Eternal Manifestations: 80 Stories from the life of Allama Tabatabai (R.A)

Eternal Manifestations: 80 Stories from the life of Allama Tabatabai (R.A)0%

Eternal Manifestations: 80 Stories from the life of Allama Tabatabai (R.A) Author:
Translator: S. K. Yusufali
Category: Miscellaneous Books

Eternal Manifestations: 80 Stories from the life of Allama Tabatabai (R.A)

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Ahmad Luqmani
Translator: S. K. Yusufali
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Eternal Manifestations: 80 Stories from the life of Allama Tabatabai (R.A)

Eternal Manifestations: 80 Stories from the life of Allama Tabatabai (R.A)


This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Eternal Manifestations: 80 Stories from the life of Allama Tabatabai (R.A)

A collection of eighty spiritually uplifting stories from the life of Allama Tabatabai (ra) showing his dedication to Islam and his striving at attaining nearness towards Allah.

Author(s): Ahmad Luqmani

Translator(s): S. K. Yusufali

Table of Contents

Love for the Ahlul-Bayt (as)5

Story n. 1 5

Story n. 2 5

Story n. 4 6

Story n. 5 6

Akhlaq (Manner of character)7

Story n. 1 7

Story n. 2 7

Story n. 3 7

Story n. 4 7

Story n. 5 8

Akhlaq at Home9

Story n. 1 9

Story n. 2 9

Story n. 3 9

At Home with his Wife10

Story n. 1 10

Story n. 2 10

Story n. 3 10

At Home with his Children 12

Story n. 1 12

Story n. 2 12

Story n. 3 12

Story n. 4 12

Story n. 5 12

Sincerity and Humility 14

Story n. 1 14

Story n. 2 14

Story n. 3 14

Story n. 4 14

Story n. 5 14

Story n. 6 15

Story n. 7 15

Story n. 8 16

Story n. 9 16

Story n. 10 16

Spirituality 17

Story n. 1 17

Story n. 2 17

Story n. 3 17

Story n. 4 17

Allamah and the Qur’an 19

Story n. 1 19

Story n. 2 19

Story n. 3 19

Story n. 4 19


Story n. 1 20

Story n. 2 20

Story n. 3 20

Story n. 4 21

Story n. 5 21

Story n. 6 22

Story n. 7 22

Story n. 8 22

Story n. 9 23

Allamah as a Student24

Story n. 1 24

Story n. 2 24

Story n. 3 25

Story n. 4 25

Story n. 5 25

Story n. 6 26

Allamah as a Teacher27

Story n. 1 27

Story n. 2 27

Story n. 3 27

Academic Activities29

Story n. 1 29

Story n. 2 29

Story n. 3 29

Story n. 4 29

Al-Mizan 31

Story n. 1 31

Story n. 2 31

Story n. 3 31

Story n. 4 31

Story n. 5 32

Story n. 6 32

Story n. 7 32

Story n. 8 32

Perseverance and Hard Work 34

Story n. 1 34

Story n. 2 34

Spiritual Disclosures (Mukashafat)35

Story n. 1 35

Story n. 2 35

Story n. 3 35

Story n. 4 35

Story n. 5 36

Last Days38

Story n. 1 38

Story n. 2 38

Story n. 3 38

Story n. 4 39

Love for the Ahlul-Bayt (as)

Story n. 1

‘Allamah Tabataba’i used to visit the shrine of Hazrat Ma’suma (sa) at least once every week. He would walk [to the shrine], and along the way, if he saw a discarded orange, cucumber or banana peel, he would use his staff to remove it from the sidewalk. During the summer he used to visit the holy city of Mashhad. When visiting the shrine of Imam Ridha (as) at night, he would sit in the area adjacent to the side of the shrine (dharih) where Imam’s head is buried. In a state of humbleness and humility he would then recite the ziyarat (greetings to the Imam). Whilst in Mashhad he would participate in the Maghrib and ‘Isha congregational prayers led by Ayatullah Sayyid Muhammad Hadi Milani, sitting in a corner amongst the people [during the namaz].

‘Allamah had an intimate relationship with the Prophet (S) and the Imams (as). He would mention their names with extreme decorum and reverence, participate in gatherings where their deaths were mourned, and weep profusely for the tragedies that the Ahlul Bayt had faced.

Ayatullah Ibrahim Amini

Story n. 2

Marhum ‘Allamah’s connection with the Ahlul-Bayt was one of complete love. Not once do I remember him mentioning the names of any one of the Imams without respect. Each time he would enter the shrine of Imam Ridha (as) in the holy city of Mashhad, I would see him place his trembling hands on the threshold and kiss it - his entire body quivering from the depths of his soul.

Occasionally in his presence we would ask him to pray for us. He would reply, “Go and ask from Hazrat [Imam]. We have no special position here, everything is available from him”.

When he kissed the wooden frame of the shrine (dharih), his entire being reflected a profound etiquette towards Imam Ridha (as). With complete propriety (adab) and extreme love he would then recite his prayers in a corner. From the time he would enter until the time he left he conducted himself with adab.

Hujjatulislam Doctor Ahmadi

Story n.3

A scholar once asked Shahid Ayatullah Mutahhari, “Why do you respect ‘Allamah Tabataba’i so much and say may I be sacrificed for him”?

He replied,

I have seen many philosophers and mystics. My unique respect for ‘Allamah is not related to his being a philosopher. Rather, my reverence stems from the fact that he is an enamored lover of the Ahlul-Bayt. [For example] ‘Allamah Tabataba’i used to break his fast in the month of Ramadhan by kissing the shrine (dharih) of Hazrat Ma’suma (sa). He would walk to the holy shrine, kiss the dharih, and then return to his home to eat. It is this characteristic of his that has captivated me to such a degree.

Shahid Mutahhari

Story n. 4

Daily activities that occupied ‘Allamah day and night did not prevent him from seeking intercession and exhibiting propriety (adab) for the Ahlul-Bayt. Rather he recognized that he was indebted to their intercession for his situation. His respect for the words of the Ma’sumin was so great that even when dealing with traditions whose chains of narration were weak, he acted in a cautionary manner because of the possibility that they might be from the Ahlul-Bayt. In addition, he believed that even the slightest disrespect or ill-thought towards this pure family should not be tolerated.

Ayatullah Misbah Yazdi

Story n. 5

Whenever the name of one of the Ma’sumin was mentioned, humility and etiquette would be apparent on ‘Allamah’s face. He had particular reverence for Imam Zaman [the 12th Holy Imam] - may we be sacrificed for him. He considered the position of the Prophet, Imams and Hadhrat Siddaqa Kubra [Sayyida Fatima] (sa) to be beyond description. He had a humble, reverential and pious manner in respect to them, considered their position and status to be celestial, and had an in-depth knowledge of their actions and history ..

‘Allamah Tehrani

Akhlaq (Manner of character)

Story n. 1

‘Allamah was refined, kind, chaste, humble, sincere, lacking desire, patient, sweet and a great companion. For 30 years I was with ‘Allamah, attending his classes, participating in his private Thursday night and Friday sessions, and benefiting from his presence as much as I could. Not once during this time do I remember him ever becoming angry or yelling at one of his students or speaking harshly or insulting anyone.

He used to teach his classes calmly and quietly, never raising his voice. He became familiar and made friends with others very quickly. He was so friendly with everyone, even a new student, that one might have thought they were two dear friends. He listened to everyone and always displayed signs of love and friendship. He was incredibly humble…and did not give importance to the number of his students, sometimes agreeing to teach only two or three individuals.

In private sessions he would normally remain quiet and calm. If he was asked a question, he would answer, and if not, he would maintain his silence. Occasionally if someone would refer to him as a Professor (Ustad), he would say, “I do not like this title. We have gathered here as colleagues in thought so that we might discover the truths of Islam”.

‘Allamah was very well mannered, listening to every individual and never interrupting anyone. If he heard the truth he would acknowledge it. He would avoid argumentative discussions, but willingly answer any sincere questions asked of him.

Ayatullah Ibrahim Amini

Story n. 2

‘Allamah Tabataba’i’s manner was one that conformed completely to the Qur’an. Perhaps it can be said that his behavior had become the Qur’an. Every verse that God has placed in the Qur’an describing a perfect human being (Insane Kamil), we found it in ‘Allamah’s behavior to the extent that it is possible to be seen in an individual. His gatherings were those of perfect Islamic etiquette and Godly character. It was rare for him to commit even an action which, without being a sin, was not the best course of action to take (tarke ula). He never mentioned someone’s name with ill-feeling, nor anyone’s bad characteristics, and tried to always pray for the well-being of others.

Ayatullah Jawadi Amuli

Story n. 3

‘Allamah Tabataba’i was extremely kind and sentimental. He never forgot his friends and always kept in touch with them. He acted benevolently with his private students, and was attached to and familiar with them, and inquired about the situation of those who had moved to other cities.

Ayatullah Ibrahim Amini

Story n. 4

One of the outstanding characteristics of my father was his close relationship with his students - especially Agha Mutahhari. He himself used to say: every time I sit with my friends, it is as if the entire world lights up in my view. Truly I take pleasure [from their company].

‘Allamah’s daughter, Najma As-Sadat Tabataba’i

Story n. 5

‘Allamah used to speak very little, and he also used to advise others to speak less. He regarded speaking a lot as a sign of a weak intellect. He talked very simply and in such a manner that sometimes people used to believe he was a regular individual, and not a scholar and a philosopher.

‘Allamah’s daughter

Akhlaq at Home

Akhlaq (manner of character) at Home

Story n. 1

His manner and behavior at home was truly like that of Prophet Muhammad (S) (Muhammadi). He never became angry, and we never heard him raise his voice while speaking. While he was gentle, he was also decisive and firm. He gave importance to praying on time, staying up during the nights of the month of Ramadhan, reading the Qur’an out loud, and maintaining organization in all things. As a result of his strong, kind sentiment and extremely kind heart, he would never refuse anyone. One day he said to me, “from morning until now I have answered the door 24 times in order to reply people’s queries”.

‘Allamah’s daughter

Story n. 2

Although he had very little time, ‘Allamah managed his schedule in such a manner that he would spend one hour every afternoon with his family. During this time he was so kind and affectionate that one could not believe that this was an individual occupied with so much work.

‘Allamah’s daughter

Story n. 3

At home ‘Allamah was strongly opposed to anyone else carrying out his personal tasks for him. There was always a competition in turning down the bed [at home]. My father would try to carry out this task before anyone else, and my mother would try to anticipate him. Even in the end when he was sick and I used to go to his home, he would get up from his place to pour his own tea despite his state of illness. And if I objected and said, “why didn’t you ask me to bring me some tea,” he would reply, “no, you are a guest, and you are also a descendant of the Prophet (S) (Sayyid), and I cannot give you any orders”.

‘Allamah’s daughter

At Home with his Wife

Story n. 1

‘Allamah’s family life was extremely warm and pleasant. When his wife passed away he shed so many tears and was so saddened and moved that one day we asked him, “we should be learning patience and endurance from you - why are you affected such?”

He replied:

Death is inevitable. Everyone must die. I am not crying for the death of my wife. My tears are for the kindness, housekeeping abilities, and the love my wife had. I have had a life full of ups and downs. In the holy city of Najaf when we were faced with many difficulties, I was not even aware of the needs and the administration of our life [because she took care of them so well]. Managing our life was in the hands of my wife, and throughout our life not once did my wife do something that I said I wish she hadn’t done that, even just to myself. Nor did she ever not do something that I said I wish she had carried that out!

Throughout our life together never once did she say to me why did you carry out that particular act, or why didn’t you do something! For example, you know that I work at home and am continually occupied with writing and studying. As a result I get tired and occasionally I need to rest and to renew my energy. My wife was aware of this. She would always have the kettle on and tea ready. Although she was busy with housework, she would pour me one cup of tea every hour. She would place it in my study and would return to her work until the following hour…how can I ever forget such love and kindness?!

Ayatullah Ibrahim Amini

Story n. 2

His [‘Allamah’s] behavior with my mother was incredibly respectful and friendly. Through his actions it seemed as if he was always eager to see my mother. We never saw them order each other to do or not do anything, nor did we see any discord between the two of them. They were loving, loyal and forgiving to each other to such an extent that we thought they never disagreed. The two of them were truly like two friends with each other.

Prior to her death, my mother was ill and confined to bed for 27 days. During this period my father did not leave her bedside for a single moment. He left all his work to take care of her.

At the same time my mother was an exceptional woman. She was patient when faced with difficulties and a meager lifestyle. She managed all our household affairs. She took care of our academic and social life and handled all our concerns. She worked with such efficiency and wisdom that my father was able to pursue his academic work with complete ease of mind.

‘Allamah’s daughter

Story n. 3

“It was this woman who allowed me to reach this position. She has been my partner and whatever books I have written, half [of the credit] belongs to her.”

This one sentence from ‘Allamah Tabataba’i is sufficient as an indication of his enlightened view of women. At another time he said:

If a woman did not have importance, God would not have placed the lineage of the 12 Imams in the progeny of Hazrat Zahra (as). Truly if a woman is noble and good she can make the entire world a rose-garden, and if she is bad she can make the world a hell…Women and men are partners, and after looking after the raising of her children, a woman must become aware and familiar with the affairs of her society.

‘Allamah Tabataba’i

At Home with his Children

Story n. 1

‘Allamah Tabataba’i was very affectionate with his children, as well as his grandchildren. Sometimes he would spend an hour of his valuable time listening to our chatting, or teaching us how to draw, or giving us exercises for our homework.

‘Allamah’s daughter

Story n. 2

‘Allamah valued his children, especially his daughters, a great deal. He considered daughters to be a blessing from God, and valuable precious gifts. He always encouraged his children to acquire the traits of honesty and tranquility, and liked that the sound and melody of the Qur’an should reach their ears. For this reason he used to read the Qur’an out loud. He gave importance to his children being well-mannered, and believed that the behavior of parents affects their children.

He was particularly respectful and loving towards his daughters, such that he would call them by adding the word ‘sadat’ to their name, and he used to say that the respect of a daughter, especially a descendant of the Prophet (S) (Sayyid), must be preserved. He believed that daughters are a trust from God. However much a person pays them respect, God and the Prophet (S) are pleased [with him].

‘Allamah’s daughter

Story n. 3

Our upbringing was not limited to our childhood. Even after I was married I used to always benefit from the guidance of my father. For example, in the early days of our marriage when I would visit my father’s home, he would advise me by saying “don’t let it be the case that your actions result in the displeasure of Khanum (that is my mother-in-law), for God will not let that pass. You must make sure to assist her".

‘Allamah’s daughter

Story n. 4

‘Allamah had a close relationship with his children. In his final years when I was living in Tehran, I would visit him two or three times each week, but it wasn’t determined exactly when I would go. Yet every time I would visit, his wife (his second wife) would say that it’s been three or four hours that he has been pacing waiting for you. When I would ask how he knew I was coming, he wouldn’t give me a clear response, and in the end I never understood how he was aware what time I would be arriving.

‘Allamah’s daughter

Story n. 5

After the death of my son ‘Hasan’, he [‘Allamah] came to Tehran. However, I didn’t know how to behave with him so that he wouldn’t become upset, and incidentally, he too, was thinking the same. When he arrived he asked, “Najma, what can I say to you?” I said, “Nothing. All thanks belong to God”. He replied “All thanks belong to God, who, when he gave you a child, he gave you a good child”.

‘Allamah’s daughter

Sincerity and Humility

Story n. 1

Although we had a very close relationship with ’Allamah, not a single instance comes to mind of a situation in which he brought up a subject in the form of demonstrating [his knowledge] or that he presented some information without being asked a question.

Ayatullah Ja’far Subhani

Story n. 2

Our teacher one day told me “I have never seen any one more ascetic than this man (‘Allamah). Despite being a treasure of knowledge and information, he still stands to pray in the final row of Ayatullah Milani’s prayers amongst the travelers”.

Hujjat ul-Islam Musawi Hamadani

Story n. 3

Once when one of the scholars of the religious seminary (Hawze Ilmiye) of Qum was praising the great Tafsir al-Mizan in his presence, ‘Allama said the following: “Don’t praise it lest I become pleased and my sincerity and good intention be destroyed”.

Story n. 4

Every time I would meet ‘Allamah, without exception I would try and bend to kiss his hand and he would hide his hand under his cloak. He would display such humility and shyness that we would be startled. One day I said to him,

“We try to kiss your hand in order to benefit from your blessed presence, why do you withhold this from us? Have you not heard of the hadith of Imam ‘Ali (as) that ‘whosoever teaches me one word, he has made me his servant’?”

He replied, “Yes, it is a well-known narration and its text is agreed upon”.

I then said, “You are the one who has taught us so much and have thus caused us to be your servants over and over again. Is it not part of the etiquette of a servant that he kisses the hand of his master and thus receives blessings?”

With a charming smile ‘Allamah said, “We are all the servants of God Almighty”.

‘Allamah Husayni Tehrani

Story n. 5

In the month of Sha’ban 1411 H, ‘Allamah Tabataba’i visited Mashhad and came to our home. I gave him the library as his room so that he could use the books with ease. The time for Maghrib prayers arrived, and I spread a prayer mat for him and left the room so that he would start his prayers at which time I could return and pray behind him.

It was approximately fifteen minutes after Maghrib when he called for me. When I came near ‘Allamah said, “We will follow you” [that is, I want you to lead the prayers].

I said “I request that you please go ahead and pray yourself!” [that you lead the prayers]!”

He said “We [I] have this request”.

I replied “For forty years we have wanted to pray one set of prayers behind you, but it has not yet happened. Please accept”.

With a charming smile he said “Then it is not much to add one year in addition to those forty years”.

I said “I am your servant and your follower. If you order me I will carry out your order!” [to lead the prayers]

He said “I am not giving an order, this is just my request”.

‘Allamah Tehrani

Story n. 6

‘Allamah Tabataba’i was a world of greatness. Like a regular seminary (hawza) student he would sit on the ground near the courtyard of the school, and when it was nearly sunset, he would enter Madrasa Fayziyya. When it was prayer time, he would pray in congregation behind the Late Ayatullah Agha Hajj Sayyid Muhammad Taqi Khansari as if he was just another one of the students.

He was so humble and well-mannered and made such an effort to maintain his etiquette that I repeatedly told him that in comparison to your level of propriety (adab) and consideration we look ill-mannered!

Never once in almost forty years was he seen resting his back against a pillow. Rather, in front of guests he would always maintain his etiquette and sit a little distance in front of the wall. I was his student and often went to his house and in observance of etiquette, I wanted to sit slightly lower than him, but it was impossible. ‘Allamah would rise and say “If that is the case, then I must sit either at the entrance or outside the room!”

‘Allamah Tehrani

Story n. 7

I used to participate in the higher level (darse kharij), jurisprudence (fiqh) and principles of jurisprudence (usul) classes of Hazrat Imam Khumayni (qs) and the philosophy classes of ‘Allamah Tabataba’i and was very attached to and loved both of these pious teachers very much. One day I invited both teachers to my room in Madrasa Hujjatiyya for lunch. They accepted my invitation and arrived at my room. I wanted to coerce the two teachers into a philosophical debate, but however much I tried I was not successful because they were completely free of any personal desire and thus avoided all types of academic argumentation.

In that session, if I addressed Imam Khumayni and asked him something, he would reply and ‘Allamah Tabataba’i would remain quiet and listen carefully. And if I asked ‘Allamah a question, he would reply and Imam (r) would remain quiet and listen carefully.

Ayatullah Ibrahim Amini

Story n. 8

In the course of the thirty years in which I had the honor of being in his presence, never did I hear him use the word “I” on its own. On the other hand, I heard him use the expression “I don’t know” many times in response to a question, the same expression that most people are reluctant to use. Yet, as a result of his extreme humbleness, this ocean of knowledge and wisdom used this expression with ease.

Ayatullah Misbah Yazdi

Story n. 9

One of the years when ‘Allamah had traveled to Mashhad, we went to his house to visit him. Because of a weak heart and according to the orders of his doctor, he was strictly forbidden from sitting on the ground. As soon as we entered, he rose from his mattress and offered it to us to sit on. I refused to sit, and for some time both he and I were left standing until he said, “sit so that I can say something”! I obeyed him out of politeness and sat. He too sat on the ground and then said, “what I wanted to say is that it’s softer over there”.

‘Allamah Tabataba’i’s son-in-law

Story n. 10

I had written a paper on Imamat and presented it to ‘Allamah Tabataba’i, saying, “occasionally when you are tired of studying and discussion, in the name of relaxation or as they say, for a recess (zange tafrih) have a look at this paper of mine as well”.

He kindly agreed and read the paper from beginning to end, word for word. After some time he said, “I have seen it in its entirety”. When I went to pick it up from him, he made an objection saying that in a particular place in the paper you have made a personal prayer only for yourself. I had narrated a hadith, and after the narration of the hadith and a commentary on it, I had written “O God, bequeath the ability to understand the signs of God to this being”!

He [‘Allamah] said, “why have you made this personal prayer? Why have you not included others in your invocation for Divine sustenance?” Then he said to me, “as far as I am aware, I have never made a personal prayer only for myself”.

Ayatullah Jawadi Amuli


Story n. 1

‘Allamah was in a constant state of remembrance of the Almighty (dhikr). When we would walk together, and our conversation would end, he would busy himself with dhikr. He believed strongly in supererogatory prayers (nawafil) and sometimes he would even recite them while on the road. He gave great importance to participating in gatherings of mourning for the Ahlul-bayt (as) and shed many tears in grief for Aba Abdillah [Imam Husayn] (as).

He spent many nights awake and in worship, and in the month of Ramadhan, he would be awake, praying and busy with remembrance of the Almighty (dhikr) between sunset and dawn. He was the personification of the verse

Men whom neither merchandise nor selling diverts from the remembrance of Allah (Sura Nur, 24: 38).

Ayatullah Ibrahim Amini

Story n. 2

‘Allamah Tabataba’i was not overly concerned with worldly matters. He used to say God is the one who gives reputation. Human beings can never attain status with worldly objects. He had a very exalted and sensitive soul. Whenever God would be mentioned, his appearance would change. Occasionally he would tell me,

“It is possible that sometimes a person becomes so unaware of God, that God inflicts him with a severe and dangerous fever for forty days so that he might once say from the depth of his heart Ya Allah, and fall into the remembrance of God”.

In times of difficulty and pain he never displayed the smallest sign of distress. He confronted problems with serenity and patience.

‘Allamah’s daughter

Story n. 3

We were witness to the personification of asceticism (zuhd) in all the time that we spent with ‘Allamah. Occasionally he would speak about the difficult years; the years when he was in Tabriz and his life was in turmoil. It was a time of unrest in Azerbaijan, but despite this situation and the fact that there was no outward peace for ‘Allamah, he had no fear; such a situation did not shake him the least, and he remained firm [throughout].

Ayatullah Jawadi Amuli

Story n. 4

In terms of spiritual perfection, ‘Allamah Tabataba’i had reached such a level of tajjarude barzakhi that he was able to see visions from the world of the unseen which other regular individuals could not.

Years of spiritual exertion and endeavors on the path of self-purification and practical Gnosis (‘Irfane ‘Amali) resulted in [his complete] knowledge of theoretical Gnosis (‘Irfane ‘Ilmi). That is because the late ‘Allamah Tabataba’i united intellectual ‘Irfan with practical ‘Irfan, and thus was able to taste the reality of true ‘Irfan. That which other mystics had written about in their books, he realized. He had in reality traversed the many stages of ‘Irfan. In the end he wrote a timeless and lasting account of this. His book Muhakemat bain Mukatebat is a valuable text from whose valleys of knowledge many of those inclined towards ‘Irfan have benefited from.

Shahid Mutahhari

Allamah and the Qur’an

Story n. 1

‘Allamah Tabataba’i was a live, moving manifestation of Sura Al-‘Asr from the Qur’an. The reality of Sura Al-‘Asr had settled in him, and he had a special connection with this blessed chapter of the Qu’ran (sura). In Tafsir Al-Mizan, he says about this sura: “God Almighty has elucidated all the learnings of the Qur’an and all the divine truths and truths about mankind in the small sura.”

Ayatullah Hasanzadeh Amuli

Story n. 2

‘Allamah Tabataba’i was extremely humble and modest in relation to the Qur’an. He would usually recite verses of the Qur’an from memory and would tell us in which chapters (suwar) those verses were located, and would also recite verses that were related to that particular verse. The sessions of Qur’anic discussion of that late Sayyid [‘Allamah] were extremely interesting and informative.

‘Allamah Tehrani

Story n. 3

I remember once I had the Holy Qur’an in my hand and a tafsir in front of me. I wanted to open another book and at the same time I did not want the pages of the Qur’an to close. As a result I placed the Qur’an behind me on the ground. ‘Allamah immediately picked up the Qur’an and kissed it and then said to me, “next time don’t repeat this action”.

Hujjatul Islam Musawi Hamadani

Story n. 4

‘Allamah would keep awake all the nights of the blessed month of Ramadhan, and he used to have a great desire to recite the Qur’an and would try to recite it out loud.

‘Allamah’s daughter