Moral Values Of Quran: A Commentary on Surah Hujuraat

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Moral Values Of Quran: A Commentary on Surah Hujuraat Author:
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Quran Interpretation

Moral Values Of Quran: A Commentary on Surah Hujuraat

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Ayatullah Sayyid Abdul Husayn Dastghaib Shirazi
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
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Moral Values Of Quran: A Commentary on Surah Hujuraat
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Moral Values Of Quran: A Commentary on Surah Hujuraat

Moral Values Of Quran: A Commentary on Surah Hujuraat

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Table of Contents

Text of the Holy Sura Hujurat 11

A Synopsis of Surah Hujurat 14

1) Personality of the Last Prophet 14

2) Regret in Believing in the Word of a Transgressor 14

3) Reconciliation between Muslims 14

4) Find and Remove the Roots of differences 15

5) Apparent Islam and inward Faith 15

6) Faith is God’s Bounty 16

Simple explanation for common understanding 16

Part 1 18

Thankfulness for the bounty of life and perception of Ramadhan 18

Salawat, the Best Recitation 18

Explanation of Surah Hujurat is appropriate 19

Importance and Bounties of the holy month of Ramadhan 19

Organs are restrained from Prohibited deeds 19

Month of wakefulness and self-realization 20

A full belly is not in harmony with spiritualism 20

Bonds of relationship with kinsfolk and Divine Mercy 21

Obscenity and adultery cuts off family relations 21

Industry without Spiritualism 21

Give and feed to whatever extent possible 22

Charity proportional with possessions 22

They are righteous in the other world also 23

He hosts guests on his grave 23

He gives his horse to the poor during famine 24

Selling books for Hajj pilgrimage 24

The alm-givers will intercede tomorrow 25

Remembering hunger and thirst of the Judgment Day 25

A talk between Hajjaj and a fasting shepherd 25

Raise hands for supplication 26

Remember the thirst of Husain 27

Notes 28

Part 2 29

Observance of fast and recitation of Qur’an 29

Three main subjects in Surah Hujurat 29

No one has a right to go ahead of the master 29

Expediency before God and Prophet 30

Three commands which Umar altered 30

Another innovation in the Morning Azan 30

An unrecognized tradition of Prophet 31

Gives preference to his own likes 32

Secrecy even after separation 33

God is Hearing, Wise 33

Do not raise your voice higher than the voice of Prophet 33

Respect for Prophet in every aspect 34

Sign of Piety in heart is discipline 34

Fire does not burn him 35

Doing good to Sayyids brings good of this world and Hereafter 36

Discipline of Abul Fadhl, a perfect example 37

Notes 38

Part 3 39

Deprivation of bounties of the presence of the Prophet 39

Apostasy nullifies deeds 39

One who hurts the Prophet nullifies his good deeds 40

Piety of the heart and the body 41

Understanding the greatness of His creation results in the Piety of Heart 42

Both an elephant and a mosquito are from one mechanism 43

Signs of Muhammad are also honorable 43

Notes 45

Part 4 46

Be patient till the Prophet comes out 46

Christian allegations against the Prophet 46

The duties are only for the benefit of Muslims 47

Learn true abstinence from Muhammad 47

On the ground like slaves and servants 48

Always first in Saluting 48

Never rode when companions walked 49

The Prophet did not demand a particular food item 50

Need of Anas 50

Seek the praised status (Maqam-e-Mahmood) from God 51

Attain nearness to Allah through prostration 52

Khums also is for the Muslims themselves 53

Notes 55

Part 5 56

He fetches people from love for world to love for God 56

The reward of Prophethood for the faithful themselves: Love for the near kindered 57

Fasting strengthens spirit 57

Charity cultivates generosity 58

Patience brings growth and draws limitless reward 58

Observance of rights is bilateral 59

Salute the faithful 59

Sayyids should also respect the Muslims 60

Sayyids should all the more refrain from sinning 61

Rights of spouses are reciprocal 61

I feel better among women 62

The rights of parents and children too are reciprocal 63

Notes 63

Part 6 64

Do not react to the words of a Transgressor 64

Deprivation from attending scholars 64

Walid the transgressor and Bani Mustaliq 65

Eternal discredit for Uthman 66

Scholars were martyred due to such mischief 67

Greatness of declaring God’s oneness 68

Dying with love for the Master of the Age 69

Weep for yourself in advance 69

Notes 70

Part 7 71

Friday is a holiday 71

Ali’s words in the Basra Market 71

Do not forget Allah; be thankful to Him 72

Enjoinment of Piety in the Friday sermon 72

Piety both in friendship and enmity 72

Reconciliation between parties is compulsory 73

Reconciliation between a man and his wife brought about by Amirul Momineen 74

Reconciliation between a man and his wife brought about by Amirul Momineen 75

Imam’s expenditure on reconciliation between Shias 75

Advent of Imam Mahdi for reconciliation 76

Take benefit of Repentance 78

Notes 78

Part 8 80

Khalid goes for investigation 80

Undue benefit of people’s ignorance 80

You are obedient not commanders 82

God sent faith for you 82

Sumaiyah was bravery personified 83

Sins are bitter to the Faithful 83

God makes you taste the sweetness of Faith 84

Delight of faith for those who want it 84

Nothing until you ask for it 85

A thief, while sinning, gives guidance to others 85

Imam Zainul Abideen addresses Abdul Malik Ibn Marwan 87

‘Amen’ of a sinner is better than the prayer of a worshipper 87

Trembling of Hurr on the Day of Ashura 88

Notes 89

Part 9 90

Religion is dearer than life to a faithful believer 90

The Faithful feels disgusted due to sins 90

Reach truth through practice 92

Relation of these two verses with preceding and succeeding ones 92

Greatness of Imam’s army 93

God takes pride in worshippers at dawn 94

Weeping of a repentant is better than glorification by angels 95

Notes 95

Part 10 96

Witticism in the interpretation of this verse 96

Reconciliation between two groups of Muslim 97

Aws and Khazraj fight over urination of an ass 97

The war of Haider was a bounty for Iran 98

Constitutional riots, tyranny and secret news foretold by Ali 98

A pious person with power can make reform 99

Brotherhood and equality between Believers 100

Fulfilling the need of a Believer 102

Blessings lifted up due to corruption 103

Notes 104

Part 11 105

Acceptance of reconciliation and agreement is also obligatory 105

God accepts repentance 106

Islamic brotherhood is general 106

Defense of Islamic lands is a must for all 108

Do not speak bad of religious leaders 108

Observe rights of brotherhood 109

Mediator falls prey to corrupt fighters 109

Rights of brothers in faith 110

Be good to others as they are with you 111

Faithful friends, here and in Hereafter 112

Camel owners permission 113

Notes 113

Part 12 114

Believers are like a single body 114

Say Salam while visiting and meeting 114

Inquiry about health etc for thanksgiving 115

Shake hands and hug 115

Safiya hosts the Holy Prophet 116

Abu Dharr visits Salman 116

Blind in the house of the host 117

Manners for attending meetings 117

He deafens himself for lifetime 118

Faithful jinn comes to help faithful men 118

Helping a believer equals ten rounds of Ka’ba 119

Equality with a Believer 120

Muhammad and Ali like the two brothers Musa and Haroon 120

Making brothers is a recommended deed 121

Example on self-sacrifice 122

Notes 122

Part 13 123

Material and spiritual aspects in social life 123

Satanic obsessions, a result of loneliness, for loneliness 124

The things which join hearts are ordered 125

Give importance of Islamic greetings 125

Elements causing disintegration are prohibited 126

Ummul Momineen Safiya, with Ayesha and Hafsa 126

The unknown Abdul Ghaffar who prayed behind Imam-e-Zaman 127

May be he has friendship with God 127

Compensate your oppressions through repentance 128

Notes 129

Part 14 130

Salawat and rescuing in times of trouble 130

Knowing God and worshipping (serving) God, aim of creation 131

Reflection of his radiance, wherever you see 132

Man’s prosperity is in knowing Almighty Allah 133

Water carrier recognized God through his water skin 134

Pessimism and mistrust destroys mans life 134

A Melancholic youth turns into a cow 135

Melancholy has overtaken most people today 136

Violence after watching films 137

God’s grace in Marital life 138

The dog’s white and strong fangs 139

A Generous disbeliever is better than a miser Muslim 139

Damascus Police Chief, a true Shia 141

Imam Sadiq’s message a courtier of Mansoor 141

Repent for the past 142

Kindness of Imam Hasan while eating 143

Notes 143

Part 15 145

Thabit recalls a Muslim’s mother in bad light 145

Akrama, son of Abu Jahl, better than Muslims 146

Maybe the mocked one is better than you 146

Forgiven for giving water to a dog 148

Christian youths become rightly guided through Qur’an 148

Guidance for some and misguidance for others 149

End of a learned Haji 150

Pray, so that we die in a good condition 150

Three things hidden in three things 151

Those whose grief will be more 152

The lowly became high 152

Notes 153

Part 16 154

They mocked her for her short stature and a lengthy dress 154

To disgrace others is to disgrace oneself 154

All are to meet the same one and hence are equal 155

Spiritual connection of Shias with Ali 155

Every action has its reaction 156

Whatever you do, you do to yourself 156

Do not call one another names 156

It is must to repent after sinning 157

I have oppressed myself 157

Suspecting a believer is unlawful 158

Spying is also not permissible 158

Suspicion is from one’s own evil 159

Prevent suspicion by having a good opinion 160

Calling someone Sufi is also suspicion 160

Imam Kazim and Shaqeeq Balkhi 160

Satan’s regret for misguiding a believer 162

Notes 163

Part 17 164

Satan’s regret for misguiding a believer 164

Conjecture, between certainty and doubt 164

Unwise worshipper and his deeds of less value 165

Everything is very well in its place 166

The spacious atmosphere of the outer world, protects life 166

Death, a great bounty of God 167

Remove the spectacles of ill-view 167

Death, a preliminary to reception by God 168

Death is a decoration for man 169

Ali is happy and pleased with death 169

Help the legatee of Muhammad or give death 170

Notes 171

Part 18 172

Having a bad opinion about God is disbelief and polytheism 172

Creation of man for friendship with God 172

Elegance of Yusuf and the Houries of Paradise 172

The fragrance of flowers in this world and the heavenly smells 173

Divine mercy is found everywhere 174

Fire is necessary for the stubborn 174

Ali blinded his enemy 175

Insulting Ali makes one worthy to be killed 176

Of God! Your mercy is open river to all 177

Satan gives oath of Ali to Almighty God 177

Two advices from Satan for this world and for the hereafter 178

Ungratefulness causes drought 179

Hurul Eieen makes one remember God 180

Notes 180

Part 19 182

The real gift is irretrievable 182

Three bounties higher than every bounty 182

Remembrance of death removes futile pleasures 183

Deniers of prophethood have a bad opinion about God 183

Human intelligence is unable to comprehend Good and Evil 184

No circumspection in law-making 184

Dreams cannot be accepted as proofs 185

Only the eye of the Prophet and the Imam can see 185

God took away Ali, while Muawiyah and Amr Aas remained alive 186

If He retaliates none will remain alive 187

It is life to be killed on the Path of Truth 188

Ali longed for martyrdom 188

Happiness and hardship are relative 189

The Worldly Furnace is a Sanatorium of Hell 190

A drop of tear cools down oceans of fire 190

Notes 191

Part 20 192

The job of Ali was admonition 192

God and His Prophet recognized Ali 192

Literal name and original name, sign and word 192

All Creatures are Signs of God 193

Ali is the great Sign, a Perfect word and the Great Name of Allah 194

Birth in Ka’ba, Martyrdom in Mosque 194

Hands towards heavens even in infancy 194

Supernatural strength 195

Pregnancy of a virgin girl and Amirul Momineen’s judgment 196

Ali’s strength was supernatural 197

Ali could not be distinguished from common people 197

Ali’s knowledge, a manifestation of God’s knowledge 198

Arbitration about distribution of camels 198

A Guest who paid eight dirhams 199

A peep into the higher world 199

Forgiving despite having full powers 200

Kindness despite bravery 200

Muawiyah hears the events of Ali 201

Pleasure in this world, detainment in the Hereafter 202

A child learns from the father’s flight 202

Everyone’s sin in his own limit 203

Last words of Amirul Momineen 203

And 204

Notes 204

Part 21 205

Inner signs are indeed amazing 205

The created did not know about the Creator 205

Waking up when he wants 205

Dreams: Samples of reward and punishment in Grave 207

The dead appeal to the living 207

Surrounding by the soul is a sample of surrounding by God 208

Different engagements do not restrain the soul 209

Self of Ali is the biggest sign of self-related signs 209

Angels seek fragrance 209

Ali faced the army alone 210

At the bedside of thousands, every moment 210

Ali with his own bier 211

Pious souls at the burial of Ali 211

Ali’s grave and hunting animals 212

More protective than the helper of locusts 213

Radiance of Ali’s grave illuminates the surrounding graves 214

The palm extended towards God is filled up 214

Once again Husain asks women to be patient 214

Notes 214

Part 22 216

Ignorance is no excuse 216

Do not take it in the wrong sense 216

Circle of fire and running of trees 217

He did not respond because he was deaf 217

Having a bad opinion about a friend of God is dangerous 217

Reality of backbiting and vain excuses 219

Ousted from God’s shelter 220

They do not observe the rights of God 221

Paradise is prohibited for a backbiter 223

Injuries of Husain on Ashura Day 223

Notes 223

Part 23 224

Four evidences which show that backbiting is prohibited 224

Fifty narrations regarding backbiting 224

Backbiting eats up religion like leprosy 224

Towards good through good opinion about God 225

Character building by practice during youth time 225

Refraining from backbiting, cause of every good 226

Bad behavior brings punishment to Saad in grave 226

Backbiting overturns good and bad deeds 227

Gifts in exchange of backbiting and cursing 227

Admonition by an adviser is not backbiting 228

No Backbiting in open sins 228

Seeking justice is not backbiting 229

Ahmed the orphan and Ibn Tolon’s slave girl 229

Yusuf and Zulaikha, a lesson of the time 231

Notes 232

Part 24 233

Comparing backbiting with eating of dead 233

Collective benefit 233

Pious Shaykh, yet known as unclean 234

Refer a definite sin to yourself 235

Corruptions resulting from backbiting scholars 235

Abu Bakr and Umar backbite Salman and Usamah 236

Amazing effects of five things 236

The happiness of mourners is higher than their grief 238

Notes 239

Part 25 240

Qur’an for the good of this world and the hereafter 240

Qur’anic Commands and worldly comforts 240

Imam Sajjad’s words to a mischief maker 241

Restrain yourself from the beginning 241

Pious looking backbiting 241

Do not pride on one another 242

Being proud of race is also ignorance 243

Harmful interruption is also prohibited 243

Sinister effects of telephonic talks 243

God created all from a father and a mother 244

Disbeliever’s insult Bilal, the Muezzin of the Prophet 245

Abbas and Shayba show pride to Ali 245

The words of Imam Hasan were no boastings 246

Words of Imam Sajjad before Asmai 247

Notes 248

Part 26 249

All are from same father and mother 249

Nocturnal emission reminds one of his origins 250

Slave, yet God’s friend 251

You have bought a slave, not created him 252

So no one must be proud 252

Marriage of Safiya with Miqdad 252

The engineering craft of the honeybee without tools 252

Intercession of the righteous on Judgment Day 253

Bani Asad arrives in Medina 254

Faith is the awakening of the heart 254

Faith has not yet entered your hearts 255

They did not come up for jihad 255

A deed done for God is not little 256

Between Yazid and Husain 256

Notes 257

Part 27 258

Sit at the bank of a river and observe the passing of life 258

Gifts for the dead on Friday eve 258

Sign of Faith 259

A believer has no uncertainty in his belief 260

Illiterate but with an enlightened heart 261

Threw away impure food articles but did not sell them 261

Destruction for the wealthy except those who spend 262

Muslims do not oblige Allah 263

God has obliged you 264

Charity of Husain, an example for others 265

Notes 266

Part 28 267

Faith in origin and end is the basis of all religions 267

Inclination towards something amounts to having faith in it 267

Hereafter requires prior preparation 268

Models of Faith 269

Do not turn again to lust 271

Friendship with one another brings bliss 271

God deserves to be more affectionate 272

Wife’s obedience to husband for God’s sake 272

Farewell to the dear month of Ramadhan 273

Hours of our life 273

Recite the prayer of farewell 274

Notes 274