The Essence of Life (Ain-Al Hayat) عین الحیات

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The Essence of Life (Ain-Al Hayat) عین الحیات Author:
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
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The Essence of Life (Ain-Al Hayat) عین الحیات

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Allamah Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
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The Essence of Life (Ain-Al Hayat) عین الحیات
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The Essence of Life (Ain-Al Hayat) عین الحیات

The Essence of Life (Ain-Al Hayat) عین الحیات

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought


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The Second Stream: About Superiority of The Holy Qur’an

The Prophet of Islam (S) has said that if you have a matter that appears like the darkest of dark nights and you are unable to ravel the puzzle, then the Holy Qur’an, the brightest of lights, will help you dispel all the doubts you have pertaining to the matter. This will help one in strife, in solving irresoluble problems and is the beacon for showing the way to Jannat. It is the negligence of the Qur’an that might dispatch one to the Hellfire!

Qur’an is the best Guide and Leader. This is the Book that has in it all the commandments and details. It has two types of commandments—clear and hidden. Its clear aspect is full of Allah’s Commandments to humanity. The hidden aspect of the Qur’an is about unending store of knowledge.

The clear aspect of the Book is a harbinger of good for its followers and the hidden aspect is profound. There are some stars, big and small (Kawakib ) for it’s interpretation. These stars are Infallible Imams (as) who put the wayward on the right path. These Infallible Imams (as) possess the knowledge about the Qur’an.

From them only the Knwledge can be acquired. They are the ones who disseminate the Knowledge about the Book. The Chapter ofBara-at is proclaiming in the Holy Qur’an that the chapter could be presented to the infidels of Mecca either by the Prophet (S) himself or hisNafs ( the personal and rational mouthpiece).

Men have to perceive with the eyes of their hearts the path shown by these Infallible Imams (as) and follow them with true hearts. They have said that the Qur’an is a guide for the ignorant, helper for those who go astray, a light in the darkness, the best friend in this world and the Hereafter. The Qur’an contains the complete faith within its two covers.

Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) has said, “Allah, who has the knowledge of everything hidden, has sent this Book to you. This Book has knowledge about the things past and those to come.It has the information about the land and the firmament. Those who have total knowledge of the Qur’an (The Aalam ) and the practitioners (perhaps here the Infallible Imams are meant) can reveal facts about the hidden matters (the Ghaib ).”

The Prophet of Islam (S) has said, “I am departing from you midst and leaving behind two weighty things—One is the Book of Allah and the other is myItrat ( the progeny) andAhl-ul-Bayt (the Infallible Imams). If you remain attached to these two, you shall never go astray!”

A note by Maulana Syed ‘Ali Akthar Amrohi: This was one and only prescription for the welfare of Islam and unity of the Muslims. If the Muslims honestly followed this tradition of the Holy Prophet (S), they wouldn’t have followed different teachers and the schism of 73 sects wouldn’t have come about!

The Superiority of Bearers of The Holy Qur’an

The Prophet of Allah (S) has said that when on the Day of Judgement people will be brought for accounting of their deeds, the Qur’an will be there in the form of a handsom and good looking person to bear witness. It will say, “O Allah! ThisMu’min spent sleepless nights reciting me! At the time of theTahajjud prayer in the night he used to have parched lips and wet eyes. O Allah! Forgive him his mistakes! ‘Allah will fill the person’s

right hand with His Acceptance (Ar-Ridha’ ) and the left hand with His Blessings (Rehmat ) and will enter the Heaven reciting the Qur’an.” Then the Prophet (S) added, “After the Superior prophets (Anbiah ) and other prophets (as), the reciters of the Qur’an will have a high status in the Heaven. Don’t under-rate the people who recite the Qur’an! They have a great status in the eyes of Allah!”

In another tradition the Prophet (S) has said, “Allah addresses the Holy Qur’an thus,’ I swear by My Greatness! Whosoever respected you, I shall respect him! One who belittled you, I shall belittle him!’”

It is narrated from the Prophet (S) that he said, “Recite the Qur’an and memorise it! On the Day of Judgement the Holy Qur’an will approach those who recited it. It will be in the guise of a very good looking person. It will say, ‘I am the same Qur’an reciting which you spent sleepless nights. During the days you moved with parched lips because of loss of sleep in the nights! Because of excessive recitation the moisture in your mouth used to run dry. Tears used to run from your eyes because of the strain of reading! Therefore, wherever you go, I shall be with you! Whatever trading you wish to do, do it today! I am there with you to bring to you more profits than other traders can get! I bear witness that Allah’s Blessings are about to come your way!’”

Then a crown will be brought and placed over the head of the person and the letter of permission for freedom from Allah’s Retribution will be placed in the person’s right hand. In his left hand letter of permission for perpetual residence in the Heaven will be placed. Two Heavenly Raiments (Hillay ) will be given to him to wear. He will be Ordered,’ Recite the Holy Qur’an, and for every verse recited, you will rise one step higher in the Heaven!’” If the parents of the reciter of the Qur’an wereMu’min, they too will be provided twoHillay each and will be told that this reward was in rturn for instructing their son in the recitation of the Holy Qur’an.

It is narrated from the Holy Prophet, (S) “The noble and big persons among my people (Ummat) are those who are the bearers (Hamilan) of the Qur’an and remain awake in the nights in prayer. The bearers of the Qur’an will be termed superior amongst the people of the Heaven.”

Allah will not give Retribution to the Heart that has memorised the Holy Qur’an. The bearers of the Qur’an will be in the second echelon in the Heaven after the Prophets (S). Therefore, don’t under-rate the reciter of the Holy Qur’an. They have a very high status in the consideration of Allah.

The Qualities of The Reciters of The Qur’an

The phraseHaamilan al-Qur’an (Bearers of the Qur’an) has several meanings:

First, one should properly learn the words in the Qur’an.

Secondly: he should learn the correct meaning of the contents of the Book. Such a person will have a status higher than the first.

Thirdly: One should practice the Qur’anic precepts. Therefore, the true bearer of the Qur’an is one who understands the words, their meanings and practitioner of the Qur’anic Precepts.

The Prophet of Islam (S) has said that the Holy Qur’an is the table laid with the Bounties of there will be various types of victuals on the table of a generous person.

There are some people who draw benefit from the words of the Qur’an. There are other who benefit from the meanings of the Qur’an. The people who supply the ink for writing or printing the Book or those who supply the paper too derive benefit from the Holy work. In a nutshell, everyone associated with the publication, translation, commentary, and distribution of the Book gets his share of reward for the work.

To put it briefly, people of all fields such as scholars, jurists, mathematicians, poets, scholars etc derive benefit from the Qur’an’s unfathomable store of knowledge. Those who possess total control over the contents of the Qur’an are the Prophet and his Infallible Descendents (as). Therefore the very word ‘Qur’an’ is associated with them. Amir’ul-Mu’mineen ‘Ali (as) has observed, “I am the Speaking Qur’an (Qur’an al-Natiq)

All the knowledge contained in the Qur’an is in the possession of the Infallible Imams. It is said that a third of the Qur’an has come in the praise of theInfallible Masoomeen , another third of the Book as criticism of the enemies of theAhl-ul-Bayt and the rest contains the commandments about the duties and precepts for the Believers. Whatever good qualities that are alluded to in the Qur’an pertains to theAhl-ul-Bayt and whatever criticism is there is about their enemies. From where has the Qur’an in its present shape come? First it was with Allah (Ilm al-Wajib al Wajood ), then it was transcribed to theLauh (the Tablet), then it was revealed to the Propphet(S) directly or indirectly through the Angel Gibraeel. From the Prophet (S)’s heart it was transferred to the hearts of theAusia (the Infallible Descendents) and then it was rendered to paper.

Therefore, the real Qur’an is one that is etched on the hearts of the Infallible Imams (as). When those who show disrespect to the Qur’an printed on paper are rated infidels, then those who showed disrespect to theQur’an al-Naatiq will be the worst of infidels.

It is said about the Holy Prophet (S) that the Qur’an is his character and he is the character of the Qur’an. In fact the real Qur’an are those Infallible Personalities who have in them the words, the meanings and the character of the Qur’an. Now, for one to understand the opt repeated tradition quoted by Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) that the Qur’an would come on the Day of Judgement in the garb of a handsome person and intercede on behalf of those who recited or studied it. The Imam (as) also said thatSalat (the Prayer) has a face and tells aboutAmr wa Nahi (dos and donts).

Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) has said, “Haj and circumambulation of the Kaaba is necessary because after these rituals the people should meet us to learn about the tenets of the Faith”

Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (as) has said: There are three categories of the reciters of the Holy Qur’an: 1. Those who recite the Book for worldly gains, name and fame. 2. Those who recite the Qur’an but don’t act on it’s precepts.(Allah will rid the world of these two types of people). 3.Those who consider the Qur’an as a cure for the ailments of their hearts. They

remain awake in the nights and light the lamps of spirituality in the mosques and the homes. They derive benefit from the recitation of the Book themselves and for the Love of Allah (Qurbatan il Allah ) pass the benefit to others. With the blessings of such persons Allah wards off calamities in store for people. But there are very few such dedicated reciters of the Book

The Prophet of Islam (S) has said: Derive ornamentation from the Qur’an for Allah and not to show to the people! One who completes the recitation of the Qur’an has acquired the messengership (Paighambari ) between his flanks that has no element of revelation! The reciter of the Qur’an should abstain from the company of ignorant persons. He should stay away from carnal desires and worldly wants. He should be grateful to Allah that He has made him the reciter of the Qur’an who becomes eligible for the Riches of the Hereafter!

The Etiquette of Reciting The Holy Qur’an

Qir-at or recitation of the Qur’an has one basic requirement, that is,the Tarteel or the distinct intonation and pronunciation of the words. While reciting one has to keep in mind thefasl {division) andwasl ( joining) of words and sentences.

Amir’ul-Mu’mineen ‘Ali (as) has said thatTarteel is delivering words according to theirMakharij (outlets for sound or intonations). Uttering the words clearly and slowly and reciting with understanding and uttering the contents correctly is of prime importance. One should not recite the Qur’an with such speed that it might become incomprehensible and bore the listener. Neither the recitation be so slow that it takes long time and puts the listeners off.“Khair al umoore ausatha” or it is better to follow the middle path.

The other important aspect of the recitation is the reading with understanding and thought. One should keep his eyes on the meanings of the Qur’an. While reciting the verses about Allah’s Blessings, one should seekAstaghfar ( Allah’s Help and Foregiveness).

Imam Ar-Ridha’ (as) used to recite the Qur’an with feelings and tears. He used to cry when reference to the Heaven and Hell came during the reading of the Book. At these points he used to seek Allah’s Help. When the Imam (as) recited the verseQul huwallahu ahad, he used to sayKadhalik Allahu Rabbi three times. Similarly after reciting the verseQul ya ayyuhal kaferoon in the prayer, the Imam used to sayRabbi Allaho Deenalislam three times. After reciting the verseWat-teene wazaitune Imam Ar-Ridha’ (as) used to saybala wa ana zaalika min al shahedeen. On reciting the verseAla uqsimo beyoumilqiyamah the Imam (as) saidSubhanaka Allahumma Balah. On recitingSura al-Fateha the Imam (as) saidAlhamdu lillahe Rab al Aalemeen. Whenever the Imam (as) came across the wordsya ayyuhal lazeena aamanu during the recitation of the Qur’an he would say slowly the wordsLabbaek Allahumma labbaek.

Amir’ul-Mu’mineen ‘Ali (as) said that whenever one recitedIn Allaha malaekatahu yusalloona alan-nabi…. It should be followed by benediction (durood ) whether during the prayers or while at the session of recitation. He said that after reciting the versewat-teen one should sayNahnu ala zalika min al shahedeen.

Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) used to saydeenilislam alaihi ahya-an wa alaihi amwaatu insha Allah after reciting the verseQul ya ayyuhal kaferoon .

Imam Zain-ul-’Abidin (as) has said: If a person wishes to converse with Allah, he should recite the Qur’an. When he comes to the passages where Allah addresses the people, he should saylabbaek Allahumma labbaek and in the passages where Allah addresses the Prophet (S) or the people of the earlier times, he should feel that the communication is for his own benefit only. When he reads about the spread of victuals of the Heaven in the Qur’an, he should draw pleasure from the very thought of the delicacies. He should visualise that his Friend has made the spread for him. Sometimes Allah recounts His most superior qualities of Beneficence and Sustenence in the Qur’an, and at other places He talks of the unfathomable treasures of knowledge.

Thus Allah recounts his innumerable Bounties to His creatures in the Book and shows them the way of happiness and pleasure. He promises them a place in the Heaven and also warns them of the Hellfire. The gathering for the recitation of the Qur’an is the most wonderful gathering. In this gathering Allah is the Host and the courtiers the Prophets and their Vicegerents (as). How could one not be happy in such a gathering! Due respect for such a gathering is very important. One should therefore purify oneself with ablution (Wadu) is necessary.

About Isti’adha: Seeking Allah’s Protection From The Satan

Before commencing the recitation of the Holy Qur’an one should doIsti’adha or seek the protection of Allah against the machination of the Satan. For this one should sayAa-uzu billahi. This has been mandated by the Qur’an.

There are two ways of doing the Isti’adha. The first is saying,‘Aa-uzu billahi min al shaitan ir rajeem’ and the second is‘Aa-uzu billahi samiul aleem min al shaitan ir rajeem’ . According to some other traditions, one should say‘Aa-uzu billahi min al shaitan ir rajeem in Allaha huwal fattahul aleem.’ But the first two methods of seeking Allah’s Help to ward off the Satan are very much in vogue.

Facing The Kaaba Or Qibla While Reciting The Qur’an

It is advised to face the Kaaba while reciting the Qur’an, be it in loneliness or in congregation. One should not sit at the back of anyone while reciting the Qur’an.

About Khatam al-Qur’an or Finishing A Recitation of The Holy Book

One person told to Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) that he used to complete the recitation of the Qur’an in a single sitting in the night. (Abu Baseer).

The Imam (as) said, “It is better if you do one complete recitation of the Qur’an in one month. Qur’an should be recited withtarteel or slowly with proper pronunciation and punctuation. The reading should be such that the words are comprehensible to the reciter and the listener. Whenever there is mention of the Heaven in the Qur’an, the reciter should seek Allah’s help for his deliverence. Similarly when the Hell is mentioned, he should seek

deliverence.One should recite the Qur’an more during the Holy month of Ramadan.”

‘Ali bin Mugheera asked Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as), “My father asked your ancestor, the Prophet of Islam (S) about completing a recitation of the Qur’an in one night. The Prophet said (S), ‘Yes! It can be done!’” Then Bin Mugheera said, “My father used to complete forty recitations of the Qur’an or even more during the month of Ramandan. I follow the same practice and onIdd al Fitr I complete one recitation to felcitate Holy Prophet (S), one for Amir’ul-Mu’mineen ‘Ali (as), one for Lady Fatima Zahra (as) and one each as tribute to each of the Holy Imams (as). This is my practice from the beginning and what Reward I could get for this? Will it be entered in the account of my deeds?”

The Imam (as) said, “Because of this practice Allah will treat you with these Infallible persons on the Day of Judgement!” Bin Jaseem was astonished and said, “Is there so much reward for an insignificant person like me?”

The Imam (as) said thrice, “Yes, yes, yes!”

The Reward For Learning, Teaching and Memorising The Qur’an

Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) has said one whose memory is weak should learn the Qur’an with more practice. Allah will give him more reward. The Qur’an should be recited in a good tone but not with rhythm.

It is not good for a person to memorise the Qur’an and forget it. The verses that he had memorized, and forgotten, will salute the reciter in the Heaven from an elevated place by saying,’Salam alaik’. The person would respond to the greeting and ask who they were and why they were greeting him from that distanceThey will reply that they were the verses of the Qur’an that he had memorised and didn’t care to retain in his memory. If he had tyaken care to retain the memory, he would have been in the higher echelons of the Heaven with them!

The Prophet of Allah (S) said, “A person who memorises the Qur’an and purposely forgets it will be raised on the Day of Judgement in a manner that his hands will be tied to his neck. For every verse that he had forgotte Allah would impose a snake on his body and he will be consigned to the Hell.”

Amir’ul-Mu’mineen ‘Ali (as) said that when Allah wants to send his curse and retribution to a people who have been sinning very much and finds that amongst the evil persons there are some people who offer prayers and some children are reciting the Qur’an, he puts away the Retribution.

The Benefits of Reciting The Qur’an

Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) has said that Qur’an is a Commandment of Allah for His creatures. Therefore it is the bounden duty of every Muslim to study the Qur’an with deep thought.

Amir’ul-Mu’mineen ‘Ali (as) has said that a house where the Qur’an is recited the angels would descend there and the Satan flees away from the precincts. The house where the Qur’an is recited appears like a star to the people of the Firmament.

Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (as) said, “A person who recites the Qur’an while standing will get reward equal to fifty good deeds. If a person seeks

succor against his enemies from the Qur’an with true spirit, he will be safe from the adversaries. However strong the enemy might be!”

It is narrated by Bashir bin Ghalib that Imam Husayn (as) said, “When a person recites the verses of the Qur’an while standing, Allah will reward equivalent of ten good deeds for every word recited. If someone listens to the recitation with intent, he will get one good deed recorded in his account for every word that he listens to. If a person completes the recitation over-night in one sitting, in the morning the angels say his praises.

If a person completes the recitation during a day, the angels praise him and one of his wishes that he makes after completing the recitation would be fulfilled. The Reward for completing the recitation of the Qur’an is better than the reward for any other good deeds.” The narrator asked the Imam (as), “Ya Imam! If a person has not learned to read the Qur’an, what should he do?” The Imam (as) replied, “Allah is Kind and Munificent! He should recite as much as he knows! He will certainly get the Reward!”

Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (as) says, “When a person completes the recitation of the Qur’an in Mecca from one Friday to the other, or a similar period of time, he will be Rewarded amply by Allah.”

It is narrated from the Prophet of Allah (S): A person who recites as few as ten verses in a night, he would not be counted amongst the negligent people. If he recites fifty verses, he will be counted as aDhakir (a person who remembers). If one recites a hundred verses, he will be counted amongst theQaneteen (the obedient). One who recites two hundred verses in a night, then he is amongst theQashe-een . If a person recites three hundred verses overnight, he one of theFayezeen (the elevated). If a person recites five hundred verses in a night, he will be counted in a group of persons who prayed their whole lives. When a person recites a thousand verses in a night, he will get aQantar of Reward. AQantar is equal to fifteen thousandMishqal (amishqal is equal to 24 carat of gold) This will be equal to the Mount Ohud.

Amir’ul-Mu’mineen ‘Ali (as) has said, “When a person recites any hundred verses of the Qur’an from any chapter, and after the recitation says thrice the words,’Allah humma akshif anni bala’, all his calamities will be warded off.”

The Prophet of Islam (S) said, “If one has pain in the chest, he must seek succor from the Qur’an. Allah has promised that the Qur’an cures the chest pain!”

Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (as) has said, “Every place has a spring season. For the Qur’an the spring is the Holy Month of Ramadan!”

It is narrated from Imam Zain-ul-’Abidin (as) that if one listens to even a word of the Qur’an with interest, Allah will order writing one good deed in his record and obliterates one sin committed by him. The person will be elevated one stage upward. If a person memorises even one word from the Qur’an, Allah will record ten good deeds in his name and removes ten sins from his record. He will also be raised ten stages upward in his status. When a person recites the verses of the Qur’an sitting at prayer, Allah will record fifty good deeds for him and remove fifty sins from his record. And raises his status fifty stages. When a person recites one verse standing in prayer,

He will record hundred good deeds for him, remove a hundred sisn from his account and raise his status a hundred stages.When a person completes a full recitation of the Qur’an, Allah will fulfill his wish for this life or the Hereafter.

Amir’ul-Mu’mineen ‘Ali (as) has said that when a person recites a hundred verses from anywhere in the Qur’an and then saysYa Allah seven times and order a stone to shatter, it will shatter with Allah’s wish!

The Superiority Of Reciting The Holy Qur’an Looking At Its Words

The eyesight of a person will improve if he recites the Qur’an looking at it pages. Allah will reduce the punishment for the sins of this person’s parents, even if the father or the mother was an infidel.

The house where a copy of the Qur’an is kept the Satan cannot come.

Authentic traditions indicate that three things would complain to Allah: 1. A mosque where people don’t go to offer prayer. 2. A scholar who lives amongst ignorant people and none respects him. 3. A copy of the Qur’an that takes dust in a house and no one reads it.

Someone asked the Prophet of Islam (S), “I have memorised the Qur’an. Is it better to recite it from the memory or by looking at the Book?” “The Prophet (S) replied, “It is better to recite looking at the pages of the Book because even looking at the book is auspicious.” Then the Prophet (S) said that there are six things that would be the cause of benefit to a person even after his death: 1. A pious son who prays for the deliverence of his parents after their death. 2. A copy of the Qur’an that will be read and recited by others after a person’s death. 3. A well that has been dug for the benefit of the populace. 4. Creating a canal or a source of running water. 5. A tree that has been planted to give shade to the others. 6. The good examples set by the person for others to follow after his death.

The Prophet of Islam (S) said that looking at the face of Amir’ul-Mu’mineen ‘Ali bin Abi Talib (as) is equivalent to prayer. He also said that looking with affection on the faces of one’s parents too is prayer. Looking at the Holy Qur’an is prayer and setting eyes on the Kaaba too is prayer.

The Benefits Of Certain Verses Of The Holy Qur’an

Imam Ar-Ridha’ (as) saidIsm al-Azam (the ineffable word) is so close toBismillah as the white of the eye is to it’s black!

Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) said, “To get rid of any ailment recitingAl-Fatiha seven times is sufficient. Even then if there is no relief, then recite the verse seventy times and I guarantee relief from the sickness!”

Imam Hasan Al-’Askari (as) said, “The Prophet of Allah (S) says that Allah has divided the verseAl-Fatiha into two parts. One part for Himself and the other for His creatures. When a person saysBismillahir Rehman ir Rahim, Allah says, ‘My creature has commenced with My Name! I shall complete all his works with felicity!’ When the person says ‘Alhamdu lillahi Rab il Aalimeen’, Allah says, ‘ My creature has expressed gratefulness for my Bounties.and therefore I have increased for him the Bounties in this world and the Hereafter!’ Now, when the person says, ‘Ar Rehman ir Rahim’ Allah observes,’ My creature has borne witness to My being Most Beneficient and Merciful! I shall enhance My Rewards for him!’

When the person recites,’Maalike youm id Deen’ Allah says, ‘O ye angels! You must bear witness that the person has accepted that I am the Arbiter of the Day of Judgement. Therefore I shall pardon all his sins on that fateful day!’ Now the person recites, ‘Ayyaka naabudu’, Allah says, ‘You have worshipped me and I shall Reward you for this act!’. The person then recites,’Wayyaka nastaeen’ when Allah responds,’I shall come to your rescue in all calamities and difficulties! ” The person now implores, ‘Ehdinus sirat al mustaqeem ’ when Allah joins with,’ Whatever you have asked for I have Awarded to you and whatever fears you had I have removed them!’”

Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) said, “For any pains and aches reciteAl-Fatiha seventy times and the pain will vanish. IfAl-Fatiha is recited seventy times over a dead body, there is no wonder if the dead comes back to life!”

A person complained to the Prophet of Islam (S) of acute headache. The Prophet (S) said,’ “Put your hand near the spot where you have the pain and then reciteAl-Fatiha andAyat al Kursi. Thereafter recite the following:

اَللهُ أكْبَرُ اللهُ أكبَرُ لا إلَهَ إلاّ اللهُ وَاللهُ أكبَرُ وَأجَلُّ وَأكْبَرُ مِمّا أخَافُ وَأحْذَرُ وَأعُوذُ بِاللهِ مِنْ حَرِّ النّارِ.

“Allah is the most great, Allah is the most great, there is no God but Allah and Allah is the most great, He is higher and greater from what I fear and from what I am causious about and I seek refuge in Allah from the hellfire.”

One person complained of fever. The Prophet (S) said, “Open your collar, put your head in the garment and say theAdhaan andIqamat and reciteAl-Fatiha seven times.” The man did likewise and the fever left him.

The Prophet (S) also said that one who regularly recite the versesAl Baqarah and Aal al-Imran , these verses will provide him shade out through the hot Day of Judgement!”

Imam Zain-ul-’Abidin (as) has said, “The Prophet of Allah (S) has observed,’ Whoever recites the last three verses of the chapterAl Baqarah then he will not suffer any material losses, the Satan will never come near him and the person will never ignore the Holy Book!”

Imam Ar-Ridha’ (as) said that when a person recites theAyat al Kursi at bedtime he will never get afflicted with paralysis. If he recites this verse after mandatory prayers, he will never suffer from the bite of poisonous insects.

Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (as) has said that if a person recites theAyat al Kursi once, Allah will remove a thousand calamities from him.

It is narrated that Abu Dharr Ghiffari asked the Prophet (S), “Which is the greatest verse of the Holy Qur’an?” The Prophet (S) said, “TheAyat al Kursi!”

Someone complained of a fever to Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as). The Imam asked him to write theAyat al Kursi on a plate, wash it with water into a tumbler and drink it.

Imam Musa al-Kadhim (as) narrates that amongst his ancestors heard a person recitingAl-Fatiha and told him, “He has thanked Allah and has been pardoned!” Then he heard the man reciteQul huwallahu Ahad and said,

“The person has faith in the Unity of Allah and has become fearless!” When the person recitedInna Anzalna, the Imam (as) said, “The person has borne witness to the Prophethood of Muhammad (S.A) and he has been pardoned by Allah.” When the man recitedAyat al Kursi the Imam (as) said, “Subhan Allah! The person has escaped from the Hell!”

Amir’ul-Mu’mineen ‘Ali (as) has said that if one has any ailment of the eye, he should reciteAyat al Kursi with full faith and he will be cured of the disease. If a person recitesAyat al Kursi, Qul hu wallah, Inna anzalna eleven times each at dawn, his properties will remain safe.When a person leaves his home for some errand, he should reciteAyat al Kursi, Inna anzalna and Al-Fatiha before starting on his journey. The person will be successful in his errand.

The Prophet of Allah (S) has said, “Whoever recitesAyat al Kursi a hundred times will get reward equal to his prayers offered over a lifetime.”

Amir’ul-Mu’mineen ‘Ali (as) has said, “If a Muslim knows the benefits of recitingAyat al Kursi then he will never forget to regularly recite this versae.”

Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) has said, “When Allah had revealedAyat al Kursi, Al-Fatiha, Shahed Allaho annahu la ilaha, Qul Allahumma Malikalmulk then these verses clung to the Firmament and said, “O Allah! Where are you revealing us? These people are sinners?” Allah ordered them to go to the earth and observed, “By My Might! Whoevr amongst the Progeny of Muhammad (S) and their Shi’as recite you, I shall secretly shower My Blessings on them. I shall fulfill seventy wishes of the person every day. I shall accept their penitence despite their having committed many sins!”

Ashjah Salma told to Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as), “I have to pass several times through fearsome wilderness. Teach me a prayer that I negotiate these places safely.” The Imam (as) said, “Keep your hand on the head and recite theAyat al Kursi

The Benefits of Other Verses of The Holy Qur’an

Surat An N’isa

Amir’ul-Mu’mineen (as) said that one who recites this verse on Friday will be safe from pressures (Fishar) of the grave.

Surat Al Maida

Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (as) has said: One who recites this verse on Thursdays will never become a hypocrite.

Surat Al Inaam

Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (as) has said: If a person suffers from a serious disease, he will get relief by reciting this verse.

Surat Al Aaraf

Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) has narrated that a person who recites this verse will be amongst the friends of Allah.If one recites this verse on Friday, he will be exempted from the accounting of deeds on the Day of Judgement.

Asbag bin Nabata narrates that Amir’ul-Mu’mineen (as) said: By the Great Allah who sent Prophet Muhammad as the true Prophet (S) and endowed hisAhl-ul-Bayt with august status, that people used to search for amulets and tablets, to save themselves from drowning, fire, theft and to guard their slaves and animals going astray. All these safety measures are there in the Holy Qur’an.Whoever wants help can ask me. One person stood up and asked, “Ya Amir’ul-Mu’mineen (as)! Please do instruct me with thos verses of the Qur’an.” The Imam (as) recited two verses,

﴿إِنَّ وَلِيِّي اللَّهُ الَّذِي نَزَّلَ الْكِتَابَ وَهُوَ يَتَوَلَّى الصَّالِحِينَ﴾

Surely my guardian is Allah, Who revealed the Book, and He befriends the the righteous. (7:196)

﴿وَمَا قَدَرُوا اللَّهَ حَقَّ قَدْرِهِ وَالْأَرْضُ جَمِيعًا قَبْضَتُهُ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ وَالسَّماوَاتُ مَطْوِيَّاتٌ بِيَمِينِهِ سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى عَمَّا يُشْرِكُونَ﴾

And they have not honored Allah with the honor that is due to Him; and the whole earth shall be in His grip on the day of resurrection and the heavens rolled up in His right hand; glory be to Him, and may He be exalted above what they associate (with Him). (39:67)

The man recited these verses and he escaped unhurt from a ferocious fire that had burnt down many houses in his neighborhood.

Another person got up and asked Amir’ul-Mu’mineen ‘Ali (as), “Ya Imam! I have a flock of animals. Some of them have the tendency to flee” The Imam (as) said: Recite this verse in the ear of the animals that have tendency to run away from the flock:

﴿وَلَهُ أَسْلَمَ مَنْ فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأَرْضِ طَوْعًا وَكَرْهًا وَإِلَيْهِ يُرْجَعُونَ﴾

Is it then other than Allah's religion that they seek (to follow), and to Him submits whoever is in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly, and to Him shall they be returned. (3:83)

The person followed the Imam (as)’s instruction and the animals remained docilely in the flock.

One more person got up and asked, “Ya Imam! The place where I dwell there are plenty of wild animals. They enter my barn and harm my domestic animals.” The Imam (as) said, Keep reciting the following two verses:

﴿لَقَدْ جَاءَكُمْ رَسُولٌ مِنْ أَنفُسِكُمْ عَزِيزٌ عَلَيْهِ مَا عَنِتُّمْ حَرِيصٌ عَلَيْكُمْ بِالْمُؤْمِنِينَ رَءُوفٌ رَحِيمٌ. فَإِنْ تَوَلَّوْا فَقُلْ حَسْبِي اللَّهُ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا هُوَ عَلَيْهِ تَوَكَّلْتُ وَهُوَ رَبُّ الْعَرْشِ الْعَظِيمِ﴾

But if they turn back, say: Allah is sufficient for me, there is no god but He; on Him do I rely, and He is the Lord of the Throne (of Glory) Supreme! (9:129)

When the man started reciting the verses regularly, the wild animals kept away from his place.

Another person rose and said, “Ya Imam! I suffer from excessive biliousness which is troubling me much. Kindly teach me a verse that I get

rid of the ailment.” Amir’ul-Mu’mineen ‘Ali (as) said: O person! Hear carefully! You will spend neither a Dirham nor a Deenar for this treatment! WriteAyat al Kursi on your tummy wash it down. Also write theAyat al Kursi on a plate, wash it with water and drink it. Allah will give you cure.

Another person asked, “Ya Imam! My slave has run away. What can I do to bring him back?” Amir’ul-Mu’mineen ‘Ali (as) said, “Recite this verse:

﴿أَوْ كَظُلُمَاتٍ فِي بَحْرٍ لُجِّيٍّ يَغْشَاهُ مَوْجٌ مِنْ فَوْقِهِ مَوْجٌ مِنْ فَوْقِهِ سَحَابٌ ظُلُمَاتٌ بَعْضُهَا فَوْقَ بَعْضٍ إِذَا أَخْرَجَ يَدَهُ لَمْ يَكَدْ يَرَاهَا وَمَنْ لَمْ يَجْعَلْ اللَّهُ لَهُ نُورًا فَمَا لَهُ مِنْ نُورٍ﴾

Or (the Unbelievers' state) is like the depths of darkness in a vast deep ocean, overwhelmed with billow topped by billow, topped by (dark) clouds: depths of darkness, one above another: if a man stretches out his hands, he can hardly see it! for any to whom Allah giveth not light, there is no light! (24:40)

When the man started reciting the verse, the slave returned home by himself.

Another person asked, “Ya Imam! Kindly instruct me with a verse to guard against thieves and burglars.” The Imam (as) said: When you go to bed, recite the following two verses. Your property will be safe:

﴿قُلْ ادْعُوا اللَّهَ أَوْ ادْعُوا الرَّحْمَانَ أَيًّا مَا تَدْعُوا فَلَهُ الأَسْمَاءُ الْحُسْنَى وَلا تَجْهَرْ بِصَلاتِكَ وَلا تُخَافِتْ بِهَا وَابْتَغِ بَيْنَ ذَلِكَ سَبِيلاً. وَقُلْ الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذِي لَمْ يَتَّخِذْ وَلَدًا وَلَمْ يَكُنْ لَهُ شَرِيكٌ فِي الْمُلْكِ وَلَمْ يَكُنْ لَهُ وَلِيٌّ مِنْ الذُّلِّ وَكَبِّرْهُ تَكْبِيرًا﴾

Say: Call upon Allah or call upon, the Beneficent Allah; whichever you call upon, He has the best names; and do not utter your prayer with a very raised voice nor be silent with regard to it, and seek a way between these. And say: (All) praise is due to Allah, Who has not taken a son and Who has not a partner in the kingdom, and Who has not a helper to save Him from disgrace; and proclaim His greatness magnifying (Him). (17:110-111)

Then Amir’ul-Mu’mineen ‘Ali (as) said: If a person is in a wilderness in the night, he should recite theAyat Sakhra and angels will guard him and the satans dare not come near him. The ayat is,

﴿إِنَّ رَبَّكُمْ اللَّهُ الَّذِي خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأَرْضَ فِي سِتَّةِ أَيَّامٍ ثُمَّ اسْتَوَى عَلَى الْعَرْشِ يُغْشِي اللَّيْلَ النَّهَارَ يَطْلُبُهُ حَثِيثًا وَالشَّمْسَ وَالْقَمَرَ وَالنُّجُومَ مُسَخَّرَاتٍ بِأَمْرِهِ أَلا لَهُ الْخَلْقُ وَالأَمْرُ تَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ رَبُّ الْعَالَمِينَ﴾

Surely your Lord is Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth in six periods of time, and He is firm in power; He throws the veil of night over the day, which it pursues incessantly; and (He created) the sun and the moon and the stars, made subservient by His command; surely His is the creation and the command; blessed is Allah, the Lord of the worlds. (7:54)

One person, who had heard this, happened to stay in a wilderness in the night. He did not remember the verse. Two satans cam to him. One shut his mouth to stop him from reciting the verse and the other said, ‘Don’t gag his

mouth! Give him some time!’ The man suddenly remembered the verse and recited it. The angels immediately appeared and stood in guard around him and stayed with him till the morning. The man went to Amir’ul-Mu’mineen (as) and said, “Ya Imam! I found your instruction right!” He recounted his experience of the night. He said, “I went to the place after the sunrise and found the footmarks of the Satans who dragged away from there.”

Amir’ul-Mu’mineen (as) said that those who are exposed to the dangers of drowining in the high seas, should recite the following verses to have safe voyages:

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ مَجْرَاهَا وَمُرْسَاهَا إِنَّ رَبِّي لَغَفُورٌ رَحِيمٌ بِسمِ اللهِ المَلكِ الحَقِّ المُبينِ

And he said: Embark in it, in the name of Allah be its sailing and its anchoring; most surely my Lord is Forgiving, Merciful. (11:41)

. وَمَا قَدَرُوا اللَّهَ حَقَّ قَدْرِهِ وَالْأَرْضُ جَمِيعًا قَبْضَتُهُ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ وَالسَّماوَاتُ مَطْوِيَّاتٌ بِيَمِينِهِ سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى عَمَّا يُشْرِكُونَ

And they have not honored Allah with the honor that is due to Him; and the whole earth shall be in His grip on the day of resurrection and the heavens rolled up in His right hand; glory be to Him, and may He be exalted above what they associate (with Him). (39:67)

Sura Bani Israel

Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) narrates that a person who recites this verse every Friday night will not die till he sets his eyes on theSaheb al Asr (The Twelfth Imam). This person will also have the status of the companions of the Prophet of Islam (S).

It is narrated that Omer bin Hanzala came to the presence of Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) and complained of a headache. The Imam (as) said: Put your hand at the spot you feel the pain and recite the following verses,

﴿قُلْ لَوْ كَانَ مَعَهُ آلِهَةٌ كَمَا يَقُولُونَ إِذًا لابْتَغَوْا إِلَى ذِي الْعَرْشِ سَبِيلاً﴾

Say: If there were with Him gods as they say, then certainly they would have been able to seek a way to the Lord of the Throne!. (17.42)

﴿وَإِذَا قِيلَ لَهُمْ تَعَالَوْا إِلَى مَا أَنزَلَ اللَّهُ وَإِلَى الرَّسُولِ رَأَيْتَ الْمُنَافِقِينَ يَصُدُّونَ عَنْكَ صُدُودًا﴾

And when it is said to them: Come to what Allah has revealed and to the Messenger, you will see the hypocrites turning away from you with (utter) aversion. (4.61)

Sura Hood

Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (as) said: Whoever recites this verse on every Friday, he will be raised on the day of Resurrection along with the prophets (as).

Sura Yusuf

One who recites this verse regularly everyday, his face will be bright on the Day of Judgement like the face of the Prophet of Islam (S).

Sura Raad

The one who recites this verse will be safe from the strike of lightning.

Sura Ibrahim and Sura Hajr

One who recites these verses on Fridays with a prayer of two genuflections will never be penurous.

Sura Nahl

One who recites this verse will never be indebted.

Sura Kahf

One who recites this verse on Fridays will have the status of a martyr when he dies.

Sura al-Hajj

One who recites this verse once in every three days, he will perform Hajj the same year.

Sura Ankaboot and Alrome

One who recites these verses on 14th of Ramadan will go to Heaven.

Sura Yaseen

This verse is the heart of the Qur’an. Reciting this verse enhances livelihood and wards away evils. Someone asked Imam Ar-Ridha’ (as) a cure for piles. The Imam asked him to write Sura Yasin on parchment with honey, wash it and drink the fluid.When a person has leukoderma the same process of treatment should be followed.

One person asked Ameeral Mu’mineen (as) to give him a prayer for recovering lost valuables. The Imam (as) asked him to offer tworakaat of prayer and in everyraka recite sura Yasin. Then he should say,‘ya hadi alzallat rad ala zaallati.’ .

Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (as) narrates that a person who recited the sura Yasin once in his lifetime, Allah will enter good deeds in his record equal to the numbers of the creatures in the entire universe. Allah will also pardon two thousand sins of the person. He will be safe from penury, indebtedness and disease. The death qualms and the pressure of the grave will be light for him. He will prosper in the world and get rewards in the Hereafter. Allah will reward him so much that He will announce to the angels to keep praying for the person’s deliverance.

The Imam (as) also said that a person who has marks of leukoderma on his face should write Sura Yasin with honey, dissolve in water and drink.

Sura al-Saffaat

Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) said: Whoever recites this verse on Fridays will be safe from all sorts of calamities. His livelihood will increase. No harm will come to his life, property and the family. No cruel ruler or Satan would trouble him. He will enter the Heaven with the martyrs.

Amir’ul-Mu’mineen Ameer al Mimineen (as) narrates that when a person has the fear of getting stung by a scorpian or snake should recite this verse.One who desires to have plenty of Reward on the Day of Judgement, should recite the following after every prayer:

﴿سُبْحَانَ رَبِّكَ رَبِّ الْعِزَّةِ عَمَّا يَصِفُونَ. وَسَلَامٌ عَلَى الْمُرْسَلِينَ. وَالْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ.﴾

Glory be to your Lord, the Lord of Honor, above what they describe. And peace be on the messengers. And all praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. (37:180-182)

If any person recites this verse while getting up from sitting posture everytime, whatever sin he committed while sitting will be pardoned.

Sura al-Saad

A person who recites this verse on the eve of Friday Allah will bestow on him so much reward in this world and the Hereafter that He Has not given to any mortal other than the Prophets (as). The kin of the person, and even his slaves and servants, will enter Heaven on his intercession.

Sura Haa Meem Sajda

Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) has said, “Any person who recites this verse, Allah will provide him a light on the Day of Judgement that there will be illumination to the extent his eyes could see. Allah will bless him with contentment and happiness. Looking at the person, others would express their desire to be like him.”

Sura Haa Meem Ain Seen Qaaf

Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) narrates that a person who regularly recites this verse will rise from his grave on the Day of Resurrection with a face as white as snow and would shine like the sun. While he will stand in front of Allah’s Firmament, Allah would say ‘O My creature! You always recited this verse! If you were aware of the Reward for reciting it, you would never have tired of doing it!’ Now, know the Reward for doing it.

The angels will be ordered to take the person to the Heaven. He will be guided to the palace speciaally erected for him. The walls of the palace would be made of red rubies. The parapets would be of green emeralds. It will be delicately constructed that everything outside the palace will be visible through the walls from inside. In the palace there will be virgin houris, young women and a thousand slaves and slave girls to attend on him.

Sura al-Zhaqraf

Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (as) says, “Whoever recites this verse regularly Allah will prevent him from the vermin in the grave and he will remain safe from the pressure of the grave. This verse will intercede on behalf of the person on the Day of Judgement.and lead him to the Heaven.”

Sura al-Muhammad

Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) says, “Whoever recites this verse will be safe from commitment of sins. He will not carry any doubts about the Faith. He will not be afflicted with penury. He will be free of the fear of the rulers. Allah will appoint a thousand angels to pray for him at his graveside after his death. Thousand angels will be beside him when he is raised from the grave on the Day of Resurrection. These angels will protect him from the hardships of that eventful Day. The person will be in the trust of Allah and His Prophet (S)!”

Sura al-Rehman

This verse has much felicity. The person who recites it will have a face as bright as the moon. It is advised that whenever one recitesfabe ayye aalaye Rabbekuma tukazzebaan he should sayla beshaiyun min alaayeke Rabbe akzib.

Sura al-Jinn

Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) said, “A person who recites this verse regularly, will be safe from any harm from the jinns and magicians in this world. He will be amongst the companions of the Prophet (S) in the Heaven.”

Surat Al Waqia

One who recites this verse every night, Allah will befriend him. The person will never suffer from poverty or hunger.

Sura Inna Anzalna

A person who recites this verse will get the satatus of a martyr. If one recites it during prayers, all his sins will be padoned. If a person recites this verse continuously during Ramadan and a thousand times on the eve of 23rd Ramadan, he will witness such wonders on the morning of the 23rd that he will get amazed! His belief and Faith would become firmer!

Whenever Imam Ar-Ridha’ (as) wore a new dress he would recitesura inna anzalna, sura Qul huwalla, sura qul ya ayyuhal kaferoon ten times each, blow on a small quantity of water from his mouth and sprinkle it on his new clothes. The Imam (as) used to say that whoever does this will be given good sustenence by Allah till a thread of the dress remained with him.

Someone asked Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as), “Ya Maula! I have married a few women, but still I am issue-less!” The Imam (as) replied, “Before copulation you must reciteSura Inna anzalna seven times in a manner that your right hand is near the umbilicus of your wife Till the pregnancy becomes evident, keep placing your hand near the umbilicus of your wife and recite the verse every night.” When the person adopted this practice, his wife became pregnant and he was blessed with seven sons thereafter.

The Imam (as) also said, “One who recites the verseInna anzalna in the prayers instead ofQul hawalla, there will be doubt about the acceptance of his prayers. Even if it is accepted, there may not be any Reward for such a prayer.”

Sura Zalzaal

Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) said, “A person recites this verse in optional prayers, Allah will save him from earth-quakes, lightning strikes and other calamities. At the time of his death an angel will recommend to theMalak al Maut (the angel of death) to make his death easy. The person would see his place in the Heaven before his death. All the curtains would be raised from in front of him and his spirit would be taken away peacefully.”

It is narrated from Imam Ar-Ridha’ (as) that the Prophet of Allah (S) has said, “A person who recites theSurat al Zalzaal four times, it would be like reciting the complete Book.”

Surat Al Qareaa

Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (as) has said, “Whoever recites this verse regularly, will be rendered safe by Allah from the tortures of Dajjal. He will be spared the Hellfire in the Hereafter.”

Surat Al Takasur

Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) says, “One who recites this verse will be given the rewards equal to that for a hundred martyrs. Whoever recites it in the optional prayers, rewards equal to that of fifty martyrs will be entered into his account. Such a person will be having forty rows of angels praying the mandatory prayers standing behind him.”

Surat Al Asr

The Prophet of Allah (S) has said, “If a person recites this verse in his optional prayers, Allah will raise him on the Day of Judgement with a radiant face, smiling teeth and bright eyes. He will be sent to the Heaven.”

Sura al-Kawthar

A person who recites this surat during his mandatory and optional prayers, Allah will quench his thirst at the Cistern of Kawthar and will give him a place in the vicinity of the Prophet of Allah (S).

Sura Iza Ja-Aa Nasr Allah

Reciting this verse in the prayers protects one from the machinations of his enemies.

Surat Al Iqlas

Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) has said that if a person recites this verse once, Allah will shower Blessings on him. When the person recites it twice, Allah will Bless his children. If the person recites the verse thrice, Allah will also Bless the person’s friends. Thus, the more a person recites this verse, the more he shall be Blessed by Allah. For reciting the verse a thousand times, the person will get the august status of a martyr.

While the Prophet of Allah (S) was offering the funeral prayer of Saad bin Ma-aaz, he noticed that seventy thousand angels were present at the

prayer. He asked Jibraeel the reason for this honor to the dead person. Jibraeel replied that he used to reciteSura al-Iqlas frequently.

Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) has said, “If you desire Allah’s protection from your enemies, reciteSura al-Iqlas on your six sides, that is, right, left, up, down, front and back.”

And when you go to confront a superior, recite this verse thrice in front of the person and at every recitation close one finger of you left hand. With Allah’s help you will come out successful!

Then the Imam (as) said, “If a person has not recited theSurat al Iqlas for one week, his Reckoning will be along with the accursed abu Lahab.”

The Imam (as) further said: If one is suffering from an ailment, and doesn’t take help from this verse, then he is a denizen of the Hell.

Also said: If your believe in Allah and the Day of Judgement, then after the mandatory prayers don’t forget to reciteSura al-Iqlas. Allah will pardon the sins of your forbears and your offspring.

Amir’ul-Mu’mineen ‘Ali (as) has said: A person who recites theSura al-Iqlas eleven times after the mandatory morning prayer, the Satan cannot make him commit a sin even if he tempts the person a hundred thousand times.

Also Amir’ul-Mu’mineen (a.s..) said, “When a person recites the verse in the night, Allah will depute fifty thousand angels to keep vigil the whole night.”

Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) has said, “When a person readsSura al-Iqlas it is like reading a third of the Qur’an, a third of Torah, Injeel and Zaboor.”

Also the Imam (as) said, “Allah has subjugated fever to Lady Fatima Zahra (as) in lieu of theGarden of Fadak. Therefore if a friend of theAhl-ul-Bayt recitesSura al-Iqlas a thousand times and blows over a person suffering from high fever, the person will recover with Allah’s Help.”

Imam Ar-Ridha’ (as) has said, “If one sits near a sick person, recitesSurat Al-Fatiha, Al Iqlas, Qul Aooz berabinnaas, Qul Aoozo berabbil falaq and touches the face of the ailing person,Insha Allah, the sickness will vannish.”

Surat Al Kaaferoon

Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) has said, “When a person recitesSurat al Kaaferoon and Iqlas during the mandatory prayers, Allah will pardon his parents and siblings. If he is a callous(Shaqi ) person, Allah will remove his name from the roster of such persons and put him on the list of the virtuous. Allah will give him felicity in the worldly affairs, he will die the death of a martyr and will be raised a martyr on the Day of Reckoning.”

Surat Al Mauzateen

Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) say, “There are two verses,an Naas and Falaq, that when they were revealed, the Prophet (S) was having fever and this verse was used as an amulet for him and he recovered.”

Surat Ad Dahr

Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (as) has said, “Whoever recites this verse on the morning of Thursdays, Allah will grant to him in the Heaven a group of eight hundred virgins and four thousand houris. The person will be in the company of the Prophet (S).”

Imam Ar-Ridha’ (as) has said that it is a fact that there will be effect of bad eyes. A person can set a bad eye even on himself. Therefore to prevent against the effect of bad eyes one should recite thrice the following:

مَا شَاءَ اللهُ لا قُوَّةَ إلاّ باللهِ العَلِيِّ العَظِيمِ.

Allah’s will prevails and there is no might but the Most High, the Great.

When one has the fear of bad eye affecting him, he should recite the verseMauzatain while going out.