An Overview of The Mahdi’s (‘atfs) Government

An Overview of The Mahdi’s (‘atfs) Government0%

An Overview of The Mahdi’s (‘atfs) Government Author:
Translator: Mansoor L. Limba
Publisher: Ahlul Bayt World Assembly
Category: Imam al-Mahdi

An Overview of The Mahdi’s (‘atfs) Government

Author: Najmuddin Tabasi
Translator: Mansoor L. Limba
Publisher: Ahlul Bayt World Assembly

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An Overview of The Mahdi’s (‘atfs) Government
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An Overview of The Mahdi’s (‘atfs) Government

An Overview of The Mahdi’s (‘atfs) Government

Publisher: Ahlul Bayt World Assembly

Alhassanain (p) Network for Islamic Heritage and Thought

An Overview of The Mahdi’s (‘atfs) Government

The Shi‘ah is waiting for the Living Imam (‘atfs) for waiting for his advent is one of the highest forms of worship. From the Shi‘ah viewpoint of history, the world will certainly witness the government of justice of the Imam of the Time (‘atfs) and tyrannical systems will cease to exist. In An Overview of the Mahdi’s Government, the esteemed author deals with an issue that is rarely discussed in the study of Imam al-Mahdi (‘atfs). He delves into the manner of the Imam’s uprising, government system and method of rule.

Author(s): Najmuddin Tabasi

Translator(s): Mansoor L. Limba

Publisher(s): Ahlul Bayt World Assembly

Table of Contents

Transliteration Symbols 9

Foreword 11

Note 12

Preface 13

Notes 15

Introduction 17

Note 18

Part 1: The World before the Advent of Imam al-Mahdi (‘atfs) 19

Governments 20

The Despotism of Governments 20

The Composition of States 21

The Influence of Women on Governments 21

The Rule of the Young 21

The Instability of Governments 21

The Impotence of Powers in Administering Countries 22

Notes 22

The Religious Condition of the People 24

Islam and the Muslims 24

The Mosques 24

The Jurists (fuqaha) 24

The Desertion of Religion 25

The Selling of Religion 25

Notes 25

Morality before the Advent of Imam al-Mahdi (‘atfs) 26

The Coldness of Human Feelings 26

Moral Corruption 26

The Spread of Immodest Acts 27

The Desire for Less Children 27

The Increase in the Number of Families without Guardians 28

Notes 28

Security before the Advent of Imam al-Mahdi (‘atfs) 30

Chaos and Insecurity 30

Insecurity of the Highways 30

Horrendous Crimes 31

Wishing for Death by Those who are Alive 31

The Captivity of the Muslims 32

Sinking into the Ground 33

The Increase of Sudden Death 33

Hopelessness of the People of the World to Attain Deliverance 33

The Absence of Judges and Refuge 33

Wars, Killings and Seditions 34

Notes 36

The Economic Condition of the World During the Advent of Imam al-Mahdi (‘atfs) 39

Scarce and Inopportune Rainfall 39

Drying up of Lakes and Rivers 39

The Prevalence of Inflation, Starvation, Poverty, and Trade Recessions 39

The Bartering of Women in Exchange for Food Items 40

Notes 41

The Rays of Hope 42

The True Believers 42

The Role of the Shi‘ah ‘Ulama’ and Scholars 42

The Role of the City of Qum at the End of Time 43

Qum as the Sanctuary of the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a) 43

The City of Qum as a Proof for Others 44

The Center for the Diffusion of Islamic Culture 44

The Confirmation of the Way of Thinking in Qum 45

The Companions of Imam al-Mahdi (‘atfs) 45

Iran as the Country of the Imam of the Time (‘atfs) 46

Commendation for the Iranians 46

Those Who are Paving the Ground for the Advent of Imam al-Mahdi (‘atfs) 46

Notes 47

Part 2: The Global Revolution of Imam al-Mahdi (‘atfs) 50

The Uprising of the Imam of the Time (‘atfs) 51

Announcement of the Advent 51

The Slogan on the Flag of the Uprising 52

The Gladness of the People of the World for the Uprising 52

Deliverance of the Deprived 53

The Role of Women in the Uprising of Imam al-Mahdi (‘atfs) 54

The Historical Background of the Women Involved in the Advent 55

1. Siyanah 55

2. Umm Ayman 56

3. Zubaydah 56

4. Sumayyah the Mother of ‘Ammar ibn Yasir 57

5. Umm Khalid 57

6. Hababah Walibiyyah 57

7. Qanwa’ the Daughter of Rashid Hijri 58

The Role of Women during the Time of the Prophets (‘a) 59

1. Umm ‘Atiyyah 59

2. Umm ‘Ammarah (Nasibah) 59

3. Umm Abih 59

4. Umm Ayman 60

5. Haminnah 60

6. Rabi‘ah bint Ma‘udh 60

7. Umm Ziyad 60

8. Umayyah bint al-Qays 60

9. Layla al-Ghaffariyyah 60

10. Umm Salim 60

11. Mu‘adhah al-Ghaffariyyah 60

12. Umm Sinan Aslamiyyah 60

13. Fatimah az-Zahra (‘a) 60

14. Umm Sulayt 60

15. Nasibah 60

16. Anisah 61

Notes 61

The Leader of the Uprising 64

Physical Features 64

1. Age and Features 64

2. Bodily Characteristics 64

His Moral Excellences 65

1. His Fear of God 65

2. His Asceticism (zuhd) 65

His Garments 66

His Weapon 66

Imam al-Mahdi’s Knowledge of Others’ Personalities 67

His Miracles 67

1. The Speaking of Birds 68

2. The Gushing Forth of Water and Provisions from the Ground 69

3. Traveling throughout the World and the Absence of a Shadow 69

4. His Means of Transportation 69

5. Slowness of the Movement of Time 70

6. The Power of Takbir 70

7. Passing over the Water 71

8. Curing the Sick 71

9. The Staff of Musa (Moses) in His Hand 71

10. The Call of the Cloud 71

Notes 71

The Soldiers of Imam al-Mahdi (‘atfs) 74

Commanders of the Army 74

1. Hadrat ‘Isa (Jesus Christ) (‘a) 74

2. Shu‘ayb ibn Salih 74

3. Isma‘il the Son of Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) and ‘Abdullah ibn Sharik 75

4. ‘Aqil and Harith 75

5. Jubayr ibn Khabur 75

6. ‘Umar ibn Mufaddal 75

7. The Companions of the Cave (ashab al-kahf) 75

The Nationality of the Soldiers 76

1. Iranians 76

a. Qum 77

b. Khurasan 78

c. Taleqan 78

2. Arabs 78

3. The Followers of Various Religions 79

4. Jabalqa and Jabarsa 80

The Number of Soldiers 81

1. Special Forces 81

2. The Army of Imam al-Mahdi (‘atfs) 83

3. Security Guard Corps 83

Mustering the Soldiers 83

Things Necessary in Recruiting and Training the Soldiers 84

Peculiarities of the Soldiers 86

1. Worship and Devotion 86

2. Love for the Imam and Obedience to Him 86

3. Strong and Young Soldiers 87

4. Beloved Soldiers 88

5. Lovers of Martyrdom 88

Notes 88

The Wars of Imam al-Mahdi (‘afs) 93

The Reward for the Strugglers (mujahidin) and Martyrs (shuhada’) 93

War Armaments 93

The Imam’s Conquest of the World for the Liberation of Mankind 94

Suppression of Revolts 98

The End of War 99

Notes 100

Hidden Help 103

Dread and Fear as Weapons of the Imam 103

The Angels and Jinn 103

Angels of the Earth 105

The Ark of Prophet Musa (Moses) (‘a) 106

Notes 106

Imam al-Mahdi’s Mode of Conduct with Enemies 108

The Decisiveness of the Imam (‘atfs) in Confronting Enemies 108

1. War and Killing 108

2. Execution and Banishment 109

3. The Amputation of Hands 109

Dealing with Different Groups 110

1. The Arab Nation 110

2. The People of the Book (ahl al-kitab) 110

3. False and Deviant Sects 112

4. The Sanctimonious 112

5. Nasibis 113

6. Hypocrites 114

7. The Satan 114

Notes 115

The Revival of the Muhammadan (S) Sunnah 117

New Laws 118

1. Execution of Adulterers and Those Who Prevent Zakat 118

2. The Law of Inheritance 119

3. The Execution of Liars 119

4. Termination of the Ruling on Jizyah 119

5. Revenge against the Remaining Offspring of Imam al-Husayn’s (‘a) Murderers 120

6. The Ruling on Mortgage (rahn) and Deposit (wathiqah) 120

7. Business Profit 120

8. The Brethren-in-Faith Helping One Another 121

9. Ruling on Qatayi‘(Private Estates) 121

10. Ruling on Wealth 121

Social Reforms and the Structural Renovation of Mosques 121

1. The Destruction of the Kufah Mosque and the Fixing of Its Qiblah 121

2. Destruction of Embellished Mosques and Those along the Highways 122

3. The Destruction of Minarets 122

4. Destruction of the Roofs and Pulpits of Mosques 122

5. Restoration of Masjid al-Haram (the Sacred Mosque in Mecca) and Masjid an-Nabi (in Medina) to Their Respective Original Sizes 122

Judgment 123

The Government of Justice 123

View of the Late Tabarsi 124

Notes 125

Part 3: The Government of Imam al-Mahdi (‘afts) 128

The Government of Truth 129

Government over Hearts 131

The Capital of the Government 132

The Officials of Imam al-Mahdi’s (‘atfs) Government 132

The Period of Rule 134

Notes 135

The Growth of Knowledge and the Diffusion of Islamic Culture 138

Progress in Science and Technology 139

The Diffusion of Islamic Culture 141

1. Teaching of the Qur’an and Islamic Studies 142

2. The Building of Mosques 142

The Enhancement of Spirituality and Morality 143

Notes 145

Security 147

Public Security 147

The Security of Highways 148

Judicial Security 150

Notes 151

The Economy 153

Economic Boom and Social Welfare 153

1. Distribution of Properties and the Endowment of Possessions 153

2. The Uprooting of Poverty from Society 154

3. Attending to the Affairs of the Deprived and the Downtrodden 155

Prosperity and Development 156

Agriculture 157

1. The Abundance of Rain 157

2. The Surplus of Agricultural Produce 158

3. The Flourishing of Animal Husbandry 159

Commerce 160

Notes 160

Health and Medical Services 163

The Spread of Diseases and Sudden Deaths 163

Health 164

Medical Services 165

Notes 165

Conclusion 167

The Martyrdom or Passing Away of Imam al-Mahdi (‘atfs) 167

The Manner of the Martrdom of Imam al-Mahdi (‘atfs) 167

Notes 168

Addendum 169

Question 1 169

Question 2 169

Question 3 169

Question 4 170

Question 5 170

Question 6 170

Notes 171

Du‘a al-Faraj- Ilahi ‘azuma’l bala’u 172

دُعَاءُ الْفَرَجْ - إلهي عظم البلاء 172

Du‘a’ al-Faraj 172

Invocation for the Advent of the Imam of the Age (‘atfs) 172

Du‘a’ Imam al-‘Asr 174

دُعَاءُ اِمَامِ العَصْر ( عج) 174

Du‘a’ Imam al-‘Asr (‘atfs) 174

Invocation of the Imam of the Age (‘atfs) 174

Bibliography 177

أ 177

ب 178

ت 178

ث 179

ج 179

ح 180

خ 180

د 180

ذ 180

ر 181

س 181

ش 181

ص 181

ط 182

ع 182

غ 183

ف 183

ق 183

ك 184

ل 184

م 184

ن 186

و 187

ي 187

Transliteration Symbols


In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful

The invaluable legacy of the Household (Ahl al-Bayt) of the Prophet (may peace be upon them all), as preserved by their followers, is a comprehensive school of thought that embraces all branches of Islamic knowledge. This school has produced many brilliant scholars who have drawn inspiration from this rich and pure resource.

It has given many scholars to the Muslim ummah who, following in the footsteps of Imams of the Prophet’s Household (‘a), have done their best to clear up the doubts raised by various creeds and currents within and without Muslim society and to answer their questions. Throughout the past centuries, they have given well-reasoned answers and clarifications concerning these questions and doubts.

To meet the responsibilities assigned to it, the Ahl al-Bayt World Assembly (ABWA) has embarked on a defence of the sanctity of the Islamic message and its verities, often obscured by the partisans of various sects and creeds as well as by currents hostile to Islam. The Assembly follows in the footsteps of the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a) and the disciples of their school of thought in its readiness to confront these challenges and tries to be on the frontline in consonance with the demands of every age.

The arguments contained in the works of the scholars belonging to the School of the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a) are of unique significance. That is because they are based on genuine scholarship and appeal to reason, and avoid prejudice and bias. These arguments address scholars and thinkers in a manner that appeals to healthy minds and wholesome human nature.

To assist the seekers of truth, the Ahl al-Bayt World Assembly has endeavored to present a new phase of these arguments contained in the studies and translations of the works of contemporary Shi‘ah writers and those who have embraced this sublime school of thought through divine blessing.

The Assembly is also engaged in edition and publication of the valuable works of leading Shi‘ah scholars of earlier ages to assist the seekers of the truth in discovering the truths which the School of the Prophet’s Household (‘a) has offered to the entire world.

The Ahl al-Bayt World Assembly looks forward to benefit from the opinions of the readers and their suggestions and constructive criticism in this area.

We also invite scholars, translators and other institutions to assist us in propagating the genuine Islamic teachings as preached by the Prophet Muhammad (S).

We beseech God, the Most High, to accept our humble efforts and to enable us to enhance them under the auspices of Imam al-Mahdi, His vicegerent on the earth (may Allah expedite his advent).

We express our gratitude to Hujjat al-Islam wa’l-Muslimin Shaykh Najmuddin Tabasi, the author of the present book,1 and Mansoor Limba, its translator. We also thank our colleagues who have participated in producing this work, especially the staff of the Translation Office.

Cultural Affairs Department

Ahl al-Bayt (‘a) World Assembly


1. Najmuddin Tabasi, Chashmandazi beh Hukumat-e Mahdi, 2nd ed., 4th printing (Qum: Bustan-e Kitab-e Qum, Summer 1382 AHS (2003), 224 pages.