Fatima (a.s): The Most Paramount Lady of Islam

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Fatima (a.s): The Most Paramount Lady of Islam Author:
Translator: Mehdi Ghasemi
Publisher: Imam Ali Foundation
Category: Fatima al-Zahra

Fatima (a.s): The Most Paramount Lady of Islam

Author: Dr. Ali Ghaemi
Translator: Mehdi Ghasemi
Publisher: Imam Ali Foundation

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Fatima (a.s): The Most Paramount Lady of Islam
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Fatima (a.s): The Most Paramount Lady of Islam

Fatima (a.s): The Most Paramount Lady of Islam

Publisher: Imam Ali Foundation

Fatima’s Psychic Mind:

Fatima (peace be upon her) had got psychic mind that have made everybody astonished, and we do not know it in anybody. Her character is harmonious and moderate, and her natural aspects are concordant and excellently sublime. She hears by all her nature and sees by all her nature. She tries to submit herself to Allah, and resist against all things that want to make her far from Allah. All her attention is directed to Him, and all her care and efforts are for His satisfaction. On the contrary, she does not care about other phenomena which are valueless and void.

Introducing and describing all her psychic mind in brief seems impossible. Therefore, whatever makes her as a sample includes:

1. The Elevation of Fatima’s Soul:

Fatima (peace be upon her) has got an elevated soul. Therefore, she is Ali’s confidant and consolleur.

Her elevation of soul is so that she abandoned herself to luxuries and allurements of the world, as if she was not an earthly being and related to this world. The gaudiness and allurements could not catch her eyes or make a tendency in her. Her soul was high-flying so that was not satisfied except joining to the Infinite, and seeking for His satisfaction. She was willing to join the Eternity and as a drop, join the Eternal Ocean.

This signifies her elevation of soul that she does not stop her efforts in front of all oppressions of the people, taking root from their ingratitude. She suffered from the transgressions and discrimination, but not to reserve her own right but to think of the people’s prosperity. Even she was not inclined to have any tomb, and because of having purpose, she asked Ali (peace be upon him) to be buried at night so that her grave not be known.

2. Fatima’s Loneliness:

The greatness of Fatima’s soul and its culmination caused her loneliness. This sense of loneliness was in each great character who has got high and great thoughts, and took Mohammed (peace be upon him and his descendants) to Hara Cave, Ali (peace be upon him) to the palm-grove, and Fatima (peace be upon her) to Beit ul-Ahzan (the house of cry). To be great is to be misunderstood.

Fatima (peace be upon her) was lonely, but not due to the fact that she was fleeing from the society and her social duties, but resorting to a private place, she wanted to be far from the social uproar and dive into the depth of her great soul, searching for the undiscovered aspects of her soul.

She was lonely from the beginning. She was born at the time when unbelief and idolatry had filled everywhere, and indecency was raging everywhere. She believed in monoism and seemed strange in her own area and time; thus, she did not find any confidant and was lonely in her own society. Even today, despite her grandeur, among women society, she is strange and lonely, as she was in her own time. Who is her own confidant and fellow, and who is her follower?

3. Fatima’s Stout Heart:

She is a woman full of affection and in search of the end that is Allah’s pleasure. She is resistant in the Divine way and energetic to achieve her end.

When Ohod battle was terminated, the people turned back to Medina. The Prophet (peace be upon him and his descendants) also turned back home but with an injured and bloody face. He gave his bloody sword to Fatima (peace be upon her) to wash, and afterward, Fatima (peace be upon her), personally, washed her father’s injured face. Ali (peace be upon him) poured water, and Fatima (peace be upon her) washed the blood from the Prophet’s face away.

This stout heart existed in Fatima (peace be upon her) since childhood. When her mother, Khadijeh, was laying dying, said to Fatima (peace be upon her), “My daughter! After me, you will face so many problems. Your sisters will live in their houses comfortably, but you?!”

Although being a child, Fatima (peace be upon her) answered encouragingly, “Mother, do not worry, and be sure that Fatima (peace be upon her) will do her utmost to surmount the problems.

4. The Speed of Fatima’s Understanding:

Fatima (peace be upon her) has got a supernatural talent as if she understands everything with a gesture. Her sensitivity and soul is so that she understands everything with a glance of her father. Once, her father went to see Fatima (peace be upon her) and saw her silver bracelet. He turned back without saying a word. Immediately, she gave it to Salman to take it to the mosque to be dedicated to the poor for Allah’s sake. Later, the Prophet (peace be upon him and his descendants) said to her “ابوهافداها “ that means her father be sacrificed for her. Another time, the Prophet (peace be upon him and his descendants) observed a curtain at the door of her house and turned without greetings. Soon, she gave it to the Prophet (peace be upon him and his descendants) to be the poor clothes.

This is the fast understanding, which makes the teacher’s duty easier and accelerates the development of learning. She comprehends the phrases by a word, and books by a sentence, and that is the teacher’s honor, i.e. the Prophet (peace be upon him and his descendants).

Fatima’s High Attributes:

Fatima’s activities are of two aspects: this world and the next, and they have been mixed so that they seem to be inseparable and undistinguished. She thinks of this world so that nobody can help her except herself and thinks of Hereafter all the times.

In order to be successful in these activities, she needs to have the high attributes such as piety, faith, and courage which she has tried to make in her self, and the effects of these attributes are clearly seen in her deeds and her life, her character, in taking care of her children, in her connection to Allah, and even in her death.

To mention all her attributes in this breif seems impossible, therefore, we state some parts of that (in this brief):

1. Fatima’s Freedom:

Fatima (peace be upon her) is a woman, free from sin, from impurities, from material attachment, from superstitious ties and bonds.

She is infallible, fenced off from sin. No superficial customs can attract her towards itself, and no material beauty can tempt her; and at last, no superficial luck can catch her eyes.

She is free and noble, and this is under the protection of her piety, courage, and devotion. Because her soul is tied with Allah, who is Absolute and free from want, she is free from all ties and bonds.

2. Fatima’s Bravery:

She is brave and fearless and is afraid of nobody except Allah and just pays attention to Him. It was she who washed Ali’s bloody sword, when turning back from jihad.

She tolerated the times when Ali (peace be upon him) jeopardizing his life in the battlefield as well as the times when her father jeopardizing his life without grief. The fact that the enemy swarmed her house was because they were afraid of her bravery and courage, and they felt no peace. Nobody attacks a neutral and ignorant being. The attack recurs when it is felt that there exist an intrepid in the society, causing danger.

The enemy attacked her house to take Ali (peace be upon him) to the mosque to make him swear an oath of allegiance.

Despite the fact that Fatima (peace be upon her) on that day was severely injured, and her side was broken, she never stopped her efforts. She supported Ali (peace be upon him) at all times, and in that way, Fatima (peace be upon her) tolerated many pains. Bravery takes root from her stout heart, and that created motion and power in her. It was under the protection of her connection to Allah as well as faith and piety, that she was afraid of nothing and nobody.

But her bravery was mixed with affection and linked with kindness and mercy towards the servants of Allah. She made use of her bravery on the way of piety and made benefit from it on the direction of her aim.

3. Fatima’s Piety:

Fatima (peace be upon her) has got piety and moral chastity and tries to keep away not only from sin but even from sin misgivings. Even when a blind man came to see the Prophet (peace be upon him and his descendants), Fatima (peace be upon her) cared about her hijab.

Once, the Prophet (peace be upon him and his descendants) knocked at the door to enter her house with his guest. Fatima (peace be upon her) answered, “I do not have hijab to cover my head; therefore, she covered herself with the corner of the bed sheet not to be exposed in view.”

She cares about all her behaviors and deeds, her food, her repose, her house chores, her speech, etc. She cares about her voice to be the symbol of Quran verse: “فلا تخضعن بالقول”, and her moving not to be exposed to the dangerous view of those who bear malice in their hearts. While caring about her piety and moral chastity, she is thinking of social responsibility, and this fact does not prevent her from social duties. As a result, considering the Islamic measures, she achieves her duties, too.

4. Fatima’s Patience and Resistance:

She is tolerant and patient and does not give up or withdraw in front of the destructive flood.

She protects herself in front of the social pressures and corruption and does not yield. She is the champion of patience and has passed all her exams with flying colors on this way. We read in her supplication:

“يا ممتحنه امتحنك الله فوجدك لما امتحنك صابرة”

Allah has set the seal of approval on her life report.

She is resistant in front of the brutality of life, poverty, disappointment, and wants and patient in front of the pains, caused by the negligence of Omma. The difficulties cannot make her yield and the enemies’ strokes cannot disappoint her.

She was tortured by the Ghoraish polytheists for years, but never complained or got restless. She also tolerated the hardships and shortsidedness, caused by the enemy and even the reprimands of the aristocratic women, both in her father’s house and in her husband’s for years.

5. Fatima’s Forbearance and Self-Possession:

She was forbearing and meek. She was forbearing in front of the disorders and crises when she did not have sufficient power to overcome them. Perhaps, there was a lot of efforts to make her furious, but her forbearance and self-possession thwarted the plot of the enemy.

When the matter of Fadak usurpation was posed, and the historic efforts and struggles of Fatima (peace be upon her) for administering justice was of no avail, she remained silent not to cause any disunity in the Muslim community.

The enemy had raised a pretext in order to damage the honor of the Prophet’s ancestors, and Ali (peace be upon him) gave her notice about that. Fatima (peace be upon her) remained silent and said, “I will forebear” and made herself tranquil by saying “ حسبي الله”, Allah is enough for me.

She was forbearing and meek, and by means of that not only did not evade her social missions, but also tried to fulfill all of them as best as possible.

6. Fatima’s Politeness:

She is a sample in all aspects of her life, including morals and politeness. She is a daughter so polite that calls her father رسول الله the Messenger of Allah, according to the verdict of holy Quran, and the housemaid as “my lady”.

In all the period of her sharing life with Ali (peace be upon him), she never teased him and even never made a request of him, lest Ali (peace be upon him) could not afford it and be shameful.

She was a mother so polite that never used a quarrelsome word against the legal parlance to her children, and at last, what a praiseworthy social character she had got that although her right was usurped, and she was aware of the treason of the rulers of her own age, she did not express even a sentence insolently against them.

Her tongue as well as her deed was pure. Both her words and deeds were authentic for people. Besides, she knew all the members of her body in Allah’s property.

Fatima (a.s) in Relationship with Ali (peace be upon him):

She is the wife of the greatest man in the history, and has got a great spiritual power to support him; to be his confidant, his consolleur, and the supporter of his esteem, dignity, and position. When Ali (peace be upon him) was going to jihad, it was she who brought his body armor, and after it, she washed the blood away from his sword. When Ali (peace be upon him) lost patience by the harassment and tortures of some ignorant people, she tried to soothe him and when Imam raised an objection against the Caliphs to prove his truthfulness and supremacy over them, it was Fatima (peace be upon her), who went to the houses of the Prophet’s disciples, administered for justice, and bore witness to Ali’s truthfulness.

She was Ali’s confidant in all affairs and at all times; in happiness, in sorrow, in anxiety, in poverty, in suffering. She never groaned, expressed weakness or gave up.

She did her utmost to make the minds concentrate on the facts and the incidents in which a certain and eternal right was disregarded by the Islamic Omma. She then collected the Mohajerin (the Emigrants) and Ansar (the Helpers) women and started to support Ali’s rightfulness in this way:

“I do not know which one of Ali’s attributes was indecent that they left him alone. I swear to Allah, it was caused by Ali’s sharp sword, firm steps, and his strict treatment in executing justice. But by Allah, they sustained losses. If Ali achieved Caliphate, the people would not get any pains or oppressions. He would make them enter the world of justice and knowledge and glut them completely”.

In this regard, Fatima’s relationship with Ali (peace be upon him) is not limited to conjugal relationship, but wider, deeper, and further than what other people possess in the society. It is a relationship, cordial in defending the human rank and honor of her husband, causing the defense of the benefits of human society.

Fatima’s Private Life:

Fatima (peace be upon her) should not be taken as a simple-minded woman, being limited, and she could not be forced to lead a special kind of life; it must be stated that she is the daughter of Prophet (peace be upon him and his descendants) and one the noblest (people). Besides, her private life based on simplicity, purity, sincerity, affection, motivation, activity, and revolution is sample. Some aspects of her life are described as follows:

1. Life Simplicity and Purity:

Her life was simple and delightful. this sense of delight was because of her life simplicity and purity.

She had no similarity with women, seeking for luxury and allurements. She took inspiration from Islamic School, propagating simplicity and purity. She just tried to satisfy her natural wants and it should be programmed well enough, but not to confine herself to materialism and the world beauty. She was similar to the Prophet (peace be upon him and his descendants) in deeds and manners, who always said:“الفقرفخري” to absolutely be free of wants. Wealth and property were not regarded as an end not to be the means, stealing her heart and faith and capturing her character and sublimity.

This ordinary way of life was not because of poverty, but her inner riches. Because there was no difference in her way of life when she had Fadak and when it was usurped. The Fadak income was great, but there was no change in her way of life and behavior and did not lose the simplicity and purity of her life.

2. Her House:

She had got a house, small and made of clay, simple and without decoration, and it was just worthy to be a shade for protecting her from the sun rays and a roof for protecting her from the rain. Although Ali (peace be upon him) was poor, he did not change his small house when he got Fadak. Allah’s name was always alive in their house, and their hearts were heated by His memory. There existed a dynamic education in it. The persons educated there, were dynamic, revolutionary, and the real fond of the peoples’ rights and Islam.

There existed indigence in this house, but it was enriched by affection and Allah’s blessings. The light and heat of faith had made up for its coldness. The family relationships were strong in it, and all its members were living there based on a firm principle.

3. Her Ornaments:

The house was void of any kind of ornaments, having the tinge of luxury. All things there, were limited to some mattresses, pillows, plates, and mat.

Ali and Fatima (peace be upon them) had got a bed sheet so short that their feet were out from that when they covered their heads.

In this house, there existed no additional, luxurious or expensive ornaments. On the contrary, it was a house, replete of emotion and faith, love and purity, liberty and honor, responsibility and justice.

4. Her Trousseaus:

Although Fatima (peace be upon her) was a high rank woman in Islam, her marriage portion was according to the common custom (about 500 Dirham), and her trousseaus was few. When she decided to marry Ali (peace be upon him), all the trousseaus, provided for this glorious marriage ceremony, consisted of: a canvas shirt, a wool scarf, a veil, a bed, two mattresses, one made of linen and the other of date-palm fiber, four pillows of ewe skin, a curtain of camel wool, a mat of desert leaves, a metal bowl, a leathern bottle, a wooden bowl, a leathern vessel, two pitchers, a mud-plate, and two silver bracelets.

When observing Fatima’s simple trousseaus, the Prophet (peace be upon him and his descendants) got delighted and said, “O, Allah, make the life auspicious to those who have this status and earthen dishes.”

All Fatima’s house furniture were limited to whatever was stated. During her lifetime, she not only did not add anything more to her furniture, but also dedicated some part of it for Allah’s pleasure, such as the silver bracelets, the door curtain, etc. And even sOmmetimes, she sold sOmme of her furniture to buy sOmme wheat, make it floor, knead it, make some bread, and dedicate it to the poor for Allah’s pleasure.

Fatima’s Social Responsibilities:

Fatima (peace be upon her) was a responsible and duteous woman, believing that she was not able to think of herself alone and lead a life for her own sake, because Islamic Omma belongs to all and regards all people as the members of one body.

“ كنتم خيرامة أخرجت للناس”

She had got this strong sense of responsibility since childhood and had been her father’s confidant when she was only five or six. She lent her mother a hand in house works, and when she grew up, she felt sympathetic towards all the people and was willing to solve their problems.

1. She was parallel with people:

Why Fatima (peace be upon her) was slapped in the face? Why the enemy whipped her? Was she meant to promote her husband’s position? Was she meant to build up a reputation for herself? Wasn’t she the daughter of the Prophet (peace be upon him and his descendants)? Had she done anything to abuse this honor and title?

The history has recorded that all Fatima’s effort and anxiety, and all her activities were for the sake of the people. She was of the opinion that by the usurpation of Ali’s right, the right of the people keeping Ali (peace be upon him) away from the caliphate is an oppression to the humanity. Due to this fact, she is ready to tolerate all pains so as to stop occurring such oppression.

Observing the necklace in Fatima’s neck, the Prophet (peace be upon him and his descendants) pointed out to her by his look that there were more vital necessities in the society that must be regarded. Fatima (peace be upon her) opened the necklace and sent it to her father. The father then said, “Dear Fatima! You are of me. We must attend to the people’s pains”. Then, he spent it to ameliorated the life of the poor through selling it. She thinks of the people so that she would not like anybody to deceive the Omma through her martyrdom and prove his leadership through attending her funeral ceremony and carrying her coffin.

2. She is in Charge of the Women Leadership:

Before the women be abused or taken as a means, Fatima (peace be upon her) endeavored to save them from being a plaything.

She raised an opportunity in which women could set themselves free from being ignorant and inferior and made her utmost so as to achieve a noble character for them. She tried to save the lives of the women from absurdity, not to be a means for the satisfaction of men’s passion, and not to jeperdise their grandeur and honor.

She taught the women how to obstruct the way of exploitation and be free by regarding their Quranic and Islamic character. Fatima (peace be upon her) proved that woman should not be bargained as goods with a heavy marriage portion. She also proved that marriage just for the satisfaction of the passion and ambition is a pernicious form of social life and the cause of collapse of woman’s value.

3. She is a Sample for Women:

Fatima (peace be upon her) is a sample for all the women at all times, especially those who are willing to preserve their honor and defend their purity and piety, since her age to Doomsday.

She is a perfect sample for wOmmen in all aspects of man’s life. She is the sample and symbol of freedom and is far from impurity and sin, slavery and captivity. She aimed to teach the people how to elevate their souls instead of indecency and insipid adornment and; therefore, managed to attract the hearts through this way. She taught the women that they could do manly jobs in case of necessity, but have to keep their eyes pure from the strangers and preserve their purity and nobility. She also taught them how to rise against the oppression, usurpation, and injustice. To teach them the aforementioned lessons practically, Fatima (peace be upon her) tried so much that the flames of her life light were extinguished. But she never stopped fulfilling her mission until the end of her life.

4. She is at the Service of the People of Society:

She was always thinking about the people and their needs before thinking about herself, and she knew it as a responsibility for herself, and in this way, she thought of both material and spiritual aspects. She had devoted her life to them, thinking day and night how to ameliorate the quality of this service.

She dedicated her wedding dress to the poor at her wedding night and went to Ali’s house with her old dress.

Like her husband and children, she dedicated her food which they had to break their fast to the orphan, poor, and captive for three successive nights as the Prophet (peace be upon him and his descendants) said in this regard,

“واغوثاه اهل بيت محمد يموتون من الجوع”.

Although she knew that there existed no food storage in the house, she spent the Fadak income for the poor.

She sent her house curtain to her father in order to provide a shirt for the poor.

Sometimes, she dedicated her share of food to the poor and remained hungry.

She was worshipping and praying during the night and wished luck and prosperity for the people first.

Yes, she was a woman, but thought of human beings as the divine prophets and guardians. Also, she was ruthful and merciful to the believers.

Yes, she should be so, because she is the source of the abundant blessing, and has learnt the lesson of the philanthropy in the school of revelation and under the supervision of a professor as Mohammed (a.s), the father of humanity. She should be benevolent toward people, because she is under the supervision the one, the holy Quran said about him, “ وما ارسلناك الا رحمة للعالمين”.

Fatima’s Pains:

Fatima (peace be upon her) did not live according to the norms, accepted by the society. She always felt a thorn in her eyes and was tormented by it, as the thorn that her husband felt in his eyes, and that was the poisonous thorn of the Caliphs’ arrogance.

The human-like bullies tried to belittle her grandeur and sublimity and did intolerable damages on her soul and body. The torments were diverse and painful for her. Some of them were:

1. Omma Discrepancy:

The discrepancy among Omma took roots from the arrogance of the chieftains’ of the society. Once, they were living in ignorance, contempt and disgrace, but it was Mohammed (peace be upon him and his descendants), who managed to elevate their minds and ranks. Soon after his demise, they passed everything into oblivion; and as a result, they weakened the Islam.

Disunity for Islamic Oma was a grief and took root from the Caliphs’ disobedience, which caused the collapse of the regulations, and jeopardized the life of the newly-established Islam in the days of Fatima (peace be upon her).

Being in fact the guardian of Islam, she suffered from these threats, because she was witnessing the devoted efforts of her father, her husband, and the great men of Islam in vain, and the blood of the martyrs, futile. Due to this fact, she expected a dark future for Islam.

Fatima (peace be upon her) never complained that why she had got a poor life, never cried that why she had not got wealth and property, why she did not live aristocratically, but on the contrary, she felt pity for the arrogance and self-centredness, causing anxiety and disunion for the Oma.

2. Injustice Settlement:

It was as if the whole devoted efforts of the Prophet (peace be upon him and his descendants) and the great men of Islam were to promote the ranks of the sheikhs. It was as if the people devoted themselves so as to make Abubakr attain Caliphate, and he abandoned it to Omar after himself. And on the whole, it is as if all the Muslims’ depravity , disappointment, holy wars, and conflicts were to attain position and title for Caliphs.

If only Caliphs had had any privilege over others except illogicality; if only they were truth seeking, well-intentioned, and well-aware of the ideological aspects of Islam. But unfortunately, it was not so.

Witnessing how the Caliphs’ sharp claws of arrogance had held the body and soul of Islam, how the injustice had settled itself in the place of justice, and how Ali (peace be upon him), the chosen of Allah and His Messenger, had been removed from his real position irritated Fatima.

Fatima (peace be upon her) was sorrowful on the account that she was observing Abubakr on the Prophet’s pulpit, and Ali (peace be upon him), who was indeed the leader, deprived from his right. Although this unjust settlement had a short life, it was intolerable for Fatima (peace be upon her) and burnt her heart.

3. People’s Poverty:

The material poverty is not only meant here, because it can be curable, but what about the spiritual, moral, cultural, and ideological poverty? The people were in the mid of the way to attain their purpose, but the new policies prevented them from continuation, and put them on the way of ignorance, unawareness, and collapse again. Because the Caliphs had themselves nothing to deliver, and their minds could not satisfy the peoples’ needs. Therefore, the people were kept passive, and even sometimes it was pretended through imposing their ideas that truth was what they said.

Besides, she was sorrowful due to the fact that she could observe that a lot of weakened people had nowhere to resort, and nobody felt responsibility for them. They had to attach themselves to one of the poles or blocs to continue their lives, and attachment could endanger their beliefs and, as a result, Islam.

4. Lack of Confidence:

The main problem, originated by the enemy, was that the peoples’ relationship with Ali and Fatima (peace be upon her) was limited. The society was not in parallel with Ali and Fatima (peace be upon her), because the people did blindly obey the Caliphs ,and therefore, did not elevate.

The situation in which the people were put in it signified that their future were dark. Their purpose was limited to gluttony and extravagance. Their atmosphere was polluted and pernicious. They were divested of their rights, and they had no right to complain.

Fatima (peace be upon her) witnessed how the seed, planted today, was growing. It was as if she could foresee the stroke of the sword, killing Ali (peace be upon him), in the mosque while praying, could observe Hasan’s peace treaty for Oma safety, could witness the martyrdom of her dear son, Hossein and his shout, saying,

“ هل من ناصر ينصرني”

[is there anyone to assist me?].

She then could see that her generation consisted of the Imams and the religious leaders were martyred in prisons because of the people’s short-sightedness as well as the wrong basis, founded in the society by unjust Caliphs.

5. Other Pains:

Despite all these pains, Fatima (peace be upon her) tolerated other pains, related to her personal life. The pain of poverty, the pain of hunger, the guardianship of her life and home, the pain on her body, taking root from the strokes of the whip, the pain of her broken side, the pain of miscarriage, the pain of losing her father, and the pain of people’s insult to Ali (peace be upon him), that were not considered as real pains for her.

Her Policy after Her Father:

During the life of the Prophet (peace be upon him and his descendants), toleration of the pains for Fatima (peace be upon her) seemed easier but since the demise of her father to her own death, of about three months, she faced other policy which was not Islamic.

The policy, after the death of her father, was an illogical and aggressive policy was “الغايه تبرر الوسيله” [the end justifies the means]. This is the policy of aggression, setting fire to the door, inserting Fatima (peace be upon her) between the door and the wall causing miscarriage for her, breaking her side, slapping her in the face in order to make Ali (peace be upon him) submit, usurping the Fadak to impoverish Ali and Fatima (peace be upon her) and as a result impoverish the whole Muslims.

The policy during Fatima’s life was the policy of pressure, the economic as well as social pressure, fastening rope around Ali’s neck, keeping the swords ready over his head and asking him for pledge; assailing towards Fatima’s home, breaking the honor of the Prophet’s household, and degrading the rights of the real human beings…. She had been faced with such a policy, but she continued her campaign and struggles even if it resulted in her death.

Fatima’s Seeking for Justice:

Fatima (peace be upon her) was just, because she loved the right, and was firm in her way. She shared the chores of the house with Fezeh and regarded equality with her maid servant. She was also just in speech, because she knew justice as the real basis of the stability in the social system.

Throughout her life, she attacked the leaders of oppression and discrimination. She invited the people towards the government of justice.

Fatima (peace be upon her) was just and seeking for justice. She attacked the bandits of thought and reason, those who had prevented the people from thinking, had destroyed the thought and rationalism, had blocked the people’s real way of thinking, and divested the people of their real rights….

On the way of seeking justice, she had got a special kind of rationality and reasoning in which there was no smell of sensation and prejudice, and under its protection, she revealed the real nature of the Caliphs. She was sacrificed for the sake of justice and right seeking. She upraised for her husband, not because that Ali (peace be upon him) was her husband, but due to the fact that he was right, and appointed by Allah, the Almighty. It is believed that even if Ali (peace be upon him) were not Fatima’s husband, Fatima (peace be upon her) would upraise for him.

Fatima’s Jihad and Struggle:

During her short life, especially in the last three months of her life, Fatima (peace be upon her) had a great jihad, an effective and vital jihad; a jihad which has been unique in the history of women’s lives, and due to this fact, it has been registered in the history. She proved that struggle is not all by sword and arrow. SOmmetimes, it is aggressive and sometimes, quiet. Sometimes, struggle is achieved by the application of silence, lack of attention, and disagreement, and sOmmetimes by the application of aggression.

She was aware that struggle has damages, and even may result in death. Being aware of these aspects, she accepted the struggle and its resultant damages.

She knew that sOmmetimes the struggles do not achieve the result immediately, but sometimes, the seed of a movement is planted and its fruit will be obtained after decades or even centuries. Therefore, she never gave up and did not evade struggling until she had power in her body. She continued her struggles along with Ali (peace be upon him) and sometimes independently. She argued with the word of logic and defamed them and then proved she was right although she was prohibited from her right.

Fatima (a.s) and Administering Justice:

She was active in administering justice, and considered it as a responsibility for herself. For administering justice, she made a court of the mosque and brought Abubakr to trial. Although she had been damaged and had lost her father, she argued, made speech, and said to Abubakr, “I will lay the blame on you in the day of resurrection”.

She revealed some facts to the people about the injustice of the Caliphs and presented all these discussions and trials when others had no right to present their views, did not dare to speak and did not feel any power in themselves to stand against injustice. Her defense in the Mosque concerning Fadak revealed some facts to the people. Therefore, it sounds necessary to be aware of Fadak issue and its importance.

1. Fadak Issue:

Fadak was a piece of land that was reached to the Prophet (peace be upon him and his descendants) by the Jews with no war or bloodshed in the 7th year of Hijrat; on the other hand, the Jews had granted it to the Prophet (peace be upon him and his descendants) personally. Then, the Prophet (peace be upon him and his descendants) registered that and in the same year dedicated it to Fatima (peace be upon her) for reasons. This dedication was the Prophet’s right, because it was not a spoil to share others in it.

Fatima (peace be upon her) had it under her control for years, and after the Prophet’s demise, the Caliphs decided to usurp it from Fatima (peace be upon her), because it was believed that the prophets never leave anything after themselves as heritage, and even if they leave, it belongs to the people. Based on this opinion, they were about to make Ali and Fatima (peace be upon them) bankrupt economically. The Prophet (peace be upon him and his descendants) had dedicated something and they usurped it. Did Fatima (peace be upon her) get it after her father’s death to be considered as inheritance? Did she live in her father’s house that Fadak, dedicated to her four years before the Prophet’s demise, be considered as her heritage?

Fatima (peace be upon her) had an independent life of her own, and in spite her economic independence, the Prophet (peace be upon him and his descendants) had dedicated Fadak to her, and even registered it in her name, and the Prophet (peace be upon him and his descendants) never said that Fadak belonged to all Muslims while Fatima (peace be upon her) never used its profit for her own sake but the poor Muslims.

2. The Importance of Fadak:

The Fadak issue is having two-dimensions:

Economic and political: They usurped Fadak from Fatima (peace be upon her) for different reasons, and one of them was to impoverish Ali and Fatima (peace be upon them), because they spent the income of Fadak for the poor. Although Abubakr knew Fatima (peace be upon her) was right, and it needed no evidence, he usurped Fadak from Ali and Fatima (peace be upon her) in order to weaken their souls, make them indigent and keep them busy not to think about the unjust Caliphate, or stand against the present government by means of its income.

Omar said to Abubakr, “ ان الناس عبيد الدنيا” that means, “the people are the servants of the world”. If you cut Ali’s hand from Fadak, Khums, and Beit ul-mal, the people will disperse from his round”.

The efforts of the Caliphs in this regard were somehow futile, but Fatima (peace be upon her) did not evade it and started defending administering her right.

3. Right-seeking of Fatima (peace be upon her):

She proved women can administers right by regarding the Islamic laws. In Abubakr’s session, she showed that she did not want wealth for her own, but to use its income to help the poor.

In this regard, she said to Abubakr, “I found myself responsible to say this word and express my complaint in this regard”.

Then, she brought Ali (peace be upon him) and Omme Aiman as witness to prove her claim. Omme Aiman witnessed that Fadak belonged to Fatima (peace be upon her). Abubakr was about to divert from main direction of speech, but Omme Aiman did not let him and said, “if you do not answer my question, I won’t let you speak any more.” Then, he went on “ Did you hear that the Prophet (peace be upon him and his descendants) said Omme Aiman is an inhabitant of heaven?” Abubakr answered, “Yes” , then she continued, “so I witness that Fadak belongs to Fatima”. When Omar discerned the scene, he said, “this woman is Persian, and her witness is not accepted!”

4. Fatima’s Defense:

She made a speech and invited the people to Allah, praised the Peophet (peace be upon him and his descendants) and his prophetic mission, spoke about the materialism and Zakat, etc. Then, she listened to whatever Abubakr said.

Abubakr expressed an unauthentic Hadith, which meant, “the prophets do not leave any Dirham and Dinar (Arabic units of money) as heritage”, therefore, “you have no right of your father’s heritage.” She replied, “but Fadak was not the Prophet’s heritage, it was a gift, dedicated by the Prophet (peace be upon him and his descendants) during his life time to me”. Then, she stated, “O heavens! According to the holy Quran, do you inherit your father but I don’t? It is a new speech. You have disregarded Allah’s holy book and resorted to a word, contradictory to the holy Quran. The holy Quran says,

اولوالارحام بعضهم اولي ببعض في كتاب الله…

Has this verse been negated by other versus? Are you more familiar with holy Koran than my father and my cousin (Ali)?

The holy Quran says,

يوصيكم اله في اولادكم للذكر مثل حظ الانثيين

The share of heritage for boys is two times more than girls.

It also says,

و ورث سليمان داوود

And Davood inherited Soleiman.

It says somewhere else,

هب لي من لدنك وليا يرثني ويرث من آل يعقوب

Zakaria prayed to Allah to beget a child in order to inherit his parents and relatives.”

It also says,

ان ترك خير الوصيه للوالدين و الاقربين بالمعروف

If the dead leaves anything as heritage, it belongs to his parents and family.

Abubakr was astonished and gave up as if he has not heard such verses.

5. Fatima’s Sermons:

In her defense, Fatima (peace be upon her) managed to surmount them, and it was the time of making the final decision. But suddenly Abubakr blew out crying to mislead the people’s minds. The people sat there quietly watching the event. Fatima (peace be upon her) addressed the people, “why are you quiet when seeing the honor of Islam has been transgressed? Why are you quiet when seeing my right has been usurped?”

She came home and addressed Ali (peace be upon him) that they belittled my character and usurped my right. Then Ali felt sympathy with her and asked her to forebear for Allah’s sake, and Fatima (peace be upon her) forbore.

6. The Survey of Fadak Event:

Here, regardless of emotion, it must be stated that Fatima (peace be upon her) was oppressed, and there was no intention to win Allah’s pleasure in the Caliphs’ act, because:

-Abubakr recited “Maasher ul-Anbia” Hadith, and it was not authentic, and there was no record for it, because it was contradicted by the verses of the holy Quran. But, on the other side, Fatima, Ali, and Omme Aiman’s witness was not accepted.

-Not accepting Fatima’s speech, Abubakr accused her of mendacity and ignored the Tathir (purification) verse of the holy Quran.

-If it is true that the prophets do not leave anything as heritage, why Ayesheh, Abubakr’s daughter, usurped the Prophet’s chamber and even did not let Imam Hasan’s corpse be buried near the tomb of the Prophet (peace be upon him and his descendants)?

-What happened that they did not listen to Ali’s speech, but listened to Ayesheh?

Fatima’s Objections:

Fatima (peace be upon her) was endangering her life, because she had disturbed their repose with her own objections and anger.

She objected to the Caliph’s status, their unjust actions, their selfishness, Omma anxiety and disunity, their wrong bases, etc.

Yesterday, she observed the Prophet (peace be upon him and his descendants) on the pulpit, but today Abubakr, being incompetent for attaining this position, has sat there, and this irritated Fatima (peace be upon her).

She objected just for the sake of Allah and endeavored to make the oppressed of the society move and upraise as a volcano to burn and annihilate any kind of injustice and take up the real way of human life.

Her Manner of Objection:

She is in a special situation in which she cannot take up arms; therefore, she has to demonstrate her wrath and objection through tongue and negative campaign. Besides, she knew that swearing does not heal sorrows, and even it does not deserve her esteem. Therefore, she must speak, criticize, shout, and rebel.

She spoke against Abubakr in the Mosque, gathered the women of Mohajerin (the Emigrants) and Ansar (the Helpers) and revealed all the secrets. She went to the doors of the Prophet’s companions, described and embodied the future status of Omma, tried to make them move, and asked them to administer justice, etc.

But in regard to the negative campaign, she made the most of the opportunities, because she knew that the star of fortune may appear one time in life and afterwards, may never appear. Therefore, she benefited the different methods for this campaign.

Although she could speak, sometimes, she expressed her wrath through silence. She even was about to make use of her death against oppression. She recommended that her corpse be buried at night, lest Caliphs participate in her funeral ceremony and say prayer for her.

By means of her historic will, she showed her dissatisfaction towards the Caliphs transgression. And it must be stated that everybody both friends and foes knew that Fatima’s dissatisfaction is the dissatisfaction of Allah and His Prophet (peace be upon him and his descendants).

Fatima’s Future Prediction:

Among all the ignorant, Fatima (peace be upon her) was awake and agile and aware of the events. She also could predict the future and knew what would happen. Her predictions and outlook were Divine, stable, moderate and sensible. She knew that ignoring the Caliphate of Ali (peace be upon him) and his real right would result in a bitter and dark consequences for the society.

She predicted the future of Omma in a meeting with the wOmmen of Mohajerin (the Emigrants) and Ansar (the Helpers) as so:

“What they have done is like a pregnant camel that we must wait to deliver. Then, instead of milk, you will draw bowls full of blood and fatal venom from it. Afterwards, the felons will sustain a loss and the next generation will feel the effect of the sinister foundation of the ancestors”.

Fatima’s prediction was later confirmed, and came true. The people tasted bitter and tolerated so many pains under the load of the government so-called Islamic. Of course, the Prophet (peace be upon him and his descendants), Ali and Fatima (peace be upon them) and the real companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him and his descendants) had evinced their exaltation ,but there existed no ears, sense of responsibility ,and undertaking.