Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma Vol. 2

Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma Vol. 20%

Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma Vol. 2 Author:
Translator: Sayyid Akhtar Husain S.H. Rizvi
Publisher: www.al-islam.org
Category: Various Books

Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma Vol. 2

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Sheikh Sadooq
Translator: Sayyid Akhtar Husain S.H. Rizvi
Publisher: www.al-islam.org
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Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma Vol. 2
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Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma Vol. 2

Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma Vol. 2

Publisher: www.al-islam.org

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma Vol. 2

Perfection of Faith and Completion of Divine Favor

Now it is about 12 centuries passed from Imam Mahdi's hidden life, and the bothering time of his hidden life will continue up to his reappearance. According to imam Ridha (as), Imam's reappearance will be extended to the day of Doom, no one knows this but God, it is hard to people and it will happen suddenly. Therefore, any investigation to find the exact time of his reappearance is fruitless and our duty is to wait. The meaning of "waiting for" is to desire his reappearance desperately and looking forward to his reappearance; this waiting results from faith and it is rewarded. In addition, it has spiritual values. Waiting for him, like other religious practices, has practical aspects which is pointed out by our infallibles. Following infallibles' orders in this regard is the duty of people who live in the time of his hidden life.

The book deals with the personality of the Hidden Imam, his occultation and everything related to him in an analytical and systematic manner and is penetrating in its subject and exceptional in its domain. Shaikh Saduq has presented strong arguments from the life-story of the Prophets regarding their occultation [ghaibah] to prove the occultation of the Twelfth Imam; and Ahadith have been quoted extensively from the Holy Prophet sawa and the Infallible Imams in support of the writer's contentions.

Author(s): Shaykh as-Saduq

Translator(s): Sayyid Athar Husayn S.H. Rizvi

Publisher(s): Az-Zahra Publications - Mumbai

Table of Contents

Chapter 30: Statements of al-Husain bin Ali (a.s.) regarding the occurrence of Ghaibat 4

Note 5

Chapter 31: Statements of Ali bin al-Husain (a.s.) regarding the occurrence of Ghaibat 6

Notes 9

Chapter 32: Statements of al-Baqir (a.s.) regarding the occurrence of Ghaibat 10

Notes 15

Chapter 33: Statements of as-Sadiq (a.s.) regarding the occurrence of Ghaibat 16

The Nass in favor of the Qaim (a.s.); about his occultation and that he is the Twelfth Imam  16

Notes 34

Chapter 34: Statements of al-Kazim (a.s.) regarding the occurrence of Ghaibat 36

Debate of Hisham bin Hakam (r.a.) about Ghaibat 37

Notes 42

Chapter 35: Statements of ar-Reza (a.s.) regarding the occurrence of Ghaibat 43

Notes 47

Chapter 36: Statements of al-Jawad (a.s.) regarding the occurrence of Ghaibat 48

Note 49

Chapter 37: Statements of al-Hadi (a.s.) regarding the occurrence of Ghaibat 50

Chapter 38: Statements of al-Askari (a.s.) regarding the occurrence of Ghaibat 53

Narration of Prophet Khizr (a.s.) 54

Narrations regarding Dhulqarnain. 57

Narrations of Abu Muhammad Hasan al-Askari (a.s.) regarding Nass in favor of his son, al-Qaim, the Master of the time 66

Note 68

Chapter 39: Those who denied the Qaim (a.s.) 69

Chapter 40: After Hasan and Husain (a.s.) no two brothers can be Imams 73

Notes 75

Chapter 41: Narration about Lady Narjis Khatoon, mother of al-Qaim (a.s.) 76

Chapter 42: Narrations regarding the birth of al-Qaim (a.s.) 81

An account of those who congratulated Abu Muhammad Hasan bin Ali (a.s.) upon the birth of his son, the Qaim (a.s.) 87

Chapter 43: Those who saw Imam al-Qaim (a.s.) 89

Notes 116

Chapter 44: Reasons for Occultation (Ghaibat) 117

Note 119

Chapter 45: Epistles (Tawqeeat) 120

Epistles from the Master of the Age 139

Supplication during the Occultation of the Qaim. 140

Notes 148

Chapter 46: Longevity. 149

Chapter 47: Narration regarding Dajjal (anti-Christ) 151

Chapter 48: Report about the Gazelles in Nainawa  157

Chapter 49: Regarding Hababa Walbiya  160

Notes 161

Chapter 50: Report of Muammar al-Maghribi 163

Note 169

Chapter 51: Ubaid bin Shariya Jurhami 170

Chapter 52: Rabi bin Sabagh Fuzari 171

Chapter 53: Shaqqul Kahin. 173

Chapter 54: Shaddad and his Paradise, those who had very long life-spans 174

Incident of Bilohar and Yuzasif 190

Notes 244

Chapter 55: Narrations about the Reward for Waiting for Reappearance 245

Notes 248

Chapter 56: Prohibition of uttering the name of al-Qaim (a.s.) 249

Chapter 57: Signs of the reappearance of al-Qaim (a.s.) 250

Notes 255

Chapter 58: Miscellany. 256

Notes 277

Chapter 30: Statements of al-Husain bin Ali (a.s.) regarding the occurrence of Ghaibat

1 - Narrated to us Abdul Wahid bin Muhammad bin Ubdus al-Attar: Narrated to us Abu Amr Kashshi: Narrated to us Muhammad bin Masud: Narrated to us Ali bin Muhammad bin Shuja from Muhammad bin Isa from Muhammad bin Abi Umair from Abdur Rahman bin Hajjaj from as-Sadiq Ja’far bin Muhammad from his father Muhammad bin Ali from his father Ali bin Husain (a.s.) that he said: Husain Ibne Ali (a.s.) said:

“In my ninth descendant there will be a similarity to Prophet Yusuf (a.s.) and a similarity to Prophet Musa bin Imran (a.s.). And he is the Qaim of us, Ahlul Bayt. Allah, the Mighty and the High will reform his circumstances overnight.”

2 -Narrated to us Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Ishaq Muazi (r.a.): Narrated to us Ahmad bin Muhammad Hamdani Kufi: Narrated to us Ahmad bin Musa bin Furat: Narrated to us Abdul Wahid bin Muhammad: Narrated to us Sufyan: Narrated to us Abdullah bin Zubair from Abdullah bin Shareek from a man of Hamadan that he said: I heard Al-Husain bin Ali (a.s.) that he said:

“The Mahdi of this nation is my ninth descendant. He would have an occultation and he is the one whose inheritance shall be divided during his lifetime.”

3 - Narrated to us Ahmad bin Ziyad bin Ja’far Hamdani: Narrated to us Ali bin Ibrahim bin Hashim from his father from Abdus Salam bin Salih Harawi that he said: Informed us Waki bin Jarrah from Rabi bin Saad from Abdur Rahman bin Salit that he said: Husain Ibne Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) said:

“From us there are twelve Mahdis, the first of whom is Amirul Momineen Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) and the last of whom is my ninth descendant. And he is truly the Imam al-Qaim. Allah will enliven the earth after its death through him. And through him triumph His religion over all the religions even if the polytheists may dislike this. There will be occultation for him during which communities will apostize but others will remain steadfast on religion. They will be tortured and told: If you are true when will this promise be fulfilled? Know that one who observes patience during those tribulations will be like one who fights the holy war under the command of the Messenger of Allah (S).”

4 - Narrated to us Ali bin Muhammad bin Hasan Qazwini: Narrated to us Muhammad bin Abdullah Hadhrami: Narrated to us Ahmad bin Yahya al-Hawl: Narrated to us Khallad Muqri from Qais bin Abi Hus’ain from Yahya bin Thaab from Abdullah bin Umar that he said: I heard Husain Ibne Ali (a.s.) say:

“Even if only a day remains from the tenure of the world, Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, would prolong it enough to allow a man from my progeny to appear. Then he would fill up the earth with justice and equity just as it would be fraught with injustice and oppression.” The narrator says: I heard the Holy Prophet (S) say the same.”

5 - Narrated to us my father (r.a.): Narrated to us Muhammad bin Yahya al-Attar: Narrated to us Ja’far bin Muhammad bin Malik: Narrated to me Hamadan bin Mansur from Saad bin Muhammad from Isa Khashshab that he said:

“I asked Husain bin Ali (a.s.): Are you the master of this affair? He replied: ‘No, the master of the affair is that same ‘Tareed’ and ‘Shareed’1 who is the motor and revenger for his father, who is having the patronymic of his uncle and who would carry his sword on his shoulders for eight months.”


1. Tareed and Shareed are titles of our Master, His Eminence Hujjat (a.s.).

Chapter 31: Statements of Ali bin al-Husain (a.s.) regarding the occurrence of Ghaibat

1 - Narrated to us Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Yahya al-Attar (r.a.): Narrated to us my father from Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Yahya bin Imran Ashari from Muhammad bin Husain bin Abil Khattab from Muhammad bin Hasan from Abi Saeed Usfoor from Amr bin Thabit from Abi Hamza that he said: I heard Ali bin Husain (a.s.) say:

“Allah, the Mighty and the High created Muhammad and Ali and eleven Imams from His great effulgence. In the spiritual form, under the light of His effulgence they worshipped Him before the creation of the creatures, glorified Allah, the Mighty and Sublime and sanctified Him and they are the Imams of guidance from Aale Muhammad (a.s.).”

2 - Narrated to us Ali bin Abdullah Warraq: Narrated to us Muhammad bin Harun Sufi from Abdullah bin Musa from Abdul Azeem bin Abdullah Hasani (r.a.): Narrated to me Safwan Ibne Yahya from Ibrahim bin Abi Ziyad from Abi Hamza Thumali from Abi Khalid Kabuli that he said:

“I came to my master, Ali bin Husain Zainul Abideen (a.s.) and said: O son of Allah’s Messenger, tell about those personalities whose obedience and love Allah has made incumbent on His servants and that after the Messenger of Allah (S) they should follow them. The Imam said: O Kankar, The ones whom Allah has made as Ulil Amr (vested with authority) are Amirul Momineen Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) and after him, Imam Hasan (a.s.), then Imam Husain (a.s.), sons of Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) till this position came to me. After that the Imam fell silent.

I said: My chief, it is narrated from Amirul Momineen (a.s.) that the earth shall never be devoid of Proof of Allah, the Mighty and Sublime upon His creatures. So who is the Imam and Divine Proof after you? He replied: My son, Muhammad and in Taurat his name is Baqir (splitter) and he will expound knowledge. He will be the Divine Proof after me. And after him his son, Ja’far who will be famous among the folks of the heavens as Sadiq. I said: My chief, why is he named Sadiq (truthful) while all of you are truthful?

He replied: My father narrated to me from his father that the Messenger of Allah (S) said: When my great grandson, Ja’far bin Muhammad bin Ali bin Husain bin Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) is born, name him Sadiq. One of his fifth descendants will be named Ja’far, who will falsely claim Imamate and attribute falsehood to the Almighty Allah. He would be Ja’far Kazzab in the view of Allah. He will claim something he is not worthy of.

He will oppose his father and be jealous of his brother. Taking undue advantage of the occultation of Divine Proof he will try to expose the secret of Allah. After that Imam Ali Ibne Husain (a.s.) cried much and then said: “As if I can see Ja’far Kazzab helping the tyrant of the time to search for the Wali of Allah. He will try to spy on him and not knowing about the birth of Imam Qaim, he will become the executor of his father’s estate and will desire that were he to gain upper hand on the Qaim he will eliminate him; and will be greedy for his inheritance, till he usurps it wrongfully.”

Abu Khalid says: I said: O son of Allah’s Messenger, is it a prediction? He replied: No, rather by Allah, it is written in the book in our possession that mentions the calamities that shall befall us after the Messenger of Allah (S). Abu Khalid says: I asked: O son of Allah’s Messenger, what will happen after that? He replied: After that there will be a long occultation of the Wali of Allah and the twelfth successor of the Messenger of Allah (S).

O Abu Khalid, during this period of occultation, those who believe in his Imamate and who await for his reappearance, they shall be better than the people of all times because Allah, the Mighty and Sublime would bestow them intelligence, understanding and recognition and for them occultation would be same as presence. Their status shall be like that of the holy warriors who fought under the command of the Messenger of Allah (S). It is they who are sincere and our true Shias. They shall call the people to the religion of Allah openly and secretly. And he said: Awaiting for the reappearance is the best worship act.”

And this tradition is also narrated to us by Ali bin Ahmad bin Musa; and Muhammad bin Ahmad Shaibani; and Ali bin Abdullah Warraq from Muhammad bin Abi Abdullah al-Kufi from Sahl bin Ziyad Adami from Abdul Azeem bin Abdullah al-Hasani (r.a.) from Safwan from Ibrahim bin Abi Ziyad from Abi Hamza Thumali from Abi Khalid Kabuli from Ali bin al-Husain (a.s.).

The author says: The mention by Zainul Abideen (a.s.) of the name of Ja’far Kazzab proves the reports about this matter. And the same thing is narrated from Abil Hasan Ali bin Muhammad al-Askari (a.s.) that he was not pleased at the birth of Ja’far and in fact he informed that Ja’far would mislead a large number of people. All this also proves the above.

Because nothing proves Imamate better than informing about the past and the future events. Like the proof of the messengership of Prophet Isa (a.s.) was that he informed the people what they ate and what they stored at home. In the same way was the case of the Holy Prophet (S). When Abu Sufyan said to himself: Has anyone done it the way I have done? I came and at once removed his hands from me.

Then I gathered a large number of people of Kanana and Habasha, then I fought with him. Perhaps I could have stopped him again. So the Holy Prophet (S) called out from his tent: O Abu Sufyan, now Allah will recompense you. This was like the proof of Prophet Isa bin Maryam (a.s.). And all such prediction made by the Imams (a.s.) prove that they are the true appointees of Allah and that it is incumbent to follow them.

And narrated to us Muhammad bin Hasan bin Ahmad bin Walid (r.a.) that: Narrated to us Saad bin Abdullah: Narrated to us Ja’far bin Muhammad bin Hasan bin Furat: Informed us Salih bin Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Ziyad from his mother Fatima binte Muhammad bin Haitham known as Ibne Siyabah that she said:

“I was in the house of Abul Hasan Ali bin Muhammad al-Askari (a.s.) when Ja’far was born. I saw the family members rejoice at the birth. But when I came to Abul Hasan (a.s.) I did not see him happy at this. So I asked him: O my Sayyid, why do I see you unhappy at the birth of this child? He replied: It will become clear to you because soon he will mislead a large number of people.”

3 - Narrated to us Shareef Abul Hasan Ali bin Musa bin Ahmad bin Ibrahim bin Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Musa bin Ja’far bin Muhammad bin Ali bin Husain bin Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) that he said: Narrated to us Abu Ali Muhammad bin Hammam: Narrated to us Ahmad bin Muhammad Naufali: Narrated to us Ahmad bin Hilal from Uthman bin Isa Kilabi from Khalid bin Najih from Hamza bin Humran from his father [Humran bin Ayyan] from Saeed bin Jubair that he said: I heard the Chief of the worshippers, Ali bin Husain (a.s.) say:

“In His Eminence, Qaim (a.s.) are present similarities to seven prophets. The practice of our father, Adam, the practice of Ibrahim, the practice of Musa, the practice of Isa, the practice of Ayyub and the practice of Muhammad (S). As for the practice of Adam and Nuh (a.s.) it is a long life. As for the similarity with Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) it is a concealed birth and being away from the people. And from Musa it is the fear and occultation. And from Isa is that he will have discord regarding him. With Ayyub (a.s.) he shares the occurrence of triumph after difficulties. And from Muhammad (S) he will share the aspect of advent and armed uprising.”

4 - Narrated to us Muhammad bin Ali bin Bashshar Qazwini: Narrated to us Abul Faraj Muzaffar bin Ahmad: Narrated to us Muhammad bin Ja’far Kufi Asadi: Narrated to us Musa bin Imran Nakhai from his uncle Husain bin Yazid from Hamza bin Humran from his father from Saeed bin Jubair that he said: I heard the Chief of the worshippers, Ali bin Husain (a.s.) say:

“In the Qaim is present a resemblance to Nuh (a.s.), and that is a long life.”

- Narrated to us Ali bin Ahmad Daqqaq and Muhammad bin Ahmad Shaibani -May Allah be pleased with them -they said: Narrated to us Muhammad bin Abi Abdullah Kufi from Musa bin Imran Nakhai from his uncle Husain bin Yazid from Hamza bin Humran from his father Humran bin Ayyan from Saeed bin Jubair that he said: I heard the Chief of the worshippers, Ali bin Husain (a.s.) say:

“In the Qaim is present a resemblance to Nuh (a.s.), and that is a long life.”

5 - And from the same chain of narrators he said: Ali bin Husain, the Chief of the worshippers (a.s.) said:

“The Qaim from us will be such that his birth will remain concealed from the people so much that they will say (regarding Imam Hasan Askari) that: He had no issue who will rise up without having the allegiance of anyone on his neck.”

6 - Narrated to us Ahmad bin Ziyad bin Ja’far Hamadani (r.a.): Narrated to us Ali bin Ibrahim bin Hashim from his father from Bastam bin Murrah from Amr bin Thabit that he said: Ali bin Husain, the Chief of the worshippers (a.s.) said:

“To one who remains firm on our guardianship (Wilayat) during the occultation of our Qaim, Allah, the Mighty and Sublime will give the reward of a thousand martyrs of Badr and Uhad.”

7 - Narrated to us Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Isaam Kulaini (r.a.): Narrated to us Muhammad bin Yaqoob Kulaini: Narrated to us Qasim bin Alaa: Narrated to us Ismail bin Ali Qazwini: Narrated to me Ali bin Ismail from Asim bin Humaid Hannat from Muhammad bin Qais from Thabit Thumali from Ali bin Husain bin Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) that he said:

“The verses:

    وَأُوْلُواألْاَرْحَامِ بَعْضُهُمْ أَوْلَى بِبَعْضٍ فِي كِتَابِ اللَّهِ

…and the possessors of relationship have the better claim in the ordinance of Allah…1


    وَجَعَلَهَاكَلِمَة ً بَاقِيَة ً فِي عَقِبِهِ

And he made it a word to continue in his posterity.2

Were revealed about us. And the Imamate will remain in the progeny of Husain bin Ali (a.s.) till Judgment Day. There are two occultations for our Qaim, one of which shall be longer than the other. As for the first one, it would be for six days3 , or six months or six years. And as for the second one it would be so long that most of those who have faith in this matter will turn back from their belief. Then they would not remain firm on this matter except those who have very strong faith and correct recognition, and in their hearts there is no discomfort from our decisions and those that submit to us, Ahlul Bayt (a.s.).”

8 - And from the same chain of narrators he said: Ali bin Husain (a.s.) said:

“The religion of Allah, the Mighty and Sublime is not obtained through defective intellect, invalid opinion and corrupted analogy. It is achieved through submission. Thus there is security for one who submitted to us. There is guidance for one who followed us. And one who resorted to analogy and personal opinion, he is destroyed and one who felt unconvinced by our statements and decisions, he has denied the one who revealed the seven oft repeated verses and the great Quran.”


1. Surah Ahzab 33:6

2. Surah Zukhruf 43:28

3. Allamah Majlisi (r.a.) says: Six days, perhaps imply different conditions of His Eminence in the period of his occultation, just as for six days no one was informed about the birth of His Eminence except very special people from his close aides. After six months his other companions were informed and then after six years, after the passing away of his respected father (a.s.), many people came to know about the matter of His Eminence. After that his special representatives appeared…

Chapter 32: Statements of al-Baqir (a.s.) regarding the occurrence of Ghaibat

1 - Narrated to us my father and Muhammad bin Hasan - May Allah be pleased with them - they said: Narrated to us Saad bin Abdullah and Abdullah bin Ja’far Himyari: Narrated to us Ahmad bin Husain bin Umar bin Yazid from Husain Ibne Rabi Madayni: Narrated to us Muhammad bin Ishaq from Usaid bin Thalaba from Umme Hani that she said:

“I met Abu Ja’far Muhammad bin Ali bin Husain bin Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) and asked him about the following verse:

    فَلَا أُقْسِمُ بِالْخُنَّسِ الْجَوَارِ الْكُنَّسِ

But nay! I swear by the stars, That run their course (and) hide themselves.1

He said: The Imam will be concealed from the people (during occultation). It denotes the Imam who after the death of those who had his Marefat (recognition) in 260 A.H. will go into occultation. Then at the time of reappearance he will come out like a meteor on a dark night. If you live in his time it will be highly pleasing to you.”

2 - Narrated to us Ahmad bin Harun Fami and Ali bin Husain bin Shazawayh Muaddab and Ja’far Ibne Muhammad bin Masroor and Ja’far bin Husain - May Allah be pleased with them - they said: Narrated to us Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Ja’far Himyari from his father from Ayyub bin Nuh from Abbas bin Aamir Qasbani. And narrated to us Ja’far bin Ali bin Hasan bin Ali bin Abdullah bin Mughaira Kufi that he said: Narrated to me my grandfather Hasan bin Ali bin Abdullah from Abbas bin Aamir Qasbani from Musa bin Hilal Dhabbi from Abdullah bin Ataa that he said: I asked Abi Ja’far (a.s.):

“You have a large number of followers in Iraq and by Allah there is none like you in your family, so why don’t you stage an uprising? He replied: O Abdullah bin Ataa, you have paid attention to useless talks. I am not that Imam of yours who will uprise. I asked: Then which Imam is that? He replied: Look out for the one from us whose birth is concealed from people. He will be that Imam.”

3 - Narrated to us my father and Muhammad bin Hasan - May Allah be pleased with them - they said: Narrated to us Saad bin Abdullah: Narrated to me Musa bin Umar bin Yazid Saiqal from Ali bin Asbat from Ali bin Abi Hamza from Abi Baseer from Abi Ja’far (a.s.) regarding the words of Allah, the Mighty and Sublime:

    قُلْ أَرَأَيْتُمْ إِنْ أَصْبَحَ مَاؤُكُمْ غَوْرًا فَمَنْ يَأْتِيكُمْ بِمَاءٍ مَعِينٍ

Say: Have you considered if your water should go down, who is it then that will bring you flowing water?2

This is revealed for the Qaim. Your Imam will disappear from your view and you will not know where he is gone. When he will reappear he will give you news of the heavens and the earth and knowledge of the lawful and the prohibited of Allah. Then he said: By Allah, this verse has not yet actualized. It will indeed be actualized (in future).”

4 - Narrated to us my father and Muhammad bin Hasan - May Allah be pleased with them - they said: Narrated to us Saad bin Abdullah from Muhammad bin Isa bin Ubaid from Muhammad bin Fudail from Abi Hamza from Abi Ja’far (a.s.) that he said:

“Indeed Allah, the Mighty and the High sent Muhammad (S) to the jinns and men and appointed twelve successors after him. Some of them passed away and some remain. For all the successors after Muhammad (S) the practice of the successors of Prophet Isa (a.s.) was enforced and it was that Isa (a.s.) also had twelve successors. And Amirul Momineen Ali (a.s.) was on the practice of Jesus (a.s.).”

5 -Narrated to us Muhammad bin Musa bin Mutawakkil (r.a.): Narrated to us Ali bin Ibrahim from his father Ibrahim bin Hashim from Abdullah bin Hammad Ansari and Muhammad bin Sinan, all of them from Abil Jarud Ziyad bin Mundhir from Abi Ja’far Muhammad bin Ali al-Baqir (a.s.) that he said to me:

“O Aba Jarud, when the time of occultation will prolong, people will begin to say: The Qaim is dead or he has been killed. And in which valley does he reside? And the opponents will say: Where does a Qaim exist? His bones must also have decayed. At that time remain hopeful for his reappearance and when you hear his call harken to it. You should go to join him even if you have to crawl on snow.”

6 - Narrated to us my father and Muhammad bin Hasan - May Allah be pleased with them - they said: Narrated to us Abdullah bin Ja’far Himyari from Muhammad bin Isa from Sulaiman bin Dawood from Abi Baseer that he said: I heard Aba Ja’far (a.s.) say:

“In the Master of this affair are present practices (Sunnah) of four prophets: Musa, Isa, Yusuf and Muhammad (S).

From Musa is being fearful for his life and his occultation, from Yusuf is the imprisonment, from Isa it is that it would be said: He is dead, while it would not be so. And as for the similarity with Muhammad (S) it will be his advent and rising up with the sword.”

Narrated to us Ahmad bin Ziyad Hamdani (r.a.) that he said: Narrated to us Ali bin Ibrahim bin Hashim from Muhammad bin Isa from Sulaiman bin Dawood from Abi Baseer from Abi Ja’far (a.s.) a similar tradition.

7 - And narrated to us Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Isaam (r.a.): Narrated to us Muhammad bin Yaqoob [al-Kulaini]: Narrated to us Qasim bin Alaa: Narrated to us Ismail bin Ali Qazwini: Narrated to me Ali bin Ismail from Asim bin Humaid Hannat from Muhammad bin Muslim Thaqafi Tahhan that he said:

“I came to His Eminence, Abu Ja’far Muhammad bin Ali Baqir (a.s.) in order to ask him about the Qaim of Aale Muhammad. His Eminence himself initiated the matter and said: O Muhammad bin Muslim, in the Qaim of Ahlul Bayt of Muhammad (S) are present similarities to five prophets: Yunus bin Mata, Yusuf bin Yaqoob, Musa, Isa and Muhammad - peace be on them all.

Similarity to Yunus bin Mata: Return from occultation as a young man though being advanced in age. Similarity to Yusuf bin Yaqoob: Occultation from the special people and general public and remaining concealed from the brothers and the becoming difficult of the matter on his father, Yaqoob inspite of the nearness of distance between him and his father, his family and his followers.

Similarity to Musa: Always being in fear and the prolongation of occultation. Hidden birth and the exhaustion of his followers after him from the excessive torments and tribulations that they suffered till the Almighty Allah permitted him to appear and helped and assisted him against his enemies.

Similarity to Isa: Controversy regarding him; such that a group says: He is not yet born. And a group says: He is dead. And some people allege: He is killed and is no more.

As for his similarity with his grandfather, Muhammad Mustafa (S): Taking up armed struggle and exterminating the enemies of Allah and the Prophet; and the tyrants and the oppressors. He shall be helped with the sword and awe and no flag shall be hoisted over him. Of the signs of his reappearance are: The advent of the Sufyani from Shaam (Syria), the advent of Yamani, the call from the sky in the month of Ramadan and a caller who will announce from the sky his name and his father’s name.”

8 - Narrated to us Muhammad bin Hasan bin Ahmad bin Walid (r.a.): Narrated to us Muhammad bin Hasan as-Saffar: Narrated to us Ahmad bin Muhammad Isa and Muhammad bin Husain bin Abil Khattab and Haitham Ibne Abi Masruq Nahdi from Hasan bin Mahboob Sarrad from Ali bin Riyab from Abi Hamza Thumali from Abi Ja’far (a.s.) that he heard him say:

“The most proximate to Allah, the Mighty and Sublime and the most knowledgeable about Him and the most kind to the people are Muhammad (S) and the Imams (a.s.). So you enter where they enter and leave off whatever they leave. It denotes Husain and his descendants as the truth is with them and they are the successors and the Imams are among them. So wherever you see them, follow them and when they are not seen beseech the Almighty Allah and wait for the practice that you got (occultation) and follow it. Love what they love and hate what they hate. Very soon you will get deliverance.”

9 - Narrated to us my father and Muhammad bin Hasan - May Allah be pleased with them - they said: Narrated to us Saad bin Abdullah: Narrated to us Muhammad bin Husain bin Abil Khattab and Muhammad bin Isa from Muhammad bin Abi Umair from Jameel bin Durraj from Muhammad bin Muslim that he said: Abu Ja’far (a.s.) said:

“None responded to the call of the Messenger of Allah (S) before Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) and Lady Khadija (s.a.). The Messenger of Allah (S) remained in Mecca for three years (after declaring his mission) as he feared his community and other people.” It is a lengthy tradition, a part of which we have presented, as it pertains to the topic of our discussion.

10 - Narrated to us Muhammad bin Ibrahim bin Ishaq (r.a.): Narrated to us Abu Ali Muhammad bin Hammam from Ja’far bin Muhammad bin Malik: Narrated to me Hasan bin Muhammad bin Sama-a: Narrated to us Ahmad bin Harith from Mufaddal bin Umar from Abi Abdullah Ja’far bin Muhammad as-Sadiq (a.s.) from his father, Abi Ja’far al-Baqir (a.s.) that he said:

“When Qaim (a.s.) rises up he would say:

    فَفَرَرْتُ مِنْكُمْ لَمَّا خِفْتُكُمْ فَوَهَبَ لِي رَبِّي حُكْمًا وَجَعَلَنِي مِنَ الْمُرْسَلِينَ

“So I fled from you when I feared you, then my Lord granted me wisdom and made me of the apostles.3

11 - Narrated to us Ali bin Ahmad bin Muhammad (r.a.): Narrated to us Muhammad bin Abi Abdullah Kufi: Narrated to us Musa bin Imran Nakhai from his uncle Husain bin Yazid Naufali from Hasan Ibne Ali bin Abi Hamza [from his father] from Abi Baseer that he said: I heard Aba Ja’far (a.s.) say:

“In the master of this affair there is a similarity to Musa, to Isa, to Yusuf and Muhammad (S).

As for the similarity to Musa: It is being fearful and watchful. And as for Isa, it is that it would be said about him what was said about Isa. And as for Yusuf it is the prison and the occultation. And as for Muhammad (S) it is rising with the sword and he will follow the style of His Eminence and expound his traditions. At that time he would carry his sword in his right hand for eight months and continuously go on eliminating his enemies till the Almighty Allah is satisfied.

I asked, How do we know that the Almighty Allah is satisfied?

He replied, ‘The Almighty Allah will instill mercy into his heart.’”

12 - Narrated to us Abdul Wahid bin Muhammad bin Ubdus (r.a.): Narrated to us Abu Amr Kashshi: Narrated to us Muhammad bin Masud: Narrated to us Ali bin Muhammad Qummi from Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Yahya from Ibrahim bin Hashim from Abi Ahmad Azdi from Dhurais Kunasi that he said: I heard Aba Ja’far (a.s.) say:

“In the Master of this affair there is a resemblance to Yusuf (a.s.) and it is that Allah, the Mighty and Sublime would improve and reform his circumstances overnight.”

13 - And through the same chain of narrators from Muhammad bin Masud that he said: Narrated to us Jibraeel bin Ahmad: Narrated to us Musa bin Ja’far bin Wahab Baghdadi am Yaqoob bin Yazid from Sulaiman bin Hasan from Saad Ibne Abi Khalaf az-Zaam from Maroof bin Kharbooz that he said: I asked Abi Ja’far Baqir (a.s.):

“Tell me about yourself. The Imam said: We are like the stars. When one sets, another rises. There is peace, security, submission, Islam, victor and keys among us till all the sons of Abdul Muttalib become equal and it is not known which one is worthy of which position. Allah, the Mighty and Sublime will make your Imam manifest for you. So praise Allah, the Mighty and Sublime Who has given choice to Imam to either choose hardships or degradation. I asked: My I be sacrificed on you, which one would the Imam choose? He replied: He will choose hardships over dishonor.”

14 - And through the same chain of narrators from Muhammad bin Masud from Nasr bin Sabbah from Ja’far bin Suhail that he said: Narrated to me Abu Abdullah Akhu Abi Ali Kabuli from Qabusi from Nasr bin Sindi from Khalil bin Amr from Ali bin Hasan Fazari from Ibrahim bin Atiyyah from Umme Hani Thaqafi that she said:

“I came to my master, Muhammad bin Ali al-Baqir (a.s.) and asked: A verse in the book of Allah, the Mighty and Sublime occurred in my heart and made me worried and sleepless. The Imam said: Which verse, O Umme Hani? I said: My chief it is:

    فَلَا أُقْسِمُ بِالْخُنَّسِ الْجَوَارِ الْكُنَّسِ

“But nay! I swear by the stars. That run their course (and) hide themselves.”4

The Imam said: You have asked a very good question, Umme Hani. This verse is regarding a newborn child in the last period of time. He is the Mahdi from this progeny. And for him there shall be a confusion and occultation in which a group shall deviate and a group shall be guided. Thus glad tidings for you if you live in that time and glad tidings for those who live in that time.”

15 -Narrated to us Muhammad bin Hasan bin Ahmad bin Walid (r.a.) that he said: Narrated to us Muhammad bin Hasan as-Saffar from Ahmad bin Abi Abdullah Barqi from his father from Mughaira from Mufaddal bin Salih from Jabir from Abu Ja’far Baqir (a.s.) that he said:

“A time will come upon the people when their Imam shall disappear from their view. Blessed be those who remain firm upon our guardianship during such times. The least divine reward that shall reach them would be that the Almighty Allah shall call them and say: O My servants and maidservants, you brought faith in My secret and believed in My unseen. Then good news to you for My goodness and rewards as you are truly My servants and maidservants. I shall accept your deeds, disregard your faults and forgive your sins. And due to you I shall send rain to My creatures and ward off calamities from them. If you hadn’t been there I would have sent My chastisement upon them.”

16 - Narrated to us Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Isaam (r.a.) that he said: Narrated to us Muhammad bin Yaqoob Kulaini: Narrated to us Qasim bin Alaa: Narrated to me Ismail bin Ali Qazwini: Narrated to me Ali Ibne Ismail from Asim bin Humaid Hannat from Muhammad bin Muslim Thaqafi that he said: I heard Aba Ja’far Muhammad bin Ali al-Baqir (a.s.) say:

“The Qaim from us will be aided by awe and helped with divine assistance. The earth will fold up for him and the treasures will be exposed for him. His dominions will be in the east and the west and through him will Allah, the Mighty and Sublime make His religion dominate over all religions even though the polytheists hate this. Then no ruin will remain in the earth but that he will restore it. And the spirit of Allah, Isa bin Maryam (a.s.) will come down and pray behind him. I said: O son of Allah’s Messenger, when will your Qaim appear?

He replied: When the men will resemble women and women will resemble men. When men will satisfy their lusts with men and women with women. When women will ride horses. False testimony will be accepted and true testimony will be obstructed. Murder will be considered a minor thing. Adultery and usury will be common. People will fear the talks of the evil people. Sufyani will arise from Shaam and Yamani will appear from Yemen.

The Baida desert will sink. A youth from Aale Muhammad will be killed between the Rukn and Maqam. He will be Muhammad bin Hasan Nafs-e-Zakiyyah. A call will come from the sky that the truth is with him and with all the Shias. At that time will arise our Qaim. When he reappears he would lean on the Kaaba and three hundred and thirteen men would reach him, and the first words he speaks would be:

    بَقِيَّتُ اللَّهِ خَيْرٌ لَكُمْ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ مُؤْمِنِينَ

“What remains with Allah is better for you if you are believers…”5

Then he would say: I am the remnant of Allah on the earth and the vicegerent of God and His Divine Proof upon you. Then no Muslim would greet him except by the words:

“Peace be on you, O the remnant of Allah on His earth.”

And when the number of his supporters reaches one Iqd, that is 10000 men, he would set out. Then no deity except Allah, the Mighty and Sublime would remain on the earth. Idols, statutes and such other things would be destroyed, and fire would rise up among them; and this would come to pass after a prolonged occultation till the Almighty Allah knows who brings faith during the occultation and who obeys.”

17 -Narrated to us Muzaffar bin Ja’far bin Muzaffar Alawi (r.a.) that: Narrated to us Ja’far bin Muhammad bin Masud from his father that: Narrated to us Abul Qasim: I have quoted from the book of Ahmad Dahhan from Qasim bin Hamza from Ibne Abi Umair that: Informed me Abu Ismail Sarraj from Khaithama Jofi that: Narrated to me Abu Ayyub Makhzumi that:

“Abu Ja’far Muhammad bin Ali (a.s.) mentioned the biographies of the twelve guided caliphs, bliss of Allah be on them all, and when he came to the last of them he said: The twelfth of them will the one behind whom Prophet Isa Ibne Maryam (a.s.) will pray. The practice of this Imam and the obedience of Quran is incumbent upon you.”

This is the end of the first volume of Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Nima by Shaykh Faqih, Abi Ja’far Muhammad bin Ali bin Husain bin Musa bin Babawahy al-Qummi (r.a.), which proves the incidence of occultation and removes misunderstandings about it.

The second volume begins with the chapter of narrations from Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) about the Nass in favor of the Qaim (a.s.).


1. Surah Takwir 81:15-16

2. Surah Mulk 67:30

3. Surah Shuara 26:21

4. Surah Takwir 81:15-16

5. Surah Hud 11:86