Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma Vol. 1

Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma Vol. 10%

Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma Vol. 1 Author:
Translator: Sayyid Akhtar Husain S.H. Rizvi
Publisher: www.al-islam.org
Category: Various Books

Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma Vol. 1

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Sheikh Sadooq
Translator: Sayyid Akhtar Husain S.H. Rizvi
Publisher: www.al-islam.org
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Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma Vol. 1
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Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma Vol. 1

Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma Vol. 1

Publisher: www.al-islam.org

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought


This book will be corrected once again specially its Quranic Verses and references.

Chapter 1: Regarding the Occultation of Prophet Idrees

Chapter 1: Regarding the Occultation (Ghaibat) of Prophet Idrees (a.s.)

Among the first occultations is the well-known occultation of Prophet Idrees (a.s.). His occultation was so much prolonged that his followers fell into dire circumstances and the tyrant ruler of that time killed some of them; while some he subjected to poverty and terror. After that Prophet Idrees (a.s.) reappeared and promised the removal of the travails of his Shias through the uprising and Jihad of one of his descendants, that is Prophet Nuh (a.s.). Then Allah, the Mighty and Sublime raised up Idrees (a.s.) towards Himself.

And century after century his followers continued to wait for the advent of Nuh (a.s.), one generation after another. And during that time they continued to bear with patience the humiliating oppression of the tyrant rulers till the prophethood of Nuh (a.s.) became apparent.

Narrated to us my father, and Muhammad bin Hasan bin Ahmad bin Walid; and Muhammad bin Musa bin Mutawakkil - may Allah be pleased with them - they said: Narrated to us Saad bin Abdullah: and Abdullah bin Ja’far Himyari; and Muhammad bin Yahya al-Attar who said: Narrated to us Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Isa; and Ibrahim bin Hashim, all of them from Hasan bin Mahboob from Ibrahim bin Abi Bilaad from his father from Abu Ja’far Muhammad bin Ali al-Baqir (a.s.) that he said:

“It was the initial period of the prophethood of Idrees (a.s.) when a tyrant king was in power. Once when he went out for recreation he passed through a land rich in greenery, which belonged to a pious believer who did not follow the religion of the king. The ruler liked that piece of land for himself, so he inquired from his viziers regarding its owner. They told him that it belonged to a certain believer from their kingdom who was among the servants of the king. And that he was a rebel.

The king called the believer and said that he wanted his piece of land. The believer replied that his family needed the plot of land more than the king. The king asked him to sell it to him but the believer was adamant that he would neither surrender that piece of land nor sell it to the ruler. This angered the king and he returned to his kingdom in this condition. He was full of rage and sorrow due to this matter. The king had a blue-eyed wife from the Azariqa tribe whom he considered very intelligent and consulted her frequently. On reaching home he called for her to take advice regarding the owner of the land. When she reached the court she saw the king in an angry mood.

The woman said: What had made you so disconcerted? Tell me about it before you take some drastic step. He narrated the incident of the believer’s land. She replied that only he gets angry who neither has the power to turn the circumstances to his advantage nor take revenge. “If you don’t prefer to eliminate him without any excuse I will do it for you and make that land a part of your property in such a way that your subjects will consider you to be on the right.” “What pretext would that be?” asked the king.

She replied that a group (from her Azriqa tribe) will be sent to arrest him and they would testify that the person has turned away from the king’s religion. “This would justify your executing him and seizing his land.” “Do that,” said the king. (The Imam says) So a group of people from Azriqa, who followed the queen’s religion and who considered lawful the slaughtering of a believer were called. They testified before the king that that man had turned away from the state religion.

On hearing this, the king ordered his execution and confiscated his land. Allah was angry at the believer’s murder and He revealed to Idrees (a.s.) to go and tell the tyrant ruler, “Were you not content with killing the believer that you also usurped his land impoverishing family? I swear by My majesty and power that I will avenge his murder in Qiyamat and in this world I will abolish your rulership. I will change your honor and status into humiliation and disgrace; and dogs will devour the flesh of you wife. Has My tolerance and endurance, which was supposed to test you, made you arrogant?”

Thus Idrees (a.s.) entered his court with the message of his Lord, while the king was surrounded by his courtiers. Then he addressed the king, “O tyrant ruler! I am the messenger of Allah and I have brought His message to you that: ‘Were you not content with killing the believer that you also usurped his land impoverishing family? I swear by My majesty and power that I will avenge his murder in Qiyamat and in this world I will abolish your rulership. I will change your honor and status into humiliation and disgrace; and dogs will devour the flesh of you wife. Has My tolerance and endurance, which was supposed to test you, made you arrogant?’ The king said: “O Idrees (a.s.), leave my court and don’t do anything that may compel me to eliminate you.”

After that he called for his wife and narrated the message of Idrees to her. She said: “The message of the God of Idrees should not make you afraid. I am alone sufficient to take care of this matter of Idrees. I will send some people to eliminate him and they will do it as a consequence of which the message of his god and whatever he brought, would be proved false. The king told her to do it. Among the friends of Idrees (a.s.) there were some who used to attend the royal court. Idrees (a.s.) had informed them of the revelation to him and of his conveying the message to the king. They were fearful that Idrees (a.s.) would be killed.

The queen sent forty Iraqi men to kill Idrees (a.s.). They reached the place where Idrees (a.s.) used to sit with his companions but did not find him there, so they returned. When his friends saw that they had come to kill Idrees (a.s.) they dispersed and then met Idrees (a.s.). They informed him that forty men had come to kill him, so he should leave the town immediately. So Idrees (a.s.) left the locality the very same day and he was also accompanied by some of his followers. At the time of dawn, Idrees (a.s.) prayed to Allah, “O my Sustainer! You sent me to that tyrant to deliver Your message to him.

He threatened me and is after my blood. Rather if they had got power over me they would have eliminated me. Allah revealed to Idrees (a.s.) to keep away from the king. “I swear by My honor that I will enforce My decree on him and prove your word and My messengership to be true.” Idrees (a.s.) said, “O my Nourisher, I have a wish.” Allah said, “Ask me and I shall fulfill it.” Idrees (a.s.) said, “Till such time as I allow, there should be no rains.” Allah said, “The country will be ruined and people will starve to death.” Idrees (a.s.) said, “Whatever may happen, this is my wish.” Allah replied, “All right. I accept it, and till the time you pray I will not send rain. I am the most truthful to My promise.”

Idrees (a.s.) briefed his companions about his discussion with Allah and said, “O my friends leave this country and go to some other place.” There were twenty of them and they spread out to different areas. The people came to know about the prayers of Idrees (a.s.). Idrees (a.s.) himself sought refuge on a hill. Allah appointed an angel who used to bring food to him every evening. Idrees (a.s.) fasted during the day and broke his fast in the evening when the angel brought food to him. Allah destroyed the kingdom of the tyrant king. The king was killed, his kingdom destroyed and the flesh of his wife was eaten by dogs due to their transgression against a believer.

Another unjust tyrant oppressor occupied the throne. Twenty years passed without a drop of rain. The people were in severe hardships and difficulties and their condition deteriorated. They used to bring food supplies from far off countries. When their condition turned from bad to worse they discussed among themselves that this calamity was due to the prayer of Idrees (a.s.) who had asked Allah that till the time he allowed there should be no rains. “We are not aware of his whereabouts because he has concealed himself from us.” They decided that as Allah is more Merciful than Idrees (a.s.) pray to Him and repent so that it rains on their land and in the neighboring areas. So they wore coarse clothes and applied mud on their head and standing on the earth they wailed, cried and repented to Allah.

Allah felt pity on them and revealed upon Idrees (a.s.) that, “Your people are repenting, wailing and weeping and I am God the Beneficent and Merciful and the one who accepts repentance and forgive sins. I have mercy on them and wish to fulfill their desire for rains. I have no obstruction save that you had requested me not to send rains till you pray for it. Therefore, O Idrees you pray to Me that I may send rains for them.” Idrees (a.s.) said, “O my Nourisher, I will not pray for rains.” Allah once again revealed on Idrees (a.s.) to pray for rains. Idrees (a.s.) again refused. So Allah recalled the angel who was appointed to bring food for Idrees. When it was evening and the food did not arrive Idrees (a.s.) became restless but waited patiently.

The second day when again the food did not arrive his restlessness increased. On the third day he lost his patience and appealed to Allah, “O my Nourisher before taking my soul you have discontinued my sustenance?” Allah revealed, “O Idrees! You are complaining in three days but you are not concerned about your nation that has suffered for twenty years? I informed you that they were suffering, and I was merciful on them and I wished that you pray for rain so that I send rain. But you abstained from it, so I wanted you to know what hunger is and you lost your patience and complained. Now come out of the cave and search for your sustenance. I have left you on your own.”

So Idrees (a.s.) came down from the hill to procure food. When he came near the town he saw smoke coming out from a house. An old lady had made two loaves of bread and was roasting them on the fire. He requested her to give him something to eat, as he was very weak and restless due to hunger. She said that due to the curse of Idrees (a.s.), Allah has not given left them anything that they can feed anyone, and swore that except for the two loaves of bread there was nothing in the house. She told him to leave the city and go somewhere else for food. Idrees (a.s.) requested:

At least give me one loaf so that I can save my life and can start walking. She said: “I have only these two loaves, one for me and the other for my son. If I give you my loaf I will die and if I give you my child’s he will die. I don’t have anything else to give you.” Idrees (a.s.) said, “Your son is young, half a loaf will suffice him and half will help me to live.” The woman ate her share and distributed the other between Idrees (a.s.) and her son. When the child saw Idrees (a.s.) eating from his share, he started crying and was so disturbed that he died. The woman screamed, “Stranger! You have killed my child.” Idrees (a.s.) said, “Do not fear, by the order of Allah I will make him alive.”

Saying this he kept his hands on the shoulder of the boy and said, “O soul who has left the body of this child, by the order of Allah, return to his body again. I am Idrees (a.s.) the Messenger of Allah.” The boy was alive once more. The woman saw this and said, “I witness that you are Prophet Idrees (a.s.).” And she ran out shouting, “O people! Congratulations to you and glad tidings that we will be relieved of our troubles and sufferings as Idrees (a.s.) has returned to our city.” Idrees (a.s.) came out and reached the palace of the first tyrant king, which was on a hill.

A group of people came and complained, “O Idrees! In these twenty years you did not have any mercy on us. We were involved in such difficulties and miseries and many of us starved to death. We request you now pray to Allah for rains.” Idrees (a.s.) replied, “I will not pray till the time this tyrant king and the people of your city come to me walking, barefoot and request me.” When the king heard this, he sent forty people to kill Idrees (a.s.). When they reached near Idrees (a.s.), he cursed them and they all died. When the king heard this he sent 500 people to arrest him. They came to Idrees (a.s.) and said, “We have come to take you to the king.” Idrees (a.s.) replied, “Look at these forty men (who had come before you to take me); see how they are lying dead. If you all don’t go back you too will meet the same fate.”

They said, “O Idrees, you have involved us in hunger for twenty years and now you are cursing us. Is there no mercy in your heart?” Idrees (a.s.) replied, “I will not go to that tyrant nor will I pray for the rains till that tyrant and all the people don’t come to me walking barefoot.” Upon this the people returned to the king and repeated the statement of Idrees (a.s.).

So the King together with the people came to Idrees (a.s.) and all stood helplessly before him and requested him to pray for rain. Idrees (a.s.) said: “Now I will pray to Allah, the Mighty and Sublime for rain.” So Idrees (a.s.) prayed to Allah, the Mighty and Sublime for rain on that locality and the surrounding areas. At that moment clouds gathered in the sky, there was thunder and lightning and it started raining so heavily that the people thought they would drown. Finally they all returned to their homes fearing they shall be drowned in the floods.”

Chapter 2: Reappearance of Prophet Nuh

Chapter 2: Reappearance (Zuhoor) of Prophet Nuh (a.s.)

Narrated to us Muhammad bin Ibrahim bin Ishaq (r.a.) who said: Narrated to us Muhammad bin Hammam, who said: Narrated to us Humaid Ibne Ziyad Kufi who said: Narrated to us Hasan bin Muhammad bin Samaa-a, from Ahmad bin Hasan al-Muthanna, from Abdullah bin Fadl al-Hashmi that he said:

“As-Sadiq, Ja’far bin Muhammad (a.s.) said: When Allah, the Mighty and the High declared the Prophethood of Nuh (a.s.) and his Shias (followers) became sure that the time of deliverance was near the calamities became severe and mental torture kept on increasing and the infidels made all sorts of allegations against them. Nuh (a.s.) had to face such tortures that sometimes he remained unconscious for three days at a stretch and regained consciousness when his ears bled. This happened three hundred years after his appointment. During this period he invited the people towards Allah, day and night, but they fled from him. If he invited secretly he did not get a positive response.

If he called openly they used to flee. After three hundred years he decided to invoke curse upon them and sat down to curse after the Morning Prayer. A delegation of three angels from the seventh heaven came to him and said, ‘O Prophet of Allah, we have a request for you.’ ‘What is that?’ asked Nuh (a.s.). They replied, ‘Postpone the act of cursing the people, because this would be the first instance of divine wrath to descend to the earth.’ Nuh (a.s.) replied, ‘I postpone it for three hundred years.’ He returned to his people and again continued to invite them towards Allah. But the people continued to torment and torture him.

This went on for another three hundred years and at last Nuh (a.s.) lost hope of them ever coming towards faith. One afternoon (Zuhr) he decided to curse them. Suddenly a group of three angels from the sixth heaven came down and after salam said, ‘We started from the sixth heaven in the morning and have reached you at this time and we desire that at present you set aside the curse that you intend to invoke upon your people.’ Again Nuh (a.s.) promised to abstain from cursing them for three hundred years and returned to his people and began preaching among them.

But it had no effect till the second respite of three hundred years expired. In all nine hundred years of propagation passes in this manner. His followers came to him and complained to him about all they had suffered at the hands of the cruel kings and infidels and requested him to pray so that Allah may relieve them from the persecution. Nuh (a.s.) accepted the request and prayed to the Lord. Jibraeel (a.s.) descended and said that the Almighty has accepted his supplication and commands him to tell his followers to consume date and plant its seeds and to take care of the trees till they bear fruit. ‘When the trees bear fruits We will provide them salvation.’

Hearing this Nuh (a.s.) praised Allah, the Mighty and Sublime and gave glad tidings to his followers. They also became happy and waited till the trees bore fruits. They brought the fruits to Nuh (a.s.) and requested him to fulfill his promise. Nuh (a.s.) prayed to the Almighty and the Almighty said, ‘Tell these people to eat these dates too and sow their seeds. And when those trees bear fruits I will bestow give them salvation.’ When the people heard this, they thought that the promise has not been fulfilled and two-third of them renounced faith. Only a third of them remained firm on the faith of Nuh (a.s.).

They ate the dates and sowed the seeds. When they bore fruits they came to Nuh (a.s.) and said, ‘Very few of us have remained on religion and if there is a delay in repelling our hardships, all of us might turn away from religion.’ Hearing this Nuh (a.s.) offered his prayers and supplicated fervently, ‘O Lord, very few followers are left and if they do not receive salvation, I fear that they might also perish.’ It was revealed to him that his prayer has been accepted and that he should start building the Ark. Between the acceptance of his prayers and the Deluge there was a period of fifty years.”

2 - Narrated to us Muhammad bin Ali Majilaway; and Muhammad bin Musa bin Mutawakkil; and Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Yahya al-Attar -may Allah be pleased with them - they said: Narrated to us Muhammad bin Yahya al-Attar, from Husain bin Hasan bin Aban, from Muhammad bin Uramiya from Muhammad bin Sinan from Ismail bin Jabir; and Abdul Karim bin Amr from Abdul Hameed bin Abi Dailam from Abi Abdullah as-Sadiq (a.s.) that he said:

“After embarking from the ship, Nuh (a.s.) lived for fifty years. Then Jibraeel (a.s.) came to him and said, ‘O Nuh (a.s.), your prophethood is ending and your days are now over. So pass on The Greatest Name, the heritage of knowledge and the relics of prophethood to your son Sam, because Allah says that He would never keep the earth devoid of His representative. ‘There will always be a learned one on it because of whom the people would regard Me worthy of worship, so that after passing away of one prophet to the appointment of another, he may be the source of their salvation.

I will never ever leave the world without a proof who will call people towards Me and who would know My commands. This is My order. And I have destined this for every group of people that I will establish a guide through whom I will guide the obedient people and thereby My argument would be exhausted on the wretched.’ Accordingly Nuh (a.s.) handed over The Greatest Name, and the prophetic relics to his son Sam. Ham and Yafith had no knowledge from which one could benefit.

(The Imam said) Nuh (a.s.) gave the glad tidings of Hud (a.s.) to the people and ordered them to obey him. He also urged them to see the will at least once every year. That day would be a festive day for them just like Adam (a.s.) had commanded them. When rebellion and arrogance found roots in the descendants of Ham and Yafith, the descendants of Sam went into hiding with the relics and began to lead a secret life. In this way after Nuh (a.s.) the rulership of Ham and Yafith became effective on Sam. It is for this that Allah, the Mighty and Sublime says:

    وَتَرَكْنَا عَلَيْهِ فِي الْآخِرِينَ

And We perpetuated to him (praise) among the later generations.1

That is We gave the wealth of the oppressors to Nuh (a.s.) and Allah will make Muhammad (S) powerful with it. The inhabitant of Sind, India, and Ethiopia are the children of Ham and the inhabitants of Iran and Sind are the children of Yafith and their wealth reached the followers of Muhammad (S) and thereafter according to tradition that (wealth) passed from one learned religious scholar to another until Allah, the Mighty and Sublime sent Prophet Hud (a.s.).”

3 - And narrated to us Ali bin Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Imran as-Daqqaq (r.a.) that he said: Narrated to us Muhammad bin Abi Abdullah Kufi from Musa bin Imran an-Nakhai from his uncle, Husain bin Yazid an-Nawafalli from Ali bin Salim, from his father that he said: As-Sadiq Ja’far bin Muhammad (a.s.) said:

“When the demise of Nuh approached, he summoned his Shias (followers) and said: You should know that after me there shall be an occultation when false deities would appear. And indeed Allah, the Mighty and Sublime would bestow victory upon you through my descendant who would be named Hud. He shall be having awe, tranquility and dignity and in his appearance and manners he shall resemble me.

During his reappearance the Almighty Allah would destroy your enemies through a wind. Thus they began to continuously await and anticipate the reappearance and advent of Hud till the period became prolonged and the hearts of most of them hardened. Then Allah, the Mighty and the High sent His Prophet, Hud when they had become despaired and calamities and hardships had surrounded them fully and the enemies were destroyed by a wind sans benefit, a wind that the Almighty Allah has described as follows in the Holy Quran:

    مَا تَذَرُ مِنْ شَيْءٍ أَتَتْ عَلَيْهِ إِلَّا جَعَلَتْهُ كَالرَّمِيمِ

“It did not leave aught on which it blew, but it made it like ashes.”2

After that occultation occurred for him till the advent of Salih (a.s.).”

4 - Narrated to us my father and Muhammad bin Hasan - may Allah be pleased with them - They said: Narrated to us Saad bin Abdullah from Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Isa from Muhammad bin Sinan from Ismail bin Jabir; and Kiram bin Amr, from Abdul Hameed bin Abi Dailam, from As-Sadiq Abi Abdullah Ja’far bin Muhammad (a.s.) that he said:

“When Allah, the Mighty and Sublime sent Hud (a.s.), the descendants of Sam accepted him but others said: Who is stronger than us? Thus they were destroyed through an unblessed windstorm. After that Hud (a.s.) made a bequest to his followers and gave them glad tidings about Prophet Salih (a.s.).”


1. Surah Saffat 37:78

2. Surah Zariyat 51:42

Chapter 3: Regarding the Occultation of Prophet Salih

Chapter 3: Regarding the Occultation (Ghaibat) of Prophet Salih (a.s.)

1 - Narrated to us Muhammad bin Hasan bin Ahmad bin Walid (r.a.) that he said: Narrated to us Muhammad bin Hasan as-Saffar; and Saad bin Abdullah; and Abdullah bin Ja’far al-Himyari that they said: Narrated to us Muhammad bin Husain Ibne Abil Khattab, from Ali bin Asbat, from Saif bin Amirah from Zaid Shahham from Abi Abdullah as that he said:

“Salih (a.s.) remained in occultation from his community for a period of time: The day he disappeared from them he was of middle age, wide belly, elegant body, thick beard, fair complexioned and medium height. When he returned to his people, they did not recognize him from his face. And he found them divided into three groups: A group had denied him and they were not prepared to retract their denial. Another group was of those who had doubts about him. The third group was firm in its faith. So he addressed the group of doubters and said: ‘I am Salih.’ They denied and chided him and snubbed him saying: ‘May Allah become aloof from you, Salih was indeed having a different appearance.’

The Imam says: Then Salih went to the deniers and they paid no heed to his words and expressed a deep hatred for him. After that he went to the third group which was a group of faithful believers and told them that he was Salih. They said: ‘Please tell us something through which we may not have any doubt about you. We have no doubt that Allah, the Mighty and the High, Who is the Creator can change the appearance of anyone He wants. We had been informed about it and we have researched and studied the signs and portents regarding the reappearance of the Qaim.

And it would be correct when he brings the news from the heavens. Salih said: I am that same Salih who brought the she-camel by miracle. They said: You are right. It is the same point we argued on. But tell us what its sign was? An alternate day was reserved for this she-camel to drink from the stream and alternate for you. We have brought faith on Allah and also believed on whatever you have brought. At that time Allah, the Mighty and the High said:

    اسْتُضْعِفُوا لِمَنْ آمَنَ مِنْهُمْ أَتَعْلَمُونَ أَنَّ صَالِحًا مُرْسَلٌ مِنْ رَبِّهِ

“Do you know that Salih is sent by his Lord?”1

And the believers and people of faith said:

    إِنَّا بِمَا أُرْسِلَ بِهِ مُؤْمِنُونَ

“Surely we are believers in what he has been sent with.”2

And the arrogant ones - those who doubted him - said:

    إِنَّا بِالَّذِي آمَنْتُمْ بِهِ كَافِرُونَ

“Surely we are deniers of what you believe in.”3

The narrator asked:

Was there among them a scholar and who knew Salih? Imam replied: The Almighty Allah is more equitable that He should leave the earth without a scholar that guides the people to Allah. This community passed seven days in this manner after the reappearance and advent of Salih as they had no recognition of a leader or Imam for themselves. But in spite of this they had something from divine religion and they had remained firm on that. Their beliefs were same. And when Salih reappeared they gathered around him. And there is no doubt that the simile of Qaim (a.s.) is like that of Salih.”


1. Surah Araaf 7:75

2. Surah Araaf 7:75

3. Surah Araaf 7:76

Chapter 4: Regarding the Occultation of Prophet Ibrahim

Chapter 4: Regarding the Occultation (Ghaibat) of Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.)

As for the occultation of Ibrahim; the friend of the Beneficent (peace be on him), it exactly resembles the occultation of our Qaim (peace be on him), rather it is more astonishing because Allah, the Mighty and Sublime kept Ibrahim (a.s.) concealed when he was in the womb, so much so that Allah through His power transferred him from her womb to her back. Then He concealed the matter of his birth till an appointed time.

1 - Narrated to us my father; and Muhammad bin Hasan - may Allah be pleased with them - they said: Narrated to us Saad bin Abdullah from Yaqoob bin Yazid from Muhammad bin Abi Umair from Hisham bin Saalim from Abi Baseer from Abi Abdullah as that he said:

“Ibrahim’s father was the court astrologer of Nimrod, the son of Canaan and Nimrod did not take any step without seeking his counsel. One night Azar was studying the position of the stars and the next morning he told Nimrod, ‘I saw a strange thing last night.’ ‘What?’ asked Nimrod. He replied: ‘I saw that a boy is to take birth in our country and that he would destroy us all, and only a short time is left before his mother conceives him.’ Nimrod was amazed and asked if his conception has already taken place. Azar said: Not as yet. Though he had learnt that the same boy was going to be burnt in fire he didn’t know that he would be saved by the Almighty. Nimrod issued a diktat that women must be separated from men. Thus except for one no woman remained in the city.

All were externed so that their men may not interact with them. Ibrahim’s father slept with his wife and this resulted in the conception of Ibrahim (a.s.). His father suspected the conception and he called for an experienced women to examine if his wife was pregnant. They were so expert that if a woman was pregnant they definitely knew it. So they carefully examined Ibrahim’s mother who was pregnant, but Allah, the Mighty and Sublime transferred whatever there was in her womb to her back.

The midwives said: We don’t see any pregnancy. When Ibrahim (a.s.) was born his father decided to take him to Nimrod, but his wife restrained him saying that the king would kill her son. ‘Leave him to me. I shall take him to a cave and abandon him there. He will soon perish and thus you won’t be an accomplice in the murder of your son.’ The father agreed and Ibrahim’s mother took him to a cave.

After suckling him she left him inside and closed the mouth of the cave with a boulder. The Almighty Allah caused his sustenance to flow from his thumb. He sucked his thumb and consumed the milk that flew from it. He grew up faster than ordinary children. His growth in a day was equal to a week’s growth in other children. In a week he grew as much as other’s grow in a month. And in a month his body developed as much as much as it develops in a year. After some days his mother took leave of Azar and came to the cave. She saw that Ibrahim (a.s.) was alive and his eyes shone like brilliant lamps. She embraced him and gave him suck. When she returned, the father asked her about Ibrahim (a.s.).

She said that it has died. ‘I have buried him,’ she wept. Now whenever she got a chance she used to come to the cave and suckle Ibrahim (a.s.). This continued for quite some time. When Ibrahim (a.s.) was able to crawl on his knees and his mother had come to feed him, he clung to her and pleaded her to take him with her. ‘Have patience!’ said the mother. ‘Let me take your father’s permission.’

Thus Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) kept his being in hiding and concealed his matter till the time he emerged and announced the command of Allah and the Almighty Allah expressed his power through him. Then Ibrahim (a.s.) went into another occultation. It was at the time when the tyrant ruler had expelled him from Egypt. Thus he said:

    وَأَعْتَزِلُكُمْ وَمَا تَدْعُونَ مِنْ دُونِ اللَّهِ وَأَدْعُو رَبِّي عَسَىٰ أَلَّا أَكُونَ بِدُعَاءِ رَبِّي شَقِيًّا

And I will withdraw from you and what you call on besides Allah, and I will call upon my Lord; may be I shall not remain unblessed in calling upon my Lord.1

Allah, the Mighty and Sublime said:

    فَلَمَّا اعْتَزَلَهُمْ وَمَا يَعْبُدُونَ مِنْ دُونِ اللَّهِ وَهَبْنَا لَهُ إِسْحَاقَ وَيَعْقُوبَ وَكُلًّا جَعَلْنَا نَبِيًّا وَوَهَبْنَا لَهُمْ مِنْ رَحْمَتِنَا وَجَعَلْنَا لَهُمْ لِسَانَ صِدْقٍ عَلِيًّا

So when he withdrew from them and what they worshipped besides Allah, We gave to him Ishaq and Yaqoob, and each one of them We made a prophet. And We granted to them of Our mercy, and We left (behind them) a truthful mention of eminence for them.2

That is through Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.). Because Ibrahim (a.s.) had prayed to Allah, the Mighty and the High that among the latters He should appoint for them a truthful speaker. Therefore the Almighty Allah made Ali the truthful tongue for Ibrahim and Yaqoob (a.s.). Thus Ali (a.s.) informed that the Qaim shall be his eleventh descendant and with the same attestation it is that Mahdi who would fill the earth with justice and equity just as it would have been fraught with injustice and oppression.

And also that there shall be an occultation for him and that the people shall be confused about him, due to which many groups would go astray and many shall be guided. And this will indeed come to pass just as he has put on the garb of creation.” And he (Ali) has mentioned in the tradition of Kumayl Ibne Ziyad Nakhai: Indeed the earth shall remain established through a Divine Proof who shall either be apparent and well-known or concealed and hidden so that the proofs of Allah and His clear evidences do not become invalid.

I have quoted both the narrations with the chain of narrators in this book in the chapter wherein are mentioned reports of Amirul Momineen (a.s.) regarding the occurrence of occultation. And these two reports are repeated here because it was needed to be quoted in the incident of Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.).

And there was another occultation for Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) in which he undertook journey to other parts for the purpose of religious propagation.

2 - Narrated to us my father; and Muhammad bin Hasan - may Allah be pleased with them - they said: Narrated to us Saad bin Abdullah; and Abdullah bin Ja’far al-Himyari, all of them from Ahmad Muhammad bin Isa from Hasan bin Mahboob from Malik bin Atiya from Abi Hamza Thumali from Abi Ja’far (a.s.) that he said:

“One day Ibrahim (a.s.) set out for a walk to derive some lessons from the creatures of Allah. Wandering through the town he reached wilderness and saw a man standing up in prayers. His voice was reaching the sky and his dress was made of hair. Ibrahim (a.s.) stood there in amazement and watched him pray. Then he sat down waiting for him to conclude the prayers. A long time passed. At last Ibrahim (a.s.) nudged him with his hand saying that he had a request from him and that he should shorten his prayers. The person concluded the prayers and turned towards Ibrahim (a.s.).

“For whom do you offer prayers?” asked Ibrahim (a.s.) “For the God of Ibrahim (a.s.).” “Who is the God of Ibrahim?” “The One who has created you and I.” “I like your way,” said Ibrahim (a.s.), “I wish to make you my brother for Allah’s pleasure. Tell me, where do you live? So that whenever I wish, I can pay you a visit.” The worshipper said, “My house is across this water,” and he indicated towards the river. “And the place of my prayer is this only, if Allah wills you shall find me here.”

Then this man asked Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.): “Do you want something from me?” “Yes,” replied Ibrahim (a.s.), “Pray to Allah and I shall say Amen, or I will pray and you says Amen.” He asked, “But what shall we pray for?” “For the sinners among the believers,” replied Ibrahim (a.s.). The worshipper refused and when asked the reason he said that he was praying for a particular thing for the past three years and his prayers have not been answered so far. “I feel ashamed of requesting Allah for something about which I am not sure if it will be fulfilled,” he explained.

The Ibrahim (a.s.) asked him as to what his need was that he continues to invocate Allah. The worshipper said, “One day while busy in prayers at my usual place, I saw a handsome boy pass by. A light shone his forehead and his tresses flowed on his back. He was grazing some cows with such shiny skins, as if anointed with oil. He also had well-fed and healthy sheep. I was elated at the sight and asked him, “O young man. To whom do these cows and sheep belong?” “They are mine,” replied the boy. “Who are you?” asked I. “I am Ismail, the son of Ibrahim the Khaleel of the Beneficent, the Mighty and Sublime.”

At that moment I prayed to Allah that He grant me the chance to see His friend (Khaleel).” Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) said: “I am Ibrahim, the Khaleel of the Beneficent (Rahman) and that boy is my son.” The man said, “Praise be to Allah the Lord of the worlds. He has granted my prayers!” Then he kissed the cheeks of Ibrahim (a.s.) and putting his arms around his neck said, “Now you supplicate and I’ll say ‘Amen’.” So Ibrahim (a.s.) supplicated Allah for the believers from that time unto the day of Qiyamat and requested Allah to condone their sins and to be pleased with them. The worshipper recited ‘Amen’ on his invocations. Imam Baqir (a.s.) says: “Ibrahim’s (a.s.) prayer is effective for our Shias right upto the day of Qiyamat.”


1. Surah Maryam 19:48

2. Surah Maryam 19:49-50