Translator: Jasim al-Rasheed
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Imam al-Sadiq
ISBN: 964-438-011-8


Author: Shaykh Muhammad al-Hussein al-Mudaffar
Translator: Jasim al-Rasheed
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

ISBN: 964-438-011-8
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Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
ISBN: 964-438-011-8


This lasting conflict between the religion and the world, which are rarely united during a certain time, is a trial for religious people. This conflict caused taqiya and those adversities which hit ahl al Bayt.

The conflict between ahl al- Bayt and the Omayyads and the Abbâslds was not new as long as ahl al Bat represented the religion and the latter represented the life in this world.

The MarwanTs and the Abbaslds knew that al- Sfldiq, peace be on him, was the leader of this conflict. Although he kept silent and did not wage war against them with the sword, they did not feel safe from him. Maybe that silence itself was the means of the conflict or it was the conflict itself, because silence maybe an answer as they say.

The MarwanTs and the Abbâsids subjected al- Sadiq, peace be on him, to adversities every time. Though he devoted himself to worshipping and knowledge, they wcre afraid of him, because such devotion meant war in their viewpoint. Moreover, the phenomenon of religion would turn people’s eyes to him. So, his position would be strong. Accordingly the religion would be strong, the people who love this world would be defeated.

When the Omayyads were united, they killed al- Sadiq’s fathers. But whethey began fighting each other, they kept al- Sadiq, peace be on him, alive. Yes, it is as if they left such a matter to his near cousins:” And the possessors of relationships are nearer to each other.”[1]

The days of al- Saffah were four years. This time was not enough to clean the land from the Ommayyads, build the foundation of the supreme power and strengthen its pillars. Nevertheless, that did not divert him from al- Sadiq, peace be on him. When he was about to destroy the Ommayyads and build his authority, he sent for al- Sadiq to leave Medina for HTra to kill him, but the appointed time (of death) is a guard.

Why was al- Sadiq among the cares of al- Safffih while he (al- Sâdiq) was his cousin, who was busy worshipping, teaching, and guiding (people), who told them that they would gain great authority instead of Bany al-Hasan, who suffered from the Omayyds and were afraid of them?

The reason that led al- SafiTh to do that shameful act was that people turned their eyes to al- Sadiq because they knew his position. Moreover, people thought that the caliphate should be temporal and spiritual. They thought that the caliphate should not be separated from religion. So, they thought that al- Sadiq had to be the man of the caliphate and religion.

For this reason, al-Mansur was very careful of al- Sadiq, peace be on him. Accordingly, he subjected him to various kinds of pains and adversities. He went on doing that till he killed al- Sadiq with poison.

No wonder that Abü Abd Allah (al- Sadiq), peace be on him, suffered from those adversities, because the adversities of the person are according to his position among people and his ambition for high ranks.

Between the rule of al- Mansür and the death of al- Sadiq, peace be on him, were twelve years in which al- Sadiq found neither rest nor tranquillity though they lived apart from each other: al- Sffdiq was in Hijâz and al- Mansur lived in Iraq.

In the book ‘Muhaj Al- Da’awat (prayers), chapter on Da’awat of al-Sadiq, Ibin Tauws Abu al- Qasim ‘Ali,’[2] may his grave be fragrant, said:” Indeed, al-Mansur sent for aI- Sâdiq seven times. Some of them were in Medina and Rabadha at the time when al-Mansur performed the hajj, some of them were at Kufa, and some were in Baghdad. Eeach time he mistreated him and try to kill him.” We will mention these seven attempts in detail as follow:

The first (attempt): Ibin Tâuws reported on the authority of al- Rabi’, the chamberlain of al-Mansur, who said: “When al-Mansur[3] performed the hajj and arrived in Medina, he stayed awake for one night. So, he summoned me and said: RabT’, at this time, if you want to be by yourself, then do. Go as quickly as possible to Abu Abd Allah Ja’far b. Mohammed and say to him: This is your cousin. He has sent you his Salâm and said to you:’ Even if the house is far away and the condition is different, but we belong to the womb of yesterday... and he asks you to come to him at this time.’ If he agrees to come with you, then be soft .with him. And if disagrees for a certain reason or the like, then leave the matter for him. And if he carefully orders you (that I should) come to him, then make easy and do not make difficult, and accept forgiveness and do not be harsh in neither saying nor act, Al- Rabr’ said:’ Then I arrived at his door (the door of al-Saqid’s house). I found him in the house of his isolation. I came into his house without permission. I found him covering his cheeks with dust, invoking Allah with the palm of his hands. The dust affected his face and his cheeks.

So, I considered it great to say anything till he finished his prayers and supplication. Then he turned to me. So, I said: Assalamu ‘alayka, Abu Abd Allah.’ He said:’ Wa ‘alayka ssalam, my brother, what has brought you?’ I said:’ Your cousin sends you his salem, then I told him all the words. He said:’ Woe unto you, RabI’ (Then he read these verses): Has not the time yet come for those who believe that their hearts should be humble for the remembrance of Allah and what has come down of the truth? And (that) they should not be like those who were given the Book before, but the time became prolonged to them, so their hearts hardened, and most of them are transgreSSorS.’[4]

‘Woe unto you, O RabT’:” What! do the people of the towns then feel secure from Our punishment coming to them by night while they sleep? What! do the people of the towns feel secure from Our punishment coming to them in the morning while they play? What! do they then feel secure from Allah’s plan? But none feels secure from Allah’s plan except the people who shall perish.’[5]

I sent Amir al- Mu’minin assalâm and the Mercy of Allah and His blessings. Then he went on praying. So, I said:’ After the Salâm (greetings), is there any answer?’ He said:’ Yes, say to him:’ Have you then seen him who turns his BACK? And gives a little and (then) with holds. Has he the knowledge of the unseen so that he an see? Or, has he not been informed of what is in the scriptures of Musa? And (of) Ibrahim who fulfilled (the commandments): That no bearer of burden shall bear the burden of another; and that man shall have nothing but what he strives for; and that his striving shall soon be seen.’[6] By Allah, Amir al- Mu’minin, we feared you and the women whom you know better were afraid because of fear. And we must explain it[7] : You should refrain from (us); otherwise we will bring your name before Allah, the Great and Almighty, five times a day[8] . And you have told us from your father from your grand- father that Allah’s Apostle, may Allah bless him and his family, said: Four supplications are not curtained from Allah, the Exalted: the supplication of a parent for his/her child, the brother for his brother in the absence, and the faithful....’

al-Rabi’ said: When he had finished his words, the messengers of al-Mansur came to trace me and know my place. So, I came BACK and told him about what had happened. So, he wept, then he said: Go BACK and say to him: As for your meeting with us and your sitting away from us, do as you please! And as for the women whom you have mention, so peace be on them, surely Allah have made their fear secure and driven their worry away. He (al- RabP) said:’ So, I came BACK to him (al- Sfidiq) and told him about what al-Mansur had said.’ So, he (al- Sadiq) said: Say to him: You have linked blood relations, and you have been rewarded a good (reward).’ Then his eyes were bathed in tears so that some tears fell on his lip.

Then he (al- Sâdiq) said:’ RabT’, indeed, even if this world enjoys (man) with its splendor and deceives (him) with its embellishment....[9]

So, I said: Abu Abd Allah, I ask you by all rightness between yoand Allah, the Almighty and Exalted, to let me knOw what you had prayed humbly to your Lord, the Exalted, and made it as a curtain between you and your care and fear so that may Allah set a broken- (hearted person) with your cure and make a poor (person) rich with it, by Allah, I do not mean anyone but I myself. Al- Rabi’ said: So he (al- sâdiq) raised his hands and advanced to his praying- place. He was reluctant to recite the supplication, for forgiveness and did not bring that with intention.’ So, he (al- sadiq) said: Say: 0 Allah, I am asking you, 0 You Who overtakes the runaway, 0 You Who is the shelter of the afraid....”’[10]

During this attempt, apparently, al-Mansur had no bad intention when he sent for al- Sadiq, peace be on him. So, what troubled al- Sadiq and scared his women and made him beseech Allah to stop the evil of al-Mansiir. Surely, Abu Abd Allah (al- Sadiq) was aware of his people. Through the following attempts, you will clearly understand the evil aims of al- Mansur towards al- Sâdiq, peace be on him, when he sent for him.

The second (attempt): Ibin Tâuws reported on the authority of al- Rabi’, too. He said: “I performed the hajj with Abu Ja’far al- Mansür. When we covered distance, al- Mansur said to me:’ RabT’, when I arrive in Medina, remind me of Ja’far b. Mohammed b. ‘Ali b. al- Husayn b. ‘Au, peace be on them. By Allah, the Almighty, no one will kill him but I. Beware not to remind me of him.” He (al-Rabi’) said: “When we arrived in Mecca, he (al-Mansur) said to me: RabT’, had not I commanded you to remind me of Ja’far b. Mohammed before we entered Medina?”

He (al-Rabi’) said:” So I said:’ My master, Amir al- Mu’minin, I have forgotten that.”’

So, he said to me:” When we come BACK to Medina, remind me of him. I should kill him. If you do not do that, I will behead you!” So I said to him:

Yes, Amir al- Mu’minin.’ Then I said to my companions and my servants:’ Remind me of Ja’far b. Mohammed when we arrive in Medina, Allah willing.” He (al-Rabi’) said: “ My companions and my servants were still reminding me of him (al- Sadiq) in every house which we entered and dwelled in till we reached Medina. When we arrived in Medina, I came to al- Mansür, stood up before him and said:’ Amir al-Mu’minYh, Ja’far b. Mohammed.” He (al-Rabi’) said: “So he (al-Mansur) laughed and said: ‘Yes, RabT’, go and bring him before me. And do not bring him before me unless he is pulled.” He (al- R.abl’) said: “So I said to him: I hear and obey.” He (al-Rabi’) said: ‘Then I got up while I was in a weighty state because of doing that.’ He (al-Rabi’) said:’ Then I caine to Imam Ja’far b. Mohammed, peace be on them, while he was sitting in the middle of his house, so I said to him: my I be your ransom: Surely, Amir al- Mu’minrn summons you. So he said:’ I hear and obey. Then he got up and began walking with me. He (al-Rabi’) said:’ So, I said to him: Son of the Prophet of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, he (al-Mansur) has ordered me not to bring you unless you are pulled.’ He (al-Rabi’) said:’ So al- Sadiq, peace be on him, said: Obey, RaM’, do what he has ordered you.’ Al- Rabi’ said:’ So I began pulling him from his sleeve. When I brought him (al- Sâdiq) in. I saw him (aI- Mansfir) sitting on his bed holding an iron bar in his hand. He wanted to kill him with it. And I looked at Ja’far b. Mohammed while he was moving his lips. So, I did not doubt that he (al-Mansur) would kill him. And I did not understand the words with which Mohammed b, Ja’far moved his lips, so I stood up to look at them both.’ al-Rabi’ said:’ When Ja’far b. Mohammed approached him, al-Mansur said to him: Come nearer to me, cousin, then his face beamed with joy. He (al-Mansur) brought him (al- Sadiq) to him and seated him with him on the bed, then he (al- MansOr) said:’ Servant, fetch me the small pot.’ The servant brought him the small pot. In it (the small pot) there was a cup full of a mixture of perfume. He (al-Mansure) put a lot of this perfume on him (al- Sadiq).

He (al-Mansure) ordered (the servant) to give al- Sadiq ten thousand dirhams and a gar,ment. Then al- Mansür (ordered the servant to bring) al-Sadiq a mule and ordered him (al- Sâdiq) to go. He (al- Rabi’) said:’ When he (al- Sâdiq) left him (al- Mansur), I accompanied him to his house.’ (There) I said to him:’ May my father and mother be your ransom, Son of the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, when you came to al-Mansur, I had no doubt that he would kill you. And I saw you moving your lips. So, what had you said?’ He said to me:’ Yes, RaM’, know that I had said: Sufficient unto me is the Lord from those who are lorded over, sufficient unto me the Creator from the creatures.”’

The third (attempt): about sending for al- Sadiq at al- Rabdha’[11] for the third time, Ibn Tauws said: “Makhrama al- Kindy said:’ When Abu Ja’far al- Manstar stopped at al- Rabadha and Ja’far b. Mohammed, peace be on him, had been there then, he said: Who rids me of Ja’far? He was hesitating and saying: I will get rid of Mohanimed.’[12] If he wins a victory, the authority will be for me, or otherwise, I will protect myself. Surely, by Allah, I will kill him. Then he turned to IbrShim b. Jubla and said: son of Jubla, go to him (al- SAdiq), put his clothing round his neck, and pull him till you bring him before me.’ Ibrâhim said:’ So, I went out and came to his house. But I did not find him. So, I went to Abu Dahrr Mosque. I found him at the gate of the Mosque.’ He (Ibrahim) said:’ I felt shame to carry out what I had been ordered to, so I took him be the sleeve and said: Answer Amir al-Mu’minln (the Commander of the Faithful). He said:’ To Allah we belong and to him is our return. Let me say two rika’as.’ Then he wept bitter tears while I was behind him. Then he said:’ O Allah, you are my reliance in every grief and my hope in every adversity.’ Then he said:’ Carry out what you have been ordered to.’ So, I said:’ By Allah, I will carry it out even if I think that I will be killed. I took him. No, by Allah, I had no doubt, but he (al-Mansur) shall kill him.’ He (Ibrahim) said:’ When we arrived at Bâb Al- Sitr, he (al- Sadiq) said:’ 0 lord of Gabriel and Mikâl and Isrâffl and lord of Abraham and Isaac and Mohammed, may Allah bless him and his family, in this early morning, take care of my health and do not empower anyone of your creatures (to do) what I cannot endure.’ Ibrâhim said:’ Then I brought him before al- Mansur. So he sat firmly. Then he repeated the words for him.’ So he (al-Mansur) said:’ I am hesitating. By Allah, I will kill you, So he (al- Sadiq) said:’ Amir al-Mu’minin, if you do, then be lenient toward me because I will rarely be present with you.’ So Abu Ja’far said to him:’ Go away.’ He (Ibrâhim) said:’ Then he (al-Mansur) turned to ‘Isa b. ‘Ali[13] and said:’ Abu al- ‘Abbas, run after him and ask him: Do you mean me or yourself?’ He (Ibrâhim) said:’ So he (‘Isa) went out running quickly till he approached him and said:’ Abu’ Abd Allah, indeed, Amir al-Mu’minin says to you: Do you mean yourself or him?’ He said:’ myself.’ Abü Ja’far (al- Mansur) said:’ He has said the truth.’

Ibrâhim b. Jubla said:’ Then I went out. I found him sitting. He was waiting for me to thank me for my good deed.’ And suddenly, he began thanking Allah:’ Praisbbrr be to Allah whom I ask, so he answers me even if I am slow when He asks me.’

The Fourth (attempt): The SharTf b. Tauws said:” In this fourth attempt, he (al-Mansur) sent for him (al- Sfldiq) to come to Kufa.”

He (fr Tauws) said:” After he had mentioned the authority of the report to him, al- Fadl b. al-Rabi’ said: Abu al-Rabi’ said: al-Mansur sent Ibrâhim b. Jubla to Medina to bring Ja’far b. Mohammed. Ahe had brought Ja’far, Ibrahim told me that when he came to him and told him about Al- Mansur’s letter, he heard him saying:’ 0 Allah, You are my reliance in every grief and my hope in every adversity.’ When they brought his camel and he went out to mount it, I heard him saying:’ 0 Allah, I implore you for the beginning and success.’ He (Ibrahim) said:’ When we entered Kufa, he (al- Sadiq) dismounted and said two ruk’as. Then he raised his hands toward the sky and said:’ 0 Allah, Lord of the skies and what they shade and Lord of the seven earths and what they carry.’ Al-RabT’ said:’ When he (al- Sadiq) became in the presence of al- Mansilr, I entered and told him about the coming of Ja’far and Ibrâhim.’ So he (al-Mansür) summoned al- Musayyab b. Zuhayr al-Dabby, gave him a sword and said to him:’ When Ja’far bin Mohammed enter and I address him and beckon to him, then behead him and do not ask the advice of (anyone).’ So, I went out to him. And he (al- Sadiq) was the friend whom I meet and associate with when I perform the hajj. I said:’ Son of the Prophet of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, this tyrant has given me an order which I hate to meet you with, so if there is anything in yourself, then tell and recommend about that.’ He said:’ Do not let that scare you, because if he (al-Mansur) sees me, all that will finish.’ Then he (al- Sadiq) took hold of Maqam’ al- sitr and said:’ Allah, lord of Gabriel and MIkâ’il and Isrâfit and lord of Abraham and Isaac and Mohammed, may Allah bless him and his family, take care of me in this early morning and do not empower anyone of your creatures (to do) what I cannot endure.’ Then he entered and moved his lips with a thing which I did not understand. I looked at al-Mansur and I did not liken him but to a fire on which water was poured and was extinguished. Then his anger became calm. So, Ja’far bin Mohammed, peace be on them, approached him and sat beside him on his bed. Then al-Mansür jumped, shook hands with him, raised him to his bed, and said to him:’ Abn Abd Allah, it is difficult for me to make you tired, I sent for you only to complain to you of your family, who cut off their relations with me, defamed my religion, and provoked people against me. If a person other than me tpok the reins of authority, they would hear and obey him ‘ So Ja’far, peace be on him, said:’ You should follow your righteous ancestors-Ayub (Job) (peace be on him) was afflicted but was patient, Yosuf (Joseph) (peace be on him) was oppressed but he forgave, and Sulaiman (Solomon) was given and he thanked.’ Then al- Mansur said:’ I have endured, forgiven, and thanked.’

Then he (al-Mansur) said:’ Abu Abd Allah, tell us about the tradition which I have already heard from you concerning observing and strengthening the ties of kinship.’ He (al- Sadiq) said:’ Yes, I have heard my father (reporting) from my grandfather that the Prophet of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, said:’ obeying (the parents), and observing and strengthening the ties of kinship, cultivates the lands and increase the ages.’ He (al-Mansur) said:’ It is not this (tradition).’ He (al- Sadiq) said: my father told me from my grandfather, who said:’ Allah’s Apostle, may Allah bless him and his family said:’ Whoever wants his death to be delayed and his body to be healthy, then he should observe and strengthen the ties of kinship.’ He (al- MansLir) said:’ It is not this tradition.’ He (al-Sadiq) said:’ Yes, my father told me on the authority of my grandfather that Allah’s Apostle, may Allah bless him and his family, said: I saw a blood relation clinging to the Throne, complaining to Allah of those who end their relationship with it. So I (the Prophet) said: Gabriel, and how many (descendants) were among them?’ He (Gabriel) said:’ Seven fathers’ He (al-Mansur) said:’ It is not this tradition.’ He (al- Sâdiq) said:’ Yes, my father told me on the authority of my grandfather, who said: Allah’s Apostle, may Allah bless him snd his family, said: A pious man whose neighbor was impious was near to death, so Allah, the Great and Almighty, said to the angel of death (Azrael): Angel of death, how many (years) have remained of the age of the impious (man)? He (the angel of death) said: Thirty years. He (Allah) said: Add them to the pious (man).”[14] So al-Mansur said:’ Servant, fetch me the mixture of perfume.’ He (the servant) brought him the perfume. He (al- Mansur) began perfuming him (al- Sadiq) with his hand. Then he gave him four thousand dirhams, and ordered (the servant) to bring al- Sadiq’s camel. He (the servant) brought it. He (al-Mansur) began saying: Advance (it)! Advance (it)! Then he (the servant) brought it near his bed.

So, Ja’far b. Mohammed, peace be on them, mounted it. And I became before him. So, I heard him saying:’ Praise be to Allah whom I ask and He answers me.’ So I said:’ Son of the Apostle of Allah, indeed, this tyrant subjects me to the sword every time. And he summoned al- Musayyab bin Zuhair and gave him a sword to behead you. And when you entered, I saw you moving your lips with a thing which I did not understand.’ So he (al-Sâdiq) said:’ This is not its (appropriate) situation.’ I went to him at night. He said:’ Yes, may father told me on the authority of my grandfather that Allah’s Apostle, may Allah bless him and his family, said the following. Words of Allah when the Jews, Fazâra, and Ghatfan provoked (people) against him:’ When they came upon you from above you and from below you, and when the eyes turned dull, and the hearts rose up to the throats, and you began to think diverse thoughts of Allah. That was the most difficult day for Allah’s Apostle, may Allah bless him and his family. So, he began coming in, going out, looking at the sky, and saying:’ Be narrow, you will be wide (He was addressing that difficult situation).’ Then he went out at some (time) of that night and said to Hudhayfa:’ Look! Who is that?’ He (Hudhayfa) said:’ That is ‘Ali b. Abu Tâlib, Allah’s Apostle.’ So Allah’s Apostle, may Allah bless him and his family, said to him (‘Au):’ Abu al- Hasan, are you not afraid that an eye may discover you?’ He said:’ I have granted myself for Allah and His Apostle. An I have gone out as a guard for the Muslims at this night.’ As soon as their words finished, Gabriel came down (from the sky). He said:’ Mohammed, Indeed, Allah gives you assalam and says to you:’ I have seen ‘Ali’s attitude since this night. And I have bestowed upon him Words of My Hidden Knowledge. If he says these words near a disobedient Satan or an oppressive ruler or (during) burn or drowning or demolition or rubble or a wild beast or a thief, surely Allah will make him secure of that. He should say:’ Allah, guard us with Your Eye which does not sleep....”

The fifth (attempt): In this (attempt), al-Mansur summoned him (al-Sadiq) (to come) to Baghdad before the killing of Mohammed and IbrThim, the two Sons of Abd Allah b. al- Hasan.’[15] This was reported by the Sharif Radiyuldin on his authority from Mohammed b. al-Rabi’ (the chamberlain), who said:” One day al- Mansur sat down in the green dome in his palace. Before the killing of Mohammed and Ibrahim, the green dome had been called al- Hamra’ (the red dome). He devoted a day to sit in that dome and called that day the day of butchering. He had sent Ja’far b. Mohammed BACK to Medina. He was still in al- Hamra’ all his day till night came and most of it finished.’ He said:’ Then he summoned al-Rabi’ and said to him: RabT’, you know your position with me and that good is done by me and do not reveal it to the mothers of the boys and take care of it.’ He (al- RabV) said:’ I said: Amir al- Mu’minin, that is the favor of Allah for me and the favor of Amir al- Mu’minin. and no one is better than me in advice.’ He (al-Mansur) said:’ Like this you are. At thihour, go to Ja’far b. Mohammed b. Fatima. Bring him to me in the state which you find him in. Do not change anything of his state.’ So I (al-Rabi’) said:’ To Allah we belong and to Him is our return. By Allah, this is the loss. If I bring him (al- Sâdid), he (al- Mansur) will kill him because he is full of anger. Accordingly I will lose the hereafter. And if I disobey his order, he will kill me and my family and take my properties. I made a comparison between the life in this world and the hereafter. So, myself inclined to life in this world.’ Mohammed b. al-Rabi’ said:’ So my father summoned me. And I was the rudest of his children and the most crude- hearted of them.’ So, he (al- Mansflt) said to me:” Go to Ja’far b. Mohammed, climb his wall, and do not open his door so as not to change his state. But, came down suddenly and bring him with the state in which he is.’ He (al-Rabi’) said:’ I went to him (al- sadiq) while most of the night finished, so I ordered (my guards) to lean the ladders against the wall, and I climbed the wall and came down his house. I found him praying. He was wearing a shirt and a handkerchief which he wore as a loincloth. When he finished his prayers, I said:’ Answer Amir al- Mu’minin.’ So he said:’ let me supplicate (Allah) and put one my clothing.’ I said:’ You are not permitted.’ He said to me:’ Let me enter the bathroom to purify myself.’ I said:’ You are not permitted, too. Do not busy yourself because I will not allow you to change anything.’ He (al- Rabi’) said:’ Then I took him out bare- footed and bare headed in his shirt and handkerchief. He was over seventy years of age.[16] ’ When he covered some of the road, the shaykh (al- Sadlq) became weak, so I had pity on him and said to him: Mount the mule of Shakiry, who was with us.’ Then we went to al-Rabi’, I heard him .saying:’ Woe unto you, RabT’, the man have become slow while you are forcing him to walk quickly.’ When al-Rabi’ saw Ja’far in that state, he wept. al-Rabi’ was about to become a ShVite, so Ja’far, peace be on him, said to him:’ RabT’, I know that you are inclining towards us, so let me say two ruk’as.’ He (al-Rabi’) said:’ Do as you like.’ He said two ruk’as quickly but, after them, he said a long supplication which I did not understand.’ When he finished his toni supplication, al-Rabi’ took him by the hand and led him to al-Mansur, When he (al- Sâdiq) entered the yard of the palace, he stopped and moved his lips with a thing which I did not understand. Then I make him enter and stop before al-Mansur. When he (al- Mansür) looked at him, he said:’ And you, Ja’far, Insist on your envy, your aggression and your corruption towards the people of this house, who belong to banU al- Abbâs. Allah doa#a not increase you with that but intense envy and unhappiness..’ So, he (aI’ Sadiq) said to him:’ By Allah, Amir al- Mu’minin, I have done nothing oV that. I lived during the Omayyad dynasty. You know that they were most dangerous enemies of all men for us and you. And they had no right’ to take the reins of authority. So, by Allah, I did not show enmity towarda them though they were rude with me. Thus how, Amir al- Mu’minin, can a do this while you are my cousin, the nearest relative to me, and m3a’ benefactox, so how can I do this.’ al-Mansur thought for a while. He war sitting on a rug of wool under which there was a sword called Dhul Faqat which he did not leave when he sat in the dome.’ Then he (al-Mansur> said:’ You have told lies and committed sins.’ Then he raised the cushion and took out a file of letters. He threw the file at him and (al- Sadiq) said:’a These are your letters which you have written to the people of Khurasan, in: which you have asked them to break my homage and pay you homage instead of me.’ He (al- Sadiq) said:’ By Allah, Amir al- Mu’minin, I have not done that, nor have I regarded that as lawful, nor have I rearded it of my doctrine. I am among those who believe in your obedience in all’ circumstances. I have become so old that I have no ability to do that. And If I want that, then put me in one of your prisons tilt death comes to me because it is near to me.’ So he (al- Mansfir) said:’ No! No dignity!’ Then he thought for a while, hit the sword with his hand and drew a span of the band of it, and took hold of its hilt. So I said:’ We belong to Allah, by Allah, the man (al- Sadiq) shall be killed’. Then he (al-Mansur) drew the sword and said:’ Ja’far, do not you feel shame, though you are an old man and of noble ancestry, of propagating falsehood and sowing dissension among Muslims. And you want to shed blood and stir up discord between the subjects and the rulers.’ He (al- Sadiq) said:’ No, by Allah, I have not done this. These are not my letters nor is this my writing nor is this my stamp’ So, he (al-Mansur) drew an arm of the sword. I said:’ We belong to Allah. The man shall be killed. I (al-Rabi’) decided that if he ordered me to (kill al- Sadiq), I would disobey him. That was because I thought that he (al-Mansur) would order me to behead al- Sadiq. So, I said that if al-Mansür ordered me to behead al- Sadiq I would behead al-Mansur instead of him even though that would destroy me and my sons. Moreover, I would turn to Allah, the Great and Almighty, in repentance of what I had intended before. He (al-Mansur) was still admonishing him and al- Sadiq was apologizing to him. Then he (al-Mansur) drew all the sword but a small part of it. So I said:’ We belong to Allah, by Allah, .the man (al- Sadiq) shall be killed’. Then he (al-Mansur) drew the sword, thought for a while, raised his head, and said to him:’ I think that, you are truthful. Rabi’, bring the bag from the dome.’ I brought it. He said:’ Enter your haind in it.’ It (the bag) was full of mixed perfume. He put some of the perfume on his white beard so that it became black. And he (al-Mansur) said to me:’ Carry him on one of my brisk camels which I ride, give him ten thousand dirhams, accompany him with honor to his house, and make him choose when you bring him to the house whether he wants to stay with us, so we will honor him or he wants to go to the city of his grandfather, Allah’s Apostle, may Allah bless him and his family.’ So, we left him (al-Mansur) while I was pleased and happy at the safety of Ja’far, peace be on him. And I wondered at what al-Mansur wanted and what he concluded because of al- Sâdiq’s ability and defense. And there was no wonder at Allah’s decision. When we arrived at the yard of the palace, I said:’ Son of the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, there is no wonder at what this (al- Mansllr) had done at your door and what Allah helped you to match and defend him-there is no wonder at the decision of Allah, the Great and Almighty. I heard You praying to Allah, after the two ruk’as, with a long supplication which I did not know but it was long. And I saw you moving your lips here, I mean the yard of the palace, with a thing which I did not know.’ So he said to me:’ As for the first one is the Dua’ of al- Karb and al- Shada’id (the Supplication of Grief and Hardships), with which I had not invoked Allah, against anyone before. I have replaced it with a long supplication which I had read when I finished my prayers, because I did not want to leave the Supplication. And as for the thing with which I moved my lips was the supplication of the Apostle of Allah at the Battle of al- Ahzab (the allies). My father told me on the authority of his father on the authority of his grandfather the Commander of the Faithful (Imam ‘Ali), the blessing of Allah be onthem, on the authority of the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, who said: ‘ On the day of the (Battle) of al- Ahzab (allies), Medina was like the crown of polytheist fighters and they were as Allah, the Great and Almighty, said:’ When they came upon you from above you and from below you....”[17]

Then he (al- Sâdiq) mentioned the supplication and said:’ Were it not for the fear of Amir al- Mu’minin, I would give you this money. But you had asked me to give you my land in Medina; you paid me ten thousand dirhams for it, but I did not sell it for you, now I have granted it for you.’ J (al-Rabi’) said:’ Son of the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, I want only the first and the second du’as (supplications), if you do this, then this is the charity and now I am in no need of the land.’ So he (al-Sadiq) said to me:’ We, ahl al Bayt, do not break our favor. We will dictate the supplication to you and gave you the land. Go with me to the house;” So, I went with him as al- Mansur had ordered me. He gave me the land and dictated to me the supplication of the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, and he dictated to me the supplication which he said after the two ruk’as.’ Then he (al-Rabi’) said:’ So, I said: Son of the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, al- Mansür ordered me to bring you quickly while you were reading this longsupplicatiotr slowly as if you were not afraid of him.’ He (al-Rabi’) said:’ So he said to me: Yes, I read a necessary supplication after the morning prayer. As for the two rik’as, they were of the early morning. I said them quickly, then Ia read that supplication after them.’ So I (al-Rabi’) said:’ Were you not afraid of Abü Ja’far (al-Mansur) while he prepared for you what he prepared?’ He said:’ What did he prepare? To fear Allah is better than toi fear him. And Allah, the Great and Almighty, was greater than he in my chest.’ al-Rabi’ said:’ al-Mansur’s anger with Ja’far was in my heart’ When he was free from (cares) and was good- hearted, I said:’ Amir al-Mu’minin, I have seen a wonder from you.’ He (al- Mansür) said:’ What is, it?’ I said:’ I have seen your anger with Ja’far while you had not been angly’ with anyone before. Besides you were about to kill him with the swor& namely you drew a span of the hand of it then you drew it. Then yOU admonished him and drew an arm of the sword. Then you admonished him and drew all of the sword but a small part. So, I had no doubt that you would kill him. Then all that was over. So, pleasure came BACK again, and’ you ordered me to blacken his beard with the mixed perfume which only you used and no one elae such as your son al- Mahdy, your governors, and your cousins. And you rewarded him, canied him (on one of your brisk camels), and ordered me to accompany him kindly.’ So he (al- Mansi]r) said:’ Woe unto you, RabT’, this is not among the thing which you must speak about, rather, it is better to keep it a secret. And I do not want the sons of Fatima to hear of that so that they will boast of it. It is sufficient for us what we live in. But I will tell you about everything. Go and see who are in the house and put them aside.’ He (al-Rabi’) said:’ So, I put aside all those who were in the house.’ Then he said to me:’ Go BACK and leave no one in the house.’ So I did. Then he said:’ There is no one here but I and you. I will tell you something. But if I hear it from, anyone other than you, I will kill you and all your family, and take your property.’ He (al- Rabi’) said:’ I said: AmIr al- Mu’minln, I invoke the protection of Allah upon you!’ He said:’ I was insisting on killing Ja’far, hearing no word from him, and accepting no reason from him. When I tried to kilt him in the first (attempt), Allah’s Apostle, may Allah bless him and his family, appeared to me. Suddenly, he (the Apostle) became as a partition between me and him. He was stretching out his two palms of the hand and baring his arms. Then he frowned at me. So I over looked him (al- Sadiq). Then I intended to (kilt) him in the second (attempt) and I drew longer part of the sword, but suddenly Allah’s Apostle, may Allah bless him and his family, approached me quickly. If I had killed him (al- Sâdiq), he (the Prophet) would have killed me. So, I refrained (from killing) him. Then I dared and said: This is an act ofthejinn. Then I drew the sword in the third (attempt), but Allah’s Apostle, may Allah bless him and his family, appeared to me. He was stretching out his anus. He got ready for (me), reddened, and frowned (at me). He was about to put his hand on me. So, I became afraid (of him). By Allah, If I had killed him (al- Sadiq), he (the Apostle) would have killed me. So, you had seen my reactions. These are among the sons of Fatima. No one ignores their right but the ignorant who have no luck in the Islamic Law, so be careful not to let anyone hear this from you.’ Mohammed b. al-Rabi’ said:’ So he did not tell me about that till al- Mahdy, MUsa’[18] and Harun[19] died, and till Mohammed[20] was killed.

The sixth (attempt): The Sharif RadiuldTn b. Tauws said:” In this attempt, al-Mansur sent for him (al- Sadiq) to come to Baghdad again after the killing of Mohammed and Ibrahim the two sons of Abd Allah b. al-Hasan.[21] He (b. Tauws) reported this attempt on the authority of Safwan b. Mahiin al- Jammat, who said:’A man from the Quraysh who lived in Medina from banü Makjizum told Abu Ja’far al- Mansur, after the latter had killed Mohammed and Ibrahim the two sons of al- Hasan, that Ja’far b.

Mohammed sent his servant al-mu'alla b.Khanis[22] to collect mony from hos Shi,a (followers) to support Mohammed b. Abd Allah, so al-Mansur was very angry with Ja’far b. Mohammed, and he wrote (a letter) to his cousin Dawud b. ‘Ali, who was the Emir of Medina, to send him Ja’far b. Mohammed as quickly as possible. So, Dawtid sent al-Mansur’s letter to al- Sadiq and said to him:’ Go to Amir al- Mu’minin tomorrow and do not be late.’ Safwân said:’ I was in Medina ihen, so I went to Ja’far, peace be on him. He (al- Sadiq) said to me:” Take care of our camels because we wilt go to Iraq, Allah wilting, in the aarty morning tomorrow.’ Immediately, he and I went to the Mosque of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family. That was between the first (prayer) and the afternoon. So, he (al- Sadiq) performed some ruk’as in the mosque. Then he raised his hands so I memorized then some of his supplication:’ 0 He Who has no beginning nor an end! 0 He Who has no period nor an end!’

Safwل n said:’ When Abü ‘Abd Allah (al- sadiq) entered upon morning, I brought the she- camel to him and he headed for Iraq till he arrived in the city of Abu Ja’far (al-Mansur)[23] He (al- sâdiq) asked permission and he was permitted. Safwân said:’ Those who saw him with Abti Ja’far said: When he (al- Manscir) saw him, he approached him, then he told him about the story of the man’. In his story, he said:’ Indeed, al- Ma’lta b. Khanis, the servant of Ja’far b. Mohammed collected money to him from all countries to support Mohammed b. ‘Abd Allah.’ So, he (al- Mansfir) gave him the story to read it, then he asked him:’ Ja’far b. Mohammed, What is this money which al- Ma’ ttâ b. Khanls collected from people to you?’ Abti Abd Allah (al- Sâhe she- camel to him and he headed for Iraq till he arrived in the city of Abu Ja’far (al-Mansur) He (al- sâdiq) asked permission and he was permitted. Safwân said:’ Those who saw him with Abti Ja’far said: When he (al- Manscir) saw him, he approached him, then he told him about the story of the man’. In his story, he said:’ Indeed, al- Ma’lta b. Khanis, the servant of Ja’far b. Mohammed collected money to him from all countries to support Mohammed b. ‘Abd Allah.’ So, he (al- Mansfir) gave him the story to read it, then he asked him:’ Ja’far b. Mohammed, What is this money which al- Ma’ ttâ b. Khanls collected from people to you?’ Abti Abd Allah (al- Sâe she- camel to him and he headed for Iraq till he arrived in the city of Abu Ja’far (al-Mansur) He (al- sâdiq) asked permission and he was permitted. Safwân said:’ Those who saw him with Abti Ja’far said: When he (al- Manscir) saw him, he approached him, then he told him about the story of the man’. In his story, he said:’ Indeed, al- Ma’lta b. Khanis, the servant of Ja’far b. Mohammed collected money to him from all countries to support Mohammed b. ‘Abd Allah.’ So, he (al- Mansfir) gave him the story to read it, then he asked him:’ Ja’far b. Mohammed, What is this money which al- Ma’ ttâ b. Khanls collected from people to you?’ Abti Abd Allah (al- Sâdiq) said:’ I seek refuge with Allah from that, Amir al-Mu’min!n!’ So, he (al-Mansur) said:’ Do you not swear by divorce and emancipation that you are innocent of that?’ He (al- Sadiq) said:’ Yes, I swear by Allah that I have not done that.’ Abu Ja’far said:’ No, you should swear by divorce and emancipation!’ So Abu Abd Allah, peace be on him, said: Do you not accept my oath by Allah, with whom there is no god but He.’ Abu Ja’far said to him:’ Do not be a jurisprudent over me!’ Abu Abd Allah said:’ I am the master of jurisprudence, AmTh al- Mu’minin.’ He said to him:’ Do not speak of this because, at this hour, I am gathering between you and this man, who has told us about you.’ So, they brought the man and asked him in tpresence of Ja’far, peace be on him. So, he (the man) said:’ Yes, this is right, this is Ja’far b. Mohammed, and what you have told him is as what I have said.’ So, Abti Abd Allah said:’ Man’ do you swear by Allah that what you have said is right?’ He said:’ Yes.’ Then the man began swearing and saying: ‘By Allah, with Whom there is no god but Him, the Demander, the Prevalent, the Eternal, the Self- Existent’. So Ja’far, peace be on him, said to him:’ Do not be quick in your swearing, I want to make you Swear.’ al-Mansur said:’ What do you refuse of this swear?’ He (al- Sadiq) said:’ Surely, Allah, the Exalted, is Eternal and Generous. He feels shame of His servant when he praises him, so He (Allah) of His Might and Power and resort to my might and power, surely I am truthful and righteous in what I (the author) say.’ So, al-Mansur said to the Quraishi (man):’ Swear in what AbTi Abd Allah has asked you.’ The man took this oath. When he was about to complete these words, he became leprous, fell over the ground and died. So, Abti Ja’far became afraid of that and began shaking. Thus he said:’ Abu Abd Allah, from tomorrow, go to the Sacred City (Medina) if you choose to stay with us, we will spare no effort to entertain you, then, by Allah, henceforth I will not accept.any word from anyone.”’[24]

The seventh (attempt): In the seventh attempt, al- SharifAbu al- Qasim mentioned a report on the authority of Mohammed b. Abd Allah al-Iskandary[25] , among the prominent companions of al- Mansur, who said:” One day, I came to him (al- Mansür) and found him sad. He was breathing coldly. So, I (Mohammed) said:’ Amir al- Mu’minin, What are you thinking?’ So, he said to me:’ Mohammed, over one hundred sons of Fatima’s perished. But their chief and Imam has remained.’[26] So, I said to him:’ Who is He?’ He said:’ Ja’far b. Mohammed al- Sadiq.’ So I said:’ Amir al- Mu’minrn, worship has made him weak. He devoted himself to Allah instead of seeking authority and the caliphate.’ He said:’ Mohammed, I know that you believe in him and his Imamate, but authority is barren. I have taken it upon myself that I will not enter into this evening tilt I get rid of him (al- Sadiq).’ Mohammed said:’-By Allah, the earth became narrow in my eye though it is wide.’

Then he summoned a swordsman and said to him:’ When I bring Abu Abd Allah aI- Sadiq, make him busy with my words, and put my cap on my head as a sign between me and you, then behead him.’ Then Aba Abd Allah, peace be on him, was brought at that hour. I followed him to the palace while he was moving his lips (Mohammed) with a thing which I did not know. So, I saw the palace waving like the ship in the depth of the sea. And I saw Abu Ja’far al-Mansur walking before him while he was bare-footed and bare- headed. His teeth were chattering and he was shaking. Sometimes he turned red and sometimes he turned pale. He took Aba Abd Allah by the arm seated him in the throne of his authority, and kneeled before him as the stave kneels before his master. Then he said:’ Son of the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, what has brought you at this time?’ He (al- Sadiq) said:’ I have come, Amir al- Mu’minin, to obey Allah, His Apostle, may Allah bless him and his family, and Amir aI-Mu’minin, may Allah make his power permanent.’[27]

He (al-Mansur) said:’ I have not summoned you, but itwas a mistake made by the messenger. Then he said:’ Ask your need.’ He (al- Sadiq) said:’ I ask you not to summon me without need.’ He (al-Mansur) said:’ That is for you and other than that.’ Then Abu Abd Allah, peace be on him, went quickly. And I (Mohammed) thanked Allah, the Great and Almighty, very much. Then Abu Ja’far al- Mansür ordered (his servant) to bring the dawawij (sleeping) bags.... So he slept and ‘did not wake till midnight. When he a woke, he saw me sitting near his head. So, he became pleased and said:’ Do not go out till I (the author) say my past prayers, then I will tell you about something.’ When he finished his prayers, he came to Mohammed and told him about the fearful things which he saw when al-Sadiq came. That was the reason why he did not kill him (al- Sadiq) and the reason why he respected him and treated him kindly.

Mohammed said:’ I said to him: No wonder, Amir al- Mu’minin! Abü Abd Allah has inherited the knowledge of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family, and his grandfather was the Commander of the Faithful (Amir al- Mu’minin, namely Imam ‘Ali), and he has some of the Names (or the Attributes of Allah). If he read them against night, it (night) would furnish with lights, and if he read them against day, it (day) would become dark. And if he read them against the waves in the sea, they would become calm.’[28]

Mohammed said:’ So I said to him (al-Mansur) after some days: Amir al- Mu’minin, Would you mind allowing a visit to Abu Abd Allah al-Sadiq?’ He accepted and did not refuse. So, I went to him (al- Sadiq), greeted him, and said to him:’ My master, by your grandfather Mohammed, the Apostle of the Lord of might, I ask you to teach me the supplication which you read when you came to AbU Ja’far aI- Mansür.’ He (at- Sadiq) said:’ All right.’ Then at- Sâdiq began telling Mohammed about the importance of the supplication. Then he mentioned that long supplication.’[29]

These attempts were some of the adversities which at- Sadiq, peace be on him, suffered from. Moreover, b. Tawus, may his grave be fragrant, mentioned two attempts through which at- Mansür tried to kill at- Sâdiq, but Allah saved him from at- Mansür’s evil attempts.

Digressing the conditions of at- Sadiq, peace be on him, some authors have mentioned some of these adversities and how at- Saliq escaped danger through his supplication. Some of these authors are at- Shiblanjy in (his book) ‘Nflr Al- Absar’, Al- Sibt in (his book) ‘Al- Tadhkira’, Ibin Talha in (his book) ‘Matalib Al- Sa’fll’, Ibin at- Sabbagh in (his book) ‘Al-FusUt Al- Muhima’, Ibin Hajar in (his book) ‘Al- Sawa’q’, al- Shaykh Sulayman in (his book) ‘Al- Yan’bT’, at- Kulayny in (his book) ‘Al- Kafi’, at- Majtisy in (his book) ‘Al- Bihar’, vol. 1, Ibin Shahr ashüb in (his book) ‘Al- Manaqib’, and at- Shaykh at- Mufid in (his book) Al- Irshad, and the like.