Devils Deception of the Nasibi Wahabis

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Devils Deception of the Nasibi Wahabis

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Abdul Hakeem Oranu
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Devils Deception of the Nasibi Wahabis
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Devils Deception of the Nasibi Wahabis

Devils Deception of the Nasibi Wahabis


This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Alhassanain (p) Network for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Devils Deception of the Nasibi Wahabis

Author: Abdul Hakeem Oranu

Table of Contents

Preface 6

Introduction 9

Our methodology 9

Defending our approach 10

Defining a Nasibi 10

Pinpointing the Nasibi founding forefathers 11

Bore enmity to Imam Ali (as) by cursing him Fought him 11

Identifying and recognising Nasibi ideology 11

Mu'awiya and Yazid were the Founding Forefathers of Nasibi ideology 12

The position of the Imam of the Nasibis Ibn Taymeeya in the eyes of the Ahl'ul Sunnah wa al Jamaa 14

Takfeer issued by the Ahl'ul Sunnah against Ibn Taymeeya 15

The Ahl'ul Sunnah wa' al Jamaah fatwa on the Nasibis 17

Imam of the Ahl'ul Sunnah Shah Abdul Aziz's fatwa that Nasibis are equal to dogs and pigs 17

Imam of Ahl'ul Sunnah Shah Abdul Aziz's fatwa that the Nasibi ideology is Kufr 17

The Salafee/Nasibi belief that Allah (swt) is the root source of acts of polytheism, fornication and homosexuality 17

The Nasibis slander of the Qur'an 18

Nasibis fatwa declaring it permissible to write the Qur'an with urine 19

Nasibis absurd assertion that to kiss the Holy Qur'an is wrong 19

Nasibi slander that Shi'a ascribe tahreef to the Holy Qur'an 19

Hadhrath Umar's saying that the current Qur'an is incomplete 20

The Nasibi Scholar Maulana Anwar Shah's Fatwa, that there is Tahreef in the Qur'an 21

The Nasibis belief in Iman 21

The Nasibis Fatwa that the Prophet (s) was a Kaafir (God forbid!) 22

The Nasibis Kufr Fatwa - that the Prophet (s)'sparents were Kaafir (God forbid) 23

The Nasibis leader's Fatwas that the Prophets parents were Kaffir 24

Fakhradin Radhi's kufr Fatwa on the Prophets parents 24

Another Nasibi attack on the parents 24

The Nasibis further slander on the Prophets parents 24

Shi'a belief about the Prophet (s)'s parents 25

Nasibis attack on the Prophets lineage 25

Nasibi attack on Rasulullah (s)'s knowledge 27

The Nasibi belief to think about the Prophet (s) during prayers lowers you to the status of a donkey 27

The Nasibi belief that Hadhrath Abu Bakr was superior to previous Prophets 28

The Nasibi substitution of the Kalima with the name of one of their Ulema 29

Nasibi alleged Dreams prove their disrespect of Rasulullah (s) and his Ahlul bayt (as) 30

A Deobandi Nasibi Maulana saved Rasulullah (s) from falling in to Hell 30

Rasulullah (s) was taught Urdu by the Nasibis 30

Sayyida Fatima (as) embraces a Nasibi Scholar 30

The Nasibis assault on Hadhrath Ayesha 31

Nasibi slander on Hadhrath Ayesha 31

Nasibi attack on Hadhrath Ayeshas dignity 31

The Shaykhain's attack on Hadhrath Ayesha 32

Hadhrath Abu Bakr attacks Hadhrath Ayesha and declares her an enemy of God 33

The Nasibis Kufr Fatwa on Hadhrath Ayesha 33

Hadhrath Ayesha's kufr Fatwa on Hadhrath Uthman 33

The Shi'a position on Hadhrath Ayesha 35

The Nasibis assault on the Sahaba and Salaf Imams 36

Nasibi kufr Fatwa on the Sahaba 36

These authentic traditions make it clear that the vast bulk of Sahaba 37

Further Nasibi lies against the Shi'as 37

The Nasibi Fatwa that Khalid bin Waleed's father was homosexual 38

Nasibis Fatwa that the Ulema of Islam are homosexual 38

The Nasibis Fatwa that the companions were homosexual 38

The Nasibis Fatwa Imam Abu Hanifa's student Abdullah bin Mubarak was homosexual 39

The Nasibis have declared Imam of Ahlul Sunnah Shaykh ul Islam Qadi Yahya bin Aksam a homosexual 39

Fatwa by the Nasibis on Shaykh ul Islam Qadi Yahya bin Aqsam - that he was active in Sodomy 39

Ahl'ul Sunnah Fatwas against the Nasibi Wahabis 42

Ijma of Ahl'ul Sunnah that Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab was an enemy of Islam 42

The Fatwa of kufr by the Sunni Ulema against the Wahabis 42

The Sunni scholar Allamah Shamiis Fatwa that Najdhi Wahabis are also Khwaarij 45

The Sunni Fatwa by Muhammad Thanvi that The Nasibis are Khwaarijees 45

Imam of Ahlul Sunnahs Ahmad Razas Fatwa that Wahabi,Deobandi and La Madhabi Groups are Kaffir 45

Numani and his likes look at the Fatwas of the Sunni Ulema against your party 46

The Ahlul Sunnah Fatwa naming the enemies of Islam 49

The Hanbali Sunni Fatwa that la madhabi / Ahl ul Hadith are transgressors 49

The Sunni Fatwa that Ahl Hadith are Apostates and misguided 49

The Ahlul Sunnah Fatwa declaring Ahl ul Hadith as worse than dogs 50

The Ahlul Sunnah Fatwa that praying behind Ahlul Hadith makes it haram to have sex with your wife 50

The Ahlul Sunnah Fatwa stating that if you touch Ahlul Hadith you should perform Wudhu again 50

Ahlul Islam Fatwa that Deobandi books should be spat and urinated on 50

Sunni Fatwa that Shah Ismail Shaheed was a Kaafir 50

Sunni Fatwa that it's a duty to kill Shah Ismail 50

How Allamah Rashid Ahmad Gangohi is remembered by the Sunni Ulema 51

Kaffaran (Followers) ai Gangohi and their Leader Iblis 51

Fatwa by three hundred Sunni Ulema declaring that the Deobandis are Kaffirs 51

Placing Abu Hanifa Imam of the Deobandi Nasibis under the microscope 53

Wake up call for the Deobandis 53

A challenge to the Deobandi Pundits 53

The review of the author Baghdadi and his Tarikh 53

The Prophet was amongst those who listened to Baghdadi 54

Ahmad bin Hanbal condemned Imam Abu Hanifa 54

Imam Malik condemned Imam of the Deobandis Abu Hanifa 54

Further attacks by Imam Malik on Imam Abu Hanifa 55

Another classic Hanafi Fatwa 56

Imam Abu Hanifas Fatwa that the Iman of Hadhrath Abu Bakr and Iblis are the same 56

Abu Hanifa disrespected the Prophet In Tarikh Baghdad we learn that 59

The Prophet forbade his followers from adhering to Abu Hanifa 59

Imam Bukhari classified Abu Hanifa as weak 60

Imam Abu Hanifa was ignorant of Arabic as admitted by Ibne Khalikan 62

Imam Ghazzali declaration that Deobandis ninety percent of Imam Abu Hanifas Fatwas are wrong 62

Imam Ghazzalis declaration Abu Hanifa turned Sharia on its head 62

Imam Ghazzali's declaration that Abu Hanifa didn't read the Salat of Rasulullah (s) 64

Imam Ghazzali declaration that Abu Hanifas Fatwas are Kufr 64

Ghazzalis cursing Fatwas against Abu Hanifa 64

Ghazzali said Abu Hanifa was kaafir worse than Yazid 64

Position of Imam Ghazzali's Munhaul in Ahl'ul Sunnah eyes 64

Munhaul was Imam Ghazzali's Book 64

Abu Hanifa's Salaat was condemned by Scholars Rislala al Mugheez al Khulq by Abu Mualli 65

Mulla 'Ali Qari's anger at the farting Salaat of Imam Abu Hanifa 66

Wafayat ul ayan Dhikr Fukaar 66

Suyuti condemnation of Imam Abu Hanifa 66

Imam Abu Yusufs condemation of Abu Hanifa 66

Hanafi Fatwa cursing those that oppose Abu Hanifa 67

The true position on the Shia The Nasibi Takfeer campaign against the Shia cannot be supported by the Quran or Sunnah 68

Defining a Momin 68

Defining Iman 69

The Ulema of Ahlul Sunnah have warned against issuing takfeer on Muslims 69

Shia are Muslim - Fatwa of Grand Mufti Shaltoot 69

Imam of Ahlul Sunnah Shaykh Muhammad Ghazzalis Fatwa that Shias are Muslim 71

Imam of Ahlul Sunnah Abu Muhammad Zuhra declared the Shia to be Muslims 71

Shaykh Hasan Ayubs Fatwa about the Shia 71

Imam Ahmad Ibraheems Fatwa that the Shia are Muslim 71

The Shia are an Islamic Sect 71

Fiqh Jafri is a legitimate Islamic Sect 71


"A comprehensive research in to the Nasibis (wahabis/deobandis) you can ever find anywhere."The motivation behind the writing of this book came about from my personal experience. From my humble Christian background Allah (swt) guided me to his deen (religion). The brothers who converted me were themselves Salafi and hence I was indoctrinated to their aqeedah (ideology). The earliest thing that I was told was that I should be weary of the enemies of Islam disguised as Muslims such as Shi'as who portrayed Islam on the outside but were infact kaafir, on account of the "facts" such as:

They believe that the Qur'an has verses missing from it.

They curse the Sahaba and wives of the Prophet(s).

They believe that the revelation should have gone to Ali, but Gibrail (as) accidentally conveyed it to Prophet Muhammad (s). As such they curse Gibrael when they complete their prayers.

They beat themselves in Muharram and fornicate in the precincts of their mosques on the 10th night - any male product from this illegal union is named Hussain, and any girl is named Zaynab.

You can imagine how this made me feel, being constantly told about this, time and time again. Hence I bore extreme hatred towards the Shi'a in my heart. As a brother told me "You should hate the Shi'a with a vengeance".

Two years after I reverted I married a Salafi sister of South Asian descent - whilstpractising, she was rather less exuberant than I was in active Dawah activities. A few weeks after we married, very close friends of my wife invited us both to dinner. It was only when I arrived there that I learnt that the family were Shi'a, had I known earlier I would have probably never gone.

The host was very kind, but kept asking me questions on my beliefs etc. I tried to side-track, but he kept prying and this made befeel very uneasy. This was our first meeting but we met many more times in the coming weeks, on account of the fact that his place of work was next to the University where I studied.

He tried his hardest to convince me that the Shi'awere correct in their beliefs, but I simply programmed myself to believe that he was a kaafir who was practising taqiyya. Despite this after a year of heated discussions my heart was starting to accept some of his arguments. Whilst I would simply regurgitate whatever my Salafi brothers had taught me - he would always reply logically and would back up his comments by citing traditions from classical works such as Sahih al Bukhari.

In truth I had not discussed any of these conversations to my Salafi brothers, until I was out one day and visited a market stall that was run by two Salafi reverts. After our general salutations I informed one of the brothers that I had a friend who was Shi'a and inquired whether he knew anything about the Shi'a faith. No sooner did I say the name "Shi'a" that the brother's face changed colour, he said: "Brother don't talk to them they are kafir (infidels), they believe that the Qur'an has verses missing".

I told him that the Shi'a I had spoken to denied this and countered me by presenting a tahreef tradition from Sahih al Bukhari - with Umar stating that a Surah on stoning is missing. The brother was shocked and after about a minute's silence he said: "brother they did black magic with your eyes you didn't see it!"

This really made me laugh and I walked off. I proceeded to do my shopping and was just passing the stall again when the brother called me over and introduced me toa revert who he acclaimed as an "expert on Shi'aism". The 'expert' said:

"So you wanna know about the Shi'a kaafir, all you need to know is that they believe in 12 Gods". Even I from my general conversations with the Shi'a brother knew that this was a blatant lie. I then decided to test him by quizzing the fact that Shi'as believe 'Ali to be the Prophet (s)'s legitimate successor and I cited the Sahih tradition 'Ali is to me as Harun is to Musa except there shall be no Prophet after me'.

The 'expert' then countered this by asking:

"And what did he (s) say about Umar[r]?"

I knew exactly what he was asking and said:

"If there had to be a Prophet after me it would be Umar".

The expert patted me on the back and said:

"Exactly brother". I then asked him "That being the case why did Umar not become the first Khalifa? Is this not an insult to Hadhrath Umar?"

The expert looked bemused, smiled and said:

"Brother you've just used your Aql (reason) and that's haraam".

It was that reply that will act as a permanent memory for me. I still remember looking over to the revert brother who owned the stall following this reply, he smiled a half smile, that to me suggested that he was about as convinced at the reply as I was. For me this was the turning point in my life. The sheer stupidity and lies I heard at that stall convinced me that the Salafis were trying to cover something up. Alhamdolillah, the 'expert' achieved greater success in guiding me to the Shi'a than the Shi'a brother had, despite a year of rigorous debating! It was his blatant lies and lack of logic that repelled me away from the Salafis and attracted me to the Ahl'ul bayt (as).

You might ask 'what has this to do with the preface?' -well only a handful of brothers are fortunate enough to ever meet knowledgeable Shi'as and learn the actual truth. As the vast bulk of reverts are brought to the Din by the Salafi's the opportunity of them ever actually meeting and discussing matters with Shi'as is highly unlikely.

This is increased when one takes into account the level of propaganda and lies that are pumped intoa revert 's mind with regards to the Shi'a and what they allegedly believe. When I look back at my time with the Salafis I recall that they never talked about 'Ali (as) - why? Well since becoming Shi'a, truth has been made manifest - they are the Nasibis, his enemies - and are hiding their enmity behind the "Sunni label".

That's why I had asked the brother who sacrificed so many hours of his time to guide me, to write a rebuttal of their lies and expose their actual aqeedah to the world. I hope that this book opens the minds of my fellow reverts who have been deceived by the Salafis. It is indeed sad that these same reverts who embraced Islam having researched the truth with an open mind and logical reasoning, abandon these same principles when being indoctrinated into the Salafi movement, preferring to blindly follow every word of their Nasibi Shaykhs. I also hope that the book acts as a source of inspiration to my down-trodden Shi'a brothers and sisters who have to put up with the Salafi Nasibi propaganda onslaught on a daily basis.

Your brother in Islam,

Abdul Hakeem Oranu