Portraits of Youths In Holy Quran and the History of Islam

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Portraits of Youths In Holy Quran and the History of Islam Author:
Translator: Sayyid Akhtar Husain S.H. Rizvi
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Islamic Personalities

Portraits of Youths In Holy Quran and the History of Islam

Author: Ayatullah Ali Dawani
Translator: Sayyid Akhtar Husain S.H. Rizvi
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

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Portraits of Youths In Holy Quran and the History of Islam
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Portraits of Youths In Holy Quran and the History of Islam

Portraits of Youths In Holy Quran and the History of Islam

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

Yahya - Son of Zakaria : Who AttainedMessengership In Childhood

Faquz had two daughters both endowed with high morals and a pleasing nature. One was Hannah and the otherIsha . Both were married to the two noblest men of the town. Hannah had the honor of being the wife of Imran andIsha became the life partner of Zakaria.

Lateron Zakaria was chosen by God as His Messenger and Imran was such a respectable and trustworthy person in Bani Israel that he was elected the trustee of BaitulMaqdas . A long time passed in the married life of Zakaria andIsha . Many springs came and went but no flower in the form of a child grew in their garden. Both became quite aged and all hopes of having an heir faded away according to normal expectations.

Zakaria was always remaining gloomy. As a messenger of God what made him worry so much was that the people of his community were readily falling victims to a disgraceful demoralization, which was being spread speedily by the mischievous Jews. Almost everyone was indulging only in useless and undesirable activities. On the other hand, he saw that age had weakened him and there was none to continue reform work after his death, which was fast approaching. But how long could he burn himself in this fire of restlessness and anxiety?Finally he got tired and left everything to the Will of Almighty God Whom he was worshipping every moment and with every breath.

One day, when Zakaria entered the room of Maryam, who lived in BaitulMaqdas , he saw several heavenly fruits before her. Astonishingly he asked, “From where have these fruits come? Who brought them here?” Maryam replied with ease, “They are from my God.”

This happening jerked Prophet Zakaria as if he woke up from his sleep. He thought over the event deeply and told himself:Of course it is Only One God Who sends to Maryam in winter those fruits, which grow in summer and vice versa. Is it not possible that such Almighty God may grant his wife a child in her old age?So he raised his hands towards the heavens and prayed to Allah hopefully, saying, “My Lord! I am afraid that after my departure from the scene evil fellows will step forward to demoralize people. I know that my wife and I both are aged. But it is not impossible forYour Might to grant me an heir.”

In the words of the Quran:

A mention of the mercy of your Lord to His servant Zakaria.

When he called upon his Lord in a low voice,

He said: My Lord! Surely my bones are weakened and my head flares with hoariness, and, my Lord! I have never been unsuccessful in my prayer to Thee:

Andsurely I fear my cousins after me, and my wife is barren, therefore grant me from Thyself an heir,

Who should inherit me and inherit from the children ofYaqub , and make him, my Lord, one in whom Thou art wellpleased.

O Zakaria!Surely We give you good news of a boy whose name shall be Yahya: We have not made before anyone his equal.

He said: O my Lord! When shall I have a son, and my wife is barren, and I myself have reached indeed the extreme degree of old age?[35]

Prophet Zakaria was yet in the prayer niche praying to Allah when angels addressed him, “O Zakaria! God gives you good news that He will grant you a son whose name will be Yahya because prior to this none has been named thus.”

Zakaria became joyful on hearing this Divine Voice. However, with a view to get peace of mind, as to how could he get a child in that advanced age, he asked his Lord, “My Lord! How will it be so when I have become very old and weak?”

Came the voice once again conveying: He has decided to grant you both a son in these days and in these circumstances. It is very easy for God to do so. The God Who can bring you to life from nothing has theMight to grant you and your wife a son in old age.

Prophet Zakaria, for satisfying his heart, again prayed, “My Creator! Kindly give me some sign.” God sent revelation that the sign was that his tongue will remain tied for three days and that he will not be able to converse with anyone except through signals.

When the said signal was manifested and a period of six months passed, Almighty God granted Zakaria a son, Yahya and also adorned the child with prophethood in his childhood.

The Quran has mentioned it in the following way:

He said:So shall it be, your Lord says: It is easy to Me, and indeed I created you before, when you were nothing.

He said: My Lord! Give me a sign. He said: Your sign is that you will not be able to speak to the people three nights while in sound health.[36]

Prophet Yahya, even in his childhood, was very handsome, intelligent and attractive, and also endowed with foresight and wisdom to an extraordinary extent.

In his young age he kept himself away from worldly affairs busying himself only with the worship of God and leading a life of purity and righteousness. He toiled so much that he became very thin and physically weak.

As a result of the piety of his soul and due to an inter revolution Yahya used to keep himself away from women and also from other children of his age and remained aloof from the material world. Then God granted himmessengership in his childhood.So he began to call people to God worship addressing the audiences forcefully. He prohibited people from disobeying God’s commands. Looking at his knowledge, capability, justice, honesty and truthfulness the Bani Israel used to make him their arbitrator for settling disputes.

Yahya was a righteous and a good-natured young man. His race was also noble and kind and he never indulged in injustice.[37]

While deciding disputes he used to be harsh towards the unjust and oppressors who did not obey divine commandments. This made his enemies revengeful and finally he was martyred.

The Quran describes Yahya (a.s ) in the following words:

O Yahya! Take hold of the Book with strength, and We granted him wisdom while yet a child

And tenderness from Us and purity, and he was one who guarded (against evil),

And dutiful to his parents, and he was not insolent, disobedient.[38]

KingHerdolis married a woman namedHerodia who had a daughter from her previous husband. The daughter was extremely beautiful and so attractive that she maddened anyone. A grand ceremony was held on the birthday of KingHerdolis . This girl staged a captivating and charming dance performance therein which made all in the audience, including the King, spellbound. The King was so much fascinated by her that he asked the girl what she desired so that he could fulfill her desire. It became a talk of the town that the King has fallen in love with his own daughter. People began to hate the king. Prophet Yahya, in order to prevent the king from such evil scolded him harshly and publicly announced that it was an open violation of the Law of Moses and that it was absolutely illegal and a criminal offence on the part of the King to cohabit with that girl.

Feeling that the guardian of the Divine Law was interfering with the pleasures and joys of the mother-daughter duo, they began to conspire against Yahya (a.s ).

One day when the King expressed his eagerness to go to bed with his daughter, she replied that it was impossible as long as Yahya was alive. The King who was maddened by the charm of that girl broke all bounds in the upsurge of his passions and lust and ordered the execution of Yahya and issued a command to bring Yahya’s head in a tray before him. Prophet Yahya was only thirty years old at that time. His maternal cousin, Isa (a.s ) was living then but had not yet begun his mission.

Finally when Prophet Yahya was decapitated and when the first drop of his holy blood fell on the ground a forceful fountain of blood sprang up from that spot which frightened Bani Israel. Talks of their shamelessness and lewdness spread all around until the King of Babylon in southern Iraq invaded Palestine and destroyed it thoroughly. When a large number of Jews were slaughtered the boiling of Yahya’s innocent blood cooled down and it stopped gushing.

And peace on him on the day he was born, and on theday he dies, and on the day he is raised to life. [39]

Maryam : A Pious Young Lady Who BecameThe Leader Of All The Women Of The World

Imran was the son ofMathan , who was from the progeny ofSulaiman son of Dawood (a.s ). The children ofMathan and especially Imran were among the leading religious scholars of Bani Israel. They were residing in BaitulMaqdas . Imran’s wife was Hannah. Both grew old but remained issueless. They wished so earnestly to have children who would keep their memory alive after them and who would continue their holy progeny further.

One day Hannah was sitting under a tree. She saw that a female bird was feeding her chick. This aroused in her the female instinct of becoming a loving mother. She exclaimed, “Would that I too had a child whom I would have fed in my lap with affection.” At that moment she prayed to God in full earnestness and humility, “My Lord! Grant me a child through Your bountiful grace, whom if granted I will dedicate to serve the BaitulMaqdas .”

It was a custom in those days to seek children from God and when granted to entrust the newborns to the trustees of BaitulMaqdas . This made their parents free from their responsibility of caring, training and nourishing. After reaching the age of puberty such children were free either to continue serving BaitulMaqdas or to lead a life of their own choice in the society, and to look after their parents like common people. Such dedication was only in case of male children, not for daughters, because after puberty, girls have menses, which debarred them from the house of God. So female children were excepted.

Almighty Allah answered Hannah’s prayer whereupon she became pregnant despite old age. But before delivery Imran passed away. The pious lady was extremely sorrowful due to the death of herdear husband and was feeling lonely and helpless. One day she raised her hands towards the sky and prayed to God,

“My Lord! I will give away the child in my womb to serve the House of God. Please accept my prayer, as You are the Hearer, the Knower.” After some time when the child was born it was found that God had granted her a daughter instead of a son.So she again exclaimed, “My Lord! You have granted me a daughter. Your will is always meaningful. You know well that had it been a son it would have been lower than this daughter in nobility.” Then she added, “I have named her Maryam.[40] I seek from Your Holy Self to keep this girl and her progeny from the evil of the devil Satan.”

In view of the sincerity and firm desire of Hannah, Almighty Allah accepted her offer and adorned her daughter with all virtues of piety, chastity and modesty. God granted the noble lady, Maryam such a high rank the mention whereof will remain in the Bible and the Quran till eternity.

All of a sudden it struck to the mother of Maryam (through Revelation) that God had accepted her offering and had honored her exceptionally by allowing her daughter (in place of a son) to have the honor of serving the House of God. This revelation gave peace of mind to Maryam’s mother and

she very happily started to arrange the fulfillment of her pledge by dedicating her fortunate daughter to the House of God.

A few days thereafter she wrapped her daughter in a clean cloth and took her to the trustees of BaitulMaqdas who were from the progeny of Harun (a.s ). Entrusting the daughter to them she said, “Take this child in your custody because I had made a vow that I will give her away for serving the House of God.” Then she returned home.

The leading personalities of Bani Israel who were the trustees of BaitulMaqdas accepted the female child, which had been dedicated to the House of God. Then there arose a problem as to who from them would nourish the child. They held mutual consultations. Everyone wished to take the responsibility and they began to show their eagerness because the child was the daughter of Imran whom everyone among Bani Israel held high in esteem and everyone intended to get nearer to him.

At this point, Prophet Zakaria said, “I am the husband of Maryam’s aunt and therefore my right is more. This honor may be given to me.” But the elders did not accept this claim as no one wanted to miss the honor.

After long discussions it was agreed that arguments and counter arguments and claims upon claims would not solve the problem so they should instead draw lots. They decided to throw their pens in water with which they wrote the holy words of Torah and one whose pen does not sink would have the honor of maintaining and nourishing Maryam. Zakaria turned out to be that fortunate person. Being her aunt’s husband, Zakaria began take care of Maryam to the best of his ability.

The Quran mentions this as follows:

When a woman of Imran said: My Lord!Surely I vow to Thee what is in my womb, to be devoted (to Thy service); accept therefore from me, surely Thou art the Hearing, the Knowing.

So when she brought forth, she said: My Lord!Surely I have brought it forth a female- and Allah knew best what she brought forth- and the male is not like the female, and I have named it Maryam, and I commend her and her offspring into Thy protection from the accursed Shaitan.

So her Lord accepted her with a good acceptance and made her grow up a good growing, and gave her into the charge of Zakaria;[41]

When Maryam attainedpuberty she saw with wonder that she was quite different from other women of the world in that she did not have monthly periods; she was clean throughout the year. Ever since she had reached the age of understanding, she had passed almost all her time in worship. Her radiant face, her modesty and her symmetrical physique had made her very awful in the eyes of everyone. Her humility and righteousness had become the talk of the town. Every young and old, man and woman looked at her and referred to her with awful respect. Even the trustees of the BaitulMaqdas , including Zakaria, behaved with her with utmost respect. They considered themselves fortunate to accord respect and honor to Maryam.

When Maryam became major, Zakaria arranged for her a separate room on the first floor of BaitulMaqdas so that she may not have to mingle with males and that she may engage in her devotional occupations with maximum concentration. None was allowed to approach Maryam or to see

and talk with her. Only Zakaria could visit her, to look after her requirements.

One day when Zakaria entered the room of Maryam he was stunned to see some fruits before her, which did not appear to be the fruits of this world. He did not say anything. The next day also he observed the same phenomenon. Then he asked, “O Maryam! From where do you get this food?” Maryam replied, “These fruits have come from Almighty God. God grants limitless provision to whomsoever He wishes.”

According to the Quran:

Whenever Zakaria entered the sanctuary to (see) her, he found with her food. He said: O Maryam! Whence comes this to you? She said: It is from Allah. Surely Allah gives to whom He pleases without measure. [42]

Zakaria understood and he was quite convinced that Maryam had won the pleasure of her Lord and that she was higher in rank than all the women.So he paid even more respect and honor to her thenceforth. He considered himself very fortunate on this account.

Now came a time when angels began to visit Maryam and converse with her. One day when she was busy worshipping God, angels arrived and told her, “O Maryam! God has kept you clean and pious and grantedyou greatness over all other women of the world. O Maryam! Perform Prayer when others do so and remember Me in Supplications and bow and prostrate for Me.”

These are the events which show how a pious and modest teenaged girl attained spiritual ranks and became a darling of God and how a young daughter passed thirteen years in the House of God under the care of a prophet of God. This became a remarkable instance in human history. So, after 600 years, Almighty Allah retold this event to Muhammad (s.a.w.s .) saying:

This is of the announcements relating to the unseen, which We reveal to you; and you were not with them when they cast their pens (to decide) which of them should have Maryam in his charge, and you were not with them when they contended one with another. [43]

Jesus Christ : A Child Whose Birth Was MiraculousAnd Who Made A Revolution In His Youth Against Oppression

Maryam was passing her solitary life in a room of BaitulMaqdas engaged in God-worship. Thirteen years of her life passed away in this way. Now youth was approaching her speedily and her devotion to worship accompanied with her radiant face and noble form made her a daughter that was a model of morality for the entire world. At the beginning of the fourteenth year of her life some angels sent by God approached her and told her:

O Maryam, surely Allah gives you good news with a Word from Him (of one) whose name is the Messiah, Isa son of Maryam, worthy of regard in this world and the hereafter and of those who are made near (to Allah).

And he shall speak to the people when in the cradle and when of old age, and (he shall be) one of the good ones.[44]

When Maryam heard this unseenannouncement she prayed to God:

My Lord! When shall there be a son (born) to me, and man has not touched me? He said: Even so, Allah creates what He pleases; when He has decreed a matter, He only says to it, Be, and it is.

And He will teach him the Book and the wisdom and theTaurat and theInjeel .

And (make him) an apostle to the children ofIsrael : [45]

On that day when Maryam was taking bath at afar off place where sunrays were falling and which was closed in all directions. Suddenly she could see that a handsome elegant and shapely young man was looking at her standing in front of her. She was frightened and exclaimed fearfully, “I seek God’s protection from your evil. If you have any fear of God, do not stay here and return at once.”

That comely man told Maryam in reply, “Fear not for God has sent me so that I may gift you a pious son.” Maryam said, “How is it possible for me to get a son when no man has ever touched me nor am I a wicked woman.” The angel told her in response, “God has decreed it only due to these virtues of yours and it is easy for God to do so. God wants to give you a son in virginity and to make him His sign and that this may be a kind of mercy from God for people and God has already decreed it from the beginning.”

The Quran words this in the following manner:

And mention Maryam in the Book when she drew aside from her family to an eastern place;

So she took a veil (to screen herself) from them; then We sent to her Our spirit, and there appeared to her a well-made man.

She said:Surely I fly for refuge from you to the Beneficent God, if you are one guarding (against evil).

He said: I am only a messenger of your Lord: That I will give you a pure boy.

She said: When shall I have a boy and no mortal has yet touched me, nor have I been unchaste?

He said: Even so; your Lord says: It is easy to Me: and that We may make him a sign to men and a mercy from Us, and it is a matter which has been decreed.[46]

The angel disappeared after this short dialogue and Maryam became pregnant. When she came to know that she was carrying a child, she came out of her residence and camped at afar off place.Finally when she experienced labor pains she took shelter beneath a date tree, to get some comfort. She was full of anxiety and confusion. She was worrying about this event, which was quite abnormal and unnatural, and no one knew what and how all this happened. But when it will be known how would she make people believe the truth.

She was worrying what would happen to her when people who used to swear about her high morality will see that. She was asking herself as to what will be her reply to the people of Bani Israel and how she would defend herself against the onslaught of taunts which the Jews would hurl. When these thoughts overwhelmed Maryam’s mind, her eyes began to shed tears incessantly and she exclaimed, “Would that I had died before this and would that all had forgotten me forever and I would not have to see these days.” The Quran says:

So she conceived him; then withdrew herself with him to a remote place.

And the throes (of childbirth) compelled her to betake herself to the trunk of a palm tree. She said: Oh, would that I had died before this, and had been a thing quite forgotten![47]

At the moment when Maryam was experiencing extreme anxiety, worry and hunger and thirst had also weakened her terribly she heard a voice from beneath the tree, “O Maryam! Be not gloomy. God has sprouted a spring under your feet. Shake this tree so that God may make it drop fresh dates for you. When you eat these fresh fruits and drink this fresh water your eye will brighten and you will feel cool. Now the time has come for the birth of your baby. When he is born, take him up in your arms. If someone asks you as to wherefrom you brought it, you may tell him: I am on fast of silence today and cannot talk with anyone.

Quran describes this thus:

Then (the child) called out to her from beneath her: Grieve not, surely your Lord has made a stream to flow beneath you;

And shake towards you the trunk of the palm tree; it will drop onyou fresh ripe dates:

So eat and drink and refresh the eye. Then if you see any mortal, say:Surely I have vowed a fast to the Beneficent God, so I shall not speak to any man today.[48]

Maryam was the lady who had, by the Command of Almighty God, delivered a baby without even seeing the face of a husband, which indeed was mysterious.Moreover the newborn was as beautiful as a moon, clean, clear, washed with his umbilical cord already cut and he was also already circumcised.

Maryam who was then only thirteen years old embraced her newborn bud affectionately and went towards her village. After observing Almighty

Allah’s powerful miracle she had now become strong-hearted and all her worries were wiped out and she attained full peace of mind.

The narrative in Quran continues:

And she came to her people with him, carrying him (with her). They said: O Maryam! Surely you have done a strange thing. [49]

When she arrived in her village and people saw her with newborn child all of them rushed to her and gathered around her speaking bad words to the most virtuous and pious woman of the town. The word spread everywhere like wild fire and within no time and a big crowd of harsh-natured and merciless Jews confronted her. They were full of anger. Those who were the leaders addressed Maryam saying:

O sister of Harun! Your father was not a bad man, nor, was your mother an unchaste woman.

But she pointed to him. They said: How should we speak to one who was a child in the cradle?

He said:Surely I am a servant of Allah; He has given me the Book and made me a prophet;

And He has made me blessed wherever I may be, and He has enjoined on me prayer and poor-rate so long as I live;

And dutiful to my mother, and He has not made me insolent, unblessed;

And peace on me on the day I was born, and on theday I die, and on the day I am raised to life.[50]

Elsewhere the Quran justifies the fatherless birth of Isa (a.s ) in the following words:

Surely the likeness of Isa is with Allah as the likeness of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him, Be, and he was.[51]

This means if God can create Adam from dust without mother and father, can He not create Isa from the womb of his mother without a father? He is Omnipotent.

Anyway, the blessed birth of Isa (a.s ) was graceful and praiseworthy and he lived a noble life. God almighty had arranged from the unseen that no harm should visit him till he became twelve years old. During this little age he was holding serious discussions with great scholars of Bani Israel aboutTaurat with regard to bodily resurrection and accounting of deeds in the Hereafter.[52]

In the beginning, the scholars of Bani Israel, who were very proud of their intelligence and knowledge, felt insulted to talk with a young boy but by and by they began to be convinced that this twelve-year-old boy was full of high quality knowledge and was also very steadfast in his intentions; that he was quite different from other boys. His words and deeds were much higher in excellence than their scholars.

These discussions and dialogues proved very heavy for the Jew scholars. They became envious of him and got up not only to oppose him in every way but also to harm him seriously.Obviously the Jewish scholars had considered themselves to be the protectors of the religion of Prophet Musa. They were issuing commandments and were branding their own decisions the religion of Musa.Thus they were ruling over the community of Musa (a.s ). How could they tolerate a situation wherein in a twelve-year-old

should try to reform them and oblige them to listen to his words and follow him?

So when Isa saw that opposition to his propagation was intensifying and the misleaders of Bani Israel fanned fire of vengeance against him, he thought it not advisable to take further risks.So he left the limits of BaitulMaqdas and went out.

After sometime, God commanded him to announce hismessengership and prophethood.So he did accordingly. Then he raised his voice against the oppression and corruption spread by the Jews and rebelled against the wrong judgments and partial decisions of their courts. He took up the mission of guiding God’s creation and took steps to rejuvenate the religion of Musa (a.s ) by making efforts to issue orders and decrees according to the originalTaurat .

In his efforts for propagation of religion, Prophet Isa did not stay at any single place but continued to move from one place to another, inviting Bani Israel towards the religion of God and exposing those who were doing injustice to people to earn their own selfish material benefits. By and by a group of clean-hearted people entered his group and accepted his leadership. Among them were twelve persons who stayed with him all the time. All of them were intelligent, young and youthful men.

In those days Palestine was a very vast country, which included today’s Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. Palestine then wasupto the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Prophet Isa visited each and every place of this vast land. He recited before people the original commandments of Torah, which was revealed to Musa (a.s ) by God and called upon the masses to follow the religion of Musa (a.s ). He also pointed out to them what alterations were made by selfish persons and advised the masses against obeying the incorrect orders. In short, the youthful Isa raised his voice against the exploitation of the religion of Prophet Musa and spread God’s original commands throughout the vast territory of Palestine painstakingly.

The people of Bani Israel were totally hypocrites, pretenders, impostors and oppressors. They demanded that Isa (a.s ) should show miracles to prove the truth of his claim ofMessengership . So Almighty God gave miracles to Isa (a.s ) whereby he could restore health to the lepers and eyesight to born blinds. God also gave him the knowledge of the unseen whereby he could know what was being consumed and what was stored in the houses of the people.

Bani Israel could see that besides these miracles Isa had very strong arguments and his words were convincing logic, which no one could refute.Therefore it made them extremely angry and revengeful because they were losing their leadership and political power.So they decided to kill Isa (a.s ) with a view to ensure the continuance of their luxurious lives. Isa (a.s ) also knew their intentions.Therefore he went into hiding. The Jewish leaders sought the help of the Caesar of Rome who was then ruling Palestine. With his assistance the Jews spread a wide network of spies all around to find out Isa (a.s ). A selfish

Jew named Judas Iscariot, who was among Isa’s followers, informed the Jews where Isa was staying.

Bani Israel ’s intelligence personnel in charge of this task followed Judas rightupto the house where Isa was hiding. First Judas himself entered that house alone. But just see the Might of the Almighty God. He could not find Isa there. God had saved His messenger from being killed at the hands of the enemies. Isa (a.s ) was only thirty-two years old then.

Then Judas came out to tell the secret service men that Isa was not there. But the evil fellow did not know anything about Divine chastisement. God made him to look exactly like Isa before the eyes of the police.So they arrested him at once. Judas yelled and yelled that he was not Isa; that his name was Judas Iscariot that it was only he who had spied on their behalf and told them that Isa was hiding here. But no one listened to what he said. They dragged him to the gallows and hanged him in public.

The Jews thought for sure that they had crucified Isa and thus stemmed the rising influence of his propagation and his teachings. But they were in delusion (and will remain so forever) because the youthful and courageous Isa who was God’s prophet had foiled all of their devilish plans and had awakened the people.So with the passing of time his Book,Injeel , continued to be popular more and more and the awe of Jews went on decreasing.

After hangingJudas Iscariot the Jews understood and believed that they had killed Isa. So those among them who were extremely stone hearted and most mischievous hate-mongers uttered against Maryam a grievous calumny. And said:

Surely we have killed the Messiah, Isa son of Maryam, the apostle of Allah; and they did not kill him nor did they crucify him, but it appeared to them so (like Isa) and most surely those who differ therein are only in a doubt about it; they have no knowledge respecting it, but only follow a conjecture, and they killed him not for sure.

Nay! Allah took him up to Himself; and Allah is Mighty, Wise.[53]

People of the Cave

The Believing YouthsAnd Their Astonishing Life

One of the most interesting stories in the Holy Quran is the story of the People of the Cave. The Merciful Allah says to His Messenger, in SurahKahf :

Or, do you think that the Fellows of the Cave and the Inscription were of Our wonderful signs? [54]

Kahf means a cave; it was in the mountain calledRaqeem . This cave is situated in the outer part of the city ofAfsus to the north of Byzantine, which is now known as Turkey.

In those days KingDaqyanoos was ruling over this city. He was a merciless idol worshipper who honored temples very much. He was paying much attention to the protection and decoration of temples so that more and more people continue to indulge in idol worship. It was before the advent of Prophet Isa, the Messiah.

Despite all tight regulations imposed byDaqyanoos to ensure that no one ever dared to disobey him and to give up idol-worship, seven youthful handsome boys belonging to a noble family, in order to fulfill the demands of their high nature broke the chains of idol-worship. They stopped worshipping idols and began to worship Only One God, the Creator of the earth, the sky, the sun and the moon as well as the day and the night Who through this creation established His attribute of being Self Existent as all these creations were the brightest evidences of the Might of the Only One God. But because of the fear ofDaqyanoos , they could not announce that they believed in God the Great and had given up idol-worship.

It was this strong faith of these wise and intelligent youths due to which they could break social and tribal bondages. They kicked away the desire of name and fame and relied only on Truth and truthfulness. It was a very great and record braking eventful deed, which they did in that extremely dangerous atmosphere.

The city had plunged in the darkness of blasphemy and polytheism. Men and women were shamelessly taking baths in the waters of immorality. Oppression and injustice had clouded the entire atmosphere.Daqyanoos was forcing everyone to worship the deaf and dumb idols submissively. No one had any courage to disobey him. The decision of the small group of young men in such circumstances was indeed an indication of wonderful courage and steadfastness.

The young men wanted to hide their belief till the time they could get some more people having similar opinion butDaqyanoos become informed of their intentions. As this was an extremely wonderful and interesting story its description varied from mouth to mouth which was against truth to some extent so the verses through which Almighty God described it in the Holy Quran are thus:

When the youths sought refuge in the cave, they said: Our Lord! Grant us mercy from Thee, and provide for us a right course in our affair.So We prevented them from hearing in the cave for a number of years. Then We raised them up that We might know which of the two parties was best able to

compute the time for which they remained. We relate to you their story with the truth;surely they were youths who believed in their Lord and We increased them in guidance. [55]

Daqyanoos summoned the youths to his court and asked, “What is the matter with you? I have heard that you have stopped worshipping idols, which are gods. Are you worshipping any other deity?”

At this time Almighty Allah strengthened the hearts of the youths. They stood up fearlessly in front of the cruel king and said, “Our God is the God of the skies and the earth. We recognize no other God except the Only One God. This is truth. Everything else is untrue. O King! You see that our community does not worship the only true God. They are worshipping other gods and blindly following their forefathers. This is sheer ignorance. They have no clear evidence in support of idol worship.”

Daqyanoos could not give any logical answer to what the youths said. He also noted that they belonged to a great noble family of the city.So he granted them a day’s respite and said, “Return now and ponder over for a night about your future. Come here again after a day and explain your decision so that necessary action may be taken according to the prevalent law and political exigency.”

When the faithful and courageous youths came out of the cruel king’scourt they perceived risk to both their faith and their lives.So they left the city in the darkness of night and headed for a far off cave, which was already in their mind for hiding where they would be able to rest and think about future action in the light of Divine Revelation.

It was a silent and safe corner where they could live calmly. On their way to the cave they met a shepherd with his sheep. He also believed in idol-worship like all others in the society. They tried to guide that shepherd with their convincing arguments but he did not listen.

The youths then moved towards the cave. After a while one of them looked back and exclaimed, “Look, the dog of the shepherd is following us leaving his master.” They pelted him with some pebbles to drive it back but it made no difference and the dog continued to follow them. They feared that if the dog barked, it would draw the attention of other people.

But see again the Might of God. The animal spoke in human language, “O God-worshipping gentlemen! What will you gain by hitting me? Please do not fear me, as I will never be dishonest to you. I befriend the true friends of God. You may rest without worrying. I will keep a watch over you.”

Now it became quite clear to the youths that it also was a great mercy of God. Never mind if the shepherd did not respond to their selfless admonition here is a dog, which has heard the truth and accepted it. God Almighty guided it.So they took that dog with them, entered the cave and lay down to rest, as they were very tired. The dog also sat at the mouth of the cave putting its head on its outstretched paws keeping a watch.

Summary: The People of the Cave slept restfully. How long, do you think? How many days? How many weeks? How many years…? Three hundred and nine years! Verily God Almighty had decided to show an

example of His Might through these youthful and faithful companions who were shining brightly in a dark environment.

Almighty Allah proved that the One who can awaken people hale and hearty after a long sleep of 309 years could certainly make the dead rise after their long sleep and show them what they had done on the Day of Judgment. Verily He is Omnipotent. He kept that cave hidden from the eyes of the world for a long time.

On the otherhad , when kingDaqyanoos came to know that the rebellious youths had fled he sent nine fellows to find them out. The searched for nine years but could not reach the cave. They could not know what happened to the youths.

During this long period, sunrays used to enter that cave from its mouth.

And you might see the sun when it rose, decline from their cave towards the right hand, and when it set, leave them behind on the left while they were in a wide space thereof. This is of the signs of Allah; whomsoever Allah guides, he is the rightly guided one, and whomsoever He causes to err, you shall not find for him any friend to lead (him) aright. [56]

In this way the youths slept during this long period in which happened all that God wanted to happen. Light of the sun kept entering their cave from the right at sunrise and from the left at sunset. Its heat made them change sides in sleep, which in turn kept blood flowing in their veins.

When these youths woke up from their long sleep one of them asked the others: For how long have we slept here? All said: Maybe for a day or for some hours. Only God knows the best. But it is certain that we slept for quite a long time. But then they felt hungry and they put off the questioning about sleeping and said: Let one of us go to the city to bring some food. But he must take full precaution so that no one recognizes him because if we arecaught we will be either stoned to death or bound so tightly in the law that it will not be possible to be free.

One of them who had some coins headed for the city. But as soon as he entered the citylimits he saw that everything had changed. Roads, lanes, by-lanes, mansions, and buildings, nothing was as before. But since he was very hungry and had also to hide himself from the men ofDaqyanoos he paid least attention to all these changes in the environment.

The further he walked the more he observed with utter astonishment that the designs of all the new houses were also nicer and finer. Then he felt that people were staring at him with wonder.So he hastily brought out some coins from his pocket and handed them over to a shopkeeper asking for some food items. He was very anxious to return to his cave before anything detrimental occurred. The shopkeeper continued to stare at that youth for some time and his dress etc. Then his eye fell on the coins given by that youth, which made the shopkeeper all the more astonished.

He held the hand of the youth and asked, “Please tell me from where did you get these coins. If you have found a treasure, kindly let me also know and rest assured that the secret will remain between us.” The youth replied, “No, my brother! I have not found any treasure. This coin is with me since yesterday.” The shopkeeper exclaimed, “Dear friend! You are not telling the

truth. This coin is 300 years old.” It belongs to the time when KingDaqyanoos was ruling over this city.

These words of the shopkeeper shocked the faithful youth. Then he looked at his nails which had grown long and his beard and mustaches gone out of proportion. He concluded that something very unusual had happened and that Almighty God had caused all this in a very mysterious and miraculous manner and only He knew what was behind all this.

When the shopkeeper observed that the youth appeared verypanicky he consoled him and asked him to tell what had actually happened. The youth narrated everything. The shopkeeper was then fully convinced that this youth was indeed one of those seven faithful youths who had fled from the idolatrous tyranny ofDaqyanoos and who were never again seen by anyone anywhere but whose escape was recorded in history.So he ensured the youth of his safety saying that there was none namedDaqyanoos or his like to rule over them and that the king then ruling was a Christian, believing in the religion of Prophet Isa and that there was peace, prosperity and absolutely no cause for worry.

Then the news that the companions of the Cave who were missing had reappeared after three hundred years spread like wild fire all around. The king who also believed in Only One God and who had read in history about the seven monotheist faithful youths who had escaped the tyranny ofDaqyanoos also became very happy when he was informed that they had reappeared in his country. He called them respectfully to his court and gave them honor and inquired about the whole event. The youth narrated every detail to the new king and informed that he and his companions who were asleep in the cave calledRaqeem had woken up today from their 309-year sleep!

Hearing this miraculousstory the king and his high-ranking courtiers went to the cave to bring back the remaining six companions of the cave and to give them utmost protection and honor. Reaching the mouth of the cave the youth who had led the royal personnel entered the cave first and told his companion all that had happened after he had left them in search of food.

When his companions saw that over three centuries had passed and they had become totally alien and that Almighty God had already made them one of His signs, they prayed, “O Lord! Now lift us up (make us lifeless) so that we may not have to go to an alien society and that our faithful hearts may not become rusted with worldly desires.”

So it is Almighty Allah Who cautioned the world that He will definitely bring to life all the dead who too are sleeping (like those in the cave ofRaqeem ) and that all will have to account for their deeds on the Day of Resurrection.

Those who deny the Day of Judgment should know that God’s promise is true. When the king and the heads of his state saw that the faithful youths had alreadyexpired they thought it was of no use to take back their bodies. After consultation it was decided that a masjid should be built over there. The king constructed a mosque there.[57]