An-Nass Wel-Ijtihad (Text and Interpretation)

An-Nass Wel-Ijtihad (Text and Interpretation)0%

An-Nass Wel-Ijtihad (Text and Interpretation) Author:
Translator: Abdullah al-Shahin
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Debates and Replies
ISBN: 964-438-584-5

An-Nass Wel-Ijtihad (Text and Interpretation)

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Abdul Husayn Sharafuddeen Al-Musawi
Translator: Abdullah al-Shahin
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: ISBN: 964-438-584-5
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An-Nass Wel-Ijtihad (Text and Interpretation)
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An-Nass Wel-Ijtihad (Text and Interpretation)

An-Nass Wel-Ijtihad (Text and Interpretation)

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
ISBN: 964-438-584-5

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

An-Nass Wel-Ijtihad

‘Text and Interpretation’


Abdul Husayn Sharafuddeen al-Musawi

Translated by

Abdullah al-Shahin

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Table of Contents

A glance at the author’s biography 7

His birth and upbringing 8

His study 8

His return to Mountain Aamil 10

His travel to Egypt 11

His national jihad 11

In Damascus 12

In Egypt 12

In Palestine 13

His return to his country (Mountain Aamil) 13

His delving in traditions 14

His letters 15

His prose 15

His speeches 15

His criticizing poetry 16

His generosity 16

His dignity 17

His assist to people of knowledge and pen 18

His works 18

His lost works 19

His projects and heritage 20

His visiting the sacred places 22

Najaf was in need of him 23

His death and burial 23

Introduction 25

An-Nass wel-Ijtihad 37

Preface 42

Chapter one: Interpretations of Abu Bakr and his followers 44

The day of saqeefa 44

The second situation 46

the third situation 47

The army of Ussama bin Zayd 48

The share of those whose hearts are made to incline (to the truth) 52

The share of the relatives 54

Bequeathing by the Prophets 55

The donation of Fatima 58

Hurting Fatima (s) 61

The Prophet (s) orders Abu Bakr and Umar 62

11. The Prophet (s) orders Abu Bakr and Umar for the second time 63

The Kharijites 64

Killing the Kharijites 65

They are the worst of people 65

The Kharijites’ apostasy 66

Fighting innocent people 67

The day of al-Bitah 68

Who was Malik? 69

What was the guilt of Malik? 69

Khalid’s advance towards al-Bitah 69

Killing Malik and his people 69

The anger of Abu Qatada and Umar 70

How wonder it is! 71

Showing the opinion 71

Some fairness 73

Conclusion 73

Preventing from writing down the prophetic traditions 74

A task 75

Chapter two 77

Interpretation of Umar and his followers 77

The calamity of Thursday 77

The true fact of this calamity 77

The excuses of the resistants 78

Refuting the excuses in other ways 80

Sheikh al-Bishri admires what we have said 82

Treaty of al-Hudaybiya 82

The event in details 82

Aggressiveness of Quraysh and the wisdom of the Prophet (s) 83

Fright of the polytheists and request for peace 83

Umar disdains the conditions of the truce 84

Carrying out the treaty of peace 85

The fruit of the peace 86

Coming back to Medina 87

Deliverance the Oppressed were promised of 88

The Prophet’s prayer for ibn Ubayy, the hypocrite 89

The Prophet’s prayers for some of the believers 90

Paradise is for the monotheists 91

The pleasure of the hajj 92

22. Temporary marriage 94

23. Changing the azan 95

24. “come to the best of deeds” 102

Note 102

25. Changing the rules of divorce 103

26. The prayer of taraweeh 105

27. The prayer of funerals 106

28. Bequeathing between brothers and sisters 107

29. Shortage of inheritance 107

30. Inheritance of grandfather when there are brothers 109

31. Common inheritance 109

32. The share of the heirs 110

33. Uncle’s inheritance from his sister’s son 110

34. Iddah of a pregnant woman 110

Note 111

35. Marrying a missing husband’s wife 111

36. Selling bondwomen 112

37. Necessity of Tayammum when there is no water 112

38. Two supererogatory Rak’as after Asr prayer 113

39. Displacing Abraham’s temple 114

40. Weeping for the dead 114

41. The Prophet (s) confirms truthfulness of Hatib 116

42. The Prophet’s book to his emirs 117

43. Dividing the charities 117

44. The Prophet (s) orders Umar to hide his faith 117

45. Fasting at the beginning of Islam 117

46. Prohibiting wine 117

47. The Prophet (s) forbids from killing al-Abbas and others 118

48. Taking ransom from the prisoners of Badr 119

49. Prisoners of Hunayn 120

50. The fleers from jihad 121

Note 123

51. The Prophet (s) orders his companions not to answer Abu Sufyan in Uhud 123

52. Spying although prohibited 124

53. Legislating a limit to women’s dowries 125

54. Changing legal penalties 127

55. Taking non-legislated ransom 127

56. Penalty of adultery 127

57. Canceling the penalty of al-Mugheera 127

58. His severity to Jabala bin al-Abham 129

59. His severity to Abu Hurayra 130

60. His severity to Sa’d bin Abu Waqqas 131

61. His severity to Khalid bin al-Waleed 131

62. Beating and exiling Dhabee’ 131

63. Exiling Nasr bin Hajjaj 132

64. Exceeding the legal penalty with his son 132

65. Cutting the tree of al-Hudaybiya 133

66. Umm Hani complains against him to the Prophet (s) 133

67. The day of consultation (an-Najwa) 133

68. His indulgence to Mo’awiya 134

69. His illegal order 135

70. Inventing the Shura 137

Chapter three 141

Othman and his followers’ Interpretations 141

71. His kindness to his relatives 141

72. His prayer in travel 142

Chapter four 144

Aa’isha and her interpretations 144

73. The prayer of Aa’isha in travel 144

74. The marriage of Asma’ with the Prophet 144

75. Fabrications against the Prophet’s wife 144

76. The day of Maghafeer 144

77. Aa’isha and Hafsa were ordered to repent 144

78. Backing up against the Prophet (s) 144

79. The great example 145

80. Engagement of Shiraf 145

81. She quarreled with the Prophet (s) 145

82. Being impolite to the Prophet (s) 145

83. Criticizing Othman and ordering to be killed 145

84. Some of her traditions about the Prophet (s) 146

85. Her rising against Imam Ali (s) 147

About this tragedy 148

Umm Salama’s situation toward this sedition 148

The situation of Hafsa 149

The situation of Malik bin al-Ashtar 150

General leadership in this sedition 150

Aa'isha rises from Mecca to Basra 150

The well of al-Haw’ab 150

The situation of Abul Aswad ad-Du’Ali 150

Aa'isha and ibn Souhan 151

Jariya bin Qudama and Aa'isha 151

A young man from bani Sa’d 151

A young boy from Juhayna 151

al-Ahnaf bin Qayss and Aa'isha 152

Abdullah bin Hakeem and Talha 152

A wise man advising the people of Basra 152

The speech of Aa'isha to the people of Basra 152

Getting ready to fight 153

The situation of Hakeem bin Jabala 154

Imam Ali arrives at Basra 154

Chapter five 158

Interpretations of Khalid bin al-Waleed 158

86. On The day of the conquest of Mecca 158

87. His violence to bani Juthayma 158

Chapter six 159

The violations of Mo’awiya 159

88. Joining Ziyad to Abu Sufyan (as a son) 159

89. Entrusting his son Yazeed with the caliphate 159

90. His corruption in Yemen 160

92. Killing the virtuous believers 160

92. His bad deeds and his bad officials 161

93. His hatred and aggression towards Ali 161

94. Cursing Imam Ali (s) in prayers 162

95. His fights against Imam Ali (s) 164

96. Fabricating traditions against Imam Ali 164

97. Breaking the promises he had given to Imam Hasan (s) 165

Chapter seven 167

The slips of the public (the Sunni) 167

98. Trusting in everyone who has accompanied the Prophet (s) 167

99. Turning away from the infallible imams 169

100. A call for good faith 171

Conclusion 172

Endnotes 184