The Book of Occultation: Kitab al-Ghaibah [Majlisi] (Bilingual Edition) [English = Arabic]

The Book of Occultation: Kitab al-Ghaibah [Majlisi] (Bilingual Edition) [English = Arabic]0%

The Book of Occultation: Kitab al-Ghaibah [Majlisi] (Bilingual Edition) [English = Arabic] Author:
Translator: Hassan Allahyari
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Imam al-Mahdi
ISBN: 978 964 438 478 3

The Book of Occultation: Kitab al-Ghaibah [Majlisi] (Bilingual Edition) [English = Arabic]

Author: Allamah Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi
Translator: Hassan Allahyari
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

ISBN: 978 964 438 478 3
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The Book of Occultation: Kitab al-Ghaibah [Majlisi] (Bilingual Edition) [English = Arabic]
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The Book of Occultation: Kitab al-Ghaibah [Majlisi] (Bilingual Edition) [English = Arabic]

The Book of Occultation: Kitab al-Ghaibah [Majlisi] (Bilingual Edition) [English = Arabic]

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
ISBN: 978 964 438 478 3

Supplement 4

54- Ikma-l al-Di-n: Abu Rija-’ al-Basri says, I went to investigate the situation two years after the demise of Abu Muhammad (a.s). I did not find anything in those two years. In the third year, I was in Medina in search of the offspring of Abu Muhammad (a.s). I was riding a couched a camel. Abu Gha-nim had asked me to have dinner with him. I was sitting thinking with my self and saying, “If there had been something, it would have manifested after three years.”

Suddenly, I heard a caller, whose voice I heard but his person I did not see, say, “O’ Nasr Ibn ‘Abdillah, say to the people of Egypt, do you believe in the Messenger of Allah after seeing him?” I did not know my father’s name, because I was born in Mada-’in and al-Nawfali had taken me to Egypt. My father had died and I was raised in Egypt. When I heard the voice, I left and did not go to Abu Gha-nim. I set on the trail of Egypt. He also says, Two men from Egypt wrote to me about two sons of hem.

The answer came for one, Allah rewarded you, and a prayer for the other, the son of whom died. Abu Muhammad al-Wajana-’i- says, The order of the land became chaotic and mischief rose. I decided to stay in Baghdad for eighty days. The Sheikh came to me and said, “Return to your lands.” I left Baghdad while I disliked my departure. As I reached Surra Man Ra’a-, I desired to stay there, since I was hearing the news of anarchy in my lands. I set out and as I had not reached the house that the sheikh saw me. He had a letter from my family with him; they were informing me of the calm of the lands and were asking me to come back.

55- Ikma-l al-Di-n: Muhammad Ibn Ha-ru-n says, I owed five hundred dina-rs to the Ghari-m (a.s). One night I was in Baghdad and mighty winds were blowing and it was very dark. I felt extreme terror and thought about myself and said to myself, “I have these stores I have bought for five hundred and thirteen dina-rs. I set them aside for the Ghari-m (a.s) for his five hundred dina-rs.” Later someone came to me and took the stores from me. I had not written anything about it before nor had I spoken to anyone.

56- Ikma-l al-Di-n: Abu al-Qa-sim Ibn Abi Ha-bis says, I used to visit the Tomb of al-Husain (a.s) in the mid-Sha‘ba-n. On one of the years, I went to al-‘Askar before Sha‘ba-n and thought about not visiting the Tomb in Sha‘ba-n. When Sha‘ba-n arrived, I said, “I will not abandon the ziya-ra I have always been performing.” I went for the pilgrimage. When I used to come to al-‘Askar, I would inform them through a letter or a slip. This time, I said to Abu al-Qa-sim al-Hasan Ibn Abi Ahmad, the Representative, “Do not inform them of my arrival.

I want it to be a sincere ziya-ra.” Abu al-Qa-sim came to me, as he was smiling and said, “These two dina-rs have been sent to me and I have been told to give them to al-Ha-bisi and to say to him, Whoever fulfills the order of Allah, Allah fulfills his need.” I became much sick in Surra Man Ra’a-. My malady was so severe that I was worried and readied myself for dying. A medicine that was made of violet oil was sent to me. I was ordered to take them. I had not finished them that I had already recovered. Praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.

54- إكمال الدين: أبي، عن سعد، عن علان، عن الاعلم البصري، عن أبي رجاء البصري قال: خرجت في الطلب بعد مضي أبي محمد (ع) بسنتين لم أقف فيهما على شئ فلما كان في الثالثة كنت بالمدينة في طلب ولد أبي محمد (ع) بصرياء وقد سألني أبو غانم أن أتعشى عنده فأنا قاعد مفكر في نفسي وأقول لو كان شئ لظهر بعد ثلاث سنين وإذا هاتف أسمع صوته ولا أرى شخصه وهو يقول: يا نصر بن عبد الله قل لاهل مصر آمنتم برسول الله حيث رأيتموه؟ قال نصر ولم أكن عرفت اسم أبي وذلك أني ولدت بالمدائن فحملني النوفلي إلى مصر: وقد مات أبي فنشأت بها فلما سمعت الصوت قمت مبادرا ولم أنصرف إلى أبي غانم وأخذت طريق مصر. قال: وكتب رجلان من أهل مصر في ولدين لهما فورد: أما أنت يا فلان فآجرك الله ودعا لآخر فمات ابن المعزى. قال: وحدثني أبو محمد الوجنائي قال: اضطرب أمر البلد وثارت فتنة فعزمت على المقام ببغداد ثمانين يوما فجاءني شيخ وقال: انصرف إلى بلدك، فخرجت من بغداد وأنا كاره فلما وافيت سر من رأى أردت المقام بها لما ورد علي من اضطراب البلد فخرجت فما وافيت المنـزل حتى تلقاني الشيخ ومعه كتاب من أهلى يخبروني بسكون البلد ويسألوني القدوم

55- إكمال الدين: أبي، عن سعد، عن محمد بن هارون قال: كان للغريم علي خمسمائة دينار فأنا ليلة ببغداد وقد كان لها ريح مظلمة، وقد فزعت فزعا شديدا وفكرت فيما علي ولي، وقلت في نفسي: لي حوانيت اشتريتها بخمسمائة وثلاثين دينارا وقد جعلتها للغريم (ع) بخمسمائة دينار. فجاءني من تسلم مني الحوانيت وما كتبت إليه في شئ من ذلك من قبل أن أنطق بلساني ولا أخبرت به أحدا

56- إكمال الدين: أبي، عن سعد، عن أبي القاسم بن أبي حابس قال: كنت أزور الحسين (ع) في النصف من شعبان فلما كان سنة من السنين وردت العسكر قبل شعبان، وهممت أن لا أزور في شعبان فلما دخل شعبان قلت لا أدع زيارة كنت أزورها فخرجت زائرا، وكنت إذا وردت العسكر أعلمتهم برقعة أو رسالة فلما كان في هذه الدفعة قلت لابي القاسم الحسن بن أبي أحمد الوكيل لا تعلمهم بقدومي فاني اريد أن أجعلها زورة خالصة فجاءني أبو القاسم وهو يتبسم وقال: بعث إلي بهذين الدينارين وقيل لي أدفعهما إلى الحابسي وقل له: من كان في حاجة الله كان الله في حاجته. قال: واعتللت بسر من رأى علة شديدة أشفقت فيها وظللت مستعداً للموت فبعث إلي بستوقة فيها بنفسجين وامرت بأخذه فما فرغت حتى أفقت والحمد لله رب العالمين

Someone who owed me money died. I wrote a letter and sought permission to go to his heirs at Wa-sit. I said that I would go to them in the beginning of his days of demise, so perchance I will get my right. However, I was not given permission. When it was after two years, a letter came to me with my inquiry and ordered me to go to them.

I went to them and they paid me my money. Abu al-Qa-sim says, Ibn Ra’i-s sent ten dina-rs to Ha-jiz, which Ha-jiz forgot to deliver. A letter came to him, “You shall send the dina-rs of Ibn Ra’i-s.” Ibn Ha-ru-n Ibn Musa- Ibn al-Fura-t wrote a letter about a number of things. He inscribed with a pen that did not have ink, asking for du‘a- for two of his nephews who were in prison. The answer of his letter came and it included a du‘a- for the prisoners, mentioning them by their names.

A man from the people of Hami-d wrote and asked for du‘a- for the baby his wife had conceived from him. The du‘a- came about the conception four months before the delivery, saying, “She will deliver a girl.” It happened as written in the letter. Muhammad Ibn Muhammad al-Qasri wrote and asked for a du‘a- for the sufficiency of his means for his daughters and that he may go to Hajj and that his assets be returned to him. His answer for what he asked came. He performed Hajj that year and four of his daughters died - he had a total of six - and his assets were returned to him. Muhammad Ibn Yazda-d wrote, asking for du‘a- for his parents.

The answer came, “May Allah forgive you and your parents and your deceased sister Kalki.” She was a virtuous woman and had been married off to the peripheries. She had written that fifty dina-rs be sent for a congregation of the faithful, ten for my cousin, who was not a believer at all. She had put his name at the end of the letter, hinting her lack of desire for a prayer for him. The answer with respect to the faithful came, “May Allah accept from them and may He do favors to them and reward you.” He had not prayed for my cousin. I also sent some dina-rs for a faithful congregation.

A man who was called Muhammad Ibn Sa‘i-d also sent me some dina-rs, which I sent on the name of his father on purpose, because he himself did not have anything from the religion of Allah. The receipt came by the name “of the person whose name you changed.” I carried on this year, in which I saw this sign, one thousand dina-rs, which Abu Ja‘far had sent. Abu al-Husain Muhammad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Khalaf and Isha-q Ibn al-Junaid were with me. Abu al-Husain took on to carry the saddlebags to the houses.

We rented three donkeys and when we reached al-Qa-tu-l, we did not find any donkey. I said to Abu al-Husain, “Take the saddlebags in which the money is and go with the caravan. I will stay behind and look for a donkey for Isha-q Ibn al-Junaid to ride because he is an old man.” I rented a donkey and joined Abu al-Husain at al-Hiyar, which is the periphery of Surra Man Ra’a-. I was talking to him in the night and saying, “I praise Allah for what you are doing.” He said, “I would love if I remained with this task.” I reached Surra Man Ra’a- and delivered what we were carrying. The representative took it from me in my presence and placed it in a scarf and sent it with a black slave.

قال: ومات لي غريم فكتبت أستاذن في الخروج إلى ورثته بواسط وقلت: أصير إليهم حدثان موته لعلي أصل إلى حقي فلم يؤذن لي ثم كتبت أستأذن ثانيا فلم يؤذن لي فلما كان بعد سنتين كتب إلي ابتداء: صر إليهم فخرجت إليهم فوصلت إلى حقي. قال أبو القاسم: وأوصل ابن رئيس عشرة دنانير إلى حاجز فنسيها حاجز أن يوصلها فكتب إليه: تبعث بدنانير ابن رئيس. قال: وكتب هارون بن موسى بن الفرات في أشياء وخط بالقلم بغير مداد يسال الدعاء لابني أخيه وكانا محبوسين، فورد عليه جواب كتابه وفيه دعاء المحبوسين باسمهما. قال: وكتب رجل من ربض حميد يسأل الدعاء في حمل له فورد: الدعاء في الحمل قبل الاربعة أشهر وستلد انثى فجاء كما قال. قال: وكتب محمد بن محمد القصري يسأل الدعاء أن يكفى أمر بناته وأن يرزق الحج ويرد عليه ماله فورد عليه الجواب بما سأل فحج سنته ومات من بناته أربع وكان له ستة، ورد عليه ماله. قال: وكتب محمد بن يزداد يسأل الدعاء لوالديه فورد: غفر الله لك ولوالديك ولاختك المتوفاة المسماة كلكى وكانت هذه امرأة صالحة متزوجة بجوار. وكتبت في إنفاذ خمسين دينارا لقوم مؤمنين منها عشرة دنانير لابن عم لي لم يكن من الايمان على شئ فجعلت اسمه آخر الرقعة والفصول ألتمس (بذلك) الدلالة في ترك الدعاء له، فخرج في فصول المؤمنين: تقبل الله منهم وأحسن إليهم وأثابك ولم يدع لابن عمي بشئ. قال: وأنفذت أيضا دنانير لقوم مؤمنين وأعطاني رجل يقال له محمد بن سعيد دنانير فأنفذتها باسم أبيه متعمدا ولم يكن من دين الله على شئ فخرج الوصول باسم من غيرت اسمه محمد. قال: وحملت في هذه السنة التي ظهرت لي فيها هذه الدلالة ألف دينار بعث بها أبو جعفر ومعي أبو الحسين محمد بن محمد بن خلف وإسحاق بن الجنيد فحمل أبو الحسين الخرج الى الدور واكترينا ثلاثة أحمرة، فلما بلغنا القاطول لم نجد حميرا فقلت لابي الحسين احمل الخرج الذي فيه المال واخرج مع القافلة حتى أتخلف في طلب الحمار لاسحاق بن الجنيد يركبه فانه شيخ فاكتريت له حمارا ولحقت بأبي الحسين في الحير حير سر من رأى فأنا اسامره وأقول له: احمد الله على ما أنت عليه فقال: وددت أن هذا العمل دام لي. فوافيت سر من رأى وأوصلت ما معنا فأخذه الوكيل بحضرتي ووضعه في منديل وبعث به مع غلام أسود

When it was the afternoon, he brought me a light package. In the morning, Abu al-Qa-sim took a private moment with me and Abu al-Husain and Isha-q went ahead. Abu al-Qa-sim said, “The slave who carried the package brought me these dirhams and asked me to give them to the messenger who carried the package.” I took the money from him and as I went out of the door of the house, before I speak and before he discovered there is something with me, Abu al-Husain said to me, “When I was with you at the Hiyar, I wished that he sends me some dirhams for the sake of blessings. Likewise, it was the first year when I was with you with al-‘Askar.” I said to him, “Take these. Allah has granted them to you. All praise belongs to Allah the Lord of the Worlds.”

Muhammad Ibn Kashmard wrote a letter, seeking du‘a- to have his son Ahmad from his concubine forgiven. The answer came, “As for the al-Saqari, may Allah have that forgiven for him.” The Imam (a.s) let him know that his patronym was Abu Saqar.

57- Ikma-l al-Di-n: ‘Ali Ibn Muhammad Ibn Isha-q al-Ash‘ari says, I had a wife from the cousins, which I had deserted for ages. She came tome and said, “If you have divorced me, let me know.” I said, “I have not divorced you,” and I copulated with her on that day. She wrote to me after a year claiming that she has been impregnated.

I wrote about her and about a house my son in law had left behind for the Ghari-m (a.s). I was asking that the house should be sold to me and I should be allowed to pay its price in payments. The answer came about the house, “You have been granted what you have asked. However, the woman and her pregnancy had not been mentioned. I wrote to the woman after that; she told me that she had written falsely and that she had never been pregnant. And praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the World.

58- Ikma-l al-Di-n: Abu ‘Ali al-Ni-li says, Abu Ja‘far came to me and took me to al-‘Abba-siyya and led me to a ruins and took out a book and read it to me. It bore the narrative of all that happened in the house. It spoke of the a female, who was Umm ‘Abdillah, who would clip her hairs and leave the house and would it throw it in Baghdad and would sit in front of the ruler. It had other similar stories. Then he said to me, “Remember.” Then he threw the book. This happened long before the incidents that ensued.

Abu Ja‘far al-Marwazi narrates from Ja‘far Ibn ‘Amr who says, I went to al-‘Askar; this was while the mother of Abu Muhammad was alive. I was with a congregation of men. When we reached al-‘Askar, my friends wrote a letter, seeking permission for a visit to the inside, recounting the name of each man. I said to them, “Do not write my name and my lineage. I am not seeking permission.” They left out my name. The permission came, “All of you enter and the one who did not seek permission.”

فلما كان العصر جاءني برزيمة خفيفة ولما أصبحنا خلا بي أبو القاسم وتقدم أبو الحسين وإسحاق فقال أبو القاسم: الغلام الذي حمل الرزيمة جاءني بهذه الدراهم وقال لي: ادفعها إلى الرسول الذي حمل الرزيمة فأخذتها منه فلما خرجت من باب الدار قال لي أبو الحسين من قبل أن أنطق أو يعلم أن معي شيئا لما كنت معك في الحير تمنيت أن يجيئني منه دراهم أتبرك بها وكذلك عام أول حيث كنت معك بالعسكر فقلت له: خذها فقد أتاك الله بها والحمد لله رب العالمين. قال: وكتب محمد بن كشمرد يسأل الدعاء أن يجعل ابنه أحمد من ام ولده في حل فخرج: والصقري أحل الله له ذلك فأعلم (ع) أن كنيته أبو الصقر.

57- إكمال الدين: حدثني علي بن محمد بن إسحاق الاشعري قال: كانت لي زوجة من الموالي قد كنت هجرتها دهرا فجاءتني فقالت إن كنت قد طلقتني فأعلمني فقلت لها لم اطلقك ونلت منها في ذلك اليوم فكتبت إلي بعد شهر تدعي أنها حملت (فكتبت) في أمرها وفي دار كان صهري أوصى بها للغريم (ع) أسأل أن تباع مني وينجم علي ثمنها فورد الجواب في الدار قد اعطيت ما سألت وكف عن ذكر المرأة والحمل فكتبت إلي المرأة بعد ذلك تعلمني أنها كتبت باطلا وأن الحمل لا أصل له والحمد لله رب العالمين.

58- إكمال الدين: أبي، عن سعد، عن أبي علي النيلي قال: جاءني أبو جعفر فمضى بي إلى العباسية وأدخلني إلى خربة وأخرج كتابا فقرأه على فإذا فيه شرح جميع ما حدث على الدار، وفيه أن فلانة يعني ام عبد الله يؤخذ بشعرها وتخرج من الدار ويحدر بها إلى بغداد وتقعد بين يدي السلطان وأشياء مما يحدث ثم قال لي: احفظ ثم مزق الكتاب وذلك من قبل أن يحدث ما حدث بمدة. قال: وحدثني أبو جعفر المروزى عن جعفر بن عمرو قال: خرجت إلى العسكر وام أبي محمد في الحياة ومعي جماعة فوافينا العسكر فكتب أصحابي يستأذنون في الزيارة من داخل باسم رجل رجل فقلت لهم: لا تثبتوا اسمي ونسبي فاني لا أستأذن فتركوا اسمي فخرج الاذن: ادخلوا ومن أبى أن يستأذن

Abu al-Hasan Ja‘far Ibn Ahmad said, Ibra-him Ibn Muhammad Ibn al-Faraj al-Rakhji wrote about a number of things and about a newly born baby and requested a name for him. The answer came to him about the things he had asked, but there was no mention about the baby. The fact was that the baby died. All praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the World. There had been a discussion amongst some men of our congregation. A letter came to one of them, explaining what had taken place in the gathering.

Al-‘A-simi told me that a man was thinking about someone who would deliver the religious dues he owed to the Ghari-m (a.s) and became much ill at ease for this. He heard a caller call, “Deliver what you have to Ha-jiz.” Abu Muhammad al-Sarwi went to Surra Man Ra’a- carrying money. A message came to him without his own initiation, saying, “There is no doubt in us, nor in the one sitting in our place. Return what you have to Ha-jiz.” Abu Ja‘far told me, We sent some religious dues with a very reliable brother of ours to the ‘Askar. This brother left for his destination and inserted a letter without telling us amongst the things he was carrying from us. His letter was returned to him without any answer.

Sa‘d Ibn ‘Abdillah says, Abu ‘Abdillah al-Husain Ibn Isma-‘il al-Kindi said, “Abu Ta-hir al-Bila-li said to me, ‘The letter that came to me from Abu Muhammad (a.s) and later on after his demise they sent it as a trust, is at your house.’” I said to him, “I like that you write for me the words of the letter.” Abu ‘Abdillah told Abu Ta-hir what I had said and he said to him, “Bring him to me, so he may narrate this from me without any narrator between us.

‘A letter came to me from Abu Muhammad (a.s) two years before his demise, foretelling me about the Heir after him. Then another letter came to me from him three days before his demise, informing me of the same. So may Allah curse whoever denies the bosom friends of God their rights and leads the people to their challengers and may praises be for Allah.’”

59- Ikma-l al-Di-n: ‘Ali Ibn Muhammad al-Saimuri wrote and requested for a burial shroud (kafan). The answer came that he will need that in the year two hundred and eighty or two hundred and eighty one. The man died in the year prophesied by the holy Imam and he sent him the burial shroud two months before his death.

60- Ikma-l al-Di-n: Muhammad Ibn ‘Ali al-Aswad (a.s) said, A woman gave me a garment in one of the years and asked me to take it to al-‘Amri (a.s). I took that with many other garments and when I reached Baghdad, he ordered me to submit all of them to Muhammad Ibn al-‘Abbas al-Qummi. I gave all of them to him except for the garment of the woman. Al-‘Amri (a.s) sent for me and said, “The woman’s garment, give it to him.” I remembered that a woman had given me a garment; I looked for it but did not find it. He said, “Do not grieve, for you will find it.” Then I found it. This was while al-‘Amri (a.s) did not have a list of the things I was carrying.

قال: وحدثني أبو الحسن جعفر بن أحمد قال: كتب إبراهيم بن محمد بن الفرج الرخجي في أشياء وكتب في مولود ولد له يسأل أن يسمى فخرج إليه الجواب فيما سأل ولم يكتب إليه في المولود شئ فمات الولد والحمد لله رب العالمين. قال: وجرى بين قوم من أصحابنا مجتمعين كلام في مجلس فكتب إلى رجل منهم شرح ما جرى في المجلس. قال: وحدثني العاصمى أن رجلا تفكر في رجل يوصل له ما وجب للغريم (ع) وضاق به صدره فسمع هاتفا يهتف به: أوصل ما معك إلى حاجز. قال: وخرج أبو محمد السروي إلى سر من رأى ومعه مال فخرج إليه ابتداء ليس فينا شك ولا فيمن قوم مقامنا ورد ما معك إلى حاجز. قال: وحدثني أبو جعفر قال: بعثنا مع ثقة من ثقات إخواننا إلى العسكر شيئا فعمد الرجل فدس فيما معه رقعة من غير علمنا فردت عليه الرقعة بغير جواب. وقال: قال أبو عبد الله الحسين بن إسماعيل الكندي: قال لي أبو طاهر البلالي: التوقيع الذي خرج إلي من أبي محمد (ع) فعلقوه في الخلف بعده وديعة في بيتك فقلت له: احب أن تكتب لي من لفظ التوقيع ما فيه فأخبر أبا طاهر بمقالتي فقال له: جئني به حتى يسقط الاسناد بينى وبينه: خرج إلي من أبي محمد (ع) قبل مضيه بسنتين يخبرني بالخلف من بعده ثم خرج إلي قبل مضيه بثلاثة أيام يخبرني بذلك. فلعن الله من جحد أولياء الله حقوقهم وحمل الناس على أكتافهم والحمد لله كثيرا.

59- إكمال الدين: كتب علي بن محمد الصيمري يسأل كفنا فورد أنه يحتاج إليه سنة ثمانين أو إحدى وثمانين فمات في الوقت الذي حده وبعث إليه بالكفن قبل موته بشهر.

60- إكمال الدين: محمد بن علي الاسود رحمه الله قال دفعت إلي امرأة سنة من السنين ثوبا وقالت: احمله إلى العمرى رحمه الله فحملته مع ثياب كثيرة فلما وافيت بغداد أمرني بتسليم ذلك كله إلى محمد بن العباس القمي فسلمت ذلك كله ماخلا ثوب المرأة فوجه إلي العمري(رضي الله عنه) (و) قال: ثوب المرأة سلمه إليه، فذكرت بعد ذلك أن امرأة سلمت إلي ثوبا فطلبته فلم أجده فقال لي: لاتغتم فانك ستجده فوجدته بعد ذلك ولم يكن مع العمري نسخة ما كان معي

61- Ikma-l al-Di-n: Muhammad Ibn ‘Ali al-Aswad (a.s) said, ‘Ali Ibn al-Husain Ibn Musa- Ibn Ba-bawayh (a.s) asked me after the death of Muhammad Ibn ‘Othma-n al-‘Amri to ask Abu al-Qa-sim al-Ruhi (a.s) to ask our Master the Patron of the Age (a.s) to pray that Allah gives him a son. I asked him that and he delivered the request. Then he informed me after three days that the Imam has prayed for ‘Ali Ibn al-Husain and that he will sire a blessed son that Allah will benefit him through this son and then there will be other sons after him.

Abu Ja‘far Muhammad Ibn ‘Ali al-Aswad says, I requested him for myself to pray that may Allah give me a son. He did not give me a reply and said, “This cannot happen.” ‘Ali Ibn al-Husain had his son Muhammad that year and after him other sons and no son was born for me.

Al-Sadu-q (a.s) says, Abu Ja‘far Muhammad Ibn ‘Ali al-Aswad (a.s) would often say to me when he saw me coming to the sessions of our Sheikh Muhammad Ibn al-Hasan Ibn Ahmad Ibn al-Wali-d (a.s) and my love for books of knowledge and learning, “It is not surprising that you are fond of knowledge, since you are born through the du‘a- of the Imam (a.s).”

Abu ‘Abdillah Ibn Ba-bawayh says, I started teaching when I had less than twenty years of age. Many a time, Abu Ja‘far Muhammad Ibn ‘Ali al-Aswad would attend my sessions and when he would see my promptness in answering questions regarding the codes of practice (fiqh), he would be much astonished by my young age and then he would say, “It is not surprising, you were born through the du‘a- of the Imam (a.s).”

62- Ikma-l al-Di-n: Muhammad Ibn ‘Ali Ibn Mati-l said, There was a woman called Zainab from the people of A-ba. She was married to Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdi-l al-A-bi. She had three hundred dina-rs. She came to my uncle Ja‘far Ibn Muhammad Ibn Mati-l and said, “I want you to give this money from me to Abu al-Qa-sim Ibn Ruh.” My uncle sent me with her to translate for her. When I entered upon Abu al-Qa-sim (a.s), he addressed her with an eloquent tongue and said, “Zainab, chuna-, chuwaida-, kuwaida-, chu-n aiqanah.” It meant, “Zainab, how are you and how did you stay and what is the news of your children?” She did not need my translation. She gave the money and came back.

63- Ikma-l al-Di-n: Muhammad Ibn ‘Ali al-Mati-l said, My uncle Ja‘far Ibn Muhammad Ibn Mati-l said, Abu Ja‘far Muhammad Ibn ‘Othma-n al-Samma-n, known as al-‘Amri, called me and gave me small embroidered garments and a sac of dirhams and said, “You need to go by yourself to Wa-sit at this time and give what I gave you to the first man who meets you after you climb over your courser to the waterway in Wa-sit.”

61- إكمال الدين: محمد بن علي الاسود رحمه الله قال: سألني علي بن الحسين بن موسى بن بابويه (ره) بعد موت محمد بن عثمان العمري أن أسأل أبا القاسم الروحي (ره) أن يسأل مولانا صاحب الزمان (ع) أن يدعو الله أن يرزقه ولدا ذكرا قال: فسألته فأنهى ذلك ثم أخبرني بعد ذلك بثلاثة أيام أنه قد دعا لعلي بن الحسين وأنه سيولد له ولد مبارك ينفع الله به وبعده أولاده. قال أبو جعفر محمد بن علي الاسود: وسألته في أمر نفسي أن يدعو الله لي أن ارزق ولدا ذكراً فلم يجبني إليه وقال: ليس إلى هذا سبيل قال فولد لعلي بن الحسين (ره) تلك السنة ابنه محمد وبعده أولاد ولم يولد لي. قال الصدوق (ره): كان أبو جعفر محمد بن علي الاسود (ع) كثيرا ما يقول لي إذا رآني أختلف إلى مجلس شيخنا محمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد (ع) وأرغب في كتب العلم وحفظه: ليس بعجب أن تكون لك هذه الرغبة في العلم وأنت ولدت بدعاء الامام (ع). وقال: قال أبو عبد الله بن بابويه عقدت المجلس ولي دون العشرين سنة فربما كان يحضر مجلسي أبو جعفر محمد بن علي الاسود فإذا نظر إلى إسراعي في الاجوبة في الحلال والحرام يكثر التعجب لصغر سني ثم يقول: لا عجب لانك ولدت بدعاء الامام (ع).

62- إكمال الدين: محمد بن علي بن متيل قال: كانت امرأة يقال لها زينب من أهل آبه وكانت امرأة محمد بن عبديل الآبي معها ثلاث مائة دينار فصارت إلى عمي جعفر بن محمد بن متيل وقالت: احب أن اسلم هذا المال من يدي إلى يد أبي القاسم بن روح قال: فأنفذني معها اترجم عنها فلما دخلت على أبي القاسم (ره) أقبل عليها بلسان فصيح فقال لها: زينب چونا چويدا كوايد چون ايقنه ومعناه كيف أنت وكيف مكثت وما خبر صبيانك؟ قال فامتنعت من الترجمة وسلمت المال ورجعت.

63- إكمال الدين: محمد بن علي بن متيل قال: قال عمي جعفر بن محمد بن متيل دعاني أبو جعفر محمد بن عثمان السمان المعروف بالعمري وأخرج إلى ثويبات معلمة وصرة فيها دراهم فقال لي: تحتاج أن تصير بنفسك إلى واسط في هذا الوقت، وتدفع ما دفعت إليك إلى أول رجل يلقاك عند صعودك من المركب إلى الشط بواسط

A tremendous shock overwhelmed me and I said to myself, “A man of my stature is sent for something like this and is assigned to carry these insignificant items.” I went to Wa-sit, dismounted from the courser, and the first man who encountered me, I asked him about al-Hasan Ibn Muhammad Ibn Qata-t, the pharmacist and the representative of the endowment in Wa-sit. He said, “I am him. And who are you?” I said, “I am Ja‘far Ibn Muhammad Ibn Mati-l.”

He recognized me through my name and gave me greetings. I gave him greetings and we hugged each other. I said to him, “Abu Ja‘far al-‘Amri sends you his greetings and he gave me these little garments and this sac to give them to you.” He said, “Praise belongs to Allah. Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdillah al-‘A-miri has just died and I had come out to procure a burial shroud for him.” He opened the garments and there was all he needed, a Yemeni cloak, shrouds, and camphor. There was money in the sac for the porters and the diggers. We attended the procession of his burial and then I returned.

64- Ikma-l al-Di-n: Abu Muhammad al-Hasan Ibn Muhammad Ibn Yahya- al-‘Alawi, the nephew of Ta-hir, told us in Baghdad on the side of the cotton market in house that Abu al-Hasan ‘Ali Ibn Ahmad Ibn ‘Ali al-‘Aqi-qi came to Baghdad in the year two hundred and ninety eight and went to ‘Ali Ibn ‘Isa- al-Jarra-h, who was at that time the minister, to seek help about something he had lost. He asked the minister for help. But he said to him, “Your family is extensive in this land.

Even if we go to them, they will give us everything we ask for.” This took very long or he gave this answer. So, al-‘Aqi-qi- said to him, “I will ask someone who can fulfill my need.” ‘Ali Ibn ‘Isa- asked, “And who is that?” He said, “Allah, the Exalted.” Saying this, he left angrily. He said, I went out as I was saying, “To God is the call of help from every calamity and in Him is relief from every tragedy.” As I went away, a messenger from Husain Ibn Ru-h (a.s) came to me and I confided in him my misgivings.

The messenger went and brought this to the attention of Husain Ibn Ru-h (a.s). The messenger came to me with a hundred dirhams, whole in number and weight, and a scarf and some scents for the deceased and some burial shrouds. He said, “Your master is extending his greetings to you and is saying, ‘When a grief or hard event challenges you, touch this scarf against your face, for this is the scarf of your master. And take these dirhams and these scents and these burial shrouds. Your need will be fulfilled in this night of yours. When you reach Egypt, Muhammad Ibn Isma-‘i-l will be dead ten days before your arrival and then you will die after him. So, this will be your burial shroud and this will be your scent and this will be your gear.” I took the items and put the event into my memory. The messenger left.

When I was at the al-Masha-‘il at my door. The door was knocked. I asked my page, “Look, what is it?” He said, “It is alright. It is the page of Hami-d Ibn Muhammad al-Ka-tib, the cousin of the minister.” He brought him to me. He said, “The minister wants to see you. My master Hami-d is asking you to ride to him.” I rode and passed by the streets gates and reached the street of the weight-makers.

قال: فتداخلني من ذلك غم شديد وقلت مثلي يرسل في هذا الأمر ويحمل هذا الشئ الوتح قال فخرجت إلى واسط وصعدت من المركب فأول رجل تلقاني سألته عن الحسن بن محمد بن قطاة الصيدلاني وكيل الوقف بواسط فقال: أنا هو من أنت فقلت أنا جعفر بن محمد بن متيل قال فعرفني باسمي وسلم علي وسلمت عليه وتعانقنا. فقلت له: أبو جعفر العمري يقرأ عليك السلام ودفع إلي هذه الثويبات وهذه الصرة لاسلمها إليك فقال الحمد لله فان محمد بن عبد الله العامري قد مات وخرجت لاصلح كفنه فحل الثياب فإذا بها ما يحتاج إليه من حبرة وثياب وكافور وفي الصرة كرى الحمالين والحفار قال: فشيعنا جنازته وانصرفت.

64- إكمال الدين: أخبرنا أبو محمد الحسن بن محمد بن يحيى العلوي ابن أخي طاهر ببغداد طرف سوق القطن في داره قال قدم أبو الحسن علي بن أحمد بن علي العقيقي ببغداد في سنة ثمان وتسعين ومأتين إلى علي بن عيسى بن الجراح وهو يومئذ وزير في أمر ضيعة له فسأله فقال له: إن أهل بيتك في هذا البلد كثير فان ذهبنا نعطي كلما سألونا طال ذلك أو كما قال. فقال له العقيقي فاني أسأل من في يده قضاء حاجتي فقال له علي بن عيسى من هو هذا فقال: الله(عزوجل) وخرج مغضبا قال فخرجت وأنا أقول: في الله عزاء من كل هالك، ودرك من كل مصيبة قال فانصرفت فجاءني الرسول من عند الحسين ابن روح (ع) وأرضاه فشكوت إليه فذهب من عندي فأبلغه. فجاءني الرسول بمائة درهم عددا ووزنا ومنديل وشئ من حنوط وأكفان وقال لي: مولاك يقرؤك السلام ويقول لك إذا أهمك أمر أو غم فامسح بهذا المنديل وجهك فانه منديل مولاك، وخذ هذه الدراهم وهذا الحنوط وهذه الاكفان وستقضى حاجتك في ليلتك هذه وإذا قدمت إلى مصر مات محمد بن إسماعيل من قبلك بعشرة أيام ثم مت بعده فيكون هذا كفنك وهذا حنوطك وهذا جهازك. قال: فأخذت ذلك وحفظته وانصرف الرسول فإذا أنا بالمشاعل على بابي والباب يدق فقلت لغلامي خير: يا خير انظر أي شئ هو ذا؟ فقال خير: هذا غلام حميد بن محمد الكاتب ابن عم الوزير فأدخله إلى فقال قد طلبك الوزير يقول لك مولاي حميد اركب إلي. قال فركبت وفتحت الشوارع والدروب وجئت إلى شارع الوزانين

I saw that Hami-d was sitting there and waiting for me. When he saw me, he held my hand and we rode to the minister. The minister said, “O’ Sheikh, Allah has fulfilled your need.” He apologized to me and gave me letters that were written and sealed and he had made them ready for me. I took the letters and left. Abu Muhammad al-Hasan Ibn Muhammad says, Abu al-Hasan ‘Ali Ibn Ahmad al-‘Aqi-qi- narrated this to us in Nasi-bayn and said to me, “These scents have not come but for my aunt.” He did not mention her name. I really wished the scents for myself. Al-Husain Ibn Ru-h had told me, “I have the lost commodity.”

He had written to me about what I wanted. So, I went to him and kissed his forehead and his eyes and said, “O’ my master, show me the burial shrouds and the scents and the dirhams.” He took out the shrouds for me. There was a cloak in them which was embroidered and was weaved at Yemen, three garments from Khurasa-n, and a turban. The scents were in a sack. He took out the dirhams. I counted them. They were one hundred. I said, “O’ my master, give me one dirham from them, I will make a ring out of it.” He said, “How can that be? Take anything else from me you want?”

I begged and entreated that I wanted a dirham from those dirhams. I kissed his head and his eyes. He gave me a dirham, which I fastened in my handkerchief and then put it in my sleeve. When I went to the inn, I opened the long sack which I had and put the handkerchief, in which the dirham was tied, in the long sack. I put my books and notebooks over it. I stayed some days and then came back to get the dirham. The sack was tied as it had been, but nothing was in it. Different thoughts were ravaging through my head. I went to the door of al-‘Aqi-qi- and said to his page Khair, “I want to see the Sheikh.”

He took me inside. Al-‘Aqi-qi- said, “What is happening?” I said, “My master, the dirham which you gave me, I did not put it in my sack.” He called for his sack and took out the dirhams and counted them: they were one hundred by number and weight. There was no one with me who I would suspect of wrongdoing. I asked him to give it back to me. He turned me down. And then he went to Egypt and took his lost commodity. Muhammad Ibn Isma-‘i-l had died ten days before him and then he died and was shrouded in the burial shrouds he was given. May Allah have mercy on him.

65- Ikma-l al-Di-n: Al-‘Atta-r narrates on the authority of his father from Muhammad Ibn Shadha-n Ibn Na‘i-m, who said, Four hundred and eighty dirhams were given to me as religious dues. I added another twenty from myself and sent them to Abu al-Husain al-Asadi (a.s) and did not tell him about the twenty from my own. The answer came, “The five hundred dirhams, of which twenty was yours, was received.”

Muhammad Ibn Sha-dha-n says, After that I sent some money and did not specify who the senders were. The receipt that came was specifying the name of each individual and the amount he had sent.

فإذا بحميد قاعد ينتظرني فلما رآني أخذ بيدي وركبنا فدخلنا على الوزير فقال لي الوزير يا شيخ قد قضى الله حاجتك واعتذر إلي ودفع إلي الكتب مختومة مكتوبة قد فرغ منها قال فأخذت ذلك وخرجت. قال أبو محمد الحسن بن محمد فحدثنا أبو الحسن علي بن أحمد العقيقي بنصيبين بهذا وقال لي: ما خرج هذا الحنوط إلا لعمتي فلانة ولم يسمها وقد بغيته لنفسي وقد قال لي الحسين بن روح (ع) إني املك الضيعة وقد كتب لي بالذي أردت فقمت إليه وقبلت رأسه وعينيه وقلت: يا سيدي أرني الاكفان والحنوط والدراهم فأخرج إلي الاكفان فإذا فيها برد حبرة مسهم من نسج اليمن وثلاثة أثواب مروي وعمامة وإذا الحنوط في خريطة وأخرج الدراهم فعددتها مائة درهم فقلت يا سيدي هب لي منهما درهما أصوغه خاتماً. قال: وكيف يكون ذلك خذ من عندي ما شئت فقلت اريد من هذه وألححت عليه وقبلت رأسه وعينيه فأعطاني درهما فشددته في منديلي وجعلته في كمي فلما صرت إلى الخان فتحت زنفيلجة معي وجعلت المنديل في الزنفيلجة وفيه الدرهم مشدود وجعلت كتبي ودفاتري فوقه وأقمت أياما ثم جئت أطلب الدرهم فإذا الصرة مصرورة بحالها ولا شئ فيها فأخذني شبه الوسواس فصرت إلى باب العقيقي فقلت لغلامه خير اريد الدخول إلى الشيخ فأدخلني إليه فقال لي مالك؟ فقلت يا سيدي الدرهم الذي أعطيتني ما أصبته في الصرة فدعا بالزنفيلجة وأخرج الدراهم فإذا هي مائة درهم عددا ووزنا ولم يكن معي أحد أتهمه فسألته في رده إلي فأبى ثم خرج إلى مصر وأخذ الضيعة ثم مات قبله محمد بن إسماعيل بعشرة أيام ثم توفي (ره) وكفن في الاكفان التي دفعت إليه.

65- إكمال الدين: العطار، عن أبيه، عن محمد بن شاذان بن نعيم الشاذاني قال: اجتمعت عندي خمسمائة درهم تنقص عشرين درهما فوزنت من عندي عشرين درهما ودفعتها إلى أبي الحسين الاسدي (ع) ولم اعرفه أمر العشرين فورد الجواب: قد وصلت الخمس مائة درهم التي لك فيها عشرون درهما. قال محمد بن شاذان: وأنفذت بعد ذلك مالا ولم افسر لمن هو فورد الجواب: وصل كذا وكذا منه لفلان كذا ولفلان كذا

Abu al-‘Abba-s al-Kufi says, A certain man took some money to deliver to the Imam. He desired to see a proof. The Patron of the Age (a.s) wrote to him, “If you should desire guidance, you will be guided, and if you seek, you will find. Your master is saying to you, Bring what is with you.” The man says, I kept dina-rs out from the money that was with me. I did not weigh those six coins and passed on the rest. A letter came, “Return the six, which you took out without weighing. Their weight is six dina-rs and five dawa-niq and one and a half grain.” I weighed the dina-rs and they were as the Imam (a.s) had said.

66- Ikma-l al-Di-n: Ahmad Ibn Ha-ru-n narrates on the authority of Muhammad al-Humyari from Isha-q Ibn Ha-mid al-Ka-tib, who says, There was a merchant who sold fabrics in Qum. He was a faithful man, but his partner was a murje’i-. A very delicate garment once came to them. The faithful man said, “This garment is appropriate for my master.” His partner said, “I do not know your master, but do with the garment as you like.” When the garment reached him, the Imam (a.s) stripped it into two halves by length. He kept one half and returned the other and said, “I do not have any need for the murje’i-’s wealth.”

67- Ikma-l al-Di-n: ‘Amma-r Ibn al-Husain Ibn Isha-q al-Ashru-si (a.s) says, Abu al-‘Abba-s Ahmad Ibn al-Khidhr Ibn Abi Sa-lih al-Jahdari told us that after he had been fascinated with the search and investigation into the matter of Imamate after the Eleventh Imam and had left his homeland to find out what to do, a letter came to him from the Patron of the Age (a.s). It read, “Whoever searches, he seeks; and whoever seeks, he leads on; and whoever leads on, he destroys; and whoever destroys, he worships a deity other than Allah.” At that, he gave up the search and returned.

68- Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Ru-h Ibn ‘Abdillah Ibn Mansu-r Ibn Yu-nus Ibn Ru-h, the last the companion of our master the Patron of the Age (a.s) said, I heard Muhammad Ibn al-Hasan al-Sairafi, who lived in the land of Balkh say, I desired to go to Hajj and had a some religious dues, some of which were gold and some were silver. I melted the gold and the silver and rendered them into pieces. These assets had been entrusted to me that I will deliver them to al-Sheikh Abu al-Qa-sim al-Husain Ibn Ru-h (a.s).

When I reached Sarakhs, I erected my tent on a sandy spot and began separating the pieces of gold and silver. One of these pieces fell from me and went into the sand and I did not notice. When I reached Hamdha-n, I went over the gold and silver once again as a precaution to guard them, and found out that one piece, which weighted one hundred and three metical, or he said, ninety three metical, was missing.

I replaced that piece with another precious piece of the same weight from my own assets and put it with the other pieces of gold and silver. When I reached Baghdad, I went to al-Sheikh Abu al-Qa-sim al-Husain Ibn Ru-h (a.s) and gave him all of the gold and silver I was carrying. He stretched his hand and pulled out the piece I had included from my own assets, from amongst all the pieces, and threw it to me and said, “This piece is not ours.

وقال أبو العباس الكوفي: حمل رجل مالا ليوصله وأحب أن يقف على الدلالة فوقع (ع): إن استرشدت ارشدت وإن طلبت وجدت يقول لك مولاك: احمل ما معك قال الرجل فأخرجت مما معي ستة دنانير بلا وزن وحملت الباقي فخرج في التوقيع يا فلان رد الستة التي أخرجتها بلا وزن، وزنها ستة دنانير وخمسة دوانيق وحبة ونصف، قال الرجل: فوزنت الدنانير فإذا بها كما قال (ع).

66- إكمال الدين: أحمد بن هارون عن محمد الحميري عن أبيه عن إسحاق بن حامد الكاتب قال: كان بقم رجل بزاز مؤمن، وله شريك مرجئ فوقع بينهما ثوب نفيس فقال المؤمن يصلح هذا الثوب لمولاي فقال شريكه لست أعرف مولاك ولكن افعل بالثوب ما تحب، فلما وصل الثوب شقه (ع) بنصفين طولا فأخذ نصفه ورد النصف وقال: لا حاجة لي في مال المرجئ.

67- إكمال الدين: عمار بن الحسين بن إسحاق الاشروسي (ع) قال: حدثنا أبو العباس أحمد بن الخضر بن أبي صالح الجحدري أنه خرج إليه من صاحب الزمان (ع) بعد أن كان اغري بالفحص والطلب، وسار عن وطنه ليتبين له ما يعمل عليه، فكان نسخة التوقيع: من بحث فقد طلب، ومن طلب فقد دل ومن دل فقد أشاط ومن أشاط فقد أشرك، قال فكف عن الطلب ورجع.

68- إكمال الدين: محمد بن علي بن أحمد بن روح بن عبد الله بن منصور بن يونس بن روح صاحب مولانا صاحب الزمان (ع) قال: سمعت محمد بن الحسين الصيرفي المقيم بأرض بلخ يقول: أردت الخروج إلى الحج وكان معي مال بعضه ذهب وبعضه فضة فجعلت ما كان معي من ذهب سبائك وما كان من فضة نقرا وقد كان قد دفع ذلك المال إلي لأسلمه إلى الشيخ أبي القاسم الحسين بن روح قدس الله روحه قال: فلما نزلت سرخس ضربت خيمتي على موضع فيه رمل وجعلت اميز تلك السبائك والنقر، فسقطت سبيكة من تلك السبائك مني وغاضت في الرمل وأنا لا أعلم. قال: فلما دخلت همذان ميزت تلك السبائك والنقرة مرة اخرى اهتماما منى بحفظها ففقدت منها سبيكة وزنها مائة مثقال وثلاثة مثاقيل أو قال ثلاثة وتسعون مثقالاً قال: فسبكت مكانها من مالي بوزنها سبيكة وجعلتها بين السبائك. فلما وردت مدينة السلام قصدت الشيخ أبا القاسم الحسين بن روح قدس الله روحه وسلمت إليه ما كان معي من السبائك والنقر فمد يده من بين السبائك إلى السبيكة التي كنت سبكتها من مالي بدلا مما ضاع مني فرمى بها إلي وقال لي: ليست هذه السبيكة لنا

Our piece is the one you lost at Sarakhs, where you erected your tent over the sands. Return to that place and disembark where you had disembarked and search for the piece there beneath the sands. You will find it there and when you will come back here, you will not see me.”

I went back to Sarakhs and disembarked where I had stayed and found the piece of gold. I went back to my lands and when the next time I went for Hajj, I took the piece and went to Baghdad, and found out that al-Sheikh Abu al-Qa-sim Ibn Ru-h had passed away. I met Abu al-Hasan al-Samari (a.s) and gave the piece to him.

69- Ikma-l al-Di-n: Al-Husain Ibn ‘Ali Ibn Muhammad al-Qummi, known as Abu ‘Ali al-Baghdadi, narrated to us, When I was in Bukhara, the man known as Ibn Ja-wshi-r handed me ten pieces of gold and asked me to give them to al-Sheikh Abu al-Qa-sim al-Husain Ibn Ru-h (a.s) in Baghdad. I carried them with me and when I reached Amawaih, I lost one of the pieces. I did not realize this until I reached Baghdad. I took out all of the gold for delivery, but I noticed one was missing.

So I bought another piece of the equal weight in its place and put it with the other nine pieces. Then I went to al-Sheikh Abu al-Qa-sim al-Ru-hi (a.s) and put the pieces in front of him. He said, “Take it. That piece which you bought is yours,” pointing with his hand towards the piece. “The piece which you lost has already reached us, and here it is.” Then he pulled out the piece which I had lost at Amawaih. I looked at it and recognized it.

Al-Husain Ibn ‘Ali Ibn Muhammad, known as Abu ‘Ali al-Baghdadi, said, I saw at that year in Baghdad a woman who was asking me about the representative of our Master (a.s) who he was. One of the Qummis told her that he is Abu al-Qa-sim al-Husain Ibn Ru-h and he led her to me. She came to him when I was there and said, “O’ Sheikh, what do I have with me?” He said, “Whatever you have with you, throw it at the Tigris river and then come back to me, so I may inform you.” The woman went and carried what was with her and threw it at the Tigris and then returned. Abu al-Qa-sim said to a bondmaid of his, “Bring me the case.”

Then he said to the woman, “This is the case that was with you and you threw it into the Tigris. Should I tell you what is in it or you are going to tell me?” “You tell me,” said the woman. He said, “There is a pair of gold bracelet in this case and a big ring that is fastened with jewels, and two small rings fastened with jewels and two rings, one of them turquoise and the other agate.” It was as he had said and he had not left out anything. Then he opened the case and showed me its contents.

The woman also looked at it. She exclaimed, “This is the very case I carried and threw into the Tigris.” I and the woman fainted out of happiness of seeing this miraculous proof of the truth of guidance. After he narrated this hadith to me, al-Husain said, “I bear witness by Allah, the High, that this hadith is as I told you, neither I added into it, nor did I omit anything from it.” He took solemn oaths by the Twelve Imams, peace be with them all, that he spoke the truth and did not add or omit.

سبيكتنا ضيعتها بسرخس حيث ضربت خيمتك في الرمل فارجع إلى مكانك وانـزل حيث نزلت واطلب السبيكة هناك تحت الرمل فإنك ستجدها وتعود إلى هاهنا فلا تراني. قال: فرجعت إلى سرخس ونـزلت حيث كنت نزلت، ووجدت السبيكة وانصرفت إلى بلدي، فلما كان بعد ذلك حججت ومعي السبيكة. فدخلت مدينة السلام وقد كان الشيخ أبو القاسم الحسين بن روح (ع) مضى، ولقيت أبا الحسن السمري(رضي الله عنه) فسلمت إليه السبيكة.

69- إكمال الدين: حدثنا الحسين بن علي بن محمد القمي المعروف بأبي علي البغدادي قال: كنت ببخارا فدفع إلى المعروف بابن جاوشير عشرة سبائك ذهبا وأمرني أن اسلمها بمدينة السلام إلى الشيخ أبي القاسم الحسين بن روح قدس الله روحه فحملتها معي. فلما بلغت آموية ضاعت مني سبيكة من تلك السبائك، ولم أعلم بذلك حتى دخلت مدينة السلام فأخرجت السبائك لاسلمها فوجدتها ناقصة واحدة منها فاشتريت سبيكة مكانها بوزنها وأضفتها إلى التسع سبائك ثم دخلت على الشيخ أبي القاسم الروحي قدس الله روحه، ووضعت السبائك بين يديه فقال لي: خذ لك تلك السبيكة التي اشتريتها وأشار إليها بيده فان السبيكة التي ضيعتها قد وصلت إلينا وهو ذا هي، ثم أخرج إلى تلك السبيكة التي كانت ضاعت مني بآموية فنظرت إليها وعرفتها. وقال الحسين بن علي بن محمد المعروف بأبي علي البغدادي: ورأيت تلك السنة بمدينة السلام امرأة تسألني عن وكيل مولانا (ع) من هو؟ فأخبرها بعض القميين أنه أبو القاسم الحسين بن روح وأشار لها إلي. فدخلت عليه وأنا عنده، فقالت له: أيها الشيخ أي شئ معي؟ فقال: ما معك فألقيه في دجلة ثم ائتيني حتى اخبرك قال فذهبت المرأة وحملت ما كان معها فألقته في دجلة ثم رجعت ودخلت إلى أبي القاسم الروحي قدس الله روحه فقال أبو القاسم (ع) لمملوكة له أخرجي إلي الحقة فقالت المرأة: هذه الحقة التي كانت معك ورميت بها في دجلة اخبرك بما فيها أو تخبريني فقالت له: بل أخبرني. فقال: في هذه الحقة زوج سوار ذهب وحلقة كبيرة فيها جوهر وحلقتان صغيرتان فيهما جوهر وخاتمان أحدهما فيروزج والآخر عقيق وكان الأمر كما ذكر لم يغادر منه شيئا ثم فتح الحقة فعرض علي ما فيها ونظرت المرأة إليه فقالت هذا الذي حملته بعينه ورميت به في دجلة فغشي على وعلى المرأة فرحا بما شاهدنا من صدق الدلالة. (ثم) قال الحسين لي من بعد ما حدثني بهذا الحديث: اشهد بالله تعالى أن هذا الحديث كما ذكرته لم أزد فيه ولم أنقص منه. وحلف بالائمة الاثني عشر صلوات الله عليهم لقد صدق فيما حدث به ما زاد فيه ولا نقص منه

70- Ikma-l al-Di-n: Muhammad Ibn ‘Isa- Ibn Ahmad al-Zurji says, I saw at Surra Man Ra’a- a young man in the masjid known as Zubaida. He mentioned that he is a Ha-shimite from the progeny of Musa- Ibn ‘Isa-. When he was talking to me, he called out a bondmaid and said either O’Ghazza-l or O’ Zula-l. Suddenly an aged bondmaid came. He said to her, “Bondmaid, speak to your master of the narrative of the applicator and baby.”

She said, “We had a child who was sick. My mistress asked me to go to the house of al-Hasan Ibn ‘Ali (a.s) and ask lady Haki-ma to give us something to bless our child with health. I went to lady Haki-ma and asked her that. Lady Haki-ma said, ‘Bring me the applicator by which the baby, who was born yesterday, has been received kuhl,” meaning the son of al-Hasan Ibn ‘Ali. The servant brought the applicator and she gave it to me and I brought it to my mistress. She applied kuhl to our child and he was healed and he lived. We used to seek cure through that applicator and then we lost it.

70- إكمال الدين: محمد بن عيسى بن أحمد الزرجي قال: رأيت بسر من رأى رجلا شابا في المسجد المعروف بمسجد زبيد (ة) وذكر أنه هاشمى من ولد موسى ابن عيسى فلما كلمني صاح بجارية وقال يا غزال أو يا زلال فإذا أنا بجارية مسنة فقال لها: يا جارية حدثي مولاك بحديث الميل والمولود، فقالت: كان لنا طفل وجع فقالت لي مولاتي ادخلي إلى دار الحسن بن علي (ع) فقولي لحكيمة تعطينا شيئا نستشفي به مولودنا. فدخلت عليها وسألتها ذلك فقال حكيمة: ائتوني بالميل الذي كحل به المولود الذي ولد البارحة يعني ابن الحسن بن علي (ع) فاتيت بالميل فدفعته إلي وحملته إلى مولاتي فكحلت المولود فعوفي وبقي عندنا وكنا نستشفي به ثم فقدناه