An Enlightening Commentary Into the Light of the Holy Qur'an Volume 14
Author: Ayatullah Sayyid Kamal Faghih Imani and A Group of Muslim Scholars
Translator: Sayyid Abbas Sadr-'ameli
Publisher: Imam Ali Foundation
Category: Quran Interpretation
ISBN: 9645691028
Author: Ayatullah Sayyid Kamal Faghih Imani and A Group of Muslim Scholars
Translator: Sayyid Abbas Sadr-'ameli
Publisher: Imam Ali Foundation
Category: ISBN: 9645691028
visits: 35023
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- Introduction
- Not All English Versions of Quran Are Acceptable
- What is a 'Commentary'?
- The Current Commentary
- Attributes Needed for Working on This Kind of Commentary
- The Problems in Translating
- Translators Note
- Editor's Note
- Notes
- Acknowledgment
- Notes
- References
- Arabic, Farsi Commentaries
- English Translations of Qur'an
- Supporting Technical References
- Phraseological and Philological Sources
- A Presentation to Muslims
- Notes
- Surah Al-‘Ankabut, Section 5: To Argue in the Best Way Possible
- Part (Juz') 21
- Surah Al-‘Ankabut, Chapter 29 - Verse 45
- Some Traditions
- The Effect of Prayer in an Individual and in Society
- Surah Al-‘Ankabut - Verse 46
- Surah Al-‘Ankabut - Verse 47
- Surah Al-‘Ankabut - Verse 48
- Surah Al-‘Ankabut - Verse 49
- Surah Al-‘Ankabut - Verse 50
- Surah Al-‘Ankabut - Verse 51
- Notes
- Section 6: The Disbelievers Warned
- Surah Al-‘Ankabut - Verse 52
- Surah Al-‘Ankabut - Verses 53-54
- Surah Al-‘Ankabut - Verse 55
- Surah Al-‘Ankabut - Verse 56
- Occasion of Revelation
- Surah Al-‘Ankabut - Verse 57
- Surah Al-‘Ankabut - Verse 58
- Surah Al-‘Ankabut - Verse 59
- Some Traditions On Patience and Confidence
- Surah Al-‘Ankabut - Verse 60
- Surah Al-‘Ankabut - Verse 61
- Surah Al-‘Ankabut - Verse 62
- Surah Al-‘Ankabut - Verse 63
- Notes
- Section 7: The Sincere Seekers Shall Be Guided Aright
- Surah Al-‘Ankabut - Verse 64
- Surah Al-‘Ankabut - Verse 65
- Surah Al-‘Ankabut - Verse 66
- Surah Al-‘Ankabut - Verse 67
- Surah Al-‘Ankabut - Verse 68
- Surah Al-‘Ankabut - Verse 69
- Note to the Following Points
- Notes
- Surah Ar-Room, Chapter 30
- (The Romans)
- No. 30 (Revealed at Mecca)
- 60 Verses in 6 Sections
- The Virtue of the Surah
- The Feature of the Surah
- Notes
- Section 1:The Defeat of the Romans Prophesied
- Surah Ar-Room - Verses 1-5
- The Occasion of Revelation
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 6
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 7
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 8
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 9
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 10
- Notes
- Section 2: The Five Times of the Daily Glorification of Allah
- Surah Ar-Room - Verses 11-13
- Surah Ar-Room - Verses 14-16
- Surah Ar-Room - Verses 17-18
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 19
- Notes
- Section 3: The Might of Allah Manifesting in Nature
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 20
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 21
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 22
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 23
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 24
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 25
- A Complete Course of Theology
- Surah Ar-Room - Verses 26-27
- Notes
- Section 4: Islam, the Natural Religion
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 28
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 29
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 30
- A Few Traditions Upon the Nature of Theology
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 31
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 32
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 33
- Surah Ar-Room - Verses 34-35
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 36
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 37
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 38
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 39
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 40
- Notes
- Section 5: Suffering of the World Through What Men Have Themselves Wrought
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 41
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 42
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 43
- Surah Ar-Room - Verses 44-45
- Note
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 46
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 47
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 48
- Surah Ar-Room - Verses 49-50
- Surah Ar-Room - Verses 51-52
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 53
- Notes
- Section 6: The Evidence of Those Given Knowledge and Faith
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 54
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 55
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 56
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 57
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 58
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 59
- Surah Ar-Room - Verse 60
- Notes
- Surah Luqman, Chapter 31
- (Luqman)
- No. 31 (Revealed at Mecca)
- 34 Verses in 4 Sections
- The Feature of the Surah
- The Virtue of the Surah
- Section 1: Qur’an, a Guidance and Mercy for the Righteous
- Surah Luqman - Verses 1-4
- Surah Luqman - Verse 5
- Surah Luqman - Verse 6
- The Occasion of Revelation
- Surah Luqman - Verse 7
- Surah Luqman - Verses 8-9
- Surah Luqman - Verse 10
- Surah Luqman - Verse 11
- Note
- Section 2: The Ethics Preached Through Luqman
- Surah Luqman - Verse 12
- Luqman, the Wise, and His Feature
- Some Parts of Luqman’s Admonitions
- Wisdom, Knowledge, and Worship
- The Value of Wisdom
- How Can Wisdom Be Obtained?
- Some Examples of Wisdom
- Surah Luqman - Verse 13
- A Few Points
- 1. The Meaning of Polytheism
- 2. The Effects of Polytheism
- 3- Diversity
- 4- Disgrace in Hereafter
- The Signs of Polytheism
- The Motives of Polytheism
- Struggle Against Polytheism
- The Personality of Luqman
- Surah Luqman - Verse 14
- A Few Traditions About Parents
- Surah Luqman - Verse 15
- Surah Luqman - Verse 16
- Surah Luqman - Verse 17
- Surah Luqman - Verse 18
- Some Examples of the Modesty of the Friends of Allah
- Surah Luqman - Verse 19
- Some Traditions on Islamic Rules of Etiquette
- Note
- Section 3: He Who Submits Himself to Allah Holds the Never-Breaking Firmest Rope
- Surah Luqman - Verse 20
- Surah Luqman - Verse 21
- Surah Luqman - Verse 22
- Surah Luqman - Verses 23-24
- Surah Luqman - Verse 25
- Surah Luqman - Verse 26
- Surah Luqman - Verse 27
- Surah Luqman - Verse 28
- Surah Luqman - Verse 29
- Surah Luqman - Verse 30
- Notes
- Section 4: Let Not the Life of This World Deceive Anyone
- Surah Luqman - Verse 31
- Surah Luqman - Verse 32
- A Few Points Upon Sincerity
- The Ways of Obtaining Sincerity
- Surah Luqman - Verse 33
- Surah Luqman - Verse 34
- Surah As-Sajdah, Chapter 32
- (The Adoration)
- No. 32 (Revealed at Mecca)
- 30 Verses in 3 Sections
- The Feature of the Surah
- Section 1: Qur’an, the Book From the Lord of the Worlds
- Surah As-Sajdah - Verses 1-2
- Surah As-Sajdah - Verse 3
- Surah As-Sajdah - Verse 4
- Surah As-Sajdah - Verse 5
- Surah As-Sajdah - Verse 6
- Surah As-Sajdah - Verses 7-8
- Surah As-Sajdah - Verse 9
- Surah As-Sajdah - Verse 10
- Surah As-Sajdah - Verse 11
- Notes
- Section 2: A Believer and Disbeliever Cannot Be Equal
- Surah As-Sajdah - Verse 12
- Surah As-Sajdah - Verse 13
- Surah As-Sajdah - Verse 14
- Surah As-Sajdah - Verse 15
- Surah As-Sajdah - Verse 16
- Surah As-Sajdah - Verse 17
- A Few Traditions Upon Midnight Prayer
- Surah As-Sajdah - Verse 18
- Surah As-Sajdah - Verses 19-20
- Surah As-Sajdah - Verse 21
- Surah As-Sajdah - Verse 22
- Notes
- Section 3: Similitude of Moses’ Missions
- Surah As-Sajdah - Verse 23
- Surah As-Sajdah - Verse 24
- Patience and Perseverance in Divine Leaders
- Surah As-Sajdah - Verse 25
- Surah As-Sajdah - Verse 26
- Surah As-Sajdah - Verse 27
- Surah As-Sajdah - Verses 28-30
- Notes
- Surah Al-’Ahzab, Chapter 33
- (The Clans)
- No. 33 (Revealed at Medina)
- 73 Verses in 9 Sections
- The Feature of the Surah Al-’Ahzab
- The Virtue of Surah Al-’Ahzab
- Notes
- Section 1: The Prophet Muhammad’s Claim Upon the Souls of the Believers
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 1
- Occasion of Revelation
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verses 2-3
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 4
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 5
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 6
- What does ‘the Prophet is closer to the believers’ mean?
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 7
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 8
- Notes
- Section 2: The Treachery of the Hypocrites Exposed
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 9
- Points Worthy to Be Noted
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verses 10-11
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 12
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 13
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 14
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 15
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 16
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 17
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 18
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 19
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 20
- Notes
- Section 3: An Excellent Pattern in the Apostle Muhammad
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 21
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 22
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 23
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 24
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 25
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verses 26-27
- Some Points
- 1- The Main Root of the Battle of Bani Qurayzah
- 2- The Event of the Battle of Bani Qurayzah
- 3- The Sequels of the Battle of Bani Qurayzah
- Notes
- Section 4: The Ahlul Bayt Divinely Made Pure
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 28
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 29
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 30
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 31
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 32
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 33
- Who Are the Prophet’s Family (Ahlul Bayt)?
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 34
- A Few Points
- 1- The ‘Purification Verse’ is the Clear Proof of Immaculacy
- 2- Whom is the Purification Verse About?
- 3- Is Allah’s Will, Here, Genetic or Religious?
- Notes
- Section 5: No Believer Shall Have Any Choice Against the Command of the Prophet of Allah
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 35
- The Occasion of Revelation
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 36
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 37
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 38
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 39
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 40
- Notes
- Section 6: The Prophet Sent as a Witness, a Bearer of Glad-tiding and Bright Lamp
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verses 41-42
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verses 43-44
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verses 45-46
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verses 47-48
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 49
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 50
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 51
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 52
- Notes
- Section 7: Those Who Annoy Allah and His Prophet Muhammad
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 53
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 54
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 55
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 56
- A Few Points
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 57
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 58
- Notes
- Section 8: The Knowledge of the Hour of Judgment
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 59
- Some Corruptions of Unveiling
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 60
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verses 61-62
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 63
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verses 64-65
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 66
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 67
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 68
- Notes
- Section 9: He Who Obeys Allah and His Apostle Achieves a Mighty Success
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 69
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verses 70-71
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 72
- Surah Al-’Ahzab - Verse 73
- Notes