Salafi Disease of Literalism

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Salafi Disease of Literalism

Salafi Disease of Literalism


Chapter Eight: Umar’s literalism vs. Hajar al-Aswad and Tahrif in this tradition by Salafies

Salafi Alim of continues to write:

Also from another angle, Umar when he kissed the black stone, said, “You are only a stone and I only kiss you because I saw the Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) kiss you.” So this shows the perfect understanding of ‘Uma

In fact, it’s only a half part of the tradition, which has been narrated by Bukhari, in his Sahih, Book of Hajar. (Note: It is also a common practice of Bukhari to distort such traditions which go against Sheikhain).

In order to read in detail upon this disease of Bukahri, please read the book “Ask Those Who Know”.

Ask Those Who Know, by learned Al-Tijani Al-Samawi

And today, this distorted version of tradition is heavily propagated by Salafies, while it goes in favour of their Aqaeed.

Complete tradition is like this:

Umar while visiting the Kaba, said before the Hajar al-aswad, “You cannot do anything! But I kiss you in order to follow Rasulullah (‘alaihi ‘s-salam).” ‘Ali (as) said upon hearing this, “Rasulullah (saw) said, ‘On the Day of Judgment, the Hajar al-aswad will intercede for people.’”

This hadith is reported by at-Thirmidhi, an-Nasai, al-Baihaki, at-Tabarani and al-Bukhari in his History And ‘Umar thanked ‘Ali (as).

Religion Reformers in Islam – (Cached)

Also see “Al-Farooq” by Shibli Naumani, page 323, published by Maktaba Rehmania, Pakistan

Therefore, Mawla Ali (as) made it very clear that Respecting Sh’air Allah will bring us Benefits, and disrespecting them will bring harm to us. And Umar Ibn Khattab also understood this thing. But those, who are still unable to understand this even till today, they are only the so called Salafies. These people still try their best to hide this complete tradition today, and if some one still quote the whole version, then they try to negate it by making a lot of lame excuses. Before answering their lame excuses, firstly let us see the different versions of this complete tradition. Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani quoted this complete version in his book “Ganiatul Talibeen”, in the following words:

Abu Saeed Khudri Narrated:

I went to Hajj along with Umar Ibn Khattab during initial period of his Caliphate. Umar Ibn Khattab came to mosque and stood near Hajar-e-Aswad and then addressed it with these words: “I know you are only a stone, which can neither benefit, nor harm. And had I not seen Rasool Allah (saw) kissing you, I would have never kissed you.

Upon this Hadhrat Ali (as) said: “Don’t say so. This stone can both bring harm and benefit to you, but harm and benefit are both with the orders of Allah. Had you read what has been written in Quran and understood it, then you would have never uttered these words in front of us.”

Umar Ibn Khattab said: “O Abul Hassan, then please you explain yourself how Quran has defined this stone?”

Hadhrat Ali replied: “When Allah (swt) created human beings from the progeny of Adam (as), that time HE made them witness over themselves and asked them if I am not your Lord? Upon this all of them confirmed that you are our creator. Thus Allah (swt) wrote this confirmation and called this stone and put this into it. And this stone will give witness on the day of judgment if people have fulfilled their promise or not.

Upon this Umar said: “O Abul Hassan! Allah has made your chest the treasure of knowledge.”

Ghaniatul Talibeen, Abdul Qadir Jilani, Urdu Edition, page 534, published by Maktab-e-Ibrahimia, Lahore, Pakistan

Muttaqi al-Hindi also narrated this same tradition in his book “Kanzul ‘Amal” in following words:

12521- عن أبي سعيد الخدري قال: حججنا مع عمر بن الخطاب، فلما دخل الطواف استقبل الحجر فقال: إني لأعلم أنك حجر لا تضر ولا تنفع، ولولا أني رأيت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقبلك ما قبلتك، ثم قبله، فقال علي بن أبي طالب: يا أمير المؤمنين إنه يضر وينفع، قال: بم؟ قال: بكتاب الله عز وجل قال: وأين ذلك من كتاب الله؟ قال: قال الله تعالى: { وإذ أخذ ربك من بني آدم من ظهورهم ذريتهم} إلى قوله: بلى، خلق الله آدم ومسح على ظهره فقررهم بأنه الرب وأنهم العبيد وأخذ عهودهم ومواثيقهم وكتب ذلك في رق (في رق: والرق بالفتح: الجلد يكتب فيه والكسر لغة قليلة فيه وقرأ بها بعضهم في قوله تعالى: “في رق منشور”.انتهى.(1/321) المصباح المنير. ب) وكان لهذا الحجر عينان ولسانان فقال: افتح فاك ففتح فاه، فألقمه ذلك الرق، فقال: اشهد لمن وافاك بالموافاة يوم القيامة وإني أشهد لسمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول: يؤتى يوم القيامة بالحجر الأسود وله لسان ذلق يشهد لمن استلمه بالتوحيد فهو يا أمير المؤمنين يضر وينفع، فقال عمر: أعوذ بالله أن أعيش في قوم لست فيهم يا أبا الحسن

Abu Saeed Narrated:

We went for Hajj with Umar Ibn Khattab. When he started doing Tawaf, he addressed Hajar-e-Aswad and said: “I know that you are only a stone which can neither benefit nor harm. Had I not seen Rasool Allah (saw) kissing you, I would have never kissed you.

Upon this Ali (ibn Abi Talib) said to Umar: “This stone can indeed benefit and harm.” Umar asked him how is that. Ali (as) replied: “According to Book of Allah.” Umar said to Ali (as): “Then show me too where it is written in Quran.” Ali (as) said: “Allah (swt) says in Quran when he created human being from the progeny of Adam (as) and made them witness over themselves and asked them if I am not your creator? Upon this all of them confirmed it. Thus Allah wrote this confirmation. And this stone has two lips and two eyes and it opened it’s mouth upon the order of Allah (swt) who put that confirmation in it and orderedto witness it to all those worshippers who come for Hajj.

And I have heard it from Rasool Allah (saw): “This black stone will be brought on the day of judgement and it would be give with a tongue, which will witness for those who stayed upon Tauheed and who fulfilled their duties. Therefore, this stone can benefit and also harm.”

When Umar Ibn Khattab heard this, he said: “A’udo Billah (I seek Allah’s refuge) that I have to live among people when O Abul Hassan, you are not present.”

Kanzul ‘Amal, by Muttaqi al-Hindi, fil Fadhail-e-Mecca (The number of this hadith is 12521 in “Al-Muhadith Software)

Abul Hassan al-Qatan in “Al-Tawalaat”

And Hakim quoted it in “Al-Mustadrak”, vol. 1, page 457

Salafi objections on this Hadith

While on one side this hadith is destroying the very base of Salafism, and on the other side it is proving that Ali Ibn Abi Talib (as) was really “Madinatul ‘Ilm” (which is absolutely not accepted by Salafies, and they want to degrade Mawla Ali (as) to such a level that his preference over first 3 Khulafa cannot be established), therefore it became necessary upon them to deny this hadith by using lame excuses.And the best weapon in their hands for this purpose is to start criticizing it’s chain of narration, instead of looking at Matan (text). So, they did the same and their whole argument rests upon this argument that al-Dhahabi also quoted this hadith from al-Hakim, and then he criticized one narrator “Abi Haroon”.

Answer One:

Do Salafies think that Rasool Allah (saw) made his whole Ummah to indulge in a USELESS and POLYTHIESTIC act (i.e. to kiss a stone) till Qiyammah?

For us it has never been a question whether Mawla Ali (as) ever told this thing to Umar ibn Khattab or not, but we wonder how Umar Ibn Khattab dared to even think that Hajar-e-Aswad can neither benefit nor harm.

While there are hundreds of incidents from the life of Rasool Allah (saw), which were enough to prove that any thing, which is even single time touched by ‘Awliya Allah (friends of Allah like prophets and angels), that thing becomed BLESSED.

In previous chapters, we have quoted many such Ahadith in detail which show that Sahaba Karam whole life sought Barakah from the Relics (Tabarukkat) of Rasool Allah (saw) e.g. his hairs, nails, saliva, sweat, water of ablution, robe etc.

Just remeber that hadith when ‘Aisha and Isma binte Abi Bakr used to dip the robe of Rasool (saw) into water and then gave it to sick people so that they get cured.

And remember when Umm Momineen Hadhrat Umm Salama and other Sahaba of Madina used to drink that water, in which hairs of Rasool (saw) were dipped, in order to get cured from illness and against bad-eye.

And remember when Rasool Allah (saw) cured eyes of Mawla Ali (as) in Khaiber.

And also remember when Rasool Allah (saw) cured the wound of Sahabi Salama through his saliva.

Did Umar Ibn Khattab never read Quran in which it is clearly written that the Tabarukkat (relics) of Aale Musa and Aale Haroon (as) had Barakah in them and therefore Allah declared it Arch of Comfort (Tabute Sakina)

And remember that that clay became blessed from where Jibrael (as) passed away upon his horse. And due to blessing of that clay, the idol of cow started speaking.

And the blessing in that shirt of Hadhrat Yousuf (as), which retuned the eyeside of his father

…and many more such incidents.

Therefore we are wondering what Umar Ibn Khattab learnt during his whole life? Well, to be fair, Umar Ibn Khattab indeed corrected himself upon the advice of Mawla Ali (as). But we wonder more upon the Salafies of today who still believe that Hajar-e-Aswad can neither benefit nor harm, and issue fatwa of Shirk upon those Muslims who believe in Barakah of Hajar-e-Aswad.

Indeed Hajar-e-Aswad is among those Sh’air Allah, which has been kissed numerous times by a lot of Prophets. And that person is absolute Jahil who still believes that it cannot harm or benfit, even if he is Grand Mufti of Madina University. And look what Mawla Ali (as) has said:

“…Hadhrat Ali (as) said: “Don’t say so, while it can harm and benefit, but all harm and benefit is according to orders of Allah…”

Then by Allah, this is Shia and Ahle Sunnah Aqeedah that ‘Awliya Allah can indeed benefit Muslims by the permission of Allah (e.g. they can benefit Muslims through their Intercession by the permission of Allah).

Answer Two:

We know that Salafies still try to escape using unfair means, and they still deny to accept this. So, in order to close these doors too for them, we quote the following hadith:

113 – باب مَا جَاءَ فِي الْحَجَرِ الأَسْوَدِ

976 – حَدَّثَنَا قُتَيْبَةُ، عَنْ جَرِيرٍ، عَنِ ابْنِ خُثَيْمٍ، عَنْ سَعِيدِ بْنِ جُبَيْرٍ، عَنِ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ، قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم فِي الْحَجَرِ ‏”‏ وَاللَّهِ لَيَبْعَثَنَّهُ اللَّهُ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ لَهُ عَيْنَانِ يُبْصِرُ بِهِمَا وَلِسَانٌ يَنْطِقُ بِهِ يَشْهَدُ عَلَى مَنِ اسْتَلَمَهُ بِحَقٍّ ‏” قَالَ اَبُو عِيسَى هَذَا حَدِيثٌ حَسَنٌ

Qutaiba narrated from Jarir, who from Khusaim, who from Sa’eed bin Jubair, who from Ibn Abbas, who said that Rasool Allah (saw) said about Hajar-e-Aswad:

By Allah, Hajar-e-Aswad will be granted eyes on the day of judgement by Allah and also a tongue, which will give testimony in favour of those who behaved well with it.

Abu ‘Isa said that this hadith is “Hasan”.

Sunnan Tirmidhi, Book of Hajj

And if some one still denies benefiting powers of Hajar-e-Aswad, then know that Allah has put a seal upon his heart and no one can show him the right path except Allah (swt) Himself. At end, we are presenting the following tradition for Momineen from “Wasa’ilus Shia”.

ذكره، عن أبي جعفر (عليه السلام) ـ في حديث ـ قال: ثم ادن من الحجر واستلمه بيمينك

((17843)) 13 ـ وعن محمد بن الحسن، عن الصفار، عن علي بن حسان الواسطي، عن عمه عبد الرحمن بن كثير الهاشمي، عن أبي عبدالله (عليه السلام) قال: مر عمر بن الخطاب على الحجر الاسود فقال: والله يا حجر إنا لنعلم أنك حجر لا تضر ولا تنفع إلا أنا رأينا رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) يحبك فنحن نحبك، فقال أمير المؤمنين (عليه السلام): كيف يابن الخطاب ! فوالله ليبعثنه الله يوم القيامة وله لسان وشفتان، فيشهد لمن وافاه،

Allahuma Sallay Allah Muhammad wa Aale Muhammad

Chapter Nine: Salafies denying any Barakh in Mawla Ali (as)

The Salafi Alim of continues to write:

The Barakah of the dhaat (physical essence) and whatever remnants are left from it. This type is for the Prophets and the Messengers and no one else is included amongst them, not even the best of the Companions of Allaah’s Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) , such as Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali. – (Cached)

Based upon this claim, they issue fatwa of shirk when we visit the shrine of Aima of Ahlebait (as) for seeking Barakah. If Salafies really deem them to be correct in their belief, then we invite them to issue fatwa of Shirk upon the following Sahaba and their Ulama first:

The Tabi`i Thabit al-Bunani said he used to go to Anas Ibn Malik, kiss his hands, and say: “These are hands that touched the Prophet.” He would kiss his eyes and say: “These are eyes that saw the Prophet.”

Abu Ya`la narrated it in his Musnad (6:211) and Ibn Hajar mentions it in his al-Matalib al-`aliya (4:111).

al-Haythami declared it sound in Majma` al-zawa’id (9:325)

Encyclopedia of Islamic Doctrine – (Cached)

Also see the following:

Hafiz al-Dhahabi writes in the compendium of his shaykhs entitled Mu`jam al-shuyukh (1:73) in the entry devoted to his shaykh Ahmad ibn `Abd al-Mun`im al-Qazwini (#58):

Dhahabi continues: If it is said: “Why did the Companions not do this?” It is replied: “Because they saw him with their very eyes when he was alive, enjoyed his presence directly, kissed his very hand, nearly fought each other over the remnants of his ablution water, shared his purified hair on the day of the greater Pilgrimage, and even if he spat it would virtually not fall except in someone’s hand so that he could pass it over his face. Since we have not had the tremendous fortune of sharing in this, we throw ourselves on his grave as a mark of commitment, reverence, and acceptance, even to kiss it. Don’t you see what Thabit al-Bunani did when he kissed the hand of Anas ibn Malik and placed it on his face saying: “This is the hand that touched the hand of Allah’s Messenger”? Muslims are not moved to these matters except by their excessive love for the Prophet, as they are ordered to love Allah and the Prophet more than they love their own lives, their children, all human beings, their property, and Paradise and its maidens.

Encyclopedia of Islamic Doctrine – (Cached)

Now Salafies are free to issue fatwa of Shirk upon Sahabi Thabit al-Bunani and Anas ibn Malik (and also upon al-Dahabi for quoting it and encouraging people to believe in it). Now let’s see the 2nd tradition, which is again authenticated by their Imams.

al-Tabarani in al-Awsat and al-Kabir (4:16), and Imam Ahmad in his Musnad (5:67-68) with a sound chain as stated by al-Haythami in al-Zawa’id (4:211) narrated through Handhalah Ibn Hudhaym that the latter went with his grandfather, Hudhaym, to the Prophet:

Hudhaym said to the Messenger of Allah: “I have sons and grandsons, some of whom are pubescent and others still children.” Motioning to the young child next to him, he said: “This is the youngest.” The Prophet brought this young child whose name was Handhalah next to him, wiped on his head, and told him, “barakallahu fik,” which means: “May Allah bless you.” After that, people (Sahaba and Tabaeen) started to bring Handhalah a person with a swollen face or a sheep with a swollen udder. Handhalah would place his hand on that part of his head the Prophet wiped, then touch the swollen part and say Bismillah, and the swelling would be cured.

Encyclopedia of Islamic Doctrine – (Cached)

Salafies are requested to issue fatwa of Shirk upon Sahabi Handhalah and all other Sahabi and Tabaeen who done the above mentioned act.

According to Bukhari in his Adab al-mufrad, `Abd al-Rahman ibn Razin related that one of the Companions, Salama ibn al-Aku`, raised his hands before a group of people and said: “With these very hands I pledged allegiance (bay`a) to the Messenger of Allah,” upon hearing which, all who were present got up and went to kiss his hand. Another version of this hadith was also related by Ahmad.

Encyclopedia of Islamic Doctrine – (Cached)

Also see the following traditon:

Abu Malik al-Ashja`i said that he once asked another Companion of the Tree, Ibn Abi Awfa, “Give me the hand that swore bay`at to the Messenger of Allah, Peace be upon him, that I may kiss it.” Ibn al-Muqri related it.

Encyclopedia of Islamic Doctrine – (Cached)

There are many more traditions, but we end it with the book “Al-Thiqaat” from Hafidh Ibn Habban (a scholar, which is very respected by Salafies):

Ibn Hibban in his rijal book states that he did tawassul at the grave of Imam al-Raza (as), and that his supplication was accepted.

Al-Thiqaat, by Hafidh Ibn Habban, Vol. 8, Page 457

So why Salafies don’t issue fatwa of Shirk upon Hafidh Ibn Habban before even turning their face towards Shias? After all he comitted Shirk by seeking Tawassul at grave of Imam Al-Raza (as) and also encouraged others for this Shirk.

Salafies have absolutely no brain and Aql. When simple things like robe, water, staff and other things can become blessed by only one touch of Rasool Allah (saw), and then how is it possible there is no Barakah in closest brother of Rasool Allah (saw)?

Remember the Barakah in soil from where Horse of Jibrael (as) passed away. But when it comes to believe in Barakah of Mawla Ali (as), then it is Shirk for Salafies.

Lahola Wallah Quwah illah Billah.

Chapter Ten: Innovations of Salafies regarding places of Ziyyaraat

Before reading this chapter, we recommend our Readers to read once again the previous chapter of “Umar’s Disease of Literalism”, where we have made it clear how Salafies destroyed the places of Ziyyaraat in name of Umar Ibn Khattab.

Saudi Salafies have declared a lot of things Haram, which were kept Halal by Allah (swt). Not only these things are Halal, but Allah and His beloved Rasool (saw) promised great rewards for these things. But Saudi Salafies lash the Muslims from performing these things.

Let’s have a closer look to these innovations, with Allah’s help.

Salafi’s 1st innovation – It’s not allowed to go to any other place of Ziyyarrah except mosque of Rasool (saw)

The authentic Saudi Governments site has a fatwa of Sheikh Salaah al-Budayr , the Imam of Masjid-e-Nabi, who writes:

It is not prescribed to go to the places and mosques in which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) or the Sahaabah prayed in order to pray there or to worship Allaah by offering du’aa’s there etc., because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not enjoin that or encourage people to visit these places.

It’s an innovation and this prohibition is not from Quran or Sunnah of Rasool Allah (saw).

Narrated Abu Burda: When I came to Medina. I met Abdullah bin Salam. He said, “Will you come to me so that I may serve you with sawiq (i.e. powdered barley) and dates, and let you enter a (blessed) house in which the Prophet entered?

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 58, Number 159

It’s a challenge to Salafies to bring even a single verse of Quran, or single hadith of Rasool Allah (saw), which prohibits it. [We know that they will come up with innovations of Umar. But it’s not acceptable, while Umar has no right to make anything Haram in Sharia of Islam. Please see our previous chapter]

Salafi’s 2nd innovation – Destruction of graveyards in name of Shirk

Another innovation of Salafies is to destroy the graves of Anbia(as) and Ahle Bait (as) in Saudia in name of Shirk. Did Rasool Allah (saw) ever destroyed any graves of Muslim or ordered the Sahaba to do so, so that no sign of his grave be left? No, certainly not. Contrary to this, look how Rasool Allah (saw) wanted to show the grave of Hadhrat Musa (as) to his companions.

Narrated Abu Huraira:

…Then Moses asked, “O my Lord! What will be then?” He said, “Death will be then.” He said, “(Let it be) now.” He asked Allah that He bring him near the Sacred Land at a distance of a stone’s throw. Allah’s Apostle (p.b.u.h) said , “Were I there I would show you the grave of Moses by the way near the red sand hill.”

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 2, Book 23, Number 423

Please also note in above tradition that how Prophet Musa (as) is wishing to be buried in a Sacred Land, while Salafies say that it’s shirk to believe that such things can benefit us except Allah (swt)

Now let’s look at the Salafies destruction of such graves, in name of Shirk.

The destruction of grave of Hadhrat Hawa (as) [Eve] in Jeddah.

The destruction of grave of Prophet Elisha in Ewjawm city.

The destruction of Janatul-Baqi, with graves of Imam Hassan (as), Imam Zainul Abidin (as), Imam Baqar (as) and Imam Jaffar-e-Sadiq (as). There are a lot of other companions of Rasool Allah (saw), who are buried here.

1925 AD Jannat al-Mu’alla, the sacred cemetery at Makkah was destroyed alongwith the house where the Holy Prophet (s) was born. Since then, this day is a day of mourning for all Muslims.

The grave of Hazrat Abdullah, the father of the Prophet (s) in Madina

The graves of the martyrs of Uhud (a)

Here is a partial list of other places, which were destructed by Salafies, in name of Shirk.

The house of sorrows (Bayt al-Ahzan) of Sayyida Fatima Zehra (a) in Madina, where she used to weep and mourn after the Prophet (SA).

The Salman al-Farsi (RA)mosque in Madina

The Raj’at ash-Shams mosque in Madina

The complex ( mahhalla ) of Banu Hashim in Madina

The house of Imam Ali (a) where Imam Hasan (a) and Imam Husayn (a) were born

The house of Hazrat Hamza (RA), (the prince of martyrs).

The house of Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (a) in Madina

The house of the Prophet (s) in Madina, where he lived after migrating from Makkah

These house have been demolished by Saudies, due to the fear of Shirk. But look at the behaviours of Sahaba Karam.

Narrated Abu Burda: When I came to Medina. I met Abdullah bin Salam. He said, “Will you come to me so that I may serve you with sawiq (i.e. powdered barley) and dates , and let you enter a (blessed) house in which the Prophet entered?

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 58, Number 159

Salafi’s 3rd innovation – It’s Haram to seek blessing from the Rawdah of Rasool Allah (saw)

The Imam of Masjid-e-Nabi, Sheikh Salaah al-Budayr, continues to write:

It is not permissible for the visitor to those graves or anyone else to seek blessings from them by touching them, kissing them, clinging with any part of the body to them, or to seek healing from its dirt by rubbing one’s hands or face with it or to take anything from them in order to dilute it with water and wash oneself with it.

Let us divide the above claim of Sheikh Salaah al-Budayr into sub parts, so that we can see his innovations easily.

Imam of Masjid al-Nabi claims that there is no Barakah in Rawdah of Rasool Allah (saw)


Off course the Rawdah of Rasool Allah (saw) is one of the most blessed places in the universe. Just remember:

The Barakah in places where Rasool once prayed and the blind Sahabi took it as spot of worship.

The Barakah in the well, from where she-camel of Salih (as) used to drink water.

The Barakah at the Maqam-e-Ibrahim.

The Barakah in house where Rasool Allah (saw) entered.

The Barakah in Madina.

And if the dust, from where Jibrael (as) passed away can become blessed, then what about the blessing in the place where Master and Mawla of Jibrael (saw) is taking rest?

Can Salfies tell us if there is no Barakah in the Rawdah of Rasool Allah (saw), then:

Why all the companions wanted to get buried near him, in the house of Aisha? Were they all crazy and wanted to indulge in a useless and polytheistic act (naudobillah)?

Why all Sahaba considered the Rawdah of Rasool Allah (saw) as sanctuary, instead of an idol place?

See the testimony of Aisha, who confirms that all Sahaba considered the Rawdah of Rasool Allah (saw) as a Sanctuary.

Narrated Hisham’s father:

‘Aisha said to ‘Abdullah bin Az-Zubair, “Bury me with my female companions (i.e. the wives of the Prophet) and do not bury me with the Prophet in the house, for I do not like to be regarded as sanctified (just for being buried there).’

Narrated Hisham’s father: ‘Umar sent a message to ‘Aisha, saying, “Will you allow me to be buried with my two companions (the Prophet and Abu Bakr) ?” She said, “Yes, by Allah.” though it was her habit that if a man from among the companions (of the Prophet ) sent her a message asking her to allow him to be buried there, she would say, “No, by Allah, I will never give permission to anyone to be buried with them.”

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 92, Number 428

Why Salafies don’t issue the fatwa of shirk against all these Sahaba, who considered the Rawdah of Rasool Allah (saw) as a sanctuary? Moreover, they have to tell us why Abu Bakr and Umar wished to be burried along with Rasool Allah (saw)?

Double Standards?

Instead of using their conjectures, we challenge the Salafies to bring even a single Proof, either from Quran or Hadith, which support their conjecture that Rasool’s (saw) grave is an idol temple.

Imam of Masjid al-Nabi claims that touching, clinging or kissing any part of Rawdah of Rasool Allah (saw) is shirk and Haram

Another innovation in Islamic Sharia by this Salafi Imam. It’s a challenge to Salafies to show even a single verse or hadith of Rasool Allah (saw), which says that it’s Haram to do the above acts of respect, in order to seek Barakah. Just look the Sunnah of Sahaba Karam:

Dawud ibn Salih says: “[The Caliph] Marwan [ibn al-Hakam] one day saw a man placing his face on top of the grave of the Prophet. He said: “Do you know what you are doing?” When he came near him, he realized it was Abu Ayyub al-Ansari. The latter said: “Yes; I came to the Prophet, not to a stone.“

Ibn Hibban in his Sahih , Ahmad (5:422), Tabarani in his Mu`jam al-kabir (4:189) and his Awsat according to Haythami in al-Zawa’id (5:245), al-Hakim in his Mustadrak (4:515); both the latter and al-Dhahabi said it was sahih. It is also cited by al-Subki in Shifa’ al-siqam (p. 126), Ibn Taymiyya in al-Muntaqa (2:261f.), and Haythami in al-Zawa’id (4:2).


Encyclopedia of Islamic Doctrine – (Cached)

Mu`adh ibn Jabal and Bilal also came to the grave of the Prophet and sat weeping, and the latter rubbed his face against it.

Ibn Majah 2:1320


Encyclopedia of Islamic Doctrine – (Cached)

Al-Dhahabi, who is beloved and one of most respected Alim of Salafies, he also confirm how Sahaba used to visit the graves of Rasool Allah (saw):

Imam al-Nawawi also instructed for seeking the barakah from grave of Rasool Allah (saw)

It is related in Al-Majmu’, vol. 8 p. 274; Fayd al-Qadir, vol. 2 p. 134; I’anah al-Talibiyyin, p. 315:

The pilgrim should face the shrine of the Messenger of Allah (s), make him a means (tawassul) towards reaching God and seek his wasilah as intercession (shafa’at), in the same manner as the Bedouin who visited the Prophet’s shrine and standing beside it said: ‘Peace unto you O Messenger of Allah, I have heard Allah has said:

…Had they, when they had wronged themselves, come to you and asked Allah’s forgiveness and the Apostle had asked forgiveness for them, they would certainly have found Allah Most-Propitious, Most-Merciful. (Holy Qur’an 4: 64). “Therefore, I have come to you for forgiveness of my sins and seeking your intercession with Allah.”

Now we are quoting al-Dhahabi (an Alim, who is student of Ibn Taymiyyah and very much respected by present day alleged Salafies). He is also confirming that Sahaba used to come to grave of Rasool Allah (saw) and showed actions of love and respect to his grave)

Hafiz al-Dhahabi writes in the compendium of his shaykhs entitled Mu`jam al-shuyukh (1:73) in the entry devoted to his shaykh Ahmad ibn `Abd al-Mun`im al-Qazwini (#58): “Ahmad ibn al-Mun`im related to us… [with his chain of transmission] from Ibn `Umar that the latter disliked to touch the Prophet’s grave. I say: He disliked it because he considered it disrespect. Ahmad ibn Hanbal was asked about touching the Prophet’s grave and kissing it and he saw nothing wrong with it. His son `Abd Allah related this from him.

Dhahabi continues: If it is said: “Why did the Companions not do this?” It is replied: “Because they saw him with their very eyes when he was alive, enjoyed his presence directly, kissed his very hand, nearly fought each other over the remnants of his ablution water, shared his purified hair on the day of the greater Pilgrimage, and even if he spat it would virtually not fall except in someone’s hand so that he could pass it over his face. Since we have not had the tremendous fortune of sharing in this, we throw ourselves on his grave as a mark of commitment, reverence, and acceptance, even to kiss it. Don’t you see what Thabit al-Bunani did when he kissed the hand of Anas ibn Malik and placed it on his face saying: “This is the hand that touched the hand of Allah’s Messenger”? Muslims are not moved to these matters except by their excessive love for the Prophet, as they are ordered to love Allah and the Prophet more than they love their own lives, their children, all human beings, their property, and Paradise and its maidens.

Now Salafies are welcome to issue fatwas of Shirk upon Al-Dhahabi and Al-Nawawi, but they don’t do it either due to their double standards (Munafiqat). Please also note that many Sahaba were unable to visit the grave of Rasool Allah (saw), while it was situated in the Hujrah of Hadhrat Aisha and they had to first take permission before entering it.

Salafi’s 4th innovation – Prohibiting women to visit the Rawdah of Rasool Allah (saw)

What an innovation by Saudi Salafies that poor women are absolutely not allowed to visit the Rawdah of Rasool Allah (saw). They still claim that Rasool Allah (saw) cursed the women, who visit graveyards (although according to Sunni Fiqh, this order was abrogated).

These Salafies must look at the following facts:

Aisha (a woman) lived in that Hujrah for whole of her life.

Aisha (a woman) was not afraid to go to Janat-ul-Baqi even at nights, while she used to follow Rasool Allah (saw) [out of fear that perhaps he is unjust to her and went to another wife].

Sahih Muslim, Book 004, Number 2127

Al-Hakim related on the authority of Abdullah ibn Maulaikah:

I saw Aisaha, who was coming back from the visit to the grave of his brother, Abdulrahman. I asked her: “Had not the Prophet prohibited this?” She said: “Yes, he had prohibited it, but he later encouraged visiting them (graves).” – (Cached)

And Aisha (a woman) asked Rasool Allah (saw) of how to greet the Dead, when she had to go to graveyard. And Rasool Allah (saw) instructed her the way of greeting the Dead.Aisha narrated that she asked the Apostle of Allah): Messenger of Allah, how should I pray for them (when I go to graveyard)? He said: Say, Peace be upon the inhabitants of this city (graveyard) from among the Believers and the Muslims, and may Allah have mercy on those who have gone ahead of us, and those who come later on, and we shall, God willing, join you.

Sahih Muslim, Book 004, Number 2127

If Salafies still want to curse the women, who visit Rawdah of Rasool Allah (saw), then they first have to curse Ummul Momineen Aisha. Here one more authentic Hadith from Rasool Allah (saw), in which he saw a woman, who was weeping at a grave. Instead of cursing her, Rasool Allah (saw) advised her to practice patience.

Narrated Anas bin Malik:

The Prophet passed by a woman who was weeping beside a grave. He told her to fear Allah and be patient. She said to him, “Go away, for you have not been afflicted with a calamity like mine.” And she did not recognize him. Then she was informed that he was the Prophet so she went to the house of the Prophet and there she did not find any guard. Then she said to him, “I did not recognize you.” He said, “Verily, the patience is at the first stroke of a calamity.”

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 2, Book 23, Number 372

Can Salfies tell us why Rasool Allah (saw) didn’t curse her and prohibit her to visit the grave (He only objected to her weeping and asked her to show patience)? Are you people really the followers of Rasool (saw)?

Salafies prohibiting women to go for Ziyaraah of that Hujra, where Aisah (a woman) lived her whole life

It is narrated by Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal that before Umar was buried in Aisha’s room, she would go their without Hijab, as Rasool Allah [saww] was her husband and Abu Bakr was her father. However, when Umar got buried there, she would only go in the room with Hijab.

al-Mishkat: Bab ziyarat al-Qubur

Now Salafies have to tell the following things:

Why you prohibit women going to Rawdah of Rasool Allah (saw), while Aisha (a woman) spent her whole life there?

Salafies claim that it is shirk to believe that Dead have any awareness of this world. Now tell us if Dead have no awareness then why Aisha started the innovation of taking Hijab due to presence of Umar Ibn Khattab? Any fatwa upon this Polythiestic Innovation of Hadhrat Aisha?

Chapter Eleven: Does burrial of Abu Bakr and Umar near grave of Rasool (saw) benefit them?

When Salafies are showed about the Barakah in the grave of Rasool Allah (saw), they become answerless, but try to convert the topic by brining it to burrial of Abu Bakr and Umar Ibn Khattab near the grave of Rasool Allah (swt).

Let’s see what the truth is.

[Yusuf Ali 9:84] Nor do thou ever pray for any of them that dies, nor stand at his grave; for they rejected Allah and His Messenger, and died in a state of perverse rebellion

Our Question is:

Is really Rasool Allah (saw) STANDING or ever STOOD at the graves of Sheikhain? (He is just burried there and not Standing at their graves)

Let us make things more clear. Allah forbade Rasool Allah (saww) from two Actions:

Firstly to Pray for Kuffar.

Secondly to go to Kuffar’s burrial and then stand upon his grave i.e. standing there INTENTIONALLYfor showing grieve etc.

Now we know that Allah never forbade His Rasool (saw) to meet Kuffar i.e. Kuffar used to visit Rasool Allah (swt) and he stood near them. This means alone standing near Kuffar is not enough, but standing with PARTICULAR INTENTION is Haram.

Similarly, After the battle of BADR, when Kuffar were burried in the Well, then Rasool Allah (saw) came to them and addressed them by telling if they are finding the truth which was promised to them. And Allah didn’t reveal anything upon Rasool Allah (saw) on this occasion while that Particular Intention was not involved.

Therefore, no such Particular Intention of Rassol Allah (saww) is involved in burrying of Sheikhain near him (i.e. Rasool Allah (saww) never made a WILL that Umar should be burried near him etc.), but there are some people who are unable to see this Particular Intention either due to their Disease of Literalism, or due to Sahaba Worship, or due to both.

Allahuma Sallay Allah Muhammad wa Aale Muhammad.