Devils Deception of the Nasibi Wahabis

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Devils Deception of the Nasibi Wahabis

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

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Devils Deception of the Nasibi Wahabis
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Devils Deception of the Nasibi Wahabis

Devils Deception of the Nasibi Wahabis


This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Placing Abu Hanifa Imam of the Deobandi Nasibis under the microscope

Wake up call for the Deobandis

Deobandis you have been misled by your Ulema saying we are kafir because we dont believe in Abu Bakr and Umar, we have countered this by showing you that your Ulema have been declared kafir by the Ahlul Sunnah! They were declared kafir even though they believed in Abu Bakr and Umar so youre damned if you do and your damned if you dont!( see note below) You Nasibis have done your utmost to create fitna against the Shia, for cursing the Sahaba there is no proof from the Quran that not believing / disrespecting or cursing Abu Bakr and Umar makes you a kafir Your own books are replete with insults on the Sahaba.

The biggest irony is the fact that had these modern day Nasibis bothered to read (one presumes that they can) the works of their own classical Nasibi Imams they would have discovered that cursing Abu Bakr and Umar does NOT make you a kafir. We have discussed this matter in our articleThe creed of the Shia explained.

There are even kufr Fatwas on your beloved Imam Abu Hanifa.

A challenge to the Deobandi Pundits

The entire foundation of the Deobandis centresaround the persona of Imam Abu Hanifas Fatawa and the Ulema of Islam issued takfir on him! We will now show you the position of Abu Hanifa in the eyes of the Ulema of Islam.

The review of the author Baghdadi and his Tarikh

For this Chapter we will be quoting in detail from the high-ranking Ahlul Sunnah work Tarikh by Tahir Baghdadi. Since this will naturally be uncomfortable reading for the Deobandi Nasibis, they will seek to dismiss the books authenticity to the innocent masses, which is why before citing references we will present the verdicts of the Ahlul Sunnah Ulema on this book.

In Wuzhiyaat ul Ayaan Ibne Khalikkan praises Baghdadi.

"Fayz al Qadeer Sharra Jami ul Sagheer" by Abdul Rauf Manadi likewise heaped praise on this book.

Tarikh Maraathul Junaan Allamah Yaafi also praised the book.

Tabaqat Fuqua Shaafiya Allamah Ibne Jamaatha praised the writer and the book.

Al Ansab Allama Sum'aani praised both writer and book.

Tarikh Safdhi both are praised

Mufti Kanzal Dhurraiya, Abu Aalim Abdullah bin Muhammad al Ayaashi al Mughribee praises the work.

Risala Turjhee Madhab Shafee al Radhi praises the book and its writer.

Busthan al Haditheen, Shah Abdul Aziz praises both the book and the author.

Hafidh Abu Bakr bin Mahdhi, the Khateeb of Baghdad, was born on Thursay 27 Ziqaat 380 Hijri, concentrated on Din following the advice of his father and visited Basra, Kufa, Nishapur, Isfahaan, Hijaaz. He was taught by renowned names like Abu Naim writer of Hilayat al Auliya and Abu Saeed Makeeni, Abu Hasan bin Basher. Great Ulema like Ibne Makuula Muhaddith and Muhammad bin Marzook Zahfrani were his students. In Makka, Allamah Barsti taught him al-Bukhari in five days. Ismail bin Ahmad Nishapuri, had three sitting with him. His memory and intelligence was unmatched. After inquiring knowledge he returned to Baghdad. He wrote 60 Books including Tarikhe Baghdad that is 14 Volumes. No one could narrate Hadith without his permission.

The Prophet was amongst those who listened to Baghdadi

In Muftha Kanzul Dhurraya and Bistaanan Muhaditheen we read:

Imam of Ahl ul Sunnah Makki al Raimali, states that I was in Baghdad when I saw myself in one of Baghdadis gatherings, to his right was Shaykh Nasr bin Ibrahim and on his right was another aged person. I inquired as to who it was and was told that it was the Prophet who had come to hear Baghdadi

Ahmad bin Hanbal condemned Imam Abu Hanifa

In Ahlul Sunnahs recognised Imam Fakhradin Radhi, writes as follows:

"Imam Ahmad Hanbal was asked about Imam Malik. The reply his Hadith are correct but the narrators are weak. Then someone asked him about Imam Shaafi, the reply was his Hadith and opinion is correct. Then someone asked about Imam Azam, he said Numan opinion is of no value, nor is his Hadith of any value. Bahiqi writes Imam Ahmad cautioned Imam Abu Hanifa because he would accept weak and fabricated Hadith.

"Risalaah thurjeeya Madhab Shaafee" by Imam Fakhradin Radhi, quoting "Al Alhfam" page 233

Another attack on Imam Abu Hanifa by Imam Ahmad bin HanbalIn Tarikh al Baghdad by Muallif Hafidh Abu Bakr Ahmad bin Ali al Khateeb Baghdad we read the following:

"Imam Hanbal said that a goats faeces is on par with fatwas of Abu Hanifa"

Tarikh al Baghdad Volume 13 page 411

"Ahmad bin Hassan Tirmidhi quotes I heard Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal say that Abu Hanifa is a liar".

Tarikh al Baghdad Volume 13 page 418

Nasibi / Deobandi's we congratulate you for adhering to such an Imam! You are liars like you Imam!

Imam Malik condemned Imam of the Deobandis Abu Hanifa

In "Shi'a aur Sunni" by Dr Islam Mahmood Misri, an article in an Egyptian magazine "Mukhthar al Islami" - issue 90, 8th edition, Jamadhi al Awwal 1406 Hijri on page 13 we read: "Imam Malik said about Abu Hanifa that he is the worst of people and it would have been easier for him to raise his sword against the Muslims".

Imam Maliks Fatwa that the Fitnah of the Abu Hanifa is worse than the Fitnah of IblisIn Tarikh al Baghdad we read:

Hadhrath Imam Malik said that for the Muslims Abu Hanifas Fitnah is more damaging than the Fitnah of Shaytaan". Tarikh al Baghdad Volume 13 page 392 Abu Hanifas Fitnah is compared to Dajjal On the same page under the Chapter "Dhikr Numan"

Abdullah Rahman said that I dont know if after Dajjals Fitnah there exists any bigger Fitnah than the opinions of Abu Hanifa.

Further attacks by Imam Malik on Imam Abu Hanifa

In the same book we read further comments by Imam Malik on the Imam of the Deobandis:

Imam Malik bin Anas stated no one had damaged Islam more than Numan. Tarikh al Baghdad Volume 13 page 396

Once Malik asked Walid bin Muslim: do people listen to Abu Hanifa in your city?he said: yes. Imam Malik repliedits amazing that your city has not been destroyed.Imam Malik said Abu Hanifa mocked Allahs Deen whoever does so is irreligious."

Tarikh al Baghdad Volume 13 page 400

Imam of Ahl ul Sunnah Idrees Shaafi condemned Imam Abu Hanifa Imam Shaafi in "Tabaqat ai Kubra" writes:

I have read Abu Hanifa Numans books and Numan and his followers proclaim that we believe in the Quran and Allah (swt) but they are opposed to it. In "Isthaqsai al Ahfam" it's written:

.that there was a debate between Imam Shaafi and Muhammad bin Hasan who was the student of Imam Azam and this is recorded by Yaqoodh Hamoowi in Muajum al Adbha by Shah Waliyullah in Risala Insaaf fi biyaan Subu ay Ikhthilaaf and Radhi in his Risala Tarjhi Madhab Shaafi that Shaafi said I said to Muhammad bin Hasan that I have read you book and apart from bismillah it is all wrong.

This is a slap in the face of the Deobandis.

Another appraisal of Abu HanifaIn Tarikh Baghdad we read:

"Imam Shaafi said that no-one more mischievous has appeared in Islam than Abu Hanifa".

Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 398

Again Baghdad records this:

Imam Shafii said that Imam Azams Fatwas are like a chameleon it continually changes its colours.

Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 411

Ahmad, Malik and Shaafi have attacked your beloved Imam!

The Sunni Fatwa on The Imam of the DeobandisIn Tarikh al Baghdad we read:

Someone asked Imam Azam if I say that I testify that the Kaba is the truth but I dont know whether its in Makka or Madina, if someone testifies that Muhammad bin Abdullah is a Prophet but I dont know whether its that person buried in Madina or elsewhere whats my position? Imam Azam repliedAnyone with the above faith is a Momin. Imam Bukhari Shaykh Hameedi said that whoever issued this Fatwa is a Kaafir. Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 370 Commenting on Abu Hanifa's views that Iman remains stagnant in Tarikh Baghdad - Sufyan narrates: "anyone with the above faith is a Kaafir".

Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 376

Another classic Hanafi Fatwa

Baghdadi records this fatwa of Imam Abu Hanifa:

That if anyone worships this shoe in order to get close to Allah (swt) it is not a sin. The Ahlul Sunnah deems this clear kufr. Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 372On the same page we read that:

Imam Azam contradicted many verses of the Quran including the one that makes Salat a part of Deen. The other verse is that refers to the fact that different levels of faith.

Imam Abu Hanifas Fatwa that the Iman of Hadhrath Abu Bakr and Iblis are the same

In Tarikh Baghdad we read that:

"Imam Abu Hanifa said that Iblis and The Great Truthful one Abu Bakr were equal in Iman".

Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 373

On the same page Imam Abu Hanifa declares:

"The Iman of Adam and Iblis is the same"

To the Nasibi who accuse the Shia of disrespecting the Sahaba, we invite them to offer their opinions of their Imam, whose disrespect of Allah (swt)s Prophet is such that he equates him iman is being on par with the Iman of Shaythan.

On the same page we read that:

A man stood up urinating Abu Hanifa said why dont you sit down? He said Murijee why dont you go away, he replied I wont because I have already stated that your Iman is equal to that of Gibrael.

In eyes of Ahl ul Sunnah in Tarikh Baghdad we learn that:

"Hamad bin Abi Salman sent Abu Hanifah a message declaring him to be a Mushrik"

Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 380

Imam Abu Hanifa had to ask forgiveness for Shirk, Kufr and various evil actsIn the same book we read:

Abu Hanifa was attending a gathering a meeting of Esa bin Muslim, Abu Hanifa said that the Quran is a creation, Esa said remove him from here if he repents fine else kill him Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 378

In the past Ahlul Sunnah had debates over whether the Quran is outdated; whoever said it was created was a Kaffir in Baghdad page 378 we are told that the first to hold this aqeedah was Abu Hanifa. In Baghdad we read:

"Qaya bin Rubbee said he saw Ameer of Kufa Yusuf bin Uthman raise Imam Abu Hanifa to a high place and made him repent for committing kufr" Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 381 On page 382:

"Shareek asked why did he [Abu Hanifa} do tauba the answer was for committing kufr". Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 382On the same page we read:

Shareek bin Abdullah Qadi narrates that Abu Hanifa twice asked for forgiveness for his views on Allah (swt) and the Prophet (S).

The ijma of Ahlul Sunnah scholars that Abu Hanifa was misguided In Tarikh Baghdad we read:

Muhammad bin Abdullah al Maliki said I heard Abu Bakr Subjistani telling his followers that What do you say when to a Fatwa on which Imam Malik, Shaafii, Imam Auzai, Hasan bin Saleh, Safyan Suhri and their respective followers have an ijma? They [his followers] said that it must be the most correct ruling. Abu Bakr Subjistani then said that these individual have an ijma that Abu Hanifa evil and misguided

Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 383This must be uncomfortable reading for the Deobandis but since they started this war of words, they deserve a taste of their own medicine. It is time to trap this animal and hang it.

Imam Abu Hanifas Students did not do his TaqlidIn Tarikh Baghdad, we read:

"Saeed bin Salman said to Qadi Abu Yusuf ' heard that the people of Khurusan say Abu Hanifa is Jahimee and Murijee' Qadi said that this was correct. Saeed then asked what was your relationship with him as hisstudent? Abu Yusuf said we went to him and he taught us Fiqh in our Deen we did not do his taqlid" Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 386

Deobandis Imam Azam followed Jahim bin Safwan who was a Kaffir and thus became a Jahimee and a MurijeeIn Tarikh Baghdad:

Abdullah bin Muhammad said her heard from Abu Masshur that Abu Hanifa Imam Azam was the leader a misled sect and Qadi Abu Yusuf was asked whether he was a Murjii he confirmed theta he was. Sahl asked was he Jahmee Qadi saidYes . Sahl then askedWhat was your link with him. Qadi said Abu Hanifa was a teacher if he said a good thing we would accept it if he said something bad we ignored. Abu Yusuf said leave talk about AbuHanifa, he died a Jahmee Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 325 In "Waqqat Damaath ai Jahimeeya" page 376 we read that: "Abu Hanifa declared that my teacher Jahim bin Safwaan was a Kaafir". Incredible, Abu Hanifa followed an Imam who was a Kaafir and Qadi Abu Yusuf confirms he was Jahimee.

Imam Abu Hanifa would mock HadithIn Tarikh Baghdad we find that:

Someone narrated a Hadith in front of Abu Hanifa he laughed and it was impure. Another individual quoted a Hadith Abu Hanifa said it was Sajaa, a third quoted a Hadith Numan said its nonsense, he replied to a fourth this tradition is from Shaytan. One man said Wudhu is half the Iman, Abu Hanifa said do it twice so that your Iman will be complete. Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 338

Imam Abu Hanifa's fatwa that Prophet Hadith should be rubbed out with a pigs tail (God forbid) In Tarikh Baghdad we read: "Abu Isaac al Firowzi states that he was a student of Abu Hanifa I posed a question he answered, but I countered this with a Hadith, he said that you should rub this Hadith with apigs tail". Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 387

Further on we read: "Yusuf bi Asbaat states Abu Hanifa rejected 400 Prophetic traditions" Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 390On the same page we read that:

When the Prophet would proceed on a trip he would make a lottery of his wives names, the wife whose name came out would accompany him on the journey and Imam Abu Hanifa writes that Kurra is a form of gambling Ahl'ul Sunnah deplored the Madhab of Imam Abu Hanifa In Tarikh Baghdad the author collates the verdicts of Abu Hanifa's contemporaries: In the eyes of Muhammad bin Musalama:

Someone asked Muhammad bin Musalama other than Madina, Abu Hanifas Fatwas are everywhere, why is that? He said that Madina is protected by a dua of the Prophet that Dajjal and the plague dont enter it, and Abu Hanifa is a Dajjal from one Dajjal.

Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 395

In the eyes of Numan Abdul Rahman bin Mahdhi:

Abu Hanifa disrespected the ProphetIn Tarikh Baghdad we learn that

"Yusuf bin Asbad said if the Prophet met me he would embrace my Fatwas"

Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 387

Baghdad also records that:

Imam Abu Hanifa saidIf you bury a dead body and his heirs need money it is permissible for them to open the grave and sell the shroud Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 394

On the same page Sufyan bin Ayanaa states Abu Hanifa was a person who was the greatest opponent of Allah (swt).

Deobandis look at the Fatwas of your dear Imam and the Fatwas against him. Look at your Imam first rather than focussing your attacks on the Shia. Cursing Abu Hanifa in SyriaIn Tarikh Baghdad we read:

"Abu Masar states that the Ahl'ul Sunnah Imam from Damascus would curse Abu Hanifa on the pulpit".

Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 412

Abu Hanifas students would not send salaams on the Prophet (S) In Tarikh Baghdad we read:

Ibne Mubarak narrates that when I attended Sufyan Suhris gathering we would learn Quran, Hadith, I cannot recall ever hearing them saying Salaams on the Prophet.Ibne Mubarak stated that I have rejected all that I learnt from Abu Hanifa and have asked for forgiveness from Allah (swt).

Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 404

Abu Hanifas Students rejected his IjtihaadIn Tarikh Baghdad we read as follows:

"Someone asked Abdullah ibne Mubarak was Numan a Mujtahid he replied he was not a Mujtahid"

Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 406

With regards to "Al Hayl" written by Imam Abu Hanifa, Tarikh Baghdad informs us: His student Mubarak states whoever reads al Hayl will deem haraam things halaal and vice versawhoever gives a Fatwa from this book will nullify his marriage. IbneMubaraks servant stated that al Hayl author is Shaytan and he himself stated that the writer was worse than the Devil.

Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 403

The Prophet forbade his followers from adhering to Abu Hanifa

Again in Tarikh Baghdad we are told:

"Muhammad bin Jawad says he saw Rasul in a dream and asked whether he could follow Abu Hanifa the Prophet replied No, no, no".

Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 403 Abu Hanifa's disrespect of Abu BakrIn Tarikh Baghdad:

"Muhammad bin Amir Tayr states that in Damascus he saw in a dream a scholar was dragging a man by his shirt, 'This man has destroyed the Deen of Muhammad - I asked and was told that Abu Hanifa was holding Abu Bakr by his collar"

Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 413

The Scholars of Hadith have also condemned Imam Abu Hanifa, including al-Bukhari.

Imam Bukhari classified Abu Hanifa as weak

In Risala Tarjee Madhab ai Shafee Imam Ahl'ul Sunnah Allamah Fakhraddin Radhi quoting "Asthaghsai al Ahfhaam":

Ismail al-Bukhari in his Tarikh al Kabeer, Chapter al Meem has mentioned Muhammad bin Idiries Shaafi that died in 204 Hijri, Bukhari was aware that he narrated many Hadith despite this Bukhari did not classify him as a weak narrator, if Shaafi was weak he would have mentioned him in the same way he classified Abu Hanifa as weak before the people. Risala Tarjee Madhab ai Shafee by Allamah Fakhraddin Radhi page 132

So al-Bukhari deems the Imam of the Deobandis as weak. Imam Muslim bin Hajaj classified Abu Hanifa as weak In Tarikh al Baghdad page 421 Volume 13:

"Imam of Ahl'ul Sunnah Muslim bin Hajaaj said Numan bin Thabit never narrated any important Hadith" Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 421

Bukhari and Muslim are your popes / authentic Imams and considered your great Imam as worthless. Whilst these Shaykhs considered your Imam weak and took no hadith from him, they considered Rafidi who you consider kaffir, Shia (who did not adhere to the ways of Abu Bakr, Umar and cursed Muawiya) as reliable and subsequently took hadith from them166. Imam Bukhari in Tarikh Saghir whilst narrating Numan's death quotes the sheer pleasure expressed by Sufyaan al-Thawri. The six Imams of Sihah Sittah did not adhere to the teachings of your Imam. It is indeed sad that you quote Fatwas on Shias and have failed to notify the takfir issued against your own Imam!

By way of example we will cite the name Abd ar-Razzaq as-Sanani who was a famous scholar of hadeeth who lived in Yemen. He died in 211 hijrah. Adh-Dhahabi called him 'one of the most trusted traditionists among all scholars'. [Adh-Dhahabi, Meezan al-itidal, volume 2, page 609] When Ahmad bin Hanbal was asked whether he knew of any hadeeth reported by one better than Abd ar-Razzaq , his answer was negative.

[Adh-Dhahabi, Meezan al-itidal, volume 2, page 614] The importance of Abd ar-Razzaq can be gleaned from the fact that all the six books of Sihaah narrate traditions from him with Bukhari and Muslim narrating over 500 traditions and Ahmad bin Hanbal's Musnad containing well over 1,500 traditions. Hadith were taken from him despite the fact he was openly Shia: Ibn Adi said: Abd ar-Razzaq had numerous hadeeth, and reliable narrators as well as their leaders ha travelled to him and narrated from him. They did not see any problem in his hadeeth except that they attributed Shi'ism to him. He had narrated traditions regarding the virtues [of ahl al-bayt] that none of the trustworthy narrators agreed upon.

His narration of these traditions and those censuring other than them was the reason of their criticism of him. He was a man of honour and there was nothing wrong with him except that he had set forward traditions in praise of the People of the Household (ahl al-bayt) and disparaging others [and these are] abominable. [Al-Mizzi, Tahdheeb al-kamal , volume 18, pages 60-1] Mukhlid al-Shuayri said: I was with 'Abd ar-Razzaq when someone mentioned Mu'awiya.

Abd ar-Razzaq said: 'Do not pollute our assembly by mentioning the descendant of Abu Sufyan!'. [adh-Dhahabi , Meezan al-itidal, volume 2, page 610] He even narrated a hadeeth from the Prophet (s): "If you see Mu'awiyah on my pulpit then kill him!" [adh-Dhahabi , Meezan al-itidal, volume 2, page 613]. Nasibis call Shias Kafirs whilst those they deem Imams, the most meticulous of hadith recorders took hadith from Shias. Would these scholars have taken hadith from Shia if they considered them kafir?

Ahmad bin Shuhaib an-Nasai condemned Abu HanifaIn Tarikh Baghdad we read:

"Imam Nasai declared that Numan Thabit Kufi is an unreliable source of Hadith."

Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 421

We also learn:

"Sufyan Suhri declared Abu Hanifa was no authority on Hadith"

Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 417

On the same page we read that Abu Bakr Daud states:

"Abu Hanifa recorded 150 Hadith, half of them were false".

Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 417

On the same page we read that Hanbal was asked about Abu Hanifa he replied that Abu Hanifas opinions of no valuenor the Hadith he narrates.

Again on the same page we learn that:

"Yahya bin Zaeed states that a fistful of mud is better than Abu Hanifa".

Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 417

In Mizan al Kubra, under the chapter "Dhikr Lughman" we read that "Imam Nasai and Ibn Adi declared Abu Hanifa as weak".

The Ulema celebrated when Abu Hanifa died In Baghdad we learn:

When the news of Abu Hanifas death reached Sufyan al-Thawri he praised Allah (swt) who relieved Islam from the Fitnah of Abu Hanifa. Numan weakened every page of Islam. Imam of Ahlul Sunnah Uzay said on his death said That Numan was the most harmful thing to Islam. Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 398

Abu Hanifa was born in 80 Hijri and died in 152 Hijri.

"Hasan Amara the Qadhi of Baghdad read his Janaza, someone dreamt that he was rapped in a black shrewd and was surrounded by Christian priests" Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 422

Even if you Nasibis got together you would have no answer to the fatwas issued against Abu Hanifa. If we rely on these Fatwas then Abu Hanifa was a Kaafir, and Deobandi Nasibis, Tarikh Baghdad is not the only weapon we have up our sleeve read on, if you dare.

Imam Ghazzali said Abu Hanifa was not a Mujtahid In "al Munhaul", Imam Ghazzali Tusi al Iraani writes as follows:

After the fourth level of respect comes the Mujtahids, commenting upon the authenticity of the different Mujtahids Imam Ghazaali writes, Imam Malik was a Mujtahid, Abu Hanifa was not a Mujtahid because he acquired no knowledge in Arabic Grammar and was illiterate, this is proven by the fact that he read the words Babu Qays when the correct pronunciation is Babi Qays. Abu Hanifa had no knowledge of Hadith, he would ignore correct Hadith and would embrace weak ones, he had no capacity to interpret the Sharia,in its opposition he practised and developed Qiyaas (analogical reasoning).

Taken from Asthaghsa al Ahfaam quoting Munkhaul, by Allamah Ghazzali Tusi al Iraani page 197 published Majmaa al Juraayn Ludhanan (1276 Hijri)

Imam Abu Hanifa was ignorant of Arabic as admitted by Ibne Khalikan

In Tarikh ibne Khalikaan page 419:

Imam Abu Hanifa has many virtues as highlighted by Baghdad who also noted his criticism better if hed avoided this but it is fact he was ignorant of Arabic

Tarikh ibne Khalikaan page 419

Quran and Hadith are in Arabic and the one without command of both cannot be deemed as a Mujtahid.

Imam Ghazzali declaration that Deobandis ninety percent of Imam Abu Hanifas Fatwas are wrong

In al Munhaul Imam Ghazzali also attacks Imam Abu Hanifa as follows:

"Ghazzali copied the words of Qadhi Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Tayyib Basri in Muhuul Volume 3 in which he discussed Qiyas he said I am not opposed to Abu Hanifa but I am sure that Abu Hanifa made mistakes in ninety percent of his Fatwas and in Knowledge of Usul he made mistakes".

Taken from Asthaghsa al Ahfaam quoting Munkhaul, by Allamah Ghazzali Tusi al Iraani page 197 published Majmaa al Juraayn Ludhanan (1276 Hijri)

Imam Ghazzalis declaration that twenty per cent of Abu Hanifas madhab was refuted by his students In Munhaul taken from Istakhza page 192:

"Imam Ghazzali at the end of Munul on issues of Sharia painting the picture Abu Hanifa used his own hot mind which is why he hasmade so many mistakes and due to this his two teacher Abu Yusuf and Imam Muhammad said that following 20% of what he said would discredit the religion, because they found major mistakes in his Fatwas".

Taken from Asthaghsa al Ahfaam quoting Munkhaul, by Allamah Ghazzali Tusi al Iraani page 192 published Majmaa al Juraayn Ludhanan (1276 Hijri)

Imam Ghazzalis declaration Abu Hanifa turned Sharia on its head

Ghazzali said Imam Abu Hanifa turned Sharia on it head and made it questionable and changed the Sharia, and proving the falsity of Hanifa Madhab is no secret on the issue Salat any ordinary Sunni Muslim would not accept his explanations of how to practice Salat.

Taken from Asthaghsa al Ahfaam quoting Munkhaul, by Allamah Ghazzali Tusi al Iraani page 192 published Majmaa al Juraayn Ludhanan (1276 Hijri)