Translator: Jasim al-Rasheed
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Imam al-Sadiq
ISBN: 964-438-011-8


Author: Shaykh Muhammad al-Hussein al-Mudaffar
Translator: Jasim al-Rasheed
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

ISBN: 964-438-011-8
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Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
ISBN: 964-438-011-8



1 Al- Ahzab: 33.

2 The creation will is related to the Act of the wilier (Allah) Himself; legislation will is related to the acts of human beings, it concens the religious obligations.


1 Bani lsra. il: 60.

2 Majma' al- Bayyan: 3/424 Sharh al- Nahj: 3/488 and 2/466 and 467. In his Tafsir, al- Shawkany said:. They - are aI Abi Al. as (the Sons of Abi A1. as).

3 Abrahim: 28.

4 Al- Hajj: 78.

5 Tafsir al- Tibari: 17/142.

6 The expert in this (subject) does not need references because they are many, and I wanted to understand something of that, so see b. Abj al- Hadeed in the previous foot note (No. 2) and 1/361. 2/ 106 and 410, and 4/148. See also al- 1sti. ab by b. Abd al-Bir on Marwan, al- Hakim from Abu- Hurayrah on Al Abi A1. as, Marwan, his father, his Sons, and so on.

7. Sharh al- Nahj 3/457.

8 Al- Fit Chapter.

9 Al- Aghani: 6/ 90-96.

10 about Ma. awyyiah Many traditions has been reported from the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family. For example, Am. mar, the oppressive group will kill you in Siffin..

Al- SyyfltT has regarded this tradition as ensured by many lines of transmission. And Verily, All will wage ware against the mutineers (at- QasitIn), and they will be Mu. awiya and his soldiers.. See also the following volumes of Sharh at- Nahj: 1/347,463,372,361,355,373, and 113,2/102 and 363,3/443 and 463 and 15, 4/192. See also Al- lsti. Kb about Mu. awiva.

11 Musnad Ahmmad b. Hambal: 2/442 and Asad at- GMbah: 3/11.

12 Ma ani al- Akhbar, 204. Sunan b. Majah, 8,3950.

13 Sharh at- Nahj 1/463. Murflj at- Dhahab: 1/341. In these two books, there are reports denote that al- MaghTra b. Shu. ba regarded Mu. awias disbelieve while he himself was a disbeliever, then how was Mu. awiya? Woe to whom at- Namrud regarded as disbeliever.

14 Sharh at- Nahj: 3146g-470.

15 In his book at- Manqip wa at- Mathfflib, the Egyptian judge Abe HanTfa at- Nu. man has fully mentioned the virtues of the Hashmites and the defects of the Omayyads. If you read this book, you will know the ugly acts of the Omayyads. If we want to search more, we will mention books more than those we have mentioned here. But what we have mentioned is enough to achieve our aim. The above- mentioned book is still hand written. It has not printed yet. I have seen a copies of it in some libraries of Najaf.

16 Ahmad b. Hambal. s Musnad: 4/437.

17 Saba: 13.

18 Al- Anml: 42.

19 Al ‘Umren: 143.

20 ‘Al-An’am: 144.

21 a Al- Ma’ida: 105.

22 a Al- An’am: 164.

23 Fussilat: 46.

24 At-Tawba: 91.


1 In our book Al- ShT’a Wa Silsilat ‘Usuraha’, We have mentioned some of what has come in the Book about the outstanding merits of AhI aI- Bayt and the Summons to follow them.

2 Maqatil al- Talibiyyin, Maqatil al- Husayn b. ‘Ali, Sahib Fakh


1 Sunan b. Majah: 2/1321.

2 The sects of ShT’a by Abn Mohammed al- Hasan al- Nobakhty: 17. In al- Fasl: 2/88,

b. Hazm has mentioned that they are five because he regards the Sunnis as a grouping equivalent to the Murjeia and the Mu’tazila.

3 al- Miial Wa al- Nihal, 1/147.

4 Al- Farq Bayna ai- Firaq: p. 190.

5 See Al- Milal wa Al- Nihal: 1/50-5 1.

6 Ibin abu al- Haddeed, Sharih Nahj al- Balagha, 4, 225. Mohammed Kurd ‘All, Khutat al- Sham, 5, 25 1-256.

7 Al- Qamfls, Lislin al- ‘Arab, Al- Nahayya by b. al- AthTr, Al- Muqadama by b. Khaldfln: p.138, and many others.

8 See al- Sawa’iq after verse eight and verse ten of the verses concerning the outstanding merits of the members of the House (a/il al Bayt). Also See al- NaMya by bin al- Athlr in Qamh, and Al- Dun Al- Manthtlr by al- Syytlty about the Words of Allah, the Exalted: “(As for) those Who believe and do good, surely they are the best of men.”

9 See al- Ghayba by al- Shaykh al- TtIsy, may Allah be pleased with him.

10 concerning the information about the KaysanTs, we have very much depended on the books: Firaq al- ShVa, Al- Milal wa Al- Nihal, and Al- Farq Bayna al- Firaq.

11 ‘Al- Sadoq, Ikmrn Al- Din, 22. Al- Kashy, Al- Rijal, 203. Koran, aI- An’am, 157.

12 One of the famous reliable companions of al- S&liq.

13 Al- Kashy, Al- Rijäl, Hayyan, 202.

14 Al- Kashy, al- Rijrn, 184.

15 A1-Wfffl, 1,141.

16 ‘Ibid.

17 Kiffiyat Al- Athar, 304.

18 Al- Milal wa A1-Nihal, 1,159.

19 ‘Al- Shaykh abu ‘Ali al- Ha’ry, Manhaj al- Maqal Fi al- Alqab.

20 Al- Farq Bayna Al- Firaq, 23. Al- Milal’ala Al- Fasl, 1,164.

21 See his life in the books of al- Rijal.

22 ‘Al- Farq Bayna al- Firaq, 22. Al- Milal ‘ala Hmnish Al- Fasl,1,163.

23 Firaq Al- ShT’a, 67 and 76.

24 Firaq Al- Sht’a, 69.

25 Many Sunnis mentioned Imani al- Mahdi b. al- Hasan al- ‘Askary. They have admitted his existence and that he is al- Mau’nd (the promised one) See: Matlhib al-Sa’til, Al- Hjja by b. ‘Arab, Lawaqih Al- Anwar, Al- Tadhkira, Sharh Al- Dfi’ira, Al. FusfII Al- Muhima, Fara’id Al- Simtayn, and the like. Rather, some of them claimed that they had seen and met him.

26 I have written a study about ‘hadyth Al- Thaqalayn’, which proves that the Imams are Infallible and they know every thing. This study has been printed. Also I have a Study about the Knowledge of the Imam and its quality. May Allah grant us success to print it.

27 Al ‘Umrfln, 48.

28 Muslim, a part of the authentic tradition (reported by) Jabir. Ahmad, Musnad, 5/89, 2/29 and 129. Bin Hajar, Al- Sawa’iq, chapter I, Part I, Al- Syyflty, TarTkh Al-KltulafI’, and the like.

29 Al- Qindflzy, YanibT’ Al- Mawada, 427 an430 and 442. Kiflyat Al- Athar, Al- Muqtadab, Al- Kanz, and the like.

30 See Sharh Al- Nahj:1/455-463. In this book, you will find the details of what we have briefly mentioned.


1 In this manner the tradition has been mentioned in the origin of the book. We have not found it in the available books. What we have found is this text:” Whoever dies without an Imaxn dies the death ofjlhiliya.” Kanz Al- ‘UmIl: 1/103.

2 If you want to know much more about the Imainate, then see our printed study ‘Al-ShT’a wa Al- Imania.’


1 The memorizer (of the Koran) and representative of the science of Hadith, Shams al-Din Abu Abd Allah Mohammed b. ‘Uthman at- Dimashqy, born in 673, died in 748.

2 The memorizer (of the Koran) Abu Zakariya Muhiyy al- DTn b. Sharaf al- DTn, died 676.

3 Ahmad b. Mohammed b. Ibrahim b. Abtl Bakr, b. Khu1akan. He was born at the town of ArbTI near Mousil (in Iraq). He moved to Mousil, traveled to Elope, entered Egypt. He replaced at- Sakhâwy in judgeship. Then he became a judge in Shim for ten years. He died in Damascus in 681. His biography has been written in Tabaqat at-Shafi’iyah: 5/14, Fawat al- Wafiyat: 1/55, al- Siyflty (Husin al- Muhadara): 1/267, Mu’jam at- Matb0’at: 1/98, and the like.

4 In the scientific life of al- Sadiq, we will point to his knowledge of chemistry and to Jabir’s studying under him and a part of Jabir’s life.

5 (His name was) Mu’min b. Hasan Mu’min al- Masry. Shiblanj is among the villages of Egypt. He studied the sciences at at- Azhar Mosque. He was born at Najaf in 1250. His death has not been mentioned.2

6 (His name was) Mohammed b. ‘Ali al- ShIfi’r at- Hanafi. He was born in Egypt. His biography has been mentioned in (the book) Mu’jam Al- MatbO’at: 2/1194.

7 (His name was) AbtI at- Mawlhib Abd at- Wahfib b. Ahmad b. ‘Au al- Ansliry al-Shaii 1 al- Masry called al- Sha’arlny. He entered Cairo in 911 and died there. His biography has been mentioned in Mu’jam Al- Matbti’At: 1/1126.

8 (His name was) Abti Muzafar Shams al- DTn Yousif b. Quz’ ‘Ali (the famous preacher) al- HanaiY. He was born in 582 or 581, and died on Dhi al- Hijja 21st, 654.

9 (His name was) Kama1tdin the Shafi’T. He died in 654.

10 (His name was) ShâbutdTn Alimad b. Hajar at- Haythainy. He lived in Mecca.

11 By Shaykh Sutaiman b. Ibrahim.known as Khaja KaIan. He completed the book on Ramadan, 1291.4

12 (His name was) Ahmad b. Abd Allah al- Asbihany. He died in the year 430 A.H.

13 Al- TamTmy Al- Hanzaly Al- Harawy. He traveled to Iraq, heard the scholars of his time. He entered Baghdad and reported traditions in it. He died in 177. Al- KhadTb al-aaghdady wrote his biography: 14/80.

14 (His name was) Nuridin ‘Au b. Mohammed al- Sabbagh al- Maliky.

He was born in 784 and died in 855. Al- Sakhawy wrote his biography in the books ‘Al- Daw’ Al- Umi’ :5/283.

He has mentioned his shaykhs and his book ‘Al- Fusül Al- Muhima’.

15 (His name was) Mohammed Am!n al- Baghdady. The family of at- SiwTdy are among the eminent families in Baghdad till today. He was among the great figures of ahe past century. He ended his book in Shawwal, 1 229(A.H.).

16 By the famous genealogist Jamllidin Ahmad b. ‘Au at- DUwtldy at- Husayny, who died in the year 828 (A.H.)

17 (His name was) AbO at- Fath Mohammed b. ANt al- Qlsim. He was a theologian jurisprudent. He adopted the doctrine of al- Ash’ary, He entered Baghdad in the year 510 (A.H.), and lived in it for three years. He was born in Shahristan and died in it in the year 548. His biography has been written in At- Wafayat, Mu’jam Al- Udabl’, Tabaqfl.t Al- Sabky, Rawdlt Al- Jinan, Miftah Al- Sa’Ida,i and the like.

18 (His name was) Abu Mohammed Abd Allah b. Sa’eed b. ‘Au b. Sulaiman ‘Afifutdin at- Yafi’y at- Yamflny.

He lived at the two scared sanctuaries. He died in 768 (A.H.).

19 (His name was) Mohammed b. ‘Ati b. Bâbawayh al- Qmmy.

He was a great traditionalist. He wrote about three hundred valuable books. He entered Baghdad in the year 352 (A.H.). The shaykh of the sect (the ShT’a), heard from him though he was young.

He died in Ray in the year 381 (A.H.).

20 He was known as b. al- Shathktiny. He reported from at- Sadiq and his reporters. He was among the trustworthy reporters.

21 Al- Kufi At- Qady (the judge). He will be mentioned in the chapter: The Famous Reliable Reporters of al- Sadiq, peace be on him. Apparently, he was among the Sunnis.

22 He was known as b. Abu ‘Umayr. He met al- Kazim, at- Rids, and al- Jawal, peace be on them. Al- RashTd imprisoned him to assume judgeship and, it was said, show hini the places of the Shi’a and the Companions of al- Kazim. It was said that he was whipped and hurt. But he did not admit. He reported the books of a hundred men of the Companions of al- Sadiq, peace be on him. He has many books. He was among those who did not report but from a reliable person. All Companions accepted his reports.

The two parties (the ShT’a and the SunnTs) have agreed on his reliance and high rank.

And it was said:” They accepted his reports because he buried his books before he was imprisoned. So he reported what he had in his mind. He died in the year 217 (A.H.).

23 (His name was) Mohammed b. ‘Ali al- Mazindarany RashTdildrn. He was among the Shaykhs and jurisprudents of the sect (the ShT’a). He was an eloquent poet. He has many books, such as Ma’alim Al- ‘Ulama , Ansab At Abi Tâlib, Manaqib al Abi Thlib. In this book we have reported many (traditions) from him.2

24 He was al- Nu’man b. Thabit. He was the Imam of the second doctrine of the SunnTs. Also he studied under al- Sadiq, peace be on him. The Hanfy is attributed to him. We will tell you about him in the chapter: The Companions of Al- Sadiq, peace be on him.

25 Al- Mas’udy, Al- Wasiyah.

26 Kashif Al- Ghuma: 2/209.

27 Al- Kafc: 1/475.

28 Bihar Al- Anwar:47/l99

29 Ibin Tauws, Muhaj Al- Da’awat, p.1 92. Bihar Al- Anwar: 47/199.

30 Koran, 35,32.

31 Tgrtkh Al- Ya’qtlby: 3/117.

32. Al- Kafi: 1/74.


1 Al- Umran :28.

2 Al- Nahi: 106.

3 Al- Baqara: 195.

4 Al- Nisâ: 94.

5 (His name was) Ahmad b. ‘Au b. Abu ThIib. He was among the scholars and shaykhs of the Sh!’a.

His book Al- Ihtijaj is of many advantages and great importance.

6 Sharh Al-Naj :3/15.

7 Sharh Al- Nahj: 3/15.

8 Ibid.

9 BihEr Al-Anwar: 2/74/42.

10 Ibjd:2/64/I.

11 Or b. ANt al- Hazlz al- Nakha’y al- Kuff. He reported from al- S&liq, peace be on him, And the reliable persons reported from him.

12 Bihar Aa- Anwar: 2/77/62.

13 Ibid: 2/6a/2I-22

14 Ibid: 21/71/34.

15 Ibid: 2/74/45.

16 Al- Bajaly al- Kafi. He was among the prominent figures of the ShT’a. He was among the companions and reliable reporters of al- Rid[ He has books such as Mas’il Al- Rida, peace be on him. All biographers have written about him.

17 In our book ‘Tarikh Al- ShYaa, We have in detail written about the ShT’a, their number and their countries.


1 AL-Anfal: 75.

2 (His name was) Radiuldrn Abü al- Qasim ‘Ali b. Mflsa al- Hasany al- Hilly. He was from the family of Tauws. He was a man of many abilities, such as knowledge, worship, asceticism, poetry, literature, composition, and eloquence. High miraculous acts are attributed to him. It was said:” He was the best worshipper and ascetic of the people of his time.” In some of his permissions, al- ‘Allfmah al- Hilly said:” Radiuldrn ‘Au had miraculous acts. Some of them have been reported. Also my father has told me some of them. And he was the best ascetic of the people of his time.”

3 al-Mansur performed the hajj during the days of al- Sffdiq, peace be on him, for three times in the years 140, 144, and 147. Also after the death of al- Sffdiq, he performed the hajj for two times in the years 152 and 158, but he did not complete the hajj. See Tarikh al- Ya’qtlby, printed in Najaf. Apparently, al- Mans(lr sent for al-Sadiq, peace be on him, during the first three years.

4 Al- Hadrd:15.

5 Al A ‘ref: a7-99.

6 Al- Najm:33- 34. These verses have a reminder, preaching, and threat. They denote that man is punished according to his acts not according to others’

7 I think that he wanted to say that it was necessary to explain the true state of affairs.

8 He wanted that he would invoke Allah against him after eacfrprayer. Such prayers are a part of the supplication of the oppressed person, which is not curtained.

9 We will mention this saying in the chapter: His chosen Commandments.

10 We have collected the supplications of al- SEdiq, peace be on him, in a book of 400 pages. We have called this book Du’a’ Al- Sadiq.

11 A land between Mecca and Medina. Before he became, Aba Dharr, may Allah be pleased with him, had lived it. He was banished to it. He died and was buried at it.

12 Mohammed b. al- Hasan.

13 Ibin Abd Allah b. al- ‘AbNts. And he was aI- Manstlr’s uncle.

14 Al- Sadiq, peace be on him, was aware of the tradition. But he brought him some traditions to make him know his attitude towards blood relations.

15 Their killing was in the year 145 (A.H.), while al- Mansilr moved to Baghdad in the year 146, so their is no manifestation that he summoned him before their killing. Therefore, either he summoned him to Kufa- in this case there is a mistake made by the copies or the reporter- or he summoned him after their killing.

16 Al- Sldiq was not over seventy years of age. That was a guess made by Mohammed. And I think that he estimated his age over seventy because of his weak body.

17 ‘Al- Ahzab: 10.

18 al-Hady.

19 al-Rashid.

20 al-Amin.

21 See the footnote of the fifth attempt.

22 We will mention him in the chapter: Famous Reliable Reporters of Aba Abd Allah, peace be on him.

23 It was Baghdad. It was called so because he built it. He moved to it in the year 146 (A.H.). Maybe, he summoned al- Stdiq to it in this year.

24 Some of the Sunni scholarshave mentioned this miraculous act of Abu Abd Allah, peace be on him. They are al- Shiblanji in (his book) Nar Al- Absar, al- Sibt in Al-Tadhkira, Ibin Talha in Matalib Al- Sa’fll, Ibiri al- Sabbagh in Al- Fusfll, Ibin Hajar in Al- Sawa’q, and the like.

25 He has no biography in the books of our biographers. We know nothing about him except this report. According to this report, the later jurisprudents mentioned him. And this report clearly denotes that he was a shrte.

26 I think this story was after the killing of Mohammed and Ibidhim because the battles in Medina and Bakhimra and the prisons in al- Hrshimiya destroyed many of the Alawrds Also he killed some of them through patience. Maybe, be (al-Mansur) sent for him to come to Baghdad, too.

27 There was no heresy when he said:’ To obey Allah, His Apostle, and Axnrr al-Mu’minin though al-Mansur had no obedience, because the fear for the life and the dear forced him to come. So to keep them (i.e. his life and his dear things) was an incumbent on him while disobedience meant subjecting his life to danger.

28 These words show us that Mohammed was a ShT’te as well as knowledgeable. I wonder: How could he say these words frankly before al-Mansur. No wonder! Because al-Mansur was more knowledgeable than Mohammed concerning al- Sadiq, peace be on him.

29 We have collected the supplications of al- Sldiq in a book of four hundred pages. Still many supplications have escaped us.


1 Al- Shiblanjl, Nflr Al- Absar, p.14 I.

2 Ibin Hamdfln, Kashif Al- Ghuma: 2/208.

3 Al- Hojarat :6.

4 Bihar Al- Anwa :47/168.

5 Al- Kafi: 2/563.

6 Al- Shaykn al- Thsy, al- Majllis, Majlis no. 2.

7 Bihar Al- Anwar: 47/166/8.


1 I have written a research about Husham b. al- Hakam. I tried as far as possible to collect his reports and writings.

2 An Arab man from Kufa. He reported from al- Sadiq. A group of the reliable persons- such is ‘Ali b. Isma’ ‘iI, al- Maythamy, Mohammed b. Sanln, and b. Mahbtlb reported from him.

3 Al- Kafi. He was among those who reported from al- Sadiq, peace be on him. Some reporters praised him and some dispraised him. But many reliable persons reported from him. Some of them adopted consensus.

4 Al- Kafí. We do not know anything about him but this report. He was a reliable Person because al- Kulainy reported from him.

5 We will mention him with the reliable companions of al- Sadiq, peace be on him.

6 The biographers have mentioned.that there were two persons called ‘Ainr b. YazTd: One of them was Bayya’ al- Sabiry and the other was al- Sadiq.

(1) They both reported from al- Sadiq. Maybe, they were both reliable persons.

(2) Will mention him with the famous reliable figures.

(3) He was the son of ‘Abdrbba. He was regarded as among the companions of al-Sadiq. The biographers denoted that he was Imlmi

7 His name was ‘isa. He is regarded as among the companions of al- Sadiq and his reporters.

8 The biographers has not mentioned him in this name.

9 not acquainted with his biography.

10 one report has been mentioned on his authority.

11 He has mentioned some reports from al- Sldiq, peace be on him.

12 I am not acquainted with his biography.

13 We have mentioned this supplication with what we have collected of his supplications.

14 Bihar Al- Anw5r: 100/440/21.

Mazlr Al- Bihlr: 221103.


1 Fatir: 28.

2 ThrThh Baghdad: 2/377. Kanzal-’1JmaI: 6/156

3 Ahmad b. Hanbal, Al- Musnad: 4/366. Al- Tirmidhy, Al- Salith: 2/308.

4 ‘Al- Kashy, Al- Rijal: 269-270.

5 Tahdhib Al- Asma’ wa Al- Lughat. Yanabi Al- Mawada.

6 Mataljb Al- Sa’Ol.

7 SharhNahj Al- Balagha.

8 We will mention him with his famous reporters.

9 al-Kafi.

10 Shaykh al- Sadaq. al- Majalis, Majlis no. 11.

11 Al- Kaft: 1/36/1.

12 Shaykh al- Sadllq, Majlis no. 17, Bihar Al- Anwar 2/41/2.

13 Al- KaiY: 1/35/5.

14 ‘Bihar Al- Anwar: 17/270.

15 Ibid: 2/3/55.

16 Ibid: 2/38/56.

17 lbid: 2/39/68.

18 Al- Kafi 1152/9.

19 Ibid: 1/52/11.

20 Ibid: 2/636.

21 ‘Al- Sadaq, al- Khisal, 87.

22 Bihar Al- AnwTha: 92/195.

23 We will mention him in the chapter: The Famous Reliable Reporters of Al- SHdiq.

24 Bihar Al- Anwar: 47/44/13.

25 He has many valuable books. It is said that they are about a hundred books. Some of them are Al- WIll, Al- SIll, Al- Shall, Al- Mahjja al-Baydff’, Al- HaqK’iq, MalatTh Al- Sharli’, ‘Ilm al- Yaqeen, and so on. He died in the year 1091.

26 His name • was Mohammed b. al- Husayn b.’ ‘Ali al- Hur al- ‘Imily. His book Al-WasI’il is the most valuable book in classification. He finished the book on Rajab 15th, in the year 1082 A. H. He has another book called Ainal Al- EmIl. He was born at Mashgham village at Jabal ‘Amil on Rajab 8th in the a 1033 A.H. And he died in Kurasln on Ramadan 21st, in the year 1104 A.H.

28 He has many valuable books. He used to collect and write. He died in the year 1320 A.H.

28 He was the Shaykit of Islam. He was Shaykh Mohammed Baqir b. Shaykh Mohammed Taqy al- Majlisy, may his grave be fragrant. He was an influential figure during the state of the king Husayn al- Safawy. His theological center had a thousand Students. He has great books other than Bihlr Al- Anwlr. He was born in the 3’ear 1037. He died in Asfaan in the year 1110 or 1111 A.H. people visit his grave there.

29 Apparently, he was al- Bajali al- Ktlfi. He was a great, reliable figure. He reported traditions on the authority of al- Sldiq and al- Kfizim, peace be on them. He had a book. A group of the great figures has reported the book.

30 BiharAl-Anwlr: 1/215/19.

31 Al-Baqara: 269.

32 Bihar Al- Anwar: 1/215/25.

33 Ibid: 2/82/1.

34 I have collected many moral verses and explained them briefly in a book. I have called the book Al- Koran Ta’llmahu wa Irshldahu.

35 He wanted to refer to this verse:” And We have revealed the Book to you explaining clearly every thing.”

36 Al-Kâfi: 1/229/5.

37 Bihar Al- Anwar: 21/215.

38 Ibrahim: 10.

39 Al-KKtI: 1/26/29.

40 lbid: 1/13/12.

41 Bihar al- Anwar, 3/152-170.

42 Tuhaf al- Uqu1

43 al- SId Self.

44 al Tawhid, chapter on Allah cannot be Recognized except through His Own

45 al- Slduq, al- Tawhld, Chapter on proving the Occurrence of the World.

46 al- Kafi, Chapter on Negation of Body and Fonn.

47 Bihar al- Anwlr, 3/287/2.

48 Bihar al- Anwar, 3/303/40.

49 al- An’ajn, 104.

50 al- Mujadala, 7.

51 al- Kafi, al- Tawhld, Chapter on Movement and Mobility.

52 al- Kafi, al- Tawhid, Chapter on Movement and Mobility.

53 al- An’Im: 3.

54 Bihar al- AnwHr, 3/323/20.

55 He will be mentioned with the Famous Reliable Narrators.

56 Al-Saduq, al- Tawhld, Chapter on Negation of Time and Space.

57 He will be mentioned with the Famous Reliable Narrators.

58 Al- Saduq, al- Tawhld, Chapter on Negation of Time and Space.

59 al- Kafi, al- Tawhld, Chapter on Forbidding any Attribute of Allah not Described by I-Jim for Himself.

60 His name was Abd al- Kartm. In his book al- Amflhi, Sayyied al- Murtad5 has regarded him as one Qf the famous unbelievers of the Arabs. Mohammed b. Sulaiman, al. Mansar’s governor over Kufa, killed him for his unbelief.

61 al- Sadiq al- Tawhid, Chapter on Movement and Mobility.

62 They were among the famous reliable companions of al- Sldiq, peace be on him.

63 al-Anim, 104.

64 al-A’rlf, 143.

65 al- An’am, 104.

66 al-A’raf, 31.

67 Bin Khilkan, al- Tarikh, 1,105.

68 See al- Shi'a wa al- Imama.


1 His name was Ahmad b. Mohammed b. Sa’eed al- KufY. He was Zaydi, Jarfldi. He was great, important, and reliable. He memorized many traditions. It has been mentioned that he has said:” I have memorized one hundred and twenty thousand traditions with their authori. Now, I am going to memorize three hundred thousand traditions. He has many books. Among them is the book of the men who have reported traditions on the authority of al- Sadiq, peace be on him. No one knows where his book is. He died in Kufa, in the year 233 (A.H.).

2 a1- Kaft, 2/636/5.

3 Bihar al- Anwar, 47/393/115.


1 A1- Kaft, aI- TawhTd.

2 a1- Zukhruf, 84.

3 al- KHt’i, Chapter on Movement and Mobility.

4 al- A'raf, 145

5 al- Zukhruf, 63.

6 al- Nahl, 89.

7 1- Jinn, 28.

8 Bihar al- Anwar, 10/215/15.

9 Mu'min al- Taq. We will mention him with His Reliable Narrators.

10 a1-Nisl’3.

11 Ibid, 129.

12 Bihar al- AnwTha, 10/202/6.

13 al- Tawba, 29.

14 al- Tawba, 60.

15 al- Tubrisy, aI- Ihtijaj.

16 al- Hashr, 9.

17 al- Dahr, 8.

18 a1- Furqan, 67.

19 YousIf, 76.

20 Wasa’iI aI- Shi’a, 2/57.

21 al- An’flm, 160.

22 Wasa il al-shi'a,2/57.


1 He will be mentioned with His Famous Reliable Companions.

2 Bihar al- Anwar, 47/40/48.

3 al- SKdilq, al- Majmis, Majlis no. 18.

4 A1- Thsi, al- AmEli, Majlis no. 11.

5 Bihfir al- Anwar, 47/61.

6 a good poet. He loved ahl al Bayt very much.

7 Bin Shahrlshflb, al- Manlqib, 4/274.

8 al- Kashy, aI- Rijal, 121.

9 Bihär al- Anwar, 47/38/40.

10 lbid,

11 He name was Mohammed b. HakTm. He was among the reliable companions of aISUdiq.

12 Bin ShahrLhflb, al- ManEqib, 4/273.

13 a1- Ra’d, 21.

14 a1- Tusi, al- Ghayba. Bin ShabrlshUb, al- Manlqib, 4/273.

15 Mushkat al- Anwar, 217.

16 al-Kafi, 2/156/25.

17 lbid, 8/87.

18 BihIr al- Anwar, 47/61.

19 al- ManKqib, 4/275.

20 Rawdat al- Kafi, 7/87/49.

21 Bihar al- Anwar, 47/59/111.

22 His name was Sa’eed BayBn. He was a reliable reporter of al- Sadiq.

23 al-Kafi, 2/209/4.

24 Bihlr al- Anwar, 47/18/8.

25 Bin Shahrlshflb,4/238.

26 al- Manlqib, 4/238.

27 al- Sha’ranj, Lawaqih al- Anwar, 1/28. Matilib al- Sa’ul.

28 a1- Kafi’, 6/328/4.

29 He was Sufyan b. Sa’eed b. Masruq, al- Kufi. He reported traditions on the authority of al- Sadiq. He was born during the rule of Abd al- Malik. He died in Basrah in the year, 161 (A.H.).

30 Lawlqih al- Anwar. Matalib al- Su'ul. Hulyat al- Awliya’, 3/193.


1 al- Dhfiriylt, 56.

2 Bin Shahrflshüb, al- Manlqib, 4/231. See also al- Shiblanji, NOr al- Absflr. al- Sibt, Tadhkirat al- K.hawls. Bin Talha al- SIfi’i, Matllib al- Sa’Di. Bin al- Sabbagh a!Mlliki, al- FusOI al- Muhima Bin Hajar, al- Sawa’iq al- Muhriqa. Shaykh SuIaymln, Yanabr al- Mawada.

3 See NOr al- Abs&, al- Sawa’iq, al- Fusnl, and al- Manlqib: 4/234.

4 lbid al- Manlqib: 4/230.

5 a1- Thsi, al- Amlhi, Majlis no. 14.

6 al- lahani, al- Basr,. He was among the reliable companioan of al- Sldiq and a!Kazitn, peace be on them.

7 A1- Mas’udi, al- Wasiya, 141.

8 Bihar at- Anwar, 47/13 1.

9 at- Mas’udi, al- Wasiya.

10 Basa’ir at- Daraj Ot, 5/259.

11 among at- Sldiq’s reliable companions.

12 among at- S0diq’s reliable companions.

13 among at- Sadiq’s reIiable companions.

14 al- Man0qib, 3/226.

15 a1- Qainar, 24.

16 Bisajr al- Darajät, 5/65. Bih5r at- AnWOr, 47/70/25.

17 After this reproach, his belief became good. He was regarded as one of the c5ompanions of al- KHzim, peace be on him.

18 Basa’ir at- Darajfit, 5/261.


1 It is not right that these words are the beginning of the oration. So, there must be other beginning. I have studied the chapters of at- Kill. However, in them, I have not found any addition to what we have mentioned above.

2 Al-Kafi Chapter on the Birth of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family.

3 Abu al-Hasan al- Hadhali. He had valuable books. The most famous one of them is Murflj al- Dhahab. His doctrine was Imami. The two parties (ShI’a and Sunna depend on hina• Historians have not mentioned the year of his death exactly. It was said that he remained a live till the year 345 (A.H.).

4 As the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family, said:" Whoever dies and does not know the Imam of his time dies the death of ignorant. "Namely,he is not Muslim and does not do anything is Islam.

5 We have proven the Imamate in the preface of this book. Also We have fully mentioned the qualities of the Imam in our book al- Shi’a Wa al- Imama.

6 al- Anam, 72.


1 al- Kafi: 8/207/347.

2 al- Kafi, chapter: Fear and Hope: 2167/2.

3 Ibid: 2/68/2.

4 Fatir, 28.

5 al- Ma’ida.

6 al- Talaq, 2.

7 al- Kâti, chapter: Fear and Hope: 2/69/7.

8 al- Rahman: 46.

9 al-Kafi:2/71/12.

10 Shaykh Ttasi, al- Majâlis, Majlis no. 42. al- Kâfi: 2/68/3.

11 al- Kaff: 2/72/3.

12 al- Kafi, chapter: Fear and hope: 2/71/11.

13 Ibid, chapter: Good Opinion in Allah: 2/72/4.

14 al- Kafi: 2/68/5.

15 Ibid, chapter: Piety: 2/76/3.

16 Ibid, chapter: Refraining from the prohibited: 2//4.

17 al- Kafi, 2/77/S.

18 al- Furqan, 23.

19 al- Kâfi: 2/81/5.

20 See his Narrators.

21 al- Kafi: 2/128/1.

22 al- HadTd, 23.

23 Bihar al- Anwar: 78/193/7.

24 al- Araf: 30.

25 Bihar al- Anwa.r: 78/192/5.

26 al- Kafi: 2/316/7.

27 al- Zuhd, al- Husayn b. Sa’ced, 45/1.

28 Muhaj al- Da’awit

29 Sbayjja al- Mutfd al- Irshad.

30 al Hasanb ‘AIi,Tuhaf al ‘UqflI 28

31 al Qasas 83.

32 B,hlr al Anwflr: 78/193/7

33 al- Kafi, 2,319/15.

34 Ibid, 2/319/15.

35 Ibid, 2/320/17.

36 al- Kafi, 2/293/3.

37 al-Kafi, 110.

38 al- Kafi, 2/295/12.

39 al- Qiyäma, 14.

40 al- Kafi, 2/295/11.

41 al-Kafi, 2/293/1.

42 al- Kafi, 2/331/4.

43 al- Kafi, 2/331/4.

44 al- Kafi, 2/331/5.

45 Ibid, 2/333/16.

46 Ibin Marwan al- Qandi al- Anbari. He remained a live till the days of al- Rids, peace be on him. He was the representative of al- Kflzim, peace be on him. When al- Kazim was imprisoned, many properties were with Zyyld. al- Rida asked him to repay those properties, but he claimed that they were endowments because he wished for them. However, Zyyäd was among those who reported the textual nomination of al- Rida. Also he was a reliable narrator.

47 Shaykh al- Ttisi, al- Majalis, Majlis no. 11.

48 al- Kafi, 2/509/4.

49 al- Kafi, 2/230/2.

50 Yusuf, 103.

51 al- Kafi, 2/231/4.

52 Yusuf, 103.

53 Shaykh Tflsi, al- Majälis, Majlis no. 5.

54 A kind of bridge which oniy the righteous can cross on the road to Paradise.

55 al-Saduq, al- Tawtd. al- Khism: 2/61.

56 al- Muffd, al- Irsh5d.

57 Ibid, 284.

58 al- Muffd, al- Irshad.

59 Shaykh Tusi, al- Majalis, Majlis no. 55.

60 Tuhaf al- ‘Uqul, 281.

61 Roudat al- Kafi.


1 al- Shiblanji, NDr al- Abs’r, 163. AbD Nä’Tm, Hulyat al- Awliya’, 3/135.

2 Bismifflhur rahmanur rhim= In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

3 al-An’äm, 121.

4 Bihär al- Anwar, 78/279/1.

5 Bihar al- Anwar, 73/271/112.

6 al-Kafi, 2/636/5.

7 See His Famous Narrators.

8 Bihar al- Anwar, 78/292.

9 See His Famous Narrators.

10 Roudat al- Kill, 8/204/238.

11 See His Famous Narrators.

12 Basi’ir al- Darajat, 1, 526.

13 See His Famous Narrators.

14 a1- Sidflq, al- KhisaI. al- Hashr, 9.

15 Shaykh al- Ttisi, al- Majilis, Majlis no., 11.

16 See His Famous Narrators.

17 BiMr al- Anwfir: 6, 192/78.

18 lbrflhini, 7.

19 Nuh, 10.

20 Abu Na’im, Hulyat al- Au1iya,’ 3,193.

21 He has no biography in the books of our biographers.

22 al- Qasas, 83.

23 Bihar al- Anwar, 1/224/17.

24 al- Kafi.

25 al- Talaq, 30.

26 Ibrahim, 7.

27 al- Mu’min, 60.

28 al-Kafi.

29 al-Kafi.

30 Shaykh al- Thsi, al- Majfflis, Majlis no. 2.

31 al- Kafi.

32 Zayd al- Narsi, al- Kitab.

33 Wasa’iI al- Shi, 1, 18.

34 Bihar al- Anwir: 1/221/61.

35 a1- Kafi.

36 Bihar al- Anwar: 1/220/56.

37 Shaykh Tusi, al- Mbrjalis, Majlis no.9.

38 Ibid, Majlis no. 11. Ibrahim, 7.

39 al- Was’ ‘il, 8/42/2.

40 Ibid, 8/ 402/3.

41 Ibid, 8/403/8.

42 al- Kafi. He was among the companions of al- S&liq, peace be on him, He was among the reliable narrators. The reliable narrators reported traditions on his authority.

43 Wasa’il al- Shi’a, 8/302/1.

44 Ibid, 8/303/5.

45 Wasa’il al-Shi’a, 11/1 56/8.

46 Ibid, 8/399/4.

47 Ibid, 8/489/5.

48 Ibid, 8/413/3.

49 Ibid, 8/424/4.

50 Ibid, 8/426/7.

51 Ibid, 8/426/8.

52 Ibid, 8/426/8.

53 Ibid, 8/427/2.

54 Ibid, 81407/5.

55 Ibid, 8/408/7.

56 Ibid, 8/458/1.

57 Bihar al-Anwar, 78/278.

58 Ibid, 78/253/109.

59 Wasa il al-shia, 8/458/2.

60 Ibid, 8/458/3.

61 Bihar al- Anwar: 78/278.

62 Wasa il al- Shi’a, 8154417.

63 Ibid 8/415/4.

64 al-Sudiq,al-Khisal.

65 Wasa il al- Shi,a, 5/41515.

66 Wasa’il al- Shi’a.

67 Bihar al- Anwar: 47/384/107.


1 Al- Kafi: Chapter on Reason.

2 Bihar al- Anwar: 1/131/24.

3 Ibid: 1/159/32.

4 A1- Kafi, Chapter on Reason.

5 Ibid, Chapter on the Quality and merit of knowledge and the outstanding merits of scholars.

6 Ibid, Chapter on the question and its discussion

7 Noor al- Awar by al- Shiblanjr: 141.

8 Lawlqih al- Anwar by aI- Shi’a: 1/28.

9 Tatbkira al-Khawas by Sybt b. aI- .Jawzr: 343.

10 Al-Kafi: Chapter on Noble Qualities.

11 Al-Kafi: Chapter on the Merit of Certainty.

12 Al-Kafi: Chapter on Satisfaction with death.

13 Ibid, Chapter on Joking and Jaughter.

14 Ibid, Clapter on Dispute and Enmity.

15 Majliuis al- Shaykh al- TOsT, MajITs /42.

15 Majais al- Sadflq, Majlis /32.

16 Ishad- Shaykli al. Mufid.

17 al-Kafi, Chapter on Love of this World.

18 yat Al- AwIiya’: 3/194.

19 Al- 6 a Chapter on the love of the World and the greed for it.

20 Hulyat al- Awliyfl’: 3/169.

21 Al. Chapter on Thankfulness.

22 Ibid, Chapter on Good Manners.

23 Ibid, Chapter on Truthfulness and Paying the Trust.

24 Ibid, Chapter on Modesty.

25 Ibid, Chapter on Forgiveness.

26 Ibid, Chapter on Gentleness.

27 Ibid, Chapter on Contentment.

28 Al- Kafi, Chapter on no need of people.

29 Ibid, Chapter on Visiting Blood Relatives.

30 Kafi, Chapter on favoring.

31 Ibid, Chapter on fulfilling the Believer’s Need.

32 Ibid, Chapter on Reconciliation among men.

33 Ibid, Chapter on the Believers and his Traits.

34 Al- Kafi, Chapter on Requesting Leadership.

35 Ibid, Chapter on Dispute and Enmity.

36 Ibid, Chapter on Anger.

37 Ibid, Chapter on Envy.

38 Ibid, Chapter on Haughtiness. How great this word is! In it, there is probing into the depth of selv. Whoever feels abasement and defect inside himself covers this defect with haughtiness, contrary to the person who feels the perfection and dignity of himself, certainly is in no need of haughtiness..

39 Ibid, Chapter on Greed.

40 Ibid, Chapter on Foolishness.

41 Ibid, Chapter on Telling Lies.

42 Kafi al- Ghumma

43 al- Saduq, al- Khisal, chapter on the eeven (things or persons).

44 Al- Khisal, Chapter on the Ten.

45 Bihar al- Anw&-: 78/228/105.

46 Tuhafal- Uqul:96-154.

47 Al- Bihar, vol. 17, from 155-180.

48 A1- Kafi, Chapter on virtue of supplication and urging for it.

49 I Ibid, Chapter on supplication is the weapon of a bclicvcr.

50 Ibid, Chapter on forgiveness.

51 Ibid, Chapter on correspondence.

52 Raudt Al- Kafi.

53 Tuhaf Al- ‘Uqul, 281.

54 Raudat Al- Kafi.

55 Majllis Al- Sadtlq, Mjlis/40.

56 Ibid, Majlis/42.

57 Ibid, Majlis/48.

58 Majalis of Shaykh al- Tusi, Majlis/6.

59 Ibid, Majlis/10. Al- Wasuil, 8/458/3.

60 The Majalis of Sbaykh Al- Tusi, Majlis/l 1.

61 The Majalis of al- Sadiq, Majlis/68.

62 Thc Majalis of Shaykh TOaT, Majlis/ 32.

63 Bihar Al- Anwar :78/191/4.

64 Al- Saduq, Al- Khisfll, Chapter on the one.

65 Al- Saduq, Al- Khism, Chapter on the two.

67 Al- Sadiq, Al- Khisal, Chapter on the Three.

68 Al- Sadiq, Al- Khisal, Chapter on the four. From the 2 Saying no. 230-235.

69 Al- Sadaq, Al- Khisa1, Chapter on the Five From 236 to 238.

70 Wasa’il Al- Shi’a: 8/425/1.

71 Ibid: 8/424/4.

72 Ibid: 8/434/1.

73 Ibid: 8/438/1.

74 Man M Yahdarahu Al- Fqih: 2/41/33.

75 Bihax Al- Anwar: 47/61/118.

76 Wasa’il Al- Shi,a, 3/58.

77 Ibid, Wasa’iI aI- Sli’a.

78 Bihar Al- Anwar: 17/265/266.

79 Ibid: 2/52/1 8.

80 Ibid: 2/117/15.

81 lbjd: 2/128/7.

82 Wasa’il Al- Shi’a: 2/213.


1 Bihar al- Anwar: 47/2/5. Mahasin al- Barqy: 1/80.

2 She was the mother of al- K5zim, peace be on him.

3 Mahasin Al- Barqy: 1/80/6.

4 Al- Ra’d: 21.

5 Al- Manaqib: 4/273. Al- Shaykh al- Tusy, Al- Ghayba, 128.

6 A village in Egypt.

7 Al-Kafi 1/475/8.

8 Ibid

9 Apparently, He was al- ‘Ajaly. Bin SharUshtlb regarded him as one of the combatant poets of aid al Bayt.

10 Wasa’iI Al- Shi’a: 5/253/5.

11 Ibid: 5/255/10.

12 Ibid: 5/260/25.

13 Al- Shaykh al- Mufid, aI- Muqni’a, 73.

14 Wasa’il al- Shi’a: 5/426.


1 Al- Shaykh al- Mufid, a’- Irshad, 284.

2 Al- Kafi: 1/309/8.

3 Shaykh abu ‘Ali, Al- Rijal

4 Bihar Al- Anwar: 47/254.

5 Ibid: 1/188.

6 Some Muslims have wriilen these words on the shrouds of the dead since that day to follow the a of the Imam Some people of al- Jamfld have told that they write on the ahroud of the dead:” IsmK’yl bears witness

7 A1- Mufid, al- Irshal, 285.

8 Ikmalul Din: 1/163. Al- Shakh al-Saduq. al- Amali, 237.

9 Bihar al- Anwar: 47/255.

10 A place in Medina.

11 Al- Shaykh al- Mufid, al- Irshad, 285.

12 Abu al- ‘Abbas aI- Kafi. He was a reliable reporter of aI- Sldiq. He had a book. Al- Hasan b. Mahbtlb reported the book.

13 Al- Shaykh al- Mufid, al- Irshad, 285.

14 Al-Kafi: 1/310/10.

15 Bihar al- Anwar: 47/ 261/29. Al- Kashy: 165.

16 Al- Shaykh al- Mufid, al- Irshad, 285. Al- Kasby, al- Rijal, 160.

17 Al- Kashy, al- Rijal, 165.

18 Ibid: 165.

19 Al- Mufid, al- Irshad, 286.

20 The biographers have mentioned very liille information about him. These words are ailributed to SufyBn b. ‘TyTna, not to him.

21 A1- Shaykh al- Mufid, al- Irsbld, 289.

22 Apparently, be was the son of IsmI’fl the son of al- Sadiq, peace be on him.

23 Al- Kafi: 1/318.

24 Bakr was among those who reported from al- Sadiq, aI- Kazim, and al- RidE, peace be on them, He was among the reliable reporters. reported from the reliable reporters. YaqOb reported from lshliq. Al- Kulayny reported from hun in Chapter on the Birth of Abü al- Hasan al- KEzim, peace be on him, and in Chapter on Lesbianism in Chapter on Marriage. This denotes that he was reliable. But the biographers has not mentioned an independent biography for him. And those who neglected him were many. He was b. (the son of) Ja’fa.r b. Ibréhim b. Mohammed b. ‘Ali b. Abd Allah b. Ja’far b. Abtl Talib. Abd Allah was the uncle of the foregoing Yaqflb. He was Aba Mohammed, the reliable, the truthful. For al- Washl, He was al- Hasan b. ‘Ali, b. ZyEd. He was among the companions of al- RidE, peace be on him, and of his reliable reporters.

25 Bin ‘Ali b. al- Husayn b. ‘Ali b. Abu Tllib, peace be on him.

26 Al- Mufid, aI- lrshEd, 286.

27 Books of Biographies.

28 Al-Mufid, al- hshfld, 286.

29 Black clothes were the sign of the Abbflsidis. He wanted to copy their sign. Green clothes were the sign of the Alawids.

30 Bihar Al- Anwar: 47/246/5.-

31 A1- Mufid, al- IrshEd, 314.

32 Ibid, 286.

33 Bihar Al- Anwar: 47/246/4.

34 ‘Uyun Akbar Al- Rida: 2/206/7.

35 His real name was ai- Fadl b. Sahl. He was the Minster of al- M’min. He was called Dhulri’Isatayn because be had the power of the sword and of the pen.

36 Al- Shaykh al- Mufid, al- Irshad, 287.

37 Al- Kashy, al- RijW, 429/803.

38 Ibid 804/804.

39 Al- Kafi: 1/322/12.

40 Shaykh al- Mufid, al- Irshad, 287.


1 Al- Mufid, al- Irshad, 271.


1 Al- An'am, 90.

2 Al- Nisa’, 88.

3 Al- An'am, 121.

4 al- Ja’fy al- Kufi. He reported traditions on the authority of al- Sldiq and al- Kfzim, peace be on them. He was among the reliable narrators.

5 The surface meaning of this tradition is that Zarlra died the days of al- Sadiq, peace be on him; otherwise al- Sldiq asked Allah to have mercy upon Zarlra while be was alive.

6 This tradition denotes that he died during the days of al- Stdiq, peace be on him. Then he was not among those who reported from al- Kazim, peace be on him.

7 Al- Kashy, al- Rijal, 433/819.

8 Ibid, 433/817.

9 His name was Mohammed b. Abid al- Rahmln b. Abu Layla al- Ansari al- Kufl. Mohammed was a judge in Kufa for thirty- three years. First he became a judge for the Omayyads, then he baecame a judge for the Abbasids. he was born in the year 74 (A.H.). He died in Kufa in the year 148 while he was still a judge. The Shayk, may Allah have mercy upon him, regarded him as one of the compantons of al- Sldiq, peace be on him. Anyhow, apparently, be wged war against al- Sadiq with his acts.

10 al- Harithi. He is regarded as one of the companions of al- Sadiq and al- Kazim, peace be on them. He was attributed to the Waqjfa. It has been reported that al- Sldiq, 1,cacc be on him, praised him.

11 Koran, 26,100.

12 Koran, 22,34.

13 Murazim had two brothers. Their names were Mohammed and Jarrrr. Both were reliable narrators. Al- Klzim, peace be on him, ordered Mohammed to debate.

14 He was among the companions of al- Kffzim, peace be on him. He was a reliable narrator.

15 I succeeded with the praise of Allah, the Exalted, to writc an independoot book on him.


1 Koran. 13,21.