Selected Narrations about the Twelfth Imam Volume 2

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Selected Narrations about the Twelfth Imam Author:
Translator: Dr. Shabeeb Rizvi
Publisher: Naba Organization
Category: Imam al-Mahdi

Selected Narrations about the Twelfth Imam

Author: Ayatullah Lutfullah Safi Gulpaygani
Translator: Dr. Shabeeb Rizvi
Publisher: Naba Organization

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Selected Narrations about the Twelfth Imam

Selected Narrations about the Twelfth Imam Volume 2

Publisher: Naba Organization

Section One: Verses from the Holy Quran which give glad-tidings about his reappearance, or can be interpreted to the signs of his reappearance, and what will happen before, during, and after his reappearance

In this section, we will mention the traditions that have been narrated which are interpretations of the Holy Quran or the opinions of commentators which are in harmony and accordance with these narrations.

Of course, some of these verses in their apparent form or according to their interpretations, exclusively refer to him. This will become clear for you by reading what has been mentioned. We will discuss or at least hint at twenty-eight verses from the Holy Quran and their interpretations(tafsīr) in this chapter. The number of traditions we will refer to, to explain these verses, are eighty-two.

The verses of the Quran which refer to his reappearance are many and exceed one hundred and thirteen in number-as some have enumerated. A few scholars have even compiled exclusive books on the subject. We will, God willing, mention a few of these verses only as examples and not as a complete study. They are as follows:

(1) اَلَّذِيْنَ يُؤْمِنُوْنَ بِالْغَيْبِ وَ يُقِيْمُوْنَ الصَّلوةَ وَ مِمَّا رَزَقْنَاهُمْ يُنْفِقُوْنَ

Those who believe in the unseen and establish prayers and give away from what We have bestowed upon them 1

310. Kamāl al-dīn2 : Muḥammad b. Mūsā al-Mutawakkil, may Allah be satisfied with him, from Muḥammad b. Yaḥyā al-`Aṭṭār, from Aḥmad b. Muḥammad b. `Īsā, from Muḥammad b. `Abd al-`Azīz, from a group of our companions, from Dāwūd b. Kathīr al-Riqqī, from (Imam) Abū `Abd-Allah, peace be on him, regarding the saying of Allah, Mighty and Glorified be He,“Those who believe in the unseen,” means those who acknowledge [or believe]3 that the uprising of the Qā’im is true.

(2) وَ نُرِيْدُ اَنَّ نَمُنَّ عَلَى الَّذِيْنَ اسْتُضْعِفُوْا فِيْ الاَرْضِ وَ نَجْعَلَهُمْ اَئِمَّةً وَ نَجْعَلَهُمُ الْوَارِثِيْنَ

And We intend to bestow a favor upon those who have been weakened in the earth and make them the Imams and make them the heirs 4

311. Nahj al-balāgha5 : Amīr al-Mu’minīn, peace be on him, said:“The world will be kind to us after its defiance just like an ill-mannered she-camel which is kind towards its young [but bites those who want to milk it].” Then Amīr al-Mu’minīn, peace be on him, recited the verse,“And We intend to bestow a favor upon those who have been weakened in the earth and make them the Imams and make them the heirs.” Ibn Abī l-Ḥadīd says in his commentary on Nahj al-balāgha:“Our companions believe that he has given a promise about an Imam who will rule the earth and dominate the nations.”

Al-Ḥaskānī mentions in Shawāhid al-tanzīl from `Abd-al-Raḥmān b. al-Ḥasan, from Muḥammad b. Ibrāhīm b. Salma, from Muḥammad b. `Abd-Allah b. Sulaimān, from Yaḥyā b. `Abd al-Ḥamīd al-Ḥammānī, from Sharīk, from `Uthmān, from ibn Ṣādiq, from Rabī`at b. Nājidh, from `Alī, peace be on him, who said:“The world will become kind to us like an ill-mannered she-camel towards her young.” He then recited:“And We intend to bestow a favor upon those who have been weakened...”

312. Tafsīr al-Furāt6 : Al-Ḥusayn b. Sa`īd, through a chain of narrators from Amīr al-Mu’minīn, peace be on him, who said:

Whoever wants to ask about our affairs and that of the people, then (he should know that) we and our followers were on the tradition(sunna) of Moses and his followers since the day Allah created the heavens and the earth, and surely our enemy and his followers were on the tradition of the Pharaoh(Fir`un) and his followers since the day Allah created the heavens and the earth. He [i.e. the one who wants to know] should recite the verses from the beginning of Sūrat al-Qaṣaṣ to Allah’s saying“they fear (yaḥdharūn).” I swear by Allah Who split the seed, created the soul, and sent the Book to Muḥammad-Allah's blessings be on him and his family-with truth and justice, these [people] will become kind to you like an ill-mannered she-camel becomes kind towards its young.

313. Shawāhid al-tanzīl7 : From Abū Bakr al-Ma`marī, from Abū Ja`far al-Qummī, from Muḥammad b. `Umar al-Ḥāfiẓ in Baghdad, from Muḥammad b. al-Ḥusayn, from Aḥmad b. `Uthm b. Ḥakīm, from Shurayḥ b. Maslama, from Ibrāhīm b. Yūsuf, from `Abd al-Jabbār, from al-A`mash al-Thaqafī, from Abū Ṣādiq, from Amīr al-Mu’minīn, peace be on him, who either said:“The verse ‘And We intend to bestow a favor upon those who have been weakened in the earth and make them the Imams and make them the heirs’ is about us” or“belongs to us.”

314. Tafsīr al-Furāt8 : From furāt b. Ibrāhīm al-Kūfī, through a chain of narrators from Abū l-Mughaira, from Amīr al-Mu’minīn, peace be on him, who said:“The verse ‘And We intend to bestow a favor upon those who have been weakened in the earth and make them the Imams and make them the heirs,’ was descended regarding us.”

315. Tafsīr al-Furāt9 : From `Alī b. Muḥammad b. `Alī al-Zuharī, through a chain of narrators from Thuwair b. Abī Fākhta, from Imam `Alī b. al-Ḥusayn, peace be on him, who asked him,“Do you recite the Quran?” He replied in the affirmative. The Imam, peace be on him, said,“Then recite Ṭā-Sīn-Mīm [Sūrat al-Qaṣaṣ], the Surah of Moses and the Pharaoh.” Thuwair says,“I recited four of its initial verses until I reached His saying, ‘and make them the Imams and make them the heirs.’ He, peace be on him, said: “That’s enough. By the One Who truly sent Muḥammad, Allah’s blessings be on him and his family, as a giver of good news and warnings (bashīran wa nadhīrā), the righteous (al-abrār) from us Ahl al-Bait and their followers are like Moses, peace be on him, and his followers.”

316. Tafsīr al-Furāt10 : From `Alī b. Muḥammad b. `Umar al-Zuharī, through a chain of narrators from Zaid b. Salām al-Ju`fī who said:

I went to Abū-Ja`far [Imam Muḥammad al-Bāqir], peace be on him, and said,“May Allah improve your condition! Al-Khaithama al-Ju`fī has reported to me that he asked you concerning the verse ‘and make them the Imams and make them the heirs,’ and that you told him that you are the Imams and you are the heirs.” The Imam, peace be on him, replied,“By Allah, al-Khaithama has said the truth. I informed him exactly like this.”

317. Ghaybat al-Shaykh11 : From Muḥammad b. `Alī, from al-Ḥusayn b. Muḥammad al-Qiṭa`ī, from `Alī b. Ḥātim, from Muḥammad b. Marwān, from `Ubaid b. Yaḥyā al-Thaurī, from Muḥammad b. al-Ḥusayn, from his father, from his grandfather, from `Alī, peace be on him, who said regarding the saying of Allah, the Exalted‘And We intend to bestow a favor upon those who have been weakened in the earth and make them the Imams and make them the heirs’ :“They are the progeny of Muḥammad, Allah's blessings be on him and his family. Allah will send their Mahdī after their struggles so that he may give them honor and humiliate their enemies.”

318. Al-Anwār al-muḍī’a12 : From Muḥammad b. Aḥmad al-Ayādī, through a chain of narrators from Amīr al-Mu’minīn, peace be on him, who said,“We Ahl al-Bait are those who have been mentioned in (Allah’s) book as weakened in the earth and whom Allah will make the Imams. Allah will send their Mahdī so that he may give them honor and humiliate their enemies.”

319. Al-Anwār al-muḍī’a13 : It has been narrated that the verse“And We intend to bestow a favor upon those who have been weakened in the earth and make them the Imams and make them the heirs” was mentioned in the presence of Imam al-Ṣādiq, peace be on him. Tears started flowing from his eyes and he said:“By Allah, we are those who have been weakened.”

(3) وَ لَقَدْ كَتَبْنَا فِيْ الزَّبُوْرِ مِنْ بَعْدِ الذِّكْرِ اَنَّ الْاَرْضَ يَرِثُهَا عِبَادِيَ الصَّالِحُوْنَ

And indeed We have written in the Psalms after the Remembrance, that the earth will be inherited by my righteous servants 14

320. Mā nazala min al-Qurān fī Ahl al-Bait `alayhim al-salām15 : Aḥmad b. Muḥammad, from Aḥmad b. al-Ḥasan, from his father, from Ḥusayn b. Muḥammad b. `Abd-Allah b. al-Ḥasan, from his father, from (Imam) Abū Ja`far, peace be on him, who said:“The saying of Allah, Mighty and Glorified be He, ‘The earth will be inherited by My righteous servants’ refers to the companions of the Mahdī, peace be on him, in the end of times.”

321. Tafsīr al-tibyān16 : Imam al-Bāqir, peace be on him, said:“Surely, this is a promise to the believers that they will inherit the entire earth.”

The author of Majma` al-bayān says:

It has been narrated from (Imam) Abū Ja`far, peace be on him, that“they are the companions of the Mahdī, peace be on him, in the end of times.” The proof for this can be found in the traditions narrated by the Shias and the Sunnis on the authority of the Holy Prophet, Allah’s blessings be on him and his family, who said,“If only one day remains to the end of the world, Allah will prolong it until He sends a righteous person from my Ahl al-Bait. He will fill the earth with justice and fairness just as it will be filled with unfairness and injustice.” The renowned Sunni scholar, Abū Bakr Aḥmad b. al-Ḥusayn al-Bayhaqī has recorded numerous traditions concerning this concept in his book al-Ba`th wa l-nushūr. His grandson, Abū l-Ḥasan `Ubaid-Allah b. Muḥammad b. Aḥmad, narrated to us all these traditions in the year 518 AH... One of the things that Abū l-Ḥasan narrated to us was that he said,“Narrated to us Abū `Alī al-Rūdbārī, from Abū Bakr b. Dāsa, from Abū Dāwūd al-Sajistānī, from many different people, from the book al-Sunan, that the Messenger of Allah, Allah’s blessings be on him and his family, said, ‘If only one day remains to the end of the world, Allah will prolong it until He sends a person from me or from my Ahl al-Bait.’ Some versions of the tradition also add, ‘His name will be my name. He will fill the earth with fairness and justice just as it will be filled with unfairness and oppression.’”

322. Tafsīr al-Qummī17 : (From Imam al-Bāqir, peace be on him) who said:

In the saying of Allah,“And indeed We have written in the Psalms after the Remembrance (al-dhikr),” Remembrance(al-dhikr) refers to all the [Holy] books and“The earth will be inherited by my righteous servants,” 18 refers to the Qā’im, peace be on him, and his companions; The Psalms consist of the story of fierce battles, praises, glorifications and supplications.

(4) وَ اِنَّهُ لَعِلْمٌ لِلسَّاعَةِ

And surely he is a sign of the Hour 19

323. Al-Ṣawā`iq al-muḥriqa20 : Ibn Ḥajar records in al-Ṣawā`iq in the chapter on the verses revealed about the Ahl al-Bait:

Regarding the twelfth verse, Allah’s saying:“And surely he is a sign of the hour,” Muqātil b. Sulaimān and other commentators who have followed him say,“Verily, this verse was revealed concerning the Mahdī.” We will soon mention traditions that clearly show he is from the progeny of the Messenger of Allah. This verse shows the prosperity of the descendants of Fāṭima and `Alī-may Allah be satisfied with them-and that surely Allah will bring forth from them many pure people and that He will make their descendants the keys of wisdom and the mines of mercy...”

It has been recorded in Is`āf al-rāghibīn:“Muqātil b. Sulaimān and the commentators who followed him have said the verse ‘And surely he is a sign of the hour,’ was revealed concerning the Mahdī.” According to Nūr al-abṣār,“Muqātil b. Sulaimān and the commentators who followed him have said regarding the above verse, ‘He is Mahdī. He will be in the end of times. The signs of the Hour and its establishment will occur after his reappearance.’”

(5) هُوَ الَّذِيْ اَرْسَلَ رَسُوْلَه بِالْهُدي وَ دِيْنِ الحَقِّ لِيُظْهِرَه عَلَي الدِّيْنِ كُلِّه وَ لَوْ كَرِهَ الْمُشْرِكُوْنَ

It is He Who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to make it superior over all religions, even though the polytheists detest it 21

324. Tafsīr al-tibyān22 : Imam al-Bāqir, peace be on him, says:

This will occur when the Qā’im, peace be on him, emerges. According to Majma` al-bayān, Imam Al-Bāqir, peace be on him, says,“This will take place when the Mahdī from the progeny of Muḥammad, Allah’s blessings be on him and his family, reappears. No one will remain but that he will testify to [the prophethood] of Muḥammad, Allah's blessings be on him and his family.”

325. Al-Bayān23 : Sa`īd b. Jubair says regarding the saying of Allah, Mighty and Glorified be He,“to make it superior over all religions, even though the polytheists detest it” that“He is the Mahdī from the progeny of Fāṭima, peace be on her.”

326. Al-Kāfī24 : `Alī b. Muḥammad, from one of our companions, from ibn Maḥbūb, from Muḥammad b. al-Fuḍail, from Abū l-Ḥasan al-Māḍī [i.e. the tenth Imam] who when asked about the verse:“to make it superior over all religions,” had said,“He [Allah] will dominate it over all the religions at the time of the Qā’im’s rising. Allah says, ‘And Allah will complete His Light,’ [means] the mastership (wilāya) of the Qā’im. .”

327. The Book of Faḍl b. Shādhān25 : Ṣafwān b. Yaḥyā, from Muḥammad b. Ḥumrān, from (Imam) Ja`far b. Muḥammad al-Ṣādiq, peace be on him, who said:

Surely the Qā’im from us will be aided by fear and made powerful with assistance. The earth will twist for him [distances will be shortened for him], all the treasures will be exposed for him, and through him, Allah, the Exalted, will dominate His religion over all religions even if the polytheists detest it. His government will encompass the East and West of the earth. No ruined thing shall remain on the earth but that he will revive it. The Spirit of Allah, Jesus the son of Mary, peace be on him, will descend and pray behind him.

Ibn Ḥumrān narrates that someone asked him,“O son of Allah’s Messenger! When will the Qā’im from you appear?” He, peace be on him, replied:

When the men will resemble women and the women will resemble men, men will suffice with men and women will suffice with women,26 women will ride on saddles, false testimonies will be accepted while the true ones will be refuted, blood [murder] will be taken lightly, unlawful sex will be committed, loans will be given with interest and bribes will be taken, the evil shall govern the good, the Sufyānī will emerge from Syria and the Yamānī from Yemen.

The earth will sink at Baydā’ and a young man from the progeny of Muḥammad, Allah’s blessings be on him and his family, will be killed between the Rukn and the Maqām [at Ka`ba]. His name will be Muḥammad b. Muḥammad and his epithet will be al-Nafs al-Zakiyya (the pure soul). A cry will come from the skies that“salvation is for `Alī and his followers.”

It is then that our Qā’im will reappear. When he emerges, he will lean his back on the Ka`ba and three hundred and thirteen men will gather near him. The first thing that he will say will be the verse,“The remnant of Allah is better for you, if you are believers.” 27

Then, he will say,“I am the remnant of Allah, His Proof, and His Caliph upon you.” No Muslim will salute him but through these words,“Peace be upon you, O remnant of Allah on His earth.” When the ten thousand men assembly meets for the covenant, he will emerge from Mecca. Then, besides Allah, Mighty and Glorified be He, nothing that is worshipped and no idol will remain on earth except that it will catch fire and burn. This will occur after a long occultation.

328. Tafsīr Furāt al-Kūfī28 : Narrated to us Ja`far b. Aḥmad, from Abū `Abd Allah (al-Ṣādiq), peace be on him, who said about the verse:“It is He Who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to make it superior over all religions, even though the polytheists detest it” that“When the Qā’im reappears, there shall not remain a polytheist nor a disbeliever except that he will dislike the reappearance [of the Qā’im]. If [one of them hides] in a boulder, the boulder will call out, ‘O believer! Within me is an unbeliever. Break me and kill him.’”

329. Mashāriq anwār al-yaqīn29 : From Imam al-Ṣādiq, peace be on him, who said:“Surely, this affair will end in the one whom the horsemen will return to humbly from the horizons. He is the one who will make [Islam] prevail over all religions and he is the Mahdī.”

330. Majma` al-bayān30 : al-`Ayyāshī narrates through his chain from `Imrān b. Maitham, from `Ibāya that he heard Amīr al-Mu’minīn, peace be on him, say:“‘It is He Who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to make it superior over all religions,’ Has this already occurred?” [Those present] replied,“Yes.” He, peace be on him, said,“No, by the One in Whose hand is my life. Not until there remains no village but that from which the testimony of there is no god but Allah will be called out every morning and evening.”

331. Tafsīr al-`Ayyāshī31 : From Samā`a, from Abū Abd-Allah (al-Ṣādiq), peace be on him, (under the verse),“It is He Who has sent... even though the polytheists detest it” :

When the Qā’im, peace be on him, reappears, there shall remain no one who associates others with the Great Allah and no disbelievers, except that they will dislike his reappearance.

332. Mafātīḥ al-ghayb (al-Tafsīr al-kabīr)32 : Under the interpretation of the saying of [Allah], the Exalted,“It is He Who has sent His Messenger...,” from al-Suddī:“This will occur when the Mahdī emerges.”

He also says in al-Sirāj al-munīr under the interpretation of the same verse:“Al-Suddī said, ‘This will occur when the Mahdī, peace be on him, emerges.’” It has also been narrated from al-Suddī in Tafsīr abū l-futūḥ33 that“This will occur when the Mahdī, peace be on him, emerges.”

(6) وَعَدَ اللهُ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا مِنكُمْ وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ لَيَسْتَخْلِفَنَّهُم فِي الْأَرْضِ كَمَا اسْتَخْلَفَ الَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِهِمْ وَلَيُمَكِّنَنَّ لَهُمْ دِينَهُمُ الَّذِي ارْتَضَى لَهُمْ وَلَيُبَدِّلَنَّهُم مِّن بَعْدِ خَوْفِهِمْ أَمْنًا يَعْبُدُونَنِي لاَ يُشْرِكُونَ بِي شَيْئًا وَمَن كَفَرَ بَعْدَ ذٰلِكَ فَأُوْلَئِكَ هُمُ الْفَاسِقُونَ

Allah has promised those of you who believe and do good deeds that He will most certainly make them rulers in the earth as He has made rulers those before them, and that He will most certainly establish for them their religion which He has chosen for them, and that He will most certainly, after their fear, give them security in exchange; They worship Me and don’t associate anyone with Me; and whoever is ungrateful after that, then those are the disobedient 34

333. Shawāhid al-tanzīl35 : Furāt b. Ibrāhīm, from Ja`far b. Muḥammad b. Shīrawayh al-Qaṭṭān, from Ḥuraith b. Muḥammad, from Ibrāhīm b.

Ḥakam b. Abān, from his father, from al-Suddī, from ibn `Abbās concerning the verse,“Allah has promised to those of you who believe...” He said:“It has been revealed about the family of Muḥammad, Allah's blessings be on him and his family.”

334. Shawāhid al-tanzīl36 : Furāt, from Aḥmad b. Mūsā, from Mukhawwal, from `Abd al-Raḥmān, from al-Qāsim b. `Uwf who said:“I heard `Abd-Allah b. Muḥammad say [concerning the verse], ‘Allah has promised to those of you who believe and do good deeds...’ that ‘It is for (about) us Ahl al-Bait.’”

335. Al-Durr al-manthūr37 : Aḥmad and ibn Mardawayh have both narrated and Bayhaqī has recorded in al-Dalā’il from Ubay b. Ka`b who said:“When the verse ‘Allah has promised to those of you who believe and do good deeds...’ was revealed to the Prophet, he said, ‘Give good news to this nation about loftiness, elevation, religion, help, and establishment on earth. Whoever amongst them performs the deeds of the hereafter for this world [i.e. to reach worldly aims], he will have no share in the hereafter.’”

336. Tafsīr al-Qummī38 : His saying:‘Allah has promised to those of you who believe and do good deeds that He will most certainly make them rulers in the earth as He has made rulers those before them, and that He will most certainly establish for them their religion which He has chosen for them, and that He will most certainly, after their fear, give them security in exchange; They worship Me and don’t associate anyone with Me’ was descended concerning the Qā’im from the progeny of Muḥammad, peace be on him and his forefathers.

337. Al-Iḥtijāj39 : In a lengthy tradition from Amīr al-Mu’minīn, peace be on him, in which he mentions the shortcomings of some of the enemies of the Ahl al-Bait and those who had gained power and Allah’s delay in punishing them. He says:

All these [delays] were [put in place] so that the respite would come to an end which Allah, Blessed and High be He, gave to His enemy Satan; until the Book reaches its time and the word is fulfilled against the disbelievers and the true promise which Allah has explained in His Book approaches:‘Allah has promised to those of you who believe and do good deeds that He will most certainly make them rulers in the earth as He has made rulers those before them.’ This will occur when nothing will remain from Islam except its name and from the Quran save its text.

The owner of the affair(ṣāḥib al-amr) will go in occultation because he will have an [obvious] excuse to do so as mischief will cover the hearts to such an extent that the closest of people to him will have the most enmity against him. It is then that Allah will assist him with an army that you cannot see and He will make the religion of His Prophet, Allah’s blessings be on him and his family, prevail at his hands over all other religions, even if the polytheists dislike it.

338. Miṣbāḥ al-Shaykh40 : In the ziyāra of Imam Ḥusayn, peace be on him, which he has narrated from Abū (Imam) `Abd-Allah, peace be on him:

O Allah! multiply Your salutations, Your mercy, and Your blessings upon the progeny of Your Prophet-the progeny who were mistreated, terrified and belittled; the remnants of the clean, pure, and blessed tree. And O Allah! Elevate their word, make their arguments successful, free them from calamities, straits, the intense darkness of falsehood, and sorrows.

Make the hearts of their Shias and Your party steadfast upon their obedience, their mastership, their help, and their guardianship, and help them and bestow them with patience in the face of the tortures they receive in Your cause.

Make for them witnessed days and praised, fortunate times, in which their salvation will be near and which will be the cause of their establishment and them being assisted (by You), just as You have guaranteed for Your friends in Your revealed Book, for surely, You have said and Your word is the truth:‘Allah has promised to those of you who believe and do good deeds that He will most certainly make them rulers in the earth as He has made rulers those before them, and that He will most certainly establish for them their religion which He has chosen for them, and that He will most certainly, after their fear, give them security in exchange; They worship Me and don’t associate anyone with Me.’

339. Majma` al-bayān41 : It has been narrated from the Ahl al-Bait, peace be on them, that this verse is about the Mahdī from the progeny of Muḥammad, Allah's blessings be on him and his family. Al-`Ayyāshī has narrated through his chain of narrators from Imam `Alī ibn al-Ḥusayn, peace be on him, that after reciting the verse, he, peace be on him, said:

By Allah! Those are the followers of us Ahl al-Bait. Allah will deal with them in this manner at the hands of a person from us and he is the Mahdī of this umma. He is the one about whom the Messenger of Allah, Allah’s blessings be on him and his family, said,“Even if there remains one day from this world, Allah will prolong that day until a person from my progeny rules. His name will be my name. He will fill the earth with justice and fairness just as it will be filled with unfairness and injustice.”

He narrates a similar tradition from (Imam) Abū Ja`far and (Imam) Abū `Abd-Allah, peace be on them, and then says:“Therefore, the term “those of you who believe and do good deeds” refers to the Holy Prophet and his Ahl al-Bait, may Allah’s blessings be upon them. The verse also gives them glad-tidings about their governance and power in the cities and the removal of fear from them at the time of the rising of their Mahdī, peace be on him.”

340. Majāzāt al-āthār al-nabawiyya42 : The Holy Prophet, Allah’s blessings be on him and his family, saw Fatima, peace be on her, hungry with a torn gown, so he wept and said:“Does it not satisfy you, O Fatima, that there shall not remain on the face of earth any house or tent except that respect or disgrace shall enter it because of your father?” 43

341. Majāzāt al-āthār al-nabawiyya44 : He, Allah’s blessings be on him and his family, said:“This religion will certainly enter everywhere that night enters.”

I say: In this tradition as well as the previous one, there is no clear mention of the Mahdī, peace be on him, or that he will make such things happen. But, just like the Holy Quran, some narrations explain other narrations. Whoever ponders about what we have mentioned from the verses of the Holy Quran and the traditions- and traditions similar to these-will know that the aim of all of these traditions is one and that is, giving news about Islam’s domination over all other religions and the rule of the believers on earth during the government of the Divine Caliph, Imam Mahdī, peace be on him, whom Allah will help to conquer the entire globe.

342. Mā nazala min al-Qurān fī Ahl al-Bait `alayhim al-salām45 : Narrated to us `Alī b. `Abd-Allah, from Ibrāhīm b. Muḥammad al-Thaqafī, from al-Ḥasan b. al-Ḥusayn, from Sufyān b. Ibrāhīm, from `Amr b. Hāshim, from Isḥāq b. `Abd-Allah, from (Imam) `Alī b. al-Ḥusayn, peace be on him, concerning the saying of Allah, Mighty and Glorified be He,“And by the Lord of the heavens and the earth, it is most surely the truth, just as you do speak.” 46 He, peace be on him, said:

“It is most surely the truth,” refers to the rising of the Qā’im, peace be on him. Concerning him, was revealed,“Allah has promised to those of you who believe and do good deeds that He will most certainly make them rulers in the earth as He has made rulers those before them, and that He will most certainly establish for them their religion which He has chosen for them, and that He will most certainly, after their fear, give them security in exchange.”

343. Ghaybat al-Nu`mānī47 : Narrated to us Aḥmad b. Muḥammad b. Sa`īd b. `Uqda, from Abū l-Ḥasan Aḥmad b. Yūsuf b. Ya`qūb al-Ju`fī, from his book, from Ismā`īl b. Mihrān, from al-Ḥasan b. `Alī b. Abī Ḥamza, from his father and Wuhaib, from Abū Baṣīr, from (Imam) Abū Abd-Allah, peace be on him, regarding the meaning of His saying, Mighty and Glorified be He:“Allah has promised to those of you who believe and do good deeds that He will most certainly make them rulers in the earth as He has made rulers those before them, and that He will most certainly establish for them their religion which He has chosen for them, and that He will most certainly, after their fear, give them security in exchange; They worship Me and don’t associate anyone with Me.” He, peace be on him, said:“It was revealed concerning the Qā’im, peace be on him, and his companions.”

(7) الَّذِينَ إِن مَّكَّنَّاهُمْ فِي الْأَرْضِ أَقَامُوا الصَّلاَةَ وَآتَوُا الزَّكَاةَ وَأَمَرُوا بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَنَهَوْا عَنِ الْمُنكَرِ وَلِلَّهِ عَاقِبَةُ الْأُمُورِ

Those, who if We give them power in the land, will keep up the prayers and pay the zakat and enjoin good and forbid evil, and the outcome of all affairs belongs to Allah 48

344. Shawāhid al-tanzīl49 : Furāt (al-Kūfī), from Aḥmad b. al-Qāsim b. `Ubaid, from Ja`far b. Muḥammad al-Jammāl, from Yaḥyā b. Hāshim, from Abū Manṣūr, from Abū Khalīfa who said:

I and Abū `Ubaida al-Ḥadhdhā’ visited (Imam) Abū Ja`far, peace be on him. He asked his slave-girl to get a cushion for us. I said,“There is no need for it, we will sit.” He said,“O Abū Khalīfa! Don’t reject respect. For surely, none turns down respect except a donkey.” I asked him,“How can we recognize the owner of this affair (ṣāḥib al-amr)?” He replied,“The saying of Allah, the Exalted, ‘Those, who if We give them power in the land, will keep up the prayers and pay the zakat and enjoin good and forbid evil.’ When you see this man from us, then follow him, for surely, he is its owner.”

345. Shawāhid al-tanzīl50 : Furāt (al-Kūfī), from al-Ḥusayn b. `Alī b. Zuray` and Ismā`īl b. Abān, from Fuḍail b. al-Zubayr, from Zaid b. `Alī who said:“When the Qā’im from the progeny of Muḥammad, Allah’s blessings be on him and his family, rises, he will say, ‘O people! We are the ones about whom Allah has promised you in His Book: “Those, who if We give them power in the land...” ’”

346. Mā nazala min al-Qurān fī Ahl al-Bait `alayhim al-salām51 : Narrated to us Muḥammad b. al-Ḥusayn b. Ḥamīd, from Ja`far b. `Abd-Allah, from Kathīr b. `Ayyāsh, from Abū l-Jārūd, from (Imam) Abū Ja`far, peace be on him, concerning His saying, Mighty and Glorified be He:“Those, who if We give them power in the land, will keep up the prayers and pay the zakat and enjoin good and forbid evil, and the outcome of all affairs belongs to Allah.” He, peace be on him, said:

This (verse) is about the progeny of Muḥammad, the Mahdī, and his companions. Allah, the Exalted, will make them rule all the earth. Through them, Allah, Mighty and Glorified be He, will destroy the innovations(al-bida`) and falsehood-the same way that the fools had caused the truth to die-until no sign of unfairness will be visible. They will enjoin good and forbid evil, and the outcome of all affairs belong to Allah.”

(8) أُذِنَ لِلَّذِينَ يُقَاتَلُونَ بِأَنَّهُمْ ظُلِمُوا وَإِنَّ اللهَ عَلَى نَصْرِهِمْ لَقَدِيرٌ

Permission (to fight) is given to those upon whom war is made, because they are oppressed, and most surely Allah is well able to assist them 52

347. Ghaybat al-Nu`mānī53 : Informed us `Alī ibn al-Ḥusayn al-Mas`ūdī, from Muḥammad b. Yaḥyā al-`Aṭṭār al-Qummī, from Muḥammad b. Ḥasan al-Rāzī, from Muḥammad b. `Alī al-Kūfī, from `Abd al-Raḥmān b. Abī Najrān, from al-Qāsim, from Abū Baṣīr, from (Imam) Abū `Abd-Allah, peace be on him, concerning the saying of Allah, Mighty and Glorified be He:“Permission (to fight) is given to those upon whom war is made because they are oppressed, and most surely Allah is well able to assist them.” He said:“It is about the Qā’im, peace be on him, and his companions.”

348. Mā nazala min al-Qurān fī Ahl al-Bait `alayhim al-salām54 : Narrated to us al-Ḥusayn b. Aḥmad al-Mālikī, from Muḥammad b. `Īsā, from Yūnus, from al-Muthannā al-Ḥannāṭ, from `Abd-Allah b. `Ajlān, from (Imam) Abū Ja`far, peace be on him, concerning the saying of Allah, Mighty and Glorified be He:“Permission (to fight) is given to those upon whom war is made because they are oppressed, and most surely Allah is well able to assist them.” He said:“It is about the Qā’im, peace be on him, and his companions.”

(9) أَيْنَ مَا تَكُونُواْ يَأْتِ بِكُمُ اللهُ جَمِيعًا

Wherever you are, Allah will bring you all together 55

349. Majma` al-bayān56 : It has been narrated from the Ahl al-Bait, peace be on them, that this verse refers to the companions of the Mahdī, peace be on him, in the end of times. Imam al-Riḍā, peace be on him, says:“By Allah, when our Qā’im rises, Allah will gather towards him his Shias from all the lands.”

It has been narrated in Tafsīr al-`Ayyāshī from Abī Sumayna, from one of the slaves of (Imam) Abū l-Ḥasan, peace be on him, who said:“I asked (Imam) Abū l-Ḥasan, peace be on him, about His saying, the Exalted, ‘wherever you are, Allah will bring you all together.’ He, peace be on him, replied, ‘By Allah, when our Qā’im rises, Allah will gather (for him) our Shias from all the lands.’”

350. Tafsīr al-`Ayyāshī57 : In a lengthy tradition from (Imam) Abū Ja`far al-Bāqir, peace be on him:

Then, the Qā’im, peace be on him, will stand between the Rukn and the Maqām (beside Ka`ba) and will perform prayers. He will complete them while his minister is beside him. He will then say,“O People! Verily, we seek the help of Allah against those who oppressed us and withheld our rights. Whoever disputes us concerning Allah, then we are closer to Allah. Whoever disputes us concerning Adam, then we are the closest people to Adam.

Whoever disputes us concerning Noah, then we are the closest people to Noah. Whoever disputes us concerning Abraham, then we are the closest people to Abraham. Whoever disputes us concerning Muḥammad, may God’s blessings be on him and his family, then we are the closest people to Muḥammad, may God’s blessings be upon him and his family. Whoever disputes us concerning the Prophets, then we are the closest people to the Prophets.

Whoever disputes us concerning the Book of Allah, then we are the closest people to the Book of Allah. Surely, we testify and so does every Muslim today, that we have been oppressed, driven away, and rebelled against. [We have been] removed from our houses, our wealth, and our families and we have been defeated. Beware! Surely, we seek the help of Allah today and so does every Muslim.” By Allah! A little more than Three Hundred and Ten people-which include fifty women-will gather at Mecca all of a sudden and unexpectedly, like the wind-driven, scattered clouds of autumn58 while some of them are following the others. This is the [meaning of the] verse which Allah has stated:“Wherever you are, Allah will bring you all together, Allah has power over all things.”

351. Ghaybat al-Nu`mānī59 : Narrated to us Aḥmad b. Muḥammad b. Sa`īd, from Aḥmad b. Yūsuf, from Ismā`īl b. Mihrān, from al-Ḥasan b. `Alī, from his father and Wuhaib, from Abū Baṣīr, from Imam Abū `Abd-Allah (al-Ṣādiq), peace be on him, concerning His saying:“Therefore, hasten to [do] good deeds; wherever you are, Allah will bring you all together.” He, peace be on him, said:“It was revealed concerning the Qā’im and his companions. They will gather all of a sudden, without a previous appointment.”

(10) وَفِي السَّمَاء رِزْقُكُمْ وَمَا تُوعَدُونَ. فَوَرَبِّ السَّمَاء وَالْأَرْضِ إِنَّهُ لَحَقٌّ مِّثْلَ مَا أَنَّكُمْ تَنطِقُونَ

And in the sky is your sustenance and what you are promised. And by the Lord of the sky and the earth! It is most surely the truth just as you are speaking 60

352. Ghaybat al-Shaykh61 : Informed us al-Sharif Abū Muḥammad al-Muḥammadī, from Muḥammad b. `Alī b. Tammām, from al-Ḥusayn b. Muḥammad al-Qiṭa`ī, from `Alī b. Aḥmad b. Ḥātim al-Bazzāz, from Muḥammad b. Marwān, from al-Kalbī, from Abū Ṣāliḥ, from `Abd-Allah b. al-`Abbās, concerning the saying of Allah, the Exalted,“And in the sky is your sustenance and what you are promised. And by the Lord of the sky and the earth! It is most surely the truth just as you are speaking.” He said:“[It is about] the rising of the Qā’im.” It is similar to:“wherever you are, Allah will bring you all together” which he also said about:“They are the companions of the Qā’im, Allah will gather them together in one day.”

I say: Regarding this subject, there are numerous traditions concerning the interpretation of this verse. The author of Tafsīr al-burhān has recorded fourteen traditions from reliable and authentic books.

The traditions with the following numbers-which are interpretations for the verses of the Holy Quran-also establish the goals of this chapter: 905, 904, 903, 696, 695, 692, 596, 574, 994, 993, 992, 991, 962, 936, 907, 906, 1121, 1122, 1123, 1124, 1125, 1126, 1040, 1014, 1004, 1156, 1152, 1151, 1149, 1148, 1147, 1146, 1144, 1143, 1142, 1141, 1158, 1157, and 1175.

The verses are as follows:

“. . and made complete to you His favors (both) apparent and hidden,” 62 no. 574

“And by the day when it shows it,” 63 no. 596

“Or, He who answers the distressed one when he calls upon Him and removes the hardship,” 64 no. 903-907

“And if We hold back from them the punishment until a certain time,” 65 no. 903, 1142, 1147, and 1149

“And if you were to see when they become terrified, but (then) there shall be no escape and they shall be seized from a near place,” 66 no. 903 and 1175

“The remnant of Allah is better for you if you are believers,” 67 No. 936 and 1105

“. . and give good news to the patient ones; those, whom when a misfortune befalls them,” 68 no. 962

“If We want, We will send down upon them a sign from the heaven to which they would bend their necks in humility,” 69 no. 991, 992, 993, 1004, 1014, and 1040

“And listen on the day when the caller shall call from a near place. The day when they shall truly hear the loud voice,” 70 no. 994

“Say: ‘On the Day of victory, becoming faithful will not benefit those who disbelieved (before), nor will they be given respite,” 71 no. 1122

“. . and to Him submits whoever is in the skies and the earth, willingly or unwillingly,” 72 no. 1123 and 1124

“The kingdom on that day shall rightly belong to the Beneficent,” 73 no. 1125

“And say: ‘truth has come and falsehood has perished, surely falsehood is bound to perish,” 74 no. 1126

“We have entrusted with it a people who are not disbelievers in it,” 75 no. 1146

“Then Allah will bring a people, He shall love them and they shall love Him, (they will be) humble before the believers, mighty against the unbelievers,” 76 no. 1146

“Know that Allah gives life to the earth after its death,” 77 no. 1156-1158

“On the day when some of the signs of your Lord shall come, becoming faithful shall not profit a soul, which did not believe before,” 78 no. 692

“And most certainly We will make them taste the nearer punishment before the greater punishment,” 79 no. 695

These are twenty-eight verses about him. Whoever wants to know all the verses in this regard must refer to books exclusively compiled on the subject like al-Baḥrānī’s al-Maḥajja fī mā nazala fī l-Qā’im al-Ḥujja.