The Conception of the Sahaba's Ultimate Decency And the Political Authority in Islam

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The Conception of the Sahaba's Ultimate Decency And the Political Authority in Islam Author:
Translator: A Group of Scholars
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Debates and Replies
ISBN: 964-438-091-6

The Conception of the Sahaba's Ultimate Decency And the Political Authority in Islam

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Ahmed Hussein Ya'qub
Translator: A Group of Scholars
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: ISBN: 964-438-091-6
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The Conception of the Sahaba's Ultimate Decency And the Political Authority in Islam
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The Conception of the Sahaba's Ultimate Decency And the Political Authority in Islam

The Conception of the Sahaba's Ultimate Decency And the Political Authority in Islam

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
ISBN: 964-438-091-6

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Chapter 2 - The Pre-Adamic Divine Preparations for Nominating the Prophet's Successor

Before the Birth of Adam

God, the Exalted, willed the Arab Prophet's being the final apostle, and Islam's being the final divine religion. He, the Elevated, also willed the Prophet's taking the charge of promoting this religion by a solicitation and a government led directly by him. Through the stages of solicitation and government, the Prophet could evidently proclaim Islam hypothetically, and apply that hypothesis in such a way that the most diminutive hiddens were clearly revealed, and the total features were expounded. That Mohammedan proclamation was the like of a visual, audible and actable slow representational art.

Pursuant to God's will, the progression of the Prophet and his successor was to be occurring concurrently, and to be running coincidentally so that the Prophet should proclaim Islam, be its base and establish the government. Then, he should leave to God and hand his banner to his successor to continue in advancing in the same trend, bearing the same belief. This was the bright picture sketched by the Divine Care and exhibited in the believers' mentalities desiring that they should bring its implementation to view intentionally. The reciprocity between the Prophet and his successor was to be suitable enough to be a brilliant exemplar and style of the conventional fraternity fellowship. That reciprocity, likewise, portrays the nature of the relation between the ancestors and their descendants and the leader and his followers in Islam.

The Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) states: "Fourteen thousand years before Adam's being created, Ali and I were a light between the hands of Allah, the Elevated. When Adam was created, that light was divided into two parts. One was I and the other was Ali."[1] It was God who created the two lights and made them in the same progression, then distributed the roles between them. In addition, it was God, the Elevated, who took a divine look at people of the earth and picked out two men; The Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him and his family) and his son­in­law and successor. This divine process of election is considered as one of the most evident authentic facts.[2]

In Front of the Solicitation

The Prophet was a fetus when his father died. Abdul­Muttelib, the grandfather, had him in his charge. This responsibility was transferred to Abd Menaf­bn­Abdil­Muttelib, the Prophet's uncle whom was called Abu­Talib. This Abu­Talib was the good­hearted uncle of the Prophet and the father of Ali, his successor. In his youth, the Prophet married a noble wealthy lady named Khadija bnt­Khuweilid. Hence, he had his separate house. As he intended to relieve his destitute uncle, Abd Menaf, the Prophet had one of his children in his charge. It was the Divine Care's will that that child was Ali, the Prophet's successor. So, the child was brought up by his cousin. They were never disassociated till God endowed prophesy to Mohammed. Ali, in fact, was coherent to the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) till death.

Following the Prophesy

On Monday, the Prophet was practically given the divine missive. On Thursday, Ali embraced Islam. Hence, he went on cohering to the Prophet. They were together in Mecca as well as Al­Madina. They lived in the same house all over the Prophet's lifetime. Mohammed brought the truth and Ali accepted it. (And he who brings the truth and - that - who accepts it as the truth. These are they that guard against evil. 39:33)[3]

Ali did neither dispute the Prophet nor was he unyielding to him. He was believing and giving credence to the entire words of the Prophet. He was the finest knight in the Prophet's battles totally. Hence he was named 'the grand truster - Siddiq' and 'the greatest distinguisher - Faruq' by authentic doctrinal texts.[4]

Describing his relation with the Prophet at that period, Ali says: "Whilst I was newborn, he - the Prophet - placed me in his bosom. He was embracing me to his breast, caring for me by putting me in his bed, touching me to his body and smelling me his sweat. He had been chewing food before he was providing it to me. He did never notice any lie in my speech or any flaw in my manner. I was wont to pursue him like a child­camel's ensuing its mother. On every new day, he was elevating me a mark of his morals and ordering me of taking it as a guide. In Harra, I saw him while none else could see. In that time, no single house gathered embracers of Islam saving the Apostle of Allah, Khadija and I, the third of them. I could see the illumination of revelation and mission, and smell the odor of prophesy."[5]

Qethm­bn­Al­Abbas was asked how Ali had inherited the Prophet alone. He answered: "He was the foremost, among us, in catching him and the most adherent to him."[6]

Declaring the Succession After the Declaration of Prophesy

Just after the revelation of the Holy Verse: (And warn your nearest relations. 26:214), the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) spoke in the meeting of the sons of Abdul­Muttelib: "O sons of Abdul­Muttelib! I do not see a young man from the Arabs introduce to his people a thing better than what I am conveying to you. I am conveying the good of this world and the Hereafter. My Lord has ordered me of calling upon you. Which one of you will uphold me in this advocacy, and thus he shall be my brother, inheritor and successor?" Ali narrated: "The entire clique retarded. I, the youngest among them, said: 'O Prophet of Allah! I shall be your backer in this concern.' Then, he took me from the neck and said: 'This is surely my brother, inheritor and successor. You should listen and comply to him and..'"[7]

This is a doctrinal text telling of the Prophet's assigning Ali­bn­Abi­Talib as his inheritor and successor. The Prophet's traditions; words, deeds and signature, are part of the divine doctrine. No single report referred to any sort of repellency of this text. It is an authentic narrative. In his Al­Muraja'at, Al­Amili records: "bn­Jarir and Abu­Ja'far Al­Iskafi ruled of the ultimate authenticity of this narrative." Moreover, the narrative is too obvious to be misrepresented. Logically, representing explicit matters is impracticable.

It is most surely that the Prophet uttered only the words of which he had been ordered by a divine mandate before the clique of Abdul­Muttelib's sons. The Prophet should never speak out of desire; he only follows what is revealed to him. Consequently, he (peace be upon him and his family) should never nominate his inheritor and successor without referring to his Lord.

Declaring and Arranging for the Heir Apparent

1. The Credit

In the hearing of the Muslims, the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) addressed at Ali: "Your credit to me is as same as Aaron's to Moses. Yet, there is no prophet proceeding me."[8] According to this text, the Prophet had granted Ali the total credits Aaron had enjoyed except prophesy. Al­Amili expresses: "Excluding prophesy from the credits is an evident certification that the other credits are totally included." Among the most significant credits Aaron had enjoyed were his being Moses' aider, associate - in the affair of conveying the divine mission, representative and being obligatorily obeyed by people. These credits are evidenced by God's sayings: (And give me an aider from my family. Harun - Aaron, my brother. Strengthen my back by him. And associate him with me in my affair. 20:29­32), (And Musa - Moses - said to his brother Harun - Aaron: take Talkhissul­Mustedrak. Kenzul­Ummal, part.6 page392 hadith 6008, and page396 hadith 6045, and page392 hadith 6056, and page404 hadith 6104, and page408 hadith 6155. bn­Abil­Hadid's Sharhu Nahjil­Belagheh, vol.3 page255.

my place among my people, and act well and do not follow the way of the mischief­makers. 7:142) and (He said: You are indeed granted your petition, O Musa - Moses.20:36).

Accordingly, Ali is the Prophet's successor and heir apparent. This hadith of Manzila - credit - is one of the most authentic traditions. It is reported so continuously that it was narrated by Muawiya even, the head of the despotic faction. Actually, the Prophet repeated this position of Ali tens of times.

2. The Fraternity

In order that the ring established by the divine doctrine is firmly restricted, God determined an actual brotherly relationship between the Prophet and Ali. This relationship is an unprecedented honor and a standing none could attain. Before, as well as after, the immigration to Yathrib, the Prophet declared this brotherly relationship[9] and affirmed it several times in several occasions so that no Muslim would forget.[10] The following hadiths are cited as examples on this brotherly relationship:

The Prophet stated: "A good tidings I have received from my Lord concerning my brother and cousin, and my daughter; God has married Fatima to Ali."[11]

After Fatima had been wedded to Ali, the Prophet addressed at Ummu­Aymen: "Call forth my brother." "Do you marry him your daughter while he is your brother?" wondered Ummu­Aymen. "Yes, I do.." answered the Prophet..[12]

The Prophet addressed at Ali: "You are my brother and my associate, and you shall be my companion in the Paradise."[13]

The Prophet addressed at Ali: "Regarding you, Ali, you are my brother and the father of my sons and a part of me and to me you belong.."[14]

Thusly, the Prophet continued repeating and declaring this brotherly relationship all over his lifetime. In his last moments, he ordered: "Summon my brother."[15] When Ali came, the Prophet asked him to be near to him. So, he began to converse with him till his blessed soul went out of his body.

On that account, Ali was used to saying: "I am the slave of Allah and the brother of His Apostle and the grand truster and the greatest distinguisher. None should say it after me but a liar."[16]

Within the most familiar matters generally known by people is that Ali had been the Prophet's brother before and after the immigration to Yathrib, and, likewise, the brotherly relationship between Abu­Bakr and Omar had been determined before and after the immigration. Later on, Abu­Bakr, in his will, designated Omar, his brother, as his heir apparent. This will was precisely implemented.

3. The Wilaya


As he (peace be upon him and his family) stated: "You are my successor in this world and in the Hereafter."[18] , the Prophet declared to the Muslims that Ali should be his successor. The Muslims, however, perceived so when the Prophet addressed at Ali in another occasion: "After me, you are the leader of every Muslim."[19]

One day, The Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) assigned Ali­bn­Abi­Talib as the commander of a phalanx. As they went back bearing spoils besides triumph, Ali dedicated a bondmaid to himself. They denied so and complained before the Prophet. "Ali deserves more than this bondmaid. He is your leader after me." expressed the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family).[20] Repeatedly, the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) was declaring: "He whosesoever master was I, Ali is being his master." He, once, said it in the presence of one hundred thousand Muslims. Moreover, the Prophet's orders of the necessity of showing loyalty to Ali were too evident to be denied. He also expounded upon the necessity of that loyalty and its significance and effects in this world and the Hereafter. He showed that loyalty to Ali is as same as loyalty to him - the Prophet, and cherishing to Ali is as same as cherishing to him. And bearing malice to Ali is as same as bearing malice to the Prophet. However, being loyal to the Prophet is as same as being loyal to Allah.

Among the rulings decided by the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) is the following: "He whoever intends to imitate my lifetime and dies like my death and lodges in the Paradise of Eternity which my Lord promised, should be loyal to Ali­bn­Abi­Talib. He shall neither take you out of guidance nor shall he take you in deviation."[21]

Wahab­bn­Hamzeh relates: During my accompanying Ali in a journey, I noticed a sort of cruelty. When I complained so before the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family), he advised: "Say not such a thing about Ali. He shall be your master after me."[22]

Showing Loyalty and Affection to Ali is Estimated As Same As Showing Loyalty and Affection to Allah

Once, the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) addressed a harangue at his companions: "I do promote every one, who believed and trusted me, to stick on loyalty to Ali­bn­Abi­Talib. He whoever shows loyalty to him is estimated as same as showing loyalty to me. And showing loyalty to me is showing loyalty to Allah. And he whoever shows affection for him is estimated as same as showing affection for me. And showing affection for me is showing affection for Allah. And he whoever bears malice to him is estimated as same as bearing malice to me. And bearing malice to me is bearing malice to Allah, the Exalted."[23]

On another day, the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) stated: "I promote every one, who believed and trusted me, to stick on loyalty to Ali­bn­Abi­Talib. Surely, being loyal to him is seen as same as being loyal to me. And being loyal to me is as same as being loyal to Allah."[24]

The Consecutive Declarations and Arrangements for Ali's Next Leadership Were God's Mandate

For maintaining Ali's next leadership, the Verses (Only Allah is your Wali and His Apostle and those who believe, those who keep prayers and pay the poor rate while they bow. And whoever takes Allah and his Apostle and those who believe for guardiance, then surely the party of Allah are they that shall be triumphant. 5:55­6), were revealed.

These Verses were revealed for Ali who gave alms while he was performing the ritual genuflection of a prayer. The Verses, also, were regarded as a response to the Prophet's supplication: "And give me an aider from my family; Ali. Strengthen my back by him.."[25]

Chapter 3 - The Wali is the Master, the Imam and the Leader

The Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) stated: "Allah revealed to me three attributes imputed to Ali exclusively. He is the master of the Muslims, the Imam of the God­fearing and the leader of the bright­faced, the shining."[26]

On another occasion, the Prophet said to his companions: "Allah has revealed to me that Ali is the master of the Muslims, the guide of the God­fearing and the leader of the bright­faced, the shining."[27]

Before the attendee, the Prophet addressed at Ali: "Welcome, master of the Muslims and Imam of the God­fearing."[28]

Once, while he was convening his companions, the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) foretold: "The coming man, who will enter from this door, is the Imam of the God­fearing, the master of the Muslims, the principal of the religion, the last of the (prophets') inheritors and the leader of the bright­faced, the shining." Presently, Ali entered from that door. The Prophet stood up and embraced him.[29]

The Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) explicated Ali's standing before his companions. He said: "Allah has surely bound me to a covenant respecting Ali. As I asked Him to show it to me, He, the Elevated, said: Ali is indeed the banner of guidance, the Imam of My confidants and the illumination of My obedient ones."[30]

In a speech addressed at the Ansar, the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) said: "O the Ansar! Should I guide you to what shall protect you against deviation for good if only you adhere to?" "Yes, you should, Allah's Apostle!" they answered. "It is this Ali. You should love him for your loving me. And you should honor him for your honoring me. It was most surely Gabriel, the Angel, who conveyed to me this God's mandate I have just ordered you of." the Prophet expressed.[31]

One day, the Prophet asked the attendees to summon "Ali, the master of the Arabs." "Is it not you the master of the Arabs?" wondered A'isheh. "I am the master of Adam's children, and Ali is the master of the Arabs." commentated the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family). When Ali came, the Prophet summoned the Ansar and addressed at them: "O the Ansar! Should I guide you to what shall protect you against deviation for good if only you adhere to?" "Yes, you should, Allah's Apostle!" they answered. "It is this Ali. You should love him for your loving me. And you should honor him for your honoring me. It was most surely Gabriel, the Angel, who conveyed to me this God's mandate I have just ordered you of." the Prophet expressed.[32]

While a good number of the Sahaba - the Prophet's companions - were in attendance, the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) addressed at Ali: "Looking at your face, Ali, is - a sort of - worshipping. You are a master in this world and a master in the hereafter. He is bearing devotion to me that whoever bears devotion to you. My devotee is, in fact, God's devotee. Your enemy is my enemy. My enemy is, in fact, God's enemy. Woe is those who bear malice against you."[33]

The Most Consequential Objective Qualifications Enjoyed By the Leader Succeeding the Prophet

As an indication to Ali's knowledgeability, the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) stated before his companions: "I am the city of knowledge, and Ali is the door. He should see the door first, that whoever seeks knowledge."[34]

Once, the Prophet said to his companions: "I am the house of wisdom, and Ali is the door."[35] For several times, the Prophet asserted: "I am the city of wisdom, and Ali is the door."[36] He (peace be upon him and his family) also asserted: "Ali is the door to my knowledge. After me, he shall be settling questions of what I have been asked to communicate to my people. Cherishing him is creed. Despising him is hypocrisy."[37]

Before the Sahaba, the Prophet addressed at Ali: "Next to me, You shall be settling questions of what my nation will dispute about."[38]

Showing Ali's standing, the Prophet said: "At me, Ali enjoys the same degree I enjoy at my Lord."[39]

The Prophet also said: "My hand and Ali's are the same with respect to justice."[40]

Ali was wont to say: "By Allah I swear, there is no single revealed Verse I lack the information regarding the purpose, the place and the point of its revelation. My Lord has bestowed me a (perfect) heart and intellect and a speaking honest tongue."[41]

He was also used to stating: "Inquire me about the Book of Allah. There is no single Verse I lack the information about its revelation; whether it was at night, at daylight, in a plain or on a mountain."[42]

Ahmed­bn­Hanbal, the Imam of the Hanbalite sect, said: "No one of the Prophet's companions was enjoying merits as much as Ali's."[43] bn­Abbas said: "No one was intended by Verses of Allah's Book as much as Ali." On another occasion, bn­Abbas said: "Three hundred Quranic Verses were purposed at Ali." He also said: "Ali was the prince and the celebrity of every (O Ye who believed!) revealed by Allah. Abu­Bakr, as well as Omar, was composing poetry. But Ali was the most experienced in this field."[44]

Let us close this paragraph by mentioning the following hadith:

The Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) stated: "Ali is being with the Quran, and the Quran is being with Ali. They shall never be separated till they join me on the Divine Pool."[45]

Ali's Leadership and Succeeding the Prophet is A Religious Question that Belongs to Believing in this Religion.

Here is the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) stating: "Ali­bn­Abi­Talib is the door of 'forgiveness'! He is reckoned as believer that whoever enters from that door. While those who find a way out of it, are disbelievers."[46]

Let us take a deep glance at this decisive doctrinal text:

The Prophet said: "Ali is a part of me. I am a part of Ali. None should carry my charges saving me or Ali."[47]

Before his companions, the Prophet addressed at Ali: "O Ali! He whoever desists from me is decided as desisting from Allah. Those who desist from you, Ali, are desisting from me."[48]

He (peace be upon him and his family), also states: "I am the forewarner, and Ali is the guide. By you, Ali, the guided - to the right path - shall be led."[49]

The Prophet spoke to his companions: "This, Ali, and I shall be the attesters on this people on the Day of Resurrection."[50]

The Prophet said: "On the portal of the Paradise there is inscribed: There is no god but Allah. Mohammed is the Apostle of Allah. Ali is the brother of His Apostle."[51]

Similarly, the Prophet said: "On the leg of the Divine Throne, there is inscribed: There is no god but Allah. Mohammed is the Apostle of Allah. I support him by Ali. I aid him by Ali."[52]

It is deserving to take a deep glance at the last words of the Prophet's harangue at the Ansar: "…It was most surely Gabriel, the Angel, who conveyed to me this God's mandate I have just ordered you of."[53]

Allah's Confidant and the Apostle's Successor is the Knight of Islam

During the entire armed conflicts between the believers and the disbelievers, the star of Ali was highly twinkling. He became the unique knight of Islam. He was totally unprecedented. Few moments before the breakout of the battle of Jamal, Ali spoke with Talha and Az­Zubeir so that he would provide his argument against them. He said: "I adjure A'isheh, by God and the Apostle of God, to witness believably for the following four matters; is she able of naming a single man from Quraish having a claim greater than that I have towards the Prophet? Is she able of naming a single man preferred to me in the concern of precedence to Islam. Is she able of naming a single man preferred to me in the concern of protecting the Prophet against the disbelievers of the Arab, using this very sword and this very spear…"[54]

Hamzeh­bn­Abdil­Muttelib was the first Muslim to whom the first pennon in Islam had been given. During the entire battles of Islam, the bearers of the pennon were either Hamzeh or Ali. This was all over the lifetime of the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family).[55] The first men who forwarded for fighting in Badr, the first battle of the Muslims, were Hamzeh, Ali and Ubeidullah. Ali was the headmost knight after the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) in the entire battles of Islam. Hence, the Prophet stated: "Tomorrow, I will be handing the pennon to a man whom is liked by God and His messenger, and likes God and His messenger. God shall conquer by his hands."

People passed that night in excitement. The next morning, the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) asked for Ali­bn­Abi­Talib. "He is sightless." Some answered. "Lead him to me." the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) ordered. As Ali was before the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family), he asked him to be close to him. He salivated at his eyes and wiped them with the hand. Ali stood up as if he had never been affected by ophthalmia. Hence, Ali was given the pennon and he conquered Kheiber.[56]

Close to Kheiber fortress, Ali dislodged the great portal and used it as an armor. He kept it in his hand while he was fighting. He threw it only after the conquest of Kheiber. Eight individuals could not even move that portal.[57]

In the battle of Khandaq, none, other than Ali, could answer Amr­bn­Abdi Wudd who was shouting at the Muslims: "My voice has gone due to my numerous frequent calls for a combatant from the Muslims' party." Who could taste that hero death other than Ali­bn­Abi­Talib?[58]

Ask Badr, Uhud, Kheiber, Hunein and the whole places at which the Muslims battled the disbelievers. You shall never find a single event at which Ali or any individual belonging to the Prophet's immaculate household, abscond or retard from defending Islam. He is definitely a liar that whoever claims of having been standing in the face of Ali, offering sacrifice more than him or fighting in a way better than that adopted by him in the whole conflicts.

The heroism Ali had enjoyed made him the most twinkling star and the preferable knight of Islam.

It was Ali who killed Al­Aas­bn­Sa'd­bn­Al­Aas, Handhala­bn­Abi­Sufian, Al­Aas­bn­Husham­bn­Al­Mugheera and the maternal uncle of Omar­bn­Al­Khattaab!![60]

It was Ali, Hamzeh and Ubeidullah, the Prophet's relatives, who faced Utbeh, Sheibeh and Al­Waleed, the masters of the Umayids, and killed them. This might have been one of the greatest reasons beyond the Umayids' bearing malice against Ali and the Prophet's household.

As an example on God's evaluating the deeds of this unprecedented knight, the Prophet stated: "Certainly, Ali­bn­Abi­Talib's combating Amr­bn­Abdi Wudd on the day of Khandaq is indeed favorable to the entire good deeds done by my commonalty till the Day of Resurrection."[60]

Chapter 4 - Allah's Marrying His Confidant and His Apostle's Successor

Fatima­bnt­Mohammed is the mistress of the ladies of the world[61] and the nearest to the Prophet whose satisfaction is attained only when she is satisfied, and whose ire is arisen when she is irate. This matter is unanimously agreed upon by the entire Muslims.[62] Every noble and celebrity wished if he could have had her in marriage. She was the exemplar of the ideal woman. Numerous suitors asked for her hand, but the Prophet refused. The same thing happened with Abu­Bakr and Omar[63] who said, referring at the Prophet in this regard: "He is waiting for his Lord's instruction."

The Good Tidings

One day, the good tidings of Fatima's marriage came to the Prophet who conveyed it to his companions: "A good tidings I have received from my Lord concerning my brother and cousin, and my daughter; God has married Fatima to Ali."[64] On many occasions, the Prophet reminded Fatima of this divine grace. He also spoke about it many times before his companions. He (peace be upon him and his family), once, addressed at Fatima: "Are you not satisfied that God has selected two men from among people of the earth; the first is your father and the other is your groom?"[65]

She, once, complained to her father for marrying her to Ali while he was poor. The Prophet answered her: "Are you not satisfied that God has selected two men from among people of the earth; the first is your father and the other is your groom?"[66]

The Prophet visited his diseased daughter and asked her about her manners. "By God, my grief has been increasing, my destitution has been expanding and my ailment has been continuing." whimpered Fatima. Here, the Prophet said: "Are you not satisfied that I have married you to the principal Muslim, the most knowledgeable and the most self-possessed?"[67]

The Blessed Progeny

The Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) declared before the Muslims: "God has created each prophet's progeny from his own flank. My progeny is originated from Ali's."[68] "Every female's sons are belonged to their lineage saving Fatima's sons. I am their warden and I am their lineage and I am their father."[69] "Regarding you, Ali, you are my brother and the father of my sons…"[70] "This - Ali - is my brother and the son of my brother and my cousin and my son­in­law and the father of my sons…"[71]

It is not a matter of chance that the Prophet's progeny is restricted to Fatima's sons. The whole nation did realize well that the Prophet had no sons but Fatima's. With great pride, the Prophet was always repeating this saying before his companions: "This is Al­Hassan, my son. This is Al­Hussein, my son. It was God Who has chosen their names. They are the masters of the youth of the Paradise, and my basils among this nation."

In spite of the surpassing endeavors of terminating the Prophet's offspring, including the processes of poisoning Al­Hassan and assassinating Al­Hussein, twelve Imams, the last of whom was Al­Mahdi the messiah, descended from this blessed progeny.

The Habitation of the Prophet and His Successor

Even the matter of the lodging of the Prophet and his successor was organized by the Divine Care that attracted people's attention to this point for the purpose of discernibility.

In one of his harangues, the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) spoke: "I see there are some men feel something about the matter that I have lodged Ali in the mosque and displaced the others. By God I swear, it was not I who displaced them out of the mosque and lodged Ali. It was Allah Who displaced them and lodged Ali. Allah, the Elevated, revealed to Moses to take for their people houses to abide in Egypt and make these houses places of worship and keep up prayers. To me, Ali is indeed enjoying the same standing of Aaron to Moses. He is my brother. Except for him, none of you is licit to copulate with women in this mosque."[72]

Al­Abbas wondered his nephew, the Prophet, how he should take him out of the mosque and lodge Ali. "It was not I who displaced you out of the mosque and lodged Ali. It was Allah Who displaced you out and lodged Ali."[73]

A number of the Sahaba's houses had doors having prospect over the mosque. The Prophet ordered: "All these doors are to be crossed out except that of Ali's house." People, however, showed dislike against this procedure. Accordingly, the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) ascended the pulpit and orated:

"Praised and thanked be Allah".

As I ordered of eradicating these doors except that of Ali's house, you criticized. It was not I who closed or opened. It was but an instruction I was asked to carry out.[74] I have neither taken you out of the mosque out of my desire, nor have I neglected this order. I am but a restricted servant to be carrying out what I am ordered of. I follow only what is revealed to me.[75] Allah did reveal to Moses, His prophet, to construct a sanitary mosque in which none should lodge saving Moses and Aaron. Correspondingly, Allah did reveal to me to construct a sanitary mosque in which none should lodge saving Ali, my brother, and I.[76]

Ali is the Prophet's Disciple

Assertively, the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) declared that Ali should be his disciple. He said: "This one is my brother, disciple and successor." The familiar hadith of Ad­Dar has been decided as one of the most authentic traditions.[77] The Prophet, repeatedly, emphasized on Ali's being his disciple. He said: "Every prophet had a disciple and an heir. Ali is my disciple and heir."[78] "Every prophet had a disciple and an heir. My disciple and heir is Ali­bn­Abi­Talib."[79] "Indeed, my disciple and my trustful person and the best of whom I should allocate to fulfilling my promises and settling my debts is Ali­bn­Abi­Talib."[80]

A similar oration the Prophet addressed at Anas­bn­Malik: "O Anas! The coming man who shall enter from this door is the prince of the believers, the master of the Muslims, the leader of the bright­faced, the shining and the last of the prophets' disciples." Not too long after that speech, Ali entered… There is a considerable continuation of this hadith.[81]

The Prophet addressed at Fatima an alike speech: "O Fatima! Have you not been acquainted of the matter that Allah, the Elevated, scrutinized people of the earth and elected your father as the messaged prophet. And scrutinized them again and elected your groom. Then, He revealed to me to marry Ali to you and betake him as my disciple."[82]

Just after the Prophet's decease, Al­Hassan used the characteristic of discipleship in his argument when he spoke: "…I am the son of the Prophet and the son of his disciple."[83]

Ali's discipleship has been commonly mentioned in literature, especially in poetry and prose.[84] Jabir was used to saying: "I was informed by the disciple of the disciples…" referring to Ali.[85]

Denial of the Prophet's Nominating Ali As His Inheritor

Muslim and Al­Bukhari denied that the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) had willed of Ali's being his inheritor. They rested upon the report imputed to A'isheh, Ummul­Mu'minin. She claimed that the Prophet had not willed of anything, since he died while he was laying between her breast and neck, and was placed on her thigh. The familiarly authentic reports assert that the event of the Prophet's decease had not occurred in the previous form. Mentally, this event should not occur in this form. As a matter of fact, the Prophet died while he was on Ali's breast. Besides, tremendous efforts were exerted for the purpose of preventing the Prophet from explicating the general situation to his people. These efforts, however, succeeded in occluding him from recording what he was intending to. Al­Bukhari himself relates the following narrative to bn­Abbas:

"The Prophet willed of three matters; taking the disbelievers out of the Arab Peninsula, permitting the delegation in the same way he had adopted and …I forgot the third!!" In this very form, Al­Bukhari records this narrative.[86]

In addition, the form imputed to A'isheh about the Prophet's decease is not true. In fact, he departed this world while he was placed to Ali's chest. This fact is recognized by Omar­bn­Al­Khattaab. During his reign, the Sahaba were attendant when Ka'b asked about the last words the Prophet had said.

"You should address this question at Ali." answered Omar. Hence, Ali narrated the way of the Prophet's decease and the last words he had uttered… When the Prophet was moribund, he ordered: "Summon my brother!" They, consequently, summoned Ali. "Come near to me." the Prophet asked Ali and went on wording to him till his blessed soul went out.[87]

In brief words, the Prophet did not depart the life in the form imputed to A'isheh and taken as an evidence on denying the Prophet's will.

The Endowments Exclusively Enjoyed By the Leader and the Prophet's Successor

In the attendance of the Sahaba, the Prophet said: "O Ali! I am distinct from you in the matter of prophesy. Indeed, there shall be no prophesy after me. You are distinct from people in seven singularities about which no Quraishi individual can dispute you. They are: your being the foremost to believing in Allah, the most loyal to the covenant of Allah, the best accomplisher of mandates of Allah, the finest equalizer, the greatest upright, the most intelligent in issues and the most preferable to Allah."[88] "Ali is being with the Quran, and the Quran is being with Ali. They shall never be departed till they join me at the Divine Pool."[89] "Ali is being with the right, and the right is being with Ali. They shall never be departed till they join me at the Divine Pool on the Day of Resurrection."[90]

The Immunization of the Leader and the Prophet's Successor

In the presence of his companions, the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) addressed at Ali: "O Ali! He whoever desists from me is decided as desisting from Allah. Those who desist from you, Ali, are desisting from me."[91] "He is reviling at me that whoever reviles at Ali."[92] "Reviling at Ali is reviling at me. Reviling at me is reviling at Allah. He whoever reviles at Allah shall be forcibly cast off on his nasals in the Hell­fire."[93] "He is hurting me that whoever hurts Ali."[94] "He is cherishing me that whoever cherishes Ali. And he whoever despises him is despising me."[95]