Fundamentals of Islamic Thought: God, Man and the Universe
Author: Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari
Category: Religions and Sects
Author: Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari
Category: visits: 10285
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- Introduction
- Man and Faith
- Man and Animal
- Awareness and Desire in Animals
- Awareness and Desire in Man
- The Touchstone of Man's Distinctiveness
- Relationship between Humanity and Animality
- Science and Faith
- Relationship of Science and Faith
- Non-interchangeability of Science and Faith
- Effects and Advantages of Religious Faith
- Producing Cheer and Expansiveness
- Ameliorating Social Relationships
- Lessening Troubles
- The Teaching - Ideology
- Classifications of Actions
- The Insufficiency of Reason
- The Need for Ideology Today
- Two Types of Ideologies
- Cultural Unity or Diversity
- Ideological Temporality and Environmental Specificity
- Ideological Constancy or Change
- The Need for Faith
- Islam: The Comprehensive and All-Encompassing Teaching
- Where Thought Stumbles
- Reliance on Supposition Instead of Knowledge and Certainty
- Psychical Tendencies and Desires
- Haste
- Traditionalism and Looking to the Past
- Obedience to Personalities
- Wellsprings of Reflection in Islam
- Notes
- The World View of Tawhid
- World Feeling versus World Knowledge
- Three Worldviews
- Scientific Worldview
- Philosophical Worldview
- Religious Worldview
- Criteria for a Worldview
- The All-Encompassing World View of Tawhid
- The Realistic Worldview
- God, the Absolute Reality and Source of Being
- The Attributes of God
- The Uniqueness of God
- Worship
- Levels and Degrees of Tawhid
- Essence
- Attributes
- Acts
- Worship
- Man and the Attainment of Unity
- Materialistic Theory
- We were single, of one substance all
- Idealistic Theory
- The animal soul has no unity
- Realistic Theory
- Levels and Degrees of Shirk
- Essence
- Creatorship
- Attributes
- Worship
- Boundary Between Tawhid and Shirk
- Veracity and Sincerity
- Unity of the Universe
- The Unseen and the Manifest
- This World and the Hereafter
- Far-Reaching Wisdom and Divine Justice
- Self-Sufficiency and Perfection of the Divine Essence
- Order
- Universality
- Subject's Capacity
- Necessary Being
- Categories of Evils
- Goods and Evils
- Good in Evil
- Laws and Norms
- Essential Unity
- The Principle of Justice in Islamic Culture
- Notes
- Philosophy
- What Is Philosophy?
- Literal and Semantic Definitions
- Muslim Usage
- True Philosophy
- Metaphysics
- Philosophy in Modern Times
- Divorce of the Sciences from Philosophy
- Illuminationism and Peripateticism
- Islamic Methods of Thought
- Four Islamic Approaches
- Sublime Wisdom
- Overview of Philosophies and Wisdoms
- Problems in Philosophy
- Being
- Existence and Essence
- The Objective and the Subjective
- Truth and Error
- The Created in Time and the Eternal
- The Mutable and the Constant
- Cause and Effect
- The Necessary, the Possible, and the Impossible
- Notes
- Spirit, Matter, and Life
- Spiritualism - The Substantive Reality of the Spirit
- The sura Mulk describes God as
- Tawhid and Evolution
- Notes