The Book of Occultation: Kitab al-Ghaibah [Majlisi] (Bilingual Edition) [English = Arabic]

The Book of Occultation: Kitab al-Ghaibah [Majlisi] (Bilingual Edition) [English = Arabic]0%

The Book of Occultation: Kitab al-Ghaibah [Majlisi] (Bilingual Edition) [English = Arabic] Author:
Translator: Hassan Allahyari
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Imam al-Mahdi
ISBN: 978 964 438 478 3

The Book of Occultation: Kitab al-Ghaibah [Majlisi] (Bilingual Edition) [English = Arabic]

Author: Allamah Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi
Translator: Hassan Allahyari
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

ISBN: 978 964 438 478 3
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The Book of Occultation: Kitab al-Ghaibah [Majlisi] (Bilingual Edition) [English = Arabic]
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The Book of Occultation: Kitab al-Ghaibah [Majlisi] (Bilingual Edition) [English = Arabic]

The Book of Occultation: Kitab al-Ghaibah [Majlisi] (Bilingual Edition) [English = Arabic]

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
ISBN: 978 964 438 478 3

Supplement 1

He asked me about my religion. I said, “I am from Dainawar and have come with some assets as religious dues, which I need to submit.” “Bring them,” he said. “I need a proof,” I said. “You will come to me tomorrow,” he said. I went to him the next day; he did not offer me a proof. I went to him the third day; he did not offer me a proof. I went to Isha-q al-Ahmar and found him to be a young man who was well-attended to his hygiene; his house was bigger than al-Ba-qita-ni’s, and on the same token, his horse and apparels and manhood more prominent, and his slaves greater than his.

More people had gathered before him than al-Ba-qila-ni. I entered and offered greetings. He gave me a warm welcome and sat me in his proximity. I waited until few people were left. He asked me what I wanted. I told him what I had told al-Ba-qila-ni. I kept going to his house for three days, but he failed to provide me with a proof.

Then I went to Abu Ja‘far al-‘Amri. I found him an aged man of great humility. He had a white cloak on him and was sitting on a woolen cushion in a small house; he did not have any slaves, nor any of the extravagance and horses and all which the others had. I greeted at him. He returned my greetings and had me sit near him. He was happy to see me. He asked me how I was.

I told him that I had come from the mountains and was carrying some religious dues. He said, “If you desire that these commodities reach the person to whom it must reach, then you will go to Surra Man Ra’a- and ask about the house of the son of al-Redha-’, which is peopled by its inhabitants. There, you will find whom you are seeking.”

I left him and went to Surra Man Ra’a- and went to the house of Ibn al-Redha-’ and inquired about the representative. The doorman said that he is occupied now and he will come out soon. I sat at the door, waiting his exit. He came out after an hour. I rose and greeted him. He took my hand and led me towards the house he had. He asked me how I was and what had brought me to him. I told him that I was bringing some goods from the peripheries of the mountains and that I need to deliver them after seeing a proof. He said, “Yes.” Then he offered me food and said, “Eat this and rest. You are tired and there is an hour remaining to noon prayers. I am going to bring you what you need.”

I ate and slept and when it was the time for prayers, I rose and prayed. Then I went to the riverbank and bathed and adorned myself. I returned to the house of the man and stayed until past a quarter of the night. Then he came at the quarter of the night passed, with a leaf in which it was written, In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate. Ahmad Ibn Muhammad al-Dainawari arrived. He brought sixteen thousand dina-rs in such and such sacs. These include the sacs of so-and-so with such and such amount of dina-rs. It had accounted for all the sacs, including the sac of so-and-so, a surveyor, stating, that it had sixteen dina-rs.

قال: فسألني عن ديني فعرفته أني رجل من أهل دينور، وافيت ومعي شئ من المال أحتاج أن اسلمه، فقال لي احمله: قال: فقلت: اريد حجة قال: تعود إلي في غد قال: فعدت إليه من الغد فلم يأت بحجة وعدت إليه في اليوم الثالث فلم يأت بحجة. قال: فصرت إلى إسحاق الاحمر فوجدته شابا نظيفا، منـزله أكبر من منـزل الباقطاني وفرسه ولباسه ومروءته أسرى وغلمانه أكثر من غلمانه، ويجتمع عنده من الناس أكثر مما يجتمع عند الباقطاني. قال: فدخلت وسلمت فرحب وقرب قال: فصبرت إلى أن خف الناس قال: فسألني عن حاجتي فقلت له: كما قلت للباقطاني وعدت إليه ثلاثة أيام فلم يأت بحجة. قال: فصرت إلى أبي جعفر العمري فوجدته شيخا متواضعا، عليه مبطنة بيضاء قاعد على لبد في بيت صغير ليس له غلمان ولا من المروءة والفرس ما وجدت لغيره، قال: فسلمت فرد الجواب وأدناني وبسط مني ثم سألني عن حالي فعرفته أني وافيت من الجبل وحملت مالا قال: فقال: إن أحببت أن يصل هذا الشئ إلى من يجب أن يصل إليه تخرج إلى سر من رأى وتسأل دار ابن الرضا وعن فلان بن فلان الوكيل وكانت دار ابن الرضا عامرة بأهلها فانك تجد هناك ما تريد. قال: فخرجت من عنده ومضيت نحو سر من رأى وصرت إلى دار ابن الرضا وسألت عن الوكيل فذكر البواب أنه مشتغل في الدار وأنه يخرج آنفا فقعدت على الباب أنتظر خروجه فخرج بعد ساعة فقمت وسلمت عليه وأخذ بيدي إلى بيت كان له، وسألني عن حالي وما وردت له فعرفته أني حملت شيئا من المال من ناحية الجبل وأحتاج أن اسلمه بحجة. قال: فقال: نعم، ثم قدم إلي طعاما وقال لي: تغد بهذا واسترح، فانك تعبت فان بيننا وبين صلاة الاولى ساعة فاني أحمل إليك ما تريد، قال: فأكلت ونمت فلما كان وقت الصلاة نهضت وصليت وذهبت إلى المشرعة فاغتسلت ونضرت انصرفت إلى بيت الرجل وسكنت إلى أن مضى من الليل ربعه فجائني بعد أن مضى من الليل ربعه، ومعه درج فيه. " بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وافى أحمد بن محمد الدينوري وحمل ستة عشر ألف دينار في كذا وكذا صرة: فيها صرة فلان بن فلان كذا وكذا دينارا إلى أن عدد الصرر كلها وصرة فلان بن فلان الذراع ستة عشر ديناراً ."

Satan whispered to me, so I said, “My master knows this better than me.” I kept reading the letter, which was mentioning each and every sac and the name of its sender until I reached its end. Then it mentioned, “He carried from Qirmissi-n from Ahmad Ibn al-Hasan al-Ma-dira-’i-, the brother of al-Sawwa-f, a sac which carries one thousand dina-rs” and such and such boxes of garments; there is amongst them the garment of so-and-so and its color is such and such. It recounted all of the garments until its last with each one’s color and its sender.

I praised Allah and thanked Him for the end of doubts from my heart. He ordered me to submit all of what I had carried to where Abu Ja‘far al-‘Amri orders me. I returned to Baghdad and went to Abu Ja‘far al-‘Amri.

My departure and return had taken three days. When Abu Ja‘far (a.s) saw me, he asked, “Didn’t you go?” I said, “My master, I am coming back from Surra Man Ra’a-.” As I was speaking to Abu Ja‘far about my trip, a letter came from our master the Patron of the Order, bliss of Allah be for him. There was a list like the one I had, mentioning the goods and the garments. Abu Ja‘far was ordered to submit all of that to Abu Ja‘far Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Ja‘far al-Qatta-n al-Qummi. Abu Ja‘far al-‘Amri put on his clothes and said to me, “Bring what you have to the house of Muhammad Ibn Ahmad al-Qatta-n al-Qummi.” I took the money and the garments to the said person’s house and gave them to him. Then I went for Hajj and when I returned to Dainawar, people gathered around me.

I took out the list which the representative of our Master (a.s) had given to me. I read it to the people. When he heard the sac mentioned on the name of the surveyor, he fell unconscious. We kept treating him until he regained his senses. He fell into prostration thanking Allah, the Exalted, and said, “Praise belongs to the Lord Who conferred on us the favor of guidance. Now I realized that the earth will never remain devoid of a Hujja. This sac, by Allah, this surveyor gave it to me and no one knew it except Allah, the Exalted.” I left there and later met with Abu al-Hasan al-Ma-dira-’i- and told him my narrative and read the list to him. He said, “Ya- Subha-n-Allah, I never doubted in anything. Do not doubt that Allah, the Exalted, will not let the earth be without His Hujja.” Then he narrated to me his following story:

When Idhkukatain battled Yazi-d Ibn ‘Abdillah in Shahrzu-r and overwhelmed his domain and held his treasures, he went to a man and mentioned that Yazi-d Ibn ‘Abdillah put so-and-so’s horse and so-and-so’s sword at the gate of our Master (a.s). He said, “I gradually kept transferring treasures of Yazi-d Ibn ‘Abdillah to Idhkukatain. I was procrastinating with the sword and the horse until nothing was left but the two. I hoped that I could keep that for our Master (a.s). When his demands for me in Idhkukatain became severe and could no longer put it off, I held the sword and the horse on myself for one thousand dina-rs. I weighed the money and gave them to the treasurer and said to him, “Put these dina-rs in the safest place and do not bring them to me in any situation or condition, even if the need for it may become very compelling.” I took the horse and the sword.

قال: فوسوس إلي الشيطان فقلت: إن سيدي أعلم بهذا مني؟ فما زلت أقرأ ذكره صرة صرة وذكر صاحبها حتى أتيت عليها عند آخرها ثم ذكر " قد حمل من قرميسين من عند أحمد بن الحسن المادرائي أخي الصواف كيس فيه ألف دينار، وكذا وكذا تختا من الثياب منها ثوب فلان وثوب لونه كذا " حتى نسب الثياب إلى آخرها بأنسابها وألوانها. قال: فحمدت الله وشكرته على مامن به علي من إزالة الشك عن قلبي فأمر بتسليم جميع ما حملت إلى حيث يأمرني أبو جعفر العمري قال: فانصرفت إلى بغداد وصرت إلى أبي جعفر العمري قال: وكان خروجي وانصرافي في ثلاثة أيام. قال: فلما بصربي أبو جعفر رحمه الله قال: لم لم تخرج؟ فقلت: يا سيدي من سر من رأى انصرفت قال: فأنا احدث أبا جعفر بهذا اذ وردت رقعة إلى أبي جعفر العمري من مولانا صاحب الأمر صلوات الله عليه ومعها درج مثل الدرج الذي كان معي فيه ذكر المال والثياب وأمر أن يسلم جميع ذلك إلى أبي جعفر محمد بن أحمد ابن جعفر القطان القمي فلبس أبو جعفر العمري ثيابه وقال لي: احمل ما معك إلى منـزل محمد بن أحمد بن جعفر القطان القمي قال: فحملت المال والثياب إلى منـزل محمد بن أحمد بن جعفر القطان وسلمتها إليه وخرجت إلى الحج. فلما رجعت إلى دينور اجتمع عندي الناس فأخرجت الدرج الذي أخرجه وكيل مولانا صلوات الله عليه إلي وقرأته على القوم فلما سمع بذكر الصرة باسم الذراع سقط مغشيا عليه وما زلنا نعلله حتى أفاق، فلما أفاق سجد شكرا للهله(عزوجل) وقال: الحمد لله الذي من علينا بالهداية الآن علمت أن الأرض لا تخلو من حجة هذه الصرة دفعها والله إلي هذا الذراع لم يقف على ذلك إلا الله(عزوجل). قال: فخرجت ولقيت بعد ذلك أبا الحسن المادرائي وعرفته الخبر وقرأت عليه الدرج فقال: يا سبحان الله ما شككت في شئ فلا تشك في أن الله(عزوجل) لا يخلي أرضه من حجته. اعلم أنه لما غزا إذكوتكين يزيد بن عبد الله بشهر زور، وظفر ببلاده واحتوى على خزائنه، صار إلي رجل وذكر أن يزيد بن عبد الله جعل الفرس الفلاني والسيف الفلاني في باب مولانا (ع). قال: فجعلت أنقل خزائن يزيد بن عبد الله إلى إذكوتكين أولا فأولا وكنت ادافع بالفرس والسيف إلى أن لم يبق شئ غيرهما وكنت أرجو أن اخلص ذلك لمولانا (ع) فلما اشتدت مطالبة إذكوتكين إياي ولم يمكني مدافعته، جعلت في السيف والفرس في نفسي ألف دينار ووزنتها ودفعتها إلى الخازن وقلت له: ارفع هذه الدنانير في أوثق مكان ولا تخرجن إلي في حال من الاحوال ولو اشتدت الحاجة إليها وسلمت الفرس والسيف

I was sitting one day in my place, where I was running the affairs, executing the penalties and delivering orders and prohibitions, when Abu al-Hasan al-Asadi entered. He used to visit me from time to time and I would do what he needed me to do for him. As he sat for very long, and I had many things to do, I asked him, “Is there anything you need?” He said, “I need a private moment with you.” I ordered the treasurer to prepare a place us for us in the treasury.

We entered the treasury. He took out a small slip from our Master (a.s) which said, “O’ Ahmad Ibn al-Hasan, our one thousand dina-rs which you have as the price of the horse and the sword, give it to Abu al-Hasan al-Asadi.” I fell into prostration before Allah in gratitude for His favor over me and I realized that he is the true Hujja of Allah, because no one knew about this except me. I gave al-Asadi another three thousand dina-rs because I was very happy for the grace and favor of Allah in this regard. Of this category is the narrative of al-Qa-sim Ibn al-‘Ala-’, saying, I wrote to the Patron of the Age three letters about the needs and wishes I had.

I told him that I was an aged man and that I did not have an offspring. He answered me with respect to the other wishes but did not say anything about an offspring. I wrote him the fourth letter and entreated him to pray to Allah that He gives me an offspring. He answered me and wrote my wishes and wrote, “O’ Allah, grant him a son, who would solace his heart and make this pregnancy he has worked a son.” The letter came but I did not know my woman was pregnant. I went to my bondmaid and asked her. She told me her malady had gone. She gave birth to a son.

Abu al-Husain Ibn Abi al-Baghl al-Ka-tib says, I took on a duty from Abu Mansu-r Ibn Sa-liha-n and then something happened between me and him that caused me going into hiding. He asked for me and threatened me. I waited into hiding with fear and then went to the graveyard of Qureish in Baghdad on a Friday eve. I intended to spend the night there, praying and supplicating. It was a windy, rainy night. I asked Abu Ja‘far, the custodian, to lock the doors and make sure there remains no one, so I may pray and supplicate in solitude and be safe from the entrance of anyone, because I was fearful and did not feel safe. He did that and locked the doors.

Half past the night, added with the winds and rains so powerful that they made sure no one came to the place, I stayed praying and reciting ziya-ra, and worshipping. As I was like that, I heard footsteps there before the tomb of our Master Musa- (a.s); there was a man reciting ziya-ra. He greeted to Adam, and the other great prophets, peace be with them, and then the Imams, one after the other until he reached the Patron of the Age (a.s), he did not mention him. I much wondered and said perhaps he has forgotten or he does not know or maybe this is his belief. When he finished his ziya-ra, he offered two rak‘as of sala-th.

I was fearful of him, since I did not know him. He seemed a full young man, appareled in white clothes, wearing a turban with its end coming down under his chin and going over his shoulder, with braided hair, and had a cloak with long threads at its margins on his shoulder. He said, “O’ Abu al-Husain Ibn Abi al-Baghal, why are you not reading the supplication of al-faraj?”

قال: فأنا قاعد في مجلسي بالذي ابرم الامور واوفي القصص وآمر وأنهى، إذ دخل أبو الحسن الاسدي وكان يتعاهدني الوقت بعد الوقت، وكنت أقضي حوائجه، فلما طال جلوسه وعلي بؤس كثير قلت له: ما حاجتك؟ قال: أحتاج منك إلى خلوة فأمرت الخازن أن يهيئ لنا مكانا من الخزانة، فدخلنا الخزانة فأخرج إلي رقعة صغيرة من مولانا (ع) فيها " يا أحمد بن الحسن الالف دينار التي لنا عندك ثمن الفرس والسيف سلمها إلى أبي الحسن الاسدي " قال: فخررت لله ساجدا شكرا لما من به علي وعرفت أنه حجة الله حقا لانه لم يكن وقف على هذا أحد غيري فأضفت إلى ذلك المال ثلاثة آلاف دينار أخرى سرورا بما من الله علي بهذا الأمر. ومن ذلك ماروينا بإسنادنا إلى الشيخ أبو جعفر الطبري أيضا من كتابه عن أبي المفضل الشيباني عن الكليني: قال القاسم بن العلاء: كتبت إلى صاحب الزمان ثلاثة كتب في حوائج لي وأعلمته أنني رجل قد كبر سني وأنه لا ولد لي فأجابني عن الحوائج ولم يجبني في الولد بشئ فكتبت إليه في الرابعة كتابا وسألته أن يدعو إلى الله أن يرزقني ولدا فأجابني وكتب بحوائجي وكتب: اللهم ارزقه ولدا ذكرا تقربه عينه واجعل هذا الحمل الذي له ولدا ذكرا فورد الكتاب وأنا لا أعلم أن لي حملا فدخلت إلى جاريتي فسألتها عن ذلك فأخبرتني أن علتها قد ارتفعت فولدت غلاما. وهذا الحديث رواه الحميري أيضا. وباسنادنا إلى الشيخ أبي جعفر (محمد) بن جرير الطبري في كتابه قال: حدثنا أبو جعفر محمد بن هارون بن موسى التلعكبري قال: حدثني أبو الحسين بن أبي البغل الكاتب قال: تقلدت عملا من أبي منصور بن صالحان وجرى بيني وبينه ما أوجبت استتاري فطلبني وأخافني فمكثت مستترا خائفا ثم قصدت مقابر قريش ليلة الجمعة واعتمدت المبيت هناك للدعاء والمسألة وكانت ليلة ريح ومطر فسألت أبا جعفر القيم أن يغلق الابواب وأن يجتهد في خلوة الموضع لاخلو بما اريده من الدعاء والمسألة وأمن من دخول إنسان مما لم آمنه وخفت من لقائي له ففعل وقفل الابواب وانتصف الليل وورد من الريح والمطر ما قطع الناس عن الموضع ومكثت أدعو وأزور واصلي. فبينا أنا كذلك إذ سمعت وطئا عنده مولانا موسى (ع) وإذا رجل يزور فسلم على آدم واولي العزم (ع) ثم الائمة واحدا واحدا إلى أن انتهى إلى صاحب الزمان (ع) فلم يذكره فعجبت من ذلك وقلت له: لعله نسي أو لم يعرف؟ أو هذا مذهب لهذا الرجل. فلما فرغ من زيارته صلى ركعتين وأقبل إلي عند مولانا أبي جعفر (ع) فزار مثل تلك الزيارة وذلك السلام. وصلى ركعتين وأنا خائف منه إذ لم أعرفه ورأيته شابا تاما من الرجال عليه ثياب بيض وعمامة محنك وذؤابة ورداء على كتفه مسبل فقال: يا أبا الحسين بن أبي البغل أين أنت عن دعاء الفرج

“And which supplication is that, my master?” I asked. He said, “Pray two rak‘as, and say, Ya- Man adhara al-Jami-l wa satara al-qabi-h! Ya- mun lam yu’a-khidh bil-jari-ra wa lam yahtikis-sitra! Ya- ‘Adhi-m al-mann, ya- Kari-m as-Safh, ya- Hasan al-taja-wuz, ya- Wa-si‘ al-Maghfira, ya- Ba-sit al-Yadain bir-Rahma, ya- Muntaha kulli najwa, wa ya- Gha-yata kulli shakwa, ya- ‘Awna kulli musta‘in ya- Mubtade’an bin-ne‘ami qabla istehqa-qiha-, ya- Rabba-hu, ten times, ya- Sayyeda-h, ten times, ya- Mawlaya-h, ten times, ya- Gha-yata-h, ten times, ya- Muntaha- Gha-yata Raghbata-h, ten times, as’aluka bi haqqi ha-dhihi al-asma-’ wa bi haqqi Muhammad wa A-lihi at-Ta-hiri-n illa- ma- kashafta karbi wa nafasta hammi wa farajta ghammi wa aslahta ha-li, and then you ask for your desire and ask your wish and then you put your right cheek on the earth and say one hundred times in your sajda, Ya- Muhammad ya- ‘Ali, Ya- ‘Ali ya- Muhammad, ikfiya-ni fa innakuma- ka-fiya-i wan-sura-ni fa innakuma- na-sira-i, and you place your left cheek on the earth and say one hundred times, adrikni, and repeat it over and over and you say, al-ghawth, al-ghawth, al-ghawth, until you run out of breath and then raise your head. Allah will fulfill your wish through His generosity.”

As I applied myself to the sala-th and supplications, he left. When I was finished, I decided to go out to Abu Ja‘far to ask him about the man and how he had entered. I saw all the doors had been locked the way they were. I was perplexed much and said perhaps he had spent the night there and I had not realized. I found Abu Ja‘far, the custodian. He came out to me from the oil-room. I asked him about the gentleman and his entrance. He said, “The doors are locked as you see them. I have not opened them.” I told him about the incident. He said, “This is our master, the Patron of the Age, (a.s). I have seen him many times in the nights like this when the shrine is empty from the people.

“I became much sad for the opportunity I had missed. I exited at near the dawn and went towards al-Karkh towards the place where I was hiding. It was but the daybreak when men of Ibn al-Sa-liha-n were begging to meet me and were asking my friends about me. They were carrying a letter of pledge of protection from the minister and a slip in his hand writing that had every pleasant thing. I went to him with a trustworthy friend of mine. He rose and embraced me and treated me in away that I had never seen from him before. He said, “Have things worsened so much for you that you had to complain from me to the Patron of the Age (a.s).

I said, “I simply prayed and supplicated.” “I saw my master the Patron of the Age,” he replied, “in my dream last night.” He meant the Friday eve. “He was ordering me to do every good. He was ordering me to do every good deed and expressed a dislike to me that frightened me.” I said, “La- ila-ha illa Allah! I bear witness that they are the truth and the pinnacle of righteousness. I saw last night our master, while I was awake. And he asked me to do such and such things.” I explained to him what I had seen in the shrine. He was astounded. Great favors he did to me with this respect and reached a level I did not anticipate. All of this from the blessings of our master, the Patron of the Age.

فقلت: وما هو يا سيدي؟ فقال: تصلي ركعتين وتقول: "يا من أظهر الجميل وستر القبيح، يامن لم يؤاخذ بالجريرة، ولم يهتك الستر، يا عظيم المن، يا كريم الصفح، يا حسن التجاوز، يا واسع المغفرة، يا باسط اليدين بالرحمة يا منتهى كل نجوى ويا غاية كل شكوى يا عون كل مستعين يا مبتدئا بالنعم قبل استحقاقها يا رباه عشر مرات يا سيداه عشر مرات يا مولياه عشر مرات يا غايتاه عشر مرات يا منتهى غاية رغبتاه عشر مرات أسألك بحق هذه الاسماء وبحق محمد وآله الطاهرين (ع) إلا ما كشفت كربي ونفست همي وفرجت غمي وأصلحت حالي." وتدعو بعد ذلك ما شئت وتسأل حاجتك ثم تضع خدك الايمن على الأرض وتقول مائة في سجودك: "يا محمد يا علي! يا علي يا محمد! اكفياني فانكما كافياي، وانصراني فانكما ناصراي." وتضع خدك الأيسر على الأرض وتقول مائة مرة أدركني وتكررها كثيراً وتقول: "الغوث الغوث الغوث" حتى ينقطع النفس وترفع رأسك فان الله بكرمه يقضي حاجتك إنشاء الله. فلما شغلت بالصلاة والدعاء خرج فلما فرغت خرجت إلى أبي جعفر لاسأله عن الرجل وكيف دخل؟ فرأيت الابواب على حالها مغلقة مقفلة فعجبت من ذلك وقلت: لعله بات ههنا ولم أعلم فانتهيت إلى أبي جعفر القيم فخرج إلى عندي من بيت الزيت فسألته عن الرجل ودخوله فقال: الابواب مقفلة كما ترى ما فتحتها فحدثته بالحديث فقال: هذا مولانا صاحب الزمان صلوات الله عليه وقد شاهدته مرارا في مثل هذه الليلة عند خلوها من الناس. فتأسفت على ما فاتني منه، وخرجت عند قرب الفجر، وقصدت الكرخ إلى الموضع الذي كنت مستترا فيه فما أضحى النهار إلا وأصحاب ابن الصالحان يلتمسون لقائي ويسألون عني أصدقائي ومعهم أمان من الوزير ورقعة بخطه فيها كل جميل فحضرته مع ثقة من أصدقائي عنده فقام والتزمني وعاملني بما لم أعهده منه وقال: انتهت بك الحال إلى أن تشكوني إلى صاحب الزمان صلوات الله عليه؟ فقلت: قد كان منئ دعاء ومسألة فقال: ويحك رأيت البارحة مولاي صاحب الزمان صلوات الله عليه في النوم يعني ليلة الجمعة وهو يأمرني بكل جميل ويجفو علي في ذلك جفوة خفتها. فقلت: لا إله إلا الله أشهد أنهم الحق ومنتهى الحق رأيت البارحة مولانا في اليقظة وقال لي كذا وكذا وشرحت ما رأيته في المشهد فعجب من ذلك وجرت منه امور عظام حسان في هذا المعنى، وبلغت منه غاية ما لم أظنه ببركة مولانا صاحب الزمان صلوات الله عليه

‘Alla-mah Majlisi says, I found this and the rest of the previous narratives, which the author of Kita-b al-Nuju-m has narrated from the book of al-Tabri, in his original book, corresponding to what he has narrated, may Allah bless them both.

20- Kita-b al-Nuju-m: Al-Sheikh Abu al-‘Abba-s ‘Abdullah Ibn Ja‘far al-Humyari narrates in the second volume of Kita-b al-Dala-’il that a man from the outskirts of Hami-d wrote a letter, asking for a du‘a- about the baby that had been conceived for him. The du‘a- about the baby came to him and it was four months before the birth. It said, “You will sire a son.” It was as predicted. The same book narrates that ‘Ali Ibn Muhammad al-Samari wrote to the Imam of the Age (a.s) asking for a burial shroud (kafan). The reply came, “You will need it in the year [two hundred and] eighty.” He died at the predicted time and the Imam sent him a burial shroud two months before his death.

21- Rija-l al-Kashi: Abu ‘Abdillah al-Balkhi wrote to me, narrating on the authority of al-Husain Ibn Ru-h al-Qummi that Ahmad Ibn Isha-q wrote to the Imam of the Age and sought permission for Hajj. The Imam gave him permission and sent him a dress. Ahmad Ibn Isha-q said, “The news of my final departure has been given.” He returned from Hajj and died at Halwa-n.

22- Al-Fahrist: ‘Ali Ibn al-Husain Ibn Ba-bawaih went to Abu al-Qa-sim al-Husain Ibn Ru-h and posed some queries to him. Then he sent him a letter on the hand of ‘Ali Ibn Ja‘far Ibn al-Aswad, asking him to deliver a slip of his to the Patron (a.s). He was asking in it a son from the Imam. The Imam wrote back to him, “We prayed to Allah for you for that and you will be given two virtuous sons.” So, Abu Ja‘far and Abu ‘Abdillah were born for him from a bondmaid. Abu ‘Abdillah al-Husain Ibn ‘Ubaidillah would say, I heard Abu Ja‘far say, “I was born with the du‘a- of the Patron of the Order (a.s).” He would take pride in it.

23- Muhaj al-Da‘awa-t: Muhammad Ibn ‘Ali al-‘Alawi al-Husaini, who lived in Egypt, said, A great calamity and severe concern struck me in the context of my relationship to the ruler of Egypt. I feared for my life. I had been slandered before Ahmad Ibn Tulu-n. So, I left Egypt for Hajj and went from Hija-z to Iraq. I wanted to go to the shrine of my master al-Husain Ibn ‘Ali (a.s) to seek refuge to him and seek asylum at his tomb, in order to be secure from the lash of the person I feared.

I remained at the sacred abode for fifteen days, praying and making earnest and tearful entreatments day and night. So, the Custodian of the Time and the Bosom Friend of the All-Merciful was shown to me, as I was in a state between stupor and awake. He said to me, “Husain is saying to you, O’ my son, do you fear so-and-so?” I said, “Yes, he wants to kill me. So, I have sought refuge unto my master (a.s) to complain from the calamity my enemy has schemed for me.” He urged me, “Why don’t you pray to Allah, your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers, through du‘a-s through which the apostles in the past beseeched the Lord. They were in severity and Allah succored them.”

أقول: وجدت هذا الخبر وسائر الاخبار السالفة التي رواها عن كتاب الطبري في أصل كتابه موافقة لما نقله رحمة الله عليهما.

20- كتاب النجوم: ومما روينا باسنادنا إلى الشيخ أبي العباس عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري في الجزء الثاني من كتاب الدلائل قال: وكتب رجل من ربض حميد يسأل الدعاء في حمل له فورد عليه الدعاء في الحمل قبل الاربعة الاشهر: ستلد ابنا. فجاء كما قال: ومن الكتاب المذكور، قال: الحسن بن علي بن إبراهيم، عن السياري قال: كتب علي بن محمد السمري يسأل كفنا فورد: إنك تحتاج إليه سنة ثمانين فمات في هذا الوقت الذي حده وبعث إلى بالكفن قبل موته بشهرين.

21- رجال الكشي: كتب أبو عبد الله البلخي إلي يذكر عن الحسين بن روح القمي أن أحمد بن إسحاق كتب إليه يستأذنه في الحج فأذن له وبعث إليه بثوب فقال أحمد بن إسحاق: نعى إلي نفسي فانصرف من الحج فمات بحلوان.

22- الفهرست: اجتمع علي بن الحسين بن بابويه مع أبي القاسم الحسين بن روح وسأله مسائل ثم كاتبه بعد ذلك على يد علي بن جعفر بن الاسود يسأله أن يوصل له رقعة إلى الصاحب (ع) ويسأله فيها الولد فكتب إليه: قد دعونا الله لك بذلك وسترزق ولدين ذكرين خيرين. فولد له أبو جعفر وأبو عبد الله من ام ولد وكان أبو عبد الحسين بن عبيد الله يقول: سمعت أبا جعفر يقول: أنا ولدت بدعوة صاحب الأمر (ع) ويفتخر بذلك.

23- مهج الدعوات: أحمد بن محمد العلوي العريضي، عن محمد بن علي العلوي الحسيني وكان يسكن بمصر قال: دهمني أمر عظيم وهم شديد من قبل صاحب مصر فخشيته على نفسي وكان قد سعى بي إلى أحمد بن طولون فخرجت من مصر حاجا وسرت من الحجاز إلى العراق فقصدت مشهد مولائي الحسين بن علي صلوات الله عليهما عائذا به ولائذا بقبره ومستجيرا به من سطوة من كنت أخافه فأقمت بالحائر خمسة عشر يوما أدعو وأتضرع ليلي ونهاري. فتراءى لي قيم الزمان وولي الرحمان (ع) وأنا بين النائم واليقظان فقال لي: يقول لك الحسين: يا بني خفت فلانا؟ فقلت: نعم، أراد هلاكي فلجأت إلى سيدي (ع) وأشكو إليه عظيم ما أراد بي. فقال: هلا دعوت الله ربك ورب آبائك بالادعية التي دعا بها من سلف من الانبياء (ع) فقد كانوا في شدة فكشف الله عنهم ذلك

“Which du‘a- should I recite?” I asked. “When it is the Friday eve, make a ghusl and offer your nightly prayers. When you have performed your prostration of thankfulness, recite this du‘a-, as you are hobbling on your knees.” Then he mentioned to me the supplication.

I saw him in the same time, as he would come to me as I was between stupor and awake. He came to me five consecutive nights, repeating the same words until I memorized the du‘a-. His visits to me stopped at the Friday eve. I made ghusl, dusted my dress off, and used fragrance. I prayed the nightly prayers and performed the prostration of thankfulness. I hobbled on my knees and entreated Allah, the Exalted, through this du‘a-. The Patron of the Age (a.s) came to me on the eve of Saturday and said to me, “Your du‘a- has been accepted, O’ Muhammad; your enemy was killed when you had just finished your supplication, before the very person he had slandered you to.”

Next morning, I bid my Master farewell and departed towards Egypt; and as I reached Jordan on my way to Egypt, I saw one of my neighbors, who was a pious man. He told me that Ahmad Ibn Tulu-n had seized my enemy and had ordered that he should be taken care of and that my enemy was found beheaded from the hind in the morning. This had happened on that Friday eve and Ahmad Ibn Tulu-n had ordered on the virtue of which his body had been dumped into the Nile.

A number of people of my area and our Shi-‘a brothers told me that this event had reached them at the same time when I had finished the du‘a-, as my Master had informed me. May Allah bless my Master and his household.

24- Al-Irsha-d: ‘Ali Ibn Muhammad narrates from one of our scholars: A son was born for me. I wrote a letter to the Patron of the Age, seeking permission to perform his purification on the seventh day. The answer came saying not to do it. My son died on the seventh or eighth day. Then I wrote to our Master about his death. The answer came, You will sire another and another son. He had named the first Ahmad, and the one after Ahmad, Ja‘far. They were born as the Imam predicted.

Then I prepared for Hajj and called the people as I was leaving. They said, “We do not like you leaving; however, it is your decision.” I felt great unease and was sad. I wrote a letter, as I was determined to submission and obedience of my Master’s command, though I was sorry for missing the Hajj. The answer came, “Do not feel unease, for you will perform Hajj next year, Allah-willing.”

Next year, I wrote a letter and sought permission. The permission came. I wrote, “I see Muhammad Ibn al-‘Abba-s appropriate as my peer to run my affairs. I am confident of his religiosity and trustworthiness.” The answer came, “Al-Asadi is the best peer. If he comes, do not choose anyone over him.” Al-Asadi came and I appointed him as my peer.

قلت: وبماذا أدعوه؟ فقال: إذا كان ليلة الجمعة فاغتسل وصل صلاة الليل فإذا سجدت سجدة الشكر دعوت بهذا الدعاء وأنت بارك على ركبتيك فذكر لي دعاء. قال: ورأيته في مثل ذلك الوقت يأتيني وأنا بين النائم واليقظان قال: وكان يأتيني خمس ليال متواليات يكرر علي هذا القول والدعاء حتى حفظته وانقطع عني مجيئه ليلة الجمعة. فاغتسلت وغبرت ثيابي وتطيبت وصليت صلاة الليل وسجدت سجدة الشكر وجثوت على ركبتي ودعوت الله جل وتعالى بهذا الدعاء فأتاني (ع) ليلة السبت فقال لي: قد اجيبت دعوتك يا محمد وقتل عدوك عند فراغك من الدعاء عند من وشى بك إليه. قال: فلما أصبحت ودعت سيدي وخرجت متوجها إلى مصر فلما بلغت الاردن وأنا متوجه إلى مصر رأيت رجلا من جيراني بمصر وكان مؤمنا فحدثني أن خصمي قبض عليه أحمد بن طولون فأمر به فأصبح مذبوحا من قفاه. قال: وذلك في ليلة الجمعة وأمر به فطرح في النيل وكان ذلك فيما أخبرني جماعة من أهلها وإخواننا الشيعة أن ذلك كان فيما بلغهم عند فراغي من الدعاء كما أخبرني مولاي (ص).

24- الإرشاد: ابن قولويه، عن الكليني، عن علي بن محمد قال: حدثني بعض أصحابنا قال: ولد لي ولد فكتبت أستأذن في تطهيره يوم السابع فورد لا تفعل فمات يوم السابع أو الثامن. ثم كتبت بموته فورد ستخلف غيره وغيره فسم الاول أحمد ومن بعد أحمد جعفرا فجاءا كما قال. قال: وتهيأت للحج وودعت الناس وكنت على الخروج. فورد: "نحن لذلك كارهون والامر إليك." فضاق صدري واغتممت وكتبت: أنا مقيم على السمع والطاعة غير أني مغتم بتخلفي عن الحج فوقع لا يضيق صدرك فانك ستحج قابلا إنشاء الله فلما كان من قابل كتبت أستاذن فورد الاذن وكتبت أني قد عادلت محمد بن العباس وأنا واثق بديانته وصيانته فورد الاسدي نعم العديل فان قدم فلا تختر عليه فقدم الاسدي فعادلته