The Conception of the Sahaba's Ultimate Decency And the Political Authority in Islam

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The Conception of the Sahaba's Ultimate Decency And the Political Authority in Islam Author:
Translator: A Group of Scholars
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Debates and Replies
ISBN: 964-438-091-6

The Conception of the Sahaba's Ultimate Decency And the Political Authority in Islam

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Ahmed Hussein Ya'qub
Translator: A Group of Scholars
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: ISBN: 964-438-091-6
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The Conception of the Sahaba's Ultimate Decency And the Political Authority in Islam
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The Conception of the Sahaba's Ultimate Decency And the Political Authority in Islam

The Conception of the Sahaba's Ultimate Decency And the Political Authority in Islam

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
ISBN: 964-438-091-6

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Table of Contents

Preface 15

Part 1 - Chapter 1 19

1. the Lexical Meaning of Sahaba 19

A. in Lexicons 19

B. in the Holy Quran 19

C. Induce the Quranic Verses for Providing for the Lexical Meaning 19

D. Lexical Aspects of the Idiom 19

2. Terminological Meaning of Sahaba 20

A. An Explanation of bn­Hajar's Definition 20

B. bn­Hajar's Estimation of this Definition 21

C. Means of Recognizing the Sahaba 21

D. The Entire People are Sahaba 21

Chapter 2 - Sunnis' Conception of the Sahaba's Ultimate Decency 24

The Sunni Scholars’ Argument Regarding this Conception 24

Tenor of Sunnis' Conception of the Sahaba's Ultimate Decency 24

Punition of Dissents of the Sahaba's Ultimate Decency Conception 25

The Mystery Beyond Such An Extreme Harshness 25

Recall 25

An Attempt for Mitigating Such A Hyperbole 25

Denying and Eradicating this Attempt 25

Effects of this Opinion of Generalization 26

Wonderment and End Result 26

Criticism of the Conception 27

Unanimity and Discrepancy 27

An Endeavor for Reconciling 27

The Benefit of Such A Classification 28

Discrimination is A Divine Norm 29

Evidence of Legal Discrimination 29

Classes of Sahaba 29

Classification Of The Sahaba As Posited By Al­Hakam In His Al­Mustedrak 30

Approach of Discrimination in Islam 31

Pillars Of Discrimination And Courses Of Decency 31

Estimating the Criteria 32

Wonderment 32

Chapter 3 - Outward Refutation of the Conception 34

First Face: Admission and Witnesses 34

Second Face 34

Prefatory Perusal 35

1st - Confusion 35

2nd - Suggestive Words 36

3rd - Protection and Covering Up 36

A Topical Refutation of the Sahaba's Ultimate Decency Conception 37

The Wonder of Wonders 38

Aspect of Annulment 38

Expatiating and Proving Aspects of Annulment 38

I. the Conception Opposes Categorical Quranic Texts 39

Manifestation Of Hypocrisy 39

Categorical Divine Judgment 39

Examples Of Contradiction Between The Holy Quran And The Sahaba's Ultimate Decency Conception 40

Explication of the 3 Examples 41

1. God's Judgment In The Three Individuals 41

2. Sunnis' Judgment Respecting The Three 41

2 The Conception Opposes the Prophet's Traditions - 6 Examples 41

A Solicitation To Scrutinizing The 6 Examples 43

3 The Conception is Contradictory to Actuality - 7 Examples 44

Explication Of The 7 Examples 46

4 The Sahaba's Ultimate Decency Conception Opposes the General Spirit of Islam, Concept of the Unforeseen End Result and Concept of Cause Finale 46

Explication of the Above Texts 48

Incoherence of the Conception 49

Remarks 49

The Sahaba's Role in Legislation 50

Chapter 4 - the Sahaba's Ultimate Decency Conception At Shias 52

1. Shias' acceding to the Sahaba 52

2. for Shias, Who are the Sahaba? 52

3. The Basic Difference Point 53

4. Shias' Supplication for Mohammed's Companions 53

The Most Well Memorized Supplication of the Shiite 53

Chapter 5 - Grounds of Consideration of Sahaba 55

Bn­Abbas describes the Sahaba before Muawiya 55

The Will of Hutheifeh­bn­Al­Yeman, the Sahabi 55

Az­Zubeir and the End Result 56

Talha and the End Result 56

Confederates Kill Each Other 56

Ammar­bn­Yasir's Satisfactory End Result 57

Muawiya's Argument 57

Muawiya Penalizes Othman's Assassinators 57

Al­Hassan Al­Basri's Impression on Muawiya 57

Muawiya's Zenith of Glories 58

Muawiya's Officials Revile At Ali 58

Chapter 6 - The Right Course to Recognizing the Decent Sahaba 59

Topical Introductory 59

Inspecting the 2 supplications 59

A wonderment 59

Prospects 59

Explication 59

The solving method 59

Obstructions Of The Solving Methods 60

Conclusive Judgment of the Sahaba's Decency - Recall and Abstract of the Views of Sunnis and Shias 60

Confusion 61

An Event for the Shariite Disclosure 62

The Entire Sahaba's Decency 62

Logical Characterization 63

Wonderment 63

Abstract 63

How should we discriminate the indecent Sahaba? 63

Submission to the Authority Nominated By the Prophet is the Clue to Decency 64

The Decent Sahaba 64

Models of the Sluggish Iraqi and Syrian Individuals 65

Those Who Complied to Muawiya 65

Part 2 - Chapter 1- The Tribal Root 67

The Impermissibility to Combine Caliphate and Prophesy 67

A. the Clans of Quraish 67

B. the Political Form 67

C. Endeavors for Shaking the Form 67

D. the Augury of Prophesy 68

E. the Declaration of Prophesy 68

F. the Hashimites' Guarding Mohammed 68

G. Not for the Favor of the Pagans, It Was Envy, and Preserving the Political Form 68

H. Not for the Favor of the Pagans, the Wars Were Due to Envy and Preserving the Political Form 69

I. the Hashemite Prophesy is An Inescapable Fate 69

J. the most enthusiast clan towards occluding the Hashemite advancement 70

K. The Preeminent Trend 71

L. The Immaculate Kinship is the Statutory Base of Caliphate 71

M. The Rebellion and the Dissipation of the Preeminent Trend 71

The literal quotation of this narrative 72

N. Statutory Ground of Intercepting the Hashemites from Joining Headship to Prophesy Conception 74

O. Effects of Practicing the Conception of Intercepting the Hashemites from Joining Headship to Prophesy 75

The First Effect 75

The Second Effect 75

The Third Effect 76

The Fourth Effect 76

Chapter 2 - Political Roots of the Sahaba's Ultimate Decency Conception 77

Islamic political system 77

A. Contradiction Between Idealism and Reality 77

B. the Islamic Political System 77

C. Pillars of the Islamic Political System 78

1st Pillar - Political Leadership 78

Purpose Of The Divine Election For Political Leadership 78

2nd Pillar - Organic Relationship Between Divine Doctrine And Selected Leaders 78

3rd Pillar - The Divine Jurisprudential Formulation 79

4th Pillar - The Commonalty's Contentment 79

Simplicity of the Islamic System 80

Political Circumstances of Inventing the Sahaba's Ultimate Decency Conception 80

Disregarding the Announced Goal for Dissenting the Legality 83

Renaissance After Inadvertence 83

Hypotheses Serving the Factuality 84

Chapter 3 - Purpose of Inventing the Sahaba's Ultimate Decency Conception 85

1. Substantiation 85

2. Immunity Against Criticism, Maligning, Reviling and Imputing Dishonor 86

3. Confronting Rivals of Muawiya and His Faction 86

4. Engaging Muslims in Discrepancies 86

Grounds of the Sahaba's Ultimate Decency Conception 87

Ahaadeeths Narrators 88

Muawiya's Merits 88

Ashafi'i's Impression on Muawiya 89

Al­Hassan Al­Basri's Saying 89

The Entire Sahaba's Ultimate Decency Conception is Having Umayid Flavor 89

Chapter 4 - The Jurisprudential Roots of the Sahaba's Ultimate Decency Conception 90

The Jurisprudential Authority 90

The Two Authorities 90

1. The Sunnis' Authority is the Entire Sahaba 91

What Is The Doctrinal Base Upon Which Sunnis Relied In Referring To The Sahaba As Legal Authority? 91

2. The Shias' Authority is the Imams and the Authentic Sahaba 91

What Is The Doctrinal Base Upon Which Shias Relied In Referring To The Imams As Legal Authority? 92

Role of the Two Authorities 92

Role Of The Authority At Sunnis 92

Role Of The Authority At Shias 93

Difference in Base is Difference in Effects 93

Numerous Authorities 95

The Doctrinal Judgment About The Variety Of Authorities 96

Cancellation Of The Doctrinal Authority Necessarily Entails Founding A Surrogate One 96

The Only Way Of Founding A Surrogate AuthorityWAS Fabricating The Entire Sahaba's Ultimate Decency Conception 97

The Conception Would Have Proved Its Failure If It Had Been Invented By Other Than The Rulers 97

The Surrogate Authority Became Legitimate 97

The Solution 98

In the Absence of the Doctrinal Authority 98

The Jurisprudential Dissent 98

Roots Of The Aggressive Prosecution Against The Prophet's Household 99

Property Of The Immaculate Kinship To The Prophet 99

Prospect Of This Property 100

Meanings Of Property Of The Immaculate Kinship 100

Functions Of The Immaculate Kinship Of The Prophet 100

Reasons Beyond Granting Property 101

Incentives 101

This Property Was Used As A Political Argument In Various Ages 101

The Rulers' Political Treatment With The Prophet's Immaculate People 103

Categories Of The Prophet's Kinship 105

Dismissal Of The Immaculate Progeny 106

Representation Of The Prophet's Progeny's Property 106

Chapter 5 - Prospects Attached to the Sahaba's Ultimate Decency Conception 107

Finding Competitive Specifications 107

A Factual Example 108

Another Factual Example 108

Expounding Upon the Previous States 108

A Striking Surprising and A Wonderment 109

Fulfillment Of The Mission 109

Finding Competitive Protection 109

In Respect of Proclamation 109

Examples on What the Sahaba Gain from the Entire Sahaba's Ultimate Decency Conception 110

Texts for Reflecting on 110

Wonderment 111

Imparting the Argument By A Medium 111

Expansion in Issuing Verdicts 112

A Principal Restraint on the Narrators 113

Part 3 - Chapter 1 - Signification of Authority 115

Coherence of Authority and Doctrine 115

Authority is A Matter of Specialization and A Technique of Thorough Experience 116

Variety of Authorities 116

Difference Between Doctrine and Authority 117

Wisdom of Effecting the Authority 117

The Authority is An Undeniable Fact 118

Chapter 2 - The Doctrine 120

Two Categories of Doctrines 120

Creating Doctrines and their Essences 120

Characteristics of the Islamic Doctrine 121

The Dogmatic Depiction 122

The Divine Jurisprudential Formulation 122

Chapter 3 - The Competent Practitioner of Nominating the Authority 124

Missions and Functions of the Authority Nominated By God 124

The Authority in the Prophet's Reign 126

The Authority After the Prophet 126

A Preliminary Review To The Actuality 127

The Need Of An Authority After The Prophet 127

Wonderments in Need of Answers 128

Chapter 4 - the Muslims' Attitudes Towards the Authority After the Prophet 129

Who is the Authority Succeeding the Prophet? 129

The Sunnis' Opinion: the Claim of the Prophet's Leaving His Nation Without Nominating A Successor Or An Authority 129

Settlement of the Claim of the Prophet's Leaving His Nation Without An Authority 130

The Prophet’s Successor According to the Sunnis' Opinion 132

For Sunnis, the Prevalent Ruler is the Authority 133

The Representative Authority 133

Congregational Authority for Sunnis 135

Roles of the Authorities for Sunnis 136

Chapter 5 - The Surrogate Authority 138

The Consummation of Installing Features of the Surrogate Authority 138

The Clamorous Encounter 138

Analysis of the Encounter 140

Parties of Encounter 140

Preliminary Results of the Encounter 140

1. Dissension 140

2. Emanation Of A New Huge Trend 140

3. Emergence Of The Ideas Of Predominance And Preferring The Follower To The Master 141

Two Similar Occurrences 142

4. Success And Mastery Of The Prevalent 143

5. Dismissing The Prophet's Immaculate Progeny 144

The New Stuff of Authority 145

Effects of Opposition 146

Chapter 6 - the Authority After the Prophet 147

Shia’s Opinion 147

A. Requisiteness of Authority 147

B. the Divine Declaration of the Authority 147

The Leader and the Authority Nominated By God 149

Reasons Beyond Hostility of Sunnis to Shias 149

Sunnis' Velocity 150

Replication on that Velocity 150

The Two Authorities 150

God is The Nominator Of The 2 Authorities 150

Shariite Proof Of God's Nominating The Individual Authority 150

A Model of the Ghadeer Declaration 152

The Doctrinal Assertion on Ali's Leadership 152

Guidance After the Prophet 153

The Attester After the Prophet 153

The Shias' Congregational Authority 153

The Fruit of the Shias' Pursuing the Doctrinal Authority 154

Part 4 - Chapter 1 155

Regulations of the Society Movement 155

Harmony and Perfection Between the Divine Doctrine and the Political Leadership 155

Qualifications of the Doctrinal Political Leadership 156

Adept At Assuring Availability of the Qualifications Involved 157

The Acceptingness of the Divine Volition 157

The Refusal of the Divine Volition 158

Varieties of Refusal of the Divine Volition 158

Chapter 2 - The Pre-Adamic Divine Preparations for Nominating the Prophet's Successor 160

Before the Birth of Adam 160

In Front of the Solicitation 160

Following the Prophesy 161

Declaring the Succession After the Declaration of Prophesy 161

Declaring and Arranging for the Heir Apparent 162

1. The Credit 162

2. The Fraternity 162

3. The Wilaya 163

Showing Loyalty and Affection to Ali is Estimated As Same As Showing Loyalty and Affection to Allah 164

The Consecutive Declarations and Arrangements for Ali's Next Leadership Were God's Mandate 164

Chapter 3 - The Wali is the Master, the Imam and the Leader 165

The Most Consequential Objective Qualifications Enjoyed By the Leader Succeeding the Prophet 166

Allah's Confidant and the Apostle's Successor is the Knight of Islam 167

Chapter 4 - Allah's Marrying His Confidant and His Apostle's Successor 169

The Good Tidings 169

The Blessed Progeny 169

The Habitation of the Prophet and His Successor 170

Ali is the Prophet's Disciple 170

Denial of the Prophet's Nominating Ali As His Inheritor 171

The Endowments Exclusively Enjoyed By the Leader and the Prophet's Successor 171

The Immunization of the Leader and the Prophet's Successor 172

Chapter 5 - Crowning Ali the Leader and the Prophet's Successor 173

1. When: the Farewell Pilgrimage 173

2. Where: Ghadeer Khum 173

The Divine Mandate of Nominating the Leader and the Prophet's Successor 173

The Verse of Tabligh 174

The Style of the Decision of Nominating the Leader and the Prophet's Successor 174

1. The Text Related By Hutheifeh­bn­Useid Al­Ghefari And Recorded in At­Tabarani's Al­Kabeer 174

2. The Text Related By Zaid­bn­Arqam 175

3. The Text Related By Al­Bera­bn­Azib 175

4. The Text Related By Sa'd­bn­Abi­Waqqas 175

5. The Text Related By Sa'd In Another Form 175

The Perception of the Decision and Receiving Congratulations 176

Texts Quoted from the Immortal Decision of Nominating Ali for the Leadership 176

The Hadith of Ghadeer and the Event of the Nomination is A Certitude 177

The Ghadeer Festivity 177

Fasting On The Day Of Ghadeer 177

Chapter 6 - The Perfection of the Religion and the Completion of the Grace By Nominating the Imam 179

The Divine Disposition of the Transference of Imamate After the Leader's Decease 180

The Specialist in Nominating the Prophet and the Imam 180

The Conscript Imam 180

The Authority in Charge of Nominating the Successor of the Prophet's Successor 181

The Wisdom of Dedicating Imamate to Mohammed's Progeny 182

People's Role in the Process of Nominating the Imam 182

Disintegration Between Actuality and Legality 183

The Legal Imams 183

Exposing the Future for the Leader and the Prophet's Successor 184

The Collapse of the Jahilite Political Form 184

Chapter 7 - the Rebellion 186

The Historical Circumstance that Helped the Rebellion Prevail and the Legality Retreat 186

A. the Clans of Quraish 186

B. the Political Form 186

C. Endeavors for Shaking the Form 186

D. the Augury of Prophesy 187

E. the Declaration of Prophesy 187

F. the Hashimites' Guarding Mohammed 187

G. Not for the Favor of the Pagans, It Was Envy, and Preserving the Political Form 187

H. Not for the Favor of the Pagans, the Wars Were Due to Envy and Preserving the Political Form 188

I. the Hashemite Prophesy is An Inescapable Fate 188

J. The Preeminent Trend 190

K. the Immaculate Kinship is the Statutory Base of Caliphate 190

L. the Rebellion and the Dissipation of the Preeminent Trend 190

The Literal Quotation Of This Narrative 191

M. the Statutory Ground of the Conception of Intercepting the Hashemites from Joining Headship to Prophesy 193

N. Effects of Practic€ing the Conception of Intercepting the Hashemites from Joining Headship to Prophesy 194

1st Effect: The Total Disappearance Of The Discrimination Between Those Who Fought Against Islam And Those Who Fought For Its Sake Till Triumph Was Achieved 194

2nd Effect: Seeding And Sheltering The Unceasing Discrepancy 194

3rd Effect: Excluding The Hashemites Particularly From Coming To Power 195

4th Effect: Confusedness 195

Chapter 8 - Introductories to the Rebellion 196

With the Prophet in His Final Disease 196

The Encounter: Parties and Preliminary Results 197

1. Dissension 197

2. The Emanation Of A New Huge Trend 198

3. Emergence Of The Ideas Of Predominance And Preferring The Follower To The Master 199

Two Similar Occurrences 199

4. Success And Mastery Of The Prevalent 201

5. Dismissing The Prophet's Immaculate Progeny 201

6. Seizure of the Power 203

1. Recollection And Reconnection Of Events 203

2. The Conclusive Success 203

The Two Choices 204

Dress of Legality 204

Chapter 9 - Aims and Objects of Al-Faruq 205

The Ideal Solution 205

Probing the Solution 205

Al­Faruq's Adopting and Developing the Saying 205

Like their Alliance Against the Prophet, People of Quraish Allied Against His Successor 206

The Quraishis Were Planning While the Hashemites Were Drowned in their Grief 207

The Punctilious Planning 207

The First Fruit Of The Planning 208

Planning for Defeating the Hashemites 208

Benefiting the Same Preponderancies for Achieving Aims 209

Equality, Opportunity and Objectivity 209

The Authority Capable of Defeating the Divinely Elected Leader, and the Flawless Cabal 210

The Saqeefa Meeting 211

Unanswerable Questions 211

Who Conveyed the News of the Meeting? 211

Two Men from the Ansar 211

Chapter 10 - Objective Analysis, and Denial of Serendipity 213

The Entering of the Three Muhajirs 215

The Purpose Beyond The Three Muhajirs' Participation 215

In the Saqeefa 217

The Greatest Humanitarian Wealth 218

The Legal Arguments of People of Saqeefa 218

The Argument of the Present Ansar 219

The Purpose of the Three Muhajirs 219

The Legal Arguments of the Three Muhajirs 220

Summary of Abu­Bakr’s Argument Provided Before the Ansar 220

Summary of Omar’s Argument Provided Before the Ansar 220

The Ansar’s Replication 220

Expectation and Substantiation 220

The Caliph Should Be One of Those Three 220

The First Declarer of Fealty 220

Nominating and Swearing Allegiance to the Caliph 221

The Reward 221

Spreading of the News of the Declaration 221

The Unequal Confrontation Between the Divinely Nominated Leader and the New Power 222

The Foremost Declarer’s Judgment 222

An Activity 222

Humiliating and Threatening the Divinely Nominated Leader for Taking His Declaration of Fealty 223

An Endeavor for Seeking Az­Zahra’s Affability 223

Abu­Bakr Aimed At Abdicating 224

The Final Situation of the Divinely Nominated Leader 224

Mystery of the Quraishis’ Rejecting Ali’s Leadership 225

Anticipating The Falling Of The Critical Matter 225

The Fair Partitioning 225

The Quraishi Clans’ Forming a Team 225

Chapter 11 - Depriving the Hashemites of their Political Rights 227

What is the Idea of Deferring the Hashemites 227

Disclosure of Hiddens 227

Al­Faruq’s Expressing the Reasons 228

Al­Faruq’s Impression on the Impracticality of the Hashemites’ Joining Leadership to Prophesy Slogan 228

The Exaggeration In Loyalty To The Slogan 229

Was The Slogan Allah’s Order? 229

What for was Al­Faruq, then, Adherent and Sincere to the Slogan? 230

Al­Faruq’s Situations Towards the Divinely Nominated Leader and the Prophet’s Household 230

On the Intersection of Courses 232

Collapses 232

The Ruling Authority And The Opposition 232

Two Choices Before the Opposition 233

Two Choices Before the Nation 233

Discrepancy of People 233

1. Sunnis 233

2. Shias 234

Notes 236

Part 1 236

Part 2 237

Part 3 240

Part 4 245