An Introduction to : The Truth of the Existing Christianity

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An Introduction to : The Truth of the Existing Christianity Author:
Category: Religions and Sects
ISBN: ISBN-10: 1502837919, ISBN-13: 978-1502837912

An Introduction to : The Truth of the Existing Christianity

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Dar Rahe Haq Board of Writers
Category: ISBN: ISBN-10: 1502837919, ISBN-13: 978-1502837912
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An Introduction to : The Truth of the Existing Christianity
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An Introduction to : The Truth of the Existing Christianity

An Introduction to : The Truth of the Existing Christianity

ISBN: ISBN-10: 1502837919, ISBN-13: 978-1502837912

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

An Introduction to:

The Truth of the Existing Christianity

Author: Dar Rahe Haq Board of Writers

ISBN-10: 1502837919

ISBN-13: 978-1502837912


Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Judge whether this is the right path 4

Dear Reader: 4

Supporters of the Trinity Concept 4

Chapter 2: A letter to the church 7

Chapter 3: Whet is the Holy Bible? 8

The Old Testament 8

Chapter 4: Jesus from the Viewpoint of Islam and the Church 11

Church Teaching Concerning Christ 11

God in the Nicene Creed 11

Chapter 5: Islamic Teachings Concerning God and Jesus Christ 13

Chapter 6: The History of the New Testament 17

Decius 17

Valerianus 17

Deuclocian 18

Constantine the Wicked 18

Chapter 7: The Prophecies of the Gospels 20

The Comforter is not the Holy Spirit 20

The Prophet of Islam is the Spirit of Truth 21

Chapter 8: What the holy fathers have done 23

Chapter 9: Forgiving of Sins & Heaven sold off!? 25

The Buying and selling of Paradise and the Letters of Forgiveness 26

Chapter 10: The Authors of the New Testament 28

Peter 28

The Disobedience of Peter and John 28

Author's Lack of Faith 29

Mark 29

Luke 29

Jacob, the Brother of Jesus 30

Paul 30

Chapter 11: What is The Eucharist? 31

The Wine Grail 31

Unlivened Bread and the Flesh of Jesus 32

Strange Statement 32

Chapter 12: Does Christ Suffer For Our Sins? 34

Chapter 13: Christmas! 37

Chapter 14: Wine-making, The First Miracle of Christ 39

The Wine and the Miracle 39

Contradictory Sentences 40

As for Islam 40

Chapter 15: Contradictory Statements in the Gospels 42

1-The Abuses Made by the Thieve 42

2-The Staff 43

3-Peter being investigated 43

4-The Time of Mary's Arrival 44

Chapter 16: What is The Religion of the Sword? 45

The calumny 45

Chapter 17: The Prophecies of The Bible 47

Part One 47

The First Prophesy 47

Incorrect identifications 49

Part Two: Alterations of the Prophecies 52

Chapter 18: The Trinity or the Worship of Three Gods 54

Chapter 19: A Story from the Present Bible Versions 57

The Divine Men and Social Education 57

The Old and New Testaments and the Prophets 57

The Story of Lot's carousel 58

The Story of Jacob's wrestling with God 58

Chapter 20: What Religion should be adopted? 60

We believe in a God Whom Islam Introduces 61

Notes 63

Chapter 1: Judge whether this is the right path

Dear Reader:

In a world where veils of human ignorance are being removed one by one and day by day and a new realm of dazzling truth is emerging to mankind; in an epoch when the light of science guides us ever closer to intellectual solidarity, providing us with evidence of the Oneness of the Creator,

thus revealing to us a world full of wonders; in a world where the dark days of colonialism have come to a destined end, leaving colonialists with an eternal stain of disgrace in human history and where the freedom-fighters and liberated people are not only no longer ready to submit themselves to colonialist exploitations, but also engaged in abolishing their plundering expeditions; in such a context, Church has belatedly begun to cherish the resumption of colonial activities.

Offering the concept of the Trinity, it intends to lead people back into medieval obscurantism, so that once again the tragedy of the Spanish Inquisition may be repeated. In Andalusia (Spain), on one night thousands of innocent God-fearing Muslims were beheaded. Neither women nor children were spared and their sacred shrines were razed to the ground.

Now, after years of hypocrisy, the Church has started again to reveal its true nature to the Muslim World. Church authorities, which have hidden themselves behind the scenes, have devised ominous and destructive plans against Islam and Muslims.

According to the church, all of African and Asian nations to convert to Christianity! Every night, they dream of the departure of Islam from these countries to be replaced by his decadent concept of the Trinity. They see that it will not be long before the God-fearing people of the Asian and African countries will accept the son, mother and other relatives of God! They actually imagine that God is the head of such a large family! But in reality, for more than twenty centuries, Christianity has failed to account for the Trinity sue, which is in fact an illusory and pagan belief and yet the cornerstone of St. Paul's (not Jesus') religion.

The Church still dreams of uprooting Islam and Muslims id consolidating in its place the perverted and deviant Christianity.

Supporters of the Trinity Concept

Some supporters of the Trinity concept draw the following triangle in order to prove their aims. They say: "Even though a triangle has three sides, it is still a union just as the Trinity a union". Even a child can perceive the baseless ness of such claim, for a triangle is composed of three sides, each independent of the other. If each side were to become exactly like the others, a triangle would no longer exist; thus this "triangle Theory" is erroneous.

This entity is composed of three sides, known collectively as a "triangle", and no sane person would consider it a real union.

In principle, to compare God, who is devoid of form, to a triangle (which has a definite structure) is wrong. Structure or composition is peculiar to creation and the pure essence of God can in no way be imagined in such terms. God; in this case, would only mean a mere creature, depending upon another power to control His existence.

At the same time, these Trinity supporters claim that just as water takes up various forms such as liquid, gas or solid state, it is not wrong to think that God also change forms, becoming Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. They ignore the fact that water itself is made up of various composition, which in different situations and under certain conditions, take on different forms.

This example is not compatible with the concept of God's uniqueness. Moreover, the inevitable result of such a statement and similitude is that the sacred presence of God will also be affected through change or other courses of events.

The notion of the Trinity is so groundless that whenever one wishes to discuss the issue with a Christian, the only answer he receives is that this subject is one of the great secret of the Church! No one, they say, can understand the truth behind it, not even those greater than ourselves.

Indeed it is very strange that such an issue, which should be more commonly understood and clear-cut than everything else, has reached a point where the use of mathematical and geometrical shapes must be resorted. Even then, when no concrete conclusion is reached, the matter is laid to rest through the use of deceptively sophisticated reasoning.

Is God such an entity that is divisible and at the same time a changeable material phenomenon, and yet is to be worshipped blindly? What kind of faith is it that its most basic and most essential issues are incapable of being explained? It has failed to clarify how the three gods are incorporated and yet have managed to preserve their divisibility as well as their unity.

Is it correct to believe in these unfounded and fictitious claims just because they have been written in the Four Gospels, or should one take these statements as a valid proof to the invalidity of the existing Gospels? For a true book of revelation would never make such assertions. By making such assertions concerning the Trinity issue, Christianity has in fact shown its true self. This faith has been founded upon misunderstanding and ignorance and continues to undergo alterations and subversions in the hands of ignorant persons.

One should feel deep regret that these people, misguided to such an extent in mind and religion, should tell Muslims to renounce the truth substantiated even by science! They expect Muslims to blindly follow them, urging people to conceive of partners for God, divide Him into parts and fill their hearts with love of the Son of God! How can a Muslim who believes that every living being echoes the words "God is but One and there is no partner unto Him" possibly accept this?

They promulgate their false notions by various means now in the form of publications including leaflets, again in the form of fictitious books full of myths and superstitions, and recently through radio broadcasts once a week in the guise of educational and moral programs.

Let us applaud you benefactors of humanity who have closed your eyes to your voluminous dark record in Africa, shed crocodile tears for these ignorant people and act under a religious mask in order to perform your ominous colonialist designs.

We know that these "gifts" are brought to Muslim countries by "democratic" and "freedom-seeking" western governments, for it is only the Muslim countries that are filled with sins and sinners who await the grace and mercy of their Lord, Jesus Christ!

We have had enough of your ignorance! Come to your senses, O Muslim brothers! Stop imagining that the dazzling technological progress of Europe has been due to the religion of Trinity. Rather, as long as people followed these childish ideas, they always were in the dark abyss of ignorance. But as soon as they tore away from the intricate web woven by the Church and relied instead upon the light of Islamic knowledge, they were able to take big steps towards the benefit of mankind.

This is indeed a fact, which has been proved throughout history. Nevertheless, there is much to discuss regarding the notion of the Trinity and, God willing, in the following chapters, we shall help reveal many of the countless hidden existing truths.

We boldly request of Church officials and of the Vatican in particular, that if they are sincerely seeking the truth, they should prepare themselves for a scientific debate to be held in a calm, brotherly atmosphere. In this way, the Truth will uncover itself to all.

Chapter 2: A letter to the church

The silence of the magnificent court chamber was broken by the voice of the priest who began to read the verdict articulately His stately black robe with its long sleeves and the glint of his spectacles had so much attracted the audience that one would have thought that after Jesus, he was the second, undisputed "Son of God".

The old man, who stood complaisantly before the court panel, suddenly paled upon hearing the verdict. He turned immediately to face a statue of Jesus, which occupied a corner of the chamber, and kneeling before the statue, he begged to be forgiven of his sins.

His crime was so grave that nothing but gallows could atone for it. He had maintained that the earth rotated round the sun, thus denying the decision of the churchmen whom held that the earth was in a fixed position. Perhaps you have already recognized this man who was accused of heresy. He was none other than Galileo.1

The holy fathers stifled every voice of truth, which opposed the myths of the Holy Bible. Giordano Bruno was burnt at the stake in the main square of Campo de Fiori on February 19, 1600 AD, because of his denial of such concepts as the Incarnation and the Trinity. As the flames and a thick cloud of smoke billowed and faded into the sky, the Pope's minions sang religious hymns.2

Is it not disgraceful that Church officials should have committed such unforgivable crimes against knowledge and science? Yet they continue to hold their heads high before the progressive and culture-loving generations of the world, expressing their sympathies to humanity!

In a world where the gates to true knowledge are already open to man, where mankind becomes inebriated at the fountain of science enabling it to explore new and exciting realms of knowledge, is it not ridiculous that the Church still refuses to abandon its myths and illusions? Throughout history, hundreds of scientists and great thinkers of the world have revolted against the delusions of the Gospels. But the Christian clerics have remained unmoved and continue to impose these misconceptions one way or another on people.

If one wishes to become familiar with present Christian doctrines, he should carefully study the following four sections, for each section alone is sufficient to refute the present-day Gospels and Christianity. Thousands of people have until now written letters to the Church, requesting its response to the following four issues. However, no perfect response has yet been given, and it is much deplorable that the Christian missionaries are unable to cope with questions dealing with simple logic and reasoning posed by the uninformed youth.

Chapter 3: Whet is the Holy Bible?

The Old Testament and the New Testament The scope of the efforts of the holy fathers has progressed to the point where they have distributed Bibles, free of charges, in all countries and particularly among Muslim people and the young generation.

Here we are not concerned with how the holy fathers and Christian evangelists have been allowed to carry out their activities so freely. Nor are we concerned with how much was allocated to them by certain Western colonialist governments, or what authorities support their freedom of action.

These are subjects, which require lengthy discussion and will not be dealt with here. Here we shall merely examine several points concerning the Christian Holy scriptures. It is hoped that the holy fathers abstain from distributing the Bible among Muslims, so that we may not be forced to expose their true nature as well as their books.

The Bible comprises the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament includes the Torah (Hebrew for Law) and books of the prophets. The New Testament which opens with the words "The New Testament of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ", consists of 27 Sections: 4 Gospels according to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and 21 epistles attributed to Paul the Apostle and others. With the "Acts of the Apostles" and "The Revelation of St. John" (Apocalypse), the New Testament contains a total of 27 parts.

The Old Testament

Spinoza, the famous Jewish philosopher, has written extensively on the Old Testament. A summary of some of his observations is as follows:

Everyone presumes that it was Moses who wrote the first five books of the Torah. The Pharisees3 place much emphasis on this presumption and consider anyone who opposes this belief a heretic. It was for this very reason that Ibn Azra4, who was to some extent free thinker and the first to discover this error, never dared to talk about the subject openly.

"But", Spinoza writes; "I have no fear of explaining this particular issue." He then relates some of the evidences given by Ibn Azra along with some of his own observations, which conclude that the original writer of the five books of Torah lived several centuries after the time of Moses.

He also investigates the remaining books of the Old Testament and refuses to accept that they are actually written by those whose names are attributed to them. Noting their inconsistencies, errors and con- tradictions, he considers them unjustifiable. Commentators of the Holy Scriptures, he says, have tried very hard to justify these obvious contradictions, 'Pharisee' means "Seclusion". but are unaware that through such efforts, they have actually ridiculed the authors of the Old Testament.5 The New Testament

The Gospels and books, which have been attributed to Jesus and his disciples, are neither credible nor historically reliable, nor complete. Owing to historical events, additions and misapplications in the texts, the New Testament has not remained free from alteration. Also, the style and the phraseology of the New Testament clearly differ from those of the prophets.

Spinoza wrote that he believed that Paul's profound and lengthy arguments in his "Epistle to the Romans" were not founded upon divine revelation, but were merely based on the normal power of reasoning. Also, the style of the disciples and their way of using words evident in the books clearly argues against their coming from divine revelation or the Grace of God. Rather, they contain the personal logic and opinions of their writers.6

Moreover, there are various versions of the Gospels and other scriptures, which have been rejected by the Church. Basically, it is not certain whether these versions are the same as those traditionally accepted by the Church as "divine revelations."

Encyclopedia Britannica lists the names of tens of such Gospels and epistles.7 The writer of Exhumes has listed the scriptures that the ancient Christians attributed to Christ himself, his disciples, or other followers:

7 epistles to Jesus

8 epistles to Mary

11 "" Peter the Apostle

9"" John

2"" Andrew

2"" Matthew

2"" Philip the Apostle,

1 epistle to Bartholomen the Apostle.

5 epistles to Thomas the Apostle.

3"" Jacob the Apostle,

3"" Mathias

3"" Mark

2"" Barnabas

1 epistle to Theodos

15 epistles to Paul

Having mentioned the features of these 74 epistles, the writer poses this question: How can one know if the Divine Scriptures are the same scriptures accepted by the Protestants?8

Is the Holy Bible a Divine and heavenly Book?

On the whole, the book, which at present is accepted by the Christians as a sacred work is a baseless fabrication. Evidence pointing to the fabrication of this book is abundant. The following examples would be mentioned:

1-There are contradictions between the Old Testament and the New Testament or among their epistles, a sample of which, apart from the one talked about previously, is given in the fifteenth chapter of this book.

2-The superstitions and ambiguities existing throughout the Holy Bible, such as attributing wine drinking to prophets, Jacob's wrestling with God, etc. 3-Holy Bible's shortcomings and imperfection from the viewpoint of divine teachings, etc., When we read it carefully, we find in its various chapters that God walks; God shows repentance; God's knowledge is limited, finite and so on.

4-Historical and non-historical discrepancies, an example of which you has already read in the second chapter of this book.

Certainly, evidences such as these convince any sane person that the Christian's present holy books have no foundation and cannot be divine. It is for these reasons that at the end of his argument, Felicien Chalet concludes:

"At any rate, these are man's creation and so it is impossible to consider them the Words of God."9

Chapter 4: Jesus from the Viewpoint of Islam and the Church

"Two sects succumbed to their wrong deeds concerning Jesus: The first were Jews who turned against him until they made a false accusation against him. The second were Christians who glorified him as a deity"10 (The Holy Prophet of Islam)

Church Teaching Concerning Christ

Jesus is God! "And [Saul] said, who art thou, O Lord? And Lord answered, I am Jesus..." (Acts 9:5) Jesus is the begotten Son of God! "But when the time was ripe, God sent forth his son, born of a woman…" (Galatians 4:4)

Devil and Son of God "At once after His baptism, Jesus came up from the water, and beheld, the heavens were opened and he saw the spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him. And a voice from heaven said: "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased" (Matt. 3:16-17)

"Then was Jesus led by the spirit into the desert to be tempted by Devil. After fasting forty days and nights, he was hungry. The Tempter [Devil] approached him and said: "If thou be the Son of God, command these stones to turn into bread…"

The Devil then conducted him to the holy city... saying to him, "If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down... Jesus said unto him, "Furthermore, it is written: Thou shalt not test the Lord thy God." (Matt. 4:1-7)

Next the Devil took him to a very high mountain and showed to him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor, saying to him: All these will I give thee, if thou wilt kneel and worship me. Then Jesus said to him: Be gone, Satan! For it is written: Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and Him only shalt thou serve." (Matt. 4:8-10)

God in the Nicene Creed

In 325 AD, a council was formed by the Byzantine Emperor in the city of Nicaea near Constantinople to settle the argument between Ahrius and Alexander.

The Council was inaugurated by raising this issue, and finally the ideas of Ahrius and his followers were rejected. They were condemned, being accused of their realism and unorthodoxy, and were exiled by the Emperor's command. The majority decision was submitted before the Council and was signed by all members thereof in form of a letter of faith.

"We believe in God, the Father, the Almighty, in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, Son of the Father, the only offspring who is from the essence of Father, God from God, light from light, true God who is born from true God and not created by Him, having the same essence with the Father through Whom all that abide in the heavens and earth come into being. It is for us human beings to be redeemed that He descended from heaven, incarnated in human image.

He toiled and on the third day he ascended to the heavens and would come to judge the living and the dead... Curse be upon those who say that he did not exist, or that he had not existed before he came into existence or that he was made out of nothing.

Curse be upon those who profess that He is of another essence and temperament or that He was created as the Son of God and liable to change." The concord was later extended and what the Christians today call Nicene Creed is the same thing.11 From what has been quoted from the Bible and the above - mentioned concord, it becomes evident that Christianity has been plagued with two superstitious and false concepts.

1-it has presented God as a composite and compound being; otherwise, it would have been impossible that one part should be detached from Him and become His son.

It goes without saying that God is indivisible and free from any composition or compound natures, for as the theological scholars and philosophers have stated, a composite would require components and an outside agent putting them together, and such a thing would be, generally speaking, inconsistent with an omnipotent God, whose omnipotence has set Him above all creatures.

2-Jesus, who often wandered about hungry and thirsty, Who was affected by hardships and difficulties, who asked for help from the true One God and who was a restricted and finite creature, has been considered to be God and, as a result, infinite. The fallacy of such a concept is most obvious, for to consider Christ God is tantamount to saying that the limited is unlimited or the finite is infinite.

Lately, some Christian writers have written: "What Christians believe is that God is able to make Himself appear in the image of man."12

These writers ignore the fact that such a statement is on the whole inconsistent with the infinity of God. Furthermore, it also implies that God, too, like all other beings, is changeable and liable to transformation.

More ridiculously, they write: "Just as it is possible to take a bucketful of water from the Pacific Ocean and call it the water of ocean, there is also nothing wrong in saying that in this world Jesus was filled as much as possible with the Spirit of God."13 It is obvious that God is not composite and it is wrong to compare His entity with an ocean. He is not divisible and thus a part of Him could not fill the vessel that was Christ. All these are mere superstitions that have come to afflict the Christian writers.

Chapter 5: Islamic Teachings Concerning God and Jesus Christ

"Say: He, Allah, is the single one. Allah is He whom all depends. He begets not, nor is He begotten; and none is like Him."(Holy Qur'an 105: 1 - 4) Therefore, any form of polytheism, idolatry, birth incarnation and corpularity has been rejected in Islam and the Lord is stripped of any of these embellishments.

"And Jews say: Ezna is the Son of Allah. And Christians say: Messiah is the Son of Allah. These are the words of their mouths, which correspond with each other. They imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before..." (Holy Qur'an 9:30).

Some contemporary investigators have compared the Old and New Testaments with beliefs of the Buddhists and others. The similarity is such that there would remain no doubt for a knowledgeable person that the superstitious beliefs observed in Christianity have been adopted from others.

"They indeed disbelieve who say: Surely, Allah - He is the Messiah, Son of Mary. Say: Who then could control anything against Allah, when He wished to destroy Messiah, Son of Mary, and his mother and all those on the earth?" (Holy Qur'an 5:17)

"Praise be to Allah! Who revealed the Book to His servant, and allowed not therein any crookedness, rightly directing, to give warning of severe punishment from Him and to give good news to the believers who do good that theirs is a good reward, staying in it for ever. And to warn those who say:

Allah has taken to himself a son. They have no knowledge of it, nor had their fathers. Grievous is the word that comes out of their mouths. They speak nothing but a lie. Then maybe you will kill yourself with grief, sorrowing after them, if they believe not in this announcement." (Holy Qur'an 18:1-6).

The Holy Qur'an tells the prophet of Islam: "And say: Praise is to Allah! Who has not taken to Himself a son, and who has not a partner in the kingdom..."

These are examples characteristic to the teachings found in the Gospels and officially accepted Christianity. We leave it to you to judge for yourselves these two kinds of teachings.

A youth, who had been participating for some time in the Christian Church religious services at the invitation of the Church, once said: "I am still in the dark about what was Jesus Christ. Was he God, Son of God, the Good Shepherd or the Lamb of God?"14

"It is Funny", he added, "that in a world where living manifestations of science have dazzled the eyes and where human beings are curious to understand and know everything just as it is, the Christian fathers and missionaries are calling people towards believing in superstitions and fairy tales. They ask unguided people to give Jesus a place in their hearts! For Jesus suffered to redeem people of their sins and was nothing but God himself who appeared in the image of man and later died on the Cross so as to as to as to absolve our sins! Nevertheless, had he been God Himself, could he not have absolved our sins or guided us without taking a human form?"

He said: "It is ridiculous that the scientists, who often undertake years of exhaustive investigation concerning a certain scientific issue in order to understand and accept something logically, are told by the Holy Fathers to accept that the earth is fixed, because the Holy Bible says so. They are told to come to believe in a God who is but One and at the same time Three! However, I personally have never met a Christian who could understand the Trinity or explain its meaning."

"Since the issue of the Trinity consisting of God being composed of Father, Son and the Holy Spirit is the basis of the present Christian faith, I have tried hard to understand it, but whoever I have asked about it, has replied: It is a secret you would not come to grasp unless you will have become a Christian. How preposterous!"

"Each great Holy Father has compiled a book or a treatise as he has pleased and included it among the Scriptures and Gospels which constitute the so-called "Holy Bible". These Holy Scriptures are not few, but many. A number of letters are also considered Holy whose authors are essentially unknown!"

"Among Christ's disciples, only Barnabas had spoken the truth and had therefore become the target of attacks by other Christians, for he had refused to become a tool of the profit-minded Holy Fathers and openly said: "Those who give you the prophecy that Christ is the Son of God, have been deceived and Paul is among them, too."15

"The Gospel of Barnabas had in effect come to be rejected and hated by "highly venerated" Popes and missionaries, since it had opposed the beliefs of others and promised the arrival of the Prophet of Islam. Hence the poor Christians are forbidden by papal edict from reading the Gospel of Barnabas and most of them are basically ignorant of its existence."

This youth then talked at length about the colonialist role played by Holy Fathers in African and Asian countries and, referring once again to the content of the Gospels and Christ, "the Son of God", he said: "What sort of God is this that, by the claim of the Gospels written several centuries ago, was born from Mary, the wife of Joseph,

the carpenter; who after eating, drinking, praying, fasting and sometimes drinking wine, was finally caught, killed and buried by scoundrel people"; who remained in the grave for three days before rising from it to the heavens and being honored to sit on the right-hand side of the first God, i.e. his Father; and who would one day return to earth to pass judgment. Truly he is a strange God who failed to deal with his Jewish servants who finally buried him, albeit he came out of the grave three days later and rose to the Heavens."

"I have closely studied the Bible and burst into laughter. If you have a Bible with you, open it to Genesis, Chapter 32, Section 24, and read it to the end. See how the Lord God wrestles with Jacob, but fails to overpower him and finally since the day-break is drawing near and people have already started to move around, the Lord takes hold of Jacob's thigh and says: "Let your hand go of me, for the day breaketh and he [Jacob] says: I will not. Let thee go, unless thou blessest me."

This is an example of what the Christian God did.

The youth then went on: "Well, this was about God. Now let's observe what these books have said about other prophets of God. In Genesis (19: 30-38) one reads that Lot drank wine, slept with his two daughters and impregnated them." In II Samuel the following shameful account is given about David the Prophet:

"And it came to pass m an evening that David arose from his bed and walked upon the roof of the King's house; and from the roof he saw a woman washing herself; and the woman was very beautiful to look upon."

"And David sent messengers who took her; and she came unto him, and he lay with her, for she was purified from her uncleanliness and she returned unto her house. And the woman conceived and told David and said: I am with a child.

"And David sent to Joab, saying: Send me Uriah the Hittite. And Joab sent Uriah to David."

And when Uriah was come into him, David demanded of him how Joab did, and how the people did and were prospered. "David said to Uriah: Go down to thy house, and wash thy feet. And Uriah departed out of the King's house, and there followed him a mess of meat from the king."

"But Uriah slept at the door of the King's house with all the servants of his lord, and went not down unto his house." (II Samuel 11: 2-10)

"And it came to pass m the morning that David wrote a letter to Joab and sent it by the hand of Uriah." "And he wrote in the letter saying: Set ye Uriah in the forefront of the hottest battle, and retire ye from him that he may be smitten and die." (II Samuel 11:14-15)

Joab who commanded David's army did as he was told and as a result, "there fell some of the people of the servants of David, and Uriah the Hittite died also" (II Samuel 11:17) "And when the wife of Uriah heard that Uriah her husband was dead, she mourned for her husband."

"And when the mourning was past, David sent and fetched her to his house, and she became his wife and bore him a son, but the thing that David had done, displeased the Lord." (II Samuel 11: 26-27).

Is it not ridiculous that the holy fathers print and distribute such Gospels and books, and even have them translated into a thousand languages?

The youth continued: "I cannot see why the holy fathers had come to make a genealogy for Jesus Christ. For God and the Son of God do not need such a thing in the first place? Secondly, the Holy Bible says that Jesus descends from no one, only that his mother is Mary.

But having no work to do as usual, the holy fathers have pompously furnished two genealogies for him, one mentioned in Matthew's Gospel and the other in Luke's. If Jesus had no father, then why is there a need for a genealogy? Why do they relate him to Joseph the Carpenter? Joseph did not lay with Mary. Just as we read in the beginning of Gospel of Luke, the womb of Mary was filled with the Holy Spirit,

whereas Mary was a virgin! "Maybe the holy fathers wanted to connect Jesus to David, Solomon and Jacob through these genealogies, but the problem remains in the very fact that had Jesus been from their life-line, he would also have been bound to be a descendant of David, and since David had committed adultery, he must be subject to damnation by the law of Torah!"

This young man had many other things to say which cannot be described in detail within the limited space of this chapter.