Portraits of Youths In Holy Quran and the History of Islam

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Portraits of Youths In Holy Quran and the History of Islam Author:
Translator: Sayyid Akhtar Husain S.H. Rizvi
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Islamic Personalities

Portraits of Youths In Holy Quran and the History of Islam

Author: Ayatullah Ali Dawani
Translator: Sayyid Akhtar Husain S.H. Rizvi
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

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Portraits of Youths In Holy Quran and the History of Islam
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Portraits of Youths In Holy Quran and the History of Islam

Portraits of Youths In Holy Quran and the History of Islam

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

Youths ofKerbala : Who Became FamedIn The History Of Mankind

The confrontation of Imam Husain (a.s ) with the forces of Yazid inKerbala is the unique episode in the history of mankind, which will remain outstanding till the Day of Judgment. Yes, why we cannot call it the greatest episode of history? Has anyone ever come across a battle where a band of seventy-two faced a huge army minimally estimated to be comprised of 30,000 well-trained and well-equipped fighters? In addition to this, the band of seventy-two was initially invited as guests. Then the same people who had invited them took up weapons against them, obstructed their way and forced them to camp in the arid desert and burning sands. Then they stopped food and water supply to this small battalion, while it comprised of people who were absolutely harmless and innocent.

It is worth contemplation…

Who were these personages? Were they descendants of the Prophet or not? Which Prophet? That same Prophet whom these 30,000 strong army followed. By whose name they received their livelihood and passed their days.

Those people who were unprepared for battle and unwilling for martial confrontation, because they had not come with the aim of fighting.

Also, the most remarkable fact about this group was that its majority consisted of women and children in whose veins flowed the blood of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .) and each of them was a gem of the treasure of Prophethood.

The tragedy of Imam Husain (a.s ), the terrible incident of Ashura (10th ofMohurrum ) and the horrible scenes of carnage occurred in the 61st year of Hijrah when seventy-two purified youths and loyal personages were martyred. This episode blackened the face of history and the head of mankind bowed down in shame.

The people of Kufa had invited the grandson of the Prophet, Imam Husain (a.s ) to Kufa so that he could lead them in revolt against Yazid; thedeboucherous son ofMuawiyah like Imam Ali (a.s ) had confrontedMuawiyah . After that these disloyal and materialistKufaites martyred the honorable son of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .), along with his companions, brothers and sons in such a cruel way that to describe these atrocities burns the tongue of the narrator and the pen breaks due to shame.

Among these martyrs were eighteen youths of Bani Hashim from the family of Abu Talib. They displayed such daring in the battle that their equal is not found anywhere in history. Imam Reza (a.s ) toldReyan IbnShabeeb :

“O son ofShabeeb ! There were such eighteen youths from Bani Hashim inKerbala as have no equal on the face of the earth. Except for Imam Husain (a.s ) who was fifty-seven at that time all these eighteen persons from Bani Hashim were in their youth. Among them was a thirty-five-year-old man and even some boys hardly aged twelve or ten years. In otherwords we can say that the battle ofKerbala was one where the youths predominated.

The following are the martyrs ofKerbala :

6 sons of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s )

3 sons of Imam Hasan (a.s )

2 sons of Zainabbinte Ali (a.s ), who was the sister of Imam Husain (a.s ) and the wife of AbdullahIbn Ja'far ibn Abi Talib.

5 sons of Aqil Ibn Abi Talib (a.s )

2 sons of Imam Husain (a.s ).

This is the list of the names of those young people who achieved martyrdom in the service of their Holy Imam, the honorable AbuAbdillah (a.s ). They laid down their lives for the sake of Islam through their perfected valor and unflinching loyalty. They saved the honor of Islam at this dangerous juncture in history by giving up their own blood. When Yazid, the son ofMuawiyah arose as an ugly blemish on the shirt of humanity, these youths rose up to confront him and stood like firm mountains against him. It was such a magnificent contest and a great revolution, which squeezed the history of centuries into a few moments, which made the faces of these youths brilliant and shining like the sun.

Even though centuries may pass but the memory of these young men ofKerbala would always remain fresh.

Ali Akbar : The Brilliant SunOf Youth

Among the elegant faces of the family of prophethood was one whose name is written, spoken and heard always with the appellation of “the youth”. This is Ali ibn al-Husain, commonly called Ali Akbar, (That is Ali, the elder).

This son of Imam Husain (a.s ) had just stepped into adolescence. A brilliant face and such a beautiful way of speech and movement that it seemed Providence had created him with special care. On theday of Ashura he was eighteen years old. His mother was the noble lady named Laila. She was a descendant ofUrwah Ibn Masood Thaqafi, one of the four bravest warriors of Arabs in the period prior to Islam. Imam Husain (a.s ) had named all his sons after his respected father. May be since the names of all the three sons was Ali, they were addressed with different appellations of Ali Akbar (Ali, the elder) and Ali Asghar (Ali, the younger) etc. for the sake of identification.

Ali Akbar resembled Ali (a.s ) in his intelligence, valor and personality, and his physical appearance, facial features; way of walking and talking was exactly like that of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .).

Ali Akbar was the first youth to have taken to the field inKerbala . According to some other reports he was the first of the youths of Bani Hashim who attacked the opponent army with great zeal and achieved martyrdom for the assistance of his respected father.

When Ali Akbar came to Imam Husain seeking permission to take to the battlefield, the Imam glanced at an army of 30000 and then looked at Ali Akbar, that he was going to fight that huge multitude all alone. (We don’t know how Imam Husain felt at that moment). Though he gave the permission, he added, “My son, Ali Akbar! Bid farewell to your paternal aunt, mother and sisters and then go out for the battle.” Ali Akbar went inside the tent and the ladies surrounded him. There was absolute chaos in the tent. The ladies were saying, “O the memento of the Prophet of Islam, have mercy on our honor andalienhood . We would not be able to live without you.”

But Ali Akbar was such a dignified young man that he saw his father besieged by the foes; and the ferocious army was ready to murder the son of the Prophet. How was it possible to continue seeing the oppressed condition of this father and the painful circumstances to which the women and children were subjected?Thus he bid farewell to the ladies of his family and left for the battleground.

The holy Imam accompanied him for some distance. Then he looked at the sky in an expectant way and said, “O my Lord! Be a witness that one who is going to the battlefield resembles Your Prophet in the ways of talking and walking, facial features and habits. Whenever, we,Ahle Bayt, wanted to have a view of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .) we used to look at Ali Akbar and cool our hearts. O God! Remove the bounties of the world from these army men and subject them to confusion and calamities, in such a way

that they can never rule upon us. Because they had invited us to come here, and now they are opposed to us and ready to fight and kill us.”

After that the oppressed one ofKerbala called the son of Saad and said, “May Allah cut off your generations and may you never obtain what you lust for. And may Allah give power to such an oppressor over you as he beheads you when you are in bed. Because due to the martyrdom of this elegant youth you have cut off my generations that were to arrive through him, and you have not even paid any regard to my relationship with my maternal grandfather (the Prophet).”

Ali Akbar arrived in the battlefield and in keeping with custom of that time recited a zealousRajaz (versified introduction of himself and his aim in brief):

I am Ali the son of Husain, whose grandfather was the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .). By Allah! We are the rightfully deserving ones of thevicegerency of Allah. By God! These spurious descendants cannot rule over us. I would indeed fight with you with a sword and even if the sword breaks, I would fight with a dagger till it breaks, so that you know the power of a Hashemite youth.”

After that he launched a terrific attack and scattered the rows of warriors and came back to his place. He attacked in the same way again and again till all the rows and columns of the opponent army were in disarray.

Thirst…such thirst as cannot be imagined. It was only thirst that had changed the condition of Ali Akbar. After he had killed a hundred and twenty Nasibis (enemies ofAhle Bayt), there were screams for help in the army of Yazid. This youth who displayed the valor of Ali (a.s ) came back to his father and said, “Father! Thirst is killing me. If I could get only a littlewater I would change the face of this battle.” Imam Husain (a.s ) did not say that there was no water and that he too was thirsty like Ali Akbar. He kept his tongue in the mouth of his son so that he could suck whatever moisture was there in it. However, Ali Akbar pulled back his tongue and said, “Father! Your tongue is drier than mine!”

After this, Ali Akbar returned to the battlefield and this time enemies surrounded him and attacked him from all sides in unison. Repeated strokes fell on him and his body was cut into pieces and he fell down from his horse.

According to a narration when Imam Husain (a.s ) came to his son, he had already departed for Paradise. Imam Husain (a.s ) placed his head on his thigh and recited the dirge:

“My son, you have bid farewell to the world. You are released from the griefs and sorrows of the world but your father is left alone for martyrdom.”

At that time when the world had become dark for the Imam he called out, “O youths! Take the last remains of your brother from the field to the camp…”

Qasim Ibn Hasan : The Adolescent Warrior Who Sacrificed His LifeIn Defense Of Religion

Among the famed warriors of Imam Husain (a.s ) whose names would remain alive till the end of the world is the son of our second Imam, Hasan (a.s ), Qasim Ibn Hasan. According to traditions he had not even reached the age of maturity. As regards his age, most reports say that he was hardly thirteen years old.

This brave and valiant youth was considered a souvenir of his father, Imam Hasan (a.s ) and he had come toKerbala with his uncle, Imam Husain (a.s ).

When on theday of Ashura he saw that the youths of Bani Hashim had brought the last remains of Ali Akbar from the field and kept them near the tent, he lost all interest in the life of this world. Then he saw that the tragedy of the young son had changed the color of Imam’s face and he became restless.

Qasim Ibn Hasan had inherited bravery, intelligence, understanding, presence of mind and capability from his ancestors like the Prophet and Ali (a.s ). He decided to give up this world and begged his uncle to permit him to go to the battlefield. Imam Husain (a.s ) was very fond of the orphan son of his brother and therefore he was not agreeable to send him against the teeming army of the foes. But when he saw that the young man was stubborn on his request and also dying for a battle, he allowed him. Though he accorded the permission, the uncle and nephew embraced each other and wept so intensely that they both became unconscious, because the Imam knew that permission meant martyrdom. Now Qasim would not return alive.

The enemies were also present in such a condition that leaving aside the family of the Prophet they preferred the Kingdom of Yazid IbnMuawiyah and were prepared to live a life of degradation while for theAhle Bayt, death with dignity was better than a life of degradation. Therefore, the only option was to continue the battle till one achieved martyrdom. This was the custom of the descendants of the Prophet.

Qasim, who had just stepped into adolescence took the permission of his uncle and arrived to confront the rival army. He recited the war song:May be you do not know me. I am the son of Hasan and a grandson of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .). This is my uncle Husain who is surrounded like a prisoner among them. May Allah not bestow His mercy on these wretched people.”

After that Qasim launched a ferocious attack and slew the warriors with his swift sword strokes. Hamid Ibn Muslim who was appointed by Yazid to record the events of this battle says, “I saw a young boy whose face shone like a full moon. He was dressed in a shirt and trouser and wore sandals, one of whose straps was broken. This boy was coming towards me. If I am not mistaken the strap of the left sandal was broken.”

“Umar Ibn Saad al-Azdi said to me, ‘Let me attack him.’ I said, ‘Glory be to God, what do you want to do that for? Leave him. While even one of the family of al-Husain remains, he will be enough to take vengeance on

you for his (death).’ But he insisted, ‘By God, let me attack him.’So he rushed against him and did not turn back until he had struck his head with his sword and split it into two. The young lad fell face downwards calling out, ‘O Uncle!’”

At this Husain (a.s ) appeared like a hawk and launched into attack like a raging lion and struck Umar Ibn Saad with his sword. That man tried to fend off the blow with his arm but his arm was cut off from the elbow. Then he carried his martyred nephew to the tents and laid him besides Ali Akbar and other martyrs.[121]

By his loyalty and sacrifice, Qasim Ibn Hasan opened a new chapter in the history of Islam that mentions the personality, valor and bravery of the youths of the family of the Prophet.

AbulFazl Al-Abbas : The Most Luminous PersonalityOf The Youths Of Bani Hashim

AbulFazl Abbas was the most prominent young man of the Bani Hashim. He was the standard bearer of the Imam’s force. He is the epitome of loyalty and his name would signify devotion for all the days to come. His mother was Fatima,Ummul Baneen who was from a tribe famed for its valor and bravery.

This noble lady had four sons of whom Abbas was the eldest. On theday of Ashura they laid down their lives in such an exemplary manner that even today their blood is gushing with fervor on the sands ofKerbala and their names are engraved in the history of Islam.

Abbas in the Arabic language means an awful lion. That is a lion, which commands intense awe.Thus he was true to his name in awe-inspiring demeanor. He had a very elegant countenance and a tall physique. When he mounted ahorse his knees came very close to the ears of the animal. In addition to a well-built stature he possessed unsurpassed physical strength and great spirituality. He was considered second only to his brother Imam Husain (a.s ) among the youths of Bani Hashim.

Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s ) says, “My uncle, Abbas was a man of enlightened conscience whose faith was very strong. He performed Jihad in the way of Allah along with AbuAbdillah (Imam Husain) and passed the divine test with flying colors.”

The fourth Imam has said, “May Allah have mercy on my uncle Abbas who sacrificed his life for the sake of his brother in such a manner that both his arms were severed. The Almighty Allah bestowed him with a pair of wings with the help of which he glides in Paradise with the angels in the same way as Allah bestowed Ja'farIbn Abi Talib.

Abbas is a martyr at whom on the Day of Judgment the assembly of all the martyrs would vie that if only they all had been like him. Abbas had the honor of being trained under three Imams; that is his respected father,Amirul Momineen Ali (a.s ) and his honorable brothers Imam Hasan and Imam Husain (a.s ). His countenance shone like a full moon and he had unsurpassed elegance. That is why, on the basis of his collective merits he was given the honorific of “Moon of theHashimites ” (Qamar-e-Bani Hashim).

InKerbala the age of Abbas was thirty-four years. On the basis of this he was the Chief of the Youths of Bani Hashim and according to the unanimity of all the writers and historians he was the most influential and remarkable personality ofKerbala . That is why he was the center of attention of the Infallible Imam.

Abbas was the standard bearer of the battalion of Imam Husain (a.s ). When except for him none remained on the side of the Imam he sought permission for Jihad to display his martial feats also. However, instead of according him permission for Jihad, the Imam told him to arrange water for the holy family and the thirsty children who all were on the verge of death.

This ferocious warrior who was second only to Ali (a.s ) in his martial expertise attacked the army of the enemies, which had surrounded the banks

of Euphrates. There were hardened fighters among them, well versed with the techniques of swordsmanship and archery but Abbas launched a scathing attack on them dispersing the rows and rows of militia to clear his way to water. History records that he slew eighty foes and put his horse into the water. Then he filled the water skin and like a streak of lightning turned to head towards the Imam’s encampment.

Now he only concentrated on how he could convey this water to the camps. The thirst of Imam Husain (a.s ) and the parched throats of the young children and ladies had affected him so much that he took a handful of water and threw it back with distaste saying how could the slave drink when the master was thirsty? Can there be a better example of loyalty, devotion and manliness?

On his return the army that had fled also came back and surrounded him from all sides but the brave one continued to deflect their attacks and kept on racing his steed towards his destination. When the foes realized that attacking him from the front was of no use, some of them attacked from the right severing his right arm. However, the valiant warrior said, “By Allah! Even if my right hand isgone I will continue to fight for the sake of religion in this condition.”So saying he transferred the standard to his left hand.

Soon however a malicious attacker hit from the left and severed his left hand and the standard came to the ground. At that moment he said, “O life! Why to fear these infidels? Good news that the mercy of Allah awaits you! These oppressors have severed my left hand also. O Allah! Make these unjust people taste the fire of hell.” Just then an arrow pierced the water skin and all water spilled on the sands. When the water was gone, Abbas became broken hearted and did not wish that he should go to the camp anymore. Just then an oppressor hit his head with a mace, due to which he fell down from the horse.

Who can estimate the valor and courage of this valiant youth? For whom, when Imam Husain reached his wounded brother, he sat near him and heaved a sigh of sorrow and said, “O my brother your grief has broken my back. Now I have also washed my hands off this world. It is the time when after you the enemies will attack us.” As he worded these statements a flood of tears flowed from his eyes. An Arabic poet has mentioned this in a beautiful way:

You must weep most on the young man on whom the Imam also wept.

It is that brother of Husain and the son of Imam Ali.

It is AbulFazl Abbas bathed in his own blood.[122]

Ali Ibn Husain (a.s ) : The Most PatientAnd Steadfast Youth OfKerbala

It was the darkest period of the History of Islam when the fourth Imam (a.s ) passed his life. This was so because after the heart-rending tragedy ofKerbala , the Islamic world was ruled by the tyrant Yazid for another three years. And after that the reins of government came into the hands of evil people like Marwan. The members of the family of the Prophet and the fourth Imam themselves witnessed all these happenings and atrocities. During the terrible happenings ofKerbala the age of the Imam was just twenty-two and he was seriously ill at that time. This illness saved him from being martyred like others in the carnage, and the progeny of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .) continued through him.

Ahmed Ibn Hanbal says, “The cause of the illness of Ali Ibn Husain was that one day he put on a coat of armor but found that it was large for him. So he broke it with his own hands to conform it to his body size.”[ 123]

This is that brave young man who possessed unsurpassed steadfastness and patience and he bore hunger and thirst for three days at a stretch in spite of his running temperature and physical weakness due to his illness. Along with this he witnessed the horrific massacre, which ended the lives of his father, brothers, relatives and companions. He witnessed all this and then also watched in horror the plundering of his camp and the burning down of his tents. Even a single calamity of this chain of calamities is sufficient to kill the most courageous person but he was Ali Ibn Husain (a.s )… It is not possible to estimate his patience and forbearance.

It was only the determination of the son of Imam Husain (a.s ) that he bore all the afflictions as divine will and bore them with utmost patience and forbearance. How much fortitude it required when he was made the leader of the train of prisoners of war that were taken fromKerbala to Kufa and he entered the court ofUbaidullah Ibn Ziyad. And the severed heads of the martyrs ofKerbala were brought in one after the other. In addition to this, the plundered caravan consisted of ladies tethered in ropes having young children with them. Under the orders ofUbaidullah Ibn Ziyad the prisoners were then taken from Kufa towards Syria and the Imam led the train of captives.

The journey towards Syria is filled with such calamities that even the most stonehearted person weeps upon hearing them. Such a perilous long journey! The heartless custodian guards of this captive caravan took their charges from Iraq towards Syria. This caravan traveled through Kufa,Dondril ,Asqalan ,Nasibeen , Haman, Hamas and Aleppo and reached Damascus after twenty days and entered the court of Yazid.

The streets of Damascus were decorated with resplendent embellishments as if prepared for a grand celebration. When the caravan ofAhle Bayt of Allah’s Messenger passed through these avenues, the ignorant populace was seen dancing in glee and celebrating the occasion. They clapped and shouted ridicules on the prisoners and the severed head atop the points of spears, signaling at the apparent victory of the profligate Yazid.

The martyrdom of some of the descendants of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .) and the captivity of others was an occasion of gaiety for the Syrians.

During this arduous journey the youthful Imam continued to comfort the prisoners ofKerbala and alleviated their broken hearts and sorrowful dispositions. He used to support them in such a way that each of them was influenced by the patience, reliance and forbearance of the Imam and they all became imbued with an unsurpassed patience and bore all the calamities with a firm heart.

We should remember that when the young Imam entered the court of Ibn Ziyad in Kufa along with the ladies and children tied up in ropes, Ibn Ziyad wondered how this young man had escaped alive.So without waiting for any information from others he asked, “Who are you?”

The Imam replied, “I am Ali Ibn Husain.”

The tyrant asked, “Didn’t Allah kill Ali Ibn Husain?”

“He was my younger brother whom the people killed”, replied Imam Sajjad (a.s ), “He was also named Ali.”

Ibn Ziyad at once retaliated, “No it was Allah Who killed him.”

Imam (a.s ) saw that the shameless governor of Kufa was trying to extol his achievements before the foolhardy populace, thus he recited the verse of Quran:

God receives the souls at the time of their death. [124]

“How dare you answer me like that?” shouted Ibn Ziyad angrily, “And that will be the last of you because of (your) answer to me. Take him away and cut his head off.”

Zainab, his aunt clung on to him, pleading, “O Ibn Ziyad, haven’t you had enough of our blood?”

Then she clung on to him and said, “By God, I will not leave him. If you kill him, kill me with him.”

Ibn Ziyad looked at her and at him and said, “How wonderful is family relationship! I think she wants me to kill her with him. Leave him, for I see him (now) for what he is.” (That is, his illness would itself kill him).”[ 125]

In brief we can say that Ibn Ziyad issued the command that all the prisoners, along with Ali Ibn Husain should go to the court of Sham. Imam Sajjad (a.s ) was made captive in a heavy chain and this entourage entered the palace of Yazid in the same manner.

It had been a journey of twenty days, the route was torturous, they had to face numerous problems but the worst of all was the spectacle of aunts and sisters all tied up in a single rope. With dust on their heads, the faces of the children had withered. Such was the condition of these noble souls when they were brought into the presence of Yazid.

In order to display the abject conditions of the household of the Prophet, Yazid had invited all the dignitaries and nobles to his court. The chain of the calamities was such for Imam Sajjad (a.s ) that none of it had any equal in the history of mankind, and after hearing which even the most merciless person feels remorse and concern.

When the captives were brought to Yazid the following conversation took place between the victor, that is Imam Sajjad (a.s ) and the defeated one, Yazid:

Yazid: What is your name?

Imam (a.s ): AliIbnul Husain (a.s ).

Yazid: Hmm! Husain named all his sons, Ali.

Imam (a.s ):Yes because my father had deep regard for his respected father, so he named all his sons Ali.

Yazid: Thanks be to Allah that your father is killed.

Imam (a.s ): Curse of Allah be on the one who martyred my father.

Yazid: O young man! Your father had desired to gain kingdom but Allah did not allow it, so they were killed and massacred.

Imam (a.s ): Prophethood and rulership has always remained in our family; till you took birth.

Yazid: Your father did not want me to be the ruler of Muslims. He did not consider me deserving of rulership. That is why he confronted me. Since Allah was seeing all this, He became angry on him.

Imam (a.s ): The Merciful Lord says in His book:

No misfortune strikes the earth nor yourselves unless it has been written in a book before We bring it into existence. That is easy for God. [126]

“O Yazid! I am not aggrieved on whatever Allah takes away from me. I thank Him for whatever bounties He bestows on me (I do not exult on them).”

Yazid was infuriated at all this and he ordered that the Imam be executed upon which the Imam said, “O Yazid! If you kill me, who would take the daughters of the Prophet back to their hometown? Because except for me they have none who is in the prohibited degree (mahram) for them. O Yazid! If the Prophet comes right now and sees that we are made prisoners and brought here on the bare backs of camels, what justification would you offer?

The ailing Imam who looked emaciated and weak spoke in such a manner that all those present in the court began to weep. Yazid saw that the mood of the courtiers was changing;therefore he unwillingly had the chains untied. After that he addressed the Imam, “O AliIbnul Husain, do you know why I have released you from these chains?

Imam (a.s ) replied, “So that someone else does not perform this job.” Yazid said, “You are right.”[ 127]

Steadfastness, stability and convincing rebuttals forevery thing compelled Yazid to deal with the prisoners ofKerbala gently and he refrained from giving them further discomfort. After that he permitted the Imam to mount the pulpit and deliver a sermon on Friday.

The holy Imam ascended the pulpit and spoke about the practical wisdom of his father through which the Islamic Shariah had remained safe and those heart-rending incidents ofKerbala . The Imam’s sermon affected the Syrian so deeply that a revolution seemed to brew among them. Yazid feared that the tumult and agitation may intensify so he ordered that the captives, including the Imam, be released and he also arranged them to be taken to Medina.

When the news reached Medina that ImamZainul Abideen (a.s ) was about to reach the hometown with his caravan, there was a tumult in the town. Men, women, children, friends and enemies, all came out of the city

limits to receive the Imam. There were wails and shrieks all around. Everyone was weeping. The youths of Medina encircled the Holy Imam who was the sole remainder of Imam Husain (a.s ).

When the din decreased, ImamZainul Abideen signaled for silence so that everyone may hear what he had to say. Then he said:

“O people! The Almighty Allah tested us with great calamities and huge attacks of the enemies. Thanks be to Allah that we passed the examinations. O people ofMedina ! AbuAbdillah al-Husain has been martyred. The ladies of the harem and the daughters of Husain had to bear the difficulties of captivity and being tied up in ropes. The heads of our martyrs were hoisted atop the spears points and we were all taken through different towns and areas.” It was such a tribulation that its equal is not found in the history of the world.

“O people! We were made to leave our hometown and we were taken out through towns and abodes like Turk and Afghan prisoners. What was our fault? By Allah! I have never heard about such atrocity from my elders nor witnessed it myself. By Allah! Even if the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .) had told them to harm us they would not have harmed us more.

We have borne this great calamity that was never seen by anyone in the world. We desire to be rewarded for it only by the Merciful God and we leave its judgment only upon Him. Because He is the Greatest and the Highest, and Allah is powerful and revenge seeking.”[ 128]

ImamJawaad : Our Youngest Imam Who DebatedWith The Chief Qadi While Yet A Young Child

Safwan ibn Yahya was a special student of Imam Ali Reza (a.s ). One day he asked Imam (a.s ), “Who is our Imam after you?” Imam Reza (a.s ) gestured towards his young son who was sittingbesides him. Safwan said, “This one? But, may I be sacrificed for you, he is only a child of three.” The Imam said, “Yes, he would be. His young age is no obstruction in his elevated station. Isa (a.s ) was a prophet when his age was even less than three years.”

The Imam also told Muammar ibn Hammad, “Our family is one which has received the position of guidance of the creatures by way of inheritance, whether it be young or old, each of us is capable of fulfilling the duty of successorship.” Imam Reza (a.s ) used to tell those who opposed the Imamate of ImamJawwad (a.s ) due to his less years, “The Almighty Allah bestowed prophethood to Isa (a.s ) when he was aged less than three years.”

Mualla ibn Muhammad says, “After the passing away of Imam Reza (a.s ) when I came to Imam MuhammadTaqi (a.s ) for the first time I was closely observing his physique so that I could describe it to others. The young Imam, who was aware of this, came and sat down. Then he said, “The Almighty Allah appoints the Imams on the position of Imamate even in young age like He appoints the prophets. The Almighty Allah says:

We granted him wisdom while yet a child. [129]

When Imam Reza (a.s ) passed away in Khorasan, his son, Imam MuhammadTaqi (a.s ) was in Medina. During this period, seeing his capabilities, his brilliant face, the qualities of leadership and knowledge and intellect the Shias of Ali used to accept him as their leader. They used to obtain from him rulings about their religious duties and other matters. When Mamun, theAbbaside caliph came to Baghdad he summoned Imam MuhammadTaqi (a.s ) also to Baghdad so that he could keep a close watch on the successor of Imam Reza (a.s ). The Imam came to Baghdad but he did not introduce himself.

One day Imam MuhammadTaqi (a.s ), then aged nine, was standing with some boys in a lane of Baghdad. Seeing the entourage of Mamun all the other boys ran away, but as was his habit, Imam (a.s ) continued to stand at his place. Mamun came forward and asked him, “Boy! Why did you not run away?” He replied, “O Chief! The passage was not narrow. There was no expectation that you would punish an innocent person. Then why should I run away?” Mamun liked this explanation and he asked the name of this boy and that of his father. He said, “I am Muhammad and Imam Reza (a.s ) was my respected father.”

Mamun was moved by his condition and he spurred his horse forward. At thattime he was going for hunting and he had some falcons with him. When he left thehabitations he released a falcon to pursue a partridge. The falcon disappeared and returned after sometime carrying a small fish in its beak. Mamun was greatly astounded. On his return he found the same boys playing. All ran away except Imam MuhammadTaqi (a.s ). Mamun

approached him and asked, “Tell me, what I hold in my hand?” He replied, “The Almighty Allah has created little fishes in the sea of His power that the falcons of the kings prey upon and inform the sons of theAhle Bayt of the Prophet.”[ 130]

Later, Mamun invited the nine-year-old Imam to his palace and seated him besides himself with respect and honor.

After that, under advice of his consultants he invited the learned people and scholars to have discussions with Imam MuhammadTaqi (a.s ). Some of them advised against it, as, according to them, the Imam was very young and first he should be sent to a teacher and only after he has been educated should he be presented for discussion. Mamun however did not pay any heed to this objection but instead invited the Chief Judge of his kingdom, Yahya ibnAksam to speak with the Imam. Other nobles, officers and dignitaries were also invited for the occasion.

Mamun had a couch placed for ImamJawwad (a.s ) near him and also made suitable arrangements for Yahya ibnAksam , befitting his status.

Yahya asked, “If you allow me, can I pose a few questions to this lad?” Mamun said, “Good manners demand that you seek his own permission.” Yahya sought the Imam’s leave, which was granted immediately.

Yahya: What is the penalty for the one who hunts in the condition ofEhram .[131]

Imam: (Smiling) This question is absolutely absurd. First tell me, where this person hunted? In the surrounding area or inside the holy sanctuary? Whether he was aware of this matter or ignorant? Whether he did it willingly or by mistake? Whether he was a slave or a freeman? A matured person or a child? Did he do it for the first time or he had done it before also? Whether the hunted one was a bird or a quadruped? Small or big? Was the hunter regretful of his action or elated? Was the hunt conducted during the night or in the day? Was he wearingEhram for Hajj or for Umrah?

Just as the Qadi heard these words he became speechless and the color of his face paled. Darkness appeared below his eyes and he continued to sit shocked. When the silence prolonged, Mamun could not restrain himself. He said to the Imam, “Now that you have told this, please also throw some light on its solution.”

Imam: If a person inEhram hunts in the surrounding area and the prey is a bird, even if it is big, the penalty of the same is a goat. If he hunts a similar prey in the sanctuary, the penalty is two goats. If a young one of a wildanimal is hunted inEhram a ram is to be given as penalty. It should be one that is no more suckled by its mother. If the hunt is that of a deer, a goat is to given as penalty and all these penalties apply for hunting wild animals in the surrounding areas. However, if it is done in the sanctuary the penalty would be doubled. And one who gives the penalty has himself to take the animals to the Ka’ba. If this person is wearingEhram for Hajj he should slaughter these animals in Mina, if he is wearingEhram for Umrah, he should slaughter them in Mecca. The aware and the ignorant are equally liable. One who does it willingly and knowingly is a sinner. Although in event of ignorance there is no sin. For a freeman the penalty is liable on himself, and the penalty of a slave is obligatory upon his master. There is no

penalty on a small child. Penalty is incumbent on a matured person. One who regrets this hunting would be saved from the punishment of the Hereafter. And if he is elated at his deed the punishment of the Hereafter is also there for him.

Hearing thereply the whole gathering was astounded and accolades and congratulations arose from everywhere. Mamun was so happy that he continued to repeat again and again, “Allah best knows where to place His message.”

After this Imam (a.s ) said to Qadi Yahya, “Now let me ask you a question.” Mamun said, “Ask him, indeed.”

Imam said, “What do you say regarding this problem? A man looked towards a woman while she was prohibited for him. She became lawful at sunrise, unlawful at noon, again lawful in the afternoon, unlawful at sunset and lawful at night.Again unlawful in the middle of the night and then finally lawful in the morning?

Since Yahya was helpless, the Imam explained, “She was a slave-girl whom he purchased in the morning and she became lawful for him, at the noon time he freed her and she became unlawful for him. In the afternoon he married her. At Sunset he recited the words ofZihar (that she is to him like the back of his mother) and she became unlawful for him. In the night he paid the penalty and she became lawful for him again. During the night he gave her a revocable divorce and she became unlawful for him and finally he took her back nullifying the divorce in the morning, making her lawful for himself.”

Mamun addressed all those present in the court and said, “Is there anyone among you who can solve these religious problems like this young boy?” They all replied in unison, “There is none among us capable of it.”

Mamun said, “May be you people do not know that the members of the family of the Prophet are the owners of excellent qualities. That is why young age is not an obstacle in their perfection. Don’t you remember that Ali (a.s ) was only ten when he harkened at the call of the Prophet towards Islam? Don’t you know that the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .) had designated Hasan and Husain (a.s ) as Imams when they were even less than six years old?

As long as Mamun was alive he continued to accord honor and respect to the Imam. He considered respecting him as his duty. So much so that he even married his daughterUmmul Fadl to him. But the times changed. After the death of Mamun, his brotherMutasim came to the throne who had ImamJawwad (a.s ) martyred with poison while he was yet in his youth. He was only twenty-five at that time.[132]