Masterpieces of Rhetoric Methood (Nahj Al-Balagha)

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Masterpieces of Rhetoric Methood (Nahj Al-Balagha) Author:
Publisher: Imam Ali Foundation
Category: Imam Ali

Masterpieces of Rhetoric Methood (Nahj Al-Balagha)

Author: George Jordac
Publisher: Imam Ali Foundation

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Masterpieces of Rhetoric Methood (Nahj Al-Balagha)
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Masterpieces of Rhetoric Methood (Nahj Al-Balagha)

Masterpieces of Rhetoric Methood (Nahj Al-Balagha)

Publisher: Imam Ali Foundation

The Allawiyah Foreward

Shall I be content with being called ‘Amir Al-Mu’minin’ (The Commander of the Believers), although I do not share with them the hardships of the world?

Forbid people to monopolize.

Do not appropriate to yourself a thing in which people are equal.

Know that I am fighting two persons: one has claimed what is not his own and the other has ignored what is obligatory upon him.

No poor has starved except because of what a rich has enjoyed.

I have not seen any rich blessing except there is, beside it a wasted right.

The ruin of the land is caused by the poverty of the cultivators, while the cultivators become poor because of the rulers’ inclination to collect money due to their greediness.

You should keep an eye on the cultivation of land more than on the collecting of revenue.

No town deserves you more than another one. The best town for you is that which bears you.

Poverty in one’s homeland is a strangeness.

If poverty were represented as a man I would kill him.

A human being is asked, at the Day of judgment, about his money, from where had he earned it.

How can you enjoy food and drink when you know that you are eating an unlawful food and drinking unlawfully.

Oppressing weak people is the worst oppression, oppres-sion calls for sword; whoever loaded up himself with oppression will fail.

The day of the oppressed against the oppressor will be more difficult than the day of the oppressor against the oppressed.

The doer of oppression, the helper to it, and the contented with it are three partners.

Do not waste the interests of your brother depending upon your relation with him, for he is not your brother whose right you have wasted.

Whatever a defect in your secretaries which you over-look, you will be held responsible for it.

The worst minister to you is he who has been a minister to mischievous persons before you, and who has joined them their sins.

Thereafter, look into the affairs of your executives. Appoint them on trial and do not appoint them according to partiality or favouritism, because they are a collection of the branches of injustice and treason.

Avoid every such action which is performed in secret and of which shame is felt.

Allah has made it obligatory on just leaders that they should maintain themselves at the level of weak people.

The ruled hearts are the stores of their ruler; so whatever he places in them of justice or injustice will find it there.

The subjects’ love and faithfulness do not manifest ex-cept through their feeling that the state is not a heavy burden over their shoulders.

When the ruler changes, time changes too.

The discontent of prominent people can be forgiven with the content of the common people.

If Allah becomes angry on a nation, its prices become high and its evil men dominate it.

But I am worried that silly and profligate people control the affairs of the entire community, with the result they grab the funds of Allah as their own property and enslave his slaves.

The scholars are the rulers of kings; oppression is the last period of kings’ rule.

Knowledge is a religion which is acted upon.

It is an hour - at night - no slave of Allah prays for some-thing except granted to him unless he is a tax-collector, an intelligence man, or a police officer.

Three men favour money: The sea trader, the holder of authority, and the one accepting bribe while taking decisions.

If the shepherd is a wolf, then who protects the sheep?!

Allah may curse those who advise good but they thems-elves neglect it, and those who detest others from evil but they themselves act upon it.

Know that you are living at a time in which those who speak about right are few, the tongue is blunt to utter truth, and those who stick to the right are humiliated.

The weak is in my view strong till I restore (his) right while the strong is in my view a weak till I take the right back from him.

Shortly a time will come for people no one will be taken as associate to the rulers except informants and no one is regarded as witty but the profligate, and no one will be regarded as weak except the fair person.