The Book of Occultation: Kitab al-Ghaibah [Majlisi] (Bilingual Edition) [English = Arabic]

The Book of Occultation: Kitab al-Ghaibah [Majlisi] (Bilingual Edition) [English = Arabic]0%

The Book of Occultation: Kitab al-Ghaibah [Majlisi] (Bilingual Edition) [English = Arabic] Author:
Translator: Hassan Allahyari
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Imam al-Mahdi
ISBN: 978 964 438 478 3

The Book of Occultation: Kitab al-Ghaibah [Majlisi] (Bilingual Edition) [English = Arabic]

Author: Allamah Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi
Translator: Hassan Allahyari
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

ISBN: 978 964 438 478 3
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The Book of Occultation: Kitab al-Ghaibah [Majlisi] (Bilingual Edition) [English = Arabic]
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The Book of Occultation: Kitab al-Ghaibah [Majlisi] (Bilingual Edition) [English = Arabic]

The Book of Occultation: Kitab al-Ghaibah [Majlisi] (Bilingual Edition) [English = Arabic]

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
ISBN: 978 964 438 478 3


Lady Haki-ma said, “Abu al-Hasan (a.s) passed away and Abu Muhammad (a.s) took his father’s seat. I would visit him like I visited his father. One day Narjis came to me to take off my shoes and said, ‘My mistress, allow me to take off your shoes.’ I said, ‘Rather are my mistress and the mistress of my household. By Allah, I will not forward my shoes to you so you take them off. Nor will you service me. Rather, I will service you with pleasure.’ Abu Muhammad (a.s) heard that and said, ‘May Allah reward you aunt.

‘I stayed at his house until the sunset time. Then I called the bondmaid and said, ‘Bring me my garment so I may leave.’ He said, ‘Aunt, stay with us tonight, for tonight the infant who is dignified before Allah , the Exalted, will be born, through whom Allah, the Exalted, will revive the earth after its death.’ Not seeing any sign of pregnancy in Narjis, I asked, ‘From whom, my Master?’ He said, ‘From Narjis; not from anyone else.’ Lady Haki-ma says, “I went to Narjis and I turned her on her abdomen, but I did not see any sign of pregnancy. I returned to him and told him of my observation. He smiled and said, ‘Her example is the similitude of the mother of Moses. Pregnancy did not appear in her and none knew of it until the time of delivery. Because Pharaoh was cutting the abdomens of pregnant women in search of Moses. This is like Moses (a.s).”

ولا بد للامة من حيرة يرتاب فيها المبطلون ويخلص فيها المحقون: لئلا يكون للناس على الله حجة بعد الرسل، وإن الحيرة لا بد واقعة بعد مضي أبي محمد الحسن (ع). فقلت: يا مولاتي هل كان للحسن (ع) ولد. فتبسمت ثم قالت: إذا لم يكن للحسن (ع) عقب فمن الحجة من بعده؟ وقد أخبرتك حدثيني بولادة مولاي وغيبته (ع). قال: نعم، كانت لي جارية يقال لها نرجس: فزارني ابن أخي (ع) وأقبل يحد النظر إليها، فقلت له: يا سيدي لعلك هويتها فارسلها إليك؟ فقال: لا يا عمة لكني أتعجب منها فقلت: وما أعجبك؟ فقال (ع): سيخرج منها ولد كريم على الله(عزوجل) الذي يملأ الله به الأرض عدلاً وقسطاً كما ملئت جوراً وظلماً. فقلت: فارسلها إليك يا سيدي؟ فقال: استاذني في ذلك أبي، قالت: فلبست ثيابي وأتيت منـزل أبي الحسن فسلمت وجلست فبدأني (ع) وقال: يا حكيمة ابعثي بنرجس إلى ابني أبي محمد قالت: فقلت: يا سيدي على هذا قصدتك أن أستأذنك في ذلك، فقال: يا مباركة إن الله تبارك وتعالى أحب أن يشركك في الاجر ويجعل لك في الخير نصيبا قالت حكيمة: فلم ألبث أن رجعت إلى منـزلي وزينتها ووهبتها لابي محمد وجمعت بينه وبينها في منـزلي فأقام عندي أياما ثم مضى إلى والده ووجهت بها معه. قالت حكيمة: فمضى أبو الحسن (ع) وجلس أبو محمد (ع) مكان والده وكنت أزوره كما كنت أزور والده فجاءتني نرجس يوما تخلع خفي وقالت: يا مولاتي ناولني خفك، فقلت: بل أنت سيدتي ومولاتي والله لا دفعت إليك حفي لتخلعيه ولا خدمتيني بل أخدمك على بصري فسمع أبو محمد (ع) ذلك فقال: جزاك الله خيرا يا عمة فجلست عنده إلى وقت غروب الشمس فصحت بالجارية وقلت: ناوليني ثيابي لانصرف فقال (ع): يا عمتاه بيتي الليلة عندنا فانه سيولد الليلة المولود الكريم على الله(عزوجل) الذي يحيي الله(عزوجل) به الارض بعد موتها، قلت: ممن يا سيدي ولست أرى بنرجس شيئا من أثر الحمل فقال: من نرجس لا من غيرها قالت: فوثبت إلى نرجس فقلبتها ظهر البطن فلم أر بها أثرا من حبل فعدت إليه فأخبرته بما فعلت فتبسم ثم قال لي: إذا كان وقت الفجر يظهر لك بها الحبل لان مثلها مثل ام موسى لم يظهر بها الحبل ولم يعلم بها أحد إلى وقت ولادتها لان فرعون كان يشق بطون الحبالى في طلب موسى وهذا نظير موسى (ع).

Lady Haki-ma said, “I was constantly watching her until the time of dawn. She was sleeping before me and was not moving form one side to the other. When it was the time of the end of the night and near the dawn, she got up sacredly. I pulled her to my breast and took the Divine name on her. Abu Muhammad (a.s) called out, ‘Recite Inna- Anzalna-hu fi lailat al-Qadr on her.” I began reciting that and asked her, ‘How do you feel?’ She said, ‘The affair of which my Master has informed you has approached.’ I began reciting the verses, as had ordered me my Master. At this, the baby answered back to me from her abdomen; he was reciting like I was reciting and he greeted me.”

Lady Haki-ma said, “I felt shocked when I heard that. So Abu Muhammad (a.s) called out at me, ‘Do not wonder from the Command of Allah, the Exalted; He gives us speech at infancy and makes us Hujja on earth at maturity.’ These words had not yet finished that Narjis disappeared from me. I did not see her, as if a veil had been erected between me and her. I ran to Abu Muhammad (a.s) crying. He said to me, ‘Return O’ aunt, you will find her in her place.’ She said, “I returned and it was but a moment that the veil was removed from between me and her. I saw her as glows of light on her strained my eyes.

I was seeing the baby (a.s) that was prostrating on his face, hobbling on his knees, raising his forefingers towards the heavens and saying, ‘I bear witness that a deity other than Allah, the One without a partner, is not; and that my grandfather is the Messenger of Allah; and that my forefather is the Prince of the Believers.’ He then counted each and every Imam until he reached himself and said, ‘O Allah, fulfill me my promise, complete my enterprise for me, strengthen my position, and fill the earth through me with equity and justice.’ Abu Muhammad (a.s) called out saying, ‘Aunt, get him and bring him.’ I got the blessed baby and brought him to his father. When I appeared with him in my hands before his father, he greeted at his father.

Hasan (a.s) took him as birds were striking wings over his head. He called to one of the bids and said, ‘Carry him and protect him and return him to us every forty days.’ The bird took him and flew away with him to the heavens, with the rest of the birds following. I heard Abu Muhammad (a.s) say, ‘I entrust with you to the one that mother of Moses entrusted him.’ Seeing this, Narjis wept, so he said to her, ‘Relax, he will not suckle but from your breasts. He will be returned to you as Moses was returned to his mother. It is His word, Then we returned him to his mother so her heart may find solace and lest she grieves.

Lady Haki-ma said, “I asked, ‘What is this bird?’ He said, ‘It is the Holy Spirit (Ru-h al-Qudus), who is assigned to the Imams to make them successful and firm and to facilitate their growth through knowledge.’ “When it was forty days, the boy was returned. My nephew (a.s) sent for me and called me over. I went to him and saw a child moving about in front of him. I said, ‘My Master, this is a boy of two years.’ He smiled and then said, ‘The sons of apostles and successors, when they are Imams, they grow differently than others.

قالت حكيمة: فلم أزل أرقبها إلى وقت طلوع الفجر وهي نائمة بين يدي لا تقلب جنبا إلى جنب حتى إذا كان في آخر الليل وقت طلوع الفجر وثبت فزعة فضممتها إلى صدري وسميت عليها فصاح أبو محمد (ع) وقال: اقرئي عليها إنا أنـزلناه في ليلة القدر فأقبلت أقرأ عليها وقلت لها: ما حالك؟ قالت: ظهر الامر الذي أخبرك به مولاي فأقبلت أقرأ عليها كما أمرني فأجابني الجنين من بطنها يقرأ كما أقرأ وسلم علي. قالت حكيمة: ففزعت لما سمعت فصاح بي أبو محمد (ع) لا تعجبي من أمر الله(عزوجل) إن الله تبارك وتعالى ينطقنا بالحكمة صغاراً ويجعلنا حجة في أرضه كباراً فلم يستتم الكلام حتى غيبت عني نرجس فلم أرها كأنه ضرب بيني وبينها حجاب فعدوت نحو أبي محمد (ع) وأنا صارخة فقال لي: ارجعي يا عمة فانك ستجديها في مكانها قالت: فرجعت فلم ألبث أن كشف الحجاب بيني وبينها وإذا أنا بها وعليها من أثر النور ما غشي بصري وإذا أنا بالصبي (ع) ساجدا على وجهه جاثيا على ركبتيه رافعا سبابتيه نحو السماء وهو يقول: أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له وأن جدي رسول الله(ص) وأن أبي أمير المؤمنين ثم عد إماماً إماماً إلى أن بلغ إلى نفسه، فقال (ع): اللهم أنجز لي وعدي وأتمم لي أمري وثبت وطأتي واملا الارض بي عدلا وقسطا. فصاح أبو محمد الحسن (ع) فقال: يا عمة تناوليه فهاتيه فتناولته وأتيت به نحوه فلما مثلت بين يدي أبيه وهو على يدي سلم على أبيه. فتناوله الحسن (ع) والطير ترفرف على رأسه فصاح بطير منها فقال له: احمله واحفظه ورده إلينا في كل أربعين يوما فتناوله الطاير وطار به في جو السماء وأتبعه ساير الطير فسمعت أبا محمد يقول: أستودعك الذي استودعته أم موسى فبكت نرجس فقال لها: اسكتي فان الرضاع محرم عليه إلا من ثديك وسيعاد إليك كما رد موسى إلى امه وذلك قوله(عزوجل) "فَرَدَدْنَاهُ إِلَى أُمِّهِ كَيْ تَقَرَّ عَيْنُهَا وَلَا تَحْزَنَ" قالت حكيمة: فقلت: ماهذا الطاير؟ قال: هذا روح القدس الموكل بالائمة(ع) يوفقهم ويسددهم ويربيهم بالعلم. قالت حكيمة: فلما أن كان بعد أربعين يوما رد الغلام ووجه إلي ابن أخي (ع) فدعاني فدخلت عليه فإذا أنا بصبي متحرك يمشي بين يديه فقلت: سيدي هذا ابن سنتين فتبسم (ع) ثم قال: إن أولاد الانبياء والاوصياء إذا كانوا أئمة ينشؤن بخلاف ما ينشؤ غيرهم

A child of ours talks in the womb of his mother, recites the Qur’an, and worships his Lord. At the age of suckling, angels obey him and descend to him every morning and evening.’

Lady Haki-ma said, “I always saw that child every forty days until I saw him a grown man a very few days prior to the demise of Abu Muhammad (a.s). I did not recognize him. I said to Abu Muhammad (a.s), ‘Who is this man that you ask me to sit in front of him?’ He said, ‘The son of Narjis. And he is my heir after me. Soon you will not find me amongst you. So listen to him and obey him.’ “Abu Muhammad (a.s) passed away after a very few days and people split different ways as you see. By Allah, I see him every day and night and he informs me of what you people ask about so I may answer you. By Allah, when I want to ask him about something, he answers me before I ask him. If something comes up, his answer comes to me immediately without my asking. He told me just yesterday about your coming to me and ordered me to inform you of the truth.”

Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdillah says, “By Allah, Lady Haki-ma told me of things that no one knew except Allah, the Exalted. So I realized that this is the truth and rightfulness from Allah, the Exalted, and that Allah, the Exalted, has informed him of which He has not informed anyone in His creation.

15- Ikma-l al-Di-n: On the authority of Ghiya-th Ibn Asad: The Heir al-Mahdi, Divine bliss be for him, was born on Friday. His mother was a woman of dignity. She was called Narjis, Saqi-l, and Susan. She was called Saqi-l for the reason of the pregnancy. His birth was on the eighth night left from Sha‘ba-n of the year two hundred and fifty six. His representative was ‘Othma-n Ibn Sa‘i-d; and when ‘Othma-n died, he appointed his son, Abu Ja‘far Muhammad Ibn ‘Othma-n, his heir; and Abu Ja‘far appointed Abu al-Qa-sim al-Husain Ibn Ru-h his heir; Abu al-Qa-sim appointed Abu al-Hasan ‘Ali Ibn Muhammad al-Samari, his heir, may Allah be pleased with them. When al-Samari (a.s) reached his demise, he was asked to designate a legatee, to which he replied, “For Allah is the command. He is its patron.” The Complete Occultation is the one that began after al-Samari (a.s).

Explanation: “She was called Saqi-l for the reason of the pregnancy,” alludes to the illumination and glow that overtook her due to the luminous pregnancy. When they polish and shine their swords, Arabs call them Saqi-l.

16- Ikma-l al-Di-n: On the authority of Muhammad Ibn al-Hasan al-Karkhi: I heard Abu Ha-ru-n, a man from our personages, say, “I met the Patron of the Time (a.s). His birth was on Friday the year two hundred and fifty six.

17- Ikma-l al-Di-n: On the authority of al-Humyari from Muhammad Ibn Ibra-him al-Kufi: Abu Muhammad (a.s) sent to someone that Muhammad Ibn Ibra-him al-Kufi mentioned to me, a slaughtered sheep. The Imam said, “This is from the ‘aqi-qa of my sonM. U. H. A. M. M. A. D.

وإن الصبي منا إذا أتى عليه شهر كان كمن يأتي عليه سنة وإن الصبي منا ليتكلم في بطن امه ويقرأ القرآن ويعبد ربه(عزوجل) وعند الرضاع تطيعه الملائكة وتنـزل عليه (كل) صباح (و) مساء. قالت حكيمة: فلم أزل أرى ذلك الصبي كل أربعين يوما إلى أن رأيته رجلا قبل مضي أبي محمد (ع) بأيام قلايل فلم أعرفه فقلت لابي محمد (ع): من هذا الذي تأمرني أن أجلس بين يديه؟ فقال: ابن نرجس وهو خليفتي من بعدي وعن قليل تفقدوني فاسمعي له وأطيعي، قالت حكيمة: فمضى أبو محمد (ع) بأيام قلايل وافترق الناس كما ترى ووالله إني لاراه صباحا ومساء وإنه لينبئني عما تسألوني عنه فاخبركم ووالله إني لاريد أن أسأله عن الشئ فيبدءني به وإنه ليرد علي الامر فيخرج إلي منه جوابه من ساعته من غير مسألتي وقد أخبرني البارحة بمجيئك إلي وأمرني أن اخبرك بالحق. قال محمد بن عبد الله: فو الله لقد أخبرتني حكيمة بأشياء لم يطلع عليها أحد إلا الله(عزوجل) فعلمت أن ذلك صدق وعدل من الله(عزوجل) وأن الله(عزوجل) قد أطلعه على ما لم يطلع عليه أحدا من خلقه.

15- إكمال الدين: عن غياث بن أسد قال: ولد الخلف المهدي صلوات الله عليه يوم الجمعة وامه ريحانة ويقال لها نرجس: ويقال صقيل: ويقال سوسن: إلا أنه قيل لسبب الحمل صقيل: وكان مولده (ع) لثمان ليال خلون من شعبان سنة ست وخمسين ومائيتن وكيله عثمان بن سعيد فلما مات عثمان أوصى إلى ابنه أبي جعفر محمد بن عثمان وأوصى أبو جعفر إلى أبي القاسم الحسين بن روح وأوصى أبو القاسم إلى أبي الحسن علي بن محمد السمري رضي الله عنهم فلما حضرت السمري(رضي الله عنه) الوفاة سئل أن يوصي، فقال: الله أمر هو بالغه فالغيبة التامة هي التي وقعت بعد السمري(ره). بيان: قوله: إلا أنه قيل لسبب الحمل، أي إنما سمي صقيلا لما اعتراه من النور والجلاء بسبب الحمل المنور يقال: صقل السيف وغيره أي جلاه فهو صقيل ولا يبعد أن يكون تصحيف الجمال.

16- إكمال الدين: علي بن الحسين بن الفرج، عن محمد بن الحسن الكرخي قال: سمعت أبا هارون رجلا من أصحابنا يقول: رأيت صاحب الزمان (ع) وكان مولده يوم الجمعة سنة ست وخمسين ومأتين.

17- إكمال الدين: ابن المتوكل، عن الحميري، عن محمد بن إبراهيم الكوفي أن أبا محمد (ع) بعث إلى (بعض) من سماه لي بشاة مذبوحة قال: هذه من عقيقة ابني محمد

18- Ikma-l al-Di-n: On the authority of ‘Ali al-Naisa-bu-ri: Hamzah Ibn Abi al-Fath came one day and said to me, “Happy news! Last night a son was born for Abu Muhammad (a.s) at the House. He has ordered to be kept a secret.” “What is his name?” I asked him. “He has named himM. U. H. A. M. M. A. D. and given him the patronym of Ja‘far.”

19- Ikma-l al-Di-n: On the authority of Ghiya-th Ibn Asad, saying, I heard Muhammad Ibn ‘Othma-n al-‘Amari (a.s) say, “When the Heir al-Mahdi, blessings of Allah be unto him, was born, a light beamed from his overhead towards the heights of the heavens. He then fell on his face, prostrating before his Lord, Glory to His name. He then raised his head as he was saying, ‘I bear witness, and so do the angels and the possessors of knowledge, that a deity other than Him, Standing in equity, is not. The religion before Allah is only Islam.’” He said, “His birth was on Friday eve.”

20- Ikma-l al-Di-n: Through the same chain of narration from Muhammad Ibn ‘Othma-n al-‘Amari (a.s) saying, “The Master was born circumcised and I heard Lady Haki-ma say, ‘No blood was seen in her mother at his birth.’ This is the manner of the mothers of the Imams, Divine bliss be for them.”

21- Ikma-l al-Di-n: On the authority of Ahmad Ibn al-Hasan Ibn Isha-q al-Qummi: “When the Virtuous Heir (a.s) was born, a letter came from our Master Abu Muhammad al-Hasan Ibn ‘Ali (a.s) to my grandfather Ahmad Ibn Isha-q. It was written in it in his handwriting by which his letters would come to my grandfather, “The Infant is born. This must remain a secret with you and hidden from all people, for we have not revealed it but to the closest of his relations and the fondest of his devotees. We desired to inform you, so may Allah make you happy through him as He has made us. Wassala-m.”

22- Ikma-l al-Di-n: On the authority of al-Hasan Ibn al-Husain al-‘Alawi: I entered upon Abu Muhammad al-Hasan Ibn ‘Ali (a.s) at Surra Man Ra’a- and congratulated him for the birth of his son, al-Qa-’im (a.s).

23- Ikma-l al-Di-n: On the authority of many narrators on the authority of ‘Aqeed, the servant: “The Bosom Friend of Allah, al-Hujja Ibn al-Hasan Ibn ‘Ali Ibn Muhammad Ibn ‘Ali Ibn Musa- Ibn Ja‘far Ibn Muhammad Ibn ‘Ali Ibn al-Husain Ibn ‘Ali Ibn Abi Ta-lib, bliss of Allah be for them all, was born on the Friday eve in the month of Ramadan of the year two hundred and fifty four after the Migration. His patronym is Abu al-Qa-sim and it is also said that it is Abu Ja‘far. His title is al-Mahdi and he is the Hujja of Allah on His earth. People have split many ways on the subject of his birth: Of them are those who have let it be known, of them are those who have concealed it, of them are those who have been forbidden from mentioning him, and of them are those who have made his name public. And Allah knows the best.”

18- إكمال الدين: ماجيلويه، عن محمد العطار، عن الحسن بن علي النيسابوري، عن الحسن بن المنذر، عن حمزة بن أبي الفتح قال: جاءني يوما فقال لي: البشارة! ولد البارحة في الدار مولود لابي محمد (ع) وأمر بكتمانه قلت: وما اسمه قال: سمي بمحمد وكني بجعفر.

19- إكمال الدين: الطالقاني، عن الحسن بن علي بن زكريا، عن محمد بن خليلان عن أبيه، عن جده، عن غياث بن أسد قال: سمعت محمد بن عثمان العمري قدس الله روحه يقول: لما ولد الخلف المهدي صلوات الله عليه سطع نور من فوق رأسه إلى عنان السماء ثم سقط لوجهه ساجدا لربه تعالى ذكره ثم رفع رأسه وهو يقول: أشهد أن لا إله إلا هو والملائكة واولوا العلم قائما بالقسط لا إله إلا هو العزيز الحكيم إن الدين عند الله الاسلام. قال: وكان مولده ليلة الجمعة.

20- إكمال الدين: بهذا الاسناد عن محمد بن عثمان العمري قدس الله روحه أنه قال: ولد السيد (ع) مختونا وسمعت حكيمة تقول: لم ير بامه دم في نفاسها وهذا سبيل امهات الائمة صلوات الله عليهم.

21- إكمال الدين: أبو العباس أحمد بن عبد الله بن مهران، عن أحمد بن الحسن بن إسحاق القمي قال: لما ولد الخلف الصالح (ع) ورد من مولانا أبي محمد الحسن بن علي، على جدي أحمد بن إسحاق كتاب وإذا فيه مكتوب بخط يده (ع) الذي كان يرد به التوقيعات عليه: ولد المولود فليكن عندك مستورا وعن جميع الناس مكتوما فانا لم نظهر عليه إلا الاقرب لقرابته والمولى لولايته أحببنا إعلامك ليسرك الله به كما سرنا والسلام.

22- إكمال الدين: ابن الوليد، عن عبد الله بن العباس العلوي، عن الحسن بن الحسين العلوي، قال: دخلت على أبي محمد الحسن بن علي(ع) بسر من رأى فهنئته بولادة ابنه القائم (ع). (الغيبة للشيخ الطوسي) ابن أبي جيد، عن ابن الوليد مثله.

23- إكمال الدين: علي بن محمد بن حباب، عن أبي الاديان قال: قال عقيد الخادم قال أبو محمد ابن خيرويه البصري وقال حاجز الوشاء كلهم حكوا عن عقيد وقال أبو سهل ابن نوبخت قال عقيد: ولد ولي الله الحجة بن الحسن بن علي بن محمد بن علي بن موسى بن جعفر بن محمد بن علي بن الحسين بن علي بن أبي طالب صلوات الله عليهم أجمعين ليلة الجمعة من شهر رمضان من سند أربع وخمسين ومأتين للهجرة ويكنى أبا القاسم ويقال أبو جعفر ولقبه المهدي وهو حجة الله في أرضه وقد اختلف الناس في ولادته فمنهم من أظهر ومنهم من كتم ومنهم من نهى عن ذكر خبره ومنهم من أبدى ذكره والله أعلم

24- Al-Ghaiba of Sheikh Tusi: On the authority of Handhala Ibn Zakariya-, from the reliable man: ‘Abdullah al-‘Abba-s al-‘Alawi narrated to me - and I have not seen a man with a more truthful tongue than him, though he differed with us on many things - from al-Hasan Ibn al-Husain al-‘Alawi, saying, “I entered upon Abu Muhammad (a.s) at Surra Man Ra’a- and felicitated him for the birth of our Master the Patron of the Age.”

25- Al-Ghaiba of Sheikh Tusi: On the authority of Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdillah al-Mutahhari from Lady Haki-ma Bint Muhammad Ibn ‘Ali al-Redha-: In the year two hundred and fifty five at mid-Sha‘ba-n, Abu Muhammad (a.s) sent for me saying, “Aunt, have your ifta-r with me tonight, for Allah, the Glorious, will make you happy through His Wali and His Hujja on His creation and my heir after me.” This made me so very happy. I put on my garments and left at once and reached him at his house. He was sitting in the yard of his house and his concubines were about him. I said, “May I be your ransom, O’ my Master, the Heir will be born from who?” He said, “From Susan.” I ran my eyes over them and did not see any bondmaid with any sign of pregnancy except Susan.

After I prayed the ‘isha- prayers, I brought the meal and Susan and I made ifta-r. Arranging her and myself in one room, I fell asleep for a short while and then woke up. I was constantly thinking about the promise of Abu Muhammad (a.s) with regard to the Wali of Allah. I got up before the regular time I would wake up every night for prayers. I performed the nightly prayers and when I reached the watr prayers, Susan rose suddenly and went out and made her wudhu- with great attention and piety.

Then she came back and prayed the nightly prayers and reached watr. It occurred to my mind that dawn has neared. I rose on my feet to see. The first dawn had risen. Doubts entered my heart with regard to the promise of Abu Muhammad (a.s). He called me from his room, “Do not have doubts. It is as almost that you are witnessing the event at this hour and you are seeing him, God willing.” Lady Haki-ma says, I felt embarrassed from Abu Muhammad (a.s) because of the doubts that had occurred to my heart. I returned to the room feeling shame. Suddenly she finished her prayers and came out frightened. I met her at the door of the room and said, “My father and mother be your ransom, do you feel anything?” She said, “Yes, O’ aunt. I feel a great happening.”

I said to her, “May you have no fears, Allah-willing.” I took a pillow and threw it at the center of the room and sat her on it. I sat in a position with respect to her in which a woman sits from another woman for the purpose of delivery. She seized my hand and squeezed it very hard. Then she groaned once and said her shaha-da. I looked beneath her - and there I was in the presence of the Wali of Allah, bliss of Allah be for him, who was touching the earth with his forehead, palms of hands, knees, and toes. I held him from his shoulders and sat him on my lap. He was clean and without any need to any attention.

24- الغيبة للشيخ الطوسي: جماعة، عن التلعكبري، عن أحمد بن علي، عن محمد بن علي، عن حنظلة بن زكريا، عن الثقة قال: حدثني عبد الله العباس العلوي، وما رأيت أصدق لهجة منه وكان خالفنا في أشياء كثيرة عن الحسن بن الحسين العلوي قال: دخلت على أبي محمد (ع) بسر من رأى فهنأته بسيدنا صاحب الزمان (ع) لما ولد.

25- الغيبة للشيخ الطوسي: ابن أبي جيد، عن ابن الوليد، عن الصفار، عن (محمد) ابن عبد الله المطهري، عن حكيمة بنت محمد بن علي الرضا قالت: بعث إلي أبو محمد (ع) سنة خمس وخمسين ومأتين في النصف من شعبان وقال: يا عمة اجعلي الليلة إفطارك عندي فان الله(عزوجل) سيسرك بوليه وحجته على خلقه خليفتي من بعدي قالت حكيمة: فتداخلني لذلك سرور شديد وأخذت ثيابي علي وخرجت من ساعتي حتى انتهيت إلى أبي محمد (ع) وهو جالس في صحن داره وجواريه حوله فقلت: جعلت فداك يا سيدي! الخلف ممن هو؟ قال: من سوسن فأدرت طرفي فيهن فلم أر جارية عليها أثر غير سوسن، قالت حكيمة: فلما أن صليت المغرب والعشاء الآخرة أتيت بالمائدة فأفطرت أنا وسوسن وبايتها في بيت واحد فغفوت غفوة ثم استيقظت فلم أرل مفكرة فيما وعدني أبو محمد (ع) من أمر ولي الله (ع) فقمت قبل الوقت الذي كنت أقوم في كل ليلة للصلاة فصليت صلاة الليل حتى بلغت إلى الوتر فوثبت سوسن فزعة وخرجت وأسبغت الوضوء ثم عادت فصلت صلاة الليل وبلغت إلى الوتر فوقع في قلبي أن الفجر قد قرب فقمت لانظر فإذا بالفجر الاول قد طلع فتداخل قلبي الشك من وعد أبي محمد (ع) فناداني من حجرته: لا تشكي وكأنك بالامر الساعة قد رأيته إنشاء الله. قالت حكيمة: فاستحييت من أبي محمد (ع) ومما وقع في قلبي ورجعت إلى البيت وأنا خجلة فإذا هي قد قطعت الصلاة وخرجت فزعة فلقيتها على باب البيت فقلت: بأبي أنت وامي هل تحسين شيئا؟ قالت: نعم، يا عمة إني لأجد أمراً شديداً قلت: لاخوف عليك إنشاء الله وأخذت وسادة فألقيتها في وسط البيت وأجلستها عليها وجلست منها حيث تقعد المرأة من المرأة للولادة فقبضت على كفي وغمزت غمزة شديدة ثم أنت أنة وتشهدت ونظرت تحتها فإذا أنا بولي الله صلوات الله عليه متلقيا الارض بمساجده فأخذت بكتفيه فأجلسته في حجري وإذا هو نظيف مفروغ منه

Abu Muhammad (a.s) called me, “O aunt, come! Bring my son to me.” I took him to his father, who took him and brought out his tongue and touched it against the eyes of the baby, who opened his eyes. He then put his tongue into the blessed baby’s mouth, who sucked on it. He then put it into his ears. He sat him on his right palm. The Wali of Allah sat straight. Abu Muhammad (a.s) touched the baby’s head with his hand and said to him, “My dear son, speak with the power of Allah.”

The Wali of Allah sought refuge to Allah from the chased Satan and began, “In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate. And We desire to confer kindness upon those who have been enfeebled on earth and make them Imams and make them heirs and give them power on earth and show Pharaoh and Ha-ma-n and their armies from them what they have been averting. And may Allah bless His Messenger and the Prince of the Believers.” He mentioned the Imams one after the other until he reached his father. Then Abu Muhammad (a.s) gave him to me and said, “O Aunt, return him to his mother so her heart may rejoice and may she grieve not and so she may know that the promise of Allah is true, but the majority of the people do not know. I returned him to his mother while the second dawn had brightened. I performed the fajr prayers and then said my ta‘qi-ba-t until sunrise. I bid Abu Muhammad (a.s) farewell and returned to my house.

When three days had passed, I became anxious to see the Wali of Allah. I went to them and started with the room where Susan was. I did not see any trace, nor heard any mention. I did not want to ask so I entered upon Abu Muhammad (a.s). I felt bashful to begin the conversation with him by asking him. So, he began and said, “O’ aunt, he is in the protection of Allah, and His safeguard, and His curtain, and His eye, until Allah gives him permission. So when Allah hides my person and transfers me, and you see my Shi-‘a disputing, inform the reliable ones of them. This must remain with you and them as a secret, for Allah hides His Wali. Allah hides him from His creation and He veils him from His servants. No one will see him until Gabriel (a.s) offers him his courser, in order to Allah fulfills the enterprise that must be fulfilled.”

26- Al-Ghaiba of Sheikh Tusi: Muhammad Ibn Ibra-hi-m narrates from Lady Haki-ma the like of the previous tradition, however, with this difference that she says, “Abu Muhammad (a.s) sent after me on the night of mid-Ramadan of the year two hundred and fifty five.” “I said to him, O son of the Messenger of Allah, who is his mother? He said, Narjis.” “When it was the third day, my anxiety for the Wali of Allah intensified. So I brought them a repast and began with the room where the bondmaid was. There she was - she was sitting like a woman who has delivered a child. She was wearing yellow clothes and her head was wrapped. I greeted her and looked at the side of the room. There was a cradle of a baby covered by green sheets. I turned to the cradle and removed the sheets and there I see the Wali of Allah sleeping on his back, neither fastened nor tied.

فناداني أبو محمد (ع) يا عمة هلمي فأتيني بابني فأتيته به فتناوله وأخرج لسانه فمسحه على عينيه ففتحها ثم أدخله في فيه فحنكه ثم أدخله في اذنيه وأجلسه في راحته اليسرى فاستوى ولي الله جالسا فمسح يده على رأسه وقال له: يا بني انطق بقدرة الله فاستعاذ ولي الله (ع) من الشيطان الرجيم واستفتح: "بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَانِ الرَّحِيمِ. وَنُرِيدُ أَنْ نَمُنَّ عَلَى الَّذِينَ اسْتُضْعِفُوا فِي الْأَرْضِ وَنَجْعَلَهُمْ أَئِمَّةً وَنَجْعَلَهُمْ الْوَارِثِينَ وَنُمَكِّنَ لَهُمْ فِي الْأَرْضِ وَنُرِي فِرْعَوْنَ وَهَامَانَ وَجُنُودَهُمَا مِنْهُمْ مَا كَانُوا يَحْذَرُونَ." وصلى على رسول الله وعلى أمير المؤمنين والائمة (ع) واحداً واحداً حتى انتهى إلى أبيه فناولنيه أبو محمد (ع) وقال: يا عمة رديه إلى امه حتى تقر عينها ولا تحزن ولتعلم أن وعد الله حق ولكن أكثر الناس لا يعلمون فرددته إلى امه وقد انفجر الفجر الثاني فصليت الفريضة وعقبت إلى أن طلعت الشمس ثم ودعت أبا محمد (ع) وانصرفت إلى منـزلي فلما كان بعد ثلاث اشتقت إلى ولي الله فصرت إليهم فبدأت بالحجرة التي كانت سوسن فيها فلم أر أثرا ولا سمعت ذكرا فكرهت أن أسأل فدخلت على أبي محمد (ع) فاستحييت أن أبدأه بالسؤال فبدأني فقال: يا عمة في كنف الله وحرزه وستره وعينه حتى يأذن الله له فإذا غيب الله شخصي وتوفاني ورأيت شيعتي قد اختلفوا فأخبري الثقات منهم وليكن عندك وعندهم مكتوماً فان ولي الله يغيبه الله عن خلقه ويحجبه عن عباده فلا يراه أحد حتى يقدم له جبرئيل (ع) فرسه ليقضي الله أمراً كان مفعولاً.

26- الغيبة للشيخ الطوسي: أحمد بن علي، عن محمد بن علي، عن علي بن سميع بن بنان عن محمد بن علي بن أبي الداري، عن أحمد بن محمد، عن أحمد بن عبد الله، عن أحمد بن روح الاهوازي، عن محمد بن إبراهيم، عن حكيمة بمثل معنى الحديث الاول إلا أنه قال قالت: بعث إلي أبو محمد (ع) ليلة النصف من شهر رمضان سنة خمس وخمسين ومأتين قالت: وقلت له: يابن رسول الله من امه؟ قال نرجس: قالت: فلما كان في اليوم الثالث اشتد شوقي إلى ولي الله فأتيتهم عائدة فبدأت بالحجرة التي فيها الجارية فإذا أنا بها جالسة في مجلس المرأة النفساء وعليها أثواب صفر وهي معصبة الرأس فسلمت عليها والتفت إلى جانب البيت وإذا بمهد عليه أثواب خضر فعدلت إلى المهد ورفعت عنه الاثواب فإذا أنا بولي الله نائم على قفاه غير محزوم ولا مقموط

He opened his eyes and began laughing and calling me with his finger. I held him and brought him near my mouth to kiss. I smelt a fragrance from him that I have never smelt a better fragrant than that. Abu Muhammad (a.s) called me, ‘O my aunt, come and bring my young man to me.’ I took him to his father. He said to him, my son, speak…” Then the saying of the Wali of Allah is narrated and then she says, “I took him from his father while he was saying, ‘My dear son, I entrust you to the one mother of Moses entrusted him to. Be in the comfort of Allah, and His safeguard, and His protection and His company.’ He said, ‘Return him to his mother, aunt, and hide the news of this baby of ours and do not inform anyone until the Book reaches its time.’ I brought him to his mother and bid them farewell.” Then the tradition continues like the previous one.

27- Al-Ghaiba of Sheikh Tusi: Muhammad Ibn ‘Ali Ibn Bila-l narrates an identical tradition from lady Haki-ma. In another narration on the authority of a number of great Sheikhs it comes that Lady Haki-ma narrated this narrative and mentioned that it was the night of mid-Sha‘ba-n and that his mother is Narjis. The narrative continues like the previous one until her saying, “There I was, sensing my Master and hearing the voice of Abu Muhammad (a.s) as he was saying, ‘O my aunt, bring my son to me.’ So I removed [the curtains] from my Master, and there he was, prostrating, touching the earth through his forehead, palms, knees and toes. On his right forearm it was written, The Truth came and vanity perished, verily, vanity is ever perishing. I pulled him to myself and found him pure and clean.

He did not need any sort of attention. I wrapped him in a sheet and carried him to Abu Muhammad (a.s). They have mentioned the narrative the same way until his saying, “I bear witness that a deity other than Allah is not and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and that ‘Ali is by truth the Prince of the Believers.” Then he mentions the Successors one by one until himself. He prays for his devotees for relief on his hands. Then he stops. She says, “Then something like a veil was erected between me and Abu Muhammad (a.s) and I did not see my Master. I said to Abu Muhammad (a.s), ‘My Master, where is my lord?’ He said, ‘Took him someone who is worthier than you and us.

’” Then they have mentioned all of the narration and have added, When it was after forty days, I entered upon Abu Muhammad (a.s) and there was our Master, the Patron. He was walking about the house. I had never seen a face more beautiful than his, nor heard any tongue more eloquent than his. Abu Muhammad (a.s) said, “This is the baby who is dignified before Allah, the Glorified.” I said, “My Master, I see him in this condition and he is only forty days old.” He smiled and said, “My aunt, don’t you know that we the congregation of Imams, grow in the day to the extent that others grow in a year.” I rose and kissed his forehead and returned. Then I came back and sought him, but did not see him. I said to Abu Muhammad (a.s), “What has our Master done?” He said, “Aunt, we have entrusted him to then one mother of Moses entrusted him to.”

ففتح عينيه وجعل يضحك ويناجيني بأصبعه فتناولته وأدنيته إلى فمي لاقبله فشممت منه رايحة ما شممت قط أطيب منها وناداني أبو محمد (ع) يا عمتي هلمي فتاي إلي فتناوله وقال: يا بني انطق وذكر الحديث. قالت: ثم تناوله منه وهو يقول: يا بني أستودعك الذي استودعته ام موسى! كن في دعة الله وستره وكنفه وجواره وقال: رديه إلى امه يا عمة واكتمي خبر هذا المولود علينا ولا تخبري به أحدا حتى يبلغ الكتاب أجله فأتيت امه وودعتهم وذكر الحديث إلى آخره.

27- الغيبة للشيخ الطوسي: أحمد بن علي، عن محمد بن علي، عن حنظلة بن زكريا قال: حدثني الثقة، عن محمد بن علي بن بلال، عن حكيمة بمثل ذلك… وفي رواية اخرى عن جماعة من الشيوخ أن حكيمة حدثت بهذا الحديث وذكرت أنه كان ليلة النصف من شعبان وأن أمه نرجس وساقت الحديث إلى قولها: فإذا أنا بحس سيدي وبصوت أبي محمد (ع) وهو يقول: يا عمتي هاتي ابني إلي. فكشفت عن سيدي فإذا هو ساجد متلقيا الارض بمساجده وعلى ذراعه الايمن مكتوب "جاء الحق وزهق الباطل إن الباطل كان زهوقا " فضممته إلي فوجدته مفروغا منه فلففته في ثوب وحملته إلى أبي محمد (ع) وذكروا الحديث إلى قوله: أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأن محمدا رسول الله وأن عليا أمير المؤمنين حقا ثم لم يزل يعد السادة الاوصياء إلى أن بلغ إلى نفسه ودعا لاوليائه بالفرج على يديه ثم أحجم. وقالت: ثم رفع بيني وبين أبي محمد كالحجاب فلم أرَ سيدي فقلت لابي محمد: يا سيدي أين مولاي فقال: أخذه من هو أحق منك ومنا ثم ذكروا الحديث بتمامه وزادوا فيه: فلما كان بعد أربعين يوما دخلت على أبي محمد (ع) فإذا مولانا الصاحب يمشي في الدار فلم أروجها أحسن من وجهه ولا لغة أفصح من لغته فقال أبو محمد: هذا المولود الكريم على الله(عزوجل) فقلت: سيدي أرى من أمره ما أرى وله أربعون يوما فتبسم وقال: يا عمتي أما علمت أنا معاشر الائمة ننشؤ في اليوم ما ينشؤ غيرنا في السنة فقمت فقبلت رأسه وانصرفت ثم عدت وتفقدته فلم أره فقلت لابي محمد (ع): ما فعل مولانا؟ قال: يا عمة استودعناه الذي استودعت ام موسى

28- Al-Ghaiba of Sheikh Tusi: Handhala Ibn Zakariya- says, Ahmad Ibn Bila-l Ibn Da-wood, the transcriber, who was one of the commonality and in a position of contempt with respect to Ahl al-Bait, which he did not hide, narrated this to me. He was my friend and would express his affection to me, as it is in the spirit of the people of Iraq. He would say every time he met me, “I have a news for you to rejoice, but I will not give it to you.” I would pretend to care less until one day we were brought together at secluded spot. With much fervor, I asked hi to tell me about what he has.

He said, Our houses were at Surra Man Ra’a-, in front of the house of Ibn al-Redha-, (meaning the house of Abu Muhammad al-Hasan Ibn ‘Ali (a.s)). For a very long time, I stayed away from the locality, going to Qazwi-n and other cities. Then destiny brought my back to Surra Man Ra’a-. When I arrived there, I had lost all whom I had left behind from my family and relatives, except an old woman who had raised me and had a daughter with her. She was of the original disposition, veiling, protective, and did not know lying. Also there were some of our cousins who had stayed at the house. I stayed with them some days and then decided to exit. The old woman said, “How do you rush to return after an absence of so long? Stay with us, so we may take the pleasure of your stay.”

I said to her in the way of jest, “I want to go to Karbala.” This was a season when great many people were exiting either for mid-Sha‘ba-n or the day of ‘Arafa.

“I seek refuge of Allah for you, my son, to blaspheme through this talk of ridicule.” She said, “I am going to tell you what I have seen. This happened two years after you left us. I was in this house, sleeping near the main entry hall. My daughter was with me. I was in a condition somewhere between sleeping and awake, when entered a man of handsome face, clean clothes, fragrant smell, and said, So and so, some one will come at this hour to you to call you to your neighbor. Do not refuse to go with him. And do not be scared.

I was afraid and called my daughter, ‘Did you notice someone come into the house?’ She said, ‘No.’ I called Allah to my heart and recited some verses and went to sleep. The same man came again and said what he had said earlier. I cried out to my daughter. She said, ‘No one has entered the house. Remember Allah and do not be scared.’ I recited some verses and went to sleep again. When it happened the third time, the man came and said, So and so, ‘the one who is calling you has come and is knocking on the door. Go with him.’ I heard the door knock and went to it. ‘Who is this?’ I asked. ‘Open and fear not,’ someone said. I recognized his word and opened the door. It was a servant who had a lower garment sheet on him. He said, ‘A neighbor needs you for a very important matter. So come.’ He covered my head with the sheet and took me to the house, which I knew. There were sets of canvas fixed in the middle of the house. A man was sitting on the side of the canvases. The servant gestured to me with the motion of his eye and I entered.

28- الغيبة للشيخ الطوسي: أحمد بن علي، عن محمد بن علي، عن حنظلة بن زكريا قال: حدثني أحمد بن بلال بن داود الكاتب، وكان عاميا بمحل من النصب لاهل البيت(ع) يظهر ذلك ولا يكتمه وكان صديقا لي يظهر مودة بما فيه من طبع أهل العراق فيقول كلما لقيني: لك عندي خبر تفرح به ولا اخبرك به فأتغافل عنه إلى أن جمعني وإياه موضع خلوة فاستقصيت عنه وسألته أن يخبرني به. فقال: كانت دورنا بسر من رأى مقابل دار ابن الرضا يعني أبا محمد الحسن بن علي(ع) فغبت عنها دهراً طويلاً إلى قزوين وغيرها ثم قضي لي الرجوع إليها فلما وافيتها وقد كنت فقدت جميع من خلفته من أهلي وقراباتي إلا عجوزا كانت ربتني ولها بنت معها وكانت من طبع الاول مستورة صائنة لا تحسن الكذب وكذلك مواليات لنا بقين في الدار. فأقمت عندهم أياماً ثم عزمت (على) الخروج فقالت العجوز: كيف تستعجل الانصراف وقد غبت زماناً فأقم عندنا لنفرح بمكانك فقلت لها على جهة الهزء: اريد أن أصير إلى كربلاء وكان الناس للخروج في النصف من شعبان أو ليوم عرفة فقالت: يا بني اعيذك بالله أن تستهيني بما ذكرت أو تقوله على وجه الهزء فاني احدثك بما رأيته يعني بعد خروجك من عندنا بسنتين. كنت في هذا البيت نائمة بالقرب من الدهليز ومعي ابنتي وأنا بين النائمة واليقظانة إذ دخل رجل حسن الوجه نظيف الثياب طيب الرايحة، فقال: يا فلانة يجيئك الساعة من يدعوك في الجيران فلا تمتنعي من الذهاب معه ولا تخافي. ففزعت وناديت ابنتي وقلت لها هل شعرت بأحد دخل البيت فقالت: لا فذكرت الله وقرأت ونمت فجاء الرجل بعينه وقال لي مثل قوله ففزعت وصحت بابنتي فقالت: لم يدخل البيت فاذكري الله ولا تفزعي فقرأت ونمت فلما كان في الثالثة جاء الرجل وقال: يا فلانة قد جاءك من يدعوك ويقرع الباب فاذهبي معه وسمعت دق الباب فقمت وراء الباب وقلت: من هذا؟ فقال: افتحي ولا تخافي فعرفت كلامه وفتحت الباب فإذا خادم معه إزار فقال: يحتاج إليك بعض الجيران لحاجة مهمة فادخلي ولف رأسي بالملاءة وأدخلني الدار وأنا أعرفها فإذا بشقاق مشدودة وسط الدار ورجل قاعد بجنب الشقاق فرفع الخادم طرفه فدخلت

There was a woman in labor and another woman was sitting behind her as if she was delivering her. The woman said, ‘Would you help us in this?’ I helped them in the delivery. It was but a moment that a boy was born. I held him on my hand and shouted, ‘It is a boy! It is a boy!’ I pulled my head out from the side of the canvases to give the glad tiding to the man who was sitting. ‘Do not shout,’ someone said.

When I returned my face, the boy was not in my hand. The woman who was sitting said to me, ‘Do not shout.’ The servant took my hand and wrapped my head with the sheet and took me out of the house. He took me to my house and gave me a bag and said, ‘Do not inform anyone of what you saw.’ I entered the house and returned to my bed in this house. My daughter was still sleeping. Waking her up, I asked her, ‘Did you see me going and coming?’ She said, ‘No.’ I opened the sack at that hour and there was ten dina-rs in it. I have not told this to anyone until today when you spoke these words in the way of ridicule. I narrated this to you to commiserate over you, for these people have a lofty status and high position before Allah, the Glorified, and everything they pray for is fulfilled.”

I was astonished by her narrative but passed on with ridicule and jest. I did not ask her of its time; however, I know for sure that I had left them in two hundred and fifty and some odd year and had come back to Surra Man Ra’a- at two hundred and eighty one. The time when the old woman narrated this to me was during the ministry of ‘Ubaidulla-h Ibn Sulayma-n.

Handhala says, I called Abu al-Faraj al-Mudhaffar Ibn Ahmad and he heard this story with me.

29- Al-Ghaiba of Sheikh Tusi: It has been narrated that one of the sisters of Abu al-Hasan (a.s) had a bondmaid, whom she had raised, called Narjis. When she had grown up, Abu Muhammad (a.s) entered and looked at her. She said to him, “I see, my Master, you are looking at her.” He said, “I did not look at her but wondering. Lo, the baby that is dignified before Allah will be from her.” Then he ordered her to seek permission of Abu al-Hasan (a.s) to offer her to him. She did that and Abu al-Hasan (a.s) ordered her to do so.

30- Al-Ghaiba of Sheikh Tusi: ‘Alla-n narrates through his chains of narration that the Master (a.s) was born in the year two hundred and fifty six after the Migration, two years after the demise of Abu al-Hasan (a.s).

31- Al-Ghaiba of Sheikh Tusi: Muhammad Ibn ‘Ali al-Shalmagha-ni narrates in the book of Al-Awsiya-’ on the authority of Hamza Ibn Nasr the slave of Abu al-Hasan (a.s) who narrates from his father: When the Master was born, the people of the house felicitated each other and rejoiced. When he grew, I was ordered to buy every day a bone with marrow and it was said, It is for our young Master.

وإذا امرأة قد أخذها الطلق وامرأة قاعدة خلفها كأنها تقبلها فقالت المرأة: تعيننا فيما نحن فيه فعالجتها بما يعالج به مثلها فما كان إلا قليلاً حتى سقط غلام فأخذته على كفي وصحت غلام غلام وأخرجت رأسي من طرف الشقاق ابشر الرجل القاعد فقيل لي: لا تصيحي فلما رددت وجهي إلى الغلام قد كنت فقدته من كفي فقالت لي المرأة القاعدة: لا تصيحي وأخذ الخادم بيدي ولف راسي بالملاءة وأخرجني من الدار وردني إلى داري وناولني صرة وقال لي: لا تخبري بما رأيت أحدا. فدخلت الدار ورجعت إلى فراشي في هذا البيت وابنتي نائمة بعد فأنبهتها وسألتها هل علمت بخروجي ورجوعي؟ فقالت: لا وفتحت الصرة في ذلك الوقت وإذا فيها عشرة دنانير عددا وما أخبرت بهذا أحدا إلا في هذا الوقت لما تكلمت بهذا الكلام على حد الهزء فحدثتك إشفاقا عليك فان لهؤلاء القوم عند الله(عزوجل) شأنا ومنـزلة وكل ما يدعونه حتى قال: فعجبت من قولها وصرفته إلى السخرية والهزء ولم أسألها عن الوقت غير أني أعلم يقينا أني غبت عنهم في سنة نيف وخمسين ومأتين ورجعت إلى سر من رأى في وقت أخبرتني العجوز بهذا الخبر في سنة إحدى وثمانين ومأتين في وزارة عبيد الله بن سليمان لما قصدته. قال حنظلة: فدعوت بأبي الفرج المظفر بن أحمد حتى سمع معي هذا الخبر.

29- الغيبة للشيخ الطوسي: روي أن بعض أخوات أبي الحسن (ع) كانت لها جارية ربتها تسمى نرجس فلما كبرت دخل أبو محمد (ع) فنظر إليها فقالت له: أراك يا سيدي تنظر إليها فقال: إني ما نظرت إليها إلا متعجبا أما إن المولود الكريم على الله يكون منها ثم أمرها أن تستأذن أبا الحسن (ع) في دفعها إليه ففعلت فأمرها بذلك.

30- الغيبة للشيخ الطوسي: روى علان بإسناده أن السيد (ع) ولد في سنة ست وخمسين ومأتين من الهجرة بعد مضي أبي الحسن (ع) بسنتين.

31- الغيبة للشيخ الطوسي: روى محمد بن علي الشلمغاني في كتاب الاوصياء قال: حدثني حمزة بن نصر غلام أبي الحسن (ع) عن أبيه قال: لما ولد السيد (ع) تباشر أهل الدار بذلك فلما نشأ خرج إلي الامر أن أتباع في كل يوم مع اللحم قصب مخ وقيل إن هذا لمولانا الصغير (ع ).

32- Al-Ghaiba of Sheikh Tusi: Ibra-him Ibn Idri-s says, My Master Abu Muhammad sent me a sheep and said, “Offer this as ‘aqi-qa from my son. Eat and feed your family.” I did that and met him afterwards, he said, “The son of mine that was born died.” Later, he sent me two sheep and wrote, “In the name of Allah the Merciful the Compassionate. Offer these two sheep as ‘aqi-qa of your Master. Eat, may Allah bless it for you, and feed your brothers.” I did that and saw him afterwards. He did not say anything.

33- Al-Ghaiba of al-Ne‘ma-ni-: Ma‘ru-f Ibn Kharbu-dh says, I heard Abu Ja‘far (a.s) say, “Said the Messenger of Allah (a.s), ‘Verily the example of my Household in this Ummah is the similitude of the stars of the heavens. Whenever a star disappears, another star rises, until you stretch your eyebrows to him and point with your fingers at him, the angel of death comes and takes him. Then you remain a stretch of time not knowing one thing another. The progeny of ‘Abdul-Mutallib will be equal in that. When you are like that, Allah will raise your star. So praise him and accept him. Explanation: The coming of the angel of death and taking him does not mean his death, but rather, that the angel of death was with the Ru-h al-Qudus when the latter took him to occultation.

34- Kita-b al-Nuju-m: A personage of ours has mentioned in the book of Al-Awsiya-’ - which is a reliable book, narrated by al-Hasan Ibn Ja‘far al-Saimuri, and its author is ‘Ali Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ziya-d al-Saimuri, who had correspondence with al-Ha-di and al-‘Askari (a.s), and was a trustworthy and reliable man - the following words, “Narrated to me Abu Ja‘far al-Qummi, the son of my brother Ahmad Ibn Isha-q Ibn Musaqqala, that there was in Qum a Jewish astrologer, reputed for his accuracy in calculations. Ahmad Ibn Isha-q called him and said to him, An infant has been born in such and such time. See his fortune and check his destiny. The astrologer looked at his fortune and did certain calculations and said to Ahmad Ibn Isha-q, ‘I do not see any star guiding me to conclude that this infant is yours. Such an infant is born only to an apostle or the successor of an apostle. Inference indicates that he will own the world, from east to west, land to sea, deserts to mountains; no one will remain on the face of the earth but will follow his religion and profess devotion to him.’”

35- Kashf al-Ghumma: al-Sheikh Kama-l al-Din Ibn Talha says, The birth of al-Hujja Ibn al-Hasan (a.s) was in Surra Man Ra’a- on the twenty third of Ramadan of the year two hundred and fifty eight. His father is Abu Muhammad al-Hasan, and his mother is a bondmaid named Saqi-l; Haki-ma and other names are also mentioned for his mother. His patronym is Abu al-Qa-sim; his title al-Hujja, the Virtuous Heir, and al-Muntadhar (the Awaited) is also said to be one of his titles.

32- الغيبة للشيخ الطوسي: الشلمغاني قال: حدثني الثقة، عن إبراهيم بن إدريس قال: وجه إلي مولاي أبو محمد (ع) بكبش وقال: عقه عن ابني فلان وكل وأطعم أهلك ففعلت ثم لقيته بعد ذلك فقال لي: المولود الذي ولد لي مات ثم وجه إلي بكبشين وكتب بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم عق هذين الكبشين عن مولاك وكل هناك الله وأطعم إخوانك ففعلت ولقيته بعد ذلك فما ذكر لي شيئا.

33- الغيبة للنعمانى: محمد بن همام، عن جعفر بن محمد بن مالك والحميري معا، عن ابن أبي الخطاب، ومحمد بن عيسى وعبد الله بن عامر جميعا، عن ابن أبي نجران، عن الخشاب عن معروف بن خربوذ، عن أبي جعفر (ع) قال: سمعته يقول: قال رسول الله(ص): إنما مثل أهل بيتي في هذه الامة كمثل نجوم السماء كلما غاب نجم طلع نجم حتى إذا مددتم إليه حواجبكم وأشرتم إليه بالاصابع جاء ملك الموت فذهب به ثم بقيتم سبتا من دهركم لا تدرون أيا من أي واستوى في ذلك بنو عبد المطلب فبينما أنتم كذلك إذا أطلع الله نجمكم فاحمدوه واقبلوه.

34- كتاب النجوم: ذكر بعض أصحابنا في كتاب الاوصياء وهو كتاب معتمد رواه الحسن بن جعفر الصيمري ومؤلفه علي بن محمد بن زياد الصيمري وكانت له مكاتبات إلى الهادي والعسكري(ع) وجوابها إليه وهو ثقة معتمد عليه فقال ما هذا لفظه: وحدثني أبو جعفر القمي ابن أخي أحمد بن إسحاق بن مصقلة أنه كان بقم منجم يهودي موصوف بالحذق بالحساب فأحضره أحمد بن إسحاق وقال له: قد ولد مولود في وقت كذا وكذا فخذا الطالع واعمل له ميلادا قال: فأخذ الطالع ونظر فيه وعمل عملا له وقال لاحمد بن إسحاق: لست أرى النجوم تدلني فيما يوجبه الحساب أن هذا المولود لك ولا يكون مثل هذا المولود إلا نبيا أو وصي نبي وإن النظر ليدل على أنه يملك الدنيا شرقا وغربا وبرا وبحرا وسهلا وجبلا حتى لا يبقى على وجه الارض أحد إلا دان بدينه وقال بولايته.

35- كشف الغمة: قال الشيخ كمال الدين بن طلحة: مولد الحجة بن الحسن(ع) بسر من رأى في ثالث وعشرين رمضان سنة ثمان وخمسين ومأتين وأبوه أبو محمد الحسن وامه ام ولد تسمى صقيل وقيل حكيمة وقيل غير ذلك وكنيته أبو القاسم ولقبه الحجة والخلف الصالح وقيل المنتظر

36- Al-Irsha-d: His birth was on the mid-Sha‘ba-n of the year tow hundred and fifty five. His mother is a bondmaid, called Narjis. His age at the time of his father’s demise was five years in which Allah had given him wisdom and the speech decisive[3] and had made him a Sign for the worlds. He gave him wisdom like he gave Yahya- wisdom in infancy; He made him an Imam like He made Jesus the son of Marry an apostle in the cradle. He has two occultations before his rise, one of which is longer than the other one. Traditions have reached us with this regard. The shorter one of the two is from the time of his birth until the end of the time of the emissaries between him and his Shi-‘a and the demise of the representatives through death. And the longer one is the one after the first one. At its end, he will rise with the sword.

37- Kashf al-Ghumma: Ibn al-Khashsha-b says, Abu al-Qa-sim Ta-hir Ibn Ha-ru-n Ibn Mu-sa- al-‘Alawi narrated to me from his father, who narrated from his grandfather, saying, My Master Ja’Far Ibn Muhammad said, The Virtuous Heir is from my progeny. He is the Mahdi and his name isM. U. H. A. M. M. A. D. His patronym is Abu al-Qa-sim. He will rise in the latter days of time. His mother is called Saqi-l, Abu Bakr al-Da-re‘ told us. In another narration it is rather that his mother is Haki-ma. And a third narration says she is called Narjis. And Susan, according to another account. Allah knows the best. His patronym is Abu al-Qa-sim. He has two names, Khalaf andM. U. H. A. M. M. A. D. He will appear in the latter times. Clouds are on his overhead, which shade him from the sun. They go wherever he goes and they call in an eloquent voice, This is the Mahdi.

Muhammad Ibn Musa- al-Tu-si narrated to me, Abu Miski-n narrated from a certain historian to me that the mother of al-Muntadhir is called Haki-ma. The author says, Also see relevant narrations in the section of the people who have met him.

Ibn Khallika-n says in his book of history, He is the Twelfth of the Twelve Imams according to the Shi-‘a beliefs. He is known as the Hujja and he is the one that Shi-‘a believe is the Awaited al-Qa-’im and the Mahdi. He is the one, according to them, who was at the cellar (serda-b). They have much said about him. They await his appearance in the ends of the time from the cellar at Surra Man Ra’a-. His birth was on the day of Friday mid-Sha‘ba-n of the year two hundred and fifty five. At his father’s demise, his age was five years. His mother’s name is Khamat, and it is said, Narjis. The Shi-‘a say that he entered the cellar in the house of his father, as his mother was looking at him, and did not come back to her. This happened in the year two hundred and sixty five. His age at this day is nine years. Ibn al-Arzaq has mentioned in the history of Miya-fa-riqi-n that the mentioned Hujja was born in the ninth of Rabi-‘ al-Awwal of the year two hundred and fifty eight. It is also said that he was born on the eighth of Sha‘ba-n of the year two hundred and fifty six. This is the correct narration.

36- الإرشاد: كان مولده (ع) ليلة النصف من شعبان سنة خمس وخمسين ومأتين وامه ام ولد يقال لها: نرجس، وكان سنه عند وفات أبيه خمس سنين آتاه الله فيه الحكمة وفصل الخطاب وجعله آية للعالمين وآتاه الحكمة كما آتاها يحيى صبيا وجعله إماما كما جعل عيسى بن مريم في المهد نبيا وله قبل قيامه غيبتان إحداهما أطول من الاخرى جاءت بذلك الاخبار فأما القصرى منها فمنذ وقت مولده إلى انقطاع السفارة بينه وبين شيعته وعدم السفراء بالوفاة وأما الطولى فهي بعد الاولى وفي آخرها يقوم بالسيف.

37- كشف الغمة: قال ابن الخشاب: حدثني أبو القاسم طاهر بن هارون بن موسى العلوي، عن أبيه، عن جده قال: قال سيدي جعفر بن محمد: الخلف الصالح من ولدي وهو المهدي اسمه م ح م د وكنيته أبو القاسم يخرج في آخر الزمان يقال لأمه صقيل. قال لنا أبو بكر الدارع: وفي رواية اخرى بل أمه حكيمة وفي رواية ثالثة: يقال لها نرجس، ويقال: بل سوسن، والله أعلم بذلك. ويكنى بأبي القاسم وهو ذو الاسمين خلف ومحمد يظهر في آخر الزمان وعلى رأسه غمامة تظله من الشمس تدور معه حيثما دار تنادي بصوت فصيح هذا المهدي. حدثني محمد بن موسى الطوسي قال: حدثنا أبو مسكين عن بعض أصحاب التاريخ أن ام المنتظر يقال لها: حكيمة. أقول: سيأتي بعض الاخبار في باب من رآه. وقال ابن خلكان في تاريخه: هو ثاني عشر الائمة الاثنى عشر على اعتقاد الإمامية المعروف بالحجة وهو الذي تزعم الشيعة أنه المنتظر والقائم والمهدي وهو صاحب السرداب عندهم وأقاويلهم فيه كثيرة وهم ينتظرون ظهوره في آخر الزمان من السرداب بسر من رأى، كانت ولادته يوم الجمعة منتصف شعبان سنة خمس وخمسين ومأتين ولما توفي أبوه كان عمره خمس سنين واسم أمه خمط وقيل نرجس والشيعة يقولون إنه دخل السرداب في دار أبيه وأمه تنظر إليه فلم يعد يخرج إليها وذلك في سنة خمس وستين ومأتين. (وعمره يومئذ تسع سنين وذكر ابن الازرق في تاريخ ميافارقين أن الحجة المذكور ولد تاسع شهر ربيع الاول سنة ثمان وخمسين ومأتين) وقيل في ثامن شعبان سنة ست وخمسين وهو الأصح

When he entered the cellar his age was four years, and it is said, five years. It is also said that he entered the cellar in the year two hundred and seventy five, when his age was seventeen. And Allah knows the best.

The author says, I saw in the book of one of our scholars a tradition as follows: Said our Masters Abu al-Hasan and Abu Muhammad (a.s) “When Allah desires to create an Imam, he descends a drop from the water of the Paradise into the clouds, which drops into a fruit from the fruits of the Paradise. The Hujja of the time eats it and when it finds its place in him, and forty days pass on him, he can hear voices. When four months pass on him after he has been conceived, it is transcribed on his right arm, And fulfilled is the Word of your Lord by truth and equity. There is no one to change his Words and He is the All-Hearing and the All-knowing. When he is born, he establishes the order of Allah, and pillars from light are erected for him in every place, in which he sees the peoples and their. The commands of Allah descend on him in those pillars. The pillar is before his eyes, wherever he turns and looks.”

Abu Muhammad (a.s) says, “I entered upon my aunts and saw a bondmaid of theirs, who was well adorned. Her name was Narjis. I looked at her and prolonged my stare. My aunt Haki-ma said to me, ‘I see you, my Master, looking at this bondmaid, thoroughly.’ I said, ‘Aunt, my stare at her is not but for wondering at Allah’s will and choice.’ She said , ‘I reckon, my Master, you like her.’ So I ordered her to seek permission of my father ‘Ali Ibn Muhammad (a.s) to submit her to me. She did that and my father commanded her to do so and she brought her to me.

Al-Husain Ibn Hamda-n and another reliable Sheikh narrated to me from Haki-ma Bint Muhammad Ibn ‘Ali al-Redha- (a.s) narrated that she used to enter upon Abu Muhammad (a.s) and pray for him that Allah may give him a son. She said, I entered upon her and said to him what I used to say and prayed as I used to pray. He said, “Aunt, as for your prayers that may Allah give me a son, it will happen tonight.” It was a Friday eve, three nights left from Sha‘ba-n of the year two hundred and fifty seven. “Have your ifta-r with us.” “Who is this blessed boy going to be born from, my Master,” I asked. “From Narjis, aunt.”

I said to him, “There is not one amongst your bondmaids more cherished to me than her.” I rose and went to her. When I entered upon her, she did to me what she always did. I bowed on her hands and kissed them and did not allow her do what she always did. She called me her lady; I called her the same. She said, “May I be your ransom,” she said. “I and the whole world be your ransom,” I returned. She turned that down. I said to her, “Do not turn down what I did. For Allah will grant you in this night a boy, a Master in this world and the hereafter. He will be the relief of the believers.” She was bashful.

وإنه لما دخل السرداب كان عمره أربع سنين وقيل خمس سنين وقيل إنه دخل السرداب سنة خمس وسبعين ومأتين وعمره (سبع) عشر سنة والله أعلم. أقول: رأيت في بعض مؤلفات أصحابنا رواية هذه صورتها قال: حدثني هارون بن مسلم، عن سعدان البصري ومحمد بن أحمد البغدادي وأحمد بن إسحاق وسهل بن زياد الآدمي وعبد الله بن جعفر، عن عدة من المشايخ والثقات عن سيدينا أبي الحسن وأبي محمد(ع) قالا: إن الله(عزوجل) إذا أراد أن يخلق الامام أنـزل قطرة من ماء الجنة في المزن فتسقط في ثمرة من ثمار الجنة فيأكلها الحجة في الزمان (ع) فإذا استقرت فيه فيمضي له أربعون يوما سمع الصوت فإذا آنت له أربعة أشهر وقد حمل كتب على عضده الايمن "وَتَمَّتْ كَلِمَةُ رَبِّكَ صِدْقًا وَعَدْلًا لَا مُبَدِّلَ لِكَلِمَاتِهِ وَهُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ" فإذا ولد قام بأمر الله ورفع له عمود من نور في كل مكان ينظر فيه إلى الخلايق وأعمالهم وينـزل أمر الله في ذلك العمود والعمود نصب عينه حيث تولى ونظر. قال أبو محمد (ع): دخلت على عماتي فرأيت جارية من جواريهن قد زينت تسمى نرجس فنظرت إليها نظرا أطلته فقالت لي عمتي حكيمة: أراك يا سيدي تنظر إلى هذه الجارية نظرا شديدا؟ فقلت له: يا عمة ما نظري إليها إلا نظر التعجب مما لله فيه من إرادته وخيرته قالت لي: أحسبك يا سيدي تريدها، فأمرتها أن تستأذن أبي علي بن محمد (ع) في تسليمها إلي ففعلت فأمرها (ع) بذلك فجاءتني بها. قال الحسين بن حمدان: وحدثني من أثق إليه من المشايخ عن حكيمة بنت محمد بن علي الرضا (ع) قال: كانت تدخل على أبي محمد (ع) فتدعو له أن يرزقه الله ولدا وأنها قالت: دخلت عليه فقلت له كما أقول ودعوت كما أدعو، فقال: يا عمة أما إن الذي تدعين الله أن يرزقنيه يولد في هذه الليلة وكانت ليلة الجمعة لثلاث خلون من شعبان سنة سبع وخمسين ومأتين فاجعلي إفطارك معنا فقلت: يا سيدي ممن يكون هذا الولد العظيم؟ فقال لي (ع): من نرجس يا عمة قال: فقالت له: يا سيدي ما في جواريك أحب إلي منها وقمت ودخلت إليها وكنت إذا دخلت فعلت بي كما تفعل فانكببت على يديها فقبلتهما ومنعتها مما كانت تفعله فخاطبتني بالسيادة فخاطبتها بمثلها فقالت لي: فديتك. فقلت لها: أنا فداك وجميع العالمين. فأنكرت ذلك فقلت لها: لا تنكرين ما فعلت فان الله سيهب لك في هذه الليلة غلاماً سيداً في الدنيا والآخرة وهو فرج المؤمنين فاستحيت

I looked at her closely but did not see any sign of pregnancy. I said to my Master Abu Muhammad (a.s), “I do not see any pregnancy in her.” He smiled and said, “We the congregation of successors are not carried in the abdomens, but rather, we are carried on the sides. We do not come out from wombs, but rather from the right leg from our mothers. Because we are the Divine light to which impurities do not reach.” “My Master,” I said, “you just informed me he will be born in this night. In which time?” He said, “At dawn-break, the dignified before Allah will be born insha’Allah.

Lady Haki-ma says, I got up and made ifta-r and then slept near Narjis. Abu Muhammad (a.s) slept at the front deck of the house in which we were. When the time of nightly prayers arrived, I got up. Narjis was asleep. There was not any sign of parturition in her. I began my prayers and then performed the watr prayers. As I was in the watr, it occurred to my mind that the dawn has come. As doubts came to my heart, Abu Muhammad (a.s) called out from the deck, “Aunt, dawn has not come.” I finished the prayers fast and Narjis moved. I came near her and pulled her to me and mentioned the name of Allah on her.

“Do you feel anything?” I asked her. “Yes,” she said. A faintness overwhelmed me that I could not hold my person and it put me to sleep. The same happened to Narjis. I did not wake up but by feeling my Master the Mahdi and hearing the call of Abu Muhammad (a.s), saying, “Aunt, bring my son to me.” I kissed him and removed the veil from my Master. There he was, prostrating, reaching the earth with his forehead, palms, knees, and toes. There was transcribed on his right arm, The Truth has came and vanity has perished, verily, vanity is ever perishing. I pulled him to myself and found him to be pure and clean without need to any attention.

I wrapped him in a cloth and carried him to Abu Muhammad (a.s). He picked his son and sat him on his left palm and placed his right palm on his back. Then he entered his tongue into the blessed baby’s mouth and touched his hand against the baby’s back and ears and joints. Then he said to him, “Talk, my son.” He said, “I bear witness that a deity other than Allah is not, and I bear witness that Muhammad is Messenger of Allah and that ‘Ali, the Prince of the Believers, is the Wali of Allah.” Then he kept counting the Master Imams, one after the other, until he reached himself. He beseeched relief for his devotees on his hands and then with great awe stopped.”

“Aunt, take him to his mother,” said Abu Muhammad (a.s), “so he greets her. Then bring him to me.” I took him. He greeted his mother and then I returned him to his father. Then the like of a veil was erected between me and Abu Muhammad (a.s) and I did not see my Master. I said to him, “My Master, where is our lord?” He said, “Took him someone who is more nearer to him than you. When it is the seventh day, come to us.” On the seventh day, I came and greeted him and sat down. He said, “Bring my son to me.” I brought my Master, who was in a yellow dress. His father did the same things to him like the first time and put his tongue into his mouth and then said to him, “Talk, my son.”

فتأملتها فلم أر فيها أثر الحمل فقلت لسيدي أبي محمد (ع): ما أرى بها حملاً. فتبسم (ع) ثم قال: إنا معاشر الاوصياء لسنا نحمل في البطون وإنما نحمل في الجنوب ولا نخرج من الأرحام وإنما نخرج من الفخذ الايمن من أمهاتنا لاننا نور الله لا تناله الدانسات. فقلت له: يا سيدي قد أخبرتني أنه يولد في هذه الليلة ففي أي وقت منها؟ قال لي في طلوع الفجر يولد الكريم على الله إن شاء الله. قالت حكيمة: فأقمت فأفطرت ونمت بقرب من نرجس وبات أبو محمد (ع) في صفة في تلك الدار التي نحن فيها. فلما ورد وقت صلاة الليل قمت ونرجس نائمة ما بها أثر ولادة فأخذت في صلاتي ثم أوترت فأنا في الوتر حتى وقع في نفسي أن الفجر قد طلع ودخل قلبي شئ فصاح أبو محمد (ع) من الصفة: لم يطلع الفجر يا عمة فأسرعت الصلاة وتحركت نرجس فدنوت منها وضممتها إلي وسميت عليها ثم قلت لها: هل تحسين بشئ قالت: نعم، فوقع علي سبات لم أتمالك معه أن نمت ووقع على نرجس مثل ذلك ونامت فلم أنتبه إلا بحس سيدي المهدي وصيحة أبي محمد (ع) يقول: يا عمة هاتي ابني إلي فقد قبلته فكشفت عن سيدي (ع). فإذا أنا به ساجداً يبلغ الارض بمساجده وعلى ذراعه الايمن مكتوب "جاء الحق وزهق الباطل إن الباطل كان زهوقا " فضممته إلي فوجدته مفروغا منه ولففته في ثوب وحملته إلى أبي محمد (ع) فأخذه فأقعده على راحته اليسرى وجعل راحته اليمنى على ظهره ثم أدخل لسانه في فيه وأمره بيده على ظهره وسمعه ومفاصله ثم قال له: تكلم يا بني فقال: أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن محمدا رسول الله وأن علياً أمير المؤمنين ولي الله ثم لم يزل يعدد السادة الائمة (ع) إلى أن بلغ إلى نفسه ودعا لأوليائه بالفرج على يده ثم أحجم. قال أبو محمد (ع): يا عمة اذهبي (به) إلى أمه ليسلم عليها واتيني به فمضيت فسلم عليها ورددته ثم وقع بيني وبين أبي محمد (ع) كالحجاب فلم أر سيدي فقلت له: يا سيدي أين مولانا. فقال: أخذه من هو أحق به منك فإذا كان اليوم السابع فأتينا. فلما كان في اليوم السابع جئت فسلمت ثم جلست فقال (ع): هلمي ابني فجئت بسيدي وهو في ثياب صفر ففعل به كفعاله الاول وجعل لسانه (ع) في فيه ثم قال له: تكلم يا بني

He said, “I bear witness that a deity other than Allah is not.” Then he praised Muhammad by beseeching blessings for him and the Prince of the Believers and the Imams one after the other until he stopped by mentioning his father. Then he recited, In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate; And We desire to confer kindness upon those who have been enfeebled on earth and make them Imams and make them heirs and give them power on earth and show Pharaoh and Ha-ma-n and their armies from them what they have been averting.

Then he said, “Read, my son, from the books that Allah has revealed upon his prophets and apostles.” My Master began with the book of Adam and read it in Assyrian; he read the book of Idri-s, the book of Noah, the book of Hu-d, the book of Sa-lih, the pages of Abraham, the Torah of Moses, the Psalms of David, the Evangel of Jesus, and the Qur’a-n of my grandfather Muhammad (a.s). Then he narrated the stories of the apostles and messengers until his own time. After forty days, I went to the house of Abu Muhammad (a.s) and suddenly saw that the Master of the Age was walking about the house. I had never seen a face more beautiful than his, nor heard a tongue more eloquent than his. Abu Muhammad (a.s) said to me, “This is the boy dignified before Allah, the Exalted.”

I said to him, “My Master, he is forty days old and I see him like this.” He said, “My aunt, don’t you know that we the congregation of legatees grow in a day so much that the others grow in a week, and grow in a week so much that the others grow in a year.” I rose and kissed his forehead and returned. I came back and looked him but did not see him. I said to my Master Abu Muhammad (a.s), “What has our Master done?” He said, “Aunt, we entrusted him to the one mother of Moses entrusted her son to.” Then he said, “When my Lord granted me the Mahdi of this Ummah, He sent two angels, who carried him to the Pavilions of the Throne (Sara-diq al-‘Arsh), so much so they stood him in front of Allah, the Glorified.

He said to him, ‘Blessed be you My servant for the support of my religion and manifestation of My command and guidance of My servants. I have taken an oath that through you I will seize, through you I will grant, through I will forgive, through you I will punish. Return him, O’ two angels, return him. Return him to his father like a friend of Mine is returned. Convey to his father that he is in My accord of protection, in My security, and in My eyes until I establish through him the truth, until I perish through him vanity, and until the religion is for Me forever.’”

She said, “When he fell from the abdomen of his mother on earth, he was found kneeling on his knees, raising his forefingers. Then he sneezed and said, ‘All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. And may Allah bless Muhammad - a humble servant, neither proud nor arrogant - and his household.’ Then he said, ‘The oppressors have presumed that the Hujja of Allah has perished. If I were given permission, this doubt would perish.’”

فقال (ع): أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وثنى بالصلاة على محمد وأمير المؤمنين والائمة حتى وقف على أبيه (ع) ثم قرأ " "بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَانِ الرَّحِيمِ. وَنُرِيدُ أَنْ نَمُنَّ عَلَى الَّذِينَ اسْتُضْعِفُوا فِي الْأَرْضِ وَنَجْعَلَهُمْ أَئِمَّةً وَنَجْعَلَهُمْ الْوَارِثِينَ وَنُمَكِّنَ لَهُمْ فِي الْأَرْضِ وَنُرِي فِرْعَوْنَ وَهَامَانَ وَجُنُودَهُمَا مِنْهُمْ مَا كَانُوا يَحْذَرُونَ." ثم قال له اقرأ يا بني مما أنـزل الله على أنبيائه ورسله فابتدأ بصحف آدم فقرأها بالسريانية، وكتاب إدريس، وكتاب نوح، وكتاب هود، وكتاب صالح، وصحف إبراهيم، وتوراة موسى، وزبور داود، وإنجيل عيسى، وفرقان جدي رسول الله(ص) ثم قص قصص الانبياء والمرسلين إلى عهده. فلما كان بعد أربعين يوما دخلت دار أبي محمد (ع) فإذا مولانا صاحب الزمان يمشي في الدار فلم أر وجها أحسن من وجهه (ع) ولا لغة أفصح من لغته فقال لي أبو محمد (ع): هذا المولود الكريم على الله(عزوجل). قلت له: يا سيدي له أربعون يوماً وأنا أرى من أمره ما أرى؟ فقال (ع): يا عمتي أما علمت أنا معشر الاوصياء ننشؤ في اليوم ما ينشؤ غيرنا في الجمعة وننشؤ في الجمعة ما ينشؤ غيرنا في السنة؟ فقمت فقبلت رأسه فانصرفت فعدت وتفقدته فلم أره فقلت لسيدي أبي محمد (ع): ما فعل مولانا؟ فقال: يا عمة استودعناه الذي استودعته ام موسى (ع) ثم قال (ع): لما وهب لي ربي مهدي هذه الامة أرسل ملكين فحملاه إلى سرادق العرش حتى وقفا (به) بين يدي الله(عزوجل) فقال له: مرحبا بك عبدي لنصرة ديني وإظهار أمري ومهدي عبادي آليت أني بك آخذ وبك اعطي وبك أغفر وبك اعذب، اردداه أيها الملكان رداه رداه على أبيه رداً رفيقاً وأبلغاه فانه في ضماني وكنفي وبعيني إلى أن احق به الحق وازهق به الباطل، ويكون الدين لي واصبا. ثم قالت: لما سقط من بطن امه إلى الارض وجد جاثيا على ركبتيه رافعا بسبابتيه ثم عطس فقال: "الحمد لله رب العالمين وصلى الله على محمد وآله عبدا داخرا غير مستنكف ولا مستكبر" ثم قال (ع): زعمت الظلمة أن حجة لله داحضة لو أذن لي لزال الشك

It has been narrated from Ibra-hi-m, the companion of Abu Muhammad (a.s): My Master Abu al-Hasan (a.s) sent me four sheep and wrote to me, “In the name of Allah the Merciful, the Compassionate. Offer these as ‘aqi-qa of my sonM. U. H. A. M. M. A. D. al-Mahdi. Eat! Blessed a food be it for you! And feed whosoever o f our Shi-‘a you find.”

The author says, al-Shahi-d al-Awwal says in al-Duru-s, “He was born at Surra Man Ra’a- on Friday eve on the fifteenth of Sha‘ba-n of the year two hundred and fifty five. His mother is Saqi-l. It is said that she is Narjis. And it is said she is Maryam Bint Zaid al-‘Alawiyya.” I would like to add that Sheikh Tusi in al-Misba-hain and al-Seyed Ibn Ta-wu-s in Kita-b al-Iqba-l and the rest of his books of supplications have specifically chronicled his date of birth as mid-Sha‘ba-n. The author of al-Fusu-l al-Muhimma says, He was born at Surra Man Ra’a- on the eve of mid-Sha‘ba-n of the year two hundred and fifty five.

It has been narrated from the handwriting of al-Shahi-d al-Awwal from al-Sa-diq (a.s) that the Imam said, “The night in which al-Qa-’im (a.s) will be born, no child will be born but he will be a believer; and if he is born in a land of polytheism, Allah will transfer him to faith through the blessing of the Imam (a.s).”

وعن إبراهيم صاحب أبي محمد (ع) أنه قال: وجه إلي مولاي أبو الحسن (ع) بأربعة أكبش وكتب إلي: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم (عق) هذه عن ابني محمد المهدي وكل هناك وأطعم من وجدت من شيعتنا. أقول: وقال الشهيد S في الدروس: ولد (ع) بسر من رأى يوم الجمعة ليلا خامس عشر شعبان سنة خمس وخمسين ومأتين وامه صقيل وقيل نرجس وقيل مريم بنت زيد العلوية. أقول: وعين الشيخ في المصباحين والسيد ابن طاوس في كتاب الاقبال وسائر مؤلفي كتب الدعوات ولادته (ع) في النصف من شعبان وقال: في الفصول المهمة: ولد (ع) بسر من رأى ليلة النصف من شعبان سنة خمس وخمسين ومأتين (نقل من خط الشهيد عن الصادق (ع) قال: إن الليلة التي يولد فيها القائم (ع) لا يولد فيها مولود إلا كان مؤمنا، وإن ولد في أرض الشرك نقله الله إلى الايمان ببركة الامام (ع).