Portraits of Youths In Holy Quran and the History of Islam

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Portraits of Youths In Holy Quran and the History of Islam Author:
Translator: Sayyid Akhtar Husain S.H. Rizvi
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Islamic Personalities

Portraits of Youths In Holy Quran and the History of Islam

Author: Ayatullah Ali Dawani
Translator: Sayyid Akhtar Husain S.H. Rizvi
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

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Portraits of Youths In Holy Quran and the History of Islam
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Portraits of Youths In Holy Quran and the History of Islam

Portraits of Youths In Holy Quran and the History of Islam

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

Ismail and the Great Sacrifice : The Young Man Who Offered His LifeIn The Path Of Truth

The brave soldier of monotheism had finished his fight with the idol-worshippers of Babel. Thereafter when the residents of the town knew well that he was the messenger of God and the only aim of his mission was to make people aware of God and the realization of His Radiance (Noor) and when the influence of Nimrod ended in Babel, he took his wife, Sarah with him and, bidding farewell to Babel went towards Syria. After concluding a longjourney he stayed at Harran.

The residents of this place were worshipping the sun, moon and stars. Ibrahim (a.s ) staged grand discussions with people here also and drew the attention of people towards the true God Who is the Lord Creator of the earth, the skies and everything else in the cosmos. He established and proved that the sun, the moon and the stars fade away after shinning for a while and hence they cannot be gods. God, the creator and the protector of the universe remains ever-present and He can be the only one who created the skies, stars and the earth and who is managing all of them under His own administration.

Here also a group of intelligent and wise people accepted the words of Ibrahim (a.s ) and took to the path of truth while another group rose up in protest. Ibrahim (a.s ) thought that it was not wise, at that time, to take further risks and proceeded towards Palestine and settled there. He stayed there for quite a long time. When a severe drought occurred there, he entered Egypt passing through the desert of Sinai. At first, the king of Egypt showed enmity towards him. But thereafter, he was gifted a big herd of sheep and the king also gave him from his harem an honorable lady namedHajrah so that she may live with Sarah and help her in the household work.

Ibrahim (a.s ) spent a large part of his life in Egypt. Rise in the number of his sheep made him wealthy. When the people of Palestine had passed out from famine and forgotten his efforts, Ibrahim (a.s ) went back to live there. He established a traveler guesthouse where people could lodge and board. Travelers from Jordan, Lebanon and Syria used to stay there and benefit from the said facilities.

When, even after along married life, Sarah could not bear a child, she proposed to Ibrahim (a.s ) that he should marry her companionHajrah telling him that God-willing he may get children through her (Hajrah ) whereby the progeny of Prophet Hud (a.s ) may continue on the earth. Since this step of Sarah was an instance of sacrifice and selflessness, God Almighty considered it worthy of respect.

In short, Prophet Ibrahim (a.s ) marriedHajrah and she bore a son for him who was named Ismail (a.s ). When Sarah saw that now the progeny of Hud would continue throughHajrah she become worried and restless to an unbearable extent.So she told Ibrahim (a.s ) to take away the newborn child and its mother (Hajrah ) to a faraway place from where she might not hear anything at all about them. God Almighty ordered Ibrahim (a.s ) to fulfill the demand of Sarah and to leave the child and mother in afar off place and then return to Palestine.

Ibrahim (a.s ) carried out the divine command. He left Ismail andHajrah in Hijaz (now called Mecca) praying to God:

O our Lord!Surely I have settled a part of my offspring in a valley unproductive of fruit near Thy Sacred House, our Lord! That they may keep up prayer;therefore make the hearts of some people yearn towards them and provide them with fruits; haply they may be grateful: [10]

Now also see the miracle of destiny. This event gained such a high regard in human history that its sounds still ring in human ears throughout the world though centuries have passed away.Hajrah and Ismail (a.s ) made their residence at the place, which is now known as Mecca near the Sanctified Mosque (Masjidul Haram). In those olden days, it was a barren stony area, which used to hot up so much as to change the color of human face. There was no water all around and hence it was without human habitation. But history gives witness that a spring of water had gushed out from the spot where Ismail (a.s ) had rubbed his tiny heels when thirsty. Thereafter, by and by, people of theJurham tribe began to come and settle there and kind Arab women treatedHajrah and her child Ismail (a.s ) with much respect and served them affectionately.

Days continued to pass away until Ismail (a.s ) became a youth. One day when Ibrahim (a.s ) got fed up with his people’s disobedience and came towards Hijaz, he found that everything had changed over there. The lonely place had turned well inhabited and a big spring of fresh water was flowing profusely where there was no drop of water when he had left his wife and son there years ago. God commanded Ibrahim (a.s ) to reconstruct His House (Baitullaah ) which was founded by Adam (a.s ) and which was later destroyed in the flood of Noah (a.s ).

Accordingly, Ismail (a.s ) fetched stones from Mt. ZeeTuwa to Ibrahim (a.s ) who was raising the walls of the Ka’ba. The House was thus reconstructed. Now it was the duty of Ibrahim (a.s ) to call all the servants of God (every human being) to visit this House of God. In this way, this building has continued to be till today the center of worshipping only one God. Not only this, it also is one of the most ancient monuments of human civilization and culture. It is its first milestone. Human history will forever remember how an old father had, with the assistance of his youthful son, built a House, which made Mecca an honored place in the precious land of Hijaz.[11]

In the meanwhile,one night Ibrahim (a.s ) saw in his dream that he was sacrificing his son in the path of God; that he had cut off the head of his son Ismail. As dreams of prophets carry revelations from God, next morning, Ibrahim (a.s ) described his dream to his son Ismail (a.s ). The Merciful God has mentioned this in Quran as follows:

So We gave him the good news of a boy, possessing forbearance. [12]

When Ismail (a.s ) became a major and youthful he (Ibrahim) said:

O my son!Surely I have seen in a dream that I should sacrifice you; consider then what you see. [13]

Almighty God had intended to test Ibrahim and his youthful son Ismail (a.s ) and to examine and measure the faith of an old father and also to see to what extent a youthful son remains steadfast on the true path so that the

whole world may also know how powerful are their intentions and how solid are the faiths of the divine messengers and heavenly guides.

Ismail said: O my father! Do what you are commanded; if Allah please, you will find me of the patient ones. [14]

When Ibrahim (a.s ) carried out Almighty God's command and arranged for the slaughter, Ismail (a.s ) said:

“O my dear father! Please while slaughtering me, tie me tightly with a rope so that I may not be able to move my hands and legs at the time of slau­ghtering so that it may not weaken your intention. Please also cut away my clothes so that they may not redden with my blood, which my dear mother may see. Sharpen the knife well so that my neck may be severed swiftly and I may submit my life to God. I say this because death of a youthful son is very painful to the father.”

When Ibrahim (a.s ) saw that his son was so much obedient to God and so ready to sacrifice his life willingly he said, “O my son! You have proved yourself to be my best partner in carrying out God's command.”[ 15]

Thereafter he embraced his son very lovingly and affectionately and kissed his head and face. Tears rolled out from eyes of both of them.

History was presenting a very painful scene. There was a distance of twofarsangs (about 12 Kms) between the plains of Mina and the House of God (Ka’ba). Atmosphere was calm, quiet and serene. There was a sharp knife in the hand of a weak and aged father. God had commanded him to slaughter his son with his own hands. Both father and son were absolutely and faithfully ready to obey divine orders. Ibrahim, the Friend of God, was an affectionate father and hence his heart was full of love for his son, especially a son who had been the center of his hopes and aspirations throughout his life.

But God commanded Ibrahim (a.s ) to sacrifice his son in His path. Now Ibrahim was a messenger of God who could not budge at all from his duty because he knew well the strategy behind God’s command and was fully convinced that God is the best well-wisher of His servants.So he encouraged himself and was ready to cut off his son's head.

Ismail (a.s ) said, “O father! Place my face on the ground and blindfold yourself so that paternal love may not come in the way of obedience to God.” He did accordingly and everything came to an end within moments. But at that time the conveyor of revelation announced from Mina saying:

O Ibrahim You have indeed shown the truth of the vision; surely thus do We reward the doers of good: Most surely this is a manifest trial. And We ransomed him with a great sacrifice. And We perpetu­ated (praise) to him among the later generations. Peace be upon Ibrahim.Thus do We reward the doers of good.Surely he was one of Our believing servants. [16]

“Now slaughter this sheep instead of Ismail so that this ritual may last till the Day of Judgment.”

Ibrahim returned to the town, gathered the people and informed them that God Almighty thus tried him and his son. Then both the father and the son expressed their profound pleasure and happiness over their success. God Almighty rewarded both of them greatly and it became a ritual to slaughter animals at Mina during every Hajj. This continues in Islam and every year

Muslims all over the world and pilgrims of Hajj renew this sacrifice. It became a duty of the Muslims of the entire world to remember forever the faithfulness and devotional sacrifice of Ibrahim (a.s ) and the exemplary selflessness and self-sacrifice shown by Ismail (a.s ) in his youth. Muslims have to remember this great sacrifice through animal sacrifice in every part of the world, and to celebrate feast (Eid) of happiness.

Yusuf - The Truthful One : Human History’s Matchless Youth HavingAn Iron Will And A Unique Foresight

Yusuf (a.s ) was the son of ProphetYaqub (a.s ) the son ofIshaq (a.s ), the son of Ibrahim through his first wife Sarah. Yusuf (a.s ) once saw in his dream that, “the stars, the sun and the moon have come down on earth and they are bowing to him.” When Yusuf (a.s ) mentioned this dream to his dear fatherYaqub , the latter said, “You will acquire a very high rank. So much so that your father, mother and eleven brothers would bow down before you to accord you respect.” Then he added, “Do not mention this dream to your brothers otherwise they will burn in jealousy and may create some trouble.”

The brothers anyway came to know about the dream andYaqub’s interpretation thereof. As a reaction, they took, by some excuse, Yusuf (a.s ) to a forest out of Canaan in Palestine. There they threw him in a well. Then they smeared Yusuf’s shirt in wolf’s blood and brought that shirt to their father and said weeping that a wolf had devoured Yusuf (a.s ).

But actually Yusuf (a.s ) was safe and sound in that well. After a few days a caravan proceeding towards Egypt passed by that well. They lowered a bucket in that well and Yusuf (a.s ) came out in that bucket. The caravan men took Yusuf (a.s ) to a slave market and sold him away. At that time Yusuf (a.s ) was only nine years old. The person who bought Yusuf (a.s ) was the King of Egypt having in his hands all power in the country. The Holy Quran has mentioned him as the Aziz of Egypt. The king of Egypt was one of the Arab Pharaohs who ruled over Egypt for centuries.[17] The Aziz of Egypt was almost sure that Yusuf (a.s ) belonged to a respectable family and was of a noble race.So he told his wife,Zulaikha , “Take full care of him. Perhaps he can be very useful to us and maybe I could take him as a son.”

Zulaikha was a very beautiful and pompous woman while the Aziz was sexually impotent, therefore he was unable to satisfy her sexual urges. On the other hand, Yusuf (a.s ) who had entered this royal house was so handsome, healthy and attractive due to his good manners that he immediately won the love of anyone who saw him once. As an added value to his noble personality, besides being very handsome he was also extremely modest. This had made him doubly attractive.

Yusuf (a.s ) had passed nine years in the house ofZulaikha . During all these times,Zulaikha used to sit by the side of Yusuf (a.s ). Gradually she began to be infatuated with Yusuf (a.s ). This misplaced love and the elegance of Yusuf (a.s ) by and by broke down all the threads ofZulaikha’s patience and she became almost mad after him. Now she saw only Yusuf (a.s ) all the time even during her dreams.

One day when the Aziz of Egypt had gone toSaqooyah for some business of the state,Zulaikha called Yusuf (a.s ) in her bedroom. She had adorned and beautified herself attractively. When Yusuf (a.s ) entered her room, she locked up all doors and told Yusuf (a.s ), “O Yusuf (a.s )! Now I am in your control and possession.” Yusuf (a.s ) replied, “I seek protection from God. I will never indulge in this evil affair. You are the wife of the Aziz of Egypt. I cannot ever encroach upon his rights. He has done me

favors and provided me all kinds of facilities in his palace. How can I be dishonest to him?” Saying this, Yusuf (a.s ) ran towards the door so that he could save himself from the sin.Zulaikha also ran after him and caught up the hind portion of his shirt. She tried hard to draw him back to her room. In this tussle, a part of Yusuf’s shirt was torn and remained in the hands ofZulaikha . Yusuf (a.s ) was successful in running out of her room.

Accidentally the husband ofZulaikha , the Aziz of Egypt returned from his journey and saw this strange episode.Zulaikha at once made an allegation against Yusuf (a.s ) saying, “If somebody attacks the honor of your wife, the only punishment of such a crime is either imprisonment or severe torture.” Yusuf (a.s ) said, “This is a lie. I never intended anything evil nor had I at all advanced towardsZulaikha . It was only she who had ordered me to come to her room and only her intention was evil.” The Aziz saw that the hind part of Yusuf’s shirt was torn.So he understood thatZulaikha was the guilty one and he retorted, “All this is a dishonesty and dishonesty of women. Infact you are the offender.”

It is said proverbially that love and musk fragrance cannot remain hidden; it is necessarily manifested.So the secret ofZulaikha’s love and distress too became open. Women of Egypt began to gossip thatZulaikha had lost her heart to a slave from Canaan and that she was mad after him.Thus she became a target of taunts among the ladies of Egypt.

WhenZulaikha became aware of her disgrace, she invited the leading ladies of the town for a feast in her palace. She adorned her apartment; spread valuable carpets on the floor and placed precious pillows by walls. When the women of Egypt’s high society arrived in the profusely decorated apartment ofZulaikha , she made all of them sit comfortably on the soft seats and according to the custom in vogue in those days, gaveeveryone of them a lemon and a knife and then said, “I request all the honorable ladies to please cut this lemon when Yusuf (a.s ) is made to pass before us.” Then she commanded that Yusuf (a.s ) should be brought over there.Accordingly Yusuf (a.s ) arrived and passed away before them as ordered. When the eyes of the ladies fell on that handsome youthful gentleman, and they saw his radiant face and his admirable stature all of them became uncontrollable and, in this state of awe cut their fingers instead of the fruits. All exclaimed at once, “By God! Yusuf (a.s ) is not a man. Rather he is an angel coming down from the heavens!”

Zulaikha found this occasion fit for her and she said, “This is the man about whom you are taunting and maligning me. Just listen; you have observed him only for a split second whereas I have remained before him for years. Now when the situation has come to this extent I, hereby, announce that if he does not do what Icommand him he will either pass his life in prison or I will disgrace him in such a way that he will not be able to come out in the open.”

In the words of the Holy Quran:

So, when she heard of their slytalk she sent for them and prepared for them a repast, and gave each of them a knife, and said (to Yusuf): come forth to them.So when they saw him, they deemed him great, and cut their

hands (in amazement), and said: Remote is Allah (from imperfection); this is not a mortal; this is but a noble angel. [18]

Many ladies belonging to the high society of Egypt saw that a great personality was serving in the palace ofZulaikha and they cut off their fingers being struck by his elegance! Among them were even some who at once desired to be embraced by Yusuf (a.s )!

When Yusuf (a.s ) found himself in a strange situation wherein, on one hand, his handsome youthfulness had madeZulaikha madly desirous of him, so many high status ladies of Egyptian elite were keeping their eyes on him and also thatZulaikha had already threatened that he would be jailed if he did not submit to her desire, he raised his hands towards the heavens praying to the Almighty God:

My Lord! The prison is dearer to me than that to which they invite me; and if Thou turn not away their device from me, I will yearn towards them and become (one) of the ignorant. [19]

Prophet Yusuf (a.s ) was a messenger of God. He was as steadfast as a rock in his stand.Zulaikha and other noble ladies of Egypt did not like it.Finally Yusuf (a.s ) was sent to jail at the behest ofZulaikha . On the day of his imprisonment two other men were brought to that jail. One of them was a bartender for the Pharaoh and another a baker in the royal kitchen. Both were charged with allegations of poisoning the king. These inmates looked at Yusuf (a.s ) with full respect saying:[20]

Surely we see you to be of the doers of good. [21]

By and by, two years passed away in which Yusuf (a.s ) remained with the said two inmates. During these years, whenever these prisoners saw adream they narrated it to Yusuf (a.s ) and the latter gave its interpretation, which came true. One day both the prisoners came to Yusuf (a.s ) and described their dreams to him. One had seen a true dream and the other mentioned an untrue vision. Yusuf (a.s ) interpreted that the bartender would be freed and reinstated in his job whereas the baker who had narrated a false dream would be hanged. What Yusuf (a.s ) said came true.

After a long time, Pharaoh saw a dreadful dream. He saw that there were seven thin cows and seven healthy and fat cows and that the fat cows ate up the thin cows;also that there were seven dry and seven fresh green clusters of corn, which were destroyed. The Pharaoh called interpreters of dreams but all of them said that his dream was too confusing to be interpreted by them and hence they were helpless. Now the bartender who had spent two years in jail was also present and he recalled his experience to Pharaoh, “I know a man who can interpret your dream. His name is Yusuf and he is now in jail.”

Pharaoh ordered his men to go to the prison and narrate his dream to Yusuf and get his interpretation.So some people went to jail and requested Yusuf to interpret the royal dream. Yusuf (a.s ) said, “Go to your king and tell him that there will come seven years of full and plentiful crops followed by another seven years of severe famine.So you should keep aside the required quantity of grain produced in the first seven years and store up the rest just as the corn is stored safely in its clusters. The grain so saved should

be utilized for feeding the famine-struck people in the next seven years of draught so that people may not starve.”

The Pharaoh was much pleased with such a wise advice of Yusuf (a.s ) who was leading a prisoner’s life. He was also astonished with Yusuf’s intelligence and foresight. He called Yusuf (a.s ) to his court.

When the king’s men approached Yusuf (a.s ) in jail to take him to the king, Yusuf said, “Go back to your king and ask him to explain why I was imprisoned? What was my offense? The ruler should first inquire into this matter and a find out why the high society women of Egypt had cut their fingers inZulaikha’s apartment? My God knows full well why they did thus?”

The Pharaoh was struck with wonder by Yusuf’s reply. He summoned the elite women to his court and asked for their explanation. All of them at once replied that Yusuf (a.s ) was not at all at fault. He was totally innocent. NowZulaikha’s love spoke up truly. She got up and revealed the entire episode. She said, “Yusuf (a.s ) is not guilty on any account. It was I who had called Yusuf (a.s ) to my bedroom. What Yusuf is saying is hundred percent true. His character is absolutely blotless and clean.”

Then the Pharaoh sent a message to Yusuf (a.s ) conveying to him thatZulaikha had confessed her sin and it has been fully proved that he was quite unjustly sent to jail. “You are not guilty. Please come out of prison with full respect and honor and see for yourself what will happen toZulaikha and the concerned womenfolk. They will be punished for their offence.”

Yusuf (a.s ) entered the court with all honor and told the Pharaoh, “I do not wish that the ladies be punished.” After a brief but exhaustive talk with Yusuf (a.s ) the king was so much impressed by Yusuf’s all round personality, intelligence and honesty that he at once gave up all of his royal state affairs and requested Yusuf (a.s ) to take the charge of the state as he saw that it would make Egypt prosperous and the people of his country happy during the aforementioned years of prosperity followed by the said seven years of famine. Taking up the state affairs in his hands, Yusuf (a.s ) ordered that all the land should be brought under cultivation; that after harvest the produce should be preserved and that enough stock be stored up for use in time of need.

Seven years passed away gradually giving abundant crop. A big quantity of it was stored up. Then came the time of draught. People felt severe shortage of food grains and became fearful of starving. Yusuf (a.s ) made the following arrangements for selling the stored stuff:

The First Year of Famine: The grain was sold in exchange of gold and silver.Thus all the precious metal in possession of people was transferred to the state treasury.

The Second Year of Famine: Grain was sold in exchange of ornaments, jewels and armsetc to the populace.Thus all precious things came in public trust.

The Third Year of Famine: Wheat was sold to people in exchange of animals like cows, sheep and goats, which transferred all animals to state control.

The Fourth Year: State acquired all slaves and bondmaids in exchange of wheat.

Fifth Year: People sold their houses and bought wheat from the state to save their lives.

Sixth Year: People sold all of their private irrigation fields and canals to state for buying wheat.Thus all this facility came in state control.

Seventh Year: Wheat was sold on condition that every man and woman would serve as a state servant.Thus everyone in populace became slaves to the state.

In this way Yusuf (a.s ) became the controller of all the people and their possessions. No one starved or remained hungry and all began to say that Egypt had never before seen such an intelligent ruler who saved the people in extremely severe years of famine unprecedented in history.

When the emergency was over, Yusuf (a.s ) approached the Pharaoh and said, “I never wanted to make people, through these reforms, feel that they are my slaves as it would only mean that a calamity called starvation turned into the trouble called slavery or bondage. You saw that Almighty Allah saved the people through my hands.” The Pharaoh replied, “You are absolutely right. Now the entire populace of Egypt is under your control. It is now for you to deal with them as you please.”

Prophet Yusuf (a.s ) said, “I call God Almighty to witness. I believe that Allah is Omnipresent and Omniscient. Thereafter I make you a witness and say that I have freed each andeveryone of the countrymen. I am returning all the things, which were acquired from them to them, that they may once again live a happy and prosperous life.”

The Pharaoh who had now become aged died after some time. Yusuf (a.s ) became the ruler of Egypt both according to the custom in vogue and also as a result of his popular service to the people and he came to be known as the Aziz of Egypt. His fame spread far and wide all around.

Thereafter Yusuf (a.s ) calledZulaikha who had become a widow following the death of the Aziz of Egypt and asked her as to why did she do all that; why she disgraced herself and jailed him for years?Zulaikha replied, “Satan had, at that time excited me to do wrong. I am very sorry for that. Now I have put faith in your God.” Then Yusuf (a.s ) proposed to marryZulaikha , which she accepted. Then Yusuf (a.s ) prayed to Almighty Allah. “My Lord!Zulaikha is very much repentant over her offence. You are All-powerful. Kindly return her youth to her.” Yusuf’s prayer was answered by God andZulaikha became youthful once again.

But now her beauty had doubled.Thus started the new life of Yusuf (a.s ).

The news about the new generous ruler reached ProphetYaqub (a.s ) and his other sons. As they also were hit byfamine they intended to go to Egypt for importing grains to Palestine.So Yusuf’s brothers made another journey to Egypt. In their second journey they found that this ruler was Yusuf (a.s ) whom they had thrown into a well. They told one another, “How wonderful that Yusuf (a.s ) not only came out of the well but also attained such status that we now see him as the Aziz of Egypt!” On the otherhand they were also feeling guilty and were afraid what would happen if Yusuf (a.s ) recognized them.

But Yusuf (a.s ) knew them very well. He called them to himself and told them all that had happened. The brothers bowed their heads in shame. Prophet Yusuf (a.s ) gave pardon to all of them, behaved very nicely with them and also invited them along with another brother and their parents to Egypt.