Portraits of Youths In Holy Quran and the History of Islam

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Portraits of Youths In Holy Quran and the History of Islam Author:
Translator: Sayyid Akhtar Husain S.H. Rizvi
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Islamic Personalities

Portraits of Youths In Holy Quran and the History of Islam

Author: Ayatullah Ali Dawani
Translator: Sayyid Akhtar Husain S.H. Rizvi
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

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Portraits of Youths In Holy Quran and the History of Islam
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Portraits of Youths In Holy Quran and the History of Islam

Portraits of Youths In Holy Quran and the History of Islam

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

Itab ibnUsaid : The Young Man Who Was AppointedAs The Governor Of Mecca By The Messenger Of Allah

The magnificent army of Islam entered Mecca in the eighth year of Hijrah to find that there was no opposition from the Meccans. They all surrendered themselves to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .). The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .) issued directions that the inhabitants of Mecca must not be harmed and none should cause any hurt to any Meccan. Seeing the good behavior of Muhammad, the people of Mecca accepted Islam and the surroundings echoed with the sound of “Allah-o-Akbar” (Allah is the Greatest). The Holy Quran has termed this a “manifest victory”. Till the eighth year of Hijrah, Islam had spread to every nook and corner of the Arab world. Only the polytheists ofTaif andHawazan had remained firm on their false beliefs. Now it was necessary to exterminate them and clean up all future risks from the path of Islam so that Hijaz can be purified of idols and idolaters forever.

Not a long time had elapsed after the conquest of Mecca, when the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .) ordered the valiant and fearless fighters of the Muslim army to march towardsHunain in order to put an end to the menace of the infidelity ofTaif andHawazin . Mecca had been conquered recently, and the army of Islam was leaving Mecca to march towardsHunain .Therefore it was necessary to appoint an able and a determined person to govern the affairs of Mecca so that none could create mischief in the near future.Also that same governor would assure that Islamic values and Islamic law is upheld in Mecca at all times to come because there was a great risk that mischievous people find disorganization and confusion and create such disruption that the newly converted Muslims may very soon renegade towards apostasy and the period of ignorance would be back in Mecca.

The Chief of Islam, Muhammad al-Mustafa selected a twenty-one-year-old youth, named IbnUsaid and appointed him as the governor, entrusting him with the affairs of Mecca.

It is noteworthy that a youth of twenty-one years was bestowed the governorship of Mecca. The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .) also advisedItab that he must pray with the people.Thus Itab became the first person to establish congregational prayers in Mecca.[105]

The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .) calledItab ibnUsaid and said, “Do you know what post has been entrusted to you? And over which community have you been made a ruler? You are appointed as the ruler and governor over the people of the sanctuary of Allah and the holy town of Mecca. If I had found anyone more worthy than you among the Muslims, I would have definitely given the rulership and administration of Mecca to him.”

At the time the great leader of Islam, Muhammad al-Mustafa gave the command of Mecca toItab ibnUsaid when he was only twenty-one.[106]

When this young man was given such a great and important post, a wave of shock and discontent passed through the nobles of Mecca. They began to remark how Muhammad could appoint a person who has just stepped into youth, as a ruler over the people of Mecca while there were many qualified,

able and senior leaders present? They alleged that Muhammad actually wanted the historical town of Mecca to remain backward and underdeveloped and that is why he has entrusted the administration of Mecca to an inexperienced and immature youth. When these talks reached the ears of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .) he wrote a long letter to the nobles of Mecca. Therein he explained in detail the capability, qualifications and suitability ofItab ibnUsaid . He also reiterated that it was the duty of the Meccans to obeyItab ibnUsaid and do exactly as hesays . In the end the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .) replied to their objections in brief:

“None of you has the right to object against the young age ofItab ibnUsaid because greatness and excellence do not depend on seniority of age. Rather the criterion of human greatness and excellence is spirituality.”[ 107]

The firmness of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .) on his decision of appointingItab ibnUsaid as the governor of Mecca and his justifications to those aged nobles of Mecca who objected against this appointment proves that Islam has always favored and trusted fresh blood to lead the affairs of the community. Islam has always encouraged and trusted the new generation.

This revolutionary method of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .) and his unflinching support forItab ibnUsaid is noteworthy for all Muslims that they must always fight with their words and actions, ignorance, mindless bigotry and groupism and governance and rulership should be given to the qualified and worthy youths of the community so that it can benefit from the young generation.[108]

Mu’az ibn Jabal : A Knowledgeable Young Man Who Was AppointedAs A Judge In Yemen

Mu’az ibn Jabal belonged to a renowned family of BaniKhazraj in Medina. His name is written with illuminated ink in the list of the youths of Islam. He had accepted Islam through the influence of the teachings of Musab ibn Umair. He was the one at the forefront of demolishing the idols deified by his tribe.

Mu’az ibn Jabal created a special place for himself in the rows of Muslim youths due to his ability, qualities, sincerity and truthfulness. After a year he accompanied Musab ibn Umair to Mecca and met the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .) at the place ofUqbah . He was only twenty or twenty-one years old during the Battle of Badr. He also participated in other battles and fought under the command of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .).Mu’az ibn Jabal received instructions in the teachings of Islam from the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .), the leader of Islam, and he was considered among the important companions of the Prophet. He was a youth who was highly respected among the Arabs due to his presence of mind, eloquence, knowledge and sincerity.

His elegant appearance, good habits and charity increased the beauty of his personality. His teeth were like pearls, his eyes were magnetic, and he had luxurious black hair and a fair complexion.Mu’az , who had a very generous disposition, used to fulfill the needs of all those who sought his help. While his friend circle was widening and his fame was spreading swiftly there was a demand from the Muslims and army men that an able, knowledgeable, intelligent and qualified person be sent to Yemen to teach them about Islam and Islamic laws.Thus the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .) sentMu’az ibn Jabal to Yemen to discharge two responsibilities. One was the duty of propagation of religion and the other was to collect whatever funds could be gathered and send them to Medina to fulfill the requirements of the needy.

He was such a beneficial youth that it is mentioned in his biographical account that when he was in Medina, he used to arrive in the Mosque before the call for prayer and pray behind the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .) and then he used to return to his relatives and establish prayer among them. He performed the duty of leading congregation prayer among his clansmen.

Thus Mu’az ibn Jabal departed for Yemen. He had to discharge the dual duty of governorship and jurist.Therefore he had the position of an intellectual and a ruler. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .) told him that he must teach the army men the fundamentals of religion and the Quran. He also had to collect the Zakat funds and send them for spending on the Muslims. At the time when the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .) was sending thistwenty-nine year old young man to Yemen he asked, “OMu’az ibn Jabal! If a claimant comes to you for legal recourse what judgment would you give?” “I would deliver the judgment in the light of the Holy Quran,” repliedMu’az .Again the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .) asked him, “What would you do if you don’t find the judgment in Quran?”Mu’az replied, “I would act on the way the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .) has done, and deliver the judgment

according to that.” Once more the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .) asked, “What if the solution is not found even in my practice?”Mu’az said, “In such a situation I would myself do Ijtihad (Derive the law).” The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .) stroked the chest ofMu’az and said, “I thank Allah that the replies ofMu’az have pleased me.”

When the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .) passed away from this world,Mu’az ibn Jabal was in Yemen. Abu Bakr approved the governorship and juristic post ofMu’az in Yemen, but during the caliphate of Umar he was ordered to go to Sham where he expired in the 18th year of Hijrah.

A noteworthy point in the life history ofMu’az is that when this young man who was appointed by the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .) on an important post and was asked about the method of judgment he presented such a reply that it served as a cornerstone for the jurisprudents who were to come in the future at all times. That they must derive the laws of Shariah either from the Quran or the Sunnah of the Prophet or they must employ reason and logic to reach the correct solution.”

It is enough to prove the merit ofMu’az ibn Jabal that he was having such a deep knowledge about the mechanics of Islamic jurisprudence.[109]

Hanzala Ibn Aamir : He Was Such A Determined Lad That He Exchanged His Bridal CouchFor The Bed Of Martyrdom

Sometimes a green shoot sprouts even from a rock and vegetation grows in arid and salty lands once in a while. Who can understand the perfect power of Allah? He created the living from the dead and the dead from the living.

It is possible that believing children are born to polytheist and infidel parents, which is not beyond the power of Almighty God…Abu Aamir was a Christian and he was a friend of AbdullahUbayy the greatest hypocrite in the history of Islam. He was among the most powerful nobles of Medina. During the period of ignorance (Jahiliyya ) Abu Aamir was famous by the title of “the Monk” (Rahib ).Hanzala was the son of this fellow.

When the propagation of Islam initiated by the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .) enveloped the whole of Medina, Abu Aamir consulted AbdullahUbayy , the hypocrite to find out a way to counter Islam because the fire of animosity and jealousy flamed in the hearts of both these men. Today we find that the hidden enemies of Islam have laid traps all around to cause harm to this one and only true religion of God. However, such elements came into being since the early days of Islam in the form of Abu Aamir and AbdullahUbayy .Thus the duo of Abu Aamir, the monk and AbdullahUbayy the hypocrite were potentially very dangerous to the Muslim community. Let us study this situation in brief.

The two claimed to be the most respected personalities of Medina. They had also deviated some of the people of their tribes from Islamic faith. Whatever they claimed about their religion and beliefs used to be opposed to reality. They only exhibited their fraud and deceit in the circle of Islam and that is why they were labeled as hypocrites in the history of Islam. Also, it was regarding these fellows especially that the Almighty Allah revealed the Quranic chapter of ‘Munafiqoon ’, on His beloved Messenger. The Surah exposed the machinations of such hypocritical elements in the Islamic society. The Quran denounced them and prophesied that they belong to the lowest compartment of Hell. AbdullahUbayy had outwardly accepted Islam but Abu Aamir remained firm on his original faith. He never gave up intrigue and conspiring against Islam. When the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .) had gone on the expedition of Tabuk, these two fellows built a mosque of their own and invited people to attend therein. That is, they had opened a shop of their own posing as a mosque in competition of the Prophet’s mosque.

When the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .) returned from the Battle of Tabuk and was informed about this mosque he immediately ordered that this center of mischief and corruption must be demolished and razed to dust.Thus that so-called mosque was razed to the ground. When Abu Aamir learnt that his life was in danger, he fled to Mecca and united with Abu Sufyan. He was present in the Battle ofUhad in the 3rd year of Hijrah. Then he returned to Mecca. Later he migrated to Byzantine lands and was favored by the Roman King,Hebeclus , and lived in great comfort and luxury. When

he died in the 9th year of Hijrah the King transferred all his property to his companion,Kinana AbdulYalil .

As mentioned before, Abu Aamir had a son namedHanzala , who was exactly opposite of his father. He was a sincere and devoted youth of the Muslim community. When Abu Aamir fled to Mecca,Hanzala married Jamila, the daughter of AbdullahUbayy , the hypocrite. The amazing thing about this episode is that though their fathers were deadly foes of Islam, this young couple was absolutely devoted to Islamic values and imbued with the teachings of Quran. They were prepared to give any sacrifice for the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .) and the manifest religion of Islam.

The intrigue and fraud of AbdullahUbayy had reached such a level that outwardly he claimed to be a Muslim and mingled with the other Muslims, but he secretly contacted the Jews of BaniNuzayr and BaniQuraiza and leaked the secrets of the nascent Muslim community. He used to instigate the Jews to organize a new confrontation against the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .). He used to hatch new plotseveryday and even on the day Muslims were departing for the Battle ofUhad he absented himself and instigated 300 Muslim soldiers to defect towards hypocrisy. All these people were double-faced. That is,apparently they were something and in reality they were altogether different. Due to his instigation those three hundred militiamen refused to go to the battle. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .) was compelled to take the battleground with only 700 soldiers. By this AbdullahUbayy intended to weaken and defeat the power of Muslims. This backstabbing was aimed at the destruction and annihilation of Islam.

Hanzala had married Jamila on the very day the battle was announced. After his weddingHanzala came to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .) and sought his permission to participate in Jihad. The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .) accorded him the permission. WhenHanzala was leaving the next day, his wife asked him to swear before four women of the Ansar community that he has married Jamila and spent the previous night with her.Thus it was to announce that Jamila was the wife ofHanzala and no more a virgin. The aim in taking four women as witnesses was that the testimony of two women equals that of a man.

Thus Hanzala left his house early the morning next day. Since no water was available for the ritual bath after sexual intercourseHanzala departed for the battlefield in a condition of ritual impurity (Janabat ), though he was very much ashamed to do so. When he arrived in thebattlefield he saw Abu Sufyan astride a horse with the polytheistic people surrounding him from all sides.

Hanzala attacked with great ferocity and determination and slashed at the legs of Abu Sufyan’s mount. The legssevered, the horse came to the ground bringing with it Abu Sufyan also. But he got up quickly and began to flee.Hanzala chased him but someone shot a spear at him that pierced his back. Though injured,Hanzala wanted to finish off his quarry but the spear had gone very deep and his strength was seeping away.Thus the valiant youth fell down in the vicinity of the corpses of other martyrs like Hamzah and Abdullah IbnHazm .Finally this newly married youth embraced martyrdom and bid adieu to the transient world.

The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .) has said that he saw the heavenly angels giving bath toHanzala with the water of heaven. That is why from that momentHanzala came to be referred as the “one bathed by the angels”.

Yes, this was a youth who belonged to the family of Abu Aamir, the monk who was such a valiant young man and had such deep regard for the religion of God that he gave up the pleasures and comforts of his newly married life and departed for the battlefield early the next morning even though he could not obtain water to perform the ritual bath. Thus, what is so amazing if he was martyred in the way of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .) and given a ritual bath by the angels with heavenly water?

Later, the people inquired with Jamila the widow ofHanzala what the matter was. Why she had persuadedHanzala to make a statement in the presence of four women? Jamila said, “When the dawn was about tobreak I dreamt that the sky had split, and thatHanzala was entering through this gap. When he went inside, the gap closed. I concluded from this vision thatHanzala would be martyred. I askedHanzala to make the statement so that if I were widowed people would know that the child that would be born to me was fathered by my husband,Hanzala .”[ 110]

After that episode the days passed away soon and a male child was born to Jamila, whom she named Abdullah. In the year 63 Hijrah, Abdullah ibnHanzala was sent by the people of Medina to Sham, where he saw that the most corrupt man in the world, Yazid ibnMuawiyah was occupying the throne. Yazid was engrossed in different types of vices and sinful activities.

Taking note of the situation he returned to Medina and exhorted the people of Medina to rise up in revolt against the government of Sham. They broke up the chains, opened the prison gates and freed the prisoners. They demolished some of the prison buildings also. When Yazid was informed of this he dispatched a huge army against Abdullah ibnHanzala in Medina to suppress the revolt. Abdullah ibnHanzala was killed in this battle and the revolt of Medina ended.[111]

Usamah Ibn Zaid : Commander-In-ChiefOf The Largest Army Of Islam

Haritha was a Syrian who followed the Christian faith. He belonged to an affluent family. Zaid was his son. He had just entered his youth when one day he accompanied his mother on a journey to visit some relatives. On the way they were waylaid by some bandits who kidnapped him and sold him as a slave in the market ofUkaz . Hakim ibnHazm purchased him for Khadijah, his paternal aunt. When Khadijah married the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .) she gifted Zaid to him.

According to historians Zaid was the second person after Ali (a.s ) to accept the Islamic faith. On the otherhand Haritha was in search for his son when someone informed him that Zaid was in Mecca. When Haritha came to Mecca to take away his son, Zaid, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .) also did not object and he said that Zaid could go with him if he so liked. However, Zaid was not prepared to go with his father. Haritha also permitted him to remain with the Prophet and himself returned to Syria. Later, the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .) proposed the marriage of Zaid with the daughter of his paternal aunt, Zainab. The two were married in the due course.

But this marriage did not last long, because Zainab considered herself from the nobility of Mecca and she was since day one not agreeable to marry Zaid who was a mere slave. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .), time and again urged them to mend their differences and lead a peaceful married life but all this did not have much effect on Zainab. At last Zaid could not bear the sharp tongue of Zainab anymore and came to the Prophet and requested him toeffect their divorce so that he could attain some peace.

Thus, the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .) had them divorced and after the stipulated waiting period married Zainab himself. This was so because the Prophet himself was the initiator of the marriage of Zaid and Zainab. Secondly it was a sort of recompense for Zainab. Also, since the Prophet was the son of the maternal uncle of Zainab the relationship between the families also survived the crisis. Zainab’s objection was also addressed since the Prophet belonged to the nobility of Mecca.

After that the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .) married Zaid toUmme Aiman , one of his maidservants.Umme Aiman was an understanding and an accomplished lady. The marriage proved successful to both the spouses and they began to live a happy and peaceful life.Umme Aiman gave birth to a male child whom Zaid namedUsamah .[112]

Usamah belongs to the group of those young men who were born at the time of the birth of Islam in Mecca. He was a capable, intelligent and an accomplished young man.

In the battle ofMuta when Ja'farIbn Abi Talib was martyred, according to the directions previously issued by the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .) the leadership of the Muslim army fell on Zaid. Zaid engaged the foes in a fierce contest but at last he was also martyred. After the martyrdom of Zaid, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .) dispatched an army against the Romans under the command ofUsamah to avenge the death of his father, Zaid. This is a

brief account of history so far. Now listen to whatFalsafi says about what happened after that:

In the final days of his life in the world, the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .) persuaded the Muslims to fight a war against the powerful country of Byzantine. He organized a huge army and it included the great warriors, stalwarts and battle-hardened officers. Commanders and powerful chiefs of the Ansar and Muhajir communities were also a part of this army. In otherwords there was no person of any importance among the Arabs, who was not enrolled in this army.

On the day the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .) went outside Medina to inspect the army he saw a gigantic and magnificent host ready to defend religion. Seeing the magnificence of the militia, it was necessary for the Prophet that he appoints an able and intelligent commander to lead the army who was qualified to head such a dangerous expedition. The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .) summonedUsamah ibn Zaid and entrusted him the command of the army, handing him the standard of Islam and putting the whole army in his charge.

A noteworthy point here is thatUsamah was only eighteen years of age at that time.[113] Though I have no right to say that such an example is not found in the history of mankind, at least I can say that such examples are very rare when a youth of eighteen has commanded an army of thousands.

Today in the civilized world it has become common for young people to be appointed to important posts. This is so because their intelligent and integrity is found worthy of such responsibilities. Yet we cannot as yet imagine a youth being appointed the chief of Army of the American nation or a European country to lead an expedition against a powerful enemy having all the latest weapons and training.

The Prophet of Islam (s.a.w.s .) established such an example that it continues to inspire the world even today. It is a very important lesson in support of the youth, which helps in garnering the capabilities and intellects of young people for profitable ends. What is noteworthy is that the huge Byzantine army was poised for attack and on the other hand the standard of the army of Islam was in the hands ofUsamah , a lad of eighteen.

The best of the trained warriors who had passed through the most difficult circumstances in the wars of Islam, and defeated the machinations of the foes and those military chiefs of Islam, who had broken the strength of the enemies with great courage, valor and fearlessness and those Arab stalwarts who had fulfilled the most difficult conditions in the propagation of Islam through the perfection of their abilities, now all these experienced personnel had enrolled for this expedition due to the prophetic command and they were now under the control and command ofUsamah , the commander-in-chief of the army.

This matter of subordination to a youth of eighteen was very distasteful for them and they had to bear it without being able to raise any objection against it. The Prophet’s decision that the standard bearer of the army would beUsamah , a boy of eighteen was beyond imagination.Thus the majority of the leaders were shocked at this and they looked at the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .) in bewilderment. Some of them were such that they lost the ability

to digest this decision and they spoke up whatever lay hidden in their hearts: What is this? Those emigrants who were in the forefront in the battles of Islam and who also acted upon the principles and laws of Islam, how can such seniors be put under the command of an eighteen-year-old boy?

When the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .) heard about the discontent and whisperings among the military chiefs he was very angry. He mounted the pulpit and after due praise and glorification of the Almighty said:

“O people! What types of objections am I hearing from your side against the appointment ofUsamah ibn Zaid as the commander? These ridicules and criticisms from your side are not new. When some years ago I appointed Zaid ibn Haritha, the father ofUsamah as the leader, the same types of objections were raised. I swear by the Almighty that at that time also Zaid ibn Haritha was the most capable and qualified person for commanding the army and his sonUsamah also is the most capable and qualified for leading the army. A sort of revolt has begun to simmer in the ranks. You must obey him.”

The persuasion of the Prophet and his support of the young generation affected the people and the bias they had towards the youthful generation was removed gradually. In the due course they began to regret their mistake.

Abu Ayyub Ansari, one of the best companions of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .), who had always followed and always claimed loyalty to Islam, participated in many battles and proved his unflinching support for the religion of God, he refused to participate in only this expedition. Only for the reason that the standard bearer and the commander-in-chief was a youth of lesser years.

After some years Abu Ayyub was remorseful of this. All the time he remained restless due to his opposition and sighed in regret: What my end would be? What right did I have to question the appointment of the commander-in-chief? Why did I oppose the leadership of this youth?[114]

The confirmation and emphasis of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .) on the appointment ofUsamah as the chief and the commander that all the Arab people may gather under his charge is a very important topic in the history of Islam that invites contemplations of all those who possess reason. At that time the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .) was indisposed and was passing the last days of his worldly life. When Abu Bakr and Umar came to visithim he was very angry with them and he said, “Go, go, go to the army ofUsamah ! Curse of Allah be on one who agrees for the battle but avoids joining the army ofUsamah .”

Taking leave of the Prophet when Abu Bakr came toUsamah’s army, it was ready to move. They were waiting for the final news from Abu Bakr who said that the army had to march forward. The army thus departed for Syria but when it reached there Abu Bakr deposedUsamah and appointed Yazid Ibn Abu Sufyan at the command.

When the deposedUsamah returned to Medina he stoodbesides the Prophet’s mosque and announced in a loud voice, “O people ofMedina ! It was only yesterday that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .) had appointed me as the commander and the standard bearer of the army. And today he is opposing

the orders of the Prophet and trying to impose his orders on me! He has deposed me from the commandership of the Islamic army.”[ 115]

Youthful personalities

FromThe Time Of The Holy Imams Till The Occultation Of The Last Imam

In this part, first of all I would mention the period in which the luminous faces of the holy personalities had illuminated the world. After that we would throw some light on the life of some of these personages and then move ahead. We would also write therein, about the brilliant personalities, firm like rocks, who were the ardent followers of the Holy Imams.

In this section we shall write about those young personalities who are considered the successors of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .) by the Shia people of the world.

Guides of Islam

Those Who FulfilledThe Responsibility Of Guiding The People When They Were Of Young Age

We consider ourselves as Shias; that is the followers of the family of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .). We accept the Imams ofAhle Bayt as our guides and leaders with textual and intellectual proofs. The history of Islam without any difference of Shia and Sunni has proved clearly that these Holy Personalities were the most excellent and superior personalities of their times from every aspect.

They possessed to the level of perfection all the qualities that are required in a leader and guide like knowledge and intelligence, piety and excellence, determination and faith, patience and forbearance. That is all the praiseworthy qualities were present in them. It is not only the claim of Shias, but all the scholars of Islam are unanimous on this. Self-respect, nobility of character, generosity and charity, eloquence, trustworthiness and justice are the hallmarks of the People of the House of infallibility and purity. When the general populace of Islam sees thesequalities it is compelled to respect and honor them. Both friends and enemies are compelled to humble themselves before their lofty manners.

The Imams ofAhle Bayt were having the most perfect personalities from both the physical and spiritual aspects. A fact that becomes apparent from this subject is that all the Imams were similar in lineage, character, thinking, speech and actions, without any difference whatsoever. Extremism and conservativeness had no role in their families. They all walked on the path of equity and moderation in every circumstance and in all matters. They were sober in all aspects of sleeping, eating, dressing, speaking and thinking etc. They were disciplined also in all these matters, and they were exactly similar to each other. The miracle of their personality was that if one of their enemies aimed to discreditthem he himself became the target of that calumny.

Though the Holy Imams were endowed with infallibility and were so excellent due to their divine station and heavenly status but the atmosphere of their homes was such that all those who were bred and brought up in them exhibited the most perfect qualities, nobility of character, knowledge and sobriety. Their faces showed the excellence of their beings.

For example, there was none among them who had any bodily defect. All were of good disposition, elegant, strong and of moderate physique. Are all these not the signs of the training and nurturing of the family of the Prophet of Islam? Who can refuse that all those who belonged to this household had their names written in golden letters in the pages of history?

The Imams ofAhle Bayt always lived in the same way whether before or after attaining the office of Imamate. Even before getting the position they always acted in a kind and amicable way. They possessed the same elegance; attraction and the same nobility that even the enemy could not claim that they had a particular defect or weakness before becoming Imams. Their discussions with different types of people, their easy answers to difficult questions are all recorded in books. Only these examples of lofty

character have testified forus, whose practical and theoretical value is such that no sight could even reach their high status.

For the information of our readers we give below the names of the twelve leaders of Islam and their age at the time of attaining Imamate. So that it can be seen at what young age our Infallible Imams performed, not those great feats, but rather fulfilled the duties of Imamate which is a heavenly office bestowed by the Almighty.

Amirul Momineen Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s ) 32 years

Imam Hasan (a.s ) 37 years

Imam Husain (a.s ) 47 years

Imam AliIbnul Husain (a.s ) 23 years

Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s ) 38 years

Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s ) 31 years

Imam Musa al-Kazim (a.s ) 20 years

Imam Aliar -Reza (a.s ) 35 years

Imam MuhammadTaqi (a.s ) 8 years

Imam Ali Naqi (a.s ) 8 years

Imam Hasan Askari (a.s ) 22 years

Imam-e-Zamana (a.s ) 5 years

When these great personages occupied the office of Imamate it was a time when the majority of Muslims were such that the ability of guidance, faith and rightful justice had died in them. The religion of the Prophet’s period had changed and was distorted. Many evils like oppression, corruption, moral ills, materialism etc. that were against Quranic teachings were growing and spreading in all the Islamic lands.Actually that age was also like the present time and it was the prevalent view that religion was not an aim but a channel to achieve an aim. On the basis of this, the Islamic society of that time had gone much ahead in seeking material wealth and worldly posts and positions.Thus they had completely forgotten the role of the family of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .), their capabilities and spirituality. On the otherhand the ruling powers were also trying to assure that people do not follow in the footsteps ofAhle Bayt because the lives of the purified Imams was the source of every excellence and the mirror of all the great human qualities.

In conclusion we can say that though twelve centuries have passed the Islamic world had not produced equals of these purified Imams. Because if there had been anyone theirequal he would certainly have found a mention in history.

The above was a brief discussion regarding the young age and youth of the Holy Imams. We have dealt this topic with utmost brevity though volumes could have been written on this subject.

Imam Hasan and imam Husain : ChiefsOf The Youths Of Paradise

The noteworthy point about Imams Hasan and Husain (a.s ) is that at the time of the passing away of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .) they were aged seven and six years respectively. There was not even a difference of a year between their ages.However the two Imams have narrated innumerable traditions from the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .). Their childhood memory, their trustworthiness, intelligence and integrity in correctly narrating the traditions show that these personalities possessed a heavenly disposition. Although they were with the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .) for only a few years.

Whatever Imam Hasan (a.s ) heard from his maternal grandfather in the Prophet’s Mosque, he returned home and narrated it to his mother, Fatima Zahra (a.s ). One day she was asked how she comes to know about everything the Prophet said in the Mosque? She replied, “My son, Hasan returns from the Mosque and relates to me whatever my father has mentioned.”

One day Ali (a.s ) sat in a room in the house in such a way that Imam Hasan (a.s ) could not see him while Ali (a.s ) could hear what he said. As was his practice, Imam Hasan (a.s ) came home and his mother asked him what the Prophet had said in the Mosque that day? Imam Hasan (a.s ) began to narrate but he stammered now and then. Fatima asked him why he was stammering. He replied, “May be one who is senior to me is listening to my words.” Ali (a.s ) came out of the room, embraced Hasan and kissed his forehead and cheeks.[116]

Abdullah Ibn Abbas narrates that one day he went to the residence of Ali (a.s ) in the company of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .). The Prophet called out but there was no response from within. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .) entered the house and sat down in a room. Ibn Abbas also sat near him. Soon, Imam Hasan (a.s ) entered and the Prophet called him, kissed his forehead and inhaled the smell. Then embraced him and said, “This son of mine is a master.”

A personality develops according to the atmosphere at home, training and upbringing. How should one behave with children, how to speak tothem. Even the subtle ways of embracing and releasing are such that leave imprints on the minds of children. Neglecting the children and snapping at them creates defects in their habits.

What is so surprising if it is said about Hasan and Husain (a.s ) that they are the Chiefs of the Youths of Paradise? Are they not the ones whose maternal grandfather was the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .), their father Ali al-Murtada and their mother, Fatima Zahra (a.s )?[117]

In all the heavenly religions present in the world there is special mention of Paradise as a reward in perfection of life and everlasting success.Thus the follower of every religion cultivates a good character and perfections so that his desire for Paradise is fulfilled and he may create a place for himself in the rows of the inmates of Paradise.

According to the Muslim faith, Paradise is a place where all the comforts and facilities of life are available. An inmate of Paradise remains pleased and satisfied from all aspects. Grief and unhappiness do not come near him. He does not have to exert himself and old age does not exist there. The fact is that Paradise is the recompense of the good deeds one performs in this world. All the inmates of Paradise would be healthy and youthful. In otherwords we can say that Paradise is a place, all of whose residents are youths.

Does the tradition of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .) not imply that Hasan and Husain are the Chiefs of all the people ofParadise ? Because all the inmates of Paradise would be in their youth.

The childhood of Hasan and Husain (a.s ) also was an expression of righteousness and guidance. Their personality in childhood could be estimated to some extent from the incident quoted below:

It was a Friday. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .) was delivering the sermon from the pulpit. At that very moment drumbeats sounded indicating the inauguration of a new market. All the newly converted Muslims present in the mosque rushed out on hearing the drumbeats, ignoring the sermon of the quoted from Sunni sources Prophet. The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .) continued his sermon but only eight people remained in the mosque: Ali, Fatima, Hasan, Husain, Salman Farsi, AbuZar ,Miqdad andSuhaib . Fatima Zahra was listening to the sermon of her father from behind a curtain.

At that momentJibraeel descended with revelation and said, “O Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s .)! The Almighty Allah says: O My beloved! If these eight persons had also gone with those people, such a flash of lightning would have struck Medina that none of its inhabitants would have remained alive.”[ 118]

In the Battle ofSiffin , Hasan and Husain (a.s ) were present in the service of Imam Ali (a.s ). When Imam Hasan (a.s ) took up the sword and attacked the enemies, Ali (a.s ) told his companions to stand before him and restrain him lest he is martyred in that battle and the progeny of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s .) becomes extinct.[119]

In the Battle of Jamal, Imam Ali (a.s ) summoned Muhammad IbnHanafiyyah , handed him the sword and told him to go and slash the legs of Ayesha’s she-camel. So that if Ayesha were to fall to the ground, the heat of the battle could cool down and these foolish people would survive the massacre.However on the opposite side the rows of army were defending with such dexterity that Muhammad IbnHanafiyyah was compelled to return.

Imam Hasan (a.s ) took up the sword from MuhammadHanafiyyah and stepped into the battlefield. He cut through the rows with a speed of lightning till he reached the she-camel of Ayesha. Then he immediately cut off the legs of the animal. When Imam Hasan (a.s ) returned victorious, the face of the battle had changed completely and the routed army gave up the fight. In this way the Battle of Jamal reached its conclusion.

MuhammadHanafiyyah put his head on his knees and expressed regret that hewere unable to perform the task entrusted by his father,Amirul Momineen (a.s ) looked at Muhammad IbnHanafiyyah and said, “O my son! Do not be displeased with the victory of Hasan, because he is the son of Fatima and you are only my son.[120]