A Brief Of Islamic Law
Author: Ayatullah Seyyed Ali Sistani
Publisher: www.alhassanain.org/english
Category: Jurisprudence Principles Science
Author: Ayatullah Seyyed Ali Sistani
Publisher: www.alhassanain.org/english
Category: visits: 15767
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- Following a Mujtahid
- Unmixed and Mixed Water
- I. Kurr Water
- II. Under-kurr Water
- III. Running Water
- IV. Rain Water
- V. Well Water
- VI. Rules Regarding Waters
- VII. Rules of Lavatory
- Istibra
- Impure Things (Najàsàt)
- Urine and Faeces
- Semen
- Dead Body
- Blood
- Dogs and Pigs
- Kàfir
- Wine
- Sweat of an Animal Who Persistently Eats Najasah
- Ways of Proving Najasah
- How a Tahir thing Becomes Najis
- Rules Regarding Najàsàt
- Mutahhirat (Purifying Agents)
- I.Water
- II.Earth
- III.The Sun
- IV. Transformation (Istia*àlah)
- Change (Inqilab)
- VI. Transfer (Intiqal)
- VII. Islam
- VIII. subjection (TABA ‘IYYAH)
- IX. Remoral of Najis-ul ‘Ayn
- X. Istipa’ of an animal which Eats Najasah
- XI. Disappeance of aMuslim
- XII. Flowing out of a slau ghtered Animal’s Blood in Normal Quantity
- Rule of Gold and Silver Utensils
- Ghosl
- Ghusl for Touching a Dead Body
- Rules Related to a Dying Person
- The obligation of Ghusl, Kafn (Shrouding),Salat and Burial
- The Method of Ghusl of Mayyit
- Rules Regarding Kafn (Shrouding)
- Rules of Hunot
- Rules ofSalat -ul-Mayyit
- Method ofSalat-ul-Mayyit
- Rules About Burial of the Dead Body
- Exhumation
- Recommended Ghusls
- Tayammum
- Things on which Tayammum is Allowed
- Method of performing Tayammum Instead of Ghusl or Ghosl
- Orders Regarding Tayammum
- Rules of Salat
- Obligatory prayers
- Obligatory DailySalats
- Time for Tuhr and ‘Aar prayers
- Friday prayer
- Time for Maghrib and ‘Isha’ prayers
- Time for Subh (Fajr = Dawn) prayer
- Rules RegardingSalat Times
- Mustahab Prayers
- The Timings of the Daily Nàfilah Prayers
- Ghufaylah Prayer
- Rules of Qiblah
- Covering the Body in Prayers
- Conditions for Dress Worn during Prayer
- Exceptional Cases
- Place WhereSalat Can Be Prayed
- Rules Regarding a Mosque
- Adhan and Iqamah
- Obligatory Acts Relating toSalat
- Intention
- Takbirat-In-Ihram
- Qiyam (To Stand)
- Qira'ah (Reciting the Surat-ul-Hamd and Other Surah of holy Qur'an)
- Ruku (Bowing)
- Prostration
- Things on which Sajdah is Allowed
- The Mustahab and Makruh Things in Sajdah
- Obligatory Prostrations in the Holy Qur'an
- Tashahhud
- Salam in the Prayers
- Tartib (Sequence)
- Muwalat (Maintenance of Succession)
- Qunut
- Taqibat (Supplications after Prayers)
- Salawat on the Holy Prophet
- Things which Invalidate Prayers
- Doubts Which Are Valid
- Method of Offering Salat-ul-Ihtiyat
- Sajdat-us-Sahv (Sajdah for Forgotten Acts)
- The Method of Offering Sajdat-us-Sahv
- Qada of the forgotten Sajdah
- Addition and omission of the Acts and conditions of Prayers
- Prayer of a Traveller (Musafir)
- Miscellaneous Rules
- Qada Prayers
- Fasting
- Intention for Fasting
- Things Which Make a Fast void
- I. Eating and Drinking
- II. Sexual Intercourse
- III. Istimna (Masturbation)
- IV. Ascribing lies to Allah and the Holy Prophet
- V. Letting Dust Reach One's Throat
- VI. Remaining in Janabah or Haydh or Nifas Till Fajr Time
- VII. Enema
- VIII. Vomiting
- Rules Regarding Things which Invalidate a Fast
- Obligatory Qada Fast and Kaffarah
- Kaffarah for Fast
- Occasions on which it is obligatory to Observe the Qada Only
- Rules Regarding the Qada’ Fasts
- Fasting by a Traveller
- People on Whom Fasting is Not Obligatory
- Method of Ascertaining the First Dayod a Month
- Halal (allowed) and Makruh and Mustaa*ab Fasts
- Khums
- Disposal of Khums
- Conditions for Obligatory of Zakàt
- Zakàt of Wheat, Barley, Dates and Raisins
- Zakàt Payable on Camel, Cow and Sheep (Including Goat)
- Minimum Taxable limit of Camels
- The Minimum Taxable Limit of Cows
- Taxable limit of Sheep (Including Goats)
- Zakàt on Business Goods
- Disposal of Zakàt
- Transactions
- Halal (allowed) Transactions
- Conditions of a Seller and a Buyer
- Conditions Regarding Commodity and what is Obtained in Exchange
- Cash and Credit
- Conditions for Contract by Advance Payment
- Circumstance in Which One Has a Right to Cancel a Transaction
- Laws of Partnership
- Orders Regarding Compromise (Sulh)
- Rules Regarding Lease/Rent
- Conditions Regarding the Property Given on lease
- Conditions for the Utilisation of the Property Given on Lease
- Miscellaneous Rules Relating to Lease/Rent
- Rules Regarding Ju`alah (Payment of Reward)
- Persons who Have No Right of Disposal or Discretion Over Their Own Property
- Rules Regarding Agency (Wikalah)
- Rules Regarding Mortgage (Rahn)
- Marriage
- Marriage
- The Method of Pronouncing the Marriage Formula
- Conditions for Marriage Contract
- Mut'ah (Temporary Marriage)
- Divorce
- Iddah of Divorce (The Waiting Period after Divorce)
- Iddah (Waiting Period) of a Widow
- Irrevocable and Revocable Divorce
- Orders Regarding Return (Ruju)
- Khul Divorce or Talaq-ul-Khul
- Mubàràt Divorce
- Various Rules Regarding Divorce
- Usurpation (Ghasb)
- Rules of the Lost Property When Found
- Vow and Covenant (Nadhr and `Ahd)