Translator: Jasim al-Rasheed
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Imam al-Sadiq
ISBN: 964-438-011-8


Author: Shaykh Muhammad al-Hussein al-Mudaffar
Translator: Jasim al-Rasheed
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

ISBN: 964-438-011-8
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Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
ISBN: 964-438-011-8


Abu Abd Allah, peace be on him, had many released servants. However, in the biography of the following Mu’tib, they were ten servants. He (Aba AM Allah) said:” There is a traitor among them. So, be ware of him. And he is saghir.” We do not know the exact spelling of the word ‘Saghir’, namely if we spelt it in fa’(Safir) or in the neglected ‘ayn (Sa’Tr), then it is a name, or in the Persian gliayn, it is an adjective. Anyhow, their number I have found is over ten. Maybe their number was ten sometime. We will mention the names of those we have found:

1. Al- Mu’alla Bin Khanis:

Al- Mu’alla b. Khanis was among the released servants on whom Abu Abd Allah, peace be on him, depended to manage his affairs, among the reliable figures to whom he disclosed his secrets, and among his famous, reliable narrators as we have already mentioned.

2. Mu’attib:

Mu’attib was among them. The biographers regarded him as one of the companions of al- Sadiq and al- Kazim, peace be on them. It was reported on the authority of al- Sadiq that his released servants were ten, and that the best of them was Mu’attib. He (al- Sâdiq) said:” And there is a traitor among them. So, be ware of him. And he is Saghir.” In other tradition, he, peace be on him, said:” My released servants are ten. The best of them is Mu’attib. And Mu’attib does not think except that I am the worthiest (of the Imainate) of all people.” The famous, reliable narrators such as YUnus b. Ya’qCb, al- Mu’alla b. KhanTs, Ishaq b. ‘Ammflr, and the like reported traditions on the authority of Mu’attib. From this and the like, you know that he was among the virtuous, knowledgeable, and reliable people. In at-Khulâsa, al- ‘Allama certified him without doubt or hesitation.

3. Muslim:

Among them was Muslim. It was reported on the authority of Abu al-Hasan, peace be on him, that Muslim was from Sind. Ja’far al- Sadiq, peace be on him, said to Muslim:” I hope that you have been granted success to this name.” Also he, peace be on him, said:” Muslim was taught the Koran in sleeping. When he got up, he knew it.” A tradition with the same meaning was reported on the authority of al- Rida, peace be on him. Some traditions indicate that he servd the Imam and was among the people of his secrets.

4. Mnsadif:

Among them was Musidif. The biographers regarded him as one of the companions of al- Sidiq and al- KIzim, peace be on them. Some prominent, reliable narrators such as al- Hasan b. MahbGb, ‘Ali b. Ri’ab, and the like reported traditions on the authority of Musâdif. This is evidence for his honesty and his knowledge of traditions and the Imamate.

Al- Sadiq, peace be on him, sent Mus&lif to Egypt to sell goods estimated at a thousand dinars. When he came BACK, he stated that the interest of the goods was a thousand dinars.

Al- Sadiq regarded the interest as too many. So, Musadif told him that there was nothing of the goods they sent to Egypt. Accordingly they swore to sell the goods at a dinar for a dinar. Al- SAdiq, peace be on him, disowned that oath and that interest, and regarded them as Islamically prohibited. Then al- Sâdiq took the original sum of money and left the interest. And he said to Musâdif:” Musâdif, a duel of swords is easier than seeking the lawful.” We have mention this tradition in His kindness.

He and Murazim accompanied al- Sadiq, peace be on him, when al-Mansflr summoned him to come to HTra. When al- MansUr allowed him to return to Medina, he went out at night. While he was covering the road to Medina, a man called ‘Ashir hindered his way and prevented him from going there. Musadif and Murazim tried to kill ‘Ashir. However, the Imam prevented them from doing that. The Imam did his best to convince ‘Ashir to let them go. At that ‘Ashir became satisfied with the Imam’s words and permitted him to go while most night passed. For this reason, al- Sadiq said:” Murazim, is this better or what you said?” We have mentioned this tradition in His clemency and in Murâzim.

5. Sa’id al- Rumi:

Among them was Sa’Td al- RCmi. The Shakh (i.e. al- Ttisi), may his grave be fragrant, regarded him as one of the companions of aS&iiq, peace be on him. Ibn Muskan, Aban, and Hammad reported traditions on the authority of Sa’Td al- Rumi. They, as we have mentioned in their biographies, were among those reliable narrators. The Sect (i.e. the Shra) has a greed on the correctness of the traditions reported on their authorities and acknowledged their ability in jurisprudence. This is clear evidence for his honesty in the report, -the reliance of these great figures on him, his knowledge of the tradition the rule, and his learning from the Imam.

6. Sabah:

Among them was Sabâh. He was regarded as one of the companions of al- Sadiq, peace be on him. This indicates that he reported traditions on the authority of the Imam, that he had a chance to learn from him, and that he knew him. These things were enough to achieve his success and happiness. A part from this, he served the lmam and fulfilled his needs.

7. Tihar:

Among them was Tahir. In his biography, the only things has been mentioned is that he was among the companions that learned from his master al- Sadiq and that he reported traditions on his authority. This was success and happiness for him and evidence for his knowledge.

Apparently, it was Tâhir, the servant of al- Sadiq, who reported that the Imam blamed his son Abd Allah al- Aftah when he behaved in the manner which displeased him.

8. Abbas Bin Zayd:

Abbas b. Zayd was among them. He was from Medina. He was regarded as one of the companions of al- Sâdiq, peace be on him. He reported tradition on the authority of the Imam. More than this has not been mentioned on him.

Serving the Imam was a great favor, looking at his holy face every time was a good luck, learning from him was among the best acts. If the person did all these things through awareness, knowledge, purpose, and will, he would achieve a great position and would thank Allah for this abundant blessing.

9. Al- Fudayl:

Al- Fuday1 was among them. Also he is considered among the companions of al- Sadiq, peace be on him. Al- Sadflq has mentioned him in chapter: Rare Commandments. Nothing more than this has been mentioned on him.

10. Al- Maghira:

Al- Maghira was among them. The biographers regarded him among the companions of al- Sâdiq, peace be on him. Also he reported traditions on his authority. This is all what has been mentioned on him.

11. Musa:

Musa was among them. He was regarded as one of the companions of al-Sadiq, peace be on him. This is all what has been mentioned on him. And this is, as you know, good luck, and great success Allah, the Great and Almighty, grants to whoever He will.

12. Nasr Bin Sa’id:

Nasr b. Sa’id was among them. The biographers have mentioned that he reported traditions on the authority of Abu Abd Allah, peace be on him, he was, like Mflsa, among those who found dignity and success.

13. Salima:

Salima was among them. The Shaykh (i.e. al- Tflsi) regarded her as among the companions of al- Sadiq, peace be on him. It was she who reported that she was near Abu Abd Allah, peace be on him, when death came to him, and he fainted. When he recovered he said:” Give al- Hasan al- Aftas seventy dinar....” She said:” Do you want to give the man who attacked you with the sword and wanted to kill you?” He said:” Do you want that I will not be among those concerning whom Allah, the Great and Almighty said:’ And those who join that which Allah has bidden to be joined and have awe of their Lord and fear the evil reckoning.””[1] We have mentioned this tradition in His Secret Gifts and in His Condition during Death.

This tradition indicates that Salima was a close companion to the Imam, peace be on him. He listened to her words and answered her kindly.

This is the last thing to which Allah granted me success to write on the character of Abe Abd Allah, peace be on him. I ask Allah, the Great and Almighty, to accept it all for His Holy Face, forgive me the slips of my pen, and forgive me what has mixed with my purpose in it.

Also I ask my master Abu Abd Allah, peace be on him, to overflow me with his favors when he’ accept this little gift which I offer to his holy character, for gifts are according to their givers.

Praise be to Allah. Blessing and peace be upon the best One of His creation, Mohammed the Chosen, and upon his good, glorious family.


You may find, as I have found, that these pages are not enough to encompass this unique, noble character. No wonder! The ascent is not easy. So, my excuse is the inability that I have recorded against myself. However I cannot drive away the inability. Please, after you have read these pages, bestow your notices upon me to avoid that in another edition. Indeed, the dearest one of my brothers is he who gives me my defects as a present.

Mohammed al- Husayn al- Muzaffar