyyah (Islamic Theological Centre), Qum, Iran,Hujjatul -Islam IbrahimAmini .

The author has taken great pains in conducting research and deep study on the subject of family ethics and husband-wife relationship. The first part deals with duties of women and the second part contains duties of men. Along with the duties, rights of husbandson wives and those of wives on husbands have also been described quoting relevant verses of the Holy Qur'an andAhadith (traditions).

It is hoped that the book would be found very useful for all and every home would treasure this to derive the maximum benefit for creating and maintaining the serene and pleasant environment, full of Allah's blessings.

International Relations Department

Islamic Propagation Organization


The greatest desire of all young men and women who reach the age of puberty is to marry. Through the establishment of a joint marital life, they would earn more independence, as well as have a kind and trustworthy partner. They regard marriage as the beginning of their lives of prosperity.

Man has been created for woman and vice versa.

They are attracted to each other like magnets. Marriage and establishing a joint life is a natural desire of human beings responding to their instincts. It is considered one of the greatest Divine blessings. In fact, where else could one find a better shelter for the youth than a sincere family unit?

It is the desire of raising a family which preserves the youth from pursuing irrational dreams and internal anxieties. The marital union enables them to find a kind and faithful partner who could share the hard and difficult times. The sacred marital covenant is a Divine rope which links the hearts, calms them when they become unsettled, and focuses irrational dreams on one ideal goal. The house is the centre of love, kindness, and friendship, whereby it is the best place to relax and live comfortably.

The Almighty Allah mentions this blessing in the Holy Qur’an:

وَمِنْ آيَاتِهِ أَنْ خَلَقَ لَكُمْ مِنْ أَنْفُسِكُمْ أَزْوَاجًا لِتَسْكُنُوا إِلَيْهَا وَجَعَلَ بَيْنَكُمْ مَوَدَّةً وَرَحْمَةً ۚ إِنَّ فِي ذَٰلِكَ لَآيَاتٍ لِقَوْمٍ يَتَفَكَّرُونَ

"And one of His signs is that He created mates for you from yourselves that you may find rest in them and He put between you love and compassion; most surely there are signs in this for a people who reflect" (30:21).

"The Prophet (S) of Islam stated: 'A man who is not married, even though he may be wealthy is surely poor and needy: and the same is true for a woman."1

"Imam as-Sadiq (a.s .) asked a man: 'Are you married?" The man replied "no". The Imam stated: 'I would not like to stay unmarried even for one night, even if I were to own the whole world'."2

"The Holy Prophet (S) stated: 'There has not been created any institution in Islam which is more favored and dearer to Allah than marriage'."3

Even though the Compassionate Allah has endowed human beings with such a precious blessing, they do not appreciate it and sometimes due to ignorance and selfishness, convert this warm and blessed union, into a dark prison or even a burning Hell! It is due to man's own ignorance that the members of the family have to live in this dark prison or that the sacred marital covenant has to be destroyed.

If a couple is aware of their duties and acts accordingly, then a house would be a place of friendship and would resemble heaven. But, if there are family differences and arguments, the family home, could truly change into a prison. Family differences are due to various reasons, such as economic factors, family background of the man and woman, living environment, unwanted interference by fathers, mothers and relatives, and tens of other reasons.

But according to the author, the most important factor is the ignorance of husband and wife regarding their duties and lack of preparation for their marital life. Generally, in order to accomplish a task, expertise and readiness are necessary requirements. If one lacks the necessary knowledge and readiness, then one cannot successfully achieve his desired goal. Thus, training classes are formed to educate people for different tasks.

Expertise, readiness, and knowledge are also needed in marriage. A young man must possess enough information about his wife's principles of values and internal desires. He must also be aware of marital problems and ways of solving them. He should not regard marriage as merely buying goods, or hiring a maid, but to acknowledge it as a treaty of friendship, honesty, kindness, partnership, and cooperation in a joint family life.

A young woman should also be aware of her husband's philosophy of life and wishes. She should not consider that marriage is like engaging a servant for fulfilling needs without any terms and conditions; but as a pledge for partnership and cooperation in making efforts for conducting the life. In order to obtain a successful partnership, there is a need for understanding, cooperation, and devotion.

Although the future of young men and women largely depends on a marriage which requires awareness of the importance of the concepts of marriage and preparation for undertaking such a task, our society unfortunately neglects the importance of these conditions.

The parents pay a great deal of attention to such points as dowry, beauty, and personality. However, they disregard the readiness for establishing a marital life as a necessary condition. They marry their sons and daughters off without providing adequate information about family life.

Consequently two young and inexperienced people step into a new life and confront many problems. Differences, arguments, and fights begin to develop. Their parents then interfere to help resolve the differences. But, since their interferences are mostly biased, the differences are exaggerated and the situation becomes worse.

The initial years of family life are eventful and critical. This is the period where many families can be torn between divorce and disintegration. Some of them continue their marriage and prefer this self-made prison to divorce and others learn more about each other and form a relatively comfortable life.

What a nice thing it could be had there been some means of educating and informing young men and women about the foundations and the establishment of marriage in the form of classes entitled "marriage preparation" which would prepare them for establishing their own families. I am hopeful of the day that such program is established.

The present book is written on the basis of this necessity. In resolving the issues of this book, I have relied upon the Holy Qur'an, the traditions of the Holy Prophet (S) and the Infallible Imams (a.s .), as well as some general statistics, and my personal experience.

Although certain guidelines for a better marriage have been presented, I do not claim that all family problems can be solved by reading this book. It is hoped that the book will provide better insight and awareness for those experiencing marital and family problems. It is highly expected of those responsible' persons who realize the importance of this matter, to take serious steps in order to help those who suffer from the agonies and sufferings of family deterioration and conflict. (Insha’Allah)

This book has been divided in two parts. The first part concerns the duties of women to their husbands and the second part covers the duties of men to their wives. But men and women are recommended to read both parts in order to get a better insight into the matter. By reading only one part of the book, the reader might feel a bias towards one side or the other; but by reading both the parts, one would admit that this is not the case.



July 1975


1.Wasa 'il alShiah , vol. 14, p 3.

2. Ibid.

3. Ibid, p 23