Basic Beliefs of Islam

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Basic Beliefs of Islam

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Sayyid Qasim Mujtaba Moosavi Kamoonpuri
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Basic Beliefs of Islam
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Basic Beliefs of Islam

Basic Beliefs of Islam


This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Chapter 16: Re-appearance of Imam Mehdi (as)

There is no confusion or difference of opinion among the Muslim scholars about the ar rival of Imam Mehdi (as) before the Doomsday. In a hadith, unanimously accepted by all Muslims as an authentic one, the Holy Prophet (sws) stressed that Imam Mehdi (as) will cer tainly come before the commencement of the Doomsday.

The Holy Prophet (sws) said;

"If there were to remain in life of the world but one day, Allah (swt) would prolong that day until He sends in it a man from my family and my household. His name will be the same as my name. He will fill the earth with equity and justice as it was filled with oppression and tyranny." Shia and Sunni ahadith about ImamMehdi( as).

There are more than 3000 ahadith of the Holy Prophet (sws) and Holy Imams about Imam Mahdi (as) recorded by Shia scholars. Also, there are more than 70 books written by renowned Sunni scholars about Imam Mahdi (as). For example, Hafiz Muhammad ibn Yusuf ash-Shaafi, a renowned Sunni scholar, has written a book, "Al- Bayan fi Akhbar Sahibi'z Zaman," in two volumes, in which he has recorded the traditions regarding the coming of the Holy Imam.

The other books written by Sunni scholars inwhich they have recorded hundreds of traditions about the Imam Mehdi (s) are:

Al Masnad of Ahmad bin Hanbal (d.241AH)

Sahih Bukhari (d. 256 AH)

Sahih Muslim (d.261 AH)

Sunan of Abu Dawood (d.275 AH)

Sahih Tirmidhi (d.279 AH)

The above most famous books are considered by all Sunni scholars as the most authentic books. As mentioned in the brackets, the authors of these books died either before the birth of Imam Mahdi (as) or shortly after his birth.

Difference of opinion between Shia and Sunni about the appearance of ImamMehdi( as)

Both Shia and Sunni are united in their basic belief that ImamMahdi( as) will cer tainly rule the whole world before the occurrence of the Doomsday.

But, there is a strong controversy among Muslims on the issue of occultation (Ghaibat). Sunni scholars believe that Imam Mehdi (as) will be born anytime before the day of Qiyamat and will rule the world. Whereas, all Shia scholars have a strong belief based on Quran and hadith that Imam Mehdi (as) was born in 255 AH, and is still living in concealment as the Imam of his time, and will reappear by the order of Allah (swt) at His appointed time.

He has a title Imam ul-Asr, meaning the Imam of the period.

Briefly, ImamMehdi( as) is the son of the 11th Imam, Hazrat Hasan al - Askari and Bibi Nargis. He is our 12th and the last Imam. He was born on 15th Shaban 255 AH / 869 AD in Samarra, Iraq. He lived under hisfather 's care until 260AH / 874 AD.

As a normal trend of Imamat, just after the martyrdom of his father, Imam Hasan al - Askari (as), he became the Imam in 260 AH. He then by the Allah's Command went into occultation (ghaybah) immediately.

The occultation (period of ghaibat) of Imam Mehdi (as) is divided into two par ts.

1 - The minor occultation( ghaibatu'l -sughra ), which occurred from 260 AH / 872 AD to 329 AH /939 AD, lasting 70 years.

2 - The major occultation( ghaibatu' l- kubra ), which occurred from 329 AH / 939 AD and is still in process.

No one, except Allah (swt), knows the length of the major occultation. Even the Imam himself does not know about the time when his occultation will be over. No one, except Allah (swt), knows the exact place of Imam's residence. However, there are some reliable narration and reasonably trustworthy clues to form a hypothetical opinion about his station.

Philosophy of the occultation

It is important to do extensive research on the hadiths to know correctly about the purpose of occultation, and the way Imam Mehdi (as) would re- appear.

It is not as simple as we think that our Imam is just living somewhere in hiding, does hajj ever y year, helps people or Ulema and will reappear on any Friday to establish an unparalleled Islamic government after killing all the Kafirs by his sword.

There are some important questions concerning the occultation of the Imam which need rational explanation.

1 - What is the Divine scheme and purpose of keeping the Imam alive but totally invisible to the public?

2 - What is the daily routine of the HolyImam ? Is he just helping the Ulema occasionally, passively observing the daily performance of the Shias, attending and helping the people in their desperate need and that'sall ?

What would be the productive turnout of his hundreds of years stay inoccultation ? 3 - How will the Holy Imam, on his arrival just as one single person, destroy the giant nuclear powers of the time by a conventional weapon - thesword ?

eg . China alone has about 2 million troops on active duty, 600,000 people in reserve and about 1 million in its armed militia uses as a military draft. The combined armed forces of these nations that are trained to fight both in air and on land have more than 10 million troops on active duty.

We know that Muslim countries are not united to raise a strong army for the Imam nor they are technologically equipped to assist him in any other useful way.

How the conventional sword would match with intercontinental ballistic missiles, atomic bombs, artillery shells, mines, torpedoes and many other kinds of strategic nuclear weapons normally used in worldwars ?

We know that the United States alone has a war machine that could launch its forces within minutes of a warning and strike anywhere in the world.

4 - According to Sunnis belief, Imam Mehdi will be born before the Doomsday and will destroy the evil Empires of his time. Does it mean that the Imam will conquer the giant super powers by some supernaturalmeans ? But it has never happened in the whole his-tory of prophethood. Even the Head of all prophets, the Holy Prophet (sws) did everything from the scratch to the establishment of Islamic government in normal and natural way.

These are indeed some valid and useful questions which need satisfactor y answers to strengthen the unshaken belief in the re-appearance of the Holy Imam (as).

According to my research, Imam is not just idly sitting and waiting for Allah's command to come out from the hidden place. I believe, Imam must have a full scheme of work and a broad Divine agenda to follow up during the long period of occultation. But whatis that Divine agenda and his scheduled occupation all through the long duration of his concealment?

The rational explanation of this question will convince the unprejudiced Muslim minds, the grave repercussion of the misconceptions they have about the coming of Imam Al-Mehdi (as). The Sunni believe that Imam's birth will take place in future. This misconception jeopardizes the basic Divine objective of sending the Imam before the end of the world. There is a precise purpose of occultation.

However, our explanation may or may not be absolutely correct as there are many things beyond the range of our perception.

A powerful Empire behind the iron curtain.

We know that all the prophets were sent by Allah (swt) to guide the mankind in natural way. They all were human beings. They all lived in a natural way like other ordinary human beings. Our 12th Imam is also living in occultation in conformity with the normalsunnah of the prophets and his eleven predecessors.

The Holy Prophet (sws) and all 11 Imams (as) had married women and had many children from them. Despite the very short life span of the Imams, and mass killing of saadat, a great number of sayyed exist today.

The 12th Imam must also have married many women. The Holy Prophet (sws) was granted by Allah a special provision of marrying more than 4 wives at a time because of some good reasons. We don't know if our living Imam is also having such provision of mar rying many wives at a time to raise a large population of momineen.

In any case, viewing his extremely long life span, we can genuinely imagine a large population of people in his generation. He must be living with millions, if not billion, of people from his own long chain of generation progressed in more than 1000 years. This population must be steadily increasing day by day in the dominion of the Holy Imam.

This is not merely a hypothetical guess work. There are some remarkable clues in suppor t of the speculation that there exists a powerful invisible country somewhere in the world. There are reliable traditions repor ted by great Shia scholars about the huge number of inhabitants living in a group of islands known as the JAZIRATUL KHADHRA (The Green Island).

These islands are totally cut off from the rest of the world by a large sea known as Bahrul Abyadh (WhiteSea ) .

There is a long story narrated by Muhammad bin Ali Alawi Hussaini, repor ted in an authoritative book Al - Najmus Thaqib. In this story, a reliable person tells in full detail, how he happened to visit these islands totally governed by the Imam Zaman (as). He told that there are large cities in these islands, highly developed and advanced. The names of these cities mentioned in the book are as follows:

(1) Mubaraka. (2) Raequa. (3) Sophia. (4) Zaloom. (5) Panatis. There are also some other authentic repor ts confirming the existence of a huge empire of Al-Mehdi( as).

There are also some other reports by Non-Muslim news agencies disclosing the mysteries of these islands. These reports got a blaze of publicity throughout the world. International magazines, newspapers, radio and television gave substantial coverage to these repor ts. The encyclopedias and World Books have also endorsed these repor ts in full detail. We are giving here a report from the World Book Encyclopedia.

"There is a group of islands, known as Bermuda Triangle, in the southeastern coast of Florida where many ships and airplanes have disappeared. However, commercial and military crafts cross this area safely every day.

Many people believe the disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle have taken place under mysterious circumstances. Only a few captains or pilots radioed distress messages. The first recorded disappearance of a United States ship in the Ber muda Triangle occurred in March 1918, when the U.S.S. Cyclops vanished.

On Dec. 5, 1945, a squadron of five US bombers disappeared, and a sea-plane vanished while searching for the aircraft." There are many other reports confirming many other such incidents of this nature occurred in this area.

These islands cover about 1,140,000 square kilometers area which is bigger than France, Germany, Greece, japan, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and many other countries of the world. These reports show that a powerful system is working in this par t of the world which can capture, destroy or jam the most advanced ships and aircraft of the world. Also, there is a lot of talk going on for years about the mysterious unidentified flying objects (UFO).

What is the reality of theseobjects ?

Scientists define these objects as something unidentified that has no obvious explanations. It means that these objects are the product of such highly developed technology that the world's top scientists can not understand them and, therefore, they are not able to identify them. Indeed, in such circumstances, any kind of scientific explanation is out of question. Let us see first what these unidentified objects are?

Here is the full report from the World Book Encyclopedia. "People have reported aircraft, missiles, satellites, birds, insects, and weather balloon. Investigators can explain all but a small percentage of UFO repor ts. The remainder may be due to an unknown phenomenon or merely to limitation in human perception, memor y, and research.

In 1952, the United States Air Force, in a program called Project Blue Book, investigated about 12000 UFO reports to determine whether UFO's were a potential threat to national security. In addition, from 1966 to 1968, the Air Force sponsored an independent study of UFO's by scientists at theuniversity of Colorado. The Colorado scientists advised the Air Force that further study of UFO's was not likely to produce useful information concerning a security threat. As a result, the Air Force ended Project Blue Book in 1969.

Many people throughout the world believe that UFO's are spacecraft from other planets. Accounts of encounters with alien visitors have appeared in numerous books, newspapers, motion pictures, and TV programs. Some people have even repor ted that they have been abducted by aliens".

Reviewing and analytically judging all these international reports viz., the Bermuda Triangle, Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO), and authentic narrative accounts of many religious people recorded in reliable books such as the one by Muhammad bin Ali Alawi in his book 'Al - Najmus Thaqib' about the Jaziratul Khadhra, ( the Green Island ), we can rationally arrive at some useful conclusions.

1- That these groups of islands, Green Islands or Bermuda Islands, may be occupied and governed by the Holy Imam Al- Mehdi (as) and his people, where he has established a powerful Islamic government.

2- The Imam's country is totally invisible and is protected and monitored by computerized electromagnetic devices that produce intense light beams.

There are some highly sensitive clockwork equipments, which can accurately ascer tain the identity of all the passing ships and airplanes. As repor ted above, they allow many ships and airplane to go while stop some in accordance with the programmed instructions to divert them to the desired destination for reason not known to us. Some pilots who were allowed to escape say that they believe the country has highly developed technology which can easily destroy orinterfere all kinds of ships, airplane, radar and electronic navigational systems.

3 - The Imam's country, behind the iron curtain, is immensely developed in science and technology.

They have highly advanced aircrafts, missiles, artillery shells, satellites, and many other kinds of nuclear devices. According to the UFO reports, they have powerful long range-bomber aircrafts which are designed to launch an attack from great distances on specific targets in any par t of the world.

The peculiar birds and insects (UFO's objects) witnessed by many people may be these long-range bomber aircrafts. Quran has mentioned these kinds of ballistic missiles sent by Allah to destroy the big army of the elephant which came from Yemen under the command of Abrahah Al-Ashram to frighten the Muslims and to destroy the Kabah at Makkah. .

"Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with the companions of theelephants. Did he not make their plot goastray ?

And He sent against them Flights of Birds. Then He made them like an empty field of stalks of which the corn has been eaten up by cattle." (105:1-5)

These few samples of Imam's world, i.e., the UFO's, have demonstrated the fact that the so- called Super Power of this world and their allies are far behind in scientific and technological advancement. The scientists of this world can not even understand the level and standard of Imam's technology. This is why they call these technological products unidentified objects, meaning something beyond comprehension.

As mentioned above, several teams of specialists from different countries have made all possible efforts to know the origin of these flying objects. We know that different kinds of satellites such as weather, communication, navigation, space and earth observation satellites are constantly monitoring the world from space in all sides and at all times.

The US military satellite - often called as "Spy Satellite"- can detect the launch of missiles, the course of airplane in air and the movement of any kind of flying object. But despite this tight security of the planet, no one knows from where these different kinds of flying objects are coming. Out of frustration, some scientists said that they may be from any other planet. But the unmanned space crafts have already confirmed that there is no possibility of any kind of life in any of the planet.

Thus, we believe, the 12000 flying objects (UFO's) seen in different par t of the world may be the military maneuvering from the Imam's war depar tment. This gives an image of the imam's war machinery, which is certainly much superiorthan the combined military power of the whole world. In fact, it is not even the 1% of Imam's military strength.

When Imam will reappear, his new kind of weapons will repeat the performance of his great grandfather 's sword - THE ZULFIQAR. The whole world will surrender to him.

This is a rational explanation of what Imam has been doing during the occultation, which is a period of more than 1000 years, and how the Imam will defeat the strong nuclear powers of our time in natural way.

UFO's reports, which can not be denied, are a mystery for the non-believers and non-Muslim scientists because they have no ground to imagine a powerful country on this earth. But for us, it strongly connects us with our belief that Imam is alive and is fully busy in preparation of his reappearance to overthrow all the powerful Un-Islamic governments and their allies.

4- The whole population of the Imam's country is solely true Muslim. They are all the true followers of Ahlal -Bayate. The country and its all sectors are fully governed by the Holy Imam and his appointed Deputies.

There may be hundreds of highly advanced universities with vast laboratories and workshops, big industries and nuclear plants, space platform and manned orbiting habitat etc., all fully equipped and embellished with highly sophisticated and computerized tools. In these places, great scientists of all disciplines must be working under the supervision of Imam Al-Mehdi (as).

Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (as) got a little oppor tunity and limited time to do some work. But even then he had produced 4000students, among them were great scientists such as Jabir bin Hayyan, Father of Chemistry.

Imam Muhammed Al- Mehdi (as) has been given a full oppor tunity and enough time to develop an ideal world in all respect. So he must produce thousands of great scientists, fuqha and scholars in every discipline of knowledge.

The modern scientific and technological revolution, which has stunned the world, is just 200 years old. It was not supervised by good and matured leaders. It can never compete with the 1000 years old scientific revolution, fully guided and supervised by the Holy Imam.

Thus, there is a strong possibility that from the beginning of the occultation, the Holy Imam Al-Mehdi has been working to develop a great powerful Islamic government, ideal in all respects, perfect in every sphere, in some part of the world. No one can surely know that place as everything belonging to the HolyImam( as) is hidden.

It is mentioned in the Holy Quran that a time will come when the righteous people will take over the power and government of the world, where they will govern the whole earth in accordance with the perfect laws of Islam.

"We have written in the Scripture after the message had been given: The righteous amongMy servants shall inherit the earth. Verily in this is a message to those who serveUs ." (21:105 ) The development of such an ideal government during the long period of occultation is an exciting and remarkable achievement of the Holy Imam (as). Ever since man has inhabited the earth, no such country has existed to lead a perfect social and intellectual life filled with happiness in its true sense.

When the Holy Imam Al-Mehdi will reappear, his absolutely perfect and ideal world which he would have established during the period ofoccultation, will convey the Divine message to all mankind - this is the kind of peaceful and ideal world Allah's messengers were planning to make for you.

This was the Divine purpose of keeping the Imam in concealment. This is what Allah Subhanahu taala wants to show the inhabitants of the earth before the Doomsday. The Divine message is apparent in the wordings of the hadith, that if there were to remain in life of the world but one day, Allah would prolong that day until He sends in it a man from my family and my household.

This is a rational explanation of Shia belief that Imam Al-Mehdi's birth has taken place and he is alive and will re-appear to restore unprecedented peace and tranquillity in the world in a natural way. The Sunni belief that his birth will occur in future to bring peace and order in the corrupted world fails to explain the means and mode of his revolution.

Nevertheless, though these conclusions are in good agreement with our belief in the existence of our living Imam in occultation, and also in conformity with the true understanding of the Holy Quran and ahadith, but nothing can be said with cer tainty and the whole idea about the Imam's powerful Kingdom is a guess network.

Does identifying the residence of Imam invalidate the purpose of occultation?

The Ghaibah of Imam has a Divine scheme that no one should know the whereabouts of the Imam. Some one can argue that if we know precisely where Imam is living then the purpose of occultation is not served.

But our guess-work of pinpointing a specific place of residence for Imam does not invalidate the philosophy of occultation. If our assumption that Imam is stationed on these islands is true and if the wholeworld realize his presence there, even then they will not be able to see him, to approach him, or to reach him by any means. This is the purpose of Ghaibat of Imam which is fully preserved.

Al -Imam al- Hujjaah AI- Mehdi (as) said:

"Rest assured that no one has a special relationship with Allah. Whoever denies me is not my follower. The appearance of the Relief (al-faraj ) depends solely upon Allah ; therefore , those who propose a certain time for it are liars.

As to the benefits of my existence in occultation, it is like the benefit of the sun behind the clouds where the eyes do not see. Indeed my existence is an amnesty for the people of the earth. Pray much to Allah to hasten the Relief, for therein alsolies the release from your sufferings."

This statement of the Holy Imam has made it very clear that everything regarding the Imam's occultation i.e., where he is staying, what he is doing and when he would reappear is an absolute secret and if anyone claims that he knows about it accurately and with cer tainty then he is a liar.

So, I want to clarify once again that whatever I have said is merely a guess work which may or may not be true. But the rationality of my guess work can clear the self-caused mystification, confusion and astonishment whichis always disturbing the minds of our youths and of the people who have seen the UFO's objects and disappearance of several airplanes and ships. There can be no other possible explanation of the unidentified objects which is a proven reality.

Chapter 17: Stages of Human Existence

The spectum of human existence

In the above sketch, human essence from womb to tomb and thereafter, has been drawn to explain the various events that happen one after the other.

This precisely shows that our stay in this physical world is extremely shor t in comparison to the pre-birth and after-death existence. We have lived millions of years somewhere in some form before we were conceived in mother 's womb and will live millions of years somewhere in some form when we will be thrown into the ear th's womb.

From there, we will rise to proceed to the final destination which will be beyond the limits of time. The Holy Quran invites to think that, how this shor t stay in this physical world, is going to shape our endless and eternal life.

Womb to Tomb and thereafter

The following chart has been prepared with the help of the Holy Quran which gives a precise record of events that occur from womb to tomb and thereafter. The Quran has described these stages in various places which are easily understandable to men of average intellect. It has been simply summarized in a map to show that these facts are in strict accordance with what has been discovered by scientists and what will be discovered much later on.

Science progresses by observation, experiments, and exploration. But Unfor tunately in many cases, these accurate modes of perceptions are flawed by wrong interpretation. An honest researcher in science can testify these clearly-defined stages of human existence.

From this self-explanatory map, a man of rational thinking can easily arrive at the following conclusions.

1 - Allah Subhanahu taala has first created the souls and kept them in a specific place.

2 - The soul was introduced in an organic body after the process of fertilization. The body with soul stayed in themother 's womb for 9 months from where it arrives in the physical world at the time of birth.

3 - The life in the physical world is an infinitesimal por tion of the actual life.

4 - Death is not the end of life but the beginning of the second phase of the eternal life. Death separates the body from the soul.

5 - After experiencing death, the departed soul of every man and woman continues to live in a place which is conditioned in accordance with his/her performance in the world. This intermediate place which is a bridge between the first physical world and the second meta-physical world is known as the Barzakh.

6 - The stay in Barzakh may be pretty long but definitely not permanent. The soul will remain at this station from the time of the death until the end of the world / beginning of the new world, i.e., the day of Qiyamath / the resurrection day.

7 - The world will end at a definite time which only Allah knows. The entire universe and everything in it will be annihilated. Thereafter i.e., after the execution of the Qiyamah and total annihilation of the universe, Allah will then resurrect the entire human race that has ever existed anywhere and at any time for final judgment. This will be the most impor tant day for every soul.


Allah (swt) created all the souls and housed them altogether in a place known as Alam-e-Arwah and asked the whole bulk of souls - Am I not your Lord All souls responded, saying, Yes!you are our Lord.

Single diploid cell resulted from fusion of a male and female gamete. The zygote divides, and specialized cell lines develop which eventually results in offspring.

Every man and woman who was born in this world will acquire the final and eternal life which he or she will spend in a place known as Jannat or Jahannum.Phases of life.

As the map of life shows, we have various stages and phases of life.

1 - Life before birth.

2 - Life in this world.

3 - Life after death.

4 - Life after resurrection.

Chapter 18: First Phase of Our Existence -LifeBefore Birth

We have come in this world from the body of our mother as a new born baby. But our appearance in this world as a new living species is not the first stage of our existence. We were created by Allah Subhanahu taala much before our birth . Before our birth, we all were living somewhere in the universe as individual souls. This is what Quran and ahadith tell us about the origin of our existence. The Holy Quran says:

"When your Lord brought forth descendants from the loins of Adam's children, and made them testify concerning themselves (saying) AM I NOT YOURLORD ? they replied:we bear witness that you are.....(this he did so ) so that you should not say on the Day of Judgment that we had no knowledge of this." (7:172)

This verse of the Holy Quran reminds us about a pact that was made between us and our Lord before our birth, that none other than Him is our God.

This confirms that we had an existence and conscious life before our birth .

Those who don't believe in Quran will instantly reject this piece of infor mation i.e. pre-birth existence, on ground that it can not be testified on the basis of scientific experiments. But there are many things which scientists believe but they can not prove them by experiments. At least all scientists believe in some realities which are totally beyond the limits of experimental verifications.

Thus, it is true that we can not prove our pre-birth or after-death existence by any experiment but the incapability of proving it by experiment is not the valid ground to deny these facts.

We now know about the development of embryo during the various stages of the pregnancy (i.e., many facts about pre-birth developments) which no one could have imagined hundreds years ago. Similarly we can never know many facts of our life that occurred before our birth or that will take place after our death. This shows the necessity of Divine books and Prophets which are the only reliable source of such information.

There is also a hadith of the HolyProphet( sws) in which he has told us some impor tant facts of pre-birth existence.

The Holy Prophet (sws) said:

"The souls are (like) an army joined (in the world of spirits) whichever souls knew each other (in that world) are attracted towards each other (in this world) and whichever remained distant and indifferent (there)are disinterested to each other (in this world)". In another hadith, Imam Jafer as-Sadiq (as) says:

"Verily, Allah established brotherhood between the souls in the (worldof ) shadows (souls), 2000 years before the creations of their bodies."

Similar hadith is also present in the Bukhari, in which the Holy Prophet said: "In their previous existence souls lived together as a community. Those who were spiritually close to each other there, remain close to each other here also, i.e., in this world. Those who were at distant from each other there, also have little affinity for each other here."

The essence of this hadith is that before our birth we all humans were living as SOULS somewhere in the universe. Like in this world, some souls developed relationships with some other souls and the force of that attachment remains effective and we revive that relationship whenever we happen to meet them in this world.

The truth of this hadith is witnessed by all of us. i.e., we feel a sor t of deep admiration and likeness for some people and also a kind of repulsion with some other people.

In actuality, all souls have been created by Allah Subhanahu taala as an isolated singular. But after birth, we find ourselves associated with each other as parent-offspring and their derivatives.

Thus, we can extend our speculation on the basis of these ahadith, that the blood relationships that are formed after birth in this world such as brother-brother, brother-sister, sister-sister, parents-children have their roots in our souls.

i.e., souls which have developed deep love and affection for each other in the first world are implanted by Allah in genes to revive that former intimacy in this world. Otherwise, there is no any other good reason known to us to justify why there is always intense love and affection in these relations.

What is Soul

Every living creature has two important components in itself which makes him a living species.G Organic body.

G Soul.

Many scientists do not believe in the existence of Soul.

Organic body

As far as the organic body is concerned, scientists have discovered a large number of secrets about it. They have studied almost the whole body and its composition with the help of powerful microscopes. They can now explain the function of the body from its smallest parts through its largest ones.

So there is no doubt in the existence of body as it is clearly visible and understandable. But scientists do not know many facts about the body and therefore can not answer many basic questions such as;

G How the different organs of the body work?

G Why a dead body can not move, when the same body was amazingly doing incredible things just before the death?

G What goes out from the body which makes it totally inert and motionless immidiately after death?

G Why the same atoms and molecules which are present in the body do not show life in other substances? There is not a single peculiar or unusual atom or molecule in the human body.

So what makes the living and non-living things different from eachother ? Scientists will never be able to understand all such questions unless they approach the last Prophet of God.

The Soul

As far as soul is concerned, we have very little knowledge about it. It is because, soul is totally invisible and beyond the reach of any powerful microscope. This is the reason that scientists do not recognize the existence of soul and declared it outside the scope of science. If we can not see or detect anything by our powerful instruments that does not mean that it does not exist.

Many tiny creatures such as microscopic insects, bacteria and viruses are invisible. But after the invention of powerful microscope, we can see them now and have no doubt about their existence. Today, majority of the ordinary people have not seen these microorganisms but still believe in their existence. It is because they trust the scientists and accept their observations.

Those who do not accept the reality of soul argue that they can not understand anything of this nature. But they should realize that soul is not the only secret of nature which they cannot fully comprehend.

There is an unending list of things in the universe about which scientists have either ver y little knowledge or know nothing. Soul is just one of them.

Similarly invisibility or incomprehensibility of soul is not the valid reason to deny its existence. The nature of soul is such that no scientist can detect its presence with the help of any powerful microscope or any other type of instrument.

Quran and ahadith are the only source of knowledge about the soul.

That is why we say that scientists can never discover the complete picture of anything unless they accept the leadership of Prophets and Imams. Just as students can not seek knowledge by books only but desperately need the help of professors and teachers, scientists also can not seek knowledge about the universe from their observations without the guidance of the Prophet and Divine book.

Quran has enlightened us about the Soul by giving the following information.

"They put questions to you about the SOUL, say: the Soul is an order of my Lord, you have been given, but a little knowledge." (17:85)This verse of the Holy Quran educates us, how to deal with the mysteries of the universe such as soul.

From this verse of the Holy Quran, we can infer the following impor tant points:

1 - There are many natural facts and phenomena which scientists and scholars will never be able to comprehend and Soul is one of them.

2 - The Soul is a Divine Command.

3 - The Prophet (sws) has not told much about the soul because scientists can not understand the Prophet's explanation due to their limited knowledge. This means that the basic nature of the soul is unimaginable and man can never conceive it. Thus, the whole picture of the soul is beyond the human perception. For example, we can never know about the feelings of the man after his death. We can not know whether the dead person can hear or not. But the Holy Prophet disclosed this secret which no scientist or philosopher can correctly do. It is narrated that during the battle of Badr a number of the prominent leaders of Mushrakeen were killed.

The Prophet asked his companions to throw the bodies of the dead mushrakeen into a ditch near the battle field. Then the Holy Prophet (sws) himself went to that well and addressed the dead.

"We have found that what Allah had promised to us has come true. Have you also got what He promised toyou ?"

Some companions of the Holy Prophet said: Prophet of Allah!do you talk with those who have been slain and are dead? Do they hear what you said? The Holy Prophet replied; Now they hearbetter than you.

From this tradition and from many other traditions, it becomes clear that in spite of the separation of body and the soul after death, the soul does not totally break its relation with body with which it was attached for years.

4 - As we know very little about the nature of the Soul, we can not say with cer tainty about actuality of such things as;

a - where in the body soul lives,

b -does it live in the brain or is spread everywhere in the body.

However, there is no doubt that we all have soul in ourselves and our body is a vehicle or tool of the Soul.

As the entire organs of the body work under the full command of the organic brain, the brain itself is dictated by the Soul.

SOUL -- Brain's network -- Organs of the Body

All scientists believe without any difference of opinion that each and every organ of the body strictly follows the instructions of the brain. The brain does give instruction to special organs to perform work and only then they do cer tain kinds of work.

But SOUL is the master control center of the brain. Imam Ghazali, a renowned Sunni scholar of the 11th century beautifully expressed this fact in a very simple manner. He said;

Body is just a vehicle for the soul as a horse is for the rider; it is the soul that deter mines our journey in this life, just as the rider guides the travel of the horse in the land. Accountability, therefore, is for the rider, not the horse.

This is also clear from one of the hadith of the Holy Prophet (sws) in which he said; Actions will be judged according to intentions.

The intentions are always formed by the souls, and actions are simply their manifestations. The brain is only an instrument that brings the intentions into actions. The other par ts of the body are the means that carry out the function.

Judgments, intentions, planing, decisions, don't have any location within the cells of the brain nor can they be traced out in the hear t or any other part of the organic body.

The brain simply takes commands from the Soul and executes it through its army (appropriate organs of the body) solely for the pleasure of the Soul.

Thus for our every action and thought, the Soul is solely responsible. The rewards and punishmentsis also for the Soul only. Quran says;

"On that day we shall seal their mouths. There hands will speak to us, and their feet will testify to their misdeeds." (36:65)

"When they enter hellfire, their eyes and ears and the skins on their bodies shall give witness against them on account of the sins they have committed. They will address their skins asking them, why do you give witness against us? They will receive the answer: the Lord Who gave speech to all things andWho first created you has given speech to us too, certainly you will return to Him." (41:20-21)

This means that all our organs which were used by the Soul to seek itspleasure, will testify against our Soul and will speak on how they executed or performed the commands of our Soul.

Thus all kinds of pains and pleasures are experienced by the soul through the network of brain. This is why the Soul is absolutely responsible for all our actions whether good or bad.