Humanitarian Rights in the Time of Appearance of the Mahdi (Pbuh) or World Promised Saviour

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Category: Imam al-Mahdi

Humanitarian Rights in the Time of Appearance of the Mahdi (Pbuh) or World Promised Saviour

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

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Humanitarian Rights in the Time of Appearance of the Mahdi (Pbuh) or World Promised Saviour
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Humanitarian Rights in the Time of Appearance of the Mahdi (Pbuh) or World Promised Saviour

Humanitarian Rights in the Time of Appearance of the Mahdi (Pbuh) or World Promised Saviour


This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Religious Leaders

Argue only in the best way with the People of the Book, except with those of them who act unjustly. Say, "We believe in what was revealed to us and in what was revealed to you: our God and your God are one (and the same); we are devoted to Him." (31)

Syria´s Grand Mufti AhmadBadr Al-DinHassoun opening his address to Members of the European Parliament, on Tuesday 15th of January 2008, saying: "Religion gives civilization its moral values but culture is something that we built", he stressed adding that religion "is the work of God" whereas civilization is created by mankind.

"We do not believe, in our region, in the multiplicity of religions. Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohamed (Pbuh ) came with one single religion". Therefore, "there is no holy war, because a war can never be holy; it is peace that is holy".

Then they came up and laid hands upon Jesus and seized him. And Behold, one of those who were with Jesus stretched out his hand, and drew his sword, and struck the slave of the high priest, and cut off this ear. Then Jesus said to him, "Put your sword back into its place; for all who take the sword will perish buy the sword." (32)

Interreligious dialogue recognizes the plurality of the world´s religious systems as a valuable resource for discovering and working togethertoward a common goals .

Dialogue begins with the willingness to question and to be questioned. Dialogue requires an effort to comprehend the inherent value of difference in this complex global society. Dialogue is the only instrument to achieve a real peaceful world based on mutual respect and understanding.

"All states shall take effective measures to prevent and eliminate discrimination on the grounds of religion or belief ….( …..) All states shall make all efforts to enact or rescind legislation where necessary to prohibit any such discrimination." (33)

Civil Society

We live in a society that we call developed, a society that produces great masses of scorned, exploited, hungry human beings; a society whose supreme value is money.A society that has achieved an unparalleled technological development during the last few decades and that possesses the sufficient economic, cultural and spiritual capacity to achieve a more just and supportive universal social order for all, without excluding anybody.

"No one of you is a believer until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself." (34)

The pillars of society are those people who provide its spiritual and moral vision to thesociety . They are righteous people with courage who realize the truth within themselves and are willing to take responsibility for their community.

We are all conscious today that our world has become a virtual communicational unity, that its nations and regions are increasingly economically interdependent, and that war is insanely destructive. The survival of the human family requires urgently the articulation of ethical principles. "Treat people in such a way and live amongst them in such a manner that if you die the willweep over you; alive they crave for your company."(35)

V.- Guiding Principles from the Book of BenSira

Duties toward the Poor and the Oppressed (36)

Mychild, do not cheat the poor of their living, and do not keep needy eyes waiting. Do not grieve the hungry, or anger one in need.

Do not add to the troubles of the desperate, or delay giving to the needy.

Do not reject a suppliant in distress, o turn your face away from the poor.

Prudence and Common Sense (37)

"Do not contend with the powerful, or you may fall into their hands.

Do not quarrel with the rich, in case their resources outweigh yours; for gold has ruined many, and has perverted the minds of kings.

Concerning rulers (38)

A wise magistrate educates his people, and the rule of an intelligent person is well ordered.

As the people´s judge is, so are his officials; as the ruler of the city is, so are all its inhabitants.

The government of the earth is in the hand of the Lord, and over it He will raise up the right leader for the time.

Human success is in the hand of the Lord, and it is he who confers honor upon the lawgiver.

Concerning humility (39)

The poor are honored for their knowledge, while the rich are honored for their wealth.

One who is honored in poverty, how much more in wealth!

An one dishonored in wealth, how much more in poverty!

Responsible use of wealth (40)

If one is mean to himself, to whom he will be generous? He will not enjoy his own riches.

No one is worse than one who is grudging to himself; this is the punishment for his meanness.

The miser is an evil person; he turns away and disregards people.

Do good to friends before you die, and reach out and give to them as much as you can.

The temptations of Commerce (41)

A merchant can hardly keep from wrongdoing, nor is a tradesman innocent of sin. As a stake is driven firmly into a fissure between stones, so sin is wedged in between selling and buying.

If a person is not steadfast in the fear of the Lord, his house will be quickly overthrown.

VI.-Final Comments

By faith we believe and understand that the worlds were created by the Word of God.

By faith Enoch was taken so that he did no experience death.

By faith Noah, warned by God about events yet not seen he built the ark to save his household.

By faith, Abraham obeyed when he was called to set out for a place that he was to receive as an inheritance and he set out not knowing where he was going.

By faith Moses left Egypt without fear ofPharao´s anger and he lead the people through the dessert to thepromised land . Without faith is no possible to please God.

It is hard to believe that science,technology, politics and economics can effectively offer a unifying vision of the complexity of our world today and find the solutions to our everyday increasing problems.

Our world is in a state of imbalance created by man´s misuse. The appearance of theMahdi (Pbuh ) orSaviour will restore and balance the earth.

We have to be prepared to change our present modes of living to ensure the future of mankind in this world. Adequate our needs according to the needs of all people of the world and enter in a new and truthful understanding of the meaning of sharing.

TheMahdi (Pbuh ) orSaviour , knows that deep in the hearts of men is the aspiration for justice and love, but we need to end with the fear that stop us from living according to the light of God.

Today, from all corners of our planet we hear the cry of despair of displace people, stateless people, emigrants; no matter how we call them, they suffer from the same disease:poverty , hunger, isolation and scorn.

Among His most important concerns is the welfare of the poor and dispossessed. Half the world´s populations enter this category and present an enormous challenge to the goodwill of men. TheMahdi (Pbuh ) orSaviour of the world will inspire the goodwill that will put an end to injustice and corruption.

Slowly, people will become aware that to share the resources of the world is in their own best interests and will willingly accept the need. This will end the suffering of the poor.

"Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?" He said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and withall your mind." This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." (42)

Are we moving forward towards theMahdi (Pbuh ) orSaviour of the World most important concern?


-The Qur´an, a new translation, M.A.S. AbdelHaleem , 2004, Oxford University Press, Inc., NewYork,m USA. -The Spiritual Formation Bible, 2006 Harper and Collins Publishers, United Kingdom. -Ibn Talib ,Ali , Nahjol Balgha , Compiled by:Sayyid Shareef Ar.Razi , 2003,Ansariyan Publication, Qum, Islamic Republic ofIr?n -Küng Hans, ElJudaismo ,pasado presente yfuturo , 1993, EditorialTrotta , S.A., Madrid. -Küng , Hans, El Islam,historia ,presente ,futuro , 2006, EditorialTrotta , S.A., Madrid. -Küng , Hans, ElCristianismo ,esencia ehistoria , 1997, EditorialTrotta , S.A., Madrid. -Ay?car , R.MIguel , ElEvangelio y los Santos delas Grandes Religiones , EditorialAlpuerto , S.A., Madrid. - Beck,Ulrico , Lasociedad delriesgo global, 2006,Siglo XXI deEspa?a Editores , S.A. Madrid. -Corm, Georges, Lafractura imaginaria ,las falsas ra?ces delenfrentamiento entreOriente yOccidente , 2004Tusquets Editores , S.A., Barcelona. -AlHambali ,Ibn Rayab ,Compendio deConocimiento ySabidur?a , 2004, International IslamicPublising House, Riyadh.

*VII.-Notes *

(1) AliIbn Talib (pbuh ), Saying 53,Najhol-Balagha (2) Genesis 25, 9-10 (3) Genesis 12, 1-3 (4) Genesis 13, 14-15 (5) Qur´an,Sura 2, 124 (6) Exodus 3,7-8 (7) Qur´an 7,Sura 7,104-105 (8) Matthew 2, 20-21 (9) Jeremiah 31, 15 (10) Matthew 2, 20-21 (11) Qur´an,Sura 9, 20-21 (12)Qur?n ,Sura 5, 82-83 (13) AliIbn Talib (pbuh )Serm?n 203,Najhol-Balagha (14) AliIbn Talib (pbuh )Serm?n 202,Najhol-Balagha (15) AliIbn Talib (pbuh ) Letter 45,Nahjol-Balagha (16) Luke 10, 36-37 (17) Qur´an,Sura 59,8 (18) Luke 17, 12; 16-18 (19) AliIbn Talib (pbuh ) Sermon 208,Najhol-Balagha (20) Matthew 12, 24 (21) Luke 18, 24-25 (22) Mark 12, 42-44 (23) Matthew 6,1;3-4 (24) AliIbn Talib (pbuh ) Sermon 208,Nahjol-Balagha (25) Talmud, BabaKamma 93a (26) Isaiah 42,1 (27) Ezekiel 3, 21 (28) Matthew 7, 13-14 (29)Nyika Proverb,Kenia and Tanzania (30) AliIbn Talib (pbuh ) Saying 201,Najhol-Balagha (31) Qur´an,Sura 29, 46 (32) Matthew 26, 51-52 (33) Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Believe, United Nations General Assembly Resolution 36/55, 25th of November, 1981. (34) Fortyhadith of an-Nawawi 13 (35)Alib Ibn Talib (pbuh ) Saying 10,Najhol-Balagha (36)Sirach 4, 1-4 (37)Sirach 8, 1-2 (38)Sirach 10, 1-2; 4-5 (39)Sirach 10, 30-31 (40)Sirach 14, 5-6; 8 ; 13 (41)Sirach 26, 29; 27, 2-3 (42) Matthew 22, 36-40

Horizentalization of Vertical EschatologyAs Recipe For Planetary Survival

Twelve years ago, while we were sitting in front of a college in Mindanao State University-Main Campus, Philippines, a Seventh-Day Adventist friend of mine fromBukidnon , Mindanao, told me, "Everything can serve any purpose. You see, if I position this horizontally (referring to a blueballpen he was holding), it serves as a bridge, but if I put it this way (that is, vertically), it becomes a wall."

Accordingly, 'horizontal' God is He who is viewed as the Creator and Lord of the universe and all mankind.

"Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord." (Deuteronomy 6:4 and Mark 12:29)

"I, even I, am the Lord; and beside me there is no savior." (Isaiah 43:11)

"I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me." (Isaiah 45:5)

"I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me." (Isaiah 46:9)

"Thoushalt have no other gods before me." (Exodus 20:3-5)

"And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thouhas sent." (John 17:3)

"Say, 'He is Allah, the One. Allah is the All-embracing. He neither begat, nor was begotten, nor has He any equal." (Surah al-Ikhlas , 1-4)

This Supreme Being becomes 'vertical' when He is thought to have certain few 'favorites' at the expense of a 'damned' majority.

Religions also function as a bridge if the common elements among them such as spirituality, moral principles and a notion of Judgment Day are more emphasized. This function was illustrated by laconvivencia ('coexistence' or 'living together') put into practice in Toledo in particular during the Moorish rule of Spain. As a microcosm of the atmosphere of religious tolerance then prevalent in the city, Jews, Christians and Muslims were working together in the city's libraries, translating books from Arabic into Castilian Spanish and then into Latin.

This scientific collaboration continued for sometime after the end of the Moorish rule. Jane Smith thus observes:

Transmission of knowledge from Arabic to Latin came close on the heels of the Christianreconquest of Sicily and of large areas of Muslim Spain. When Toledo was taken in 1085, a major step in the Christianreconquest of Spain, a large number of Arabic manuscripts were made available to Christian scholars. By the twelfth century Toledo had become a center of study as scholars from all over Europe came to work with native speakers of Arabic.

As corroborated by J.B. Trend,

The gates of oriental learning and story were opened both to Spain and to the whole of Europe by the capture of Toledo (1085), which became a school of translation from oriental languages. As early as 1120Petrus Alfonsi , a Spanish Jew who was baptized and whose godfather was Alfonso VII, introduced Indian fable into Spain by the celebrated collection of stories known asDisciplina Clericalis . The Spanish translation of the 'Indian tales' ofCalila eDimna made directly from the Arabic text dates from 1251.

When "Toledo, the greatest center of Muslim learning in the West, fell before the Spanish Christians" also says Max Meyerhof:

Latin students began to come to the new capital to admire the remains of Moorish civilization and to study theArtes Arabum . The intermediaries for the learning and later on the translation work were native Jews and former Muslim subjects (Mozarabs ). Charles and Dorothea Singer… have painted a lively picture of this collaboration, which gives a clear idea of a curious scientific syncretism.

The first prominent European man of science who came to Toledo wasAdelard of Bath, an English mathematician and philosopher. On the other hand a Spanish Jew converted to Christianity,Petrus Alphonsi , went to England where he became physician to Henry I and spread the science of the Muslims there for the first time.

On the contrary, there is no more need of embellishing this paper with accounts of religions in 'vertical' position as human history is drenched enough with innocent blood spilled in their name.


Eschatology is no exception to this horizontal-vertical binary. Etymologically derived from the Latineschatos ('last' or 'farthest'), eschatology refers to the branch of theology concerned with the final events in the history of the world or the ultimate destiny of mankind. Simply put, eschatology is a doctrine or theory (logos) of the end (eschaton ) whose origin, according to Encarta Encyclopedia, is almost as old as humanity as "archeological evidence of customs in the Old Stone Age indicates a rudimentary concept of immortality.

According to The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, "end" here can have two meanings:

First, it can mean the end of each individual human life. Second, it can mean the end of the world-or, more narrowly, of the human race. In the first, the individualistic, sense eschatology is an account of the destiny that awaits each person after death. In the second, the cosmic or social, sense it is a description of a goal (telos ) in which history will be fulfilled.

This goal may be either a this-worldly or an otherworldly kind.

One of the important subjects of eschatology is the idea of a 'savior' to come at the end of time. This awaited savior is known by various names and titles-Saoshyant , Messiah, Christ (in his Second Coming), andMahdi , among many others. Since after the reign of King Solomon, the Jews have been waiting for the coming of a Messiah who, it is believed, would restore their lost glory and grandeur. Post-ascension of Jesus Christ is a period where the Christians have been longing for the second coming of Christ (Parousia ).

The Muslims, on the other hand, have been expecting for the advent of Al-Mahdi (the Guided One) who, as a descendant of both Ishmael and Isaac, is believed to have been the epitome of fulfillment of theAbrahamic Covenant:

"And when his Lord tested Abraham with certain words, and he fulfilled them, He said: 'I am making you the Imam of mankind.'Said he: 'And from among my descendants?' He said: 'My pledge does not extend to the unjust.'" (Surah al-Baqarah , 124)

Neither is Filipino folklore devoid of it. Legend tells us that BernardoCarpio who is confined in a cave in Mt.Tapusi inMontalban Mountains (or Mt. San Mateo in Rizal) or trapped within two clashing mountains for a long time will one day come out to redeem the Philippines. (Ferdinand Marcos, as I was told by a Marcos loyalist when I was 12 during the 1986 Presidential Snap Election in the Philippines, was the personification of Bernardo! Remember the catchphrase, "This nation can be great again!")

Sociologically, human society in whatever appearance it takes-race, nation, class or religious order-upholds this concept. As argued by Dr. 'AliShari'ati , a contemporary Iranian sociologist and historian, all known communities, without exception, display two common characteristics.

First, every community holds that in the distant past it had a 'golden age' during which there was justice, peace, tranquility, and love, and that this golden age came to an end at some point in time and was followed by corruption, darkness and injustice. Secondly, they believe in a great and liberating upheaval in the future and a return to the golden age-the age of victory of justice, equality and brotherhood.

These beliefs obviously serve as a bridge as they give a sense of hope, determination and common universal vision and purpose for all peoples of diverse cultural currents and religious persuasions. This is the 'horizontal' side of the story.

'**Vertical' Eschatology

** Its 'vertical' side is now spectacularly moving toward its catastrophic climax as suggested by the carnage of civilians perpetrated daily by 'Islamist puritans' in Iraq, Pakistan and elsewhere. Interestingly enough, certain messianic extremists in Iraq are reportedly as zealous in resisting foreign occupiers as in engaging in intra- and inter-sectarian frenzy of reprisals, executions and vandalism.

How to convey a sectarian message totally comprehensible to adherents and at the same time capable of fending off outsiders' accusation of the message's advocacy of sectarian-based civil war and division of theummah ? The solution lies in playing with the ambiguity of the wordrafidah . Literally means 'one who rejects',rafidah (pluralrawafid ) is translated as 'heretic' and its derivative modifierrafidi as 'sectarian'.

For centuries and especially more recently, it is increasingly used as a pejorative designation for theShi'ah who are demographically the majority in Iraq before and after its British-midwifed birth in 1920. Until the fall of the Ba'ath regime in 2003, however, this majority had been persecuted and politically disenfranchised.

Vitriolic verdicts on the urgency of killingrawafid channeled through audiotapes distributed within the flock of votaries and downloadable at insurgent websites are coupled with everyday carnage of civilians in public places such as markets and houses of worship. Condemnation of these mass murders is immediately deflected by claiming that the targets are only the "collaborators working with the Crusaders".

Granting that police stations, military outposts and political figures are legitimate targets, why market-goers and worshippers are daily victims?

If ever pounded with this question,rafidah -manipulators argue that voters are responsible for the actions of leaders they elected: "[T]hey are not ordinary people… for they have become the soldiers of the infidel occupier… Did not al-Ja'fari , al-Hakim and others come to power through their votes?"

Given this line of argument, one may wonder how and at which voting precinct the dome and two minarets in Samarra cast their votes for which they were condemned to destruction for two counts. Hence, the use of such word is truly a powerful bomb that must be detonated. In postmodernist parlance, this textual interplay at work requires either deconstruction or double reading, or both.

Meanwhile, televangelists and other 'new armies of God' are passionate enough in freeing the genie of apocalyptic prophecies (e.g. Daniel 9, Ezekiel 38, Revelation 16:14-16) out of the bottle and wish for their governments to unleash trigger-happy dogs of war in the Middle East, thereby heralding the 'coming of the Lord'.

In a recently published book, titled "Beyond Iraq: The Next Move-Ancient Prophecy and Modern-Day Conspiracy Collide" (Whitestone Books, Florida, 2003), Texas-based author and preacher Michael Evans who is one of the most notorious American Christian fundamentalist preachers today, spells out a grand design for American global hegemony under the guise of a holy global war in which key players include the CIA, the American government and army, and Israel, besides various Christian fundamentalist outfits.

Another popular televangelist, Pastor JohnHagee , who leads the 18,000-member Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas, argues in his 2006 book, "Jerusalem Countdown," that a confrontation with Iran is a necessary precondition for Armageddon and the Second Coming of Christ. He insists that the United States must join Israel in a preemptive military strike against Iran to fulfill God's plan for both Israel and the West.

An equally smart version of 'vertical' eschatology is the espousal of God's alleged consignment of land to His selected 'darlings' to the detriment of the 'outcasts' and 'bastards'. Obviously, political Zionism is an illustrious example of this version of 'vertical' eschatology.

Zionists seemingly regard themselves as the chosen children of God, who had been granted the privilege to take other peoples' land and properties by trickery when in a state of weakness and by force when in a state of power. By invoking the alleged curse of Noah upon his son Ham, believed to be the ancestor of the Africans, and his descendants to a status of slavery (Genesis 9:18-27), the Dutch Reformed Church of South Africa gave theological support to the Apartheid in the 1930s.


In this critical moment when eschatology is extensively fielded via satellite and in the cyberspace as a weapon of mass destruction (WMD), a universal campaign to stop its 'verticalization ' is an indubitable recipe for planetary survival. Sincere followers of the threeAbrahamic faiths have the religious potential as well as duty to spearhead this campaign, first to their co-religionists, and then to members of other creeds.

This annual worldwide gathering onMessianism /Mahdism is a seminal stride, though a limited one, in a long gradual process of forging a 'Non-Proliferation Treaty' specifically covering this more devastating type of WMD.


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