Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma Vol. 1

Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma Vol. 10%

Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma Vol. 1 Author:
Translator: Sayyid Akhtar Husain S.H. Rizvi
Publisher: www.al-islam.org
Category: Various Books

Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma Vol. 1

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Sheikh Sadooq
Translator: Sayyid Akhtar Husain S.H. Rizvi
Publisher: www.al-islam.org
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Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma Vol. 1
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Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma Vol. 1

Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma Vol. 1

Publisher: www.al-islam.org

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought


This book will be corrected once again specially its Quranic Verses and references.

Chapter 11: Regarding the report of Tubba

Tubba the king (of Yemen) was among those who knew the Holy Prophet (S) and was in anticipation of his advent because he had received information about it. He knew that in the near future a prophet would arise in Mecca and migrated to Yathrib (Medina).

1 - Muhammad bin Hasan bin Ahmad bin Walid (r.a.): Narrated to us Muhammad bin Hasan as-Saffar from Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Isa from Hasan bin Ali from Umar bin Aban from Aban rafa’u1, that once while walking Tubba recited the following couplets:

Till there came to me a learned one from the Quraiza who was a Rabbi, and I swear by your life he was famous among the Jews.

He told me to abstain from attacking a hidden village because a prophet from Quraish would arise from Mecca.

Thus I excused them but I did it unwillingly and I left them for the fear of the eternal day.

And I abstained from attacking Mecca for the sake of Allah and in hope of His forgiveness. For the sake of the day of accounting and the blazing (fire of) Hell.

And I left behind a man from my community for this prophet. I left a person of merit whom people praised.

A person who shall have victories and divine help in his generations. And through this I hope in reward of the Lord of Muhammad.

I didn’t even expect that there would be a manifest house of Allah in the land of Mecca where He would be worshipped.

They told me that there was a rich treasury in Mecca. Treasures of pearls and emeralds.

So I made an elaborate plan but my Lord did not allow it to be fulfilled. And Allah saves his Masjid from destruction.

Thus, whatever I had aspired, I left upon them. And I performed this exemplary deed only for these pure-hearted personalities.

Abu Abdillah (a.s.) said: Indeed he was informed that a prophet would arise from here (Mecca) and his migration shall be towards Yathrib (Medina). Thus he took with himself a group of people from Yemen and settled them with the Jews so that after the advent of that prophet they might help, support and regarding him, he composed the following couplets:

I testify that Ahmad in certainly the Messenger of that God Who is the Creator of the universe.

Thus if I had such a long age that I could meet him I would indeed become his vizier and his cousin.

And I would become a punishment for the polytheists and made them drink the ale of death and sorrow.

2 - Narrated to us my father (r.a.): Narrated to us Ali bin Ibrahim from his father from Ibne Abi Umair from Ibrahim bin Abdul Hameed from Walib bin Sabih from Abi Abdullah (a.s.) that he said:

Tubba told Aws and Khazraj: You people stay here till that prophet arises and as for me, if I live till that time I will serve and help him.

3 - Narrated to us Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Husain al-Bazzaz: Narrated to us Muhammad bin Yaqoob Asam: Narrated to us Ahmad bin Abdul Jabbar Utaridi: Narrated to us Yunus bin Bukair Shaibani from Zakariya bin Yahya Madini: Narrated to me Ikrimah: I heard Ibne Abbas say:

“You must not have any misgiving regarding Tubba, because he was a Muslim.”


1. Rafa’u is a term that means that the original narrator has mentioned a name which the subsequent narrator/s has/have omitted.

Chapter 12: Report about Abdul Muttalib and Abu Talib

Abdul Muttalib and Abu Talib were much more knowledgeable about the Holy Prophet (S) than other learned people and scholars but both of them used to maintain secrecy from the ignorant, the infidels and the deviated persons.

1 - Narrated to us Ali bin Ahmad bin Musa (r.a.): Narrated to us Ahmad bin Yahya bin Zakariya al-Qattan: Narrated to us Muhammad bin Ismail: Narrated to us Abdullah bin Muhammad: Narrated to us my father: Narrated to me Haitham bin Amr al-Muzni from Ibrahim bin Aqil Hudhalli from Ikrimah from Ibne Abbas that he said:

“A carpet used to be specially laid out for Abdul Muttalib in the shade of the Kaaba and none but he sat. And it was by way of respect for him. His sons used to sit around him and didn’t disperse while he remained seated there. The Messenger of Allah (S) who was a young child at that time used to come roaming about and sit upon that carpet and his uncles did not like. So they used to try to remove him from there.

But when Abdul Muttalib saw this, he used to say: Leave my son. By Allah, he is having a very exalted status. I can see that there would certainly come a day when he shall be your master. I can see the effulgence of greatness on his forehead. He would lead the people. After that he used to pick him up in his arms and seated him next to himself. He used to stroke his back and kiss him and said: I have never seen softer and pure kiss like this and neither have I seen a body so soft and purified.

Then he used to turn towards Abu Talib as he (Abu Talib) and Abdullah were from the same mother and said: O Abu Talib, this boy is having a great status, so you must protect him and remain attached to him because he is unique. Be like a mother to him. Take care that nothing untoward should happen to him. Then he used to place him on his shoulders and perform seven rounds (of the Kaaba). Abdul Muttalib knew that he despised the idols of Laat and Uzza, therefore he did not take him before them.

When he (Prophet) was six years old, his mother, Amina passed away at Abwa which is situated between Mecca and Medina. She had taken him with her to visit her brother from Bani Adi. Thus the Messenger of Allah (S) became an orphan having neither the shade of the father nor the love of mother. Thus Abdul Muttalib showered him with more love and care. This continued till the end arrived for Abdul Muttalib.

In his last moments he summoned Abu Talib. At that time the Prophet was atop Abdul Muttalib’s chest and the latter was in the throes of death. He was weeping. In this condition he addressed Abu Talib: O Abu Talib, be a guardian for him as he is alone. He has neither seen the shade of the father nor tasted the affection of the mother. Abu Talib, consider him to be as precious as a vital organ of yours.

I have singled you out from all my sons for his guardianship because you and his father were from the same mother (full brothers). If you are able to witness his period (of prophethood) you should know that I am the most cognizant about him among all the people. Thus if you are able, follow him; and help him with your tongue, your hands and your wealth. By Allah, he shall be your leader and he shall achieve such a kingdom that none of my ancestors ever had. O Abu Talib I don’t know of anyone among your ancestors whose father died like his father and whose mother passed away like his mother.

So, keep in mind his loneliness and protect him. Have you accepted my bequest regarding him? “Yes,” he replied, I have indeed accepted it and Allah is the witness of this. Abdul Muttalib said: “Give me your hand.” He gave his hand and Abdul Muttalib held it and said: Now death has become easy for me. Then he continued to kiss Muhammad and repeat: I testify that indeed I have never kissed a son more fragrant and elegant than you. He used to aspire remaining alive till the time of his prophethood. After that Abdul Muttalib passed away.

At that time the Holy Prophet (S) was eight years old. Abu Talib placed him under his care. Not for a moment during the day and night did he leave him. He used to make him sleep near himself and did not trust anyone regarding him.”

2 - Narrated to us Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Husain al-Bazzaz: Narrated to us Muhammad bin Yaqoob Asam: Narrated to us Ahmad bin Abdul Jabbar Utaridi: Narrated to us Yunus bin Bukair from Muhammad bin Ishaq Ibne Yasar Madani: Narrated to us Narrated to us Abbas bin Abdullah bin Saeed from some of his family members that he said:

“For Abdul Muttalib, the grandfather of the Messenger of Allah (S) a carpet was laid under the shade of the Kaaba on which none of his sons sat by way of respect for him. When the Holy Prophet (S) came there he sat only upon this. But when his uncles tried to remove him from there , his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib used to tell them: Leave my son alone. Then he used to stroke his back and say: My son is having a unique status. Abdul Muttalib passed away when the Holy Prophet (S) was eight years old and this occurred eight years after the Year of the Elephant.”

3 - Narrated to us Ali bin Ahmad (r.a.) that he said: Narrated to us Ahmad bin Yahya that he said: Narrated to us Muhammad bin Ismail that he said: Narrated to us Abdullah bin Muhammad that he said: Narrated to us my father from Khalid bin Ilyas from Abi Bakr bin Abdullah bin Abi Jaham that he said: Narrated to me my grandfather that: I heard Abu Talib narrating from Abdul Muttalib that he said:

“One day when I was sleeping in the Hijr (of Ismail) I saw a dream which made me fearful. So I went to consult the diviner lady of Quraish. I was covered with a sheet of fur and my luxurious hair fell on both of my shoulders. When she looked at me she noticed my fearful face and she sat down carefully. At that time I was the chief of my community.

She said: What has happened to the chief of the Arabs? Has anything terrible happened? I said, “Yes, I saw a dream last night when I was sleeping in the Hijr (of Ismail). I dreamed that a tree was growing from my back. Its top was reaching to the sky and its branches had covered the east and the west of the earth. I saw an effulgence coming out of it which was seventy times brighter than the light of the sun. I saw the Arabs and non-Arabs prostrating before it. I also saw a group from Quraish preparing to cut down this tree.

When these people approached the tree a most elegant young man wearing the purest dress used to catch hold of them and broke their backs. He used to gouge out their eyes. When I stretched out my hand to this tree the young man screamed: Stop, there is no share in it for you. I asked: Then who has a share in it? Whereas the tree is growing from me only? He said: Only those have a share in it who develop attachment with it and you shall turn towards it. After this I awoke in fear and worry and my face was pale with terror.

Then I saw that the lady was also shocked and pale. She said: If your dream is true a boy will appear in your progeny that will rule the east and the west. And he shall become famous among the people. After that my sorrow and worry was dispelled. So take care, O Abu Talib, perhaps you are that person. Thus Abu Talib used to mention this to people and at that time the Holy Prophet (S) had already appeared and Abu Talib used to say:

That tree, by Allah, is Abul Qasim (Muhammad) the trustworthy one. Therefore he was asked: If it is so why don’t you bring faith in him? He used to reply: For condemnation and insults from the people.”

Abu Ja’far Muhammad bin Ali (r.a.) the author of this book says: Indeed, Abu Talib was a believer, but he put up a show of polytheism and concealed his faith so that he might have the most opportunities to help the Messenger of Allah (S).

4 - Narrated to us Muhammad bin Hasan that he said: Narrated to us Muhammad bin Hasan as-Saffar from Ayyub bin Nuh from Abbas bin Aamir from Ali bin Abi Sarah from Muhammad bin Marwan from Abi Abdullah (a.s.) that he said:

“Indeed, Abu Talib put up a show of disbelief and concealed faith and when it was the time of his passing away, Allah, the Mighty and Sublime revealed to the Messenger of Allah (S) to leave Mecca as there was no one to help him there and migrated to Medina.”

5 - Narrated to us Ahmad bin Muhammad as-Saigh that he said: Narrated to us Muhammad bin Ayyub from Salih bin Asbat from Ismail bin Muhammad; and Ali bin Abdullah from Rabi bin Muhammad Musalli from Saad bin Tareef from Asbagh bin Nubatah that he said: I heard Amirul Momineen (a.s.) say:

“By Allah, my father, my grandfather Abdul Muttalib, Hashim and Abde Manaf never worshipped idols. He was asked: Then what did they worship? He replied: They used to face the Kaaba and pray according to the religion of Ibrahim (a.s.) and they followed only that faith.”

6 - Narrated to us Ali bin Ahmad (r.a.) that: Narrated to us Ahmad bin Yahya that: Narrated to us Muhammad bin Ismail that he said: Narrated to us Abdullah bin Muhammad: Narrated to us my father from Saeed bin Muslim, freed slave of Bani Makhzum from Saeed bin Abi Salih from his father from Ibne Abbas that he said: I heard my father, Abbas say:

“When my brother Abdullah was born, there was effulgence upon his face like the light of the sun. My respected father, Abdul Muttalib said: This son of mine will have an exalted status. Then one night I dreamt that a white bird emerged from the nose of Abdullah and flew up to reach the east and the west. Then it returned and perched on the roof of the Kaaba.

At that moment all the people of Quraish prostrated towards it and began to gaze at it in amazement. There was a light which enveloped the earth and the sky and the east and the west. After waking up I inquired about it from a lady diviner who belonged to Bani Makhzum. She said: If your dream is true a boy would be born from the loins of Abdullah who will rule over the people of the east and the west. Abbas says that after this I was always on the lookout for a consort for Abdullah till he was married to Amina.

She was the most beautiful girl in all of Quraish. After that Abdullah passed away and the Holy Prophet (S) was born posthumously. I saw an effulgence emanating from his forehead. When I took him in my arms the fragrance of musk came out from his body and I became fragrant like a musk navel-bag. Amina told me: When the labor started I heard many noises in the house which were not human voices.

Then I saw a flag of a thin fine cloth attached to a pole of ruby. It had filled up the earth and the sky and a light was rising up from the head of this child which had illuminated the sky. In it I saw the palaces of Shaam which looked like flames of fire due to the brilliant light. And I saw around myself pigeon-like birds spreading out their wings. I also saw the Bani Asad genie passing through and saying: O Amina what all the fortune-tellers and idols will have to see from your son! After that I saw a tall young man who was the most elegant of all and had donned the most beautiful dress.

I thought that it was Abdul Muttalib. He took my son in his arms and made him suck his saliva. He had a tray of gold with him which was studded with emeralds and also had a comb of gold. He cut open the belly of my son and took out his heart. Then he cut it open and took out a black spot and threw it out. Then he took out bag of green brocade and took out a kind of white grass from the bag. Then he filled up the heart with this grass and placed the heart back into its place. Then he stroked the baby’s stomach and spoke to him. The infant replied to him. I could not understand their conversation except that he said: Remain in the care and security of Allah. Indeed I have filled up your heart with faith, knowledge, certainty and valor. You are the best human.

Good for one who follows you and woe to one who opposes you. Then he took out another bag which was made of white brocade. From that he removed a seal and imprinted it between his shoulders. The imprint arose on the skin. Then he said: My Lord has commanded that I should blow the sacred spirit into your breast.

Thus he blew the soul into the body of the Prophet and dressed him up in a robe and said: This will protect you from all the calamities of the world. O Abbas, this is all what I witnessed through my own eyes. Abbas says that he uncovered the shoulders of the Holy Prophet (S) and read the inscription of the seal. Then I kept all this confidential and subsequently forgot everything till I accepted Islam and the Holy Prophet (S) himself reminded me of all this.”

Chapter 13: Report of Saif bin Zi Yazan

Saif bin Zi Yazan was also having recognition of the prophethood of the Messenger of Allah (S) and he had given the glad tidings of the advent of the Prophet to Abdul Muttalib when the latter had come to meet him with a delegation.

1 - Narrated to us Muhammad bin Ali Majilaway (r.a.) that he said: Narrated to me my uncle, Muhammad bin Abil Qasim from Muhammad bin Ali Kufi from Ali bin Hakim from Amr bin Bakkar Abasi from Muhammad bin Saib from Abi Salih from Ibne Abbas; and narrated to us Muhammad bin Ali bin Muhammad bin Hatim Bufakki that he said: Narrated to us Abu Mansur Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Azhar Bahara that he said: Narrated to us Muhammad bin Ishaq as-Basri that he said: Informed us Ali bin Harb: Narrated to me Ahmad bin Uthman bin Hakim: Narrated to us Amr bin Bakr from Ahmad bin Qasim from Muhammad bin Saib from Abi Salih from Ibne Abbas that he said:

“Two years after the birth of the Holy Prophet (S) Saif bin Zi Yazan (king of Yemen) annexed Ethiopia. Abdul Muttalib went to him in a delegation consisting of Umayyah bin Abde Shams, Abdullah bin Jazan, Asad bin Khuwailid bin Abdul Uzza, Wahab bin Abde Manaf, to Yemen to congratulate him (Said) on his victory and urge him for compassion for the people of Mecca. They went to meet him at his palace in Sanaa which was called Ghumdan. It was the most beautiful palace regarding which Umayyah bin Abi Salt has said:

Drink it, may it be nice for you. May you have the crown of joy on your head.

Your palace glitters on the roof of Ghumdan.

A man was sent to seek permission on their behalf who informed about their social position and the ruler accorded the permission. When they entered Abdul Muttalib went to him asked for permission to speak to him. He said: If you are from those who are eligible to speak to kings I will also permit you to talk. The narrator (Ibne Abbas) says that Abdul Muttalib said in reply: O king, Allah has certainly given you a high but difficult and lofty position and made you the owner of a garden the roots of whose trees are pure.

And its fruits are sweet, its base is firm and its branches are high. You are bestowed with a position of greatness and the best of the mines. And you, O king of Arabs and its spring through which is greenery and vegetation, are immune from the acts that may become a cause of ridicule. O king, you are the leader of Arabs that is followed and its tranquil base on which all rely and a refuge with whom people take shelter.

You had the best of ancestors and you are the best of successors. Honorable are those who are from your progeny and safe from destruction are those whose vicegerent you are. We are the inhabitants of the sanctuary of Allah and the caretakers of His House. We have come to you with hope that it is the end of our troubles. Thus we have come to congratulate you and not to grumble about our afflictions.

He (the king) asked: Who are you, speaker? He replied: I am Abdul Muttalib Ibne Hashim. He said: You are our sister’s son. Abdul Muttalib said: Yes. The king asked him to come near. At that moment he addressed the delegation and said: Welcome to all of you. The king has heard your words, known your relationship and accepted the one you took as your medium. Thus we shall be your neighbors, day and night and you are our guests till the time you are here. When you decide to leave you shall be deserving of gifts.

Then he said: Now you may move to the guest house. They stayed for a month but during this neither they had access to the king nor did he permit them to take leave. Suddenly one day he called Abdul Muttalib and arranged for a confidential meeting. He said: O Abdul Muttalib, I am entrusting you with a secret from my knowledge. If anyone other than you had come I would not have said a word about it. But I want you to keep it confidential till the time Allah wills and till His aim is not fulfilled. In the hidden book and the treasured knowledge that we have acquired for ourselves and through which we argue against our opponents,

I find a great prophecy in which there is nobility of the life and excellence of death for all the people and especially for your family members; for you in particular, O Abdul Muttalib. Abdul Muttalib said: O king, I am also like you in maintaining secrets and in performing good deeds. So what is that prophecy, may I be sacrificed on you? We are dwellers of the desert since generations. The king said: If a young man takes birth in Tahama (Mecca) having a mole between his shoulders he would get leadership and you will get mastership till Judgment Day. Abdul Muttalib said:

May God bless you O king, you have given us such a glad tidings that no delegation has ever received. If I don’t seem audacious, can you tell me what the time period is between me and him so that I may get increase in my pleasure? Ibne Yazan said: The brilliant-faced child will be born in this present age only. His name shall be Muhammad and both his parents will die. His grandfather and uncle will be his guardians. He shall be born anonymous and the Almighty Allah will raise him openly. Allah will appoint from among us helpers and supporters for him in order to strengthen his friends and weaken his enemies.

He shall destroy his deniers through his supporters and with their help conquer great kingdoms. He will break up the idols and the fire-temples will be extinguished. Allah will be worshipped and the plots of the Satan will weaken. His speech shall be based on truth and his decision based on justice. He will enjoin good and himself act upon it. And he will forbid evil and eradicate it.

Abdul Muttalib said: May Allah enhance your glory and elevate your status. May your kingdom endure and your life prolong. O king, can you explain further? Ibne Zi Yazan said: I swear by the house that is covered in a veil and I swear by the signs on the pillars of the sanctuary, indeed O Abdul Muttalib, you are his grandfather and it is not a lie. Abdul Muttalib fell down in prostration on hearing this and thanked the Almighty. The king said: Arise, may Allah enhance your honor.

Tell me if you find it like I have said? Abdul Muttalib said: Yes, I had a son that I was much proud of. I was very affectionate to him and then I married him to a noble lady named Amina binte Wahab who gave birth to a male child who is named Muhammad. Both his parents passed away. I and his uncle have taken up the responsibility to bring him up. Ibne Zi Yazan said: You are saying the same things that I told you.

Thus you take care of him as he has many enemies, especially the Jews whose enmity is most severe. And Allah will not allow his enemies to dominate him. Keep all that I have told you confidential and don’t even tell those who have accompanied you here. Also beware of your people because they will be jealous of him and they shall subject him to great trouble. They will commit it themselves or their descendants shall do it. Alas, if I had been present in his age I would have sacrificed my life in his way. But I have read that he will migrate from Mecca to Yathrib and his ministry shall be established there.

He will pass away there and shall also be buried there. If I had not dreaded troubles for him I would have openly announced this sometimes who that young man is and I would have compelled the Arab chiefs to submit to him. But without any shortcoming in rewarding your companions I say farewell to you.

Each person of the delegation received by way of presents ten male slaves, ten slave girls, two robes, a hundred camels, five ratals (cupfuls) of gold and ten cupfuls of silver, musk and amber. Abdul Muttalib was given ten times that. Ibne Zi Yazan died before the advent of the Holy Prophet (S). Abdul Muttalib used to remember this incident and often said: O people of Quraish, I am not as much pleased with the gifts that I received as it is all perishable as I am with the eternal honor that I and my descendants got. And very soon you shall know about it. Umayyah bin Shams composed the following couplets regarding their journey to meet Ibne Abi Zi Yazan:

You took the whole army with you on camels and camel litters.

Moving in full speed, you headed for Sanaa on the deep wide road that lies between two mountains.

Ibne Abi Yazan was leading us and taking us on fast moving vehicles through the highways.

We found it difficult to make them move due to rain and lightning and the lightning flashed along with it.

When we reached Sanaa we entered the house of the generous emperor.

A regent who showered us all with his generosity while his cheerfulness was obvious on his countenance.”

Chapter 14: Report of Bahira the Monk

Bahira the monk was also among to those who knew the name, characteristics and traits of the Holy Prophet (S) before his advent; along with his name and genealogy. And he was in anticipation of the Prophet’s arrival.

1 - Narrated to us Ahmad bin Hasan al-Qattan; and Ali bin Ahmad bin Muhammad; and Muhammad bin Ahmad Shaibani that they said: Narrated to us Abul Abbas Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Yahya bin Zakariya al-Qattan that he said: Narrated to us Muhammad bin Ismail Barmaki: Narrated to us Abdullah bin Muhammad: Narrated to us my father from Haitham from Muhammad bin Saib from Abi Salih from Ibne Abbas from his father Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib from Abi Talib that he said:

“In the height of the hot season we started for Shaam, taking Muhammad, who was then eight years old. My people remonstrated against taking the child, lest his life should be endangered. But I declared that I could not leave him. I mounted him on a camel which I kept constantly before me so as not to lose sight of the child. As soon as the heat of the sun became oppressive, a small cloud white as snow came, and saluting Muhammad, cast a refreshing shade over him, attending him wherever he went, and often showering down a variety of fruits for his refreshments.

During the journey, water became so scarce in the caravan that a leathern bag of it sold for two gold coins, yet by the blessings of the Prophet, we always had water in abundance, and moreover found excellent vegetation for our camels, any of which becoming exhausted on the road, was immediately restored to soundness and strength by the touch of his hand.

As we approached Busra Shaam, said Abu Talib, the hermitage of a certain Christian recluse was seen advancing towards us with the speed of a race horse. On coming up it stopped before us, with its astonished owner, Bahira by name, who was always so absorbed in contemplation that he never showed the least attention to those that passed his cell; and never even spoke to any person. When he found his hermitage in motion, and saw the caravan approaching, he at once perceived it was the Prophet; and on coming up he said to him: If what I have read and heard is true you are he, and none else.

Our caravan halted under a great tree near the cell of Bahira. The tree was dry and the branches fallen, yet caravans were still in the habit of stopping under it. On the Prophet seating himself under the tree it became agitated and threw out numerous boughs, particularly spreading its branches over the head of its illustrious visitor, and produced three kinds of fruit, two common in summer, and the other peculiar to winter. The people of the caravan on seeing this were astonished, as was likewise Bahira, who, coming down from his cell and bringing some refreshment for the young personage that had inspired him with such admiration, inquired for his guardian.

Abu Talib replied that he was the guardian and uncle of the child. The old monk then said, I testify that he is the one I know, or I am not Bahira. He then asked Abu Talib’s permission to present the refreshment he had brought to the wonderful child, who inquired: Is it for me alone, or my fellow travelers can partake of it with me?

The monk said it was little, but all he had; however, he might do as he pleased. Accordingly he said: ‘In the Name of Allah’ and began to eat, our whole party of one hundred and seventy persons following his example; and after we were all satisfied the little offering of Bahira it seemed to have been untouched.

The monk in astonishment at what he witnessed, stooped down and kissed the blessed head of the Prophet, and said: By the truth of Christ this is he! But the people present did not comprehend what he meant. A man of the caravan then addressed him and said: O hermit, your conduct is wonderful. We have often passed your cell, but you never noticed us in the least. He replied: I am indeed in a wonderful state; I see what you don’t, and know certain things unknown to you. There is a child under this tree whom if you knew as I know, verily you would take him on your shoulders and carry him back to his native city.

On my oath, I have paid you no attention but for his sake. When I first saw him from my cell, light was beaming before him to heaven, I beheld men fanning him with fans of ruby and emerald, while others presented him with various fruits, the cloud at the same time shading him. My cell ran to meet him like a race horse, and this tree, which has been dry so long, and was almost branchless, by his miraculous power has become verdant, with numerous boughs, and had instantaneously produced three kinds of fruit.

Moreover, this tank, which has been dry since the time of the apostles, its water having disappeared when they were rejected and abused by the Jews, has now become full. I have read in the book of the apostle Shamoon that he cursed the Bani Israel, on which the water of this tank dried up, and he said: When you see water here again, know that it is by the blessing of the Prophet who will arise at Tahama and flee to Medina. Among his own people he will be called the trustworthy (Amin) and in heaven, Ahmad. He will be of the posterity of Ismail, the son of Ibrahim, and by Allah, this is he.

Bahira then turned to Muhammad and said: I ask you three things, and adjure you by Laat and Uzza to answer. At the mention of these idols the Prophet was angry and said: Ask nothing in their name; verily they are my greatest enemies in the shape of two stone idols, which my people worship from excessive stupidity. This is one sign, said Bahira, and added, I adjure you by God- the Prophet interrupted, saying: Ask me what you please, since you do it in the name of the Lord, my God and thine, like whom there is none else. Bahira then questioned him about his state while sleeping and awake, and concerning most things relating to his character and condition, and found all to agree with what he had read in books.

Here the monk fell and kissed the feet of the Prophet and said: O son, how grateful is your smell! Your followers are more than those of all the prophets. All the lights of the world are from your light, by your name mosques will be built. As it were, I see you leading armies, mounted on an Arab steed. The Arabs and the non-Arabs will obey you, voluntarily or involuntarily.

I see you break Laat and Uzza, and king of the Kaaba, giving its key to whom you please. What numbers of the non-Arabs and Arab heroes you will cast down in the dust of destruction! Yours are the keys of Paradise and Hell; yours the mightiest sphere of usefulness; you will destroy the idols, and for your sake the judgment will not take place till the kings of the earth are brought to bow to your religion. Again he kissed the hands and feet of the child, and said: Were I to live in the time of your prophethood, I would draw the sword in your cause and attack your enemies.

You are the best of the sons of Adam, the chief of the abstinent, the seal of the prophets, and on my oath, in the name of the Most High, the earth laughed at your illustrious birth, and will laugh till the Judgment Day for joy at your being. And by the same solemn oath I declare that churches, idols, demons, all wept on your account, will continue to weep till the judgment. You are he for whom Ibrahim prayed, and whose joyful advent Isa announced, and you are pure from the abomination of idolatry.

Bahira then turned to Abu Talib and said: What relation do you hold to this child? The chief replied: He is my son. Bahira rejoined: It cannot be so, for his father and mother are dead. That is indeed true, said Abu Talib, I am his uncle. His father died before his birth, and his mother when he was six years old. Now you tell the truth, said Bahira, and in my opinion you had better carry him back to your city, for there is not a Jew or Christian or possessor of a divine book on the earth, that does not know he is born.

All who see him will recognize him as I have done by the marks he bears, and by stratagem and treachery will endeavor to destroy him, in which attempt the Jews will be more inveterate than others. Abu Talib inquired: What will cause such enmity towards him? Because your nephew is a prophet, and he will earn as much fame as did Musa and Isa (a.s.). Abu Talib expressed his hope that no evil would befall Muhammad.

As we approached Damascus, continued Abu Talib, I saw the houses of that country in motion, and light above the brightness of the sun beaming from them. The crowd that collected to see Muhammad, that Yusuf of Egyptian perfection, made the bazaars impassable wherever he went, and so loud were exclamations at his beauty and excellence altogether, that the sound reached the frontiers of Damascus.

Every monk and learned man came to see him. The wisest of the wise, among the people of the book, who was called Nestor, visited him, and for three days was in his company without speaking a word. At the close of the third day, apparently overwhelmed with emotion, he came near and walked around the Prophet, upon which I said to him: O monk, what do you want of the child? He replied: I wish to know his name. I told him it was Muhammad bin Abdullah.

At the mention of the name the monk’s expression changed, and he requested to be allowed to see the shoulders of the Prophet. No sooner did he behold the seal of prophethood than he cast himself down, kissed it and wept, saying: Carry back this sun of prophecy quickly to the place of his nativity. Verily, if you had known what enemies he has here, you would not have brought him with you. The learned man continued his visits to the Prophet, treated him with the greatest reverence, and when we left the country he gave a shirt as a memento of his friendship.

When I saw signs of aversion on the face of the Prophet I took the shirt and kept it with myself saying that I will make him wear it. I carried Muhammad home with the utmost expedition, when the news of our happy return reached Mecca, great and small came out to welcome the Prophet except Abu Jahl - may Allah curse him - who was intoxicated and ignorant of the event.

2 - Through the same chain of narrators from Abdullah bin Muhammad who said: Narrated to me my father, and narrated to me Abdur Rahman bin Muhammad from [Muhammad bin] Abdullah bin Abi Bakr bin Muhammad bin Amr bin Hazm from his father from his grandfather that Abu Talib said:

“When Bahira said farewell to the Holy Prophet (S) he wept much and said: O son of Amina, as if I can see all Arabs having enmity and dispute with you and your relatives will cut off relations with you. If they were aware of your true position they would have considered you dearer than their own sons.

Then he told me: Respected Uncle, have regard for his relationship and be fearful to the bequest of your father. Very soon all the Quraish will become aloof from you. Don’t mind it at all. I know that you will not openly display your faith. You will believe in him secretly. A son would be born to you who will make his faith apparent and also render help to him. In the heavens he shall be named the Al-Batal-ul-Hasir - brave lion and (in the earth), Shajja-ul-Anza. He will have two sons who will be martyred.

He would be the chief of Arabs and the Dhulqarnain of the community. He shall be more famous in the divine books than the companions of Isa (a.s.). Abu Talib says: By Allah, I saw most of the characteristics mentioned by Bahira with my own eyes.”

3 - Narrated to us my father (r.a.) that: Narrated to us Ali bin Ibrahim from his father from Ibne Abi Umair from Aban bin Uthman in a rafa’u tradition that he said:

“When the Messenger of Allah (S) reached maturity and Abu Talib decided to undertake a journey to Damascus, the Holy Prophet (S) caught hold of the reins of his camel and asked: On whom are you leaving me, O Uncle? I have neither a father nor a mother. It was at the time when his mother had also passed away. Abu Talib began to weep at this and took him along himself. On the way when it became hot, a piece of cloud appeared over the Prophet to shade him from the sun.

This continued till we reached a monastery that belonged to a monk named Bahira. He saw the cloud moving with us. He emerged from his cell and sent some servants for us and invited us for dinner. All of us reached the monastery to attend the dinner leaving behind the Prophet with our goods. When Bahira saw that the cloud stopped at the place of our halt, he asked if someone from the caravan has not come. People said that all have come except for a lad whom we left behind with our luggage. Bahira said: It is not suitable that someone should miss my dinner. Call that boy also. The Prophet was summoned and when he set out from there the cloud also accompanied him.

When Bahira saw this he asked: “Whose son is he?” They said: “His”, pointing to Abu Talib. Bahira asked if it was his son. Abu Talib said: “He is my brother’ son.” “Where is your brother?” Bahira asked. “He died before this boy was born.” Bahira said: “Take him back to your native place, because if the Jews recognize him like I have done, they would surely kill him. You should know that he is having a very exalted status. He is the prophet of this Ummah and he shall arise with the sword and Jihad.”

Chapter 15: Report of Khalid bin Usaid Regarding what the great monk enroute to Syria said about the Prophet

Chapter 15: Report of Khalid bin Usaid bin Abil Ees and Taleeq bin Sufyan bin Umayyah Regarding what the great monk enroute to Syria said about the Prophet

Narrated to us Ahmad bin Hasan al-Qattan; and Ali bin Ahmad bin Muhammad; and Muhammad bin Ahmad Shaibani - may Allah be pleased with them - they said: Narrated to us Abul Abbas Ahmad bin Yahya bin Zakariya al-Qattan that he said: Narrated to us Muhammad bin Ismail that he said: Narrated to us Abdullah bin Muhammad that he said: Narrated to me my father that: Narrated to me Haitham bin Amr al-Muzni from his uncle from Yala Nassabah that he said:

“In the year the Holy Prophet (S) traveled to Damascus for business, Khalid bin Usaid bin Abil Ees and Taleeq bin Sufyan bin Umayyah were also present in the caravan. Upon their return they reported strange things about the Prophet; like his manners, his mounts and the way the animals and birds submitted to his command. They said: When we reached the bazaar of Busra we saw a group of monks with yellow (pale) faces as if saffron had been rubbed upon them and their limbs were trembling.

They came to us and said that their leader who lived in the great church nearby has called us. We said: What have we got to do with you? They said: What is the problem if you come to our temple? We have great respect for you. They knew that one of us was Muhammad. Thus we entered a very large and lofty church, where we saw their great wise man sitting among his disciples with a book in his hand. After looking in the book and scrutinizing us, he said to his people, “You have accomplished nothing; the object of our inquiry is not here.”

He then asked who we were, to which we replied that we were Quraish. Of what family of that tribe? He further demanded. We answered that we were of the Bani Abde Shams. He then demanded if there was no other person belonging to our party besides those present. We told him there was a youth of the Bani Hashim belonging to our company, who was called the orphan grandson of Abdul Muttalib. On hearing this he shrieked, nearly swooned away, sprang up and cried, Alas! Alas! The Christian religion is ruined!

He then leaned on his crosier and fell into profound thought for a long time, with eight of his patriarchs and disciples standing around him. At last he said: Can you show me that youth? We answered in the affirmative. He then accompanied us to the bazaar, where we found the Prophet, with light beaming from the radiant moon of his face, and a great crowd of people around him, who had been attracted by his extraordinary beauty, and were buying his goods at the highest prices, while they sold their own to him at the cheapest rate. With the view of proving the knowledge of the wise man, we pointed out another individual as the object of his inquiry, but presently he recognized the Prophet himself, and shouted: By the truth of Christ, I have found him. And overpowered with emotion came and kissed his blessed head, saying: You are holy.

He then asked Muhammad many things concerning himself, all of which he satisfactorily answered. The wise man affirmed that if he were to live in the time of Muhammad’s ministry, he would fight for him in the cause of truth, declaring: ‘Whoever obeyed him would gain everlasting life, and whoever rejected him would die eternal death. All the great benefits are with him.’ Then he kissed the Prophet’s head and went back to his place.”

Chapter 16: Report of Abul Moheeb, the Recluse

Abul Moheeb, the recluse knew the Prophet and his characteristics and was having information about his prophethood. He also knew that Amirul Momineen Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) is his successor.

Narrated to us Ahmad bin Hasan al-Qattan; and Ali bin Ahmad bin Muhammad and Muhammad bin Ahmad Shaibani - may Allah be pleased with them - they said: Narrated to us Ahmad bin Yahya bin Zakariya al-Qattan that he said: Narrated to us Muhammad bin Ismail from Abdullah bin Muhammad that he said: Narrated to me my father; and Qais Ibne Saad Duili from Abdullah bin Bahir al-Faqassi from Bakr bin Abdullah al-Ashjai from his ancestors that they said:

“The year the Holy Prophet (S) traveled to Damascus in a trade caravan carrying Lady Khadija’s merchandise, he was accompanied by Abde Manat bin Kinana and Naufal bin Muawiyah bin Urwah bin Sakhar bin Yamir bin Namama bin Adi in the same caravan. When they reached Damascus, Abul Moheeb, the recluse saw them and asked: Who are you people? They replied: We are the inhabitants of the Kaaba. We are some traders of Quraish. He asked if there was someone else from Quraish along with us.

They said: “There is a youth from Bani Hashim, named Muhammad.” Abul Moheeb said: “I want to meet him.” They said: “There is none in Quraish having lesser fame than him. He is called the orphan of Quraish. He has come to market the goods of Khadija, a lady of Quraish. And he is doing it on a remuneration. What do you want with him?” Abul Moheeb said: “Show him to me.” They said: “We left him in the bazaar of Busra.” They were having this conversation when the Prophet was seen approaching.

When the monk looked at the Prophet, before the people could identify him, he exclaimed: It is he! And he took the Prophet aside and spoke to him in private for a long time. Then he kissed the Prophet on his forehead. He took out something from his sleeve and wanted to give it to the Prophet and the Prophet declined to accept. Finally the monk came to the people and said: Accept my advice. Remain attached to him and obey him because by Allah, this young man is the last prophet and he will soon be appointed to the ministry. He will call the people to the saying of ‘There is no god, except God’ (monotheism).

When he declares his prophethood you must harken to him without any hesitation. Then the monk asked if the uncle of this youth, Abu Talib had a son named Ali. He said: Either he is born or will be born soon. He would be the first to bring faith in this prophet. I have read that he shall be his successor.

He would be the chief of the Arabs, the divine scholar of this Ummah and the Dhulqarnain of the last prophet. He shall display excellent swordsmanship in battles. In the high heavens his name is Ali. On the Judgment Day he will have the highest station after the Prophet. The angels call him by the titles of ‘the successful one’, ‘the illuminated’ and ‘the brave’. He shall conquer wherever he turns and among the companions of your Prophet he will be more famous than the sun of the sky.”