Al-Muraja'at: A Shi'i-Sunni Dialogue (also known as 'The Right Path')

Al-Muraja'at: A Shi'i-Sunni Dialogue (also known as 'The Right Path')0%

Al-Muraja'at: A Shi'i-Sunni Dialogue (also known as 'The Right Path') Author:
Translator: Yasin T. al-Jibouri
Publisher: Imam Husayn (as) Islamic Foundation Beirut
Category: Imamate

Al-Muraja'at: A Shi'i-Sunni Dialogue (also known as 'The Right Path')

Author: Sayyid 'Abd al-Husayn Sharaf al-Din al-Musawi
Translator: Yasin T. al-Jibouri
Publisher: Imam Husayn (as) Islamic Foundation Beirut

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Al-Muraja'at: A Shi'i-Sunni Dialogue (also known as 'The Right Path')
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Al-Muraja'at: A Shi'i-Sunni Dialogue (also known as 'The Right Path')

Al-Muraja'at: A Shi'i-Sunni Dialogue (also known as 'The Right Path')

Publisher: Imam Husayn (as) Islamic Foundation Beirut

Letter 11

Thul-Qi’da 1329

I Admiring Our Clear Texts,

1) I have been honoured to receive your highly­esteemed letter which I found to be authentic in its mainstream, comprehensible. You have filled your bucket to the brim. The flood of your eloquence has surmounted the highest peaks. I have scrutinized your letter very carefully, and I have found you to be far in vision, firm, strong in argument, outspoken.

II Wondering at Compromising Them With the Majority's Beliefs,

2) Having deeply considered your argument and dug deep into your proofs, I found myself in a very dangerous situation: When I look into your proofs, I find them convincing. When I consider your explanations, I find them indicative. When I look at the Imams of the Purified‘itra , I find Allah and His Messenger commending their status, highlighting its greatness and prestige.

Then when I look at the majorty of Muslims, who represent most of this nation, I find them differing from Ahl al­Bayt, contrary to the obligation of those proofs. Now I find myself to be split in two parts: one part of me yielding to the proofs, while the other seeking refuge with the majority of Muslims. I have submitted the first to you to lead: it is tame in your hands, while the other has stubbornly rejected you.

III Asking for Clear Signs from the Book.

3) Could you please, therefore, overcome the latter's stubbornness with convincing proofs from the Book which could curb it and divert it from yielding to the common beliefs? Peace be with you.


Letter 12

Qur'anic Proofs

Thul-Qida 1329

You, praise to Allah, have studied the Book thoroughly, becoming acquainted with both its obvious and implied meanings. Has there been anyone praised therein like the Purified‘itra ? Have its perfect verses described any as "purified from all uncleanness"42 other than them?

Has the verse of Purification been revealed in honour of anyone else?43 Has the perfect Revelation commanded love for any others?44 Has Gabriel brought the verse of Mubahala in praise of anyone else?45

Has "Hal Ata" been revealed in praise of others? No! I swear

By the Lord Who rightly used it for them, Who is right and fair.46

Are they not "Allah's Rope" concerning whom He has said:

"Hold together to Allah's Rope and do not be divided (Qur'an, 3:103)" 47 ?

And "the truthful" concerning whom He has said:

"Be ye all with the Truthful (Qur'an, 9:119);"48

"Allah's path" about which He has said:

"Do not follow different paths else they should divert you from Allah's path (Qur'an, 6:153)," 49

the ones

"entrusted with authority among you (Qur'an, 4:59),"


the "custodians of Revelation" about whom He says:

"Ask the custodians of Revelation when you do not know (Qur'an, 21:7)," 51

the believers about whom He says:

"Whoever differs from the Messenger, after guidance has been made clear to him, following paths other than those of the Believers, We shall leave him in the path he has chosen and place him in Hell, what an evil refuge (Qur'an, 4:115)," 52

and the "guides" about whom He says:

"You are a warner, and for each nation there is a guide"?


Are they not among those upon whom Allah has showered His blessings and to whom He has referred in the Fatiha and the Glorious Qur'an saying

"Guide us unto the Right Path, the Path of those whom You have blessed," 54

and He has also said:

"These are with those whom Allah has blessed from among the prophets, the truthful, the martyrs and the righteous (Qur'an, 4:69)"? 55

Has He not granted them the general authority? Has He not confined it only to them after the Prophet? Read:

"Your Master is Allah and His Messenger and the Believers who uphold prayers and pay zakat even while prostrating; whoever takes for Master Allah and His Messenger and the Believers, then the Party of Allah are indeed the victorious (Qur'an, 5:58)." 56

Has He not made salvation for those who repent and do good deeds dependent upon accepting their guided authority, saying:

"I am most Forgiving for those who repent, believe, do good deeds, and received guidance (Qur'an, 20:82)" 57

Isn't their wilayat part of the "trust" about which the Almighty says:

"We offered the trust unto the heavens, the earth, and the mountains, but they all refused to bear it out of extreme fear, then man bore it: he is most unjust, most ignorant (Qur'an, 33:72)" 58

Have they not been the "peace" wherein Allah has commanded everyone to enter, saying,

"O ye who believe! Enter in peace all of you, and do not follow the steps of Satan (Qur'an, 2:208)" 59 .

Are they not the "blessing" concerning whom Allah the Sublime has said,

"You will be questioned on that Day about the Blessing (Qur'an, 102:8)" 60

Has not the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) been commanded to convey all of this? Has Allah not emphasized conveying it in such a language which sounded like threatening, saying,

"O Messenger! Convey that which has been revealed unto you, and if you do not do it, then you have not really conveyed His Message at all, and Allah shall protect you from (mischievous) people (Qur'an, 5:70)"? 61

Has not the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his progeny, conveyed it on the Ghadir Day, having reached its plains and delivered the Message, whereupon Allah revealed this congratulating verse:

"Today have I completed your religion for you, perfected My blessing unto you, and accepted Islam as your religion (Qur'an, 5:4)"? 62

Have you noticed what your Lord did with the person who openly denied their authority saying, "O Allah! If this Message is truly from Thee, then let stones fall upon us63 like rain from the skies, or cause a severe torment to befall upon us"? Allah hurled a Sijjil stone at him as He had done with the Fellows of the Elephant. He revealed these verses on that occasion:

"A person questioned about a penalty to befall the unbelievers which cannot be warded off: (a penalty) from Allah, Lord of the Ways of Ascent (Qur'an, 70:1­2)."

People will cetainly be questioned about such authority when they are resurrected as indicated in the explanation of the verse saying:

"And follow in their footsteps, for they have the authority (Qur'an, 37:24)." 64

There is no room to wonder any longer, then, especially when we discern the fact that their authority has been sanctioned by Allah unto people through His prophets, providing proofs and arguments for it, as indicated by the explanation of His saying:

"And ask the Messengers whom We sent before thee (Qur'an, 43:45)." 65

Nay! Allah has even taken for it a promise on the Day of Alasto from the souls of His creatures even before creating their physical forms, as referred to in this verse:

"When thy Lord drew forth from the children of Adam - from their loins - their descendants, making them promise, asking them: ‘Am I not your Lord?' They said: ‘Yes! We testify!' This is so lest you should say on the Day of Judgment: ‘Of this we were never mindful (Qur'an, 7:172)'." 66

Through their intercession has Allah granted forgiveness to Adam who learned the words of repentance referred to in Chapter 2, Verse 37, of the Holy Qur'an.67

"Allah does not expose them to torture,"


for they are the security of the inhabitants of earth and mankind's means towards Him. They are the ones of whom people are jealous and about whom Allah says:

"Should they feel jealous of them because Allah Has granted them His favours (Qur'an, 4:54)"? 69

They are the ones who are "deeply grounded in knowledge" about whom He says: "Those who are deeply grounded in knowledge say:

‘We believe (Qur'an, 3:7)!"


They are the ones who will be upon the Heights and to whom Allah refers when he says,

"Upon the Heights are men who know all by their marks (Qur'an, 7:48)." 71

They are the men of truth about whom He says:

"Among the Believers are men who fulfilled their promise unto Allah; some of them have passed away, while others are waiting, and they have not changed in the least (Qur'an, 33:23)." 72

They are the ones who glorify Allah continuously. About them He has said:

"He is Glorified in the early morning and during the night by men who are not divered, by either trade or selling, from mentioning Allah, the saying of prayers, or the paying of zakat: they fear the Day when hearts and sights are overturned (Qur'an, 24:36­37)." 73

Their houses are the ones mentioned in Allah's verses saying:

"In houses which Allah permitted to be elevated and His Name be recited therein." 74

Allah has made their niche, in Surat An-Nur (Qur'an, 24:35),75 an example for His own Light:

Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The parable of His Light is a niche, within it is a Lamp: the lamp is enclosed in glass; the glass is as (bright as) a brilliant star lit from a blessed tree, an olive, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil is well­nigh luminous, though fire scarcely touches it: Light upon Light! Allah guides whom He will to His Light: Allah sets forth parables for men, and Allah knows all things.

They are the foremost in accepting the faith and implementing it, and they are the nearest to Allah, as He indicates in Chapter 56, verses 10 and 11.76 They are those who testify to the Prophet's truthfulness (Qur'an, 4:69).77 They are the martyrs and the virtuous. Regarding them and their followers has Allah said:

"Among Our creation is a nation calling unto the right guidance through the truth, and they are most just therein" (Qur'an, 7:181). 78

Also, Allah has said the following about their party and about that of their enemies:

"Inhabitants of the Fire are not equal to those of Paradise: inhabitants of Paradise are the victorious." 79

About both parties He has also said:

"Should We treat those who believe and do good deeds as We treat those who cause corruption on earth, or should We equal the virtuous to the corrupt (Qur'an, 38:28)?" 80

He has also said the following verse concerning both parties:

"Do those who commit bad deeds surmise that We will treat them like We treat those who believe and do good deeds, in life and in death? Ill is their judgment." 81

About them and their supporters He has said:

"Those who believe and do good deeds are the best of creation (Qur'an, 98:7)." 82

About them and their adversaries Allah has said:

"These are two opponents who differed regarding their Lord: those who disbelieve will be clothed with clothes of fire: boiling liquid shall be poured on their heads (Qur'an, 22:19)." 83

Regarding them and their enemy, Allah has revealed these verses: "Is this who has been a believer like unto him that who has been an evil­doer? They are not equal. As for those who believe and do good deeds, their abode shall be Perpetual Gardens, a reward for their good deeds. As for those who cause corruption, their abode is Hell-fire; every time they want to get out of it, they are turned back into it and is said to them:

‘Taste the torment of the Fire in which you disbelieved (Qur'an, 32:19­ 20).'" 84

Concerning them and those who boasted of providing water for the pilgrims and looking after theHaram mosque, Allah has revealed this verse:

"Do you count the providing of the pilgrims with water and the maintenance of the Haram mosque equal to (the value of) those who believe in Allah and the Last Day and fight in the Way of Allah? They are not equal in the eyes of Allah, and Allah does not lead the wrong­doers (Qur'an, 9:19)." 85

About their triump in many trials and the magnitude of their patience, the Almighty says:

"Among people is one who sells his life in return for Allah's Pleasure; Allah is Clement towards His servants (Qur'an, 2:207)." 86

Regarding their endeavour in the way of Allah and their toil, Allah has said:

"Allah has traded the believers' lives for Paradise: they fight in the Way of Allah and they kill or get killed. It is His true Promise in the Torah, the Gospel and the Qur'an: who fulfills his promise better than Allah? Rejoice, therefore, for your bargain; that is the great victory. Those who turn (to Allah) in repentance, worship Him, and praise Him, wander in devotion to the Cause of Allah, bow down and prostrate in prayer, enjoin goodness and forbid evil, and observe the limits set by Allah (they do rejoice). So, proclaim the glad tidings to the Believers (Qur'an, 9:111­112)."

"Those who (in charity) spend of their possessions by night and by day, in secrecy and in public, have their reward with their Lord: on them there shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve (Qur'an, 2:274)." 87

They truly say only the truth. The Truthful Himself, blessed be His Name, has borne witness to that, saying:

"Those who have brought forth the truth, believing therein, are indeed the God­fearing (Qur'an, 39:33)."88

They are the faithful relatives of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh), his kinfolk, whom Allah Has chosen for His beautiful care and great attention, saying:

"And warn your near in kin (Qur'an, 26:214)."

They are his relatives, and

"Relatives have the priorities according to the Book of Allah" (Qur'an, 8:75; see also 33:6).

On Doomsday, they will ascend to his rank and join him in the perpetual gardens of felicity as witnessed by Allah's statement:

Those who believe and whose families follow them in faith - to them shall We join their families: We shall never deprive them (of the fruit) of aught of their deeds, (yet) each is in pledge for his deeds. (Qur'an, 52:21 )89

They have the right dues as the Qur'an has stated:

"And give the near in kin his dues (Qur'an, 17:26),"

and they have the fifth: nobody's responsibility will be cleared until he defrays it:

"Know ye this: whatever ye obtain of spoils, its fifth goes to Allah, the Messenger, and the (Messenger's) kinfolk (Qur'an, 8:41)."

They are the ones upon whom Allah's favours have been bestowed as implied in this verse:

"What Allah has bestowed on His Apostle - (and taken away) from them - for this ye made no expedition with either cavalry or camelry, but Allah gives power to His apostles over any He pleases, and Allah Has power over all things (Qur'an, 59:7)."

They are Ahl al­Bayt addressed by Allah thus:

"Allah desires to remove all abomination from you, Ahl al­Bayt, and purify you with a perfect purification (Qur'an, 33:33)."

They are the family of Yasin whom Allah greets in the Glorious Qur'an thus:

"Peace be unto the family of Yasin (Qur'an, 37:130)."


And they are the family of Muhammad upon whom greetings and peace have been enforced by Allah Who says:

"Allah and His angels send greetings unto the Prophet: O ye who believe! Send greetings unto him and many salutations (Qur'an, 33:56)." 91

Some people asked the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny,

"O Messenger of Allah! We know how to greet you with peace, but how can we greet you with prayers?" He, Allah's peace and blessings be upon him and his progeny, answered, "Say: ‘O Allah! Send blessings unto Muhammad and the family of Muhammad,'" according to thehadith . It was then understood then that greeting them was part of the prayers enjoined by this verse. This is why learned men have included the verse quoted above among others in their praise. Ibn Hajar has listed it in part 11 of hisAl-Sawa’iq al-Muhriqa among verses in their praise,92 peace be upon them. A good resort for them and a good reward: Gardens of Eden with gates wide open to receive them.93

Who can compete with them? In the sun is meaning and heat,

Parching, exerting the one who dares to compete.

Allah has chosen them for His favours, and they are the ones who are faster than all others in doing good deeds; they inherit the Book of Allah; about them He has said the following therein:

"Among men is one who wrongs his own self (by ignoring the Imams), and one who seeks righteousness (by following the Imams), and one who is faster than others in doing good deeds by the Will of Allah (who is the Imam himself): this indeed is Allah's great favour (Qur'an, 35:32)." 94

These verses which demonstrate the Imams' virtues and merits must suffice. Ibn ‘Abbas has said:

"In praise of ‘Ali alone, three hundred verses were revealed."


Others say that one fourth of the Holy Qur'an has been revealed in their praise. This comes as no surprise when we consider the fact that they and the Qur'an are twin brothers who do not separate from one another.

Be satisfied for now with what we have stated here of the perfect verses of the Holy Qur'an. Take them easily going and returning, making the advent of morning beams, easily and nicely, forgiving and at ease, from someone very well acquainted therewith, for none can tell you better than one endowed with experience, and peace be with you.



Letter 13

Argument Regarding These Traditions Weak

Thul-Qi’da 1329

May Allah bless your hand and pen! How elevated their pages above the position of that who challenges and opposes! How defensible their wise writings against the sight of the critic and researcher! Their pages struggle towards one destination, going along an aimed path, in a purposeful way. Their arguments do not come across the hearing of the wise without reverberating in acclamation.

Concerning your latest letter, its torrent has been overflowing, over­brimming, supported by perfect verses and worthy proofs, with your own self coming thereby out of the charge put forth against you without committing any shortcoming in whatever entrusted to you. Whoever challenges you is bad in argument, stubborn, arguing about falsehood and acting like the ignorant.

Your opponents, however, may argue that those who narrated these verses supporting your argument are Shi’a, and these cannot be relied upon by the Sunnis. What would your answer, therefore, be? Please kindly provide it, if you will, and please do accept my thanks. Peace be with you.


Letter 14

Thul-Qi’da 1329

I Fallacy of Opponent's Argument,

1) Our answer is that the argument of such opponents is wrong. It is baseless because of the fallacy of its minor and major arguments.

As for its minor argument, that is, the claim that "Those who narrated the verses concerning your argument are Shi’a" is obviously false as testified by reliable Sunni authorities who recorded their statements in the meaning which we have stated. Their musnads testify to the fact that they are even more in number than Shi’as, as we explained in our book Tanzilul Ayat al­Bahira, in our chapter titled "Virtues of the Purified‘itra ." You may also refer to Ghayatul Maram which is widely circulated throughout the Muslim world.

As for the major one, that is, the claim that Shi’as are not regarded by Sunnis as reliable (in narratinghadith ), its fallacy is even more obvious than that of the minor one. Sunni Musndads bear testimony to this fact, and the authorities they relied upon are full of Shi’a names.

Take, for example, their sixsahih books and others which use them as their authorities, the latter being charged by those who attribute to them deviation from the Right Path, stamp them with the stamps of "Rafidis" and "deviators." To them have they attributed extremism, fanaticism, and deviation from the Path.

Among Bukhari's mentors are Shi’a men who have been charged with being "Rafidi" and stamped with hatred; nevertheless, this has never made Bukhari nor others doubt their fair­mindedness. The latter relied upon them even in thesahih books feeling very comfortable with doing so. So; will the opponents who say that "Shi’as are not relied upon by Sunnis" find a listening ear? Of course not!

II Opponents do not Know Shi’as,

2) Such opponents, however, are ignorant. Had they known the truth, they would have come to know the fact that Shi’as have followed in the footsteps of and have emulated the Purified‘itra . Their manners are the‘itra 's; therefore, everyone they relied upon is unmatchable in truthfulness and trustworthiness. Unmatchable are their reliable heroes in piety and caution.

There are no peers for them among their dependable dignitaries in their forsaking the pleasures of this world, in their piety, worship, good manners, self­discipline, self­denial, and self­criticism. Nobody can equal them in ascertaining facts and looking for them with extreme care and moderation.

Had the opponent assessed their value, just as it is in reality, he would have put his confidence in them, entrusting his affairs to them. But his ignorance of them has made him wander at random about them like one riding a blind animal in a dark night.

He would charge the trustees of Islam such as Muhammad ibn Ya’qub al­Kulayni, and a truthful among Muslims like Muhammad ibn ‘Ali ibn Babawayh al­Qummi, and a mentor of the nation such as Muhammad ibn al­Hasan ibn ‘Ali al­Tusi.

He would belittle their sacred books which are the custodians of the knowledge of the family of Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and them, doubting their mentors who are the pioneers of knowledge and the ones who equal the Holy Qur'an and who have dedicated their lives to promote the teachings of Allah, the Sublime, the Almighty, His book and His Messenger, peace be upon him and his progeny, and the Imams of Muslims and their commoners.

III Distinction of Emphasizing Illegality of Falsifying Hadith.

3) Both righteous and vicious individuals have equally come to know how these virtuous men judge the case of telling lies. Thousands of their books curse lying, labelling falsification ofhadith as sins punishable by Hell-fire. They are distinguished by their judgment of intentional falsification ofhadith . They have considered it to break the fast, requiring both compensation and penitence from the person who commits it during the month of Ramadan, and they also require the same for whatever causes the breaking of the fast.

TheirFiqh andhadith are very clear in this regard; therefore, how can anybody charge their narrators while they are the good, the virtuous, the ones who spend the night praying and the day fasting? Since when have the virtuous among the followers and supporters of Muhammad's family been charged, while the Kharijis, Murji'is and Qadris have not? What other than obvious enmity and ugly ignorance?

We seek refuge with Allah against forsaking us, and from Him do we seek help against the bad consequences of injustice and oppression. There is no might nor power except in Allah, the Sublime, the Almighty, and peace be with you.



Letter 15

Thul-Qi’da 1329

I A Flash of the Truth,

1) Your latest letter has been perfect in organization, clear in expression, sweet, great in benefit, easily accessible, vast in sphere, far­sighted, well­supported. I have looked into it keenly, and from among its contents indications of your success have flashed, and signs of your victory shone.

II Requesting Details on Sunnis Relying on Shi’a Authorities.

2) When you stated that Sunnis rely on Shi’as, however, you were very brief. You did not elaborate on your statement in this regard. It would have been better had you mentioned those men by their names and quoted Sunni texts indicating that those men were Shi’as and that they nevertheless relied on them. Could you please provide it so that the flags of truth may be seen and the lights of certainty shine? Peace be with you.
