His Miracles Manifested and Some Narratives of His Emissaries
Al-Ghaiba of Sheikh Tusi: ‘Ali Ibn al-Husain Ibn ‘Ali Ibn Ba-bawaiy says, A congregation of my compatriots who were in Baghdad in the year in which the Karamathians raided the pilgrims of Mecca, and that is the year in which meteoroids fell, narrated that my father (a.s) wrote to the Sheikh Abu al-Qa-sim al-Husain Ibn Ru-h, may Allah sanctify his tomb, seeking permission to go for Hajj. The answer came, “Do not go in this year.” My father returned a reply, saying, “It is an obligatory pledge. Is it permissible for me not to go?” The answer came, “If you must perform, then be in the last caravan.” My father traveled with the last caravan and his life was saved. All the people in other caravans that were ahead of him were killed.
Al-Ghaiba of Sheikh Tusi: Abu Ja‘far al-Marwazi says, Ja‘far Ibn Muhammad Ibn ‘Omar and a number of others came to the ‘Askar and were there in the days when Abu Muhammad (a.s) was alive. Amongst them was ‘Ali Ibn Ahmad Ibn Tani-n. Ja‘far Ibn Muhammad Ibn ‘Omar wrote a letter asking permission to enter the tomb. ‘Ali Ibn Ahmad said to him, “Do not write my name. I am not seeking permission.” Ja‘far Ibn Muhammad did not write his name and the reply came, “Enter you and the one who did not seek permission.”
Al-Khara-’ij wa al-Jara-’ih: It has been narrated from Lady Haki-ma: I entered upon Abu Muhammad (a.s) forty days after the delivery of Narjis. I saw our master the Patron of the Age, walking in the house. I have never seen a tongue as eloquent as his. Abu Muhammad (a.s) smiled and said, “We the congregation of the Imams grow in a day as others grow in a year.” She said, I later asked Abu Muhammad about him. He said, “We entrusted him to the one the mother of Moses entrusted her son to.”
Al-Khara-’ij wa al-Jara-’ih: It has been narrated from Muhammad Ibn Ha-ru-n al-Hamda-ni: I owed five hundred dina-rs as religious dues for which I was very uneasy. Then I said to myself, I have stores which I had bought for five hundred and thirty dina-rs.
ما ظهر من معجزاته صلوات اللـّه عليه وفيه بعض أحواله وأحوال سفرائه
الغيبة للشيخ الطوسي: جماعة، عن الحسين بن علي بن بابويه قال: حدثني جماعة من أهل بلدنا المقيمين كانوا ببغداد في السنة التي خرجت القرامطة على الحاج وهي سنة تناثر الكواكب أن والدي K كتب إلى الشيخ أبي القاسم الحسين بن روح قدس الله روحه يستأذن في الخروج إلى الحج فخرج في الجواب: لا تخرج في هذه السنة فأعاد وقال: هو نذر واجب أفيجوز لي القعود عنه فخرج في الجواب إن كان لابد فكن في القافلة الاخيرة وكان في القافلة الاخيرة فسلم بنفسه وقتل من تقدمه في القوافل الاخر.
الغيبة للشيخ الطوسي: روى الشلمغاني في كتاب الاوصياء: أبو جعفر المروزي قال: خرج جعفر بن محمد بن عمر وجماعة إلى العسكر ورأوا أيام أبي محمد (ع) في الحياة وفيهم علي بن أحمد بن طنين فكتب جعفر بن محمد بن عمر يستأذن في الدخول إلى القبر فقال له علي بن أحمد: لا تكتب اسمي فاني لا أستأذن فلم يكتب اسمه فخرج إلى جعفر: ادخل أنت ومن لم يستأذن.
الخرائج والجرائح: روي عن حكيمة قالت: دخلت على أبي محمد (ع) بعد أربعين يوما من ولادة نرجس فإذا مولانا صاحب الزمان يمشي في الدار فلم أر لغة أفصح من لغته فتبسم أبو محمد (ع) فقال: إنا معاشر الائمة ننشأ في يوم كما ينشأ غيرنا في سنة قال: ثم كنت بعد ذلك أسأل أبا محمد عنه فقال: استودعناه الذي استودعته ام موسى ولدها.
الخرائج والجرائح: روي عن محمد بن هارون الهمداني قال كان علي خمسمائة دينار وضقت بها ذرعا ثم قلت في نفسي: لي حوانيت اشتريتها بخمسمائة دينار وثلاثين ديناراً
I set them aside to sell them for five hundred dina-rs, and by Allah, I had neither spoken nor conversed about it, that the Imam (a.s) wrote to Muhammad Ibn Ja‘far, “Take the stores from Muhammad Ibn Ha-ru-n in exchange of the five hundred dina-rs he owes us.”
Al-Khara-’ij wa al-Jara-’ih: Muhammad Ibn Yusuf al-Sha-shi narrates, When I returned from Iraq, there was a man with us called Muhammad Ibn al-Hasi-n al-Ka-tib, who had collected money for the Imam of the Age. He asked me about the Imam; so, I informed him of the proofs I had seen. He said, “I have money for the Imam of the Age. What do you say I should do with it?” I said, “Send them to Ha-jiz.” He asked, “Anyone above the Ha-jiz?” I said, “Yes, the Sheikh.” He said, “When Allah asks me about it, I will say you said so.” I said, “Yes.”I left and then saw him years later.
He said, “I was leaving for Iraq and with me was the money for the Imam of the Age. I must tell you that I sent two hundred dina-rs with al-‘A-bid Ibn Ya‘li al-Fa-rsi and Ahmad Ibn ‘Ali al-Kulthumi and wrote to the Imam about it and asked him for his prayers. The answer came to what I had sent, articulating that I was holding one thousand dina-rs and had sent him only two hundred dina-rs, because I had doubts and the rest of his money was still with me. It was as he had said. He had added, ‘If you want to transact through anyone, you must refer to Abu al-Husain al-Asadi in Ray.’” I asked, “Was it as he had written to you?” He said, “Yes.
I had sent two hundred dina-rs, because I had doubts. Then Allah removed my doubts.” Ha-jiz died after two or three days. I went and told him about his death. He became much sorrowful. I said to him, “Grieve not. It was in his letter to you. His informing that the money was a thousand dina-rs and then ordering you to act through al-Asadi was because he knew Ha-jiz would die.”
Al-Khara-’ij wa al-Jara-’ih: Muhammad Ibn al-Husain says, al-Tami-mi- narrated to me from a man from Astarabad, saying, I went to al-‘Askar with thirty dina-rs in an enfolder. One of these coins was a Syrian dina-r. I reached the gate and as I was sitting there, a bondmaid or a page, which I don’t clearly remember, came out and said, “Give me what you have brought.” I said, “I don’t have anything.” The person returned and then came back again and said, “You have thirty dina-rs in a green enfolder, one of which is a Syrian dina-r. There is also a ring.” I had forgotten about the ring. I delivered them to him and took the ring.
Al-Khara-’ij wa al-Jara-’ih: It has been narrated from Maru-r al-Tabba-kh that he said, I wrote to al-Hasan Ibn Ra-shid about a severity I was experiencing at my home. I did not find him at his house and came back. I entered the city of Abu Ja‘far. As I was walking in the courtyard, a man came across me whom I had not seen. He held my hand and slipped a white sac into it. I looked; there was a writing on it, “Twelve dina-rs.” There was a writing on the sac that read, “Masru-r al-Tabba-kh.”
قد جعلتها للناحية بخمسمائة دينار، ولا والله ما نطقت بذلك ولا قلت، فكتب (ع) إلى محمد بن جعفر: اقبض الحوانيت من محمد بن هارون بخمسمائة دينار التي لنا عليه.
الخرائج والجرائح: روى محمد بن يوسف الشاشي أنني لما انصرفت من العراق كان عندنا رجل بمرو يقال له: محمد بن الحصين الكاتب، وقد جمع مالا للغريم، قال: فسألني عن أمره فأخبرته بما رأيته من الدلائل فقال: عندي مال للغريم فما تأمرني؟ فقلت: وجه إلى حاجز فقال لي: فوق حاجز أحد؟ فقلت: نعم الشيخ فقال: إذا سألني الله عن ذلك أقول إنك أمرتني؟ قلت: نعم، وخرجت من عنده فلقيته بعد سنين فقال: هو ذا أخرج إلى العراق ومعي مال للغريم، واعلمك أني وجهت بمأتي دينار على يد العابد بن يعلى الفارسي وأحمد بن علي الكلثومي وكتبت إلى الغريم بذلك وسألته الدعاء فخرج الجواب بما وجهت، ذكر أنه كان له قبلي ألف دينار وأني وجهت إليه بمأتي دينار لاني شككت (و) أن الباقي له عندي، فكان كما وصف، قال: إن أردت أن تعامل أحدا فعليك بأبي الحسين الاسدي بالري فقلت: أكان كما كتب إليك؟ قال: نعم، وجهت بمأتي دينار لاني شككت فأزال الله عني ذلك، فورد موت حاجز بعد يومين أو ثلاثة فصرت إليه وأخبرته بموت حاجز فاغتم فقلت: لاتغتم فان ذلك في توقيعه إليك وإعلامه أن المال ألف دينار والثانية أمره بمعاملة الاسدي لعلمه بموت حاجز.
الخرائج والجرائح: روي محمد بن الحسين أن التميمي، حدثني عن رجل من أهل استراباد قال: صرت إلى العسكر ومعي ثلاثون دينارا في خرقة منها دينار شامي فوافيت الباب وإني لقاعد إذ خرج إلي جارية أو غلام الشك مني قال: هات ما معك! قلت: ما معي شئ فدخل ثم خرج وقال: معك ثلاثون دينارا في خرقة خضراء، منها دينار شامي وخاتم كنت نسيته فأوصلته إليه وأخذت الخاتم.
الخرائج والجرائح: روي عن مسرور الطباخ قال: كتبت إلى الحسن بن راشد لضيقة أصابتني فلم أجده في البيت فانصرفت فدخلت مدينة أبي جعفر فلما صرت في الرحبة حاذاني رجل لم أر وجهه وقبض على يدي ودس إلي صرة بيضاء فنظرت فإذا عليها كتابة فيها اثنى عشر دينارا وعلى الصرة مكتوب مسرور الطباخ
Al-Khara-’ij wa al-Jara-’ih: Muhammad Ibn Sha-dha-n says, Four hundred and eighty dirhams were gradually deposited with me. I made the figure five hundred from my own pocket and sent it to Muhammad Ibn Ahmad al-Qummi and did not write how much of it was mine. He sent me a letter that said, “Five hundred dirhams came, twenty of which was yours.”
Al-Khara-’ij wa al-Jara-’ih: We were leaving Dainawar with Ja‘far Ibn ‘Abd al-Ghaffa-r. The Sheikh came to us before our departure and aksed us that when we go to Ray, we had to do certain things. When we came back to Dainawar, the governorship of Ray was conferred to him after a month. I went to Ray and realized what he had said to me.
Al-Khara-’ij wa al-Jara-’ih: It has been narrated from Abu al-Reja-’, the Egyptian, who was one of the saints, that he said, I exited to investigate after the demise of Abu Muhammad (a.s). I said to myself, “If there is someone, he would have been known after three years.” I then heard a voice but did not see a person, which said, “O’ Nasr Ibn ‘Abd Rabbih, say to the people of Egypt, did you believe in the Messenger of Allah only after seeing him?” I did not know that my father’s name was ‘Abd Rabbih, because I was born in Mada-’in and Abu ‘Abdillah al-Nawfali had taken me to Egypt and I had grown up there. When I heard the voice, I did not stumble upon anything and left.
Al-Khara-’ij wa al-Jara-’ih: It has been narrated from Ahmad Ibn Abi Ru-h, that he said, A woman from the people of Dainawar sent for me. When I went to her, she said, “O’ Ibn Abi Ruh, you are the most trustworthy of all people in our area in religiosity and piety, and I want to vest in you a trust for which I am making you responsible to deliver and relinquish it.” I said, “Allah-willing, I will do that.” She said, “These dirhams are in this sealed sac. Don’t open it and do not look into it until you have delivered it to the one who informs you of what is in it. This is my earring which equates ten dina-rs and it has three stones, valued at ten dina-rs.
I have a wish from the Patron of the Age. I want him to inform me about it before I ask him about it.” I asked, “What is your need?” “My mother took a loan of ten dina-rs in my wedding,” she said, “I don’t know from whom. I don’t know who to pay back to. If the Imam of the Age informs you about it, I will pay it back to whoever he commands you to.” I said to myself, How am I going to say this to Ja‘far Ibn ‘Ali. Then I said, This is a dilemma between me and Ja‘far Ibn ‘Ali. I took the money and the ring and came to Baghdad. I came to Ha-jiz Ibn Yazi-d al-Washsha-’. I greeted him and sat there. He said, “Do you need something?”
“This is the money,” I said, “given to me. I will not give them to you until you inform me how much it is and who has given it to me. If you inform me, I will give it to you.” “O’ Ahmad Ibn Abi Ru-h,” he said, “take it to Surra Man Ra’a-.” I said, “La- ila-ha illa Allah for this. What an extreme thing has she desired!” I came out and went to Surra Man Ra’a-. I thought I would start from Ja‘far; but then I thought and said, I will start with them, and if they are able to inform me of this clandestine enterprise, then they are the ones, otherwise, I will go to Ja‘far. I went near the house of Abu Muhammad (a.s).
الخرائج والجرائح: عن محمد بن شاذان قال: اجتمع عندي خمسمائة درهم ناقصة عشرين فأتممتها من عندي وبعثت بها إلى محمد بن أحمد القمي ولم أكتب كم لي منها فأنفذ إلي كتابه: وصلت خمس مائة درهم لك فيها عشرون درهما.
الخرائج والجرائح: روي عن أبي سليمان المحمودي قال: ولينا دينور مع جعفر بن عبد الغفار فجاءني الشيخ قبل خروجنا فقال: إذا أردت الري فافعل كذا فلما وافينا دينور، وردت عليه ولاية الري بعد شهر، فخرجت إلى الري فعملت ما قال لي.
الخرائج والجرائح: روي عن غلال بن أحمد، عن أبي الرجاء المصري وكان أحد الصالحين قال: خرجت في الطلب بعد مضي أبي محمد (ع) فقلت في نفسي: لو كان شئ لظهر بعد ثلاث سنين فسمعت صوتا ولم أر شخصا: يا نصر بن عبد ربه، قل لاهل مصر: هل رأيتم رسول الله فآمنتم به؟ قال أبو رجاء: لم أعلم أن اسم أبي عبد ربه، وذلك أني ولدت بالمدائن فحملني أبو عبد الله النوفلي إلى مصر فنشأت بها فلما سمعت الصوم لم اعرج على شئ وخرجت.
الخرائج والجرائح: روي عن أحمد بن أبي روح قال: وجهت إلي امرأة من أهل دينور فأتيتها فقالت: يابن أبي روح أنت أوثق من في ناحيتنا دينا وورعا وإني اريد أن اودعك أمانة أجعلها في رقبتك تؤديها وتقوم بها، فقلت: أفعل إنشاء الله تعالى فقالت: هذه دراهم في هذا الكيس المختوم لاتحله ولا تنظر فيه حتى تؤديه إلى من يخبرك بما فيه، وهذا قرطي يساوي عشرة دنانير وفيه ثلاث حبات يساوي عشرة دنانير، ولي إلى صاحب الزمان حاجة اريد أن يخبرني بها قبل أن أسأله عنها، فقلت وما الحاجة؟ قالت: عشرة دنانير استقرضتها امي في عرسي لاأدري ممن استقرضتها ولا أدري إلى من أدفعها فان أخبرك بها فادفعها إلى من يأمرك بها. قال (فقلت في نفسي): وكيف أقول لجعفر بن علي، فقلت: هذه المحنة بيني وبين جعفر بن علي فحملت المال وخرجت حتى دخلت بغداد فأتيت حاجز بن يزيد الوشاء فسلمت عليه وجلست قال: ألك حاجة؟ قلت: هذا مال دفع إلي لا أدفعه إليك حتى تخبرني كم هو ومن دفعه إلي؟ فان أخبرتني دفعته إليك، قال: يا أحمد بن أبي روح توجه به إلى سر من رأى فقلت: لا إله إلا الله لهذا أجل شئ أردته فخرجت ووافيت سر من رأى فقلت: أبدأ بجعفر ثم تفكرت فقلت: أبدأ بهم فان كانت المحنة من عندهم وإلا مضيت إلى جعفر، فدنوت من دار أبي محمد
A servant came out to me and said, “Are you Ahmad Ibn Abi Ru-h?” I said, “Yes.” He said, “Here is a slip, read it.” It was written in it, “In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate. O’ Ibn Abi Ru-h, ‘A-tika Bint al-Daira-ni entrusted you with a bag in which, you think, there is one thousand dirhams, but it is not as you think. You have delivered the trust and have not opened the bag and do not know what is in it. There are one thousand dirhams and fifty dina-rs. You have an earring with you which the lady thought it equated ten dina-rs. She is right with the gems therein. It has three pearls, ten dina-rs their purchase value and they equate more.
Give them to our bondmaid so-and-so, for we have granted them to her. Go to Baghda-d and give the money to Ha-jiz and take from him whatever he gives you for your expenses to your house. As for the ten dina-rs she believes her mother borrowed in her wedding and she does not know from whom; rather she knows, whose they are.
It is Kulthu-m Bint Ahmad and she is a Na-sibi, so she did not feel comfortable to give her and wanted to divide it between her sisters and asked our permission with that regard. So she may divide it amongst the weak sisters of hers. Do not, O’ Ibn Abi Ru-h, return to belief in Ja‘far and to test him to inform you of these secrets. Go back to your house, for your uncle has just died and Allah has bestowed you with his house and money.”
I returned to Baghdad and gave the bag to Ha-jiz. He weighed it and there were one thousand dirhams and fifty dina-rs. He gave me thirty dina-rs and I took them and returned to the place where I had disembarked. There was someone who had come to me to inform me that my uncle had just died and that my family was asking me to come back. I went back and he had died and I inherited from him three thousand dina-rs and one hundred thousand dirham.
Al-Ka-fi: Muhammad Ibn Abi ‘Abdillah al-Sayya-ri said, I delivered some commodities as religious dues to al-Marzba-ni al-Ha-rithi. Amongst them was a gold bracelet. All were accepted but the bracelet was returned. I was ordered to break it. I broke it and there it was: Bits of iron and copper and brass were in its middle. I took them out and sent the gold and then it was accepted.
Al-Ka-fi and Al-Irsha-d: ‘Ali Ibn Muhammad narrates from Abu ‘Abdillah Ibn Sa-lih, saying, I left in one of the years towards Baghdad. I sought permission and was denied permission. I remained twenty two days after the caravan had left towards Nahrawa-n. Then I was allowed to exit on Wednesday. And I was told, “Leave on Wednesday.” I exited while I was hopeless that I would join the caravan. I reached Nahrawa-n and the caravan was stranded there. I had barely fed my camels that the caravan left and I joined them. He had prayed for my safety and I was none but safe and all praise belongs to Allah.”
Al-Ka-fi and al-Khara-’ij wa al-Jara-’ih and Al-Irsha-d: Muhammad Ibn Yusuf al-Sha-shi says, I was afflicted with fistula. I had physicians examine me and spent much money over it, but the medicine did not benefit at all.
فخرج إلي خادم فقال: أنت أحمد بن أبي روح؟ قلت: نعم، قال: هذه الرقعة اقرأها فإذا فيها مكتوب: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم يا بن أبي روح أودعتك عاتكة بنت الديراني كيسا فيه ألف درهم بزعمك، وهو خلاف ما تظن وقد أديت فيه الامانة، ولم تفتح الكيس ولم تدر ما فيه، وفيه ألف درهم وخمسون ديناراً، ومعك قرط زعمت المرأة أنه يساوي عشرة دنانير، صدقت مع الفصين اللذين فيه، وفيه ثلاث حبات لؤلؤ شراؤها عشرة دنانير وتساوي أكثر فادفع ذلك إلى خادمتنا إلى فلانة فانا قد وهبناه لها، وصر إلى بغداد وادفع المال إلى الحاجز وخذ منه ما يعطيك لنفقتك إلى منـزلك. وأما عشرة الدنانير التي زعمت أن امها استقرضتها في عرسها وهي لا تدري من صاحبها بل هي تعلم لمن هي لكلثوم بنت أحمد وهي ناصبية فتحرجت أن تعطيها وأحبت أن تقسمها في أخواتها فأستأذنتنا في ذلك فلتفرقها في ضعفاء أخواتها. ولاتعودن يا ابن أبي روح إلى القول بجعفر والمحنة له، وارجع إلى منـزلك فان عمك قد مات، وقد رزقك الله أهله وماله فرجعت إلى بغداد. وناولت الكيس حاجزا فوزنه فإذا فيه ألف درهم وخمسون دينارا فناولني ثلاثين دينارا وقال: امرت بدفعها إليك لنفقتك فأخذتها وانصرفت إلى الموضع الذي نزلت فيه وقد جاءني من يخبرني أن عمي قد مات وأهلي يأمروني بالانصراف إليهم فرجعت فإذا هو قد مات وورثت منه ثلاثة آلاف دينار ومائة ألف درهم.
الكافي والإرشاد: علي بن محمد، عن أبي عبد الله بن صالح قال: خرجت سنة من السنين إلى بغداد واستأذنت في الخروج فلم يؤذن لي فأقمت اثنين وعشرين يوما بعد خروج القافلة إلى النهروان ثم أذن لي بالخروج يوم الاربعاء وقيل لي: اخرج فيه، فخرجت وأنا آئس من القافلة أن ألحقها، فوافيت النهروان والقافلة مقيمة، فما كان إلا أن علفت جملي حتى رحلت القافلة ورحلت، وقد دعا لي بالسلامة فلم ألق سوءا والحمد لله.
الكافي والإرشاد: علي بن محمد، عن نصر بن صباح البلخي، عن محمد بن يوسف الشاشي قال: خرج بي ناسور فأريته الاطباء وأنفقت عليه مالاً فلم يصنع الدواء فيه شيئاً
I wrote a letter seeking the Patron’s prayers. The reply came, “May Allah apparel you with the garment of health and make you with us in this world and the hereafter.” The Friday did not come but I was healed and the spot had become like the palm of my hand. I called a physician who was one of our scholars and showed it to him. He said, “We did not know any medicine for this. Nor has this heeling come to you but from Allah.”
Al-Kafi and Al-Irsha-d: ‘Ali Ibn Muhammad Ibn Sa-lih says, When my father passed away and I became in charge, my father had money–transfer-orders over people belonging to the monies of al-Gharim (meaning the Imam of the Age (a.s) Sheikh Mufi-d says, “This was a code in the older days by which they Shi-‘a referred to the Imam of the Age (a.s) for the sake of taqiyya). I wrote to the Imam and reported to him. He replied, “Ask them and seek the transferred amounts.
“All people gave me except one man who owed a transfer-order worth four hundred dina-rs. I came to him to ask him. He asked for more time and his son disrespected me and insulted me. I complained to his father. He said, “So what?” I grabbed his beard and seized his leg and pulled him to the middle of the house and gave him good many kicks. His son went out crying for help from the people of Baghdad, saying, “A Qummi, a Ra-fidhi is killing my father.” A great multitude of people gathered around me.
I climbed over my courser and said, “Good for you O’ people of Baghdad! You incline towards the oppressor against the loner and the oppressed. I am from Hamdha-n and am a Sunni. He is calling me a Qummi and accusing me of being a Ra-fidhi so he could take my right and my money.”
They turned at him and wanted to enter his store. I calmed them down. The man who owed the money-transfer-order called me and took an oath of divorcing his wife that he would give me my money at that moment. I took the money from him.
Al-Irsha-d: Al-Hasan Ibn ‘Isa- al-‘Ari-dhi says, When Abu Muhammad al-Hasan Ibn ‘Ali (a.s) passed away, a man came from Egypt and brought some religious dues to Mecca for the Patron of the Order. People would come and go to him and some people told him that Abu Muhammad has passed away without leaving a heir behind; some told him that Ja‘far was the heir after him; and some told him that the heir after him was his son. He sent a man called Abu Ta-lib with a letter to al-‘Askar to research the situation and verify its authenticity. Abu Ta-lib went to Ja‘far and asked him for a proof. Ja‘far said to him, “I don’t have it ready at this time.”
The man went to the gate and submitted the book to our scholars who were assigned as emissaries. A reply came to him, “May Allah reward you with respect to your friend. He just passed away and instructed that the money that was with him to be given to a trustworthy man who would do as he pleases.” His letter had been answered and it had happened as said he had said.
فكتبت رقعة أسأل الدعاء فوقع لي: ألبسك الله العافية وجعلك معنا في الدنيا والآخرة فما أتت علي الجمعة حتى عوفيت وصار الموضع مثل راحتي فدعوت طبيبا من أصحابنا وأريته إياه فقال: ما عرفنا لهذا دواء وما جاءتك العافية إلا من قبل الله بغير حساب.
الكافي والإرشاد: علي بن محمد، عن محمد بن صالح قال: لما مات أبي وصار الأمر إلي كان لابي على الناس سفاتج من مال الغريم يعني صاحب الأمر (ع) قال الشيخ المفيد: وهذا رمز كانت الشيعة تعرفه قديما بينها ويكون خطابها عليه للتقية قال: فكتبت إليه اعلمه فكتب إلي: طالبهم واستقص عليهم فقضاني الناس إلا رجل واحد. وكانت عليه سفتجة بأربعمائة دينار فجئت إليه أطلبه فمطلني واستخف بي ابنه وسفه علي، فشكوته إلى أبيه فقال: وكان ماذا؟ فقبضت على لحيته وأخذت برجله وسحبته إلى وسط الدار (وركلته ركلا كثيرا) فخرج ابنه مستغيثا بأهل بغداد يقول: قمي رافضي قد قتل والدي! فاجتمع علي منهم خلق كثير فركبت دابتي وقلت: أحسنتم يا أهل بغداد تميلون مع الظالم على الغريب المظلوم أنا رجل من أهل همذان من أهل السنة وهذا ينسبني إلى قم ويرميني بالرفض ليذهب بحقي ومالي، قال: فمالوا عليه وأرادوا أن يدخلوا إلى حانوته حتى سكنتهم وطلب إلي صاحب السفتجة أن آخذ ما فيها وحلف بالطلاق أنه يوفيني مالي في الحال فاستوفيت منه.
الإرشاد: ابن قولويه، عن الكليني، عن علي بن محمد، عن الحسن بن عيسى العريضي قال: لما مضى أبو محمد الحسن بن علي (ع) ورد رجل من مصر بمال إلى مكة لصاحب الأمر فاختلف عليه وقال بعض الناس: إن أبا محمد قد مضى من غير خلف، وقال آخرون: الخلف من بعده جعفر. وقال آخرون: الخلف من بعده ولده فبعث رجلا يكنى أبو طالب إلى العسكر يبحث عن الأمر وصحته ومعه كتاب، فصار الرجل إلى جعفر وسأله عن برهان، فقال له جعفر: لا يتهيأ لي في هذا الوقت، فصار الرجل إلى الباب وأنفذ الكتاب إلى أصحابنا الموسومين بالسفارة، فخرج إليه: آجرك الله في صاحبك، فقد مات وأوصى بالمال الذي كان معه إلى ثقة يعمل فيه بما يحب واجيب عن كتابه وكان الأمر كما قيل له
Al-Irsha-d: ‘Ali Ibn Muhammad says that a man from A-bah carried some religious dues to deliver and forgot a sword which he wanted to carry. When the things arrived, a letter came affirming their receipt, and there was written in the letter, “What happened to the sword which you forgot?”
Al-Irsha-d: Al-Hasan Ibn Muhammad al-Ash‘ari said, Letters of Abu Muhammad (a.s) about conducting with al-Junaid, the murderer of Fa-ris Ibn Ha-tam Ibn Ma-hawayh, and Abu al-Hasan and another person used to come. And when Abu Muhammad (a.s) died, letters resumed about conducting with Abu al-Hasan and his friend, but nothing came about al-Junaid. I was sad because of it. Then came the news of al-Junaid’s death.
Kita-b al-Nuju-m: Abu al-‘Abba-s says, I returned from Ardabi-l to Dainawar, intending to go for Hajj. This was a year or two after the martyrdom of Abu Muhammad al-Hasan Ibn ‘Ali (a.s) and people were in great confusion. The people of Dainawar rejoiced as they received the news of my arrival. The Shi-‘a gathered around me and said,
“Sixteen thousand dina-rs have been collected before us from the money of the Patrons. We want you to carry this with you and submit them where they should be submitted.” I said, “O’ people, this is a perplexing matter and we do not know the representative at this time.” “We have chosen you to carry this money because of our knowledge of your trustworthiness and generosity.” They said, “Act so you do not lose the assets from your hands without a proof.”
The money was given to me in bags, each bag carrying the name of a man. I carried the money and left. As I arrived at Qarmissi-n, Ahmad Ibn al-Hasan Ibn al-Hasan was living there. I went to him and greeted him. When he saw me he became very happy and then gave me one thousand dina-rs in a bag and bundles of colorful garments, in which objects, which I did not know what they were, were wrapped and tied. He said, “Carry these with you and do not withdraw your hands from them without a proof.”
I took the riches and the boxes, not knowing what was tied inside the garments, and went to Baghdad. I had only one purpose: to search the person who was appointed as the emissary. I was told that there was a man known as al-Ba-qita-ni who was claiming to be an emissary; another man known as Isha-q al-Ahmar, who was claiming to be an emissary; and another Ja‘far al-‘Amri, who was saying he was an emissary.
I began with al-Ba-qita-ni; I went to him and found him to be an awe-inspiring aged man with an evident manhood and an Arabian courser and many slaves. People had crowded before him and were engaged in discussions. I entered upon him and offered my greetings. He welcomed me, sat me in his proximity, and became happy and was kind to me. I kept sitting until most of the people had left.
الإرشاد: بهذا الاسناد عن علي بن محمد قال: حمل رجل من أهل آبه شيئا يوصله ونسي سيفا كان أراد حمله فلما وصل الشئ كتب إليه بوصوله وقيل في الكتاب: ما خبر السيف الذي (ا) نسيته.
الإرشاد: الحسن بن محمد الاشعري قال: كان يرد كتاب أبي محمد (ع) في الاجراء على الجنيد قاتل فارس بن حاتم بن ماهويه وأبي الحسن وآخر. فلما مضى أبو محمد ورد استيناف من الصاحب (ع) بالاجراء لابي الحسن وصاحبه ولم يرد في الجنيد شئ قال: فاغتممت لذلك فورد نعي الجنيد بعد ذلك.
كتاب النجوم: روينا باسنادنا إلى الشيخ أبي جعفر محمد بن جرير الطبري باسناده يرفعه إلى أحمد الدينوري السراج المكنى بأبي العباس الملقب بآستاره قال: انصرفت من أردبيل إلى دينور اريد أن أحج وذلك بعد مضي أبي محمد الحسن بن علي (ع) بسنة أو سنتين وكان الناس في حيرة فاستبشر أهل دينور بموافاتي واجتمع الشيعة عندي فقالوا: اجتمع عندنا ستة عشر ألف دينار من مال الموالي ونحتاج أن نحملها معك وتسلمها بحيث يجب تسليمها. قال: فقلت: يا قوم هذه حيرة ولا نعرف الباب في هذا الوقت، قال: فقالوا: إنما اخترناك لحمل هذا المال لما نعرف من ثقتك وكرمك فاعمل على أن لا تخرجه من يديك إلا بحجة. قال: فحمل إلي ذلك المال في صرر باسم رجل رجل، فحملت ذلك المال وخرجت فلما وافيت قرميسين كان أحمد بن الحسن بن الحسن مقيما بها فصرت إليه مسلما فلما لقيني استبشر بي ثم أعطاني ألف دينار في كيس وتخوت ثياب ألوان معكمة لم أعرف ما فيها ثم قال لي: احمل هذا معك ولا تخرجه عن يدك إلا بحجة قال: فقبضت المال والتخوت بما فيها من الثياب. فلما وردت بغداد لم يكن لي همة غير البحث عمن اشير إليه بالنيابة فقيل لي إن ههنا رجلا يعرف بالباقطاني يدعي بالنيابة وآخر يعرف باسحاق الاحمر يدعي النيابة وآخر يعرف بأبي جعفر العمري يدعي بالنيابة قال: فبدأت بالباقطاني وصرت إليه فوجدته شيخا مهيبا له مروءة ظاهرة، وفرس عربي، وغلمان كثير، ويجتمع الناس (عنده) يتناظرون. قال: فدخلت إليه وسلمت عليه فرحب وقرب وسر وبر قال: فأطلت القعود إلى أن خرج أكثر الناس