Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma Vol. 1

Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma Vol. 10%

Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma Vol. 1 Author:
Translator: Sayyid Akhtar Husain S.H. Rizvi
Publisher: www.al-islam.org
Category: Various Books

Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma Vol. 1

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Sheikh Sadooq
Translator: Sayyid Akhtar Husain S.H. Rizvi
Publisher: www.al-islam.org
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Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma Vol. 1
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Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma Vol. 1

Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma Vol. 1

Publisher: www.al-islam.org

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought


This book will be corrected once again specially its Quranic Verses and references.

Chapter 7: Account of the death of Prophet Musa, occultation of Successors and Divine Proofs till the period of Prophet Isa

Chapter 7: Account of the death of Prophet Musa (a.s.) and account of occultation of Successors and Divine Proofs till the period of Prophet Isa (a.s.)

1 - Narrated to us Ahmad bin Hasan al-Qattan: Narrated to us Hasan bin Ali Sukkari: Narrated to us Muhammad bin Zakariya al-Basri: Narrated to us Ja’far bin Muhammad bin Ammarah from his father that he said: I said to As-Sadiq Ja’far bin Muhammad (a.s.): Tell me about the passing away of Musa bin Imran (a.s.). He replied:

“When the end of Musa (a.s.) approached and the angel of death came and said, O Kalimullah (the one with whom Allah conversed)! Assalaamo A’laikum, Musa (a.s.) responded, “Wa a’laikas salaam! Who are you?” The angel replied, “I am the angel of death.” He asked, “Why have you come?” He replied, “To take your soul.” Musa (a.s.) asked, “From where will you seize it?” He replied, “From your mouth.” Musa (a.s.) asked, “How will you seize it from the mouth when I have conversed with the Almighty with it?” The angel replied, “All right! I will seize it from your hands.” Musa (a.s.) exclaimed, “How will you seize it from my hands when these hands have held the Torah?”

The angel said, “I will seize it from your feet.” Musa (a.s.) said, “I have gone to Mount Toor on these very feet to talk with My Lord.” The angel said, “Then I will take it from your eyes.” Musa (a.s.) said, “I have always looked with these eyes hopefully towards my Lord’s Mercy.” The angel said, “Then from your ear.” Musa (a.s.) said, “I have heard my Lord’s Words with these very ears.” Then Almighty Allah revealed to the angel, “Do not seize his soul until he himself desires it.” So the angel of death went back and Musa (a.s.) lived for quite a long time thereafter. Then one day he called Yusha, gave his will to him, made him his legatee and asked him to keep the will a secret till the time of his (Musa’s) death.

He also asked Yusha to pass on the Wasiyyat (Will) at the time of his (Yusha’s) death to someone else as desired by Allah. Saying this Musa (a.s.) disappeared from his people. During these days of his absence he once met a man digging a grave. Musa (a.s.) told him that he would like to help him in digging that grave. He said, ‘Why not?’ Musa (a.s.) engaged himself in the digging. Soon the grave was completed by them. Then Musa (a.s.) lay down in it sideways to see how it feels.

At that moment the Almighty Allah showed him his place in Paradise. So he said: “My Lord, call me towards You.” So the angel of death seized his holy soul then and there. Then he buried him in the same grave and closed it by filling it with earth. That man digging the grave was actually the angel of death in the shape of a man.

This happened in Tiyah. An announcer announced from the heavens that Musa Kalimullah (a.s.) has died and who is it that does not die?”

Narrated to me my father from my grandfather from his father (a.s.) that:

The Messenger of Allah (S) was asked about the location of the grave of Prophet Musa (a.s.). He replied: “Near the highway adjacent to the red hillock.”

After Musa (a.s.), Yusha bin Nun (a.s.) became the leader of Bani Israel. He was always busy in their affairs and was bearing all kinds of difficulties caused to him by the kings of those days. Three of those kings died. Thereafter the condition of Yusha (a.s.) became strong and be became independent in the matter of law and order (giving orders to do or to refrain from doing things).

Then two hypocrites of the community of Musa (a.s.) conspired and took Safra daughter of Shuaib, the wife of Musa (a.s.) with them and revolted against Yusha bin Nun (a.s.) with 100000 men. Yusha bin Nun (a.s.) overpowered them. Many groups of them were killed and those who remained alive fled by the Divine Order and Safra daughter of Shuaib became a captive. Yusha (a.s.) told her, “I am leaving you in this world so that in the other world when I meet Musa (a.s.) the Prophet of Allah, I may complain to him about you and your community about what I have suffered due to you.”

Safra said, “By Allah! If Paradise is made open to me so that I can enter it I will feel ashamed of seeing there Musa (a.s.) the Prophet of Allah, as I have torn his veil and thereafter I revolted against his legatee.”

The Imams and leaders that succeeded Yusha bin Nun for four hundred years till the time of Prophet Dawood (a.s.) remained in concealment. They were eleven in all and during each of their times the people used to visit them and obtain guidance. Finally it was the turn of the last of them. He remained away from the people then he reappeared and gave the glad tidings of the advent of Prophet Dawood (a.s.).

He also foretold that it is only Dawood (a.s.) who would cleanse the earth from Jaloot and his army and that the deliverance of the people was dependant only upon his reappearance. So the people began to await for him. When the time of Dawood (a.s.) arrived, he had four brothers and his father was very much advanced in age. Among them Dawood (a.s.) was the bearer of the divine message and prophethood. He was the youngest among his brothers. While they were unaware that it is Dawood for whom they were waiting and one who will cleanse the earth from Jaloot and his army. And the Shias of Dawood (a.s.) had learnt that he has already taken birth and reached maturity. Whereas those people used to see and meet him but they did not know that it was him.

After that one day Dawood, his brothers and their father went out to take part in the battle organized by Taloot. But Dawood (a.s.) did not accompany them saying: In what way would it help me from this aspect? The father and brothers of Dawood (a.s.) made fun of him and he began to graze the sheep belonging to his father. When the battle intensified and people faced terrible hardships, the father of Dawood (a.s.) came to him and said: Take some food and provisions for your brothers so that through it they may be able to defeat the enemies. Dawood (a.s.) was of a short stature and there was scanty hair on his head.

But from the aspect of conscience and morals he was absolutely pure. Thus when he came to the battlefield he saw that all the people of his side were close to each other and all of them had returned to their centers. When he passed by a stone it spoke up in a loud voice: “O Dawood, take me with you and through me slay Jaloot. Indeed I have been created to kill him.” So Dawood (a.s.) picked it up and put it in his bag that he used for carrying stones when he was grazing sheep and goats. When he entered the army he found that those people considered Jaloot very great and they thought that it was no use trying to subdue him. So he said: “Why do you consider it a difficult proposition.

By Allah if I were to see him, I would slay him.” The people began to discuss about him and at last he was taken to Taloot. Taloot asked him: O young man, how much strength do you posses and how have you tested yourself? Sometime a lion attacks my flock and carries off an animal. So I used to chase the lion, catch it by its head, pry open its jaws to release my animal. Now the Almighty Allah had previously revealed to Taloot that none can slay Jaloot except one who can wear Taloot’s coat of mail with a perfect fit.

So he called for his coat of armor and when Prophet Dawood (a.s.) wore it, it fitted him perfectly. Taloot was amazed and so were the people of Bani Israel who were present at the scene. Taloot said: It is hoped that Allah will kill Jaloot through him. When it was morning and the people met him, Dawood (a.s.) said: Show Jaloot to me. When Jaloot was shown to him, he took that stone and shot it at Jaloot. It hit him between the eyes and split his head upto the brain. Jaloot crashed down from his mount.

There was a furor in the people that Dawood has killed Jaloot and in this way they made Dawood their king. Gradually the influence of Taloot waned and people gathered around Dawood (a.s.). The Almighty Allah revealed the Psalms upon him, taught him the skill of working iron and made the iron soft for him. Allah ordered the mountains and birds to sing the divine praises with Dawood (a.s.). The Almighty Allah gave him such a melodious voice that no one had ever heard such a voice. He also bestowed him the strength for the worship of God and made him His prophet in Bani Israel.

And the method of the Qaim shall also be such. The Almighty Allah will give him such a standard that it will spread among the people on its own and the Almighty will bestow it the power of speech and it will call out: O Wali of Allah, eliminate the enemies of Allah. And he shall have a sword that will be concealed in the scabbard. When it would be the time of his reappearance he will take it out and the Almighty Allah will also provide it the power of speech.

It will call out: O Wali of Allah, rise up! Because it does not behove that you keep sitting during confrontation with the enemies of God. Thus he would arise and set out and wherever he comes across the enemies of Allah he shall slay them. He shall enforce the divine laws and apply the prescribed penalties. And he shall judge and rule according to the divine commands.”

Regarding this narrated to me Abul Hasan Ahmad bin Thabit Dawalaini in Baghdad from Muhammad bin al-Fadl Nahvi from Muhammad bin Ali bin Abdus Samad al-Kufi from Ali bin Asim from Muhammad bin Ali bin Musa from his father from his forefathers from Husain bin Ali (a.s.) from the Messenger of Allah (S) in a lengthy traditions at the end of which he has mentioned that which I have included in the chapter of traditions of the Messenger of Allah (S) proving Nass on His Eminence, Qaim (a.s.) and (also) that he is the twelfth Imam.

After that Dawood (a.s.) wanted to appoint Sulaiman (a.s.) as his successor because Allah, the Mighty and the High had revealed to him thus. When he announced this to Bani Israel they raised a clamor that he was appointing a young man over them while there were others more advanced in age. Dawood (a.s.) summoned the leaders of Bani Israel and told them: Your talks have reached me. So show me your staffs and whosever’s staff fructifies will be the master of affair after me. They said: We agree to this proposal.

Dawood (a.s.) said: Now each of you write your name on your staff. So they wrote their names on their respective sticks. Then Sulaiman (a.s.) brought his staff and wrote down his name upon it. Then all the sticks were put in a room and the door was closed. The leaders of Bani Israel kept watch (for the night). In the morning Dawood (a.s.) conducted the Morning Prayer and then stepped forward and opened the door. They took out the sticks and it was seen that all had leaves while the stick of Sulaiman (a.s.) had fructified.

So they gave it to Dawood (a.s.). Dawood (a.s.) then examined Sulaiman (a.s.) in the presence of Bani Israel and asked him: “Tell me son, what is it that gives coolness?” He replied: “Allah’s forgiveness of the people and the mutual forgiveness among the people.” Dawood (a.s.) asked, “What is it that is sweet?” He replied: “Love, and it is the soul of Allah among the people.” Dawood (a.s.) laughed in joy, brought him to Bani Israel and said: “He is my successor among you after me.”

After that Sulaiman (a.s.) kept his matter confidential. He got married and kept himself away from his followers for a long time. One day his wife said: “May my parents be sacrificed on you, how perfect your habits are! How fragrant you are! And I don’t find in you any trait or habit that I may dislike, except that you live depending on my father. Thus if you go to the market and with the help of Allah make effort to earn a livelihood I am sure Allah will not fail you. Sulaiman (a.s.) said: By Allah neither have I done any work so far nor can I do anything properly. But anyway, he set out for the market and spent the whole day roaming here and there without earning anything.

At last he returned home and told his wife that he was unable to make any money. “No problem,” she said, “Try again tomorrow.” Again the next day he departed to the market, spent the whole day roaming about but again did not have any luck. When he returned and told his wife about it she said, “If Allah wills, something will happen tomorrow.” On the third day, after walking for a long time he reached the river banks where he met a fisherman and said to him: “I can assist you in your work, after which you can pay me something.” “Why not?” said the fisherman. So he began to work with the fisherman who at the end of the day paid him in kind with a couple of fishes.

He took up the fishes and thanked and praised Allah for the same. Then he cut open one of the fishes to find that it contained a jewel (ring). He took it out and pocketed it praising and thanking the Almighty. Then he cleaned up the two fishes and brought them home. His wife was much pleased and she asked him to invite her parents so that they may know that he has started earning.

So they were invited, and they arrived and began to eat with them. After the dinner Sulaiman (a.s.) asked, “Do you know who I am?” “No,” they replied, “Except that we have seen nothing but goodness from you.” Thus when he took up his ring in his hand the wind and birds began to move towards him and his rulership became apparent. After that he took his wife and her parents and set out for the city of Istakhar. When he reached there his followers gathered around him and began to talk about the glad tidings of his arrival. Thus the Almighty Allah brought them out from the confusion of his occultation.

When his end approached, according to Allah’s command he appointed Asif bin Barkhiya as his legatee and successor. Asif therefore remained among them and the followers continued to interact with him and sought religious guidance from him. Then the Almighty Allah made Asif also go into occultation and after a considerable period brought him back to the people among whom he lived for a long time.

Finally when he bid adieu, the people asked when they shall meet again. Upon this he replied: We shall now meet at the Sirat Bridge, and then he disappeared from them according to Divine will. As a result of his occultation calamities intensified on Bani Israel and Nebuchadnezzar gained political power upon them. He used to eliminate whoever he could find and those who managed to escape were pursued and their children and family members were made captives.

Thus he selected four persons from the family of Yahooda whom he had imprisoned, among whom Prophet Daniyal was also included and he selected Uzair from the progeny of Harun (a.s.). Since he was younger of the two he remained under his control and the other people of Bani Israel continued to suffer the worst of the tortures. The Proof of God, Prophet Daniyal (a.s.) remained a prisoner of Nebuchadnezzar for ninety years. Thus he learnt of his excellence and superiority and he came to know that Bani Israel was awaiting for his advent and uprising and that they hope for deliverance and victory at his hands.

So he ordered that he should be kept in a huge pit along with a lion so that it may make him a morsel of death, but the lion did not even go near him. After that he ordered that he should be starved to death. But the Almighty Allah sent him food and water through one of His prophets. Thus Prophet Daniyal used to fast during the days and end his fast in the evening with the food that was sent to him. During that time hardships increased on his supporters and followers, his people and those who were in anticipation of his advent and most of them, due to the excessive prolongation of occultation got deviated from their religion.

When it was time for the end of the hardships of Prophet Daniyal and his people, Nebuchadnezzar saw in dream that army after army of angels is descending from the heavens and entering the pit in which Daniyal was held. Each of them was greeting him and giving the glad tidings of deliverance and success. In the morning he was ashamed for the treatment he had meted out to Daniyal and he ordered him to be taken out from the pit. When he was brought out to him, he asked for his forgiveness for having imprisoned for crime and for having tortured him so much. After that he handed over the reins of his government to him. He was also entrusted to judge cases of litigation.

Thus the people of Bani Israel, who were in hiding so far, came out and assembled around Prophet Daniyal (a.s.) because they were sure that it was the time of deliverance and comfort. Thus Daniyal (a.s.) remained in this condition for sometime and at last departed for the eternal abode entrusting all the affairs of the kingdom to Prophet Uzair (a.s.). Now the people congregated around him and gained proximity from him. They obtained religious guidance and instructions from him.

After that the Almighty Allah kept Uzair in occultation from them for a hundred years and then made him reappear once more. The divine representatives that came after him also remained in concealment. In this way hardships increased upon Bani Israel till Yahya bin Zakariya (a.s.) took birth. He continued to grow upto the time of the declaration of his prophethood which was at the time when he was only seven years old.

He came before the people and addressed them. After extolling the praise and glorification of the Almighty he warned them of divine chastisement and he told them that the hardships faced by the righteous people were due to the sins of Bani Israel and the good end is for those who are pious. He also informed them that Jesus Christ will appear after twenty odd years. When Christ was born the Almighty Allah kept his birth a secret and his presence in concealment because when Lady Maryam conceived him she took him away from the people to a place and later Prophet Zakariya and her aunt followed her footprints and reached there.

The two of them chastised her while Maryam had already delivered the baby and she was saying: Oh, would that I had died before this, and had been a thing quite forgotten! But the Almighty Allah bestowed the power of speech to His Eminence Christ (a.s.) in order to justify Maryam and to establish the proof and evidence. When Jesus declared his mission the troubles and restrictions increased on Bani Israel and the tyrant rulers suppressed him till happened what the Almighty Allah has told us about. After that Shamoon bin Harun and other followers of Isa (a.s.) went into hiding and reached an island and began to spend their lives there.

The Almighty Allah brought out springs of potable water, created all kinds of fruits for them and also provided them with animals. Allah sent a particular type of fish towards them. It was called Qumud and had neither flesh nor bone. It consisted only of skin and blood. The honeybee was made to mount it and these fishes brought the honeybees to the Island. The bees made honeycombs on the trees of the island and soon there was plenty of honey there. Nothing about Isa (a.s.) was concealed from the people of that island.”

Chapter 8: Prophecies made by Isa about the advent of Prophet Muhammad

Chapter 8: Prophecies made by Isa (a.s.) about the advent of Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (S)

1 - Narrated to us Muhammad bin Ibrahim bin Ishaq Taliqani (r.a.): Narrated to us Abu Ahmad Abdul Aziz bin Yahya bin Ahmad bin Isa al-Jaludi al-Basri in Basra: Narrated to us Muhammad bin Atiya ash-Shami: Narrated to us Abdullah bin Amr bin Saeed al-Basri: Narrated to us Hisham bin Ja’far from Hammad bin Abdullah bin Sulaiman - scholar of divine books - that:

“I have read in Injeel that: O Isa, struggle in My matter and work and do not be shortcoming in it. And listen and obey, O son of the chaste and virgin lady, you have not been created with the union of sexes. I have created you as a sign for the worlds. Therefore serve only Me and trust Me only. Take up the book strongly. Explain to the Syrian people in the Syriac language and convey My message to them that indeed only I am that God Who is eternal and permanent and there is no decline for Me.

Accept the truth of the prophet who will be the owner of the camel, coat of mail, crown (turban), shoes and the staff. He would have large eyes and a wide forehead. His cheeks will be chubby and his nose will be raised from the middle and have small nostrils. His upper and lower front teeth will be wide and his neck will be shinning like a silver pitcher as if light is coming out of it. He will have hair on his body from the chest upto the navel. His belly and chest will not have any hair.

He would be wheat-complexioned. From the chest upto his belly he will be having soft delicate hair. His palms and feet will be hard and short. If his steps turn they will turn both together and if he walks he would do so with very firm steps. If he is with a group of people he would be the most prominent among them. His perspiration on his face will shine like pearls and the fragrance of musk will be emanating out of it. There is none like him neither before him nor after.

His purified body will be fragrant and he will have many wives. His progeny shall be less but it will be through Mubareka (Lady Zahra) who is having a special house in Paradise, in which there shall neither be any sorrow nor pain. In the last age this Mubareka will be under a guardian like your mother was under the guardianship of Zakariya. She would have two sons who shall be martyred.

The speech of this prophet is Quran and his religion is Islam and I am the one who grants peace and security. Thus Tooba shall be for one who witness his time, see the period of his prophethood and listen to his words. Isa (a.s.) said: O Lord, what is Tooba? He was told, “It is a tree I have myself planted in Paradise and which provides shade to all the gardens. Its roots are from Rizwan and its source is from the water of Tasneem spring. The coolness of this spring is like coolness of camphor and its taste is that of wine. One who drinks a mouthful of it will never feel thirsty again.

Isa (a.s.) said: O Lord, give me to drink from it. He was told: It is prohibited for all till that prophet does not drink from it and it is prohibited for all nations till the nation of that prophet does not drink from it. O Isa, I am going to raise you towards Myself and in the last period of time I will make you descend to the earth so that you may witness the strange phenomena of this Ummah and you shall see that they would be around that accursed Dajjal. I shall make you descend at the time of prayer so that you may pray with them. This Ummah is the one that is eligible for mercy.

The Christ had also gone into occultation from his community a number of times and during those times he used to travel in the land. In that period his followers and community did not have any information about him. When he came out of the occultation he appointed Shamoon bin Hamoon as his legatee and when Shamoon also departed from the world the divine proofs that came after him remained in occultation.

People became anxious to meet him and their hardships increased. Religion was being destroyed, rights were trespassed, obligatory and recommended practices were eliminated. People became deviated and leaving the straight path began to go astray without realizing what the truth is and what the falsehood is. This occultation lasted for two hundred and fifty years.”

2 - Narrated to us Muhammad bin Hasan bin Ahmad bin Walid (r.a.) that: Narrated to us Muhammad bin Hasan as-Saffar; and Saad bin Abdullah, all of them from Ayyub bin Nuh from Abdullah bin al-Mughairah from Saad bin Abi Khalaf from Muawiyah bin Ammar that he said: Abu Abdullah (a.s.) said:

“People remained without an apparent divine proof for two hundred and fifty years after Isa Ibne Maryam (a.s.).”

3 - Narrated to us my father (r.a.): Narrated to us Muhammad bin Yahya al-Attar from Yaqoob bin Yazid from Muhammad bin Abi Umair from Saad bin Abi Khalaf from Yaqoob bin Shuaib from Abi Abdullah (a.s.) that he said:

“Between Isa (a.s.) and Muhammad (S) there was a gap of five hundred years out of which for two hundred and fifty years there was neither a prophet nor any learned one from Allah who was apparent. I (the narrator) asked: What did the people follow? The Imam replied: They followed the religion of Isa (a.s.). I asked: What was their actual condition? He replied: They were believers. Then he said: The earth never remains devoid of a learned one.”

Among those who roamed in the lands in search of divine proof was Salman Farsi (r.a.). He continued to move from one learned to another and moved from one jurisprudent to another and remained in the pursuit of divine secrets. He gained guidance through narrations. He awaited for the Qaim, the Qaim and the chief of the formers and the latters, Muhammad (S) for four hundred years till he received the glad tidings of his birth. When he became certain of deliverance he set out for Tahama and he was taken a captive there.

Chapter 9: Report of Salman Farsi regarding the advent of Prophet Muhammad

Chapter 9: Report of Salman Farsi (r.a.) regarding the advent of Prophet Muhammad (S)

1 - Narrated to us my father (r.a.): Narrated to us Muhammad bin Yahya al-Attar; and Ahmad bin Idrees, all of them from Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Isa from Muhammad bin Ali bin Mahziyar from his father who asked from Musa bin Ja’far (a.s.):

“O son of Allah’s Messenger, will you not tell us what was the reason Salman Farsi accepted Islam?

He replied: my father (a.s.) informed me that one day Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.), Salman Farsi, Abu Zar and a group of people from Quraish had congregated at the tomb of the Holy Prophet (S) when Amirul Momineen (a.s.) said to Salman Farsi: O Aba Abdillah will you not tell us the beginning of your story? Salman said: By Allah O Amirul Momineen, if anyone other than you had asked I would not have told anything. I was a resident of Shiraz and the son of a farmer and my father loved me very much.

One day I was going with my father to attend a festival of the people of that town when by chance we passed by a monastery in which a man was screaming: I testify that there is no god except Allah and that Isa is the spirit of Allah and Muhammad is the beloved of Allah. Thus the description and praise of Muhammad permeated my flesh and blood and after that I was interested in neither eating nor drinking. My mother asked: What is wrong with you son, that today you did not prostrate at the time of the rising of the sun? When I opposed her she fell silent. When I went to my room I saw a letter hanging from the roof. I asked my mother what that letter was.

She said: O Ruzbah when we returned home after celebrating our festival, we found it hanging from the roof. So you don’t go near it. If you do so your father will kill you. Salman said that he continued to argue with his mother. When night fell and my parents went to sleep, I arose and took up the letter. I saw written therein: In the Name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful. It is a covenant from Allah with Adam that He will create a prophet from his loins who will be named Muhammad.

He will teach the best of morals and restrain the people from idol-worship. O Ruzbah, go to the legatee of Isa, accept the Faith and leave the Majoosi11 religion. He (Salman) says that after this he screamed and fell down unconscious and his trouble increased. He says: Thus my father became aware of this and he cast me into a deep pit. He said: Come back to your religion or I would kill you. I told him: You do whatever you like with me. The love of Muhammad will not leave my heart. Salman says: Before reading that letter I didn’t know Arabic and Allah, the Mighty and Sublime taught me this language from this day. He says: I remained in that pit and they used to throw small pieces of bread to me.

When my matter became prolonged I raised up my hands to the heavens and prayed: O my Lord, You have put the love of Muhammad and his legatee in my heart. So I beg you in their name that You hasten my deliverance and take me out from the condition I am in. At that moment a person came to me dressed in white. He said: Ruzbah, get up. After that he held my hand and took me to the monastery.

I began to recite: I testify that there is no god except Allah and Isa is the spirit of Allah and that Muhammad is the beloved of Allah. The person who resided in the monastery came to me and asked: Are you Ruzbah? “Yes,” said I. He said: Go up. I went up and continued to serve him for two complete years. When it was the time of his death he said: I am going to die. I asked him: On whom are you leaving me? He said: I don’t know anyone who follows my beliefs except a monk who lives in Antioch. Thus if you meet him, convey my salutations to him and give him this tablet. Saying this he gave me a tablet.

When he died I gave him the funeral bath, shrouded and buried him and taking the tablet set out for Antioch. When I reached the monastery in Antioch I began to recite: I testify that there is no god except Allah and Isa is the spirit of Allah and that Muhammad is the beloved of Allah. The resident of the monastery came to me and said: Are you Ruzbah? “Yes,” said I. He said: Go up. I went up and continued to serve him for two complete years. When it was the time of his death he said: I am going to die. I asked him: On whom are you leaving me? He said: I don’t know anyone who follows my beliefs except a monk who lives in Alexandria.

Thus when you meet him, convey my salutations to him and give him this tablet. Saying this he gave me a tablet. When he died I gave him the funeral bath, shrouded and buried him and taking the tablet reached the monastery he had indicated. Upon reaching there I began to chant: I testify that there is no god except Allah and Isa is the spirit of Allah and that Muhammad is the beloved of Allah. Thus that monk came to me and asked: Are you Ruzbah? “Yes,” said I. He said: Go up.

I went up and continued to serve him for two complete years. When it was the time of his death he said: I am going to die. I asked him: On whom are you leaving me? He said: I don’t know anyone in the world who follows my beliefs and indeed the birth of Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib is near. So if you meet him, convey my salutations to him and give this tablet to him. When he died I gave him the funeral bath, shrouded and buried him and set out taking the tablet with me. I met a group of people and I offered to serve them if they gave me food and water and they agreed.

When their mealtime arrived, they tied up a sheep and beat it to death. After that they prepared Kebab with some of the meat and some they roasted red on the fire. When I declined to partake it, they said: Eat it! I told them: I am a monk and a young man that spent his life in a monastery and monks do not eat meat. They began to beat me and were about to take my life when some of them said: Wait till the wine arrives. And know that he would not take wine also. When they brought the wine I said: I am a monk and young man who lived in a monastery and the people of monastery do not imbibe wine.

They tied me up and decided to eliminate me. I said: O people, do not beat me or put me to death as I have confessed to be a slave of yours. And I agreed that I was a bondman of one of them. That person saved me from those people and sold me to a Jew for three hundred dirhams. Salman says that the Jew asked me about my story and I told him about it and said that I had no fault except that I loved Muhammad and his legatee. The Jew said: Then know that I hate you and Muhammad. He took me outside his house where there was a huge quantity of sand. He said: O Ruzbah, if you are not able to shift all the sand till the morning next I will surely kill you. Salman says: I spent the whole night shifting that sand from one place to another.

When I was absolutely exhausted, I raised my hands to the sky and prayed: O my Lord, You have filled up my heart with the love for Muhammad and his legatee. So I ask you in their names, please hasten my deliverance and save me from this terrible situation. So Allah, the Mighty and Sublime sent a windstorm that transferred all the sand to the spot that Jew had specified. In the morning the Jew was surprised that I had shifted all the sand.

Then he said: O Ruzbah, since you have proved to be a sorcerer, I shall throw you out of this town so that you may not destroy the locals. Thus he externed me from there and sold me to a kind-hearted lady. She was very kind to me. She had an orchard which she put at my disposal and said: It is for you, you can take whatever you want from it or give to anyone or spend in charity.

Salman says that: I lived in that orchard for a very long time. One day I was sitting there when a group of seven persons shaded by a cloud came towards me. I said to myself: By Allah all of them cannot be prophets but one of them is definitely a prophet. They moved forward and entered the orchard and the piece of cloud was also moving with them. The group that entered the orchard comprised of the Messenger of Allah (S), Amirul Momineen (a.s.), Abu Zar, Miqdad, Aquil bin Abi Talib, Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib and Zaid bin Haritha.

They entered the orchard and began to eat the date fruits that had fallen from the trees. The Messenger of Allah (S) was saying: Eat the fallen date fruits and do not spoil anything that belongs to these people. So I went to my owner and said: Please give me a tray of fresh dates. She said: You can have six. Salman says that he took up a tray of fresh dates and said to himself: If one of them is a prophet he would not eat Sadaqah and he would not mind eating a present. So I kept the tray before them and said: This is Sadaqah. The Messenger of Allah (S) said: Eat it.

But he himself abstained from eating as did Amirul Momineen (a.s.), Aquil bin Abi Talib and Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib. Zaid was told to go ahead and eat. I said to myself that this was the first sign of prophethood. Then I went to my mistress and said: Give me another tray. She said: You can have six. Salman says that I picked up a tray and came to them and placed the fresh dates before them and I said: This is a present. The Messenger of Allah (S) stretched out his hand and uttered: In the Name of Allah…eat.

All of them began to eat the dates. So I said to myself: This is the second sign. After that when I moved towards his back the Holy Prophet (S) became attentive to me and said: Ruzbah, are you looking for the mark of prophethood? “Yes,” I said. He displayed his shoulders and I saw the mark of prophethood on him and above it were some hair. Salman says that he fell down at the feet of the Messenger of Allah (S) and began to kiss them. He (the Prophet) said: Ruzbah, go to that lady and say that Muhammad bin Abdullah is asking if she would sell this slave to him.

So I went to her and said: Muhammad bin Abdullah is asking if you would sell this slave to him? She replied: I will not sell the slave except in exchange of four hundred date trees two hundred of which should be yellow and two hundred golden. Salman says that when he conveyed this to the Holy Prophet (S) he said: How easy is that which she has asked. Then he said: Arise, O Ali and gather all the date seeds. Ali gathered all the seeds and sowed them in the ground. The Prophet told him to pour water on them which Ali did. He had hardly finished watering that the trees grew up so much that they began to strike one another.

Then the Prophet told me to go to the lady and tell her: Muhammad bin Abdullah is saying: Take your thing and give me mine. Salman went and told the lady. She came out, saw the trees and said: By Allah, I will not sell him unless all the trees become yellow. Salman says: Jibraeel descended and touched his wings to those trees. All of them became yellow. Then the Messenger told me: Go and tell her: Muhammad is saying:

Take your thing and give me mine. Salman says that when I conveyed this to her she said: By Allah, one of those trees is more precious to me than your Muhammad and you. I said: By Allah, a day in the company of Muhammad is more precious to me than you and everything including you. After that the Messenger of Allah (S) emancipated me and named me Salman.”

The author says: The name of Salman was Ruzbah Ibne Khasboodan and he had never prostrated to the sun. He always prostrated to Allah, the Mighty and Sublime. Since the Qibla direction towards which he had been commanded to pray was in the east, his parents thought that he was also prostrating to the sun like them.

Salman was the legatee of the legatee of Isa (a.s.) and he was entrusted with the burden that terminates at the successorship of the Imams. The name of Isa’s legatee was Aabi and some people say that it was His Eminence, Abu Talib. This group has erred at this point because when Amirul Momineen (a.s.) was asked about the last successor of Isa (a.s.) he said: ‘Aabi’. But people mistook it for ‘Abi’ which in Arabic means: My father. And Burdah has also mentioned this.


1. Fire worship

Chapter 10: Report about Quss bin Saidatul Iyadi

Quss bin Saidatul Iyadi was considered unique from the aspect of his knowledge and wisdom. He knew the Holy Prophet (S) and was awaiting his advent. He used to say: Indeed, there is a religion with Allah which is better than the religion that you follow. The Holy Prophet (S) has invoked divine mercy upon him and said: He shall be raised up on Judgment Day as a separate nation.

1 - Narrated to us my father (r.a.): Narrated to us Saad bin Abdullah from Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Isa from Hasan bin Mahboob from Alaa bin Zarin from Muhammad bin Muslim from Abu Ja’far (a.s.) that he said:

“One day the Messenger of Allah (S) was sitting in the courtyard of the Kaaba and it was the day when Mecca had been conquered. In the meantime a delegation came to him and saluted him. “To which tribe do you belong?” “We are a delegation from Bakr bin Wail tribe,” they replied. “Do have any news about Quss bin Saidatul Iyadi?” the Messenger asked. “Yes, O Messenger of Allah (S),” they replied. “What happened to him?” asked the Prophet. They said, “He has passed away.” The Messenger of Allah (S) said: “All the praise is for the One Who gives death and life.

Every soul has to taste death. As if I can see Quss bin Saidatul Iyadi in the market of Ukaz atop a camel and telling people: Assemble here, and when you are assembled, keep quiet; and when you are quiet, listen and when you listen, try to understand; and when you understand, remember it and consider it truth. Know that one that lives, ultimately dies and loses the life and one who loses life never comes back.

Doubtlessly there are hidden secrets in the heavens and lessons for the earth. There is a high roof upon the sky and the earth is a cradle spread out. The planets are in motion and the night is rotating and the sea water is moving in waves. Quss swears that all this is not play and sport and there are astonishing facts behind it. Because I can see that people die and they do not return. Are they satisfied with the place they are in; and that is why they continue to stay there? Or leaving this world they have gone to sleep?

Quss takes an oath that can never be minor, that there is a religion with Allah which is better than the religion you follow. After that the Messenger of Allah (S) said: May Allah have mercy on Quss, on Judgment Day he shall be raised up alone like a nation. Then he said: Is there anyone among you who can accurately quote some of his couplets? Someone said; I have heard him recite the following couplets:

In those who have gone before us in the past centuries there are edifying insights.

When I took note of different circumstances I could not find any special cause of death.

I saw my people that the young and old, all move towards it.

Those who go away do not return to me and neither those who have survived will continue to live.

Therefore I became certain that I would also have to go where the others have gone.

Such was the level of the wisdom and recognition (Marefat) of Quss bin Saidatul Iyadi that whenever a person from Iyad tribe came to visit the Messenger of Allah (S) he used to ask him about the wise sayings of Quss and listened to them with all the attention.”

2 - Narrated to us Hasan bin Abdullah bin Saeed: Narrated to us Abul Hasan Ali bin Husain bin Ismail: Informed us Muhammad bin Zakariya: Narrated to us Abdullah bin Zahhak from Hisham from his father that a delegation from the Iyad tribe paid a visit to the Messenger of Allah (S). When the latter asked them to mention some wise sayings of Quss he was told that Quss had said as follows:

O one who brings the news of death, the dead ones are in the graves and upon their bodies are remaining of some cotton clothes.

Leave them! Indeed there is a day appointed for them, just as thunder and lightning awakes those who are asleep.

Some will be unclothed and some dressed up. Some shall be in new clothes and some will be wearing worn out clothes.

Till they will change from one condition to another into a new generation and after that another generation shall come into being.

Rain and vegetation, fathers and mothers, those who have gone and the newcomers, signs after signs, dead ones after dead ones, light and darkness, nights and days, the poor and the rich, the righteous and the bad, the good doers and the sinners, it is news and warning for those who are oblivious. Everyone who does something should improve it. Know that it is nothing but that Allah is one. Neither is He begotten nor is the father of anyone. Only He has turned back and He has initiated and tomorrow one has to return to Him only.

After this, O people of the Iyad tribe, Where is Thamood and Aad? And where are our ancestors? Where is the righteous one who was not rewarded? And where is the wrong doer who was not penalized? Never! By the Lord of the Kaaba, one who is created shall be brought back and if not today then he will be returned on another day.

This is Quss bin Saidah bin Hadhaqah bin Zuhr bin Iyad bin Nizar who was the first among the people of the Age of Ignorance who brought faith in the advent of the Prophet. And he was the first man who kept a staff with him and used it for support. And it is said that he lived for six hundred years and knew the Holy Prophet (S) by his name and genealogy and gave the people the glad tidings of his advent. He used to observe dissimulation and dispensed good advice to the people and exhorted them also to observe dissimulation.”

3 - Narrated to us Hasan bin Abdullah bin Saeed: Informed us Abul Hasan Ali bin Husain bin Ismail: Informed us Muhammad bin Zakariya bin Dinar: Narrated to me Mahdi bin Sabiq from Abdullah bin Abbas from his father that he said:

“Quss bin Saida assembled his sons and said: Hunger is satiated by vegetables and by milk diluted with water. If someone makes a false allegation against you, you should know that he is having the same defect. One who oppresses you shall certainly have to face oppression. When you observe justice by opposing your selfish desires you shall also be dealt with justice. When you prohibit people from something, begin with your own self. Do not hoard that which you do not consume and do not eat what you don’t need.

If you save something it must be only your deeds. Observe thrift; generosity will get you the leadership of your community. Never take advice from a busy person even though he might be stable in character and has determination. Neither should you take advice from the one who is hungry even though he might be wise. Also don’t take the advice of a coward even though he may be capable of dispensing good advice. Do not take up a responsibility which will not be possible without any difficulty. When you observe enmity, follow the dictates of justice and equity and when you speak, you must speak less.

Do not give a loan to anyone even though he might be your closest relative, because you will always dread that he will not repay; and the one whom you lend shall have the discretion to repay or not. Till the time he is indebted to you he is the master and you are his slave. If he commits excess on you, you are deserving of it due to your foolishness. And if he fulfills his promise, only he shall be eligible for praise and not you. Continue to pay alms (Sadaqah) as it is expiation of mistakes and sins.

Thus Quss never gave loans to anyone and he spoke in such a way that laymen cannot understand the underlying points and only specified individuals may comprehend his words.”