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Mary And Jesus In Islam

Mary And Jesus In Islam

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum


Before we go into a detailed discussion of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him and his virtuous virgin mother, let us highlight the major differences between Christianity and Islam. In the next chapter, these differences will be itemized and discussed.

The Church has taught that Jesus is the Messiah whom the Jews were expecting but whom they rejected, accusing him of being born of fornication:

“You dishonour me. Yet I do not seek my own glory; there is One who seeks it and He will be the judge” (John 8:49-50). In 4:155-156, the Holy Qur'an condemns and curses all those who blasphemed the honour of Mary. Islam accepts Jesus son of Mary as the Masih, advocating the prophecy of Christ and recognizing his virgin birth as one of his miracles, even calling him the “Word of Allah.” It defends his mission and reproaches all those who rejected it, endorsing the original Bible[1] as a revelation from the Almighty to him. Islam does not preach that Jesus was crucified or killed but did ascend to heaven.[2] Many Christians regard Jesus as a deity and worship him as a god, addressing him as “Lord,” a title fit only for the Almighty God. But they differ a great deal among themselves with regard to his deification, yet they all certainly regard him as much more than a human being. They call him “the son of God, part of the Trinity.” The Unitarian Church[3] stresses the Unity of God (what Muslims call Tawhid), and the fact that Jesus was a human being.

For this reason, it is not considered “Christian” and is not a member of the Federal Council of Churches, nor is it a member of any church federation.

Islam repudiates in the strongest of terms the divinity or deity of Jesus Christ and the concept of the Trinity. The Christian doctrine preaches that Jesus died voluntarily, nailed to the cross, in order to atone for mankind's sins. Jesus is believed as having offered himself as an atoning sacrifice in order that mankind might earn salvation. Islam unequivocally rejects the notion that sins can be transferred from some to others by any means, holding each and every individual accountable for his or her actions. The Almighty, Islam teaches, forgives the sinners who repent and make amends. Repentance, then, in addition to prayers, fast, and charity can atone for one's sins. God does not overburden any of us; He fully knows our weaknesses and limitations. Christianity considers Jesus as a mediator between man and God. Christians pray “in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ,” pleading to God through him. Islam recognizes no mediator between man and God: everyone can be in direct contact with God and actually does so when he performs his prayers. Intercession, however, is permitted by the Almighty Who grants it to individuals whom He chooses and who will intercede, with His permission, on behalf of their friends. As a matter of fact, the Almighty's mercy will reach on the Day of Judgment the ultimate limit when God permits ordinary people with whom He is pleased or whom He forgives to intercede on behalf of others. Such is His mercy… There are many other Christian beliefs and practices which we cannot discuss here due to the limitation of space and which include the belief in the reincarnation, the cremation of the dead, a tradition which the Christians learned from Hindus and Buddhists, the singing and dancing at their churches, the choir (an adaptation from the pagan chorus), the appointment of women as top church “officials,” the endorsement of homosexuality and the appointment of gay and lesbian “ordained” ministers…

The Major Differences Between Islam And Christianityn

Following are ten points marking the major differences between Islam and Christianity[4] :

1. Today's Christianity preaches belief in the Triune God; Islam, contrariwise, stresses the Unity of God, Tawid.

Muslims everywhere declare: La ilaha illa Allah! (There is no god except Allah). Not to accept Tawhid implies shirk, apostasy.

2. Christians preach that Jesus is “the only begotten son of God.” Islam preaches that Jesus was a human being who received Divine Inspiration and was thus empowered to perform all the miracles which he, by permission of his Creator and Maker, was able to perform. He was a prophet and a great teacher of mankind, a man of God.

3. Christians claim that Eve was the first to be deceived by Eblis in the Garden of Eden, that she was responsible for tempting Adam to eat the forbidden fruit. They, therefore, place the curse of God on woman, calling her “the organ of the Devil, “The foundations of the arms of the Devil whose voice is the hissing of the serpent,” “the gate of the Devil,” “the road of iniquity,” “the sting of the scorpion,” “a daughter of falsehood, a sentinel of hell, the enemy of peace and of the wild beasts the most dangerous… ,” etc. These are the words of renown Christian Saints: St. Bernard, St. Anthony, St. Bonaventure, St. Cyprian, St. Jerome, St. John Damascene, and others. In Islam, Adam and Eve both were simultaneously deceived. Women, therefore, enjoy equal status with men in as far as their rights and obligations are concerned. The Almighty does not distinguish between His servants based on their gemder. Christians, however, accuse Muslims of pushing women back into their harems and discouraging them from educating themselves and competing with men in all fields and professions. This is one of their numerous false charges which are all based on ignorance of the religion of Islam and a genuine feeling of prejudice if not sheer malice and spitefulness. Christians have been encouraging their women to bare themselves so that they would look at them, fornicate with them and beget by them millions of illegitimate children who are either killed by abortion or who grow up not knowing who their parents are. At the same time, they do not pay women the same wages they pay men, and they discriminate against them in all fields and professions. In fact, they enslave women.

4. The sin of Adam and Eve was not forgiven; therefore, every child is born in sin. Such is the belief held by Christians. In Islam, Adam and Eve regretted, repented, and were given the chance to be forgiven even while they were here on earth. Every child is born sinless and capable of achieving the ultimate limit of human perfection. Parents often corrupt their children, causing them to deviate from the right creed, victimizing them, thus adding their children's sins to those of their own. Sin is acquired by one's intentional desire to ignore God's laws, to surrender to temptation, and to acquire by vile means what rightfully belongs to others. Sins are committed by one's misdeeds and miscalculations; nobody inherits sin.

5. Jesus' mission was “to wash away humanity's sins with his own blood,” Christians claim. In Islam, his mission was: to teach mankind the right way of leading an upright life. He was not sent to atone for humanity's alleged sin. He is regarded as one of the greatest prophets of God, and the original Bible revealed to him was surely the Word of God. He was born to Virgin Mary who is described in Islam as one of the four most perfect of all women of mankind in each and every aspect of human perfection.

6. Christianity claims that man can attain salvation only by believing in Jesus as "the only begotten son of God", and that Jesus had given his blood to wash the sins of mankind. In Islam, the essential condition for attaining salvation is to combine righteous deeds with a sound belief. Mere passive belief is meaningless. The Islamic system, which comprehends all problems of mankind and provides solutions for them, must be followed in its entirety.

7. Christians say that we cannot approach God without the mediation of a priest. In Islam, everyone, man or woman, is his or her own priest or priestess and can approach God without the mediation of anyone. God is near to everyone and the gates of His mercy are always wide open to receive those who repent and are willing to make amends. Islam strongly stresses the significance of one's dignity and self-respect. One who admits his sins to someone else will in all reality be humiliating himself before another human being. He should do so before his Maker, and only before his Maker, each and every hour of his life. Muslims seek Allah's forgiveness every day before, during, and after their five daily prayers. Humility before God is what Islam condones, not self-humiliation before another human being, even if such a human wears a collar and is a man of the Church.

8. Ascetic life according to Christianity is a saintly one; Jesus and the saints are models in this regard, and celibacy is preferable over marriage for the attainment of spiritual eminence. Not so in Islam. Asceticism is unnatural; it clashes with our human nature and deprives us of enjoying the lawful pleasures of this life__including and especially sexual pleasures__ so that we may thank the Almighty Who provides us with them. Life is to be enjoyed; it is the greatest gift of the Almighty to the living. Take His gifts and thank Him for them; do not deprive yourself of what is lawful. “I have not enjoyed of your world,” says Prophet Muammed, “except three: prayers, perfumes, and women!” Prayers bring one closer to his Maker, provide him with comfort against his worries, and pave the way for his salvation. They also are healthy daily physical exercises. Perfume, for both men and women, is very highly commended in Islam; one who wears it and thus smells good will not be shunned by others; rather, he or she will be loved, cherished and respected not only by other people, but also by the angels and by God Himself; He surely loves those who are clean physically and spiritually. Sex is one of the blessings of the Almighty on His servants as long as it is lawful and is not followed by remorse. No pleasure is pleasing if it is followed by remorse or, worse, by AIDS… ! Whenever you cohabit with your wife, the Prophet teaches us, you earn a blessing, a good deed… Such is the beauty of Islam.

9. Christianity preaches the separation of the religion from the State, from politics. Islam, contrariwise, provides a socio-political system wherein politics are mixed with religion just as water is mixed with milk; they are inseparable. Today's “Muslim” governments are mostly hypocritical because they are not trying to please Allah but to please the enemies of Allah: Western politicians who are Christian only by name and who wish to suck the blood of the Muslims dry, buying their natural resources, especially oil, for very cheap prices while refusing to sell them their technology[5] , selling them their manufactured goods at very high prices. The mosque used to be the place where people's problems were solved and criminals punished, the place where people get their marriage blessed. It is the place where they learn their creed. Nowadays, in many Muslim countries, there are more “security” and “intelligence” agents frequenting mosques than there are worshippers! Pro-Western hypocritical rulers of the Muslim world fear nothing more than Islam even as they lie and claim to be its adherents and defenders. This is so because they are constantly pressured by “Christian” Western politicians to keep people away from Islam, to encourage the opening of more bars and night clubs and the closing of more mosques and religious centers.

10. According to the admission of many Biblical scholars, the Bible contains “irrational beliefs, crude science and indecent tales.”[6] Today's Bible is far from being the revelation that descended upon Jesus. It was not put together during the life of Jesus Christ, so it cannot be regarded as representative of the message of Christ. The Holy Qur'an, on the other hand, was written down during 23 years under the direct supervision of Prophet Muammed, and not a single syllable in it has been changed. It is divinely protected against any alteration, addition, or deletion. Moreover, it essentially is rational, scientific, and modern in its spirit and shall always remain so. No other sacred scripture can ever be described as such, ever…

These are the basic differences between Islam and Christianity presented to the reader in brief. Now let us research the life of Jesus and his saintly mother, starting from the latter, then learn something about the Bible, its authors and message.

Maryam (MARY) Daughter Of `Imran (AMRAM)

Allah Almighty has said the following in the Holy Qur'an:

Surely Allah favored Adam and Noah and the descendants of Abraham and the descendants of `Imran over the nations: offspring, one from the other, and Allah is Hearing, Knowing. `Imran's woman said: Lord! Surely I vow to dedicate to You what is in my womb, to be devoted (to Your service); accept, therefore, from me; surely You are the Hearing, the Knowing. So when she gave birth to her, she said: Lord! Surely I have given birth to a female__and Allah knew best what she had given birth to__and the male is not like the female; I have named her Maryam, and I commend her and her offspring into Your protection from Satan the accursed. So her Lord accepted her with a good acceptance and made her grow up a good growth and gave her into the charge of Zakariyya (Zacharias). Whenever Zakariyya entered the sanctuary (to see her), he found with her food. He said: O Maryam! Whence comes this to you? She said: It is from Allah. Surely Allah bestows His grants unto whomsoever He pleases without measure. (3:33-37)

Scholars have said that Mary's mother was Hanna daughter of Faqooth, grandmother of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him. Ibn `Abbas has said that `Imran (Amram) is the son of Mathan. There is no kinship between him and `Imran father of Moses since one thousand and eight hundred years separate one from the other.

The descendants of Mathan were the chiefs of the Children of Israel; they were their rabbis and kings. Muammed ibn Isaq[7] has said, “He is `Imran son of Sahim son of `Amoor son of Meeshan son of Izekiel son of Aharef son of Baoom son of Izarya son of Amsiy son of Nawoos son of Nootha son of Baridh son of Yehusha Faz son of Radim son of Abiyya son of Rehobom son of Solomon son of David, peace be upon him.” Zakariyya[8] (Zacharias or Zachary) son of Barkhiya and `Imran son of Mathan were married to sisters. One of those sisters was the wife of Zakariyya son of Barkhiya, namely Eisha (Elizabeth) daughter of Faqooth, Yaya's mother. The other was the wife of `Imran: Hanna daughter of Faqooth, Maryam's mother.

Hanna had almost lost hope of having a son when she became very old. Hers was a family upon whom Allah had bestowed His favors and whom He held in high esteem. While she was sitting under a tree, she saw a mother bird feeding her chicks. The instinct of motherhood stirred within her, and she invoked Allah Almighty to grant her a son. She, as the Holy Qur'an tells us, said, “Lord! Surely I vow to dedicate to You what is in my womb to be devoted (to Your service)” (Qur'an, 3:35), that is, that her child would be free from the bondage of this life and its entanglements, and he will dedicate his time for the worship of Allah and for the service of His cause. It was the custom then to bring such a dedicated person to Jerusalem to worship Allah and to serve His creed.

Always males, those dedicated servants of Jerusalem were not expected to leave the house of worship till they reached their adolescence. Once one of them reached his adolescence, he would be given the choice to either stay or go wherever he wanted. There was hardly any family among the Children of Israel that did not make such a dedication. Only boys were dedicated; girls would not be fit for such a service due to the menstruation and the inconvenience associated with it. But Maryam's mother had already made that dedication, so her husband `Imran said to her, “Look what you have done! Did you consider the possibility that you were big with a female, and the female is not fit for such a dedication?” He was quite distressed. `Imran died while his wife was pregnant with Maryam.

When she delivered, she found out that her child was a girl. She had prayed for a son. Seeking to apologize to Allah Almighty, she said, “Lord! Surely I have given birth to a female, and the male is not like the female,” that is, she is not fit for the service of the house of worship in Jerusalem due to her weakness and menstruation. She named her Maryam (Mary). In their tongue, it meant “the worshipper,” the one who serves her Lord. Maryam was the most beautiful of all her contemporary ladies and her conduct was the very best.

The Messenger of Allah is quoted as having said, “Four among the women of mankind are most cherished: Maryam daughter of `Imran, Asiya wife of Pharaoh, Khadija daughter of Khuwaylid[9] (wife of Prophet Muhammed), and Fatima daughter of Muammed.” She continued to implore her Lord saying that she sought refuge with Him on her behalf to forbid Satan the accursed from having any access to her progeny. The Messenger of Allah is also quoted as saying, “There is no infant born except that Satan would touch it, so it would scream because of such a touch, except Maryam and her son.” It is recommended to recite the following verse at the birth of any newborn female: “… and I commend her and her offspring into Your protection from Satan the accursed” (Qur'an, 3:36).

Shu`ayb ibn Muammed, according to his chain of narrators, has said, “Every human being is hit by Satan on the side at birth except Jesus and his mother, peace be upon them. A barrier was placed to protect them. Satan could not penetrate it; therefore, they were not harmed.” Neither one of them committed any of the sins commonly committed by humans. Allah Almighty has said, “So her Lord accepted her with a good acceptance and made her grow up a good growth” (Qur'an, 3:37). The meaning of this verse is that He created her without any increase or decrease of her physique, so she was growing during a short period as much as an ordinary infant would grow during quite a lengthy one.

When Maryam was born, her mother Hanna carried her to the temple. The descendants of Aaron, who then numbered thirty, looked after the temple at Jerusalem in the same zeal the caretakers look after the Ka`ba. They placed her in the hands of the rabbis. She said to them, “Do look after this dedicated infant,” whereupon they competed with one another in looking after her since she was the daughter of their leader. Zakariyya said to them, “I am more worthy of her than you since her aunt lives in my house.” The rabbis said, “We shall not let you decide that, for if she were to be left with the person who is most worthy of her and her nearest in kin, she should have been left with her mother who gave birth to her. But we shall cast the lots about her, and she will be looked after by the one whose arrow wins.” They agreed to do so.

Nineteen men came to the JordanRriver. They threw their arrows, or their pens whereby they used to write the Torah, in the water. The pen or arrow belonging to Zakariyya surfaced over the water while the rest were submerged. Ibn Isaq and a group of other scholars, including al- Suddi, have all said that Zakariyya's pen pierced the water and stood up in it as though its water were mud, while their pens were washed away by the tide. Allah Almighty has said, “You were not with them when they cast their pens (to decide) which of them should have Maryam in his charge” (Qur'an, 3:44). Thus did Zakariyya, who was their high rabbi and prophet, win, and this is why Allah Almighty has said that Zakariyya took custody of and looked after her.

Muammed ibn Isaq has said, “When Zakariyya took charge of her, he gave her to her aunt, Yaya's mother, and asked her to nurse her till she reached womanhood. It was then that he built a room for her in his mosque to be her sanctuary, placing its door in the middle.” Whenever he entered to see her, he noticed that she had unseasonable fruits, that is, summer fruits were with her during the winter, and vice versa, so he would ask her where she had received them from, and she would say that they were from Allah, from the fruits of Paradise. Muammed ibn Isaq has also said that the Children of Israel were then inflicted with a famine, yet she kept receiving her sustenance thus, as Zakariyya was becoming increasingly unable to look after her. He, therefore, went out to the Children of Israel and said, “O Children of Israel! You know, by Allah, that I have become quite old and too weak to look after the daughter of `Imran; so, which one of you will look after her when I am gone?” They said, “By Allah we, too, are worn out and are in difficulty as you can see.” Each one of them would recommend to the other to be the one to look after her, and they kept doing so till they did not find anyone ready to do it. They decided to cast their lots this time too, and the arrow this time came to be that of a righteous carpenter from among the Children of Israel named Joseph son of Jacob son of Matan, and he was Maryam's cousin. So he took her. Maryam saw in his face the weight of the burden, whereupon she said to him, “O Joseph! Think well of Allah, for He will sustain us.” Joseph started receiving sustenance on account of her, and he would bring her every day of what he had earned to take care of her needs. Whenever he brought it to her and she was in the house of worship at Jerusalem, Allah would multiply it for him and increase it. Whenever Zakariyya entered to see her, he used to see a remnant of sustenance that was more than what Joseph had brought her, hence his question to her, “O Mary! Whence comes this to you? She said: It is from Allah. Surely Allah gives to whomsoever He pleases without measure” (Qur'an, 3:37).

Christians have for years been debating about Mary, whether she was the “mother of God,” as some call her, or whether she was an ordinary pious lady. We do not wish to contribute to such a debate, preferring to leave them wandering forever in their wilderness as they please…

Birth Of Jesus Son Of Mary

Allah Almighty has said,

And mention Mary in the Book when she drew aside from her family to an eastern place; so she took a veil (to screen herself) from them; then We sent her Our spirit, and he appeared to her as a perfectly ordinary man. She said: Surely I seek refuge against you with the Beneficent God, if you are God-fearing. He said: I am only a messenger of your Lord to give you [the glad tiding of] a pure boy.” She said, “How can I have a boy while no mortal has yet touched me, nor have I been unchaste?” He said. “Even so; your Lord says: It is easy for Me, and so that We may make him a sign to men and a mercy from Us, and it is a matter already decreed.”

So she conceived him [Jesus], then withdrew with him to a remote place. And the throes (of childbirth) compelled her to betake herself to the trunk of a palm tree. She said: Oh, would that I had died before this and had been a thing quite forgotten! Then (the newly-born) called out to her from beneath her: Do not grieve! Surely your Lord has made a stream flow beneath you, and shake towards you the trunk of the palm tree; it will drop on you fresh ripe dates; so eat and drink and refresh the eye. Then if you see any mortal, say: Surely I have vowed a fast to the Beneficent God, so I shall not speak to any human today. And she came to her people carrying him. They said: O Mary! Surely you have done a strange thing! O sister of Aaron! Your father was not a bad man, nor was your mother unchaste! But she pointed to him. They said: How should we speak to one who is a child in the cradle? He [Jesus] said: Surely I am a servant of Allah; He has given me the Book and made me a prophet, and He has made me blessed wherever I may be, and He has enjoined on me prayers and zakat as long as I live, and dutiful to my mother, and He has not made me insolent, unblessed. And peace be on me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I am raised (back) to life. Such is Jesus son of Mary; (this is) the saying of truth about which they dispute. (19:16-34)

Prophets' biographers have said that when three days had passed since Mary was pregnant with Jesus, she was either thirteen or fifteen years old. One of those dedicated for the service of the temple with her was her above-mentioned cousin Joseph the carpenter. He was a thoughtful man who used to offer charity from his earnings. Joseph and Mary used to take turns in serving the temple. When they ran out of water, each would take the pitcher and go to the cave to obtain water then return to the temple. The day that she met Gabriel was the longest and the hottest day of the year. She had run out of water, so she asked her cousin, “Shall we go together, O Joseph, to obtain water?” He said, “I have some water left which will suffice me for today.” She said, “But I, by Allah, am out of water!” She took her pitcher and went out alone till she came to the cave where she met Gabriel whom Allah made to appear to her as an ordinary man. He told her that Allah had sent him to grant her a pure boy. She said, “Surely I seek refuge from you with the Beneficent God if you are God-fearing” (Qur'an, 19:18), that is, a pious, obedient to his Lord. Imam `Ali has said, “I have come to know that a pious person is one who has compassion for others and is merciful, and she thought that he (Gabriel) was a man, a human.” `Ikrimah has said, “Gabriel appeared to her in the form of a young beardless man with curly hair, and in perfect form.” Wise men have said that Allah Almighty sent him in human form so that Mary would be able to remain self-composed and listen to his speech. Had he appeared in his normal form, she would have been frightened by him and would have shunned him. When Mary sought refuge with Allah against him, he said to her, “I am only a messenger of your Lord to give you (the glad tiding of) a pure boy. She said: How can I have a boy while no mortal has yet touched me, nor have I been unchaste? He said: Even so; your Lord says: It is easy for Me, and so that We may make him a sign to men and a mercy from Us, and it is a matter already decreed” (Qur'an, 19:19-21). Having heard his statement, she submitted to Allah's decree, whereupon Gabriel blew in the pocket of her loose outer garment. By then, she had taken it off. Once he had left, Mary filled her pitcher with water, put her outer garment on, instantly and unconsciously conceiving of Jesus, then went back to the temple.

Another story of how Mary conceived is narrated, or say suggested, by al-Suddi and `Ikrimah who have said that Mary used to remain in the temple as long as she was clean. Once she started her period, she would go to her aunt's house till she became clean again and would then return. While Mary was bathing after her period was over, having chosen a sunny spot because it was then winter and that day was the shortest day of the year and placed a curtain between her and the rest of the house residents, arch-angel Gabriel appeared. He gave her the glad tiding of Jesus, then he blew in the pocket of her outer loose garment. Al-Hasan says that the Nazarenes had taken the east as their qibla because Mary had taken a place facing the east [prior to her conception]. When she was big with Jesus, her cousin Joseph the carpenter was in her company, and they were both going to the temple one day near Mount Zion. That temple was their greatest. They used to repair it, heat it, and sweep it, and nobody knew anyone more diligent or dedicated that both of them. The first person who found it objectionable that she should be pregnant was this same cousin and fellow servant of the temple, Joseph the carpenter. When he saw what had happened to her, he thought it was monstrous and horrible, and he did not know what to do or what to say to her. Whenever he contemplated upon charging her, he remembered her uprightness, adoration, and innocence and the fact that she was never out of his sight even for one hour. If he desired to think of her as innocent, he saw the signs of her pregnancy. When he could not keep it to himself any longer, he decided to discuss it with her.

The first thing he said to her was, “I have noticed something about you to which I have found myself reacting, and I have been trying to keep it to myself, but I finally decided that discussing it with you may set my mind at ease.” She said to him, “Say it nicely.” He asked her, “Tell me, Mary, has there been any trees growing without seeds?” She said, “Yes!” He asked her again, “Then has there been trees growing without rain?” She said, “Yes!” Then he said, “Can there be children without parents?” She said, “Yes! Don't you know that Allah Almighty caused all the trees to grow when He created them without first sowing their seeds, for seeds come from trees? Have you not come to know that Allah caused the trees to grow without rain, and through His might He caused the rain to sustain the species of trees after having created each species separately? Or do you say that Allah is not able to grow trees without the help of water and without it He could not have been able to grow them?!” Joseph said to her, “No, I do not say that, but I say that Allah Almighty is capable of doing anything; all He has to do is to say to it, `Be!' and it is!” Mary then said, “Don't you know that Allah created Adam and his wife without parents?” He answered in the affirmative. Her last statement convinced him that what had happened to her must have been something which Allah Almighty had decreed, and that it was not fitting for him to ask her about it due to the secrecy she seemed to maintain in its regard. Then Joseph took charge of all the maintenance chores needed to be performed at the temple and spared her having to do anything at all.

Scholars say that when Mary came close to giving birth, Allah Almighty inspired her that the Jerusalem temple was one of His houses which was pure and was built so that His Name would be praised therein. “Go to a place where you can seek seclusion,” the Almighty inspired her. Mary went to the house of her aunt, the mother of Yahya (John the Baptist). When the latter stood up to greet her and welcome her, she found herself in need of Mary to support her to stand up. Then she asked her, “O Mary! Can you imagine me being pregnant?!” Mary said, “I, too, am pregnant!” Zakariyya's wife said, “Then I find the one in my womb prostrating to the one in yours!” To this does the Almighty refer in the verse saying, “... testifying to a Word from Allah” (Qur'an, 3:39). When she felt comfortable at her aunt's house, the Almighty inspired her, “If you give birth among your people, they will taunt you, charge you, and kill both you and your son; so, get away from them.” Scholars have differed regarding how long it took Mary to conceive and deliver. Some say that the duration of her pregnancy was nine months like all other women, while others say it was eight, and that that was another miracle: no new-born who stayed in his mother's womb for only eight months survived except Jesus. Other scholars say it was six months, still others say it was three hours, and some even say it was only one hour. Ibn `Abbas has said, “It was only conception then delivery, and the time from the conception to the delivery and the seclusion she sought was only one hour, for Allah Almighty did not mention any separation between them when He said, `So she conceived him then withdrew with him to a remote place' (19:22), that is, far away from her people.” Muqatil[10] has said, “His mother conceived him in one hour; he was formed in one hour; he was delivered in one hour when the sun had just set, and she was twenty years old, having had only two menstrual periods before conceiving Jesus.”

Mujahid[11] has said, “Mary, peace be upon her, has said, `Whenever I sought seclusion, Jesus would speak to me, and I would speak to him. If a human distracted me from that, he would praise the Almighty while being in my womb, and I would hear his praising,'” and Allah knows best.

When the pain of childbirth intensified, she sought to support herself with the trunk of a tree, and it was a dry palm tree with neither leaves nor a live trunk but a dead stump. The angels did not like the sight of that palm tree, and they were surrounding her in rows, and that palm tree was at a village called Bethlehem[12] . When her crisis reached its zenith, she said in agony, “Oh! Would that I had died before this and had been a thing quite forgotten” (Qur'an, 19:23), whereupon she was addressed, “Grieve not! Surely your Lord has made a stream flow beneath you, and shake towards you the trunk of the palm tree, it will drop on you fresh ripe dates” (Qur'an, 19:24-25). The original Arabic text of the first verse, that is, “Then he called out to her from beneath her” (Qur'an, 19:24), can be recited in two different ways: min tahtiha, that is, from under her, connotes a reference to the one who called upon her from the mountain side, namely Gabriel. Or it can be recited man tahtaha, the one who was underneath her, that is, Jesus Christ, after having emerged from his mother's womb. He addressed her by the Will of Allah.

Allah caused a river to flow for her after she had given birth to Jesus. Its water would be sweet and cool if she wanted to drink of it, lukewarm if she wanted to wash herself with it. Ibn `Abbas has said, “Jesus, or Gabriel, struck the earth, whereupon water gushed forth, and the dry tree was brought back to life after its dryness. Its branches cascaded, and it brought forth its produce and excelled in it. She was told to shake the trunk of the palm tree to her so that it would cause fresh dates to fall upon her.” Al-Rabee` ibn Khaytham has said, “There is nothing better for a woman in her postnatal period than fresh dates, nor for any patient better than honey.” Omer ibn Maymoon has said, “I cannot think of anything better for a woman having difficulty delivering than fresh dates.”

Wahab has said, “When he [Jesus] was born, all idols were seen falling on the ground headlong in each and every land, so much so that the demons were frightened and did not know why. They rushed to Eblis the accursed who was on a throne which he had made for himself on the surface of a lake mocking the Almighty's Throne when it was first on the water. They came to him when six hours of the day had passed. When Eblis saw their throngs, he felt very upset and alarmed because he had never seen them assembling like that since he scattered them throughout the world to do their mischievous deeds. He used to see some of them now and then but never all of them at the same time. He asked them what had happened. They told him that something must have happened on earth that caused all the idols to be smashed without any human touching them. Nothing was more instrumental than those idols in bringing destruction to the descendants of Adam. Now this new event that has occurred caused humans to think very low of those idols, and the devils were concerned that humans were not going to worship idols any more. “Be informed,” they said, “that we have not come to you here before looking for its cause throughout the world, in the seas, and everywhere else, but we did not increase but in ignorance regarding what has happened.” Eblis said to them, “This must have been a momentous event; so, remain where you are.”

Eblis immediately flew away for three hours during which he passed by the place where Jesus was born. When he saw the angels gazing at that spot, he realized that that was the scene of the event. He wanted to approach it from above, but the heads of the angels and their shoulders acted as a shield. He wanted to approach it from under the ground, but he noticed that the angels' feet were planted firmly in it. He then wanted to penetrate through their ranks, but they forbade him from doing so as testified to this fact by the statement of the Prophet saying, “Every human being is hit by Satan on the side upon its birth except Jesus son of Mary, peace be upon him; Allah Almighty shielded Jesus from him, so he kept trying [unsuccessfully] to penetrate the shield.'“

Having facilitated the delivery for Mary, Allah Almighty prepared Mary to meet her people. “Eat, O Mary,” the Almighty inspired her, “of the fresh dates, and drink of the sweet and cool water; cool your eyes and be contented. If you see any human, and he asks you about your son, or makes a serious charge against you in his regard, tell him that you pledged to abstain (from speaking to anyone) for the sake of achieving the Pleasure of the Most Merciful One.” The “fast” referred to in chapter 19 (Surat Maryam), verse 26, meant abstention from speaking. Fast during that period was abstention from eating, drinking, and speaking, “... so I shall not speak to any man today” (Qur'an, 19:26), Mary was instructed to say. Another reference to abstention from speaking to people is made in the first verses of the Qur'anic Chapter named after Mary, the same Surat Maryam referred to above: “He (Zakariyya) said: Lord! Give me a sign (aya). He said: Your sign is that you will not speak to the people for three nights though being in sound health” (Qur'an, 19:10). Sometimes staying away from people and remaining in constant contact with the Almighty enables one to reach a very high spiritual plain. Remember how Prophet Muhammed, prior to the initiation of his historic mission, used to seek seclusion from people at the Hira cave of Mount Thawr in order to meditate and to clear his thoughts.

Mary brought her infant Jesus to her people carrying him.

Al-Kalbi[13] has said, “Joseph the carpenter took Mary and Jesus inside a cave and kept them there for forty days till she recovered fully from the pains of childbirth, then he brought her back carrying him, being forty days old, whereupon Jesus spoke to her on the way saying, `Mother! Congratulations! I am the servant of Allah and His Messiah!' When she came to her family with the infant, all members of her family were so grieved, they wept. It was a family of righteousness. They said to her, `O Mary! You surely have done a strange thing' (19:27), that is, `Where did you get this son from?' She beckoned to them to ask Jesus.

They were now angry and said, `How can we speak to one who is a child in the cradle?' (19:29).” Wahab has said that Zakariyya came to her while she was debating with the Jews about him; he said to Jesus, `Speak up and produce your proof if you were indeed ordered to do so.' Jesus, who was then forty days old, said, `I am a servant of Allah; He has given me the Book and made me a prophet, and He has made me blessed wherever I may be. He has enjoined on me prayer and zakat as long as I live, and (to be) dutiful to my mother, and He has not made me insolent, unblessed. And peace be on me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I am raised to life'“ (Qur'an, 19:30-33). Thus did Jesus admit his submission to the Will of Allah at the very beginning of his speech, belying the claim of the “Christians” and making his argument against them.

Imam Muhammed ibn `Ali al-Baqir[14] is quoted as saying, “When Jesus was born, in each day he grew up as much as infants would grow in a month. When he was nine months old, his mother took him by the hand, brought him to the class and seated him before the teacher. The teacher asked him to say Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim, which Jesus repeated. The teacher then required him to repeat the alphabets after him, whereupon he raised his head and asked him whether he knew what the alphabets meant. The teacher raised his stick aiming to hit him, but he quickly said to him, `Do not hit me, O teacher! If you do not know, ask me, and I shall explain them to you.' The teacher asked him to explain them to him, so he stated the following,

Alif أ is derived from La ilaha illa-Allah (there is no god except Allah);

Ba ب is derived from Behjatullah (the Splendor of Allah);

Jeem ج is derived rom Jalal-Allah (the Greatness of Allah);

Dal د is derived from Din-Allah (the Creed of Allah);

Ha هـ is derived from Hawiya, Hell, the pit;

Waw و is derived from Waylun li ahlin-nar (Woe unto the people of the Fire!);

Za ز is derived from Zafeeru-Jahannam, the exhalation of Jahannam (or ge hen Hinnom[15] , Hell, the eternal Fire;

Hutti حطي is derived from Huttatil khataya `anil mustaghfirin (the sins have been removed from those who seek His forgiveness);

Kilman كلمن is derived from Kalamullahi ghayr makhlooq wala mubaddila li kalimatih (the Speech of Allah is not created, and there is no alteration to it);

Sa`af صعف is derived from Sa` bi sa` wal jaza bil jaza (a measure for a measure, and a reward for each good deed);

Qirshat قرشت is derived from taqrushuhum heena tahshuruhum (it gathers them together as it inflicts its pain upon them).'“

The teacher said to Mary, “Woman, take your son away, for he needs no teacher.”

Al-Husain ibn Muhammed ibn al-Husain, a scholar of exegesis, has informed us through his chain of narrators which goes back to Abu Sa`eed al-Khudri who quotes the Messenger of Allah as saying, “Jesus was sent by his mother to learn, so the teacher required him to say Bismillah (in the Name of Allah), whereupon Jesus asked him what that meant. The teacher told him he did not know, so Jesus explained it to him. He said, `The B means Bahaullah (the Splendor of Allah), the sin [the `s' in bismillah] means Sanaullah (the Majesty of Allah), and the mim [the `m' in Bismillah] means Mamlakatullah (the Kingdom of Allah, the Exalted, the Sublime),'“ and Allah knows best.

Jesus And Mary Leave For Egypt

Jesus was born forty-two years after the ascension of Augustus[16] [of the Roman Empire], fifty-one years after the king of the Ashkanites[17] , kings of the sects, had passed away. Today's Syria and its surrounding areas were under the authority of Caesar of Rome who had appointed Herod[18] as the king on his behalf. When Herod, who was ruling over the areas then inhabited by the Children of Israel, came to know the story of the Messiah, he wanted to kill him. The Children of Israel saw a star according to whose appearance they, utilizing their books, calculated the date of his birth. Allah sent an angel to Joseph the carpenter to warn him against Herod and his evil scheme, ordering him to flee with the boy and his mother to Egypt and to return once Herod was dead. Joseph transported Mary and her son on a donkey till they reached a place in Egypt to which the Almighty refers in this verse: “And We made the son of Mary and his mother a sign, and We gave them a shelter on a lofty ground having meadows and springs” (Qur'an, 23:50).

Mary And Jesus Return Home

Wahab has said that when Herod died, twelve years after the birth of Jesus[19] , Allah inspired Mary telling her of Herod's death, ordering her to return with her son Jesus and cousin Joseph the carpenter to Syria. They did, settling near the Galilee mountain at a village in north-northeast of Bethlehem (Bayt Laham) called Nazareth after which Christians are called “Nazarites” or “Nazarenes.” Its Arabic name is al-Nasira. There, Jesus kept learning in one hour what others would learn in a day, and in a day what others would in a month, and in a month what others would in a year, and such is the Almighty's design with His messengers.

When he became thirty years old, Allah inspired him to come out to the public and to invite them to worship the One and Only God, Allah, through the medium of parables, empowering him to heal the sick, to cure those afflicted with permanent handicaps, to give sight back to the blind, to heal the mentally retarded, to suppress the power of evil, to forbid people from committing misdeeds, and to subject the devils to humiliation by permitting goodness to thus prevail. He did as he was ordered, so people loved him and enjoyed his company.

His followers started increasing in number. Soon he became quite famous, and at times he may have had as many as fifty thousand patients or handicapped persons to heal. Those who could walk to him did so, and those who could not he himself sought, the messenger of God that he was[20] . Those who could not reach him, he managed to reach them, and such is the mark of distinction of men of God. The only medicine he applied to the patients who had a full conviction in him and in his Lord was his supplication.

Mary's Death And Prophethood Of Jesus

According to a number of accounts, Mary conceived Jesus when she was thirteen years old. She gave birth to him at Bethlehem, a suburb of Jerusalem, fifty-one years after the beginning of the reign of the Ashkelonites (or Ashkenazim). Allah sent the wahi (inspiration) to him at the age of thirty, and He raised him up from the temple at Jerusalem on Laylatul-Qadr (the Night of Power) during the month of Ramad,.an when he was thirty-three years old; so, his prophethood continued for only three years. His mother lived after his being raised to heavens for six years, and Allah knows best.