Stories of Bohlool

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Stories of Bohlool Translator: Kubra Jafri
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Stories of Bohlool

Translator: Kubra Jafri

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Stories of Bohlool

Stories of Bohlool


Stories of Bohlool

A biography and stories from the life of Bahlool, the companion of the 7th Imam (a), who in order to hide his love for the Imam acted as if he was insane.

Translator(s): Kubra Jafri

Table of Contents

Dedication. 4

A Little About Bahlool 5

Bahlool and the Khalifa's Food. 7

Bahlool Sits on Haroun Rashid's Throne 8

Bahlool and a Businessman. 9

Bahlool With His Friend. 10

Bahlool and the Sage in Haroun Rashid's Court 11

Bahlool Criticizes Haroun. 12

Bahlool's Discussion with a Faqih. 13

Bahlool and a Slave who was Scared of the Sea  15

Haroun Asks Bahlool a Question. 16

Haroun Asks Bahlool for Advice 17

Bahlool's Advice to Fazl bin Rabi' 18

Fazl bin Rabi' Builds a Mosque 20

Bahlool and a Thief 21

Haroun Asks Bahlool Another Question  22

Bahlool's Gift to the Khalifa. 23

Bahlool and Haroun. 24

Bahlool and Another Thief 25

Bahlool and the Amir of Kufa. 26

Bahlool and a Vizier 27

Haroun Questions Bahlool About Hazrat Ali 28

Bahlool Sells Paradise 30

Haroun Rashid's Anger and Bahlool's Forgiveness 31

Bahlool, a Bundle, Barley Bread, and Vinegar 32

Bahlool's Advice 33

Haroun and a Fraud. 34

Haroun Rashid and a Hunter 35

Haroun Rashid's Question About Ameen and Mamoon  36

Bahlool's Conversation with Abu Hanifa  38

Haroun Rashid's Questions and Bahlool's Answers 39

Haroun Rashid Gives Bahlool A Reward  40

The Effect of Bahlool's Du'a. 41

Bahlool Criticizes Abdullah Mubarak  42

Bahlool Meets Shaykh Junayd. 44

Bahlool and Haroun Rashid Go to the Public Bath  46

Bahlool and a Judge 47

Haroun Questions Bahlool About Wine 48

Bahlool Instructs a Friend. 49

Bahlool and the Astrologer 50

Bahlool and a Charlatan. 51

Bahlool is Questioned About Hazrat Loot 52

Bahlool is Questioned About Shaitan. 53

Bahlool and a Slave 54

Bahlool and Haroun Go Hunting. 55

Bahlool and a Landlord. 56

Bahlool and a Book of Philosophy. 57

Bahlool and an Inspector 58

Bahlool's Decision. 59

Bahlool and a Traveler 60

Bahlool's Decisive and Silencing Reply  61

Bahlool Goes to the Public Hot Bath. 63


In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

This book is dedicated to the memory of my father, Syed Qasim Hasan Jafri, who inspired me to translate the original work, which was in Urdu.

Kubra Jafri

A Little About Bahlool

Bahlool was born in Kufa and his real name is Wahab bin Amr. Haroun Rashid feared for the safety of his Khalifate and kingdom from the 7th Imam Musa Kazim (A.S.); therefore, he tried to destroy the Imam. Haroun thought of a trick by which he could kill the Holy Imam.

He put the blame of rebellion upon the Imam and demanded a judicial decree from the pious people of his time--which included Bahlool. Everyone gave the decree except Bahlool, who opposed the decision. He immediately went to the Imam and informed him of the circumstances, and asked for advice and guidance. Then and there the Imam told him to act insanely.

Because of the situation, Bahlool acted insanely by the Imam's order. By doing this, he was saved from Haroun's punishment. Now, without any fear of danger, and in amusing ways, Bahlool protected himself from tyrannies. He insulted the notorious Khalifa and his courtiers just by talking. Nevertheless, people acknowledged his superior wisdom and excellence. Even today many of his stories are narrated in assemblies and teach the listeners valuable lessons.

According to a more popular tradition, some of the Holy Imam's companions and special friends came to him because the Khalifa was angry with them, and asked him for advice. The Imam answered with the sole letter (jim) ; all of them understood that that was it and asked no further questions.

Each person understood the Holy Imam's advice in his own different way. One person took (jim) to mean (jala watan) --exile. Another thought of (jabl) --mountain. Bahlool took it to mean (jinoon) --insanity. This is how all of the Imam's companions were saved from calamity.

Before becoming insane, Bahlool lived a life of influence and power, but after obeying the Imam's order, he turned his face away from the majesty and splendor of the world. In reality, he became crazy over Allah. He dressed in rags, preferred desolate places over Haroun's palaces, lived on a bite of stale bread. He did not accept favors from or depend upon Haroun or those like him. Bahlool considered himself better than the Khalifa and his courtiers because of his way of life.

(A Poem)

Those with kingly temperaments deserve respect from

the chiefs of the kingdom.

This is a ragged king whose slaves are great and powerful

kings like Jamsheed and Khaqan.

Today he overlooked the goodness of this world, tomorrow

he will not even give importance to Paradise.

Don't look scornfully at these beggars with no shoes on their feet!

They are dearer to wisdom than eyes which shed tears from

fear of Allah.

If Adam sold Paradise for two grains of wheat, then truly know

that these people will not buy it for even one grain.

Bahlool was sincerely devoted to Allah; he was an intelligent and virtuous scholar. He was the master of the mind and manners; he spoke with the best of answers ready on his lips; he protected his faith and the Shariah.

Bahlool became insane at the Imam's command for the love of Ahlul Bayt, and so he could enforce the rights of which they had been wronged.

There was no other way for Bahlool to protect his life. For example, Haroun told his vizier, Yahya bin Khalid Barmaki, that listening to the words of Imam Jafar Sadiq's student Hisham bin Hikam --who proved Imam Musa Kazim's Imamate-- was more dangerous to him than 100,000 swords. Haroun said, “Even then it amazes me that Hisham is alive and I am in power.”

Haroun planned to kill Hisham. Hisham learned of this and fled from Kufa, and hid in a friend's house, but after a short while he died.

Bahlool and the Khalifa's Food

It is said that Haroun Rashid sent some food to Bahlool. His servant brought the food to Bahlool, put it in front of him, and said, “This is the Khalifa's special food, he has sent it to you to eat.”

Bahlool placed the food in front of the dog that was sitting in the ruins of the place. The servant screamed, “Why did you give the Khalifa's food to the dog!”

Bahlool said, “Be quiet! If the dog hears that the Khalifa sent this food, it won't eat it either.”

Bahlool Sits on Haroun Rashid's Throne

One day Bahlool arrived at Haroun's palace and saw that the throne was empty. There was no one to stop him, so he unhesitatingly and fearlessly went and sat in Haroun's place. When the court slaves saw this, they immediately started whipping him and took him off the throne. Bahlool started crying. Haroun came and saw this; he asked those nearby why Bahlool was crying. A slave told him the whole story. Haroun scolded them and tried to cheer Bahlool up.

Bahlool said he wasn't crying at his condition, but at Haroun's condition. “I sat on the seat of Khalifate wrongfully for a few seconds and received such a beating and endured such misfortune; but you have been sitting on this throne all your life! What troubles you must receive, yet you still don't fear the consequence.”

Bahlool and a Businessman

One day a Baghdadi businessman met Bahlool and said, “Sir Shaykh Bahlool! Give me advice as to what I should buy that would benefit me most.”

Bahlool replied, “Iron and cotton.”

The man went away and bought a lot of iron and cotton and stocked them. After a few months, he sold them and gained a lot of profit. Again he met Bahlool and said, “O Crazy Bahlool! What should I buy that would profit me?”

This time Bahlool told him to buy onions and watermelons. The businessman went and bought his entire savings worth of onions and watermelons. Just a few days later, they all rotted and caused a lot of harm. He immediately sought out Bahlool and said, “ When I first asked you for advice, you said buy iron and cotton. I profited a lot from this, but the second time what kind of advice did you give me! All my wealth was destroyed!”

Bahlool said, “The first day you addressed me as Shaykh Bahlool, and since you addressed me as an intelligent person, I advised you according to my wisdom. The second time you called me Crazy Bahlool, so I advised you like a crazy person.”

The businessman was ashamed of his behavior and understood Bahlool well.

Bahlool With His Friend

One day a friend of Bahlool's took some grains to grind at the mill. After grinding them, he loaded them on his donkey and started home. Near Bahlool's house, his donkey began limping and fell. He called Bahlool and said, “ Give me your ass so I can take my bundle home.”

Bahlool had taken an oath that he would not give his donkey to anyone, so he said, “I don't have a donkey.” But then a donkey's bray was heard.

The man said to Bahlool, “You have a donkey but you said you didn't.”

Bahlool replied, “You are a strange and stupid friend. Even though we have been friends for fifty years, you don't listen to me, but you listen to an ass.”

Bahlool and the Sage in Haroun Rashid's Court

Haroun sent for a certain sage of Greece. When he came, Haroun greeted him with majesty, splendor, and respect. For a few days court rulers and the great men of Baghdad came to see this philosopher. On the third day Bahlool also went with some people. In the middle of the formal and petty talk, Bahlool suddenly asked him, “ What kind of work do you do?”

The sage was aware of Bahlool's insanity, so he wanted to make him look like a fool. He answered, “I am a philosopher and I awaken the dead (people's minds).”

Bahlool replied, “Don't kill those (minds) that are alive (by giving wrong ideas). Reawakening the dead (people's minds) is your compensation for that.”

Haroun and his courtiers laughed a lot at Bahlool's answer, and the sage shamefully left Baghdad.

Bahlool Criticizes Haroun

One day Bahlool was near Haroun. He said, “O Bahlool! Criticize me.”

Bahlool said, “O Haroun! If there is no water in the desert, you are attacked by severe thirst, and near death; what would you give for one gulp of refreshing water?”

“Gold dinars.”

“What if the master of the water does not agree to give water for dinars? Then what will you give?”

“I will give half of my kingdom.”

“After drinking the water, you get that illness in which you can't urinate. Now what will you give that One Who will cure this illness of yours?”

Haroun answered, “ The remaining half of my kingdom.”

Bahlool said, “Then don't give importance to this kingdom for it is not worth more than a drink of water. Isn't it proper that you do good with Allah's creations?”

Bahlool's Discussion with a Faqih

It is said that a famous Faqih of Khorasan came to Baghdad. When Haroun heard of this, he invited the Faqih to his court. He was respectfully welcomed and was seated next to Haroun and treated very importantly by Haroun. During their conversation, Bahlool arrived. Haroun told him to take a seat. The Faqih took one look at Bahlool and said to Haroun, “The Khalifa's favors and likes are strange that he likes an ordinary man and seats him close to himself.”

Bahlool understood that the Faqih was talking about him, so with all his might he turned to that man and said, “Don't be arrogant about your worthless knowledge, and don't judge my looks. I am ready to debate with you and prove to the Khalifa that you don't know anything.”

The Faqih replied, “I have heard you are insane and I won't have anything to do with crazy people.”

“I confess my insanity, but you don't acknowledge your misunderstanding.”

Haroun Rashid looked at Bahlool angrily and told him to be quiet, but Bahlool didn't listen to him and said, “If that person is so confident about his knowledge, then he should debate.”

Haroun said to the Faqih, “What is the difficulty? Ask Bahlool some question.”

He replied, “I am ready on one condition, which is that I will ask Bahlool something. If he gives a correct answer, I will give him 1,000 dinars (gold coins). If he can't answer, he will give me 1,000 dinars.

Bahlool said, “I don't have anything of worldly wealth, not even gold dinars, but I am ready; when I answer your question, I will take the money and distribute it among paupers. If I can't answer, then I will attend to you as a servant and slave.”

The man accepted these conditions and asked Bahlool, “In a house a wife is sitting with her lawful husband. In that house one person is praying Salat (prayer) and another is fasting. Someone from outside enters the house. Because of his coming, the husband and wife become unlawful for each other, the prayers and fasts also become unlawful. Can you tell me who is the person that came?”

Bahlool immediately answered, “The man that entered the house was the woman's first husband, who had gone on a journey. When a very long time had passed since he left, and news was received that he had died; according to the permission of Shariah, the woman married the man sitting next to her. She hired two people; one to fulfill her dead husband's overdue, unfulfilled prayers, and another to fulfill tardy fasts. During this time the man who had gone on the journey returned, although news of his death was widespread. Therefore, the other husband becomes unlawful as do the prayers and fasts.”

Haroun and those present became confident and praised Bahlool for solving the problem correctly. Then Bahlool said, “Now it's my turn to ask a question.”

The Faqih said, “Ask.”

Bahlool asked, “I have one jar of honey and a second full of vinegar. I want to prepare the refreshing drink Sikanjebeen. I fill one bowl with honey

and another with vinegar. To make Sikanjebeen, I mix them both together. Afterwards I see that there is a mouse in it. Can you tell me if the mouse was in the honey or the vinegar jar?”

The Faqih thought for a long time, but was unsuccessful in answering.

Haroun said to Bahlool, “Now, you give the answer.”

Bahlool replied, “If this person accepts his inferior knowledge I will answer the question.”

Helpless, the Faqih confessed his inferiority.

Bahlool replied, “We should take the mouse out, wash it with water, and after it is cleaned of honey and vinegar, cut its stomach open. If the stomach contains vinegar, then believe that it fell in the vinegar jar. If it contains honey, accept that it fell in the honey.”

The entire assembly was astonished at Bahlool's intelligence and knowledge, and praised him a lot. The Faqih bowed his head, and according to the deal, Bahlool distributed the 1,000 dinars amongst Baghdad's poor.

Bahlool and a Slave who was Scared of the Sea

A Baghdadi merchant was sitting in a ship with his slave, and they were going to Basra. Bahlool and some others were also in this ship. The slave started crying because he was afraid of the ship's turbulent movements. All the travelers became annoyed at this. Bahlool asked the slave's master permission to quiet him by some advice. The merchant agreed. Bahlool immediately gave the order to throw the slave into the sea. His command was carried out. When the slave was near death, he was rescued. After that experience, the slave quietly sat in a corner of the ship.

The travelers asked Bahlool the reason why this act quieted the slave. Bahlool replied, “This slave didn't know how comfortable this ship was or what greatness and value it held. When he was thrown into the sea, he understood that this ship is a comfortable and relieving place.”

Haroun Asks Bahlool a Question

One day Haroun was intoxicated and was sitting in a place on the corner of the river, busy watching the spectacle being made by the water waves. Meanwhile, Bahlool arrived. Haroun gave a drunken laugh, and then gave Bahlool a happy, warm welcome, and ordered him to sit down.

A little while later Haroun said, “ Bahlool, today I am going to ask you a matter. If you give the right answer I will give you 1,000 Dinars; if you can't answer, I will give the order to throw you from this palace into the river.

Bahlool said, “I don't have any need for the Dinars, but I will accept your offer on one condition.”

Haroun accepted so Bahlool said, “If I correctly answer your question then you must free 100 friends of mine that are in your prison; if I don't answer correctly, you have the right to throw me in the river.”

So, Haroun asked, “If I have one goat, one wolf, and a bundle of grass, and I want to get them one by one from this side to the other side of the river; then in which order should they be taken so that the goat can't eat the grass and the wolf can't eat the goat?”

“First leave the wolf and take the goat across the river. Then come back and take the grass, leave it there, but bring the goat back. Now leave the goat here and take the wolf to the other side. Leave it there, come back alone, and then take the goat. This way one by one, they can all be safely taken across the river. Neither will the goat eat the grass, nor will the wolf eat the goat.”

Haroun exclaimed, “Bravo! You gave the correct answer.”

Then Bahlool told the names of his 100 friends who were all in all believers of the Holy Imam. The scribe wrote these names down; but when Haroun received the list, saw and recognized the names, he broke his promise. Later, after listening to Bahlool again, he only freed and forgave ten people.

Haroun Asks Bahlool for Advice

One day Haroun was passing by on his way somewhere when he saw Bahlool riding a stick (as if it were a horse) and running with children. He called Bahlool who asked, “What do you want?”

Haroun said, “Criticize me.”

Bahlool said, “Look at the palaces and graves of previous Khalifas with the mind's eye. This is a great warning. You know very well that these people pass a length of time in their palaces with pleasure and enjoyment, pride and delight. Many regret and grieve over their bad deeds, and are shameful, but know nothing can be a remedy. Know that we are also hurriedly approaching these consequences.”

Bahlool's advice made Haroun uneasy. He asked, “What should I do that would make Allah happy with me?”

“That deed by which Allah's creations would be happy with you.”

“What should I do that Allah's creations would be happy with me?”

“Become just and equitable. What you don't think proper for yourself, don't think suitable for others. Listen patiently to the pleas and requests of the oppressed. Give answers nobly, prove yourself true to favors, rule with justice, and give just decisions.”

“Well done Bahlool! You have given very good advice. I give the order to fulfill your debts.”

“Debt from debt is never fulfilled. Today whatever is under your control is the public's wealth, shower it upon them and do not favor me.”

“Then request something else from me.”

“My request is that you follow my advice, but it is sad that this world's majesty and splendor has made your heart so hard that my advice will have no effect upon you.”

Then Bahlool shook his stick and said, “Move away! My horse kicks!” He remounted his stick and ran away.

Bahlool's Advice to Fazl bin Rabi'

Fazl bin Rabi' was passing by on his way somewhere when he saw Bahlool sitting with his head bowed, deep in thought. Fazl loudly said, “ Bahlool! What are you doing?”

Bahlool raised his head, saw Fazl, and said, “I am thinking about your end. Your resurrection will be like that of Jafar Barmaki.”

Fazl's heart started beating faster because he was so frightened at these words. He said, “O Bahlool! I have heard about Jafar's death, but not from your tongue. I want you to tell me about his death without adding or hiding anything.”

Bahlool said, “During the Khalifate of Mansoor's son Mehdi, Khalid Barmaki's son Yahya was Haroun Rashid's scribe and permanent reader. Soon Haroun, Yahya, and his son Jafar became very attached to each other. Haroun had so much affection for Jafar that he did his Nikah (engagement) with his sister Abbasa, but ordered Jafar not to be violent toward her. Jafar opposed Haroun's wishes and made Abbasa a concubine. When Haroun heard about this, his entire affection for Jafar was swallowed up by enmity and discord. Now, day and night he searched for an excuse to kill Jafar, and thus destroy the Barmaki family.

“Finally, one night he said to his slave Masroor, 'Tonight I want you to cut off Jafar's head off and bring it to me.'

Masroor started trembling at this and worriedly bowed his head. Haroun asked, 'Why are you so quiet, what are you thinking?'

Masroor replied, 'This is a very big deed. O! Would my death come before I would do this.'

Haroun said, 'If you don't obey my command, you will be subject to my anger and wrath, and I will beat you in such a way that even pigeons will cry for you.'

“Masroor helplessly went to Jafar's house and conveyed the tyrant Khalifa's dangerous command. Jafar said, 'Possibly the Khalifa gave this order while he was drunk, and when his mind clears, he will regret it. That is why I want you to go back and give the Khalifa news of my murder. If by morning there is no sign of regret in him, then I will, myself, bow down my head in front of your sword.'

“Masroor didn't have the courage to accept Jafar's condition. He said, 'Come with me to the curtain that separates us from the king's quarters. Maybe your love will make Haroun helpless and will change his decision.'

“Jafar agreed to Masroor's idea and walked towards his sorrowful demise. When these two arrived behind the curtain, Masroor started hiccuping and became very frightened. He went and stood in front of the Khalifa.

“Haroun asked, 'Masroor, what? What!'

“Masroor replied, 'I have brought Jafar. He is here, standing behind the curtain.'

'If you show the least bit of slowness or leniency in obeying my order, I will have you killed first!'

“There was no way to linger after these words. Masroor ran toward Jafar and cut off his head--the head of the handsome militant youth who was

famous for being among the most well-mannered, and excelled in virtue and talent; he was a leader of generosity and beneficence. Masroor put Jafar's head on top of his own and presented it to Haroun. The unmerciful Khalifa did not think that this was enough, so he ordered the whole Barmaki family to be destroyed, and their entire wealth to be seized. Jafar's body was hung on the fort of Baghdad; a few days later it was burned.”

Bahlool continued, “Now O Fazl! I fear for your end. I tremble at the thought that your demise may be like Jafar's.”

Fazl became very frightened at Bahlool's words. He said, “Pray for my safety.”

Fazl bin Rabi' Builds a Mosque

Fazl bin Rabi' had a mosque constructed in Baghdad. It was decided to place a plaque on its door. The people asked Fazl what should be written on it. Bahlool also happened to be present. He asked Fazl, “Who did you make the mosque for?”

Fazl replied, “For Allah.”

Bahlool said, “If you made it for Allah, then don't inscribe your name on the plaque.”

Fazl angrily said, “Why shouldn't I have my name inscribed on the tablet? People have to know who the maker of the mosque is!”

“Then have it inscribed that the maker of this mosque is Bahlool.”

“I certainly will not have that written!”

“If you made this mosque for fame and self-show then you have lost your reward.”

Fazl became speechless at Bahlool's words. He said, “Whatever Bahlool says, have that inscribed.”

This time Bahlool said, “Have a verse from the Sacred Qur'an inscribed on the door of the mosque.”

Bahlool and a Thief

One day Bahlool was wearing new shoes. He went to the mosque for prayers. He saw a man staring at his shoes. Bahlool understood that he wanted his new shoes. Helplessly, Bahlool stood for Salat (prayer) with his shoes on.

The thief said, “Salat (prayer) isn't done with shoes on.”

Bahlool replied, “I won't have my Salat (prayer), but I will have my shoes.”

Haroun Asks Bahlool Another Question

One day Bahlool arrived in Haroun's court and sat in a seat equal to him during the assembly. Haroun was surprised at Bahlool's behavior, so he wanted to embarrass him. He said, “Is Bahlool ready to give an answer to my question?”

“If you don't go back upon your promise, like you did last time; I agree.”

“If you immediately answer my problem, I will give you 1,000 Dinars; if you can not answer I will give the order to shave your beard and mustache and to make you ride on a donkey through Baghdad's alleys and streets with disgrace and dishonor.”

“I have no need of Dinars, but on one condition I will agree to answer your question.”

“What is the condition?”

“If I give the answer to your problem, I want you to give the order that insects should not bother me.”

Haroun bowed his head for a moment and said, “This is impossible. Insects are not my subjects.”

“Then what does that worried person hope for if he can't even compete with or control insects.”

The people of the court became astonished at Bahlool's boldness and intelligence.

Haroun's expression changed at Bahlool's answers. Bahlool understood that Haroun was planning revenge, so, to please him, he said, “Now I agree to answer your question without any condition.”

“Which tree is it that has an age of one year, twelve branches, and on each branch there are thirty leaves, one direction facing light while the other faces toward darkness?”

Bahlool immediately replied, “This tree represents the year, the month, and day and night because there are twelve months in a year and thirty days in a month, which are half day and half night.”

“Wow! A very correct answer!” Haroun said.

All those present praised Bahlool.

Bahlool's Gift to the Khalifa

One day Haroun Rashid gave Bahlool some money and told him to distribute it amongst the poor and needy.

Bahlool took the money, but a moment later gave it back to the Khalifa, who asked the reason why he did this.

Bahlool said, “I thought a lot, but found no one more dependent and poor than the Khalifa. This is the reason why I returned the money. I see that your guards and officers stand in the shops and whip people, collect tax and revenue, and then pour them all into your treasures. So I thought that you are the most needy person, and gave the money back to you.”

Bahlool and Haroun

One day Haroun Rashid asked Bahlool, “What is Allah's greatest blessing?”

“Allah's greatest blessing is the mind. Khawaja Abdullah Ansari says in his supplication, 'O Allah! Those whom You gave intelligence, what else did You not give; those whom You didn't give understanding, what did You give?' In one reliable Hadith, when Allah decided to take back His blessings from His slaves, first of all He took their intellect away. Reason is amongst subsistence. It is sorrowful that Allah took this blessing away from me.”

Bahlool and Another Thief

It is said that Bahlool lived in a desolate house. Across it was a cobbler's shop which had a window opening towards the house. Bahlool collected a few dirhams and hid them in the dirt. Whenever the need came, he dug up the dirt and took out the needed coins, and buried the rest back again. As it so happened, one day when he needed some coins, he dug the earth and saw that all of his money had disappeared. He immediately understood that the cobbler, whose window faced his house, had taken the coins.

Without making any comment or commotion, Bahlool went and sat by the cobbler to chitchat. Bahlool talked so much that the cobbler became confident and not uneasy. Then Bahlool said, “Beloved friend! Please keep an account for me.”

“You keep talking and I'll keep adding.”

Bahlool talked about some houses and buildings, and with each he mentioned some coins. Then he said that in the house he now lived in there was buried a certain amount of coins. After that the cobbler added them all up and said that there was a total of 2,000 dinars.

Bahlool thought for a while and said, “O friend! Now I want some advice from you.”

“Okay. Speak.”

“I want to bury all the coins I have at other places in the house that I live in now; what do you think?”

“Very good idea. Bring all the coins you have hidden and bury them in your present house.”

“I agree to this. Now I will go bring all the coins from other places to bury in that house.” Saying this, Bahlool left the cobbler.

The cobbler thought to himself, “I will bury those coins I stole back where they were. When Bahlool brings the other coins, I will find them and take all of them at once.” Thinking this, he returned the stolen coins to their previous place.

A few hours later, Bahlool went to his house and examined the area that he kept his money in and saw that the cobbler had reburied the coins he had stolen. Bahlool took out the coins, thanked Allah, left that house and went to another. The cobbler waited a very long time for Bahlool, but he was not going to be and could not be found. After a while the cobbler finally understood that Bahlool had tricked him, and so had got his money back.

Bahlool and the Amir of Kufa

Ishaq bin Mohammad bin Sabah was the commander of Kufa. His wife bore him a daughter. For this reason the Amir was very sad and depressed. He stopped eating and drinking. When Bahlool heard about this he went to the Amir and said, “O Amir, why this sorrow and grief?”

“I hoped for a son, but regretfully, my wife had a daughter.”

“How would you like it if Allah gave you, instead of these beautiful hands and feet, and a healthy and perfect girl, a crazy boy like me?”

The Amir of Kufa laughed uncontrollably at Bahlool's speech, thanked Allah, ate his meal and drank water, and permitted people to come and congratulate him.

Bahlool and a Vizier

One day a vizier said to Bahlool, “The Khalifa has made you Amir and commander of dogs, chickens, and pigs.”

Bahlool replied, “Then from now on don't disobey my orders because you have become my subject.”

All of the vizier's companions laughed. The vizier was very ashamed and embarrassed because of Bahlool's reply.

Haroun Questions Bahlool About Hazrat Ali

One day Bahlool went to Haroun, who was drunk. He said to Bahlool, “Was Ali ibn Abi Talib greater than the Messenger of Allah's uncle Abbas' son or was Abdullah ibn Abbas greater than Ali?”

“As long as you won't kill me, I will speak the truth.”

“You are safe.”

Bahlool said, “Hazrat Ali is greater than all Muslims after Hazrat Mohammad Mustafa because he is a brave young man who is a real faithful. All the good deeds are found in him. He didn't show the slightest slowness in obeying Islam's and Allah's orders. Word by word, he has obeyed Allah's commands. He had such perfect and unchanging faith, that, not only did he think his, but his children's, lives nothing. In all the wars and battles he was always ahead of the advanced guard of the army. No one has ever seen him leave the enemy; so, he was once asked if he ever thought about his life during battles--Allah forbid--'It is possible that someone might attack you from behind and take your life.'

“Hazrat Ali said, 'My fight is for the sake of Allah's religion. In it I have no thought for benefit or of greed and personal desire. My life is in Allah's hands. If I die, then it is with Allah's will, and I will die in Allah's way. What good is greater than this, and I will enjoy it that I will be killed in Allah's way and be amongst the Godly Believers and those who are on the Right and True Path.'

“Even when Hazrat Ali was the Amir and Khalifa of Muslims, he did not love luxury. He spent his entire time working for the Muslims and worshipping Allah. He never took one dinar unnecessarily from the Public Treasury. Once his brother Aqeel, who had a family, requested Hazrat Ali to give him more than his share and right from the Public Treasury. Hazrat Ali denied Aqeel's request. He told all of his officials not to oppress the people. All his affairs were decided with justice and equity. The officer who committed the least bit of oppression or tyranny was removed from office after being harshly questioned by Hazrat Ali. He did not even forgive his close friends the punishment they deserved.

“Once when Ibn Abbas was the commander of Basra, he spent some money from the Public Treasury for some personal work. Hazrat Ali asked for that cost back and warned him about that deed. He gave Ibn Abbas a date by which to return the amount, but he could not. Hazrat Ali ordered him to come to Kufa. Ibn Abbas knew that Hazrat Ali was not such a Khalifa who would overlook his mistake, so he fled to Makkah and went and sat in Allah's house because he knew he would be safe there.”

Haroun Rashid became ashamed from listening to this, so he wanted to hurt Bahlool and cause him heartache, so he asked, “Why was such a great and respectful person killed?”

“Many of those on the Right Path have been killed and thousands of Messengers and good, pious slaves of Allah continue to fight in His way.”

“Tell me the details of Ali's death.”

“According to Hazrat Imam Zain-ul-Abedin, when Abdur Rahman ibn Muljim decided to kill Hazrat Ali, he brought another person with him. That accursed man fell into a deep sleep and so did Ibn Muljim. When Amirul Momineen entered the Mosque, he awakened the sleepers for Salat (prayer). When he stood for Salat (prayer), then went to Sajdah, the accursed Ibn Muljim attacked his head with a sword. That stroke fell on the place where Amr ibn Abd Wudd had previously wounded the Imam with a stroke at the Battle of Khandaq. From this stroke his head was wounded to the eyebrows, and since the accursed person had soaked the sword in poison, Ali said farewell to the world after three days. He addressed his sons, 'For Allah's friends, the companionship of Prophets and Vicegerents is better than this terminating world. If I die from this wound, then only give my murderer one stroke because he only gave me one stroke of the sword. Don't cut his body into pieces.' After saying this, he was unconscious for a while. When he awoke, he said, 'I saw the Apostle of Allah who ordered me to leave. He said that tomorrow I will be by him.' He said this and died. Then the sky's color changed and the earth started shaking. The sound of Tasbih and righteousness came from the sky to the people's ears, and everyone knew that this was the voice of angels.

“About this, a poet has excellently said,

'Tonight the infidels raised the flag of oppression and tyranny.

From this defeat (martyrdom of Ali), they destroyed Islam's


From this one stroke that was given to the Father of Believers,

it is like the home of faith was ruined. All the dwellers

of Heaven took off the crown of respect and threw it on

the earth from sorrow of Ali.

To the people of the world, running water became bitter.

Perhaps the prison of oppression and tyranny has become

absorbed with safety.

By killing the son-in-law of Taha (the Apostle of Allah), the

oppressors have struck and arrow of sorrow into the

heart and body of Ya-Seen (the Apostle of Allah).

'From this grief and misery the dwellers of Paradise became


Because of Qatama the infidels struck the sword of enmity on

Imam Ali's forehead.

The oppressors didn't just cut Hazrat Ali's head into two pieces,

they also cut Allah's hand (Yadullah, meaning Ali).

When the enemy's sword fell upon the Imam's forehead, the

moon and the sun also received the wound of grief.

The attack wounded the forehead of the King of Faith, Ali.

It was as if the miracle of Shaq-ul-Qamar again came to the

world; Ali's forehead was cut into two pieces the way

that the Apostle of Allah's finger sliced the moon into

two pieces.'

“The voice of Zainab's and Umme Kulsum's crying was heard; and Hasan and Husain threw their Imamahs (turbans) on the ground because of their sorrow.”

Bahlool Sells Paradise

One day Bahlool was sitting at the corner of the river, and since he was useless, he was making some flower beds like the children were. Haroun Rashid's wife Zubaydah happened to cross by. When she came near Bahlool, she asked, “ Bahlool! What are you doing?”

Bahlool answered, “Making Paradise.”

“Do you sell the gardens you have?”

“Yes, I sell them.”

“For how many dinars?”

“For 100 dinars.”

Since Zubaydah wanted to help Bahlool in any way she could, she immediately ordered her servant to give Bahlool 100 dinars, which he did.

Bahlool said, “You don't want a receipt?”

“Write it and bring it.” Saying this, Zubaydah went her way.

Bahlool distributed that money among the poor.

In a dream that night, Zubaydah saw a big garden, the like of which she had never seen when awake. All of its houses and palaces were seven stories high and made of colored jewels and decorated with great style. The rivers were flowing and beside them flowers were blooming. Very beautiful trees were planted, servants (boys and girls) were all present and ready to be of service. Zubaydah was given the receipt, written in gold ink, and was told that this is the Garden that she had bought from Bahlool.

When she awoke, Zubaydah was very happy and told Haroun about her dream. As soon as it was morning, Haroun sent someone to bring Bahlool.

When Bahlool came, Haroun said, “I want you to take 100 dinars from me and sell me one of your gardens, like the one you gave Zubaydah.”

Bahlool gave a loud laugh and said, “Zubaydah bought it without seeing (the reward), but you heard and so want to buy it, but regretfully, I won't sell it to you.”